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  1. ***************************************************************************
  2. * HELLO WORLD SAMPLE PROGRAM - Version 6: Readme File (README6.TXT)       *
  3. *                                                                         *
  4. * COPYRIGHT: Copyright(C) International Business Machines Corp.,1992,1993.*
  5. *                                                                         *
  6. * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES:                                               *
  7. *   The following [enclosed] code is sample code created by IBM           *
  8. *   Corporation.  This sample code is not part of any standard IBM product*
  9. *   and is provided to you solely for the purpose of assisting you in the *
  10. *   development of your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS",      *
  11. *   without warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages*
  12. *   arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have been    *
  13. *   advised of the possibility of such damages.                           *
  14. *                                                                         *
  15. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  16. * See the User Interface Class Library Users Guide for more information   *
  17. *   about this sample program.                                            *
  18. *                                                                         *
  19. * C++ Hello World Vision 6 Key Functions:                                 *
  20. *                                                                         *
  21. *      - Use Enlish, German or Portuguese DLL resources via Command Line  *
  22. *      - Add Open Menu Item and use File Dialog                           *
  23. *      - Show MessageBox when can not read input file from File Dialog    *
  24. *      - Add Push Buttons & Set Canvas to change alignment                *
  25. *      - Add Menu PopUp for changing the alignment                        *
  26. *      - Change Status Area to Split Canvas and add Date & Time           *
  27. *      - Add ATimeHandler & Update Time on Status Area                    *
  28. *      - Add code to handle deleting of objects when done                 *
  29. *      - Add HELLOWPS.CMD to create Workplace Folder with Programs        *
  30. ***************************************************************************
  32. ***************************************************************************
  33. * File list:                                                              *
  34. *   README6.TXT  - readme command file for HELLO6.EXE                     *
  35. *   AHELLOW6.CPP - source code for main() and AHelloWindow class          *
  36. *   AHELLOW6.HPP - class header file for AHellowWindow                    *
  37. *   AHELLOW6.H   - symbolic defintion file for HELLO6.EXE                 *
  38. *   ADIALOG6.CPP - source code to create the ATextDialog class            *
  39. *   ADIALOG6.HPP - class header file for ATextDialog                      *
  40. *   AEARTHW6.CPP - source code to create the AEarthWindow class           *
  41. *   AEARTHW6.HPP - class header file for AEarthWindow                     *
  42. *   ACOLORW6.CPP - source code to create the AColorWindow class           *
  43. *   ACOLORW6.HPP - class header file for AColorWindow                     *
  44. *   ASPEEDW6.CPP - source code to create the ASpeedWindow class           *
  45. *   ASPEEDW6.HPP - class header file for ASpeedWindow                     *
  46. *   ATIMEHDR.CPP - source code to create the ATimeHandler class           *
  47. *   ATIMEHDR.HPP - class header file for ATimeHandler                     *
  48. *   ADUMMY6.CPP  - File to provide dummy file for Resource DLL's          *
  49. *   AHELLOWE.RC  - English resource file for HELLO6.EXE                   *
  50. *   AHELLOWG.RC  - German resource file for HELLO6.EXE                    *
  51. *   AHELLOWP.RC  - Portuguese resource file for HELLO6.EXE                *
  52. *   AHELLOW6.ICO - icon file for HELLO6.EXE                               *
  53. *   BRAZIL.ICO   - icon file for Postuguese option of HELLO6.EXE          *
  54. *   GERMANY.ICO  - icon file for German option of HELLO6.EXE              *
  55. *   ADIALOGE.DLG - English dialog resource source file for HELLO6.EXE     *
  56. *   ADIALOGG.DLG - German dialog resource source file for HELLO6.EXE      *
  57. *   ADIALOGP.DLG - Portuguese dialog resource source file for HELLO6.EXE  *
  58. *   ADIALOGE.RES - dialog resource file for HELLO6.EXE                    *
  59. *   AHELLOW6.IPF - help file for HELLO6.EXE                               *
  60. *   HELLO6.INI   - Profile for HELLO6.EXE                                 *
  61. *   HELLO6.HLO   - Sample File to Read                                    *
  62. *   AHELLOW6.DEF - module definition file for HELLO6.EXE                  *
  63. *   AHELLOWE.DEF - module definition file for AHELLOWE.DLL                *
