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+ LEDA 3.4
+ _rational.c
+ This file is part of the LEDA research version (LEDA-R) that can be
+ used free of charge in academic research and teaching. Any commercial
+ use of this software requires a license which is distributed by the
+ LEDA Software GmbH, Postfach 151101, 66041 Saarbruecken, FRG
+ (fax +49 681 31104).
+ Copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
+ Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
+ All rights reserved.
#include <LEDA/basic.h>
#include <LEDA/rational.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
rational& rational::normalize()
// divide num and den by their gcd(num,den)
// precondition: den > 0
if (num == den)
num = den = 1;
if (-num == den)
{ num = -1;
den = 1;
{ integer ggt = gcd(num, den);
if (ggt != 1)
{ num /= ggt;
den /= ggt;
return *this;
rational& rational::simplify(const integer& a)
// divide num and den by a
integer r;
den = den.div(a,r);
if (r !=0)
error_handler(1,"rational::simplify: argument does not divide denominator");
num = num.div(a,r);
if (r !=0)
error_handler(1,"rational::simplify: argument does not divide numerator");
return *this;
// constructors
rational::rational(int n, int d)
if (d == 0) error_handler(1,"rational: Zero denominator!");
if (d < 0) { n = -n; d = -d; } //wegen reference counting notwendig
num = integer(n);
den = integer(d);
rational::rational(integer n, integer d)
if (d.PTR->sign == 0) error_handler(1,"rational: Zero denominator!");
if (d.PTR->sign == -1)
{ num = -n; den = -d; }
{ num = n; den = d; }
rational::rational(double x)
{ num = 0;
den = 1;
if (x != 0)
{ int neg = (x < 0);
if (neg) x = -x;
const unsigned shift = 15; // a safe shift per step
const double width = 32768; // = 2^shift
const int maxiter = 20; // ought not be necessary, but just in case,
// max 300 bits of precision
int expt;
double mantissa = frexp(x, &expt);
long exponent = expt;
double intpart;
int k = 0;
while (mantissa != 0.0 && k++ < maxiter)
{ mantissa *= width; // shift double mantissa
mantissa = modf(mantissa, &intpart);
num <<= shift;
num += (long)intpart;
exponent -= shift;
if (exponent > 0)
num <<= (unsigned)exponent;
else if (exponent < 0)
den <<= (unsigned)(-exponent);
if (neg)
num = -num;
// operators
rational& rational::operator+= (const rational& r)
if (den == r.den)
num += r.num;
{ num = num*r.den + r.num*den;
den *= r.den;
return *this;
rational& rational::operator-= (const rational& r)
{ if (den == r.den)
num -= r.num;
{ num = num*r.den - r.num*den;
den *= r.den;
return *this;
rational& rational::operator*= (const rational& r)
{ num *= r.num;
den *= r.den;
return *this;
rational& rational::operator/= (const rational& r)
if (r.num.PTR->sign == 0) error_handler(1,"division by 0");
if (r.num.PTR->sign == -1)
{ num *= -r.den;
den *= -r.num;
{ num *= r.den;
den *= r.num;
return *this;
rational& rational::operator= (const rational& r)
{ if (this == &r) return *this;
num = r.num;
den = r.den;
return *this;
void rational::invert()
if (num.PTR->sign == 0) error_handler(1,"Zero denominator!");
integer tmp = num;
if (num.PTR->sign == 1)
{ num = den;
den = tmp;
{ num = -den;
den = -tmp;
rational rational::inverse()
if (num.PTR->sign == 0) error_handler(1,"Zero denominator!");
if (num.PTR->sign == 1)
return rational(den,num);
return rational(-den,-num);
int rational::cmp(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ int xsign = sign(x.num);
int ysign = sign(y.num);
if (xsign == 0) return -ysign;
if (ysign == 0) return xsign;
if (xsign == ysign)
return compare(x.num * y.den, y.num * x.den);
return compare(xsign,ysign);
// friend functions
rational pow(const rational& r, int i)
rational mul(r);
rational result(1,1);
if (i < 0)
{ mul = mul.inverse();
i = -i;
while (i--)
{ result.num *= mul.num;
result.den *= mul.den;
return result;
rational pow(const rational& r, integer I)
rational mul(r);
rational result(1,1);
if (I < 0)
{ mul = mul.inverse();
while (I-- != 0)
{ result.num *= mul.num;
result.den *= mul.den;
return result;
double rational::to_double() const
if (num == 0) return 0;
integer p = 1;
if (den > abs(num)) p = den/num;
integer q = ((num*p) << 53)/den;
return (q.to_double()/p.to_double()) * ldexp(1.0,-53);
double rational::to_double() const
{ return div(bigfloat(num),bigfloat(den),53).to_double();
// floor, ceil, round (use schooldiv!)
