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Assembly Source File
415 lines
PUBLIC _saferEncryptBlock, _saferDecryptBlock
; Code to implement the improved SAFER-SK form of the SAFER cipher,
; originally published as "SAFER K-64: A Byte-Oriented Block-Ciphering
; Algorithm", James L. Massey, "Fast Software Encryption", Lecture Notes in
; Computer Science No. 809, Springer-Verlag 1994, p.1. This code implements
; the 128-bit key extension designed by the Special Projects Team of the
; Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore and published as "SAFER K-64: One Year
; Later", James L.Massey, presented at the K. U. Leuven Workshop on
; Algorithms, Leuven, Belgium, 14-16 December, 1994, to appear in "Fast
; Software Encryption II", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag
; 1995, along with Lars Knudsen's strengthened key schedule, presented in
; "A Key-Schedule Weakness in SAFER K-64," Lars Knudsen, presented at Crypto
; '95 in Santa Barbara, California.
; All parts of the SAFER-SK algorithm are non-proprietary and freely
; available for anyone to use as they see fit.
; Written 4 December 1995, Peter Gutmann <pgut01@cs.auckland.ac.nz>.
; This version is about 3 times as fast as the C implementation.
; The two-point Pseudo-Hadamard Transform
; b1 = 2a1 + a2
; b2 = a1 + a2
; and inverse two-point Pseudo-Hadamard Transform
; a1 = b1 - b2
; a2 = -b1 + 2b2
; which are used to create a three-dimensional PHT (ie independant two-point
; PHT's in each of three dimensions, which is why there are 2^3 = 8 bytes in
; the input and output of the PHT) through a decimation-by-two/fanning-out-
; by-two network. The PHT provides guaranteed complete diffusion within one
; linear layer.
add y, x
add x, y
sub x, y
sub y, x
; Since we have a great many independant operations we can interleave the two
; parts of the transform:
; PHT(x,y) -> { y += x; x += y; }
; with the PHT's surrounding it to eliminate pipeline stalls, and the same
; for the IPHT. Therefore we define the PHT in two parts PHT1 and PHT2 with
; a four-instruction interleave between the halves.
interleavePHT MACRO a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
PHT1 a, b
PHT1 c, d
PHT1 e, f
PHT1 g, h
PHT2 a, b ; PHT( a, b );
PHT2 c, d ; PHT( c, d );
PHT2 e, f ; PHT( e, f );
PHT2 g, h ; PHT( g, h );
interleaveIPHT MACRO a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
IPHT1 a, b
IPHT1 c, d
IPHT1 e, f
IPHT1 g, h
IPHT2 a, b ; PHT( a, b );
IPHT2 c, d ; PHT( c, d );
IPHT2 e, f ; PHT( e, f );
IPHT2 g, h ; PHT( g, h );
; Load the word register corresponding to a byte half-register into an
; address-capable word register in preparation for using it to index memory.
loadWordReg MACRO wordReg, byteReg
IF byteReg EQ al OR byteReg EQ ah
mov wordReg, ax
ELSEIF byteReg EQ bl OR byteReg EQ bh
mov wordReg, bx
ELSEIF byteReg EQ cl OR byteReg EQ ch
mov wordReg, cx
ELSEIF byteReg EQ dl OR byteReg EQ dh
mov wordReg, dx
ERROR Incorrect byte register passed to loadWordReg
; Perform the mixed xor/byte addition of the round input with the subkey
; K2i-1, combined with the first level of the nonlinear layer, either
; 45^n mod 257 or log45n, and the mixed xor/byte addition with the subkey
; K2i. We interleave two sets of operations to reduce pipeline stalls and
; make the maximum use of all available registers.
nonLinear MACRO reg1, op1, table1, reg2, op2, table2, keyOfs
op1 reg1, es:[di+keyOfs]
op2 reg2, es:[di+keyOfs+1]
loadWordReg si, reg1
loadWordReg bp, reg2
and si, 0FFh
shr bp, 8
mov reg1, es:[di+keyOfs+8]
mov reg2, es:[di+keyOfs+9]
op2 reg1, table1[si]
op1 reg2, table2[bp]
; Perform the mixed xor/byte addition of the inverse PHT output with the
; subkey K2r+2-2i, combined with the second level of the nonlinear layer,
; either 45^n mod 257 or log45n, and finally the mixed xor/byte addition of
; the round output with K2r+1-2i. We interleave two sets of operations to
; reduce pipeline stalls and make the maximum use of all available registers.