  64. *   AHELLOWG.DEF - module definition file for AHELLOWG.DLL                *
  65. *   AHELLOWP.DEF - module definition file for AHELLOWP.DLL                *
  66. *   AMAKE6.MAK   - make file to create HELLO6.EXE                         *
  67. *   AMAKE6.CMD   - command file to create HELLO6.EXE                      *
  68. *   BUILD6.CMD   - command file to compile, link and run HELLO6.EXE       *
  69. *   HELLOWPS.CMD - command file to create WPS Folder with Program Objects *
  70. *   CLEANUP6.CMD - command file to cleanup (erase) generated files:       *
  71. *                  HELLO6.EXE, AHELLOW6.OBJ, ADIALOG6.OBJ, AEARTHW6.OBJ,  *
  75. ***************************************************************************
  77. ***************************************************************************
  78. * File Relationship Diagram (Files in uppercase, Programs in lowercase)   *
  79. *                                                                         *
  80. *                              ADIALOGE.RES                               *
  81. *                                   v                                     *
  82. *                 AHELLOW6.H     dlgedit                  iconedit        *
  83. *                    │  │           v                        v            *
  84. * AHELLOW6.HPP       │  ├─────>ADIALOGE.DLG         ┌───AHELLOW6.ICO      *
  85. *  ADIALOG6.HPP      │  ├──────>ADIALOGG.DLG        │ ┌──GERMANY.ICO      *
  86. *   AEARTHW6.HPP     │  ├───────>ADIALOGP.DLG       │ │ ┌─BRAZIL.ICO      *
  87. *    ATIMEHDR.HPP    │  │               ║           │ │ │                 *
  88. *     ACOLORW6.HPP   │  │               ║           │ │ │                 *
  89. *      ASPEEDW6.HPP  │  │               ║           │ │ │                 *
  90. *      v             │  │               v           │ │ │                 *
  91. * AHELLOW6.CPP <─────┤  ├────────────> AHELLOWE.RC <┘ │ │                 *
  92. *  ADIALOG6.CPP <────┤  ├─────────────> AHELLOWG.RC <─┘ │                 *
  93. *   AEARTHW6.CPP     │  └──────────────> AHELLOWP.RC <──┘                 *
  94. *    ATIMEHDR.CPP    │                   │     ^.............AHELLOW6.IPF *
  95. *     ACOLORW6.CPP <─┤                   │                       │        *
  96. *      ASPEEDW6.CPP <┘                   │                       v        *
  97. *      ║                                rc -r                 ipfc /x     *
  98. *    icc -c                              │                       |        *
  99. *      ║                                 │                       |        *
  100. *      ║                                 │                       |        *
  101. * AHELLOW6.OBJ                       AHELLOWE.RES           AHELLOW6.HLP  *
  102. *  ADIALOG6.OBJ                       AHELLOWG.RES               .        *
  103. *   AEARTHW6.OBJ       ADUMMY6.CPP     AHELLOWP.RES══╗           .        *
  104. *    ATIMEHDR.OBJ           V                        ║           .        *
  105. *     ACOLORW6.OBJ      ADUMMY6.OBJ                  ║           .        *
  106. *       ║                   V                        ║           .        *
  107. *       ║   AHELLODE.DEF->link386─>AHELLODE.DLL      ║           .        *
  108. *       ║    AHELLODG.DEF   │       AHELLODG.DLL     V           .        *
  109. *       ║     AHELLODP.DEF  │        AHELLODP.DLL══> rc          .        *
  110. *       ║                   v                        ║           .        *
  111. *       ╚════════╗        AHELLOWE.MAP               ║           .        *
  112. *                V         AHELLOWG.MAP              V           .        *
  113. * AHELLOW6.DEF─>icc /Tdp    AHELLOWP.MAP          AHELLODE.DLL   .        *
  114. *                │   │                             AHELLODG.DLL  .        *
  115. * AHELLOW6.MAP<──┘   │                              AHELLODP.DLL .        *
  116. *                    │                                     .     .        *
  117. *                    │                                     v     v        *
  118. *                    └──────────────────────────────────>AHELLOW6.EXE     *
  119. ***************************************************************************
  121. ***************************************************************************
  122. *                                                       ╔═══════════╗     *
  123. * Key Window Parent Relationship Diagram:      Diagram  ║Class Name ║     *
  124. *                                                  Key: ║───────────║     *
  125. *                   IApplication::current().run()       ║Object Name║     *
  126. *                                                       ╚═══════════╝     *
  127. *                                                                         *
  128. *                           ╔════════════╗              ╔═══════════╗     *
  129. *   AColorWindow ---+-------║AHelloWindow║──────────────║ATextDialog║     *
  130. *                   |       ║────────────║              ║───────────║     *
