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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1. Notices ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
First Edition (October 1994)
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where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
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It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information
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Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made to your
IBM authorized reseller or IBM marketing representative.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.1. Copyright Notices ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This publication contains printed sample application
programs in source language, which illustrate OS/2 programming techniques. You
may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without
payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or
distributing application programs conforming to the OS/2 application
programming interface.
Each copy of any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, which
is distributed to others, must include a copyright notice as follows: "(C)
(your company name) (year). All rights reserved."
(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994. All rights
Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights -
Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.2. Disclaimers ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not
imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM
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functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any
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IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in
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these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director
of Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood NY 10594, U.S.A.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.3. Trademarks ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this publication, are
trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries:
Audio Visual Connection
Common User Access
Multimedia Presentation Manager/2
Presentation Manager
Workplace Shell
The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this publication, are
trademarks of other companies as follows. Other trademarks are trademarks of
their respective companies.
Helvetica Linotype Company
Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Media Vision, Inc.
Sound Blaster Creative Labs, Inc.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. Introduction ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This book provides guidelines for developing multimedia subsystems. Each
subsystem component is described in detail in individual chapters. Models are
used to complement the information provided by component sample program
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1. Related Publications ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following diagram provides an overview of the OS/2 Technical Library.
Books can be ordered by calling toll free 1-800-879-2755 weekdays between 8:30
a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (EST). In Canada, call 1-800-465-4234.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.2. Additional Multimedia Information ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Multimedia REXX - (online)
Describes REXX functions that enable media control interface string
commands to be sent from an OS/2 command file to control multimedia
devices. This online book is provided with OS/2 multimedia.
Guide to Multimedia User Interface Design - (41G2922)
Describes design concepts to be considered when designing a CUA
multimedia interface that is consistent within a particular
multimedia product and across other products.
OS/2 Multimedia Device Driver Developers: The Device Driver Source Kit for
OS/2 contains documented source code and detailed information on how to build
a virtual device driver (VDD) and audio physical device driver (PDD) for OS/2
The kit covers the complete range of OS/2 physical and virtual device drivers,
from printers, displays, SCSIs and CD-ROM drives, to the device drivers for
Pen for OS/2 and OS/2 multimedia. Comprehensive descriptions of all the device
driver interfaces and system services are included.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.3. Using This Online Book ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Before you begin to use this online book, it would be helpful to understand how
you can:
o Expand the Contents to see all available topics
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o Use action bar choices.
How To Use the Contents
When the Contents window first appears, some topics have a plus (+) sign
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How To Obtain Additional Information
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the highlighted word, and then press the Enter key. Additional information
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How To Use Action Bar Choices
Several choices are available for managing information presented in the
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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3. Multimedia Subsystems Overview ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
OS/2* multimedia (referred to as Multimedia Presentation Manager/2* or MMPM/2
in previous releases) has an extendable architecture that makes it possible to
add new functions, devices, and multimedia data formats as the technology of
multimedia advances. This chapter provides a general overview of the subsystem
components provided with the OS/2 multimedia system. Subsequent chapters
include detailed guidelines on how to develop and install your own OS/2
multimedia subsystem through the use of the sample programs illustrated in the
following figure. Each sample program serves as a template that can be modified
easily to meet your multimedia requirements. Use these sample programs to
develop and install media control drivers, stream handlers, and I/O procedures
for OS/2 multimedia.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.1. OS/2 Multimedia System Architecture ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following figure illustrates the subsystem components provided by the OS/2
multimedia system. These subsystems (media control drivers, stream handlers,
and I/O procedures) are controlled by managers that oversee a range of
activities in the OS/2 multimedia environment.
At the Ring 3 level, OS/2 multimedia employs a Media Device Manager (MDM),
which manages logical media devices representing audio adapters, CD-ROM drives,
and other hardware devices. Amongst its duties, MDM determines which process
gains access when two or more applications attempt to control a media device.
The Sync/Stream Manager (SSM) is also available to manage streaming and
synchronization calls initiated by the media control drivers. This eliminates
the need for each media driver to provide its own solution for these common
multimedia requirements. Pairs of stream handlers implement the transport of
data from a source to a target device while the SSM provides coordination and
central management of data buffers and synchronization data.
Lastly, the MMIO Manager enables subsystem components such as media control
drivers and applications to access and manipulate a variety of data objects,
including images, graphics, digital audio, and digital video. These objects
can be stored in a variety of file formats on a variety of storage systems.
The MMIO Manager uses installable I/O procedures to direct the input and output
associated with reading from and writing to different types of storage systems
or file formats.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.2. Extendable Device Support ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The system architecture of OS/2 multimedia extensions is designed to be
extendable. This level of modularity allows independent development of support
for new hardware devices, logical media devices, and file formats.
Examples of media control interface devices are listed in the following table.
The purpose of the table is to show the logical device types that can be
supported and already have media control interface definitions. Devices
currently supported by OS/2 multimedia are indicated by (X) marks.
ΓöéMedia Device ΓöéOS/2 ΓöéString ΓöéConstant Γöé
ΓöéType ΓöéMultimediaΓöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéAmplifier ΓöéX Γöéampmix ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_AUDIO_AMPMIX Γöé
Γöémixer Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéAudio tape Γöé Γöéaudiotape ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_AUDIO_TAPE Γöé
Γöéplayer Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéCD audio ΓöéX Γöécdaudio ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_CD_AUDIO Γöé
Γöéplayer Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéCD-XA player ΓöéX Γöécdxa ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_CDXA Γöé
ΓöéDigital audio Γöé Γöédat ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_DAT Γöé
Γöétape Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéDigital video ΓöéX Γöédigitalvideo ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_DIGITAL_VIDEO Γöé
Γöéplayer Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéHeadphone Γöé Γöéheadphone ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_HEADPHONE Γöé
ΓöéMicrophone Γöé Γöémicrophone ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_MICROPHONE Γöé
ΓöéMonitor Γöé Γöémonitor ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_MONITOR Γöé
ΓöéOther Γöé Γöéother ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_OTHER Γöé
ΓöéVideo overlay Γöé Γöévideooverlay ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_OVERLAY Γöé
ΓöéSequencer ΓöéX Γöésequencer ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_SEQUENCER Γöé
ΓöéSpeaker Γöé Γöéspeaker ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_SPEAKER Γöé
ΓöéVideodisc ΓöéX Γöévideodisc ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_VIDEODISC Γöé
Γöéplayer Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéVideo Γöé Γöévideotape ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_VIDEOTAPE Γöé
Γöétape/cassette Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéWaveform audioΓöéX Γöéwaveaudio ΓöéMCI_DEVTYPE_WAVEFORM_AUDIO Γöé
Γöéplayer Γöé Γöé Γöé Γöé
Note: M-Control Program Version 2.01, which supports the M-Motion Video
Adapter/A, provides overlay extensions for OS/2 multimedia.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.3. Media Control Drivers ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The media control interface provides the primary mechanism for application
control of media devices. The top layer consists of the Media Device Manager
(MDM), which provides resource management for media devices. The bottom layer
consists of media control drivers (MCDs) - dynamic link libraries that
implement the function of a media device.
Applications interact with the media control interface (and thus with media
devices) in two ways, through either a procedural interface (mciSendCommand) or
a string interface (mciSendString). However, before an MCD can interpret a
string command, the MDM must use a command table to change the string into an
equivalent procedural command.
MCDs do not directly control hardware devices. Instead, they pass commands
through a subsystem or physical device driver interface. This arrangement
frees MCDs from having to be knowledgeable about the hardware in order to
implement its function. However, MCDs have to be knowledgeable about the means
of implementing that function. For example, a CD-Audio player that is
implemented using a CD-ROM drive with a built-in Digital-to-Analog Converter
(DAC) can perform its function by simply issuing device IOCtl commands to the
drive's device driver. However, a CD-Audio player that uses a separate Digital
Signal Processor (DSP) for playback of the digital audio data is implemented
quite differently, calling functions to manage a DSP coprocessor and data
transfer between the drive and the coprocessor.
MCDs can also use the services of the other OS/2 multimedia subsystems such as
the Stream Programming Interface (SPI). This subsystem provides data streaming
services that allow stream-handlers to control the flow of data from one device
to another in real time, maintaining a continuous flow of data between physical
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.4. I/O Procedures ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Multimedia input/output (MMIO) services provides both I/O and CODEC procedures.
I/O procedures are message-based handlers, which direct the input and output
associated with reading and writing to different types of storage systems or
file formats. Applications and the MMIO subsystem communicate to I/O
procedures (DLL files) through the use of MMIO messages. When MMIO receives a
request from an application through a function call, the MMIO Manager sends a
predefined message for that operation to the I/O procedure responsible for that
particular file format or storage system. In turn, the I/O procedure performs
operations based on the messages it receives from the MMIO Manager or an
These messages are designed for efficient communications to all I/O procedures.
The I/O procedures, however, must be able to process the messages or pass them
on to a child I/O procedure. For example, if an I/O procedure receives a
message requesting the compression of data object, the I/O procedure must be
able to process the message, or pass the message to a CODEC procedure. The
following figure illustrates the interaction of I/O and CODEC procedures in the
MMIO subsystem.
The MMIO Manager calls the following types of procedures:
File Format
A file format procedure is an I/O procedure that manipulates data at
the element level, with each procedure handling a different element
type such as audio, image, or MIDI. It processes the data "within"
the object and does not rely on any other file format I/O procedures
to process the data. However, a file format procedure might need to
call a storage system I/O procedure to obtain data within a file
containing multiple elements.
Storage System
A storage system procedure is an I/O procedure that "unwraps" a data
object for a file format procedure to access. Storage system
procedures are unaware of the format of the data object contained
within the wrapper.
A CODEC procedure operates on data within a file or buffer. Based
on the data content, an I/O procedure can load a CODEC procedure to
either compress or decompress data.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.5. Stream Handlers ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The multimedia system provides stream handlers at both the system kernel level
(Ring 0) and the application level (Ring 3). Stream handlers are at Ring 0 and
Ring 3 because some streams are ideally controlled by a direct connection
between the stream handler and a device's physical device driver (PDD). Other
streams are not associated with a data source or target, which maps physically
to a specific device. For example, the file system stream handler is a DLL,
because all file system input/output (I/O) functions are available as Ring 3
OS/2 functions, and service all file system devices. This eliminates the need
to build a specific stream handler device driver for every device the file
system can access.
Stream handlers are responsible for controlling the flow of application data,
in a continuous, real-time manner. Each handler can establish multiple data
stream instances, where each stream involves data of a specific type; for
example, MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) or ADPCM (Adaptive Delta
Pulse Code Modulation). The application, through the use of a media control
driver, invokes an SPI function to create the stream and another SPI function
to activate the data stream. The application does not have to continuously
invoke SPI functions to maintain data flow. Instead, the stream handler keeps
the I/O continuous, simplifying the operations of the application.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. Media Control Drivers ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section shows you how to write a media control driver (MCD) by
illustrating the programming interfaces used by streaming and nonstreaming
MCDs. The following discussion focuses on the MCDs depicted in the Duet Player
sample programs (see the OS/2 Multimedia Application Programming Guide for
details.) The waveform audio MCD uses SPI data streaming services to handle the
creation and management of source and target stream handlers. However, the CD
audio MCD typically has no data flow associated with it as most CD audio
devices process data internally (internal to the device without any help from
the main CPU).
Source code is provided for the following media control driver samples located
in the \TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM subdirectory:
Media Control Driver Template (MCDTEMP)
Provides a basic template to write an MCD. Refer to the ADMCT and
CDMCIDRV subdirectories for specific streaming or MMIO samples.
Waveform Audio Media Control Driver (ADMCT)
Provides an example of how to control a streaming device. Streaming
devices use the services of the Sync/Stream Manager (SSM) of OS/2
multimedia to control the data stream from a source location to a
target location. For example, the audio adapter used in Duet Player
I is a streaming device which plays back waveform audio files stored
on the user's hard disk. The PM application sends a request to the
Media Device Manager (MDM) to play the file. In turn, the MDM calls
the waveform audio MCD, which uses stream handlers to buffer data
from the waveform file on disk (source) to the audio adapter
CD Media Control Driver (CDMCIDRV)
Provides an example of how to control a nonstreaming device.
Nonstreaming devices stream data within the device. A device that
streams data internally does not need to use buffered I/O because
the source and destination of the data is within the device.
Therefore, a nonstreaming device does not require the use of the SSM
subsystem of OS/2 multimedia. For example, the CD-ROM device used
in Duet Player II is a nonstreaming device. When the CD audio MCD
receives a PLAY, PAUSE, or STOP command from the program, it issues
the appropriate IOCtls to the CD-ROM device to perform the function.
