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// Prevent multiple inclusion
#if !defined(DevHelp_h)
#define DevHelp_h 1
#if !defined(__WATCOMC__) || !defined(__cplusplus)
#error Watcom C++ must be used for the inline DevHlp interface.
#include "devtype.h"
#include "devrp.h"
// Calling conventions for device driver functions
// Strategy call calling convention
#pragma aux STRATEGY far parm [es bx];
// Inter device driver calling convention
#pragma aux IDC far loadds parm [] caller reverse value [ax];
// Dynamic API calling convention
#pragma aux DYNAMIC far loadds parm [si] value [ax];
// OS/2 16-bit API calling convention
#pragma aux API16 "^" far parm reverse routine [] \
value struct float struct caller [] modify [ax bx cx dx];
// Interface to the OS/2 Ring 0 Device Helper functions
// Private declarations for use by the Dev* library
extern "C"
extern WORD32 Dev_Entry;
extern WORD32 Dev_StdEntry;
extern WORD32 Dev_DbgEntry;
VOID DevInit // Initialize the Dev* library (call at Init)
WORD32 DeviceHelp // Far pointer to OS/2 Dev_Help entry point
); // Returns: Nothing
inline VOID DevInit(WORD32 DeviceHelp)
Dev_Entry = Dev_StdEntry = DeviceHelp;
WORD16 DevDebug // Set the debugging mode for the Dev* library
WORD16 EnableInt3 // Debugging flag: 1 = debug on, 0 = debug off
); // Returns: The previous debugging state
inline WORD16 DevDebug(WORD16 EnableInt3)
WORD16 value = (Dev_Entry == Dev_DbgEntry);
Dev_Entry = (EnableInt3) ? Dev_DbgEntry : Dev_StdEntry;
return value;
VOID DevInt3 // Generate an INT 3 breakpoint
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevInt3 = \
"int 3";
VOID DevDone // Complete device I/O
RP FAR* RequestPacket // Request packet for which to unblock threads
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevDone = \
"mov dl,01h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
modify [dl] \
parm [es bx];
VOID DevYield // Yield the CPU to pending threads
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevYield = \
"mov dl,02h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
modify [dl];
VOID DevTCYield // Yield the CPU to time critical threads
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevTCYield = \
"mov dl,03h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
modify [dl];
WORD16 DevBlock // Block the current thread
WORD32 Id, // Id to be used by DevRun call
WORD32 WaitMilliSec, // Milliseconds to wait for (-1 = forever)
BYTE InterruptableFlag // 1 if block is interruptable, else 0
); // Returns: 0 = Ran, 1 = Timeout, 2 = Ctrl+C
#pragma aux DevBlock = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"xchg di,cx" \
"mov dl,04h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setnz al" \
"setc bl" \
"inc al" \
"neg bl" \
"and al,bl" \
"xor ah,ah" \
modify [dl] \
parm [bx ax] [cx di] [dh] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevRun // Run a blocked thread
WORD32 Id // Id used in DevBlock call
); // Returns: Count of awakened threads
#pragma aux DevRun = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dl,05h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
modify [dl] \
parm [bx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevSemRequest // Set a 16 bit semaphore
HSEMAPHORE Handle, // Handle of semaphore to request
WORD32 WaitMilliSec // Milliseconds to wait for (-1 = forever)
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevSemRequest = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"xchg di,cx" \
"mov dl,06h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx ax] [cx di] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevSemClear // Clear a 16 bit semaphore
HSEMAPHORE Handle // Handle of semaphore to release
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevSemClear = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dl,07h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevSemUseHandle // Obtain a handle to an application semaphore
WORD32 AppSem, // Handle of application semaphore
HSEMAPHORE FAR* Handle // Storage for converted semaphore handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevSemUseHandle = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dx,0108h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"mov es:[si][0],bx" \
"mov es:[si][2],ax" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx ax] [es si] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevSemFreeHandle // Free a handle obtained with DevSemUseHandle
HSEMAPHORE Handle // Handle of system semaphore