  131. *   ASpeedWindow ---+       ║ mainWindow ║              ║textDialog ║     *
  132. *                           ╚════════════╝              ╚═══════════╝     *
  133. *                ╔════════╗       │       ╔══════╗           │            *
  134. *                ║IMenuBar║───────┼───────║ITitle║      ╔═══════════╗     *
  135. *                ║────────║       │       ╚══════╝      ║IEntryField║     *
  136. *                ║menuBar ║       │                     ║───────────║     *
  137. *                ╚════════╝       │                     ║ textField ║     *
  138. *            ╔════════════╗       │       ╔═══════════╗ ╚═══════════╝     *
  139. *            ║IAccelerator║───────┼───────║IHelpWindow║                   *
  140. *            ╚════════════╝       │       ║───────────║                   *
  141. *                                 │       ║    help   ║                   *
  142. *                                 │       ╚═══════════╝                   *
  143. *        ┌───────────────┬────────┴────────────┬─────────────────┐        *
  144. * ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗        ╔══════════╗        ╔═════════╗  *
  145. * ║ISplitWindow║   ║ISplitWindow║        ║ISetCanvas║        ║IInfoArea║  *
  146. * ║────────────║   ║─────────── ║        ║──────────║        ║─────────║  *
  147. * ║statusCanvas║   ║clientWindow║        ║  buttons ║        ║infoArea ║  *
  148. * ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝        ╚══════════╝        ╚═════════╝  *
  149. *             │          ├────────────┐         ├─────────────────┐       *
  150. *╔═══════════╗│    ╔════════════╗ ╔════════╗ ╔═══════════╗  ╔════════════╗*
  151. *║IStaticText║┤    ║ISplitWindow║ ║IListBox║ ║IPushButton║  ║IPushButton ║*
  152. *║───────────║│    ║────────────║ ║────────║ ║───────────║..║────────────║*
  153. *║ statusLine║│    ║hellowCanvas║ ║listBox ║ ║ leftButton║  ║ helpButton ║*
  154. *╚═══════════╝│    ╚════════════╝ ╚════════╝ ╚═══════════╝  ╚════════════╝*
  155. *             │          ├───────────────┐                                *      *
  156. *╔═══════════╗│    ╔═══════════╗   ╔════════════╗                         *         *
  157. *║IStaticText║┤    ║IStaticText║   ║AEarthWindow║                         *         *
  158. *║───────────║│    ║───────────║   ║────────────║                         *         *
  159. *║   date    ║│    ║   hello   ║   ║earthWindow ║                         *         *
  160. *╚═══════════╝│    ╚═══════════╝   ╚════════════╝                         *         *
  161. *             │          │                                                *
  162. *╔═══════════╗│     ╔═════════╗                                           *
  163. *║IStaticText║┘     ║IPopMenu ║                                           *
  164. *║───────────║      ╚═════════╝                                           *
  165. *║   time    ║                                                            *
  166. *╚═══════════╝                                                            *
  167. ***************************************************************************
  169. ***************************************************************************
  170. * The HELLO6.EXE Sample Application call be build/run in three ways:      *
  171. *                                                                         *
  172. * Option 1: Run BUILD6.CMD                                                *
  173. *                                                                         *
  174. *   This option will compile, link, execute HELLO6.EXE.  It will then     *
  175. *   cleanup all files created by BUILD6.CMD.                              *
  176. *                                                                         *
  177. * Option 2: Run AMAKE6.CMD                                                *
  178. *           Run HELLO6.EXE or HELLO6 /p or HELLO6 /g                      *
  179. *           Run CLEANUP6.CMD                                              *
  180. *                                                                         *
  181. *  AMAKE6.CMD will compile and link HELLO6.EXE.                           *
  182. *  HELLO6 /p will run HELLO6 using the Portuguese Resource DLL            *
  183. *  HELLO6 /g will run HELLO6 using the German Resource DLL                *
  184. *  CLEANUP6.CMD will cleanup files build by AMAKE6.CMD                    *
  185. *                                                                         *
  186. * Option 3: Run AMAKE6.CMD                                                *
  187. *           Run HELLOWPS.CMD                                              *
  188. *                                                                         *
  189. *  AMAKE6.CMD will compile and link HELLO6.EXE.                           *
  190. *  HELLOWPS.CMD will create a Work Place Shell Folder with Program Objects*
  191. ***************************************************************************