The hardware does all the work, relaying the digital information off
the disc, translating it into an audio signal, and piping it to a
port such as a headphone jack.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1. Media Control Driver Architecture ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The objects that receive the device control commands issued by multimedia
applications using mciSendCommand or mciSendString are called media control
drivers. Media control drivers are OS/2 dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that
provide a level of hardware independence for applications. The Media Device
Manager (MDM) provides the interface to these media objects. The MDM also
provides a level of component management, making it possible for an application
to synchronize its use of MCDs as well as share MCDs with other applications.
The following figure illustrates the MCDs provided with the OS/2 multimedia
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2. Media Control Driver Entry Point ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
All MCDs have commands passed to them in the same way, regardless of whether
they support streaming or nonstreaming devices. Applications call either the
mciSendCommand or mciSendString functions to pass commands to the entry point,
mciDriverEntry. In addition, some commands are generated by the MDM itself.
These are the commands for saving and restoring an instance.
The following table shows the parameters associated with mciDriverEntry.
ΓöéParameters ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéPVOID pInstance ΓöéPointer to instance structure of Γöé
Γöé Γöédriver. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usMessage ΓöéThe requested action to be Γöé
Γöé Γöéperformed. Γöé
ΓöéULONG ulParam1 ΓöéFlag for the message. This flag isΓöé
Γöé Γöédefined separately for each Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage. Γöé
ΓöéPVOID pParam2 ΓöéSecond data parameter, whose Γöé
Γöé Γöéinterpretation is dependent on the Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usUserParm ΓöéUser parameter returned on Γöé
Γöé Γöénotification message. Γöé
The function of mciDriverEntry is to switch, based on the message, and perform
the appropriate task. An example of a message is MCI_OPEN.
Your driver must be able to handle messages in the following fashion:
1. Your driver must handle all the required messages.
2. Your driver must handle device-type messages for its particular class of
For example, if you are writing an MCD for a videodisc player, you must
parse the videodisc-specific messages.
3. Your driver must handle messages that are specific to the device your
driver supports. Suppose your driver controls a device that is one of the
following device types:
CD Audio
Wave Audio
Digital Video
Amp Mixer
MDM has already defined device-type messages for these devices, which
means a command table exists for each of these device types. If you want
to support device-specific messages, you must create a device-specific
command table.
If your driver is for a device type other than the device types listed, you
must create a command table that includes both the device-type messages and
the device-specific messages.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3. Types of Command Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Media Device Interface is a set of defined and extendable media control
commands. How the MCD communicates with the appropriate hardware device
drivers to perform the requested command message is completely up to the MCD.
Device commands used by MCDs are grouped into required, basic, and system
command messages.
Note: Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for syntax and
associated parameters.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.1. Required Command Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Required commands are recognized by all devices and have actions common to all
media devices. The following table lists the required commands that must be
supported by your MCD.
ΓöéMessage ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéMCI_CLOSE ΓöéCloses the device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_GETDEVCAPS ΓöéGets the capabilities of a device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_INFO ΓöéGets textual information from the Γöé
Γöé Γöédevice. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_OPEN ΓöéInitializes an instance of the device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_STATUS ΓöéGets status information from the device.Γöé
ΓöéMCIDRV_SAVE ΓöéIs sent from MDM to MCDs to save the Γöé
Γöé Γöécontext. Γöé
ΓöéMCIDRV_RESTORE ΓöéIs sent from MDM to MCDs to restore the Γöé
Γöé Γöéstate of an inactive device context. Γöé
The required command messages use a ULONG for the ulParam1 parameter that
contains any flags for the command message. They also use the pParam2
parameter for a pointer to a message-specific data structure. Your MCD might
create extended commands by adding new flags and data structure fields to those
already defined. When you extend a command message, your MCD must still
support the required flags and fields.
The following table identifies the flags and data structures of the required
command messages. For a complete reference of media control interface
commands, refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference.
ΓöéMessage ΓöéParameters (ulParam1) ΓöéData Structure (pParam2) Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_TRACK Γöé Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.2. Opening an MCD ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
MCI_OPEN is the first message received by the MCD. This message instructs the
driver to create and initialize an instance of a particular device. The MCD
must allocate and initialize the instance structure. Note that the MCI_OPEN
message does not make the instances active.
Because the MDM needs to pass additional information to the drivers, the open
structure for MCDs is different from the MCI_OPEN_PARMS structure. In
addition, the MCDs need to return information to the MDM. If the application
requests a NOTIFY on the MCI_OPEN message, the MCD sends back the open NOTIFY
on the MCIDRV_RESTORE message. This is transparent to the application. The MCD
does not receive any of the following flags on an MCI_OPEN:
On the MCI_OPEN message, pParam2 points to the MMDRV_OPEN_PARM structure
located in the MMDRVOS2.H file. This structure contains information for the
ΓöéField ΓöéIn/Out ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéHWND hwndCallback ΓöéIn ΓöéWindow handle used for mciDriverNotify. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usDeviceID ΓöéIn ΓöéDevice ID assigned to this instance. ThisΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéfield is filled in by MDM. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usDeviceType ΓöéIn ΓöéDevice type number for this instance. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usDeviceOrd ΓöéIn ΓöéDevice ordinal number for this instance. Γöé
ΓöéPVOID pInstance ΓöéInOut ΓöéPointer to instance structure initialized Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéby driver. The driver fills in this Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéparameter. Γöé
ΓöéCHAR szDevDLLName[260]ΓöéIn ΓöéCharacter string containing Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöédevice-specific DLL name to call for the Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéopen. Γöé
ΓöéPSZ pszElementName ΓöéIn ΓöéTypically a file name. If OPEN_PLAYLIST Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéis specified, this is a pointer to a Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöémemory playlist. If OPEN_MMIO is Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéspecified, this is a MMIO handle. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usDevParmLen ΓöéIn ΓöéDevice parameters data block length. Γöé
ΓöéPVOID pDevParm ΓöéIn ΓöéDevice parameters data block. This data isΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéunique to each type of device and is Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéretrieved from the MMPM2.INI file. (for Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéexample, LVD "PORT=COM1 SPEED=9600N71"). Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT ΓöéInOut ΓöéNumber of resource units this instance Γöé
ΓöéusResourceUnitsRequired Γöé Γöérequires. See Resource Units and Classes. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usResourceClass ΓöéInOut ΓöéResource class this instance belongs to. Γöé
Γöé Γöé ΓöéSee Resource Units and Classes. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT ΓöéInOut ΓöéResource priority for this instance. Γöé
ΓöéusResourcePriority Γöé Γöé Γöé
ΓöéULONG ulParam2 ΓöéIn ΓöéPointer to MCI_OPEN structure. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.3. Subsystem Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
MDM provides resource management to MCDs using the following messages:
MCIDRV_RESTORE and MCIDRV_SAVE allow the MDM to tell the MCD when to make a
device context active and inactive. These commands are always sent with the
MCI_WAIT flag on. Not all MCDs need to support these messages completely, but
they are provided. The MCIDRV_SAVE and MCIDRV_RESTORE messages are not sent by
After sending an MCI_OPEN message, the MDM sends an MCIDRV_RESTORE message to
the MCD to make the device context active. The MCD should not expect to always
receive an MCIDRV_RESTORE message right after an MCI_OPEN. Certain conditions
require a device context to be opened but not made active. One such condition
is if a device context is opened as non-shareable, and then a second device
context is opened as shareable. The second device context is opened and put in
the inactive stack by the MDM. Therefore, MCDs should not make a device
context active on an open, but only on an MCIDRV_RESTORE.
MDM sends an MCIDRV_SAVE message to the MCD to make an instance inactive. When
the MCD receives the save message, it should query the state of the device
(its file location, track, volume level, and so on) and save this data in the
instance structure. The instance should also be placed in a paused state. Upon
receiving the restore command, the driver should restore the device based on
the state information in the instance. If the device was playing or recording
when it was saved, then it should be put back into that state on the restore.
The following commands can be sent to inactive instances:
MCDs should be able to handle these commands at any time for any device
context. Once the first RESTORE is complete, other commands can be processed.
Note: For detailed descriptions of MCIDRV_RESTORE and MCIDRV_SAVE, refer to
"Subsystem Messages" in the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.4. Wait and Notify Flags ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
MCI_WAIT specifies that the application should not send a notification message.
It also specifies that the driver should not return to the caller until the
entire command has been completed.
MCI_NOTIFY specifies that upon completion of the command a notify message is to
be sent to the application using the mdmDriverNotify function. If the notify
flag is specified, the MCD should perform error checking and minimal processing
on the command before returning to the caller. Error checking should ensure
that the command can begin the main processing.
If neither MCI_WAIT or MCI_NOTIFY is specified, the processing is the same as
if MCI_NOTIFY were specified, except that notification is not provided when the
command completes.
Error and parameter checking should minimize the possibility that an error
occurs after control is returned to the calling thread, requiring a notify
error message to be sent to the calling application. The list of error
conditions that are checked before returning to the caller will vary from
driver to driver.
The main processing of the command should be done using a separate thread or a
mechanism that allows control to be returned to the calling thread. If the MCD
is using the SSM subsystem, the event procedure should be used for handling
notify commands.
If an error is returned on an mciDriverEntry call, the error should not be sent
using mdmDriverNotify. After an error is returned on mciDriverEntry, the MCD
has finished processing that command.
On notify commands, it is the responsibility of the MCD to ensure that the data
structure associated with the command message is copied into driver memory
before returning to the caller. If this is not done, the driver might find that
the memory was changed before it could process the command. For example, the
hwndCallback, ulFrom, and ulTo fields on the MCI_PLAY message should be copied
when the MCI_NOTIFY flag is specified.
Media control messages that can require a lot of time to complete are MCI_PLAY,
MCI_RECORD, MCI_SEEK, and MCI_STEP. These commands are action commands.
non-action commands and do not require much processing time. The non-action
commands need not be processed on a separate thread if the notify flag is
specified. For these commands, the call to mdmDriverNotify should be made at
the completion of the command.
If the MCD is using the Stream Programming Interface (SPI) functions to perform
data streaming, the SPI events should be used instead of separate threads. SPI
requires an event routine to handle SPI events such as End-of-Stream, an error,
and so on. SPI will call this event routine on one of its threads. Therefore,
the mdmDriverNotify call could be made as part of the event routine.
An MM_MCINOTIFY message can have the notification codes shown in the following
table associated with it.
ΓöéNotification Code ΓöéCondition That Caused the Notification Γöé
ΓöéMCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL ΓöéThe command completed successfully with no Γöé
Γöé Γöéerrors. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_NOTIFY_SUPERSEDED ΓöéA second command of the same type is receivedΓöé
Γöé Γöéwith the notify flag set. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_NOTIFY_ABORTED ΓöéA second command is received that prevents Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe first command from completing Γöé
Γöé Γöésuccessfully. If the driver finds an error Γöé
Γöé Γöéearly in the parameter-checking or command Γöé
Γöé Γöéprocessing that requires an error to be Γöé
Γöé Γöéreturned to the caller, no notification is Γöé
Γöé Γöésent back to the application. Γöé
If the notification code field of MM_MCINOTIFY contains a value other than
those shown in the previous table, the value is the error code for a specific
OS/2 multimedia error condition. Only one MM_MCINOTIFY message per command
should be sent.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.5. Basic Command Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Basic commands are commands all device types should understand but can modify
the parameters. For example, when issuing a PLAY command to a Videodisc
Player, it might be desirable to indicate the speed of playback in frames per
second. However, a device such as a CD Player might not have the capability to
play back at different speeds.
The list of basic commands is shown in the following table. If a device does
not use a device-type command, it can return MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION. If a
device supports the command, but not all of the options, it can return the
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG for options that are not applicable.
