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*$Log: graph.c,v $
* Revision 2.11 94/02/23 18:46:06 cifuente
* newBB has extra parameter (PPROC). It also marks all icodes that belong
* to the basic block with the pointer to the current BB (inBB field).
* Revision 2.10 94/02/22 15:16:31 cifuente
* Fixed minor bug.
* Revision 2.9 93/12/22 15:54:16 cifuente
* picode->invalid field set when NO_CODE flag is set.
* Revision 2.8 93/12/14 14:05:53 cifuente
* ic.ll.immed.proc has new level of indirection.
* Revision 2.7 93/11/16 12:56:54 cifuente
* Bug in removal of redundant JMPs. JX was not considering fall-through
* case that could be JMP.
* Revision 2.6 93/10/20 14:37:44 cifuente
* New level of indirection for icode array (Icode.icode[])
* Revision 2.5 93/09/29 10:44:26 cifuente
* LOW_LEVEL and HIGH_LEVEL icode definitions. Increases llIcode indirection
* by 2 levels.
* Revision 2.3 93/08/23 12:15:31 cifuente
* Interactive mode with curses
* Revision 2.1 93/03/30 14:51:34 cifuente
* Compiled with gcc.
* REVCOMP project CFG related functions
#include "dcc.h"
#include <string.h>
#if __BORLAND__
#include <alloc.h>
#include <malloc.h> /* For free() */
static PBB rmJMP(PPROC pProc, Int marker, PBB pBB);
static void mergeFallThrough(PPROC pProc, PBB pBB);
static void dfsNumbering(PBB pBB, PBB *dfsLast, Int *first, Int *last);
* createCFG - Create the basic control flow graph
PBB createCFG(PPROC pProc)
/* Splits Icode associated with the procedure into Basic Blocks.
* The links between BBs represent the control flow graph of the
* procedure.
* A Basic Block is defined to end on one of the following instructions:
* 1) Conditional and unconditional jumps
* 2) CALL(F)
* 3) RET(F)
* 4) On the instruction before a join (a flagged TARGET)
* 5) Repeated string instructions
* 6) End of procedure
Int i;
Int ip, start;
BB cfg;
PBB pBB = &cfg;
PICODE pIcode = pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode();
cfg.next = NULL;
stats.numBBbef = stats.numBBaft = 0;
for (ip = start = 0; pProc->Icode.IsValid(pIcode); ip++, pIcode++)
/* Stick a NOWHERE_NODE on the end if we terminate
* with anything other than a ret, jump or terminate */
if (ip + 1 == pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes() &&
! (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & TERMINATES) &&
pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iJMP && pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iJMPF &&
pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iRET && pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iRETF)
newBB(pBB, start, ip, NOWHERE_NODE, 0, pProc);
/* Only process icodes that have valid instructions */
else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_CODE) != NO_CODE)
switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
case iJB: case iJBE: case iJAE: case iJA:
case iJL: case iJLE: case iJGE: case iJG:
case iJE: case iJNE: case iJS: case iJNS:
case iJO: case iJNO: case iJP: case iJNP:
case iJCXZ:
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, TWO_BRANCH, 2, pProc);
start = ip + 1;
pBB->edges[0].ip = (dword)start;
/* This is for jumps off into nowhere */
if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_LABEL)
pBB->edges[1].ip = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
case iLOOP: case iLOOPE: case iLOOPNE:
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, LOOP_NODE, 2, pProc);
goto CondJumps;
case iJMPF: case iJMP:
if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SWITCH)