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevSemFreeHandle= \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dx,0008h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx ax] \
value [ax];
VOID DevReqPush // Add a request packet to queue
WORD32 FAR* QueueHead, // Pointer to space for head of queue (init to 0)
RP FAR* RequestPacket // Request packet to add to list
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevReqPush = \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,09h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax dx] \
parm [fs si] [es bx];
WORD16 DevReqPull // Remove a request packet from queue
WORD32 FAR* QueueHead, // Pointer to head of queue
RP FAR* FAR* RequestPacket // Storage for pointer to removed request packet
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = queue is empty
#pragma aux DevReqPull = \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,0Ah" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov gs:[di][0],bx" \
"mov gs:[di][2],es" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [es ax bx] \
parm [fs si] [gs di] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevReqPullParticular // Remove a specific request packet from queue
WORD32 FAR* QueueHead, // Pointer to head of queue
RP FAR* RequestPacket // Request packet to remove from list
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = packet not found
#pragma aux DevReqPullParticular= \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,0Bh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax] \
parm [fs si] [es bx] \
value [dx];
VOID DevReqPushSorted // Add a request packet to queue in sorted order
WORD32 FAR* QueueHead, // Pointer to space for head of queue (init to 0)
RP FAR* RequestPacket // Request packet to add to list
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevReqPushSorted= \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,0Ch" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax dx] \
parm [fs si] [es bx];
WORD16 DevReqAlloc // Allocate an empty maximum-sized request packet
BYTE NoWaitFlag, // 0 to wait for RP or 1 to return immediately
RP FAR* FAR* RequestPacket // Storage for pointer to empty request packet
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevReqAlloc = \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,0Dh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov [di][0],bx" \
"mov [di][2],es" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [es bx] \
parm [dh] [fs di] \
value [dx];
VOID DevReqFree // Free a request packet alloced with DevReqAlloc
RP FAR* RequestPacket // Request packet to free
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevReqFree = \
"mov dl,0Eh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
modify [dl] \
parm [es bx];
VOID DevQueueInit // Initialize a character queue
QBASE FAR* Queue // Pointer to QUEUE<> structure
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevQueueInit = \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,0Fh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax dx] \
parm [fs bx];
VOID DevQueueFlush // Empty a character queue
QBASE FAR* Queue // Pointer to QUEUE<> structure
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevQueueFlush = \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,10h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax dx] \
parm [fs bx];
WORD16 DevQueueWrite // Add a byte to the end of a character queue
QBASE FAR* Queue, // Pointer to QUEUE<> structure
WORD16 Data // Data byte to add to queue
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = queue full
#pragma aux DevQueueWrite = \
"mov cx,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,11h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov ds,cx" \
modify [cx] \
parm [fs bx] [ax] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevQueueRead // Remove a byte from a character queue
QBASE FAR* Queue, // Pointer to QUEUE<> structure
BYTE FAR* Data // Storage for data byte
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = queue empty
#pragma aux DevQueueRead = \
"mov cx,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,12h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov gs:[di],al" \
"mov ds,cx" \
modify [al cx] \
parm [fs bx] [gs di] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevSegLock // Lock a segment down in memory
SEL Selector, // Selector of memory to lock down
WORD16 Type, // Type (0 = short, 1 = long, 3 = long & hi,
// 4 = short & verify)
WORD16 NoWaitFlag, // 0 to wait for lock or 1 to return immediately