nonLinearInv MACRO reg1, op1, table1, reg2, op2, table2, keyOfs
op1 reg1, es:[di+keyOfs]
op2 reg2, es:[di+keyOfs-1]
loadWordReg si, reg1
loadWordReg bp, reg2
shr si, 8
and bp, 0FFh
mov reg1, table1[si]
mov reg2, table2[bp]
op2 reg1, es:[di+keyOfs-8]
op1 reg2, es:[di+keyOfs-9]
; Rotate three bytes by one byte to the left. This transforms a b c to
; b c a in two swaps.
swapData MACRO a, b, c
xchg a, c
xchg a, b
; Symbolic defines for the byte values used in SAFER
A EQU al
B EQU ah
C EQU bl
D EQU bh
E EQU cl
F EQU ch
G EQU dl
H EQU dh
; The lookup table for logs and exponents. These contain the powers of the
; primitive element 45 of GF( 257 ) (ie values of 45^n mod 257) in "expTable"
; with the corresponding logs base 45 stored in "logTable". They may be
; calculated as follows:
; exponent = 1;
; for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
; {
; int exp = exponent & 0xFF;
; expTable[ i ] = exp;
; logTable[ exp ] = i;
; exponent = ( exponent * 45 ) % 257;
; }
expTable DB 001h, 02Dh, 0E2h, 093h, 0BEh, 045h, 015h, 0AEh
DB 078h, 003h, 087h, 0A4h, 0B8h, 038h, 0CFh, 03Fh
DB 008h, 067h, 009h, 094h, 0EBh, 026h, 0A8h, 06Bh
DB 0BDh, 018h, 034h, 01Bh, 0BBh, 0BFh, 072h, 0F7h
DB 040h, 035h, 048h, 09Ch, 051h, 02Fh, 03Bh, 055h
DB 0E3h, 0C0h, 09Fh, 0D8h, 0D3h, 0F3h, 08Dh, 0B1h
DB 0FFh, 0A7h, 03Eh, 0DCh, 086h, 077h, 0D7h, 0A6h
DB 011h, 0FBh, 0F4h, 0BAh, 092h, 091h, 064h, 083h
DB 0F1h, 033h, 0EFh, 0DAh, 02Ch, 0B5h, 0B2h, 02Bh
DB 088h, 0D1h, 099h, 0CBh, 08Ch, 084h, 01Dh, 014h
DB 081h, 097h, 071h, 0CAh, 05Fh, 0A3h, 08Bh, 057h
DB 03Ch, 082h, 0C4h, 052h, 05Ch, 01Ch, 0E8h, 0A0h
DB 004h, 0B4h, 085h, 04Ah, 0F6h, 013h, 054h, 0B6h
DB 0DFh, 00Ch, 01Ah, 08Eh, 0DEh, 0E0h, 039h, 0FCh
DB 020h, 09Bh, 024h, 04Eh, 0A9h, 098h, 09Eh, 0ABh
DB 0F2h, 060h, 0D0h, 06Ch, 0EAh, 0FAh, 0C7h, 0D9h
DB 000h, 0D4h, 01Fh, 06Eh, 043h, 0BCh, 0ECh, 053h
DB 089h, 0FEh, 07Ah, 05Dh, 049h, 0C9h, 032h, 0C2h
DB 0F9h, 09Ah, 0F8h, 06Dh, 016h, 0DBh, 059h, 096h
DB 044h, 0E9h, 0CDh, 0E6h, 046h, 042h, 08Fh, 00Ah
DB 0C1h, 0CCh, 0B9h, 065h, 0B0h, 0D2h, 0C6h, 0ACh
DB 01Eh, 041h, 062h, 029h, 02Eh, 00Eh, 074h, 050h
DB 002h, 05Ah, 0C3h, 025h, 07Bh, 08Ah, 02Ah, 05Bh
DB 0F0h, 006h, 00Dh, 047h, 06Fh, 070h, 09Dh, 07Eh
DB 010h, 0CEh, 012h, 027h, 0D5h, 04Ch, 04Fh, 0D6h
DB 079h, 030h, 068h, 036h, 075h, 07Dh, 0E4h, 0EDh
DB 080h, 06Ah, 090h, 037h, 0A2h, 05Eh, 076h, 0AAh
DB 0C5h, 07Fh, 03Dh, 0AFh, 0A5h, 0E5h, 019h, 061h
DB 0FDh, 04Dh, 07Ch, 0B7h, 00Bh, 0EEh, 0ADh, 04Bh
DB 022h, 0F5h, 0E7h, 073h, 023h, 021h, 0C8h, 005h
DB 0E1h, 066h, 0DDh, 0B3h, 058h, 069h, 063h, 056h
DB 00Fh, 0A1h, 031h, 095h, 017h, 007h, 03Ah, 028h
logTable DB 080h, 000h, 0B0h, 009h, 060h, 0EFh, 0B9h, 0FDh
