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# This file was generated by the SOM Compiler.
# FileName: somcls.sc.
# Generated using:
# SOM Precompiler spc: 1.22
# SOM Emitter emitcsc: 1.10
-- SOMClass: System Object Model base metaclass
-- Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corporation
-- 1991, 1992
#include <somobj.sc>
class: SOMClass,
external stem = sommc, function prefix = somc_, major version = 1,
minor version = 1, file stem = somcls;
-- This is the SOM metaclass. That is, the instances of this class
-- are class objects. When the SOM environment is created one
-- instance of this class with the external name
-- <SOMClassClassData.classObject> is created. This class object is
-- unique in that it is its own class object. That is,
-- _SOMClass == _somGetClass(SOMClassClassData.classObject).
-- SOMClass can be subclassed just like any SOM class. The subclasses
-- of SOMClass are new metaclasses and can generate class objects with
-- different implementations than those produced by _SOMClass.
parent class: SOMObject;
release order:
somNew, somRenew, somInitClass,
somClassReady, somGetName, somGetParent,
somDescendedFrom, somCheckVersion, somFindMethod,
somFindMethodOk, somSupportsMethod, somGetNumMethods,
somGetInstanceSize, somGetInstanceOffset, somGetInstancePartSize,
somGetMethodIndex, somGetNumStaticMethods, somGetPClsMtab,
somGetClassMtab, somAddStaticMethod, somOverrideSMethod,
somAddDynamicMethod, somGetMethodOffset, somGetApplyStub,
somFindSMethod, somFindSMethodOk, somGetMethodDescriptor,
somGetNthMethodInfo, somSetClassData, somGetClassData,
somNewNoInit, somRenewNoInit, somGetInstanceToken,
somGetMemberToken, somSetMethodDescriptor, somGetMethodData;
group: InitTerm;
-- Initialization / Termination / Class construction group
somMToken somAddStaticMethod(INOUT somId methodId,
INOUT somId methodDescriptor,
IN somMethodProc *method,
IN somMethodProc *redispatchStub,
IN somMethodProc *applyStub);
-- Adds/overrides the indicated method, returns the value that
-- should be used to set the method slot in the class data structure
-- for this method name.
-- <methodDescriptor> is a somId for a string describing the calling
-- sequence to this method as described in <somcGetNthMethodInfo>
-- defined in the SOMObject class definition.
-- <method> is the actual method procedure for this method
-- <redispatchStub> is a procedure with the same calling sequence as
-- <method> that re-dispatches the method to one of this class's
-- dispatch functions.
-- <applyStub> is a procedure that takes a standard variable argument
-- list data structure applies it to its target object by calling
-- <method> with arguments derived from the data structure. Its
-- calling sequence is the same as the calling sequence of the
-- dispatch methods defined in SOMObject. This stub is used in the
-- support of the dispatch methods used in some classes. In classes
-- where the dispatch functions do not need such a function this
-- parameter may be null.
void somClassReady();
-- This method is invoked when all of the static initialization for
-- the class has been finished. The default implementation simply
-- registers the newly constructed class with the SOMClassMgr.
-- Metaclasses may override this method to augment the class construction
-- sequence in any way that they wish.
void somInitClass(IN zString className,
IN SOMObject *parentClass,
IN integer4 instanceSize,
IN int maxStaticMethods,
IN integer4 majorVersion,
IN integer4 minorVersion);
-- Initializes <self>.
-- <parentClass> is the parent (or parent class) of this class, it may
-- be NULL in which case it defaults to SOMObject (actually
-- SOMObjectClassData.classObject the class object for SOMObject).
-- If a parent class is specifed then it must have already been created
-- as a pointer to its class object is required.
-- <instanceSize> should be just the space needed for this class, it
-- is not necessary to consider the parent class's (if any) space
-- requirements.
-- <maxStaticMethods> should be just the static methods defined by
-- this class, it is not necessary to consider the parent class's
-- methods (if any), even if they are overriden in this class.
-- <majorVersion> indicates the major version number for this
-- implementation of the class definition, and <minorVersion>
-- indicates the minor version number.
void somOverrideSMethod(INOUT somId methodId,
IN somMethodProc *method);
-- This method can be used instead of <somAddStaticMethod> or
-- <somAddDynamicMethod> when it is known that the class' parent
-- class already supports this method. This call does not require the
-- method descriptor and stub methods that the others do.
group: Factory;
-- Instance creation / Constructor group
SOMObject * somNew();
-- Make an instance of this class. When applied to _SOMClass, or any
-- other metaclass object, this will produce a new class object;
-- when applied to a regular class object, this will produce an
-- instance of that class. The somInit method of the newly created
-- object is then invoked automatically.
SOMObject * somNewNoInit();
-- Equivalent to somNew except that somInit is not automatically invoked.
SOMObject * somRenew(IN void *obj);
-- Make an instance of this class, but use the space pointed to by
-- <obj> rather than allocating new space for the object. Note: no
-- test is made to insure that <obj> points to enough space. <obj>
-- is returned, but it is now a pointer to a valid, initialized,
-- object (the somInit method of the "renewed" object is invoked
-- automatically).