HLOCK FAR* Handle // Storage for segment lock handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevSegLock = \
"mov bh,cl" \
"mov dl,13h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov fs:[di][0],bx" \
"mov fs:[di][2],ax" \
parm [ax] [cx] [bx] [fs di] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevSegUnlock // Unlock a segment locked by DevSegLock
HLOCK Handle // Handle of locked segment
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevSegUnlock = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dl,14h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevPhysToVirt // Convert a physical address to a 16:16 address
PHYSICAL PhysAddr, // Physical address to convert
WORD16 Length, // Length of virtual segment
VIRTUAL FAR* VirtAddr // Storage for virtual address
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevPhysToVirt = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dx,0115h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"mov fs:[si][0],di" \
"mov fs:[si][2],es" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx es di] \
parm [bx ax] [cx] [fs si] \
value [ax];
VOID DevVirtToPhys // Convert a locked 16:16 address to physical
VIRTUAL VirtAddr, // Virtual address to convert (must be locked)
PHYSICAL FAR* PhysAddr // Storage for physical address
); // Returns: Nothing
/*#pragma aux DevVirtToPhys = \
"mov cx,ds" \
"mov ax,es" \
"mov ds,ax" \
"mov dl,16h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov fs:[di][0],bx" \
"mov fs:[di][2],ax" \
"mov ds,cx" \
modify [dx ax bx cx] \
parm [es si] [fs di]; */
#pragma aux DevVirtToPhys = \
"push ds" \
"mov dl,16h" \
"push es" \
"mov si,ds" \
"mov es,si" \
"mov ds,bx" \
"mov si,ax" \
"call far es:[Dev_Entry]" \
"pop es" \
"mov es:[di],bx" \
"mov es:[di+2],ax" \
"pop ds" \
"sub ax,ax" \
value [ax] \
parm caller nomemory [ax bx] [es di] \
modify exact [ax bx dl es si];
WORD16 DevPhysToUVirt // Convert a physical address to an LDT address
PHYSICAL PhysAddr, // Physical address to convert
WORD16 Length, // Length of virtual segment
BYTE Type, // Type (0 = code, 1 = data, 2 = free, 5 = video)
BYTE Ring, // Ring number for segment (ring 3 or 2)
VIRTUAL FAR* VirtAddr // Storage for virtual address
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
// Massage the Ring and Type parameters into a single value in dh,
// by using a Ring look-up table (bitmask) in dx.
#pragma aux DevPhysToUVirt = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dh,30h" \
"shl cl,01h" \
"shr dh,cl" \
"and dh,03h" \
"add dh,ch" \
"mov cx,di" \
"mov dl,17h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov fs:[si][0],bx" \
"mov fs:[si][2],es" \
modify [es] \
parm [bx ax] [di] [ch] [cl] [fs si] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevPhysAlloc // Allocate a block of physical memory
WORD32 Size, // Size of memory to allocate
BYTE LoFlag, // Flag: 0 = above 1 MB, 1 = below 1 MB
PHYSICAL FAR* PhysAddr // Storage for address of memory block
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevPhysAlloc = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dl,18h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"mov es:[si][0],bx" \
"mov es:[si][2],ax" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dl] \
parm [bx ax] [dh] [es si] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevPhysFree // Free a block of physical memory
PHYSICAL PhysAddr // Address of memory block to be freed
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevPhysFree = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dl,19h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
parm [bx ax] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevIRQSet // Register an interrupt handler for an IRQ
WORD16 IRQ, // IRQ Number to handle
VOID* Handler, // Handler function entry-point
BYTE SharableFlag // Sharable: 1 = sharable, 0 = exclusive
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevIRQSet = \
"mov dl,1Bh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dl] \
parm [bx] [ax] [dh] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevIRQClear // Remove a registered IRQ handler
WORD16 IRQ // IRQ Number to release
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevIRQClear = \
"mov dl,1Ch" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
parm [bx] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevTimerSet // Register a timer handler
VOID* Handler // Handler function entry-point
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevTimerSet = \
"mov dl,1Dh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevTimerClear // Remove a timer handler