DB 010h, 012h, 09Fh, 0E4h, 069h, 0BAh, 0ADh, 0F8h
DB 0C0h, 038h, 0C2h, 065h, 04Fh, 006h, 094h, 0FCh
DB 019h, 0DEh, 06Ah, 01Bh, 05Dh, 04Eh, 0A8h, 082h
DB 070h, 0EDh, 0E8h, 0ECh, 072h, 0B3h, 015h, 0C3h
DB 0FFh, 0ABh, 0B6h, 047h, 044h, 001h, 0ACh, 025h
DB 0C9h, 0FAh, 08Eh, 041h, 01Ah, 021h, 0CBh, 0D3h
DB 00Dh, 06Eh, 0FEh, 026h, 058h, 0DAh, 032h, 00Fh
DB 020h, 0A9h, 09Dh, 084h, 098h, 005h, 09Ch, 0BBh
DB 022h, 08Ch, 063h, 0E7h, 0C5h, 0E1h, 073h, 0C6h
DB 0AFh, 024h, 05Bh, 087h, 066h, 027h, 0F7h, 057h
DB 0F4h, 096h, 0B1h, 0B7h, 05Ch, 08Bh, 0D5h, 054h
DB 079h, 0DFh, 0AAh, 0F6h, 03Eh, 0A3h, 0F1h, 011h
DB 0CAh, 0F5h, 0D1h, 017h, 07Bh, 093h, 083h, 0BCh
DB 0BDh, 052h, 01Eh, 0EBh, 0AEh, 0CCh, 0D6h, 035h
DB 008h, 0C8h, 08Ah, 0B4h, 0E2h, 0CDh, 0BFh, 0D9h
DB 0D0h, 050h, 059h, 03Fh, 04Dh, 062h, 034h, 00Ah
DB 048h, 088h, 0B5h, 056h, 04Ch, 02Eh, 06Bh, 09Eh
DB 0D2h, 03Dh, 03Ch, 003h, 013h, 0FBh, 097h, 051h
DB 075h, 04Ah, 091h, 071h, 023h, 0BEh, 076h, 02Ah
DB 05Fh, 0F9h, 0D4h, 055h, 00Bh, 0DCh, 037h, 031h
DB 016h, 074h, 0D7h, 077h, 0A7h, 0E6h, 007h, 0DBh
DB 0A4h, 02Fh, 046h, 0F3h, 061h, 045h, 067h, 0E3h
DB 00Ch, 0A2h, 03Bh, 01Ch, 085h, 018h, 004h, 01Dh
DB 029h, 0A0h, 08Fh, 0B2h, 05Ah, 0D8h, 0A6h, 07Eh
DB 0EEh, 08Dh, 053h, 04Bh, 0A1h, 09Ah, 0C1h, 00Eh
DB 07Ah, 049h, 0A5h, 02Ch, 081h, 0C4h, 0C7h, 036h
DB 02Bh, 07Fh, 043h, 095h, 033h, 0F2h, 06Ch, 068h
DB 06Dh, 0F0h, 002h, 028h, 0CEh, 0DDh, 09Bh, 0EAh
DB 05Eh, 099h, 07Ch, 014h, 086h, 0CFh, 0E5h, 042h
DB 0B8h, 040h, 078h, 02Dh, 03Ah, 0E9h, 064h, 01Fh
DB 092h, 090h, 07Dh, 039h, 06Fh, 0E0h, 089h, 030h
; Temporary variables
rounds DW 0
; Encrypt a block of data with SAFER.
_saferEncryptBlock PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di ; Save register vars
; Copy the input block to machine registers
les di, [bp+6] ; ES:DI = data
mov ax, es:[di] ; a = data[ 0 ]; b = data[ 1 ];
mov bx, es:[di+2] ; c = data[ 2 ]; d = data[ 3 ];
mov cx, es:[di+4] ; e = data[ 4 ]; f = data[ 5 ];
mov dx, es:[di+6] ; g = data[ 6 ]; h = data[ 7 ];
; Remember the number of rounds
push bp ; Save temporary register
les di, [bp+10] ; ES:DI = key
mov bp, es:[di]
and bp, 0FFh ; BP = rounds
mov rounds, bp
inc di
; Perform the mixed xor/byte addition of the round input with the subkey
; K2i-1, combined with the first level of the nonlinear layer, either
; 45^n mod 257 or log45n, and the mixed xor/byte addition with the subkey
; K2i.
nonLinear A, xor, expTable, B, add, logTable, 0
nonLinear C, add, logTable, D, xor, expTable, 2
nonLinear E, xor, expTable, F, add, logTable, 4
nonLinear G, add, logTable, H, xor, expTable, 6
; Perform the Pseudo-Hadamard Trasform of the round output.