integer floor(const rational& r)
{ integer x = r.num/r.den;
if (sign(r.num) == -1 && r.num%r.den != 0) x--;
return x;
integer ceil(const rational& r)
{ integer x = r.num/r.den;
if (sign(r.num) == -1 && r.num%r.den != 0) x++;
return x;
integer round(const rational& r)
{ integer rem;
integer quot = (r.num).div(r.den, rem);
rem <<= 1;
if (sign(rem) < 0)
{ if (-rem >= r.den) quot--; }
{ if ( rem >= r.den) quot++; }
return quot;
ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const rational& r)
{ s << r.num << "/" << r.den;
return s;
istream& operator>> (istream& in, rational& r)
// Format: "r.num / r.den"
char c;
do in.get(c); while (isspace(c));
integer rx;
in >> rx;
do in.get(c); while (isspace(c));
if (c != '/') { error_handler(1,"/ expected"); }
do in.get(c); while (isspace(c));
integer ry;
in >> ry;
r = rational(rx,ry);
return in;
rational& rational::operator++ () { num += den; return *this; }
rational& rational::operator-- () { num -= den; return *this; }
integer rational::numerator() const { return num; }
integer rational::denominator() const { return den; }
void rational::negate() { num = - num; }
rational operator+(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ rational z = x; return z += y; }
rational operator-(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ rational z = x; return z -= y; }
rational operator*(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ rational z = x; return z *= y; }
rational operator/(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ rational z = x; return z /= y; }
rational operator-(const rational& x)
{ return rational(-x.num,x.den); }
int sign(const rational& r)
{ return sign(r.num); }
rational abs(const rational& r)
{ if (sign(r.num) > -1) return r; else return -r; }
rational sqr(const rational& r)
{ return rational(r.num*r.num, r.den*r.den); }
integer trunc(const rational& r)
{ return (r.num / r.den); }
// comparison operators
bool operator==(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ return x.num * y.den == x.den * y.num; }
bool operator==(const rational& x, int y)
{ return x.den * y == x.num; }
bool operator==(int x, const rational& y)
{ return y.den * x == y.num; }
bool operator==(const rational& x, const integer& y)
{ return x.den * y == x.num; }
bool operator==(const integer& x, const rational& y)
{ return y.den * x == y.num; }
bool operator!=(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ return x.num * y.den != x.den * y.num; }
bool operator!=(const rational& x, int y)
{ return x.den * y != x.num; }
bool operator!=(int x, const rational& y)
{ return y.den * x != y.num; }
bool operator!=(const rational& x, const integer& y)
{ return x.den * y != x.num; }
bool operator!=(const integer& x, const rational& y)
{ return y.den * x != y.num; }
bool operator<(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ return rational::cmp(x,y) < 0; }
bool operator<=(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ return rational::cmp(x,y) <= 0; }
bool operator>(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ return rational::cmp(x,y) > 0; }
bool operator>=(const rational& x, const rational& y)
{ return rational::cmp(x,y) >= 0; }
rational small_rational_between(const rational& X, const rational& Y)
// This procedure is similar to Figures 6, 7 in the paper by
// Canny et al:
// "A Rational Rotation Method for Robust Geometric Algorithms"
// (Proc. of the 8th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry,
// pages 251-260, 1992)
if (Y < X)
"small_rational_between: precondition violated");
integer floor_y = floor(Y);
if (floor_y >= X) return floor_y;
integer p0 = 0, q0 = 1, p1 = 1, q1 = 1, r;
rational x = X-floor_y, y = Y-floor_y;
rational z, result;
// we have the invariant (I):
// 0 <= p0/q0 < x <= y < p1/q1 <= 1
r = floor( (p1-q1*x)/(q0*x-p0) );
p1 = r*p0+p1; q1 = r*q0+q1;
z = rational(p1,q1);
if (z <= y)
result = rational(p1+q1*floor_y,q1);
// Invariant (I) from above holds again
r = floor( (q0*y-p0)/(p1-q1*y) );
p0 = p0+r*p1; q0 = q0+r*q1;
z = rational(p0,q0);
if (z >= x)
result = rational(p0+q0*floor_y,q0);
if ((result > Y) || (result < X))
"small_rational_between: result wrong");
return result;
rational small_rational_near(const rational& X, rational epsilon)
// returns a small rational between X-epsilon and X+epsilon
// precondition: epsilon >= 0
if (sign(epsilon) < 0)
"small_rational_near: precondition violated");
return small_rational_between(X-epsilon,X+epsilon);