ΓöéMessage ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéMCI_CONNECTOR ΓöéEnables, disables, counts the number of,Γöé
Γöé Γöéor queries the status of connectors. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_LOAD ΓöéLoads a new device element (file name) Γöé
Γöé Γöéinto an open device context. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_MASTERAUDIO ΓöéSets the system master audio setting forΓöé
Γöé Γöéall audio devices in the system. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_MASTERAUDIO is also used as a systemΓöé
Γöé Γöécommand to query the current audio Γöé
Γöé Γöésettings when the driver is first Γöé
Γöé Γöéopened. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_PAUSE ΓöéSuspends device playback. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_PLAY ΓöéStarts playing the device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_RECORD ΓöéStarts recording data. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_RESUME ΓöéResumes playing or recording from a Γöé
Γöé Γöépaused state. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SAVE ΓöéSaves data for the device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SEEK ΓöéMoves to the specified position and Γöé
Γöé Γöéstops. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SET ΓöéSets the operating state of the device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SETCUEPOINT ΓöéSets a cuepoint. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SETPOSITIONADVISE ΓöéSets a position change notification for Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_STATUS ΓöéObtains information about the status of Γöé
Γöé Γöéa media device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_STOP ΓöéStops the device. Γöé
The basic command messages use the ulParam1 parameter for the flags applicable
to the command message. They also use the pParam2 parameter for a pointer to a
message-specific data structure. Your MCD might add flags and parameters to
create extended commands. When you extend a command message, your MCD must
still respond to the basic flags and parameters.
The following table identifies the flags and data structures of the basic
command messages. For a complete reference of media control interface
commands, refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference.
ΓöéMessage ΓöéParameters (ulParam1) ΓöéData Structure (pParam2) Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_ON Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_OFF Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_FROM Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_TO Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_FROM Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_TO Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_TO Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_TO_END Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_OVER Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_SET_ON Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_SET_OFF Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_TRACK Γöé Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_WAIT Γöé Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.6. System Command Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
System commands are interpreted directly by the Media Device Manager (MDM), and
are not passed to the MCDs. The following table lists the system commands that
are supported by MDM.
ΓöéCommand ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéMCI_ACQUIREDEVICE ΓöéAcquires use of the physical Γöé
Γöé Γöéresources for the device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_CONNECTION ΓöéReturns information about the Γöé
Γöé Γöédevice context connections. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_CONNECTORINFO ΓöéReturns information about the Γöé
Γöé Γöéconnectors on a device. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_DEFAULTCONNECTION ΓöéMakes, breaks, or queries a defaultΓöé
Γöé Γöéconnection. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_GROUP ΓöéProvides control over multiple Γöé
Γöé Γöédevices with a single command. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_MASTERAUDIO ΓöéQueries the current audio settings Γöé
Γöé Γöéwhen the driver is first opened. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThis command is also used as a Γöé
Γöé Γöébasic command to later adjust the Γöé
Γöé Γöémaster audio. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SYSINFO ΓöéObtains information about devices Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstalled in the system. Γöé
ΓöéMCI_RELEASEDEVICE ΓöéReleases exclusive use of the Γöé
Γöé Γöéphysical resources for the devices.Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.7. Command Processing ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
All MCDs have commands passed to them in the same way, regardless of whether
they support streaming or nonstreaming devices. Applications call either the
mciSendCommand or mciSendString functions to pass commands to the MCD entry
point, mciDriverEntry. In addition, some commands are generated by the MDM
itself. These are the commands for saving and restoring an instance and
synchronization messages - messages periodically generated by the master device
for routing to the slave devices in the group.
Although streaming and nonstreaming devices have commands passed to them in the
same way, they process the commands they receive from the MDM differently.
These differences are described in the sections that follow and are summarized
in the following table.
ΓöéWhen the MDM sends: ΓöéThe waveform audio ΓöéThe CD audio MCD: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCD: Γöé Γöé
ΓöéMCI_SET messages ΓöéRoutes the messages ΓöéUses IOCtls to Γöé
Γöéthat set audio Γöéto the amp mixer. Γöéprocess the Γöé
Γöéattributes Γöé Γöémessages. Γöé
ΓöéMessages that ΓöéRoutes the messages ΓöéUses IOCtls to Γöé
Γöécontrol playback Γöéto the SSM. Γöéprocess the Γöé
Γöé(for example, SEEK, Γöé Γöémessages. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.8. Error Return Codes ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
For MCDs to look consistent to applications, error codes should be consistent
across MCDs. Following are some guidelines for using common error codes.
ΓöéUse this error message: ΓöéWhen this error condition Γöé
Γöé Γöéoccurs: Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_OUTOFRANGE ΓöéThe value given is out of Γöé
Γöé Γöérange. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND ΓöéUnknown usMessage value. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_INVALID_FLAG ΓöéUnknown ulParam1 value. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_INVALID_ITEM_FLAG ΓöéUnknown flag in ulItem field. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_INVALID_TIME_FORMAT_FLAG ΓöéUnknown flag in ulTimeFormat Γöé
Γöé Γöéfield. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_SPEED_FORMAT_FLAG ΓöéUnknown flag in ulSpeedFormat Γöé
Γöé Γöéfield. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER ΓöéInvalid or NULL pParam2 field.Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_INVALID_BUFFER ΓöéInvalid address to output Γöé
Γöé Γöébuffer in pParam2. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_MISSING_FLAG ΓöéMissing flags in ulParam1 whenΓöé
Γöé Γöéone or more flags are Γöé
Γöé Γöérequired. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG ΓöéFlag in ulParam1 is valid for Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe message, but driver cannotΓöé
Γöé Γöéperform the task. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ΓöéFunction in usMessage is Γöé
Γöé Γöéunderstood by the device but Γöé
Γöé Γöéis not supported by the Γöé
Γöé Γöédriver. Γöé
ΓöéMCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE ΓöéMore than one mutually Γöé
Γöé Γöéexclusive flag is set. Γöé
The following error conditions are always handled by MDM:
o An invalid callback handle is specified for a message with the MCI_NOTIFY
flag set.
o MCI_WAIT and MCI_NOTIFY flags are used together.
o A command is sent to an inactive instance.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.9. Return Values and Return Types ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
MCDs should attempt to use the MCIERR return codes wherever possible. These
return codes are provided in the C header file MEERROR.H. Error codes from SPI,
MMIO or the operating system should be mapped into MCIERR return codes when it
makes sense. If the driver has unique return codes for certain conditions, it
can use error numbers MCIERR_CUSTOM_DRIVER_BASE through MEBASE-1. If custom
driver return codes are used, a custom driver error table should be created.
MCDs should use the following return types in the high-order word of the return
code when the media message has a return field.
Return Type Meaning
MCI_INTEGER_RETURNED Convert the given binary
integer to its unsigned ASCII
string representation.
MCI_COLONIZED2_RETURN Convert the binary integer to
the following form:
MCI_COLONIZED3_RETURN Convert the binary integer to
the following form:
MCI_COLONIZED4_RETURN Convert the binary integer to
the following form:
to the string representation.
MCI_ON_OFF_RETURN Convert the ON/OFF value to
the string representation.
MCI_DEVICENAME_RETURN Convert the device type
integer to its device name
MCI_TIME_FORMAT_RETURN Convert the time format
integer to its appropriate
MCI_SPEED_FORMAT_RETURN Convert the speed format
integer to its appropriate
MCI_MEDIA_TYPE_RETURN Convert the disc type integer
for a videodisc to "CLV,"
MCI_TRACK_TYPE_RETURN Convert the track type integer
to "AUDIO," "DATA," "OTHER".
MCI_CONNECTOR_TYPE_RETURN Convert the connector type
integer to its appropriate
destination type integer to
its appropriate string.
MCI_PREROLL_TYPE_RETURN Convert the preroll type
integer to its appropriate
MCI_FORMAT_TAG_RETURN Convert the format tag type
integer to its appropriate
MCI_SIGNED_INTEGER_RETURN Convert the given binary
integer to its signed ASCII
string representation.
The return types described in the previous list allow the string parser to
convert binary return values into strings. This conversion takes place only
when the application calls mciSendString and only if no error occurs on the
call. For example: "capability cdaudio has video" returns FALSE in the return
string field of mciSendString. The media driver for the CD audio MCD puts a
zero in the ulReturn field of the MCI_GETDEVCAPS_PARMS structure and
MCI_TRUE_FALSE_RETURN in the high-order word of the return code.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.4. Adding New Command Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Following are four steps a media driver author needs to follow to add support
for a device-specific message to a driver:
1. Define the new or modified media control message your driver plans to
support. (See Defining New Messages.)
2. Define the new data structure and flags for this message. (See Defining
New Data Structures and Flags.)
3. Create a custom command table that MDM can use to parse the command
string in mciSendString, so it can create the appropriate data structure
to pass to your driver. (See Parsing a Command List).
4. Support the new message in your MCD's entry point (mciDriverEntry).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.4.1. Defining New Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Suppose you want to define a new reset command for an MCD supporting a
videodisc player. You can call this command by sending a reset program_number
string. The command sets all player parameters to their default settings or
one of several predefined states indicated by the program_number.
You would add the following message to the list of messages you must support in
MCI_USER_MESSAGES is the first integer you can use for custom messages. Since
the resource compiler does not accept mathematical expressions in the RCDATA
resource type, you must indicate the specific value you want to use.
Now that you have defined the message ID, you must define the data structure
and the command table, and create the code to handle this message in
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.4.2. Defining New Data Structures and Flags ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Most new messages require additional parameters to specify their exact
function. The media control interface messages use pParam2 as a pointer to a
data structure, and use ulParam1 as a bit-field for the flags associated with
the message. A flag will exist for each field in the data structure that
accepts data from the calling application. The application uses the flag to
set the bit-field of ulParam1 to indicate a value is assigned to a particular
field. Flags also specify options without parameters. Thus these flags do not
correspond to a field in the data structure.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Defining a New Data Structure ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The fields of the data structure for a media control interface message are
always the size of ULONGs. The number of fields in the structure depends on
the particular message. The first field must be reserved for a handle to a
window function used with the MCI_NOTIFY flag. The next fields in the data
structure depend on the type of data returned for the message.
o If no data is returned, no return fields are reserved in the data
structure. Any data fields for passing information to the MCD
immediately follow the hwndCallback field. For example, the
MCI_SAVE_PARMS structure shown in the following figure does not have a
return field.
typedef struct _MCI_SAVE_PARMS {
HWND hwndCallback; /* PM window handle for MCI notify message */
PSZ pszFileName; /* File name to save data to */
o If integer data is returned, the second field of the data structure is
reserved for the return data. Any data fields for passing information to
the MCD start in the third field. For example, the MCI_GETDEVCAPS_PARMS
structure shown in the following example uses ulReturn as the integer
return field.
typedef struct _MCI_GETDEVCAPS_PARMS {
HWND hwndCallback; /* PM window handle for MCI notify message */
ULONG ulReturn; /* Return field */
ULONG ulItem; /* Item field for GETDEVCAPS item to query */
USHORT usMessage; /* Field to hold MCI message to query */
USHORT usReserved0; /* Reserved field */
o If string data is returned, the second and third fields of the data
structure are reserved for the return data. The second ULONG is assigned
to a field reserved for a pointer to the null-terminated return string.
The third ULONG is assigned to a field reserved for the size of return
buffer. The application is responsible for creating the buffer for
return string. Any data fields for passing information to the MCD start
in the fourth field. For example, the MCI_INFO_PARMS structure shown in
the following example uses pszReturn and ulRetSize for the return fields.
typedef struct _MCI_INFO_PARMS {
HWND hwndCallback; /* PM window handle for MCI notify message */
PSZ pszReturn; /* Pointer to return buffer */
ULONG ulRetSize; /* Return buffer size */
o If RECTL data is returned, the second through fifth fields of the data
structure are reserved for the return data. The first ULONG position is
reserved for the left values of the RECTL data. The second ULONG
position is reserved for the bottom values of the RECTL data. Any data
fields for passing information to the device driver start in the sixth
ULONG position. Rather than specifying two ULONGs for the RECTL data,
most data structure definitions use one RECTL data field to obtain an
equivalent data structure. For example, the MCI_VID_RECT_PARMS structure
shown in the following example uses rc for the return field.
typedef struct _MCI_VID_RECT_PARMS {
HWND hwndCallback; /* PM window handle for MCI notify message */
RECTL rc; /* rectangle array specifying the offset */
/* and size of a rectangle */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Assigning Flag Values ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
In addition to indicating the fields used in a data structure, flags can
indicate an option that does not use any parameters. For example, the MCI_WAIT
flag does not use any parameters.
When you add new flags, you must make sure that they do not conflict with the
flags already in use. Bits 0 through 15 of the 32-bit ULONG are reserved for
MDM. Bit 16 (0x00010000) is the first fit that a driver can use for its flags.
If your command message is a new command message, you must choose bit positions
that do not conflict with the flags already defined for that command. Any
unused bits in the new flag must be set to zero. For example, if a new command
for videodisc players uses flags 16 through 20, a custom extension to the new
command could use flags 21 through 31.