SOMObject * somRenewNoInit(IN void *obj);
-- Equivalent to somRenew except that somInit is not automatically invoked.
group: Access;
somMethodProc * somGetApplyStub(INOUT somId methodId);
-- Returns the apply stub associated with the specified method. NULL
-- is returned if the method is not supported by this class. An apply
-- stub is a procedure that is called with a fixed calling sequence,
-- namely (SOMObject *self, somId methodId, somId descriptor, ap_list
-- ap) where <ap> is a varargs data structure that contains the actual
-- argument list to be passed to the method. The apply stub fowards
-- the call to its associated method and then returns any result
-- produced by the method.
somClassDataStructure * somGetClassData();
-- Returns a pointer to the static <className>ClassData structure.
somMethodTab * somGetClassMtab();
-- Returns a pointer to the method table of this class.
somDToken somGetInstanceToken();
-- Returns a token that identifies the introduced portion of this class
-- within itself or any derived class. This token can be subsequently
-- passed to the run-time somDataResolve function to locate the instance
-- data introduced by this class.
somDToken somGetMemberToken(integer4 memberOffset,
somDToken instanceToken);
-- Returns a token that represents the data member at offset
-- "memberOffset" within the introduced portion of the class identified
-- by instanceToken. The instance token must have been obtained from a
-- previous invocation of somGetInstanceToken. The returned member
-- token can be subsequently passed to the run-time somDataResolve
-- function to locate the data member.
integer4 somGetInstanceOffset();
-- Returns the offset in the body part of this [class] object for the
-- instance data introduced by this class, as the distance in bytes along
-- the class' "left-hand" derivation path.
integer4 somGetInstancePartSize();
-- Returns the size in bytes of the instance data introduced by this
-- class. This does not include the instance data space required for
-- this class' ancestor or descendent classes.
integer4 somGetInstanceSize();
-- Returns the total size of an instance of <self>.
-- All instances of <self> have the same size.
somId somGetMethodDescriptor(IN somId methodId);
-- Returns the method descriptor for the indicated method. If
-- this object does not support the indicated method then NULL is
-- returned.
zString somGetName();
-- Returns this object's class name as a NULL terminated string.
int somGetNumMethods();
-- Returns the number of methods currently supported by this class,
-- including inherited methods (both static and dynamic).
int somGetNumStaticMethods();
-- Returns the number of static methods that this class has. This is
-- used by a child class in initializing its method table.
SOMClass * somGetParent();
-- Returns the parent class of self (along its "left-hand" derivation
-- path), if one exists and NULL otherwise.
somMethodTab * somGetPClsMtab();
-- Returns a pointer to the method table of this class's parent class
-- (along its "left-hand" derivation path). If this class is a root
-- class (SOMObject), NULL is returned.
void somSetClassData(IN somClassDataStructure *cds);
-- Sets the class' pointer to the static <className>ClassData structure.
group: Testing;
int somCheckVersion(IN integer4 majorVersion,
IN integer4 minorVersion);
-- Returns 1 (true) if the implementation of this class is
-- compatible with the specified major and minor version number and
-- false (0) otherwise. An implementation is compatible with the
-- specified version numbers if it has the same major version number
-- and a minor version number that is equal to or greater than
-- <minorVersion>. The major, minor version number pair (0,0) is
-- considered to match any version. This method is usually called
-- immediately after creating the class object to verify that a
-- dynamically loaded class definition is compatible with a using
-- application.
int somDescendedFrom(IN SOMClass *aClassObj);
-- Returns 1 (true) if <self> is a descendent class of <aClassObj> and
-- 0 (false) otherwise. Note: a class object is considered to be
-- descended itself for the purposes of this method.
int somSupportsMethod(INOUT somId mId);
-- Returns 1 (true) if the indicated method is supported by this
-- class and 0 (false) otherwise.
group: Dynamic;
int somFindMethod(INOUT somId methodId,
OUT somMethodProc **m);
-- Finds the method procedure associated with <methodId> for this
-- class and sets <m> to it. 1 (true) is returned when the
-- method procedure is directly callable and 0 (false) is returned
-- when the method procedure is a dispatch function.
-- If the class does not support the specified method then
-- <m> is set to NULL and the return value is meaningless.
-- Returning a dispatch function does not guarantee that a
-- class supports the specified method; the dispatch may fail.
int somFindMethodOk(INOUT somId methodId,
OUT somMethodProc **m);
-- Just like <somFindMethod> except that if the method is not
-- supported then an error is raised and execution is halted.
somMethodProc * somFindSMethod(INOUT somId methodId);
-- Finds the indicated method, which must be a static method defined
-- for this class, and returns a pointer to its method procedure.
-- If the method is not defined (as a static method or at all) for
-- this class then a NULL pointer is returned.
somMethodProc * somFindSMethodOk(INOUT somId methodId);
-- Just like <somFindSMethod> except that an error is raised if the
-- method is not defined for this class.
override somInit;
-- From SOMObject
override somUninit;
-- From SOMObject
override somDumpSelfInt;
-- From SOMObject