VOID* Handler // Handler function entry-point
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevTimerClear = \
"mov dl,1Eh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevGetDOSVar // Get a pointer to a system variable
WORD16 Index, // ID of variable to request
VIRTUAL FAR* Pointer // Storage for address of system variable
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevGetDOSVar = \
"mov dl,24h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov es:[si][0],bx" \
"mov es:[si][2],ax" \
modify [bx] \
parm [ax] [es si] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevSendEvent // Fake a user event to the operating system
WORD16 Event, // ID of the event to fake
WORD16 Parameter // Parameter for the event
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevSendEvent = \
"mov dl,25h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
parm [ax] [bx] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevVerifyAccess // Verify that the caller has access to memory
VIRTUAL Address, // Address of memory to verify
WORD16 Length, // Length of memory to verify
BYTE Type // Type of access (0 = read, 1 = read/write)
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevVerifyAccess = \
"xchg ax,di" \
"mov dl,27h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
modify [dl] \
parm [di ax] [cx] [dh] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevSysTrace // Trace data into the RAS tracing facility
WORD16 MajorCode, // Major trace code
WORD16 MinorCode, // Minor trace code
WORD16 Length, // Length of data buffer
BYTE FAR* Data // Data buffer
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevSysTrace = \
"mov di,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,28h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov ds,di" \
modify [di] \
parm [ax] [cx] [bx] [fs si] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevAttachDD // Attach to another device driver for IDC
CHAR* DriverName, // Device driver name (from device header)
IDCDATA* IDCData // Storage for IDC data
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevAttachDD = \
"mov dl,2Ah" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
parm [bx] [di] \
value [dx];
VOID DevInternalError // Signal an internal consistency error to OS/2
CHAR FAR* Message, // Text describing error
WORD16 Length // Length of message text
); // Returns: Function does not return
#pragma aux DevInternalError= \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,2Bh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax] \
parm [fs si] [di] \
value [dx];
WORD16 DevAllocGDTSel // Allocate GDT selectors at Init time
SEL FAR* SelectorArray, // Storage for allocated GDT selectors
WORD16 Count // Number of GDT selectors to allocate
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevAllocGDTSel = \
"mov dl,2Dh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [es di] [cx] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevPhysToGDTSel // Convert a 32 bit address to a GDT selector
PHYSICAL Address, // 32 bit physical address to convert
WORD16 Length, // Length of fabricated segment
SEL Selector // Selector to refer to 32 bit address
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevPhysToGDTSel = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"mov dl,2Eh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx ax] [cx] [si] \
value [ax];
VOID DevEOI // Signal end of interrupt processing to PIC
WORD16 IRQ // IRQ number to end
); // Returns: Nothing
#pragma aux DevEOI = \
"mov dl,31h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
modify [dl] \
parm [ax];
WORD16 DevTimerModify // Modify or create periodic timer handler
VOID* Handler, // Handler function entry-point
WORD16 Period // Period between calls (number of timer ticks)
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevTimerModify = \
"mov dl,33h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [ax] [bx] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevIRQStackUsage // Register stack usage properties
STACKUSAGE FAR* StackUsage // Stack usage information
); // Returns: 0 = success, 1 = error
#pragma aux DevIRQStackUsage= \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,3Ah" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax] \
parm [fs bx] \
value [dx];
VOID DevRegisterPDD // Register driver for PDD-VDD communications
CHAR FAR* Name, // Device driver name
VOID FAR* EntryPoint // Entry point for PDD-VDD communications
); // Returns: Nothing = success, halt = error
#pragma aux DevRegisterPDD = \