To continue the example for adding a RESET command to a videodisc driver, the
code sample shown in the following example defines a data structure, a
corresponding pointer for it, and the flag corresponding to the program field
of the data structure.
typedef struct {
HWND hwndCallback;
ULONG ulProgram;
#define MCI_VD_RESET_PROGRAM 0x00010000L
When the application sets the MCI_VD_RESET_PROGRAM flag in ulParam1, it
indicates that a value is assigned in the ulProgram field.
Now that you have created the message command, data structure, and flags, you
need to create the command table that tells MDM how to translate the equivalent
string command into the message command format. See Parsing a Command List.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.5. Command Tables ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Command tables - are structures that allow the MDM string parser to interpret
command strings for MCDs. This provides string command interface support for
your MCD. Represented as resources to the driver, command tables are created
using the RCDATA type of resource. The resource number of the RCDATA block is
the device type number.
The following figure illustrates how the Media Device Manager (MDM) uses
commands tables. A program or mciRxInit command uses the mciSendString
function to pass a string command to the MDM. In turn, MDM calls its string
parser to interpret the string command and change it into the equivalent
procedural command. MDM scans the command tables from the most specific to the
least specific. It first scans any custom device-specific tables (if present
in the MCD). Next, MDM looks for the string in the device-type table and
finally the system default table.
MDM provides device-type tables to support OS/2 multimedia logical devices as
shown in the above figure. These built-in tables will meet your MCD
requirements unless you have to add or modify commands. If your MCD has new
requirements (such as a new flag or a different data structure for a command),
you must create a custom table to define commands specific to your device.
A custom table allows you to create your own versions of basic media control
interface commands by adding new or changed command entries. For example, the
device-type table for digital video supports the SEEK flags shown in the
following example.
"to start", MCI_TO_START, MCI_FLAG,
"to end", MCI_TO_END, MCI_FLAG,
You, however, want your MCD to seek to the nearest position. To accomplish
this, you can create a custom table in your MCD to parse commands for the
digital video player (as shown in the following example. Note that the custom
table must include all parameters associated with the changed command (not just
new and changed parameters).
"to start", MCI_TO_START, MCI_FLAG,
"to nearest", MCI_TO_NEAREST, MCI_FLAG,
"to end", MCI_TO_END, MCI_FLAG,
When writing an MCD, the DLL file names (which include the command table
resources) must be referenced in the MMPM2.INI file. MDM updates the INI file
with MCD command table information you provide when installing your MCD. See
Installing a Media Control Driver for details.
The following shows an example of how command table entries appear in the
MMPM2.INI file. The MCDTABLE entry includes the MDM.DLL file, which includes
the device-type command tables and the default system table. The VSDTABLE
entry indicates that a custom command table resource is located in the SVMC.DLL
MDM scans the command tables from the most specific to the least specific. In
the example below MDM first searches the custom table resources in the SVMC.DLL
file. MDM next searches the internal digitalvideo device-type table
(SMVCMD.RC) and then the system default table (MDMCMD.RC) located in the
MDM.DLL file.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.5.1. Command Table Syntax ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A command table consists of command lists. Each command list in the table
defines the parsing of a particular command. For example, the following example
shows the command lists for MCI_OPEN and MCI_INFO, which are part of the system
default table contained in the MDMCMD.RC file.
"type", 0L, MCI_STRING,
Command lists have a sequence of lines that are organized into three columns:
o Column 1 contains the command and its flags in command string format.
o Column 2 contains the command and its flags in command message format.
o Column 3 contains the Line_types for each line in the command list.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Line Types ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The MDM string parser uses the Line_type to determine how to interpret each
line. A command list begins with the MCI_COMMAND_HEAD Line_type and ends with
the MCI_END_COMMAND Line_type.
This Line_type indicates that the command provides return
information. If used, MCI_RETURN must be the second entry in the
command list.
o Column 1 contains "".
o Column 2 contains the type of return: integer or string.
o Column 3 contains MCI_RETURN.
A command returning an integer requires a ULONG for that return
value. A command returning a string requires two ULONGs: the first
ULONG is for a pointer to the return buffer, and the second ULONG is
for the return buffer size.
The parser sends back return information in the pszReturnString and
usReturnLength parameters of the mciSendString function. The above
example shows how both types of returns are used.
The MCI_OPEN returns a ULONG value, and MCI_INFO returns data that
is filled into the buffer pointed to by the pointer in the second
ULONG of the command structure. (Remember that the first ULONG is
always hwndCallback.)
This Line_type is used to convert return values into strings by the
string parser.
The flag_define field for the return line is compared against the
high-order word of the return code. If a match is found, then the
parser tries to find a match for the flag_define field and the
return value. If a match is found for the return value, then the
keyword string is returned to the application in the pszReturnString
field of the mciSendString call.
This Line_type is used to convert keywords to flag values for
ulParam1. When more than one MCI_FLAG Line_type is encountered
during the parsing of a command string, the ulParam1 parameter is
ORed with the flag_define field of the Keyword_list.
This Line_type is used for string values for a message. The string
following the MCI_STRING keyword is copied into the command
structure. MDM allocates memory to hold the string and put the
address into the command structure.
This Line_type is used for integer values for a message. The integer
following the MCI_INTEGER keyword is copied into the command
structure. The integer value is converted from a string
representation to a ULONG.
This Line_type and the MCI_END_CONSTANT Line_type allow a set of
possible keywords to represent a flag or integer. In the following
example, any one of the time format values can be used as the value
for the time format constant.
"time format milliseconds", MCI_FORMAT_MILLISECONDS, MCI_INTEGER,
"time format mmtime", MCI_FORMAT_MMTIME, MCI_INTEGER,
The value on the MCI_CONSTANT line_type is ORed with the ulParam1
field. The values on the MCI_INTEGER line_types within this
constant block are copied into the command structure. The constant
block represents just one ULONG in the command structure.
This Line_type and the MCI_DEFAULT_INTEGER Line_type provide the
means for an unknown value to be used as a string or integer. For
example the LOAD command (shown in the following example) uses a
default string for the filename string.
"new", 0L, MCI_FLAG,
This Line_type specifies that RECTL data modifies the media control
interface flag represented by the command list entry. The second
column of this entry contains the flag to set. The data structure
for the message command must reserve a ULONG to hold the integer
This Line_type allows you to combine different line types within the
same construct. The following shows an example of an MCI_OR entry
used in the MCI_STATUS command list in the MDMCMD.RC file. Notice
that the %d symbol can be used in a command list as an indicator to
print the decimal value.
"", 0L, MCI_OR,
"channel", 0L, MCI_CONSTANT,
"%d", 0L, MCI_INTEGER,
"", 0L, MCI_END_OR,
Pointer to an array of pointers to strings in the list. For example,
the following example code uses MCI_STRING_LIST to point to an array
of pointers to device identifiers.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.5.2. Parsing a Command List ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A command table consists of command lists, which define to the MDM parser how
to parse certain commands. For example, illustrates a command list for
"to start", MCI_TO_START, MCI_FLAG,
"to end", MCI_TO_END, MCI_FLAG,
The SEEK command list tells the parser how to create the associated data
structure for the pParam2 parameter of mciSendCommand to point to, when it
finds "seek" in the pszCommand parameter of mciSendString.
Notice that each line is broken into a null-terminated string and two ULONGs.
The ULONG following "seek" is composed of two parts; MCI_SEEK and 0. The
command message (in this case, MCI_SEEK) is a USHORT, and therefore we need
another USHORT as a filler. The MCI_COMMAND_HEAD Line_type tells MDM that the
first ULONG (actually, the first USHORT) contains the usMessage parameter for
If the line type of a line is MCI_FLAG, then the first ULONG for that line is
ORed together with all the other ULONGs for MCI_FLAG lines, to form the
ulParam1 parameter.
The string parser makes two passes through the command list. The first pass is
to determine the size of the structure to allocate for the command. The second
pass parses the command string, fills in the command structure, and creates a
ulParam1 flag.
Each command is composed of a number of ULONGs. All commands have a minimum of
one ULONG for the hwndCallback field. The parser provides this ULONG
automatically. The remaining size of the command structure is based on the
Line_types used for the command.
If the line type of a line is MCI_INTEGER, then the text following string S,
where S is the null-terminated string in the command line, in pszCommand is an
integer and should be put in the corresponding ULONG in the structure of ULONGs
that pParam2 points to.
If the line type is MCI_STRING, then the text following string S in pszCommand
is a string, and a pointer to this string will be put in the corresponding
ULONG in the structure of ULONGs that pParam2 points to.
Finally, if the line type is MCI_RETURN, then the first ULONG of that line
specifies the value that is to be returned through the data structure pointed
to by pParam2.
The pParam2 data structure is laid out based on the command list. The first
ULONG is always hwndCallback. The next one or two ULONGs represent MCI_RETURN:
o If MCI_RETURN is specified, and MCI_INTEGER is the first ULONG of that
line, then the second ULONG of pParam2 is ulReturn.
o If MCI_RETURN is specified and MCI_STRING is the first ULONG of that
line, then the second ULONG of pParam2 is ulReturn, and the third ULONG
is ulRetSize. The ulRetSize specifies the length of the string.
The other fields of pParam2 are filled in based on the MCI_INTEGER and
MCI_STRING appearing in the second ULONG of the command lines. In addition,
MCI_CONSTANT and MCI_END_CONSTANT form a range of possible values for one of
the fields in the structure. This block represents a single ULONG in the
structure. These fields are filled in, in the order they appear in the command
list. For example, suppose the string parser parses the MCI_STATUS command
list shown in the following example code.
"notify\0", MCI_NOTIFY, MCI_FLAG,
"wait\0", MCI_WAIT, MCI_FLAG,
The string parser produces the pParam2 parameter shown in the following
HWND hwndCallback;
ULONG ulReturn;
ULONG ulItem;
ULONG ulTrack;
Notice that the MCI_CONSTANT block is defined in order to fill in the ulItem
field of the status structure. If the keyword field on the MCI_CONSTANT line
is "\0" or NULL, then the parser is looking for any keyword defined in the
block, and the first ULONG of the matching keyword is put in the ulItem field.
If the keyword on the MCI_CONSTANT line is not "\0" then the parser looks for
that keyword and ORs the first ULONG of the MCI_CONSTANT line with ulParam1.
The parser continues to look for a keyword match in the constant block. For
"setcuepoint", MCI_SET_CUEPOINT, 0, MCI_INTEGER,
"setpositionadvise", MCI_SET_POSITION_ADVISE, 0, MCI_INTEGER,
"setsyncoffset", MCI_SET_SYNC_OFFSET, 0, MCI_INTEGER,
The pParam2 parameter would look like:
ULONG hwndCallback;
ULONG ulReturn;
ULONG ulltem;
ULONG ulMessage;
Notice the second constant block with the keyword "message". The parser would
be looking for something like "message open". This constant block would OR
the MCI_GETDEVCAPS_MESSAGE with the ulParam1 parameter and put the value
MCI_OPEN in the ulMessage field.
The multimedia string parser also supports one default INTEGER and STRING
value. The constants MCI_DEFAULT_INTEGER and MCI_DEFAULT_STRING are used by
the string parser to locate unknown keywords. For example, if a command
needed a file name as its only parameter, then the following line could be
used in the command table.
This item takes up a ULONG in the structure, just as in MCI_STRING.
Support for device-specific command tables is provided by the multimedia
installation application. When a device is installed, one of the parameters to
the install process is the command table (resource DLL). The required and
device-type command tables are provided by the system.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.5.3. Error Tables ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
In addition to custom command tables, MCDs can have custom error tables. Error
tables are represented as resources to the driver. They are created using the
RCDATA type of resource. By default, custom driver error tables are associated
with the MCDTABLE and VSDTABLE DLLs specified in the MMPM2.INI file. The
resource number is the device type number + MMERROR_TABLE_BASE. For example,
the following example shows an RCDATA value of 506. This consists of:
o A value of 500 from MMERROR_TABLE_BASE located in the MCIDRV.H file
o A value of 6 from the device type you are supporting (for example,
MCI_DEVTYPE_OTHER located in the MCIOS2.H file).
As an alternate, you can add a #define statement in your header file to define
the RCDATA value. For example:
MDM attempts to use these tables whenever mciGetErrorString is called with an
error generated by that driver. If the custom error table resource does not
exist, then MDM uses its default error table. The error table is a resource.
Error tables are composed of a set of ULONG strings with a special
end-of-table identifier as shown in the following example.