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, MULTI_BRANCH,
pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries, pProc);
for (i = 0; i < pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries; i++)
pBB->edges[i].ip = pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.entries[i];
pProc->hasCase = TRUE;
else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (I | NO_LABEL)) == I) {
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, ONE_BRANCH, 1, pProc);
pBB->edges[0].ip = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
newBB(pBB, start, ip, NOWHERE_NODE, 0, pProc);
start = ip + 1;
case iCALLF: case iCALL:
{ PPROC p = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc;
if (p)
i = ((p->flg) & TERMINATES) ? 0 : 1;
i = 1;
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, CALL_NODE, i, pProc);
start = ip + 1;
if (i)
pBB->edges[0].ip = (dword)start;
case iRET: case iRETF:
newBB(pBB, start, ip, RETURN_NODE, 0, pProc);
start = ip + 1;
/* Check for exit to DOS */
if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & TERMINATES)
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, TERMINATE_NODE, 0, pProc);
start = ip + 1;
/* Check for a fall through */
else if (pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode()[ip + 1].ic.ll.flg & (TARGET | CASE))
pBB = newBB(pBB, start, ip, FALL_NODE, 1, pProc);
start = ip + 1;
pBB->edges[0].ip = (dword)start;
/* Convert list of BBs into a graph */
for (pBB = cfg.next; pBB; pBB = pBB->next)
for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
ip = pBB->edges[i].ip;
for (psBB = cfg.next; psBB; psBB = psBB->next)
if (psBB->start == ip)
pBB->edges[i].BBptr = psBB;
if (! psBB)
fatalError(NO_BB, ip, pProc->name);
return cfg.next;
* newBB - Allocate new BB and link to end of list
PBB newBB (PBB pBB, Int start, Int ip, byte nodeType, Int numOutEdges,
PPROC pproc)
PBB pnewBB;
pnewBB = allocStruc(BB);
memset (pnewBB, 0, sizeof(BB));
pnewBB->nodeType = nodeType; /* Initialise */
pnewBB->start = start;
pnewBB->length = ip - start + 1;
pnewBB->numOutEdges = (byte)numOutEdges;
pnewBB->immedDom = NO_DOM;
pnewBB->loopHead = pnewBB->caseHead = pnewBB->caseTail =
pnewBB->latchNode= pnewBB->loopFollow = NO_NODE;
if (numOutEdges)
pnewBB->edges = (TYPEADR_TYPE*)allocMem(numOutEdges * sizeof(TYPEADR_TYPE));
/* Mark the basic block to which the icodes belong to, but only for
* real code basic blocks (ie. not interval bbs) */
if (start >= 0)
pproc->Icode.SetInBB(start, ip, pnewBB);
while (pBB->next) /* Link */
pBB = pBB->next;
pBB->next = pnewBB;
if (start != -1) { /* Only for code BB's */
return pnewBB;
* freeCFG - Deallocates a cfg
void freeCFG(PBB cfg)
for (pBB = cfg; pBB; pBB = cfg) {
if (pBB->inEdges)
if (pBB->edges)
cfg = pBB->next;
* compressCFG - Remove redundancies and add in-edge information
void compressCFG(PPROC pProc)
{ PBB pBB, pNxt;
Int ip, first=0, last, i;
/* First pass over BB list removes redundant jumps of the form
* (Un)Conditional -> Unconditional jump */
for (pBB = pProc->cfg; pBB; pBB = pBB->next)
if (pBB->numInEdges != 0 && (pBB->nodeType == ONE_BRANCH ||
pBB->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH))
for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
ip = pBB->start + pBB->length - 1;
pNxt = rmJMP(pProc, ip, pBB->edges[i].BBptr);
if (pBB->numOutEdges) /* Might have been clobbered */
pBB->edges[i].BBptr = pNxt;
pProc->Icode.SetImmediateOp(ip, (dword)pNxt->start);
/* Next is a depth-first traversal merging any FALL_NODE or