"mov ax,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"mov dl,50h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov ds,ax" \
modify [ax dx] \
parm [fs si] [es di];
WORD16 DevBeep // Generate a beep
WORD16 Frequency, // Beep pitch in hz
WORD16 Duration // Beep duration
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevBeep = \
"mov dl,52h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [bx] [cx] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevFreeGDTSel // Free an allocated GDT selector at task time
SEL Selector // Selector to free
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevFreeGDTSel = \
"mov dl,53h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [dx] \
parm [ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevVirtToLin // Convert a virtual address to linear
SEL Selector, // Selector to convert
WORD32 Offset, // Offset to convert
LINEAR FAR* Linear // Storage for linear address
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevVirtToLin = \
"xchg si,dx" \
"shl esi,10h" \
"mov si,dx" \
"mov dl,5Bh" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov es:[di],eax" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [ax] [dx si] [es di] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevLinToGDTSel // Convert a linear address to virtual
SEL Selector, // Selector to refer to linear address
LINEAR Linear, // Linear address to convert
WORD32 Length // Length of memory space to convert
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevLinToGDTSel = \
"xchg bx,di" \
"shl ebx,10h" \
"mov bx,di" \
"shl ecx,10h" \
"mov cx,dx" \
"mov dl,5Ch" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [ax] [di bx] [cx dx] \
value [ax];
HCONTEXT DevCtxAllocate // Allocate a context hook
VOID FAR* Handler // Pointer to handler function
// HCONTEXT FAR* Hook // Storage for allocated context hook handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code (WORD16)
/*#pragma aux DevCtxAllocate = \
"mov cx,ds" \
"mov dx,fs" \
"mov ds,dx" \
"and eax,0000FFFFh" \
"mov ebx,0FFFFFFFFh" \
"mov dl,63h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov es:[di],eax" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
"mov ds,cx" \
modify [cx dx bx] \
parm [fs ax] [es di] \
value [ax];
/* #pragma aux DevCtxAllocate = \
"push bx" \
"movzx eax,ax" \
"mov ebx,-1" \
"mov dl,63h" \
"call far Dev_Entry" \
"pop bx" \
"jc error" \
"mov es:[bx],eax" \
"sub ax,ax" \
"error:" \
value [ax] \
parm caller nomemory [ax] [es bx] \
modify exact [ax bx dl es]; */
// Version von Alger Pike
#pragma aux DevCtxAllocate = \
"and eax,0000FFFFh" \
"mov ebx,0FFFFFFFFh" \
"mov dl,63h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov edx, eax" \
"shr edx, 10h" \
modify exact [ax bx] \
parm caller nomemory [ax] \
value [dx ax];
WORD16 DevCtxFree // Free a context hook
HCONTEXT Hook // Handle of context hook to free
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevCtxFree = \
"shl eax,10h" \
"mov ax,dx" \
"mov dl,64h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [ax dx] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevCtxArm // Arm a context hook
HCONTEXT Hook, // Handle of context hook to arm
WORD32 Parameter // Parameter to pass to context hook in EAX
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevCtxArm = \
"xchg bx,cx" \
"xchg ax,dx" \
"shl eax,10h" \
"mov ax,dx" \
"shl ebx,10h" \
"mov bx,cx" \
"mov ecx,0FFFFFFFFh" \
"mov dl,65h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [cx bx] [dx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevEventOpen // Open a shared event semaphore
WORD32 Semaphore // Shared event semaphore handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevEventOpen = \
"xchg ax,dx" \
"shl eax,10h" \
"mov ax,dx" \
"mov dl,67h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [dx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevEventClose // Close a shared event semaphore
WORD32 Semaphore // Shared event semaphore handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevEventClose = \
"xchg ax,dx" \
"shl eax,10h" \
"mov ax,dx" \
"mov dl,68h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [dx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevEventPost // Post a shared event semaphore
WORD32 Semaphore // Shared event semaphore handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevEventPost = \
"xchg ax,dx" \
"shl eax,10h" \
"mov ax,dx" \
"mov dl,69h" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [dx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevEventReset // Reset a shared event semaphore