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Invalid Device Name given"
MCIERR_SUCCESS, "MMPM Command completed successfully"
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Invalid device ID given"
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Hardware error"
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "System out of memory"
Note: If a device does not use a basic command, the MCD can return
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION. If a device supports the command, but not
all of the options, it can return MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.6. Device States ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Media devices that transport data are considered to be in one of the following
nine states at any given time:
o Playing
o Recording
o Seeking
o Stopped
o Paused during a playback operation
o Paused during a recording operation
o Cued for a playback operation
o Cued for a recording operation
o Closed.
When a device is opened, the device context is assumed to be in the stopped
state. The closed state can be viewed as both the initial state and the
termination state. Or this state can be thought of as not a state at all,
because a device context does not exist before it is opened, and ceases to
exist when it is closed.
The following figure lists the allowable device states in the first column of
the table and indicates the changes in state that occur when the command
messages shown at the top of the table are issued. This table assumes all
error conditions keep the device in its current state. For example, a waveform
player that is opened without an element remains in the stopped state when a
play is issued, and the MCD receives an error code.
Note that a device is in the seek state only during the SEEK operation. Upon
completion of the seek, the device enters the stop state. The following figure
is provided as a guide to application developers and MCD writers. There can
be no guarantee that every media device will conform to this table, but every
effort should be made to hide the complexity of the device from the
E Error condition.
- Not applicable.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.7. Controlling a Streaming Device: Waveform Audio MCD ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To play back a waveform file stored on a user's hard disk, the Duet Player I
sample program sends command messages to the Media Device Manager (MDM) by
means of the mciSendCommand function. The application is shielded from having
to know specific information about the hardware. In other words, the
application does not need to know which audio adapter is being used to play
back the waveform file. The MDM sends the commands to a generic mciDriverEntry
interface for audio devices, located in the AUDIOMCD DLL. The
device-independent AUDIOMCD and its device-specific counterpart AUDIOIF are two
of the modules that comprise the waveform audio MCD as shown in the following
figure. Also depicted are the MMIO and SSM interfaces used by the MCD.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.7.1. The Waveform Audio to Amp-Mixer Connection ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Because its primary purpose is to play and record waveform data, the waveform
audio MCD routes an MCI_SET application request to set audio attributes. The
waveform audio MCD can route requests to the amp mixer because a default
logical connection exists from the waveform audio MCD to the ampmixer MCD.
A default connection is the name of a connected device, while a device-context
connection is the actual handle to a particular instance of an opened device.
The waveaudio device has a default connection to an ampmixer device. When the
waveaudio device is opened, it automatically opens the ampmix device creating
an instance of each device. Since devices may be shared in OS/2 multimedia,
the waveaudio device can be opened again by another application and two new
instances are created. While the default connection is the same in both cases,
the device context connections are different.
The code fragment in the following example illustrates how the waveaudio device
gets a default connection and opens an associated amp mixer. The waveform
audio MCD uses the device handle of the amp mixer to route any requests to
change the volume.
An application can retrieve the amp mixer handle by issuing the MCI_CONNECTION
message. This is necessary if the application needs to use any advanced audio
shaping functions such as treble, bass, balance, and so on.
ulpInstance->usWaveDeviceID = pDrvOpenParams->usDeviceID;
* Ensure that the INI file contains the right device id
if ( pDrvOpenParams->usDeviceType != MCI_DEVTYPE_WAVEFORM_AUDIO )
return ( MCIERR_INI_FILE );
usConnLength = sizeof(DEFAULTCONNECTIONS2);
ulrc = mciQueryDefaultConnections ( ulDeviceTypeID,
* Ensure that the INI file says that we are connected
* to an amp mixer. If it says that we are connected
* to ourselves, return an error.
return ( MCIERR_INI_FILE );
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.7.2. MMIO Operations ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The waveform audio MCD uses MMIO functions to:
o Open the waveform data file
o Initialize the audio device with information obtained from the file's
o Support multiple file formats
o Support networking functions
o Support editing functions.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Initializing the Audio Device ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To initialize the audio device, the waveform audio MCD needs information about
the data element to be played. The driver makes a call to mmioGetHeader, which
returns information contained in the header of the waveform element (for
example, whether the data was recorded in stereo or mono, what its sampling
rate and bits-per-sample are, and so on.). AUDIOMCD parses this information
and puts it into the instance structure. Next, the instance structure is
passed to AUDIOIF, which uses the information to initialize the device by means
of the IOCtl interface.
* A streaming MCD should utilize MMIO to perform all
* file manipulations. If we use MMIO, then the MCD
* will be free from file dependencies (that is, if a RIFF
* IOProc or a VOC IOProc is loaded will be irrelevant.
ulrc = mmioGetHeader ( ulpInstance->hmmio,
(PVOID) &ulpInstance->mmAudioHeader ,
sizeof( ulpInstance->mmAudioHeader ),
(PLONG) &BytesRead,
if ( ulrc == MMIO_SUCCESS )
* Copy the data from the call into the instance
* so that we can set the amp/mixer up with the
* values that the file specifies.
AMPMIX.sMode = WAVEHDR.usFormatTag;
AMPMIX.sChannels = WAVEHDR.usChannels;
AMPMIX.lSRate = WAVEHDR.ulSamplesPerSec;
AMPMIX.lBitsPerSRate = WAVEHDR.usBitsPerSample;
ulpInstance->ulDataSize = XWAVHDR.ulAudioLengthInBytes;
AMPMIX.ulBlockAlignment = ( ULONG )WAVEHDR.usBlockAlign;
ulpInstance->ulAverageBytesPerSec = WAVEHDR.usChannels *
WAVEHDR.ulSamplesPerSec * ( WAVEHDR.usBitsPerSample / 8 );
} /* SuccesFul GetHeader */
ulrc = mmioGetLastError( ulpInstance->hmmio );
return (ulrc);
} /* GetAudioHeader */
The handle hmmio that is passed to mmioGetHeader was returned by the call to
mmioOpen to open the data element. The buffer pointed to by mmAudioHeader is
filled in by the MMIO Manager on return from mmioGetHeader. It is an
MMAUDIODATA structure. When the MMAUDIODATA structure is returned by
mmioGetHeader, it contains all the information the waveform audio MCD needs to
initialize the audio device. The information includes:
o The type of waveform data in the file (usFormatTag)
o Whether the file was recorded in mono or stereo (usChannels)
o The sample rate and size set when the file was recorded (usSamplesPerSec
and usBitsPerSample)
o The length of the audio data (ulAudioLengthInBytes).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Supporting Multiple File Formats ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following example shows how the waveform audio MCD searches audio I/O
procedures by defining MMIO_MEDIATYPE_AUDIO in the ulMedType field of the
MMCTOCENTRY data structure. To search and identify other types of IOProcs, you
can include one of the following media type flags:
Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for further information.
mmioinfo.aulInfo[ 3 ] = MMIO_MEDIATYPE_AUDIO;
/* Open the file */
pInstance->hmmio = mmioOpen ( pFileName,
/* Check for errors--see comments from above */
if (pInstance->hmmio == (ULONG) NULL)
if ( mmioinfo.ulErrorRet == MMIOERR_MEDIA_NOT_FOUND )
return ( mmioinfo.ulErrorRet );
pInstance->ulCapabilities = 0;
* Since the wave IOProc opened the file, we know
* that it has the following capabilities.
pInstance->ulCapabilities = ( CAN_INSERT | CAN_DELETE | CAN_UNDOREDO +
* Get The Header Information
if ( !(ulFlags & MMIO_CREATE) )
ulrc = GetAudioHeader (pInstance);
} /* Not Create Flag */
pInstance->ulDataSize = 0;
pInstance->fFileExists = TRUE;
* You cannot do the set header immediately after file creation
* because future sets on samples, bitpersample, channels may follow
return (ulrc);
} /* OpenFile */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Networking Functions ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Some OS/2 networks have specific IOProcs that can manage network traffic. The
MMPM2.INI file contains information that describes the streaming quality when
files are played or recorded over the network. The following example shows how
to retrieve Quality of Service (QOS) values from the INI file.
If you are writing a streaming MCD, it is advantageous to use the
MMIOM_BEGINSTREAM and MMIOM_ENDSTREAM messages to improve performance across a
LAN. The following example uses the MMIOM_BEGINSTREAM message to inform the
IOProcs that we want to stream across the network.
/* ---------------------------------------------
* The MMPM2.INI file contains two variables that
* a streaming MCD should retrieve. The first one
* QOS_VALUE (Quality of Service) contains settings
* which describe the quality of service that the
* network the user is streaming from will try to
* support (for example, GUARANTEED or DONTCARE).
* If this quality of service is not available, then another
* variable (QOSERRORFLAG) describes whether or not
* to notify the caller.
ulrc = mciQuerySysValue( MSV_SYSQOSVALUE, &ulpInstance->lQosValue );
if ( !ulrc )
ulpInstance->lQosValue = DONTRESERVE;
ulrc = mciQuerySysValue( MSV_SYSQOSERRORFLAG, &ulpInstance->lQOSReporting );
if ( !ulrc )
ulpInstance->lQOSReporting = ERROR_DEFAULT;
The following example illustrates the EndQualityofService subroutine. Some
OS/2 networks have specific IOProcs which can manage network traffic. This
example uses the MMIOM_BEGINSTREAM and MMIOM_ENDSTREAM messages to inform these
IOProcs that the waveaudio MCD wants to stream across the network.
ULONG EndQualityofService ( INSTANCE *pInstance )
LONG rc;
rc = mmioSendMessage( pInstance->hmmio,
0 );
return ( rc );
} /* EndQualityofService */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Using MMIO Editing Functions ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section shows the MMIO editing functions used by an MCD to implement media
control interface editing functions. The MMIO functions and their media control
interface equivalents are shown in the following table:
ΓöéMMIO Functions ΓöéMCI Equivalents Γöé
The following example shows how to use MMIO functions to paste data into a
* Remove the information in the file if
* from/to are specified.
if ( ulParam1 & MCI_FROM || ulParam1 & MCI_TO )
lReturnCode = mmioSendMessage( pInstance->hmmio,
ulPasteLen );
if ( lReturnCode != MMIO_SUCCESS )
ulrc = mmioGetLastError( pInstance->hmmio );
PasteNotify( &FuncBlock, ulParam1, ulrc );
return ( ulrc );
if ( !( ulParam1 & MCI_TO_BUFFER ) )
* Let the IOProc know that the information is
* about to be inserted into the file
lReturnCode = mmioSendMessage( pInstance->hmmio,
0 );
if ( lReturnCode != MMIO_SUCCESS )
ulrc = mmioGetLastError( pInstance->hmmio );
PasteNotify( &FuncBlock, ulParam1, ulrc );
return ( ulrc );
* Write the information that we received from
* the clipboard
lReturnCode = mmioWrite( pInstance->hmmio,
( PSZ ) pBuffer,
ulBuffLen );
if ( lReturnCode == MMIO_ERROR )
ulrc = mmioGetLastError( pInstance->hmmio );
PasteNotify( &FuncBlock, ulParam1, ulrc );
return ( ulrc );
* We have finished inserting the information
* the paste is complete
lReturnCode = mmioSendMessage( pInstance->hmmio,
0 );
if ( lReturnCode != MMIO_SUCCESS )
ulrc = mmioGetLastError( pInstance->hmmio );
PasteNotify( &FuncBlock, ulParam1, ulrc );
return ( ulrc );
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.7.3. Sync/Stream Operations ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The waveform audio MCD uses SPI functions to communicate with the Sync/Stream
Manager (SSM) to prepare for data streaming, and to stream the data from the
source location (the buffer) to the target location (the adapter).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Preparing to Stream the Waveform Data ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When the waveform audio MCD receives a request to open a device, it issues
SpiGetHandler and passes the names of the source and target stream handlers to
the Sync/Stream Manager (SSM), so that it knows which stream handlers are going
to stream the data. Data streaming cannot begin until the SSM has this
* Get 'A' stream Handler Handles for Source & target operations
* The file system stream handler is the default 'A' handler
* but the memory stream handler will be used for playlists.
return ( ulrc );
* Get 'B' stream Handler Handles for Source & target operations
* The audio stream handler is considered the B stream handler
* since it will usually be the target.
return ( ulrc );
After the waveform audio MCD gets its handler IDs, it must fill in the SPCBKEY
data structure to tell the SSM what kind of data it is going to stream.
SPCBKEY consists of three fields; the data type and two subdata types. For
example, it might tell the SSM, "I'm going to stream PCM data at 8 bits, 22
Next, the waveform audio MCD must fill in the device control block (DCB) to
tell the SSM which device is being streamed to (as shown in the following
example. The DCB contains two essential items of information:
o ASCII string device name
o Device handle
The ASCII string device name is obtained from the INI file and passed down by
MDM. The device handle is the system file number returned by the IOCtl when
the open to the device was done from AUDIOIF.
