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; COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1995 IBM Corporation
; The following IBM OS/2 WARP source code is provided to you solely for
; the purpose of assisting you in your development of OS/2 WARP device
; drivers. You may use this code in accordance with the IBM License
; Agreement provided in the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2. This
; Copyright statement may not be removed.;
; SCCSID = @(#)clkabios.inc 6.2 91/04/29
;SCCSID = @(#)clkabios.inc 6.2 91/04/29
; This include file defines structures for setting up ABIOS request blocks
; used to affect the Real Time Clock (RTC).
; ABIOS RTC Function Codes
ABRETLIDP EQU 01h ; ABIOS Return Lid Parameters
ABSETPERI EQU 0Dh ; ABIOS Set Periodic Interrupt
ABCANALI EQU 0Ch ; ABIOS Cancel Alarm Interrupt
ABCANPERI EQU 0Eh ; ABIOS Cancel Periodic Interrupt
ABSETUPDI EQU 0Fh ; ABIOS Set Update-Ended Interrupt
ABCANUPDI EQU 10h ; ABIOS Cancel Update-Ended Interrupt
ABREADTD EQU 11h ; ABIOS Read Time and Date
ABWRITTD EQU 12h ; ABIOS Write Time and Date
MAXBRB EQU 64 ; max size of ABIOS RTC Request Block
RETCODE_IN EQU 0ffffh ; return code passed to abios in Request Block
ReqBlk struc
; functional:
RBLen dw ? ; length of request block
LogID dw ? ; Logical ID (address)
Unit dw ? ; Unit Number (= 0000 )
Function dw ? ; Function value
RBFlags dw ? ; ABIOS Internal call info
ELLOffset dw ? ; reserved
ReturnCode dw ? ; Return status
TimeOut dw ? ; Time out for stage on interrupt = 000
; Service Specific:
Parms dw 24 dup (?) ; function-specific parameters
ReqBlk ends
;* Return LID Parameters function-specific parm struc
LIDParms struc
RTCIntLvl db ? ; harware interrupt level
RTCArb db ? ; arbitration level
RTCDevice dw ? ; Type of device
RTCUnits dw ? ; Number of units supported = 01
RTCLIDF dw ? ; Bit information = 0000h
RTCRBL dw ? ; RB length (offset 18h)
LIDParms ends
;* Read Device Parameters function-specific parm struc
RTParms struc
RTC_Prat1 db ? ; Periodic Interrupt rate set
RTC_SetF db ? ; RTC set status
Hrs db ? ; Alarm interrupt set hour value
Mins db ? ; minute value
Secs db ? ; second value
Resrvd1 db 6 Dup (?) ; Reserved bytes
RTParms ends
;* Set Periodic Interrupt function-specific RETURN parameter structure
SETPER struc
Resrvd5 db 10 dup (?) ; reserved bytes
C_Reg db ? ; RTC C Register value.
;* Set Periodic Interrupt function-specific REQUEST parameter structure
SETPI struc
RTC_Prat2 db ? ; Periodic Interrupt rate set
Resrvd2 db 10 dup (?) ; reserved bytes
SETPI ends
;* Read/Write Time and Date function-specific parm struc
RWTD struc
resrvd3 dw ? ; reserved bytes
Hours db ? ; Time Set Values: Hour
Minutes db ? ; Minute
Seconds db ? ; Second
Century db ? ; Century
Year db ? ; Year
Month db ? ; Month
Day db ? ; Day
resrvd4 dw ? ; reserved space
RWTD ends