WORD32 Semaphore // Shared event semaphore handle
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevEventReset = \
"xchg ax,dx" \
"shl eax,10h" \
"mov ax,dx" \
"mov dl,6Ah" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
parm [dx ax] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevDynamicAPI16 // Create a call gate into a 16:16 function
VOID FAR* EntryPoint, // Entry point for the created call gate
WORD16 Count, // Parameter count
BYTE GateType, // Gate type: 1 = 16 bit gate, 0 = 32 bit gate
SEL FAR* Selector // Storage for created call gate selector
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevDynamicAPI16 = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"and dh,01h" \
"or dh,02h" \
"mov dl,6Ch" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov es:[si],di" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [di dl] \
parm [bx ax] [cx] [dh] [es si] \
value [ax];
WORD16 DevDynamicAPI32 // Create a call gate into a 0:32 function
LINEAR EntryPoint, // Entry point for the created call gate
WORD16 Count, // Parameter count
BYTE GateType, // Gate type: 1 = 16 bit gate, 0 = 32 bit gate
SEL FAR* Selector // Storage for created call gate selector
); // Returns: 0 = success, other = error code
#pragma aux DevDynamicAPI32 = \
"xchg ax,bx" \
"and dh,01h" \
"mov dl,6Ch" \
"call dword ptr Dev_Entry" \
"mov es:[si],di" \
"setc dl" \
"xor dh,dh" \
"neg dx" \
"and ax,dx" \
modify [di dl] \
parm [bx ax] [cx] [dh] [es si] \
value [ax];
// Interface to the OS/2 Ring 3 APIs available at initialization
extern "C"
//File bsedos.h:
#define FILE_NORMAL 0x0000
//File bsedos.h:
#define FILE_ARCHIVED 0x0020
//File bsedos.h:
#define OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW 0x0010 /* ---- ---- 0001 ---- */
//File bsedos.h:
#define OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS 0x0001 /* ---- ---- ---- 0001 */
//File bsedos.h:
#define OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT 0x0080 /* ---- ---- 1--- ---- */
//File bseerr.h:
#define NO_ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DATA 393 /* MSG%none */
#define NO_ERROR_MOUSE_PTR_DRAWN 394 /* MSG%none */
#define NO_ERROR_BIDI_RW_INCOMPLETE 684 /* MSG%none */
//File bsedos.h:
#define FILE_BEGIN 0x0000 /* Move relative to beginning of file */
//File bsedos.h:
#define OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE 0x0040 /* ---- ---- -100 ---- */
//File bsedos.h:
#define OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE 0x0002 /* ---- ---- ---- -010 */
WORD16 DosBeep(WORD16 Frequency, WORD16 Duration);
#pragma aux (API16) DosBeep;
WORD16 DosCaseMap(WORD16 Length, VOID FAR* Country, CHAR FAR* String);
#pragma aux (API16) DosCaseMap;
WORD16 DosChgFilePtr(HFILE File, LONG Dist, WORD16 Type, WORD32 FAR* Pointer);
#pragma aux (API16) DosChgFilePtr;
WORD16 DosClose(HFILE File);
#pragma aux (API16) DosClose;
WORD16 DosDelete(CONST CHAR FAR* FileName, WORD32 Reserved);
#pragma aux (API16) DosDelete;
WORD16 DosDevConfig(BYTE FAR* Info, WORD16 Type, WORD16 Reserved);
#pragma aux (API16) DosDevConfig;
#pragma aux (API16) DosDevIOCtl;
WORD16 DosFindClose(HDIR Handle);
#pragma aux (API16) DosFindClose;
WORD16 DosFindFirst(CONST CHAR FAR* FileName, HDIR FAR* Handle, WORD16 Attrib,
VOID FAR* ResultBuf, WORD16 ResultLen,
WORD32 FAR* SearchCount, WORD32 Level);
#pragma aux (API16) DosFindFirst;
WORD16 DosFindNext(HDIR Handle, VOID FAR* ResultBuf, WORD16 ResultLen,
WORD32 FAR* SearchCount);
#pragma aux (API16) DosFindNext;
#pragma aux (API16) DosGetEnv;
WORD16 DosGetMessage(WORD32 FAR* Table, WORD16 Count,
CHAR FAR* DataBuf, WORD16 DataSize,
WORD16 Number, CONST CHAR FAR* FileName,
WORD32 FAR* Length);
#pragma aux (API16) DosGetMessage;
WORD16 DosOpen(CONST CHAR FAR* FileName, HFILE FAR* File, WORD32 FAR* Action,
WORD32 Size, WORD16 Attr, WORD16 Flag, WORD16 Mode, WORD32);
#pragma aux (API16) DosOpen;
WORD16 DosPutMessage(HFILE, WORD16 Length, CONST CHAR FAR* Message);
#pragma aux (API16) DosPutMessage;
WORD16 DosQCurDir(WORD16 Drive, CONST CHAR FAR* Path, WORD32 FAR* Length);
#pragma aux (API16) DosQCurDir;
WORD16 DosQCurDisk(WORD32 FAR* Drive, WORD32 FAR* DriveMap);
#pragma aux (API16) DosQCurDisk;
WORD16 DosQFileInfo(HFILE File, WORD16 Level, VOID FAR* Buffer, WORD16 Size);
#pragma aux (API16) DosQFileInfo;
#pragma aux (API16) DosQFileMode;
WORD16 DosRead(HFILE File, VOID FAR* Buffer, WORD16 Size, WORD16 FAR* Length);
#pragma aux (API16) DosRead;
WORD16 DosWrite(HFILE File, VOID FAR* Buffer, WORD16 Size, WORD16 FAR* Length);
#pragma aux (API16) DosWrite;
#endif // DevHelp_h