SysInfo.usDeviceType = LOUSHORT(ulDeviceType);
SysInfo.pSysInfoParm = &QueryNameParm;
itoa (HIUSHORT(ulDeviceType), szIndex, 10);
szIndex[1] = '\0';
strncat (szAmpMix, szIndex, 2);
strcpy (QueryNameParm.szLogicalName, szAmpMix);
if (rc = mciSendCommand (0,
(PVOID) &SysInfo,
return (rc);
* Get PDD associated with our AmpMixer
* Device name is in pSysInfoParm->szPDDName
SysInfo.usDeviceType = (USHORT) ulDeviceType;
SysInfo.pSysInfoParm = &SysInfoParm;
strcpy (SysInfoParm.szInstallName, QueryNameParm.szInstallName);
if (rc = mciSendCommand (0,
(PVOID) &SysInfo,
return (rc);
strcpy (szPDDName, SysInfoParm.szPDDName);
return ( MCIERR_SUCCESS );
} /* GetPDDName */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Creating the Stream ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
After handler IDs are obtained and the SPCBKEY and DCB information is filled
in, the MCD makes the call to SpiCreateStream. At this point the two handlers
are initiated to create their stream, buffers are allocated, and the stage is
set for streaming.
The following example code illustrates how to create the stream. The caller
supplies the source and target stream handlers and the audio device control
block should have been filled in previously (see MCIOPEN.C). The caller also
supplies the EventProc(edure) where all of the stream events will be reported.
ulrc = SpiCreateStream ( hidSrc,
(PDCB) &pInstance->StreamInfo.AudioDCB,
(PDCB) &pInstance->StreamInfo.AudioDCB,
(PIMPL_EVCB) &pInstance->StreamInfo.Evcb,
(PEVFN) EventProc,
When the MCD creates a stream, it must register a callback handle with SSM.
The callback handle is an entry point or function within the MCD code that
processes events coming back from SSM during the streaming process. The
callback handle is a powerful mechanism because it frees the driver to do other
work during the streaming process. When an event occurs, SSM detects it and
reports it to the callback address.
The waveform audio MCD sample includes the following event routines:
o RecordEventRoutine (ADMCRECD.C) as shown in the following example.
o PlayEventRoutine (ADMCPLAY.C) as shown in the next example.
RC APIENTRY RecordEventRoutine ( MEVCB *pevcb)
MTIME_EVCB *pMTimeEVCB; // Modified EVCB
INSTANCE *ulpInstance; // Instance Ptr
* EventProc receives asynchronous SSM event notifications
* When the event is received, the event semaphore is posted
* which will wake up the MCD thread(s) blocked on this
* semaphore.
* The semaphore is not posted for time events like
* cuepoint (TIME) and media position changes since they do
* not alter the state of the stream.
switch (pevcb->evcb.ulType)
/* Retrieve our instance from the EVCB */
ulpInstance = (INSTANCE *)pevcb->ulpInstance;
switch (pevcb->evcb.ulSubType)
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_ERROR;
* Check for playlist specific error first
* End of PlayList event is received
* as an implicit error event. It
* is treated as a normal EOS
if (ulpInstance->usPlayLstStrm == TRUE)
if (pevcb->evcb.ulStatus == ERROR_END_OF_PLAYLIST)
ulpInstance->StreamInfo.Evcb.evcb.ulStatus =
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
* Event Stream Stopped. Release the
* Blocked thread
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_STREAM_STOPPED;
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
* This event is received in response to a
* preroll start. A Preroll start is done
* on an MCI_CUE message.
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_SYNC_PREROLLED;
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
The MEVCB structure in the RecordEventRoutine is a modified IMPL_EVCB which
SSM uses to report events (see the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference).
You can add additional fields to extend the EVCB structure. For example,
MEVCB shown in the following example adds an instance pointer containing local
instance data. When the Sync/Stream Manager calls the waveform audio MCD, it
allows the MCD to have access to the local instance data, which is tied to
that event.
The PlayEventRoutine shown in the following example is presumed to receive all
types of event notifications from SSM. The types include implicit events and
cue point notifications in terms of both time and data. In response to cue
point notifications a MCI_CUEPOINT message is returned to MDM by way of
RC APIENTRY PlayEventRoutine ( MEVCB *pevcb)
MTIME_EVCB *pMTimeEVCB; /* Modified Time EVCB*/
INSTANCE * ulpInstance; /* Current Instance*/
HWND hWnd; /* Callback Handle */
BOOL fPlayListDone = FALSE;
* EventProc receives asynchronous SSM event notifications
* When the event is received, the event semaphore is posted
* which will wake up the MCD thread(s) blocked on this
* semaphore.
* The semaphore is not posted for time events like
* cuepoint (TIME) and media position changes since they do
* not alter the state of the stream.
switch (pevcb->evcb.ulType)
/* Retrieve our instance from the EVCB */
ulpInstance = (INSTANCE *)pevcb->ulpInstance;
/* Retrieve the callback handle to post messages on */
hWnd = ulpInstance->hwndCallBack;
switch (pevcb->evcb.ulSubType)
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_EOS;
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
/* Self explanatory--someone stopped the stream */
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_STREAM_STOPPED;
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
* This event is received in response to a
* preroll start. A Preroll start is done
* on an MCI_CUE message.
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_SYNC_PREROLLED;
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
* We can receive this event if a playlist
* parser hits the MESSAGE COMMAND.
* NOTE: The MCD should return this message
* with the callback handle specified on the
* open. This could be the source of much
* grief if you return on the wrong handle.
mdmDriverNotify ( ulpInstance->usWaveDeviceID,
(USHORT) MAKEULONG(pevcb->evcb.ulStatus,
(ULONG) pevcb->evcb.unused1);
* We can receive this event if a playlist
* parser hits the CUEPOINT COMMAND opcode
* in the playlist. This differs from a "normal"
* cuepoint because it is detected by the source,
* rather than the target stream handler.
mdmDriverNotify ( ulpInstance->usWaveDeviceID,
(USHORT) MAKEULONG(pevcb->evcb.ulStatus,
(ULONG) pevcb->evcb.unused1);
} /* SubType case of Implicit Events */
* This event will arrive if we played to a certain
* position in the stream. Let the play thread know
* that we have reached the desired point.
pMTimeEVCB = (MTIME_EVCB *)pevcb;
ulpInstance = (INSTANCE *)pMTimeEVCB->ulpInstance;
ulpInstance->StreamEvent = EVENT_CUE_TIME_PAUSE;
DosPostEventSem (ulpInstance->hEventSem);
} /* All Events case */
} /* PlayEventProc */
Events reported by SSM can be normal occurrences, such as an end-of-stream
because playback is complete, or the events can be abnormal occurrences, such
as an error returned during the streaming process. The driver needs to know
about these events.
SSM reports two types of events: implicit and explicit. Implicit events are
always reported. When one occurs, the driver must receive the notification of
its occurrence from SSM, however, it does not have to take any action.
An explicit event is reported to the driver only when the driver requests to
be notified of the event's occurrence. For example, the driver requests
cuepoint notifications.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Event Processing ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Before the stream is created, you can enable event notification for implicit
and explicit events using the SpiEnableEvent function. The following example
specifies the EVENT_CUE_TIME_PAUSE flag, which will cause the stream to be
paused when the cuepoint is reached. When the stream reaches the event during
a play or record, the audio stream handler signals the MCD. Note that the
stream is only paused (not stopped).
RC CreateToEvent (INSTANCE *ulpInstance, ULONG ulTo)
/* rename this function CreateToEvent */
ULONG ulrc;
* Set up a cue time pause event at the place in
* the stream where the caller wants us to play/record
* to. Note: this event will pause the stream and
* will be considerably more accurate than just
* setting a cue point, receiving the event and stopping
* the stream (since a normal cue point will force
* bleed over).
= ulpInstance->hwndCallBack;
= ulpInstance->usWaveDeviceID;
= ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hStream;
= (ULONG) ulpInstance;
ulpInstance->StreamInfo.TimeEvcb.evcb.mmtimeStream = ulTo;
/* Enable the cue time pause event. */
ulrc = SpiEnableEvent((PEVCB) &ulpInstance->StreamInfo.TimeEvcb.evcb,
(PHEVENT) &ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hPlayToEvent);
return ( ulrc );
} /* CreateToEvent */
If you enable event notification for a particular event, it is equally
important to remove the event handle for the event so it is not used by
subsequent commands. When any given event is reported, it must be removed
explicitly using the SpiDisableEvent function. Once an event is removed from
the system, the event no longer is detected or reported to the application or
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Associating a Stream ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
After a stream is created, and before it is possible to start the stream, it is
necessary to make sure that a data resource (or stream object) is identified
for use with the stream. The following example shows an example of a stream
being associated with an MMIO file handle. The file system stream handler
(FSSH) will always be the stream handler that we want to associate the data
object with, therefore, if we have created a playback stream then FSSH is the
source, so associate with the source. On a record stream, FSSH is the target,
so associate with the target.
if (Operation == PLAY_STREAM)
ulrc = SpiAssociate ( (HSTREAM)*hStream,
(PVOID) &pInstance->StreamInfo.acbmmio);
} /* Associating play stream */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Reassociating the Stream on MCI_LOAD ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Typically, a stream is destroyed, recreated, and then associated with a new
file. However, you can bypass these steps and reassociate a new file with an
existing stream as long as the file is of the same data type as the stream was
created to handle. For example, in the case of waveaudio, if you had a 16-bit
11KB WAVE stream, the file you want to associate with the stream must be of the
same data type and sub type.
Note that only one data object may be associated with a stream once the stream
is created, and it is specific to a particular stream handler (source or
target). Associations may be changed, but the stream cannot be active; it must
be stopped first (discard stop, flush stop, or EOS).
* Reassociate The Stream Handlers with the new
* stream object if the stream has been created
* in the correct direction already.
if (ulpInstance->ulCreateFlag == PREROLL_STATE)
* Fill in Associate Control Block Info for
* file system stream handler (FSSH). FSSH will
* use the mmio handle we are associating to
* stream information.
ulpInstance->StreamInfo.acbmmio.ulObjType = ACBTYPE_MMIO;
ulpInstance->StreamInfo.acbmmio.ulACBLen = sizeof (ACB_MMIO);
ulpInstance->StreamInfo.acbmmio.hmmio = ulpInstance->hmmio;
* Associate FileSystem as source if Playing. Note
* the association is always done with the file
* system stream handler since it is involved with
* mmio operations. If you try this with the
* audio stream handler, you will get invalid
* handle back.
if (AMPMIX.ulOperation == OPERATION_PLAY)
ulrc = SpiAssociate ( ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hStream,
(PVOID) &ulpInstance->StreamInfo.acbmmio );
* Associate FileSystem as target if recording
ulrc = SpiAssociate ( ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hStream,
(PVOID) &ulpInstance->StreamInfo.acbmmio );
} /* else we are in record mode */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Prerolling the Stream - Performance Considerations ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Prerolling a stream allows the source stream handlers to start and fill the
buffers. An application can then start the streams for better real-time
response and initial synchronization of streams. This is accomplished by the
SpiStartStream function with the SPI_START_PREROLL flag.
However, if a stream is already paused (STOP_PAUSED), the stream is already
cued so there is no need to call SpiStartStream to refill the buffers. The
following example illustrates how to check to see if a stream is in a paused
* If the stream is paused, there is no
* sense in cueing it since the buffers
* are full anyway
** If the stream is going the right way
** then we have the ability to avoid the cue
** since the buffers have been filled up before
** we did the pause
if ( AMPMIX.ulOperation == OPERATION_RECORD &&
fCueInput )
ulpInstance->ulCreateFlag = PREROLL_STATE;
return ( MCIERR_SUCCESS );
* If the current stream is cued for playback and
* we have a cue_output request, our work is done
else if ( AMPMIX.ulOperation == OPERATION_PLAY &&
fCueOutput )
ulpInstance->ulCreateFlag = PREROLL_STATE;
return ( MCIERR_SUCCESS );
} /* If the stream may be in cue state */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.7.4. Waveform Audio MCD Modules ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following figure illustrates the outline of the waveform audio media
control driver (AUDIOMCT.DLL).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Waveform Audio Media Control Driver DLL (AUDIOMCT.DLL) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Following describes the files and messages that are processed in in the
File Description
ADMCOPEN.C Processes the MCI_OPEN message. On an MCI_OPEN, a streaming
MCD should perform the following actions:
1. Check flags and validate pointers.
2. Get default values from the INI files (if necessary).
3. Process MCI_OPEN_PLAYLIST (if supported).
4. Process MCI_OPEN_MMIO (if supported).
5. Process MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT (if supported).
6. Connect to the amp/mixer.
7. Get the stream protocol key (if necessary).
LOADSUBS.C Provides various utility functions used by MCI_OPEN and
MCI_LOAD including:
1. Creating temporary filenames (CheckForValidElement)
2. Aborting in process commands (LoadAbortNotify)
3. Processing the OPEN_MMIO flag (OpenHandle)
4. Rational as to when to open the card in record or playback mode (OpenHandle) (ProcessElement).
5. Processing temp files (ProcessElement).
6. Opening a file with MMIO (ProcessElement).
7. Processing the MCI_READ_ONLY flag (ProcessElement).
8. Creating a temporary file ( SetupTempFiles).
9. Using mmioSendMessage API to talk to an IOProc (SetupTempFiles).
10.Retrieving a connection and opening the connected device.