* ONE_BRANCH that fall through to a node with that as their only
* in-edge. */
mergeFallThrough(pProc, pProc->cfg);
/* Remove redundant BBs created by the above compressions
* and allocate in-edge arrays as required. */
stats.numBBaft = stats.numBBbef;
for (pBB = pProc->cfg; pBB; pBB = pNxt)
pNxt = pBB->next;
if (pBB->numInEdges == 0)
if (pBB == pProc->cfg) /* Init it misses out on */
pBB->index = UN_INIT;
if (pBB->numOutEdges)
pBB->inEdgeCount = pBB->numInEdges;
pBB->inEdges = (PBB*)allocMem(pBB->numInEdges * sizeof(PBB));
/* Allocate storage for dfsLast[] array */
pProc->numBBs = stats.numBBaft;
pProc->dfsLast = (PBB*)allocMem(pProc->numBBs * sizeof(PBB));
/* Now do a dfs numbering traversal and fill in the inEdges[] array */
last = pProc->numBBs - 1;
dfsNumbering(pProc->cfg, pProc->dfsLast, &first, &last);
* rmJMP - If BB addressed is just a JMP it is replaced with its target
static PBB rmJMP(PPROC pProc, Int marker, PBB pBB)
marker += DFS_JMP;
while (pBB->nodeType == ONE_BRANCH && pBB->length == 1) {
if (pBB->traversed != marker) {
pBB->traversed = marker;
if (--pBB->numInEdges)
pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(pBB->start, NO_CODE);
pProc->Icode.SetLlInvalid(pBB->start, TRUE);
pBB = pBB->edges[0].BBptr;
else { /* We are going around in circles */
pBB->nodeType = NOWHERE_NODE;
pProc->Icode.GetIcode(pBB->start)->ic.ll.immed.op = (dword)pBB->start;
pProc->Icode.SetImmediateOp(pBB->start, (dword)pBB->start);
do {
pBB = pBB->edges[0].BBptr;
if (! --pBB->numInEdges)
pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(pBB->start, NO_CODE);
pProc->Icode.SetLlInvalid(pBB->start, TRUE);
} while (pBB->nodeType != NOWHERE_NODE);
pBB->numOutEdges = 0;
pBB->edges = NULL;
return pBB;
* mergeFallThrough
static void mergeFallThrough(PPROC pProc, PBB pBB)
PBB pChild;
Int i, ip;
if (pBB) {
while (pBB->nodeType == FALL_NODE || pBB->nodeType == ONE_BRANCH)
pChild = pBB->edges[0].BBptr;
/* Jump to next instruction can always be removed */
if (pBB->nodeType == ONE_BRANCH)
ip = pBB->start + pBB->length;
for (i = ip; i < pChild->start
&& (pProc->Icode.GetLlFlag(i) & NO_CODE); i++);
if (i != pChild->start)
pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(ip - 1, NO_CODE);
pProc->Icode.SetLlInvalid(ip - 1, TRUE);
pBB->nodeType = FALL_NODE;
/* If there's no other edges into child can merge */
if (pChild->numInEdges != 1)
pBB->nodeType = pChild->nodeType;
pBB->length = pChild->start + pChild->length - pBB->start;
pProc->Icode.ClearLlFlag(pChild->start, TARGET);
pBB->numOutEdges = pChild->numOutEdges;
pBB->edges = pChild->edges;
pChild->numOutEdges = pChild->numInEdges = 0;
pChild->edges = NULL;
pBB->traversed = DFS_MERGE;
/* Process all out edges recursively */
for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
if (pBB->edges[i].BBptr->traversed != DFS_MERGE)
mergeFallThrough(pProc, pBB->edges[i].BBptr);
* dfsNumbering - Numbers nodes during first and last visits and determine
* in-edges
static void dfsNumbering(PBB pBB, PBB *dfsLast, Int *first, Int *last)
PBB pChild;
byte i;
if (pBB)
pBB->traversed = DFS_NUM;
pBB->dfsFirstNum = (*first)++;
/* index is being used as an index to inEdges[]. */
for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
pChild = pBB->edges[i].BBptr;
pChild->inEdges[pChild->index++] = pBB;
/* Is this the last visit? */
if (pChild->index == pChild->numInEdges)
pChild->index = UN_INIT;
if (pChild->traversed != DFS_NUM)
dfsNumbering(pChild, dfsLast, first, last);
pBB->dfsLastNum = *last;
dfsLast[(*last)--] = pBB;