interleavePHT A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
interleavePHT A, C, E, G, B, D, F, H
interleavePHT A, E, B, F, C, G, D, H
; Swap the data octets around. If we unrol the loop we can eliminate
; this step through register renaming, although at four instructions
; total it's not a major performance hit.
swapData B, E, C
swapData D, F, G
; Prepare for the next round
add di, 16 ; key += 16;
dec rounds
jnz @@encryptLoop
pop bp ; Restore temporary register
; Perform the final mixed xor/byte addition output transformation using
; K2r + 1
xor A, es:[di+0] ; data[ 0 ] = a ^ key[ 0 ];
add B, es:[di+1] ; data[ 1 ] = b + key[ 1 ];
add C, es:[di+2] ; data[ 2 ] = c + key[ 2 ];
xor D, es:[di+3] ; data[ 3 ] = d ^ key[ 3 ];
xor E, es:[di+4] ; data[ 4 ] = e ^ key[ 4 ];
add F, es:[di+5] ; data[ 5 ] = f + key[ 5 ];
add G, es:[di+6] ; data[ 6 ] = g + key[ 6 ];
xor H, es:[di+7] ; data[ 7 ] = h ^ key[ 7 ];
les di, [bp+6] ; ES:DI = data
mov es:[di+0], A
mov es:[di+1], B
mov es:[di+2], C
mov es:[di+3], D
mov es:[di+4], E
mov es:[di+5], F
mov es:[di+6], G
mov es:[di+7], H
pop di
pop si ; Restore register vars
pop bp
_saferEncryptBlock ENDP
; Decrypt a block of data with SAFER.
_saferDecryptBlock PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di ; Save register vars
; Copy the input block to machine registers
les di, [bp+6] ; ES:DI = data
mov ax, es:[di] ; a = data[ 0 ]; b = data[ 1 ];
mov bx, es:[di+2] ; c = data[ 2 ]; d = data[ 3 ];
mov cx, es:[di+4] ; e = data[ 4 ]; f = data[ 5 ];
mov dx, es:[di+6] ; g = data[ 6 ]; h = data[ 7 ];
; Remember the number of rounds
push bp ; Save temporary register
les di, [bp+10] ; ES:DI = key
mov bp, es:[di]
and bp, 0FFh ; BP = rounds
mov rounds, bp
; Since we're now running throught the algorithm backwards, we move to
; the end of the key and start from there.
add bp, bp
inc bp
shl bp, 3
add di, bp ; key += SAFER_BLOCKSIZE * ( 1 + 2 * rounds );
; Perform the initial mixed xor/byte addition input transformation
; using K2r+1.
xor A, es:[di-7] ; data[ 0 ] = a ^ key[ -7 ];
sub B, es:[di-6] ; data[ 1 ] = b - key[ -6 ];
sub C, es:[di-5] ; data[ 2 ] = c - key[ -5 ];
xor D, es:[di-4] ; data[ 3 ] = d ^ key[ -4 ];
xor E, es:[di-3] ; data[ 4 ] = e ^ key[ -3 ];
sub F, es:[di-2] ; data[ 5 ] = f - key[ -2 ];
sub G, es:[di-1] ; data[ 6 ] = g - key[ -1 ];
xor H, es:[di-0] ; data[ 7 ] = h ^ key[ 0 ];
sub di, 8 ; key -= 8;
; Swap the data octets around. If we unrol the loop we can eliminate
; this step through register renaming, although at four instructions
; total it's not a major performance hit.
swapData E, B, C
swapData F, D, G
; Perform the inverse Pseudo-Hadamard Trasform of the round input.
interleaveIPHT A, E, B, F, C, G, D, H
interleaveIPHT A, C, E, G, B, D, F, H
interleaveIPHT A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
; Perform the mixed xor/byte addition of the inverse PHT output with
; the subkey K2r+2-2i, combined with the second level of the nonlinear
; layer, either 45^n mod 257 or log45n, and finally the mixed xor/byte
; addition of the round output with K2r+1-2i.
nonLinearInv H, sub, logTable, G, xor, expTable, 0
nonLinearInv F, xor, expTable, E, sub, logTable, -2
nonLinearInv D, sub, logTable, C, xor, expTable, -4
nonLinearInv B, xor, expTable, A, sub, logTable, -6
; Prepare for the next round
sub di, 16 ; key -= 16;
dec rounds
jnz @@decryptLoop
pop bp ; Restore temporary register
; Copy the result back to the data buffer
les di, [bp+6] ; ES:DI = data
mov es:[di+0], A
mov es:[di+1], B
mov es:[di+2], C
mov es:[di+3], D
mov es:[di+4], E
mov es:[di+5], F
mov es:[di+6], G
mov es:[di+7], H
pop di
pop si ; Restore register vars
pop bp
_saferDecryptBlock ENDP