11.Stream Handler Setup (StreamSetup)
12.Processing MCI_NOTIFY or MCI_WAIT and callback handles (NotifyWaitSet up).
AUDIOMCD.C Processes the MCIDRV_RESTORE message. A streaming MCD will
receive a restore message when it regains control of the
device they are attached to (for example, someone quit
another application causing us to gain use of the device).
On a restore, the MCD should check to see if it is in a
paused state. If so, resume the stream.
Processes the MCIDRV_SAVE message. A streaming MCD will
receive a save message when it loses control of the device it
is attached to (for example, someone started another
application which takes over the waveaudio device). On a
save, the MCD should check to see if the MCD is currently
streaming (either record or playback). If so, pause the
stream, and set a flag stating that the MCD was saved.
ADMCLOAD.C Processes the MCI_LOAD message. This file illustrates the
following concepts:
1. How to check flags on a load.
2. How to stop any commands which are in process.
3. Why cuepoints/positionadvises need to be turned off on a MCI_LOAD.
4. Handling OPEN_MMIO on an MCI_LOAD.
5. Why reassociation of a stream on MCI_LOAD is desirable and
when it is appropriate.
ADMCCAP.C Processes the MCI_GETDEVCAPS message. This file illustrates
several concepts used to handle MCI_GETDEVCAPS including:
1. How to process the capability message commands.
These are messages which this MCD supports (such as play, close etc.)
Messages (or commands to the caller) such as sysinfo are
not supported by this MCD.
2. How to process the capability item flag.
Items describe particular features (such as the ability to record)
which the MCD either does or does not support.
ADMCSTAT.C Processes the MCI_STATUS message. This file illustrates
several concepts used to handle MCI_STATUS including:
1. When/If to report media position within a stream.
2. How to determine the length of an existing file.
3. How to determine the length of a file which is currently
being recorded.
4. Communicating with the amp/mixer to determine volume,
and other amplifier specific commands.
5. Reporting our current mode.
6. Reporting the current time format.
ADMCCUE.C Processes the MCI_CUE message. Applications will typically
call MCI_CUE in order to reduce the time required to begin
the initial record or play. To a streaming MCD, MCI_CUE
translates to an SPI_START_PREROLL. The start preroll will
fill up all of the initial streaming buffers but will not
start the stream. Then, when MCI_PLAY or MCI_RECORD are
called, when they do an SpiStartStream then stream can start
On an MCI_CUE, a streaming MCD should perform the following
1. Check flags and validate pointers.
2. Check to see if the stream is already in cue state. If it is, then
just return success.
3. If the caller wants to cue for output, execute the following:
a. stop any in process commands.
b. If the stream is going in the wrong direction (that is, record),
destroy it.
c. Create the stream if necessary.
d. Preroll start the stream.
4. If the caller wants to cue for input, execute the following:
a. Stop any in process commands.
b. If the stream is going in the wrong direction, destroy it.
c. Create the stream if necessary.
d. Preroll start the stream.
Processes the MCI_SET_CUEPOINT message. On a
MCI_SET_CUEPOINT, a streaming MCD should perform the
following actions:
1. Check flags and validate pointers.
2. Turn the cuepoint on or off depending on what flags are passed in.
ADMCSEEK.C Processes the MCI_SEEK message. On a seek, a streaming MCD
should perform the following actions:
1. Verify that the flags passed are valid.
2. Verify the MCI_FROM, MCI_TO parameter if they were passed in.
3. Ensure that any pointers passed are valid.
4. Stop any commands which are active on another thread.
5. If no stream has been created, then create one.
6. If a stream had previously been created, ensure that it is in
stopped state.
ADMCPLAY.C Processes the MCI_PLAY message. On a MCI_PLAY, a streaming
MCD should perform the following actions:
1. Always check flags and validate memory first. This way,
if the flags are invalid, the previous command will not be interrupted.
2. If there is a command active on another thread (that is, a play,
record or save), then either abort (record or save) or supersede
(play) by stopping the stream and sending a message to the caller.
3. If the stream is going the wrong way (for example,
it is set up for recording) then destroy the stream.
4. If no stream has been created, then create one. If the stream handler
needs to associate a data object, do it here.
5. If we destroyed a recording stream before creating the play back stream,
ensure that playback stream has the same position as the previous
record stream.
6. Enable any events (such as cuepoints or position advises).
7. Start stream.
8. Wait for a streaming event.
9. Stop the stream if necessary.
10.If MCI_NOTIFY was sent used, inform the caller of command completion.
ADMCRECD.C Processes the MCI_RECORD message. On a MCI_RECORD, a
streaming MCD should perform the following actions:
1. Always check flags and validate memory first. This way, if the flags
are invalid, the previous command will not be interrupted.
2. If there is a command active on another thread (that is,
a play, record or save), then either abort (play or save)
or supersede (record) by stopping the stream and sending
a message to the caller.
3. If the stream is going the wrong way (for example,
it is setup for playback) then destroy the stream.
4. If no stream has been created, then create one. If the stream handler
needs to associate a data object, do it here.
5. If we destroyed a play back stream before creating the record stream,
seek to the same position in the record stream where the play back
stream was.
6. Enable any events (such as cuepoints or position advises).
7. Start stream.
8. Wait for a streaming event.
9. Stop the stream if necessary.
10.If MCI_NOTIFY was sent used, inform the caller of command completion.
ADMCCLOS.C Processes the MCI_CLOSE message. On a close, a streaming MCD
must perform the following actions:
1. Stop all commands which are active on another thread(s).
2. Destroy all active streams.
3. Close all open files.
4. Delete any temporary files.
5. Close any connected devices (such as an amp-mixer).
6. If MCI_NOTIFY was used, notify the caller of completion.
ADMCCONN.C Processes the MCI_CONNECTOR message. This source file
illustrates how to enable, disable and query connectors. It
also illustrates how to pass messages on to a connected MCD.
ADMCREST.C Processes the MCI_STOP message. On a stop, a streaming MCD
should perform the following actions:
1. Verify that the flags passed are valid.
2. Stop any commands which are active on another thread.
3. If a stream had previously been created, ensure that it is in
stopped state.
4. If it is a paused stream, then do a STOP_PAUSE to ensure that
no data will be lost.
Processes the MCI_RESUME message. On a MCI_RESUME, a
streaming MCD should perform the following actions:
1. Ensure that no flags are passed in.
2. If we are paused, resume the stream.
Processes the MCI_SETPOSITIONADVISE message. To a streaming
MCD, a position advise simply is a cuepoint which reoccurs
every x time units. To enable position advise, the following
steps should be followed:
1. Check flags and validate and pointers.
2. If the caller has asked for position advise to be turned on then
a. If a stream has been created, then enable the recurring cuepoint
b. Else, set a flag and enable the event later.
3. If position advise is to be turned off, then disable the recurring
cuepoint event.
Processes the MCI_PAUSE message. On a MCI_PAUSE, a streaming
MCD should perform the following actions:
1. Ensure that no flags are passed in.
2. If we are currently streaming, pause the stream.
3. Set flag indicating that we are in paused state.
ADMCSAVE.C Processes the MCI_SAVE message. MCI_SAVE is not a required
command, however, if a streaming MCD takes advantage of
temporary files, then it should use MCI_SAVE.
1. Ensure that the flags are valid.
2. Then ensure that all pointers point to valid memory.
3. If any operations are currently active, they are then
4. Finally, the save operation itself is then done.
AUDIOSUB.C Contains various utility functions including:
1. Correct processing of notifications.
2. Handling calls the are neither MCI_WAIT or MCI_NOTIFY (PostMDMMessage).
3. Using mmioGetHeader to obtain audio settings from a file (GetHeader).
4. Creating a playlist stream (AssociatePlaylist).
5. Installing an IOProc (InstallIOProc).
6. Communicating with IOProcs with different capabilites (OpenFile).
7. Processing audio files with various file formats (OpenFile).
8. Time format conversion (ConvertToMM + ConvertTimeFormat).
9. Creating an SPI stream (CreateNAssociateStream)
10.Associating an SPI stream (CreateNAssociateStream)
11.Setting an event for use in play to/record to (DoTillEvent).
ADMCPST.C Processes the MCI_PASTE message. This file illustrates using
MMIO functions and clipboard functions to:
1. Process the MCI_FROM_BUFFER flag or MCI_TO_BUFFER.
2. Handle default positioning if no MCI_FROM/MCI_TO flags are
3. Use MMIO to insert information into a file.
MCI_REDO messages. It is a generic routine which handles
placing information into the clipboard:
1. Default positioning for cut/copy/delete messages.
2. Using MMIOM_DELETE to remove information from a file.
3. Positioning after a cut/copy/delete
4. Using MMIOM_UNDO and MMIOM_REDO messages.
ADMCEDIT.C Contains utilities used by clipboard functions (such as cut
and copy). The file illustrates:
1. How to Process MCI_FROM / MCI_TO for edit operations (CheckEditFlags) .
2. Determine default from/to positions.
3. Generic stream abort routine
4. Retrieving information from the clipboard.
5. Placing information into the clipboard.
6. Using MMIO memory files to manipulate clipboard data.
ADMCINI.C Illustrates how to parse device specific parms from the INI
STRMSUBS.C Contains streaming subroutines used by play, record and cue.
1. How to close mmio files, and temp files (CloseFile).
2. How to stop a record/playback stream (StopStream).
3. How to use a semaphore to protect in progress commands
from being aborted in sensitive areas.
4. Why a stream must be destroyed after an MCI_SET (DestroySetStream).
5. How to handle superseding and aborting of notifies.
6. How and why to set a cue time pause event for
MCI_TO (ProcessFromToFlags).
7. How to enable cuepoints and positionchanges (EnableEvents).
8. Networking functions (BeginQualityOfService, EndQualityOfService)
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.8. Controlling a Nonstreaming Device: CD Audio MCD ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The CD audio MCD controls a nonstreaming device: the CD-ROM drive. Because it
is a nonstreaming device, the CD-ROM drive does not require buffered I/O for
streaming by the sync/stream manager. Instead, it plays audio out through its
internal Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), which is the nonstreaming device
equivalent of an audio adapter. Thus, the CD audio MCD must use the IOCtl
interface to process its own commands to manipulate the data stream within the
The modules of the CD audio MCD are shown in the following figure.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.8.1. Setting Audio Attributes ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Because the CD-ROM drive is a nonstreaming device, the CD audio MCD is not
linked to the amp mixer. This means the driver must do its own processing of
MCI_SET commands that set audio attributes such as volume changes, using the
IOCtl interface.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.8.2. Processing an MCI_PLAY Command ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The CD audio MCD receives commands by means of the mciDriverEntry point, same
as the waveform audio MCD. The command is passed to the vendor-specific driver
(VSD) module.
To see how the CD audio MCD processes these commands, let's trace the
processing of an MCI_PLAY command. To begin with, the vsdDriverEntry function
makes a call to process_msg, passing the message and message parameters as
shown in the following example.
ULONG APIENTRY vsdDriverEntry(PVOID pInstance, USHORT usMessage,
ULONG *pulParam1, PVOID pParam2,
USHORT usUserParm)
ULONG rc, ulP1Temp = MCI_WAIT;
USHORT try = 1;
if (pulParam1 == 0L)
pulParam1 = &ulP1Temp;
/* check to see if the drive is open, unless it is an Open message */
if (usMessage == MCI_OPEN)
rc = CDAudOpen(*pulParam1, (MMDRV_OPEN_PARMS *)pParam2);
/* if the device is closed try reopening it unless you are closing */
if (((PINST) lpInstance)->hDrive == 0 && usMessage != MCI_CLOSE)
rc = CD01_Open((PINST) lpInstance);
/* Clear commands not needing an open hardware device */
if ((usMessage == MCI_DEVICESETTINGS) ||
(usMessage == MCI_GETDEVCAPS) ||
(usMessage == MCI_INFO) ||
(usMessage == MCI_SET_CUEPOINT) ||
(usMessage == MCIDRV_CD_STATUS_CVOL) ||
(usMessage == MCIDRV_SYNC &&
!(*pulParam1 & MCIDRV_SYNC_REC_PULSE)))
} /* of if drive needs to be open */
else /* drive was opened */
if (!rc)
/* process message */
rc = process_msg((PINST) lpInstance, usMessage,
pulParam1, pParam2, usUserParm);
if (((PINST)lpInstance)->Drive == '0') /* drive is closed */
{ /* do not reissue commands */
if (try == 2)
break; /* quit after 2 tries. */
rc = CDAudErrRecov((PINST) lpInstance);
if (rc) /* error is still there, exit */
} /* of else only tried the command once (try == 1) */
} /* of if the drive was not ready */
break; /* clear flag to exit */
} while (try); /* end of do loop and if no open error */
} /* of else command was not MCI_OPEN */
} /* of vsdDriverEntry() */
The process_msg routine has a long case statement. The case in which we are
interested is for MCI_PLAY. When process_msg calls CD01_Play, it passes the
following information:
o Instance
o msgParam1
o FROM value received from msgParam2
o TO value received from msgParam2
o MCI_PLAY command.
static ULONG process_msg(PINST pInst, USHORT usMessage,
ULONG *pulParam1, PVOID pParam2, USHORT usUserParm)
DosRequestMutexSem(pInst->hInstSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
if (usMessage != MCI_PLAY)
DosReleaseMutexSem(pInst->hInstSem); // No protection needed
/* process message */
case MCI_CLOSE :
rc = CDAudClose(pInst, *pulParam1);
case MCI_CUE : /* Pre-roll */
rc = CD01_Cue(pInst);
case MCI_GETDEVCAPS : /* Get Device Capabilities */
rc = CD01_GetCaps(*pulParam1, (MCI_GETDEVCAPS_PARMS *)pParam2);
case MCI_GETTOC : /* Get Table of Contents */
if (*pulParam1 & WAIT_NOTIFY_MASK)
rc = CD01_GetTOC(pInst, (MCI_TOC_PARMS *)pParam2);
case MCI_INFO :
rc = CDAudInfo(pInst, *pulParam1, (MCI_INFO_PARMS *)pParam2);
/* case MCI_OPEN : open was already done in vsdDriverEntry() */
case MCI_PAUSE :
rc = CD01_Stop(pInst, TIMER_PLAY_SUSPEND);
case MCI_PLAY :
rc = CD01_Play(pInst, pulParam1,
((MCI_PLAY_PARMS *)pParam2)->ulFrom,
((MCI_PLAY_PARMS *)pParam2)->ulTo, usUserParm,
((MCI_PLAY_PARMS *)pParam2)->hwndCallback);
case MCIDRV_REGISTER_DISC : /* Register Disc */
case MCIDRV_REGISTER_DRIVE : /* Register Drive */
rc = CDAudRegDrive(pInst, (MCI_CD_REGDRIVE_PARMS *)pParam2);
case MCIDRV_REGISTER_TRACKS : /* Register Tracks */
rc = CD01_RegTracks(pInst, (MCI_CD_REGTRACKS_PARMS *)pParam2);
rc = CD01_Restore(pInst, (MCIDRV_CD_SAVE_PARMS *)pParam2);
case MCI_RESUME : /* Unpause */
rc = CD01_Resume(pInst);
rc = CD01_Save(pInst, (MCIDRV_CD_SAVE_PARMS *)pParam2);
case MCI_SEEK :
rc = CD01_Seek(pInst, ((MCI_SEEK_PARMS *)pParam2)->ulTo);
case MCI_SET :
rc = CDAudSet(pInst, pulParam1, (MCI_SET_PARMS *)pParam2);
rc = CD01_CuePoint(pInst, *pulParam1, (MCI_CUEPOINT_PARMS *)
rc = CD01_PosAdvise(pInst, *pulParam1, (MCI_POSITION_PARMS *)
rc = CDAudSetVerify(*pulParam1);
rc = CDAudStatus(pInst, *pulParam1, (MCI_STATUS_PARMS *)pParam2);
rc = CDAudStatCVol(&((MCI_STATUS_PARMS *)pParam2)->ulReturn);
case MCI_STOP :
rc = CD01_Stop(pInst, TIMER_EXIT_ABORTED);
rc = CD01_Sync(pInst, *pulParam1, (MCIDRV_SYNC_PARMS *)pParam2);
/* List unsupported functions */
case MCI_STEP : case MCI_SYSINFO : case MCI_UPDATE :
} /* of switch */
When CD01_Play receives a PLAY command, processing goes to the line that
issues the call to CallIOCtl.
ULONG CD01_Play(PINST pInst, ULONG *pulParam1, ULONG ulFrom, ULONG ulTo,
USHORT usUserParm, HWND hwndCallback)
ULONG ulThreadID;
ULONG cnt;
/* Stop drive before issuing next play command */
if ((pInst->usPlayFlag == TIMER_PLAYING) ||
(pInst->usPlayFlag == TIMER_PLAY_SUSPEND) ||
(pInst->usPlayFlag == TIMER_PLAY_SUSP_2))
if (*pulParam1 & MCI_NOTIFY)
/* prepare for play call */
pInst->ulCurPos = ulFrom;
pInst->ulEndPos = ulTo;
pInst->usPlayNotify = (USHORT)(*pulParam1 & (MCI_WAIT | MCI_NOTIFY));
if (*pulParam1 & MCI_NOTIFY)
pInst->usPlayUserParm = usUserParm;
pInst->hwndPlayCallback = hwndCallback;
*pulParam1 ^= MCI_NOTIFY;
} /* notify flag was used */
if (*pulParam1 & MCI_WAIT)
rc = CD01_Timer(pInst); /* returns when play commands end */
DosResetEventSem(pInst->hReturnSem, &cnt); /*force a wait
rc = DosCreateThread(&ulThreadID, (PFNTHREAD)CD01_Timer,
if (rc)
else /* wait for new thread to process enough */
/* Let MCD know not to send notification by returning wait */
*pulParam1 = (*pulParam1 & ~MCI_NOTIFY) | MCI_WAIT;
/* wait for new thread to process enough */
DosWaitEventSem(pInst->hReturnSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
} /* else no wait flag was used */
} /* of CD01_Play() */
/* */
/* SUBROUTINE NAME: CD01_PlayCont */
/* */
/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: CD Play Continue. */
/* */
/* FUNCTION: Continue to play audio data to internal DAC(s) from a */
/* */
/* PINST pInst -- Instance pointer. */
/* ULONG ulFrom -- From address. */
/* ULONG ulTo -- To address in MMTIME. */
/* */
/* MCIERR_SUCCESS -- action completed without error. */
/* MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY -- device was not ready, no disc. */
/* MCIERR_MEDIA_CHANGED -- Disc changed. */
/* */
/* NOTES: */
/* */
ULONG CD01_PlayCont(PINST pInst, ULONG ulFrom, ULONG ulTo)
BYTE param[PLAYAUD_PMAX] = {'C', 'D', '0', '1', RBMODE};
/* convert starting MM Time into Redbook 2 format */
/* convert ending MM Time into Redbook 2 format */
/* Stop drive before issuing next play command */
/* play drive */
param, ulParamLen, &ulParamLen,
NULL, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen);
if (!rc)
pInst->ulCurPos = ulFrom;
/* if Timer was stopped, continue timer loop */
if (pInst->usPlayFlag == TIMER_PLAY_SUSPEND)
pInst->usPlayFlag = TIMER_PLAYING;
} /* of CD01_PlayCont() */
The CallIOCtl routine issues the DosDevIOCtl request, passing the following
parameters: hDrive is the device handle retrieved from a DosOpen call, ulCat
is the IOCtl category, and ulFunction is the function number. Also required
are buffer pointers, buffer sizes and lengths, and pointers to the buffer
lengths for the parameter and the data buffers. The Parameter buffer is used
for input, and the data buffer is used for output. The pointers to buffer
lengths enable the physical device driver to return the actual lengths of the
ULONG CallIOCtl(PINST pInst, ULONG ulCat, ULONG ulFunction,
PVOID pParam, ULONG ulPLen, ULONG *pulPLen,
PVOID pData, ULONG ulDLen, ULONG *pulDLen)
DosRequestMutexSem(pInst->hIOSem, (ULONG)-1L);
rc = DosDevIOCtl(pInst->hDrive, ulCat, ulFunction,
pParam, ulPLen, pulPLen,
pData, ulDLen, pulDLen);
case 0L :
case 0xFF03 :
case 0xFF06 :
case 0xFF08 :
case 0xFF04 :
case 0xFF0C :
case 0xFF10 :
default :
} /* of CallIOCtl() */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.8.3. CD Audio MCD Modules ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following figure illustrates the outline of the CD audio MCD (CDAUDIOT.DLL)
and the vendor-specific driver (VSD) for the IBM 3510-001 CD-ROM driver
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ CD Audio Media Control Driver DLL (CDAUDIOT.DLL) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The CD audio MCD, CDAUDIOT, receives commands from the MDM and processes them.
If a command message cannot be completely processed, it is sent to the
hardware-specific code in the VSD.
Following describes the files and routines included in the CDAUDIOT.DLL.
This module includes the entry point for the DLL. Global validation and
parameter checking is performed on requested command messages. If the
preliminary check finds no errors, a specific-processing function is called.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöémciDriverEntry ΓöéSpecifies the entry point to the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCD from the MDM. Γöé
Γöépre_process_msg ΓöéGets the device ready to process Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe command. Γöé
Γöéprocess_msg ΓöéProcesses the requested command Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage. Γöé
Γöéverify_entry ΓöéVerifies that entry parameters are Γöé
Γöé Γöévalid. Γöé
ΓöéQMAudio ΓöéQueries the master audio's current Γöé
Γöé Γöésettings. Γöé
ΓöéRegister ΓöéRegisters the drive. Γöé
ΓöéReRegister ΓöéRegisters the disc and tracks. Γöé
ΓöéVSDReturn ΓöéSpecifies the entry point to the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCD from the VSD. Processes returnΓöé
Γöé Γöéinformation from the VSD. Γöé
ΓöéSetTrackInst ΓöéSets track information in the Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstance. Γöé
ΓöéValPointer ΓöéValidates the address to record Γöé
Γöé Γöéstructures. Γöé
This module contains the hardware independent code that processes the command
message. Some command may be processed completely by the MCD while others
require the VSD to access the hardware or know of information specific to the
VSD's associated drive.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéProcClose ΓöéProcesses the MCI_CLOSE command. Γöé
ΓöéProcConnector ΓöéProcesses the MCI_CONNECTOR Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Γöé
ΓöéProcCue ΓöéProcesses the MCI_CUE command. Γöé
ΓöéProcCuePoint ΓöéProcesses the MCI_SET_CUEPOINT Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Γöé
ΓöéProcGeneral ΓöéProcesses pass through MCI Γöé
Γöé Γöécommands. Γöé
ΓöéProcCaps ΓöéProcesses the MCI_GETDEVCAPS Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Γöé
ΓöéProcInfo ΓöéProcesses the MCI_INFO command. Γöé
ΓöéProcMAudio ΓöéProcesses the MCI_MASTERAUDIO Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Γöé
ΓöéProcOpen ΓöéProcesses the MCI_OPEN command. Γöé
ΓöéProcPause ΓöéProcesses the MCI_PAUSE command. Γöé
ΓöéProcPlay ΓöéProcesses the MCI_PLAY command. Γöé
ΓöéProcPosAdvise ΓöéProcesses the Γöé
ΓöéProcRestore ΓöéProcesses the MCIDRV_RESTORE Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Γöé
ΓöéProcResume ΓöéProcesses the MCI_RESUME command. Γöé
ΓöéProcSave ΓöéProcesses the MCIDRV_SAVE command. Γöé
ΓöéProcSeek ΓöéProcesses the MCI_SEEK command. Γöé
ΓöéProcSet ΓöéProcesses the MCI_SET command. Γöé
ΓöéProcSetSync ΓöéProcesses the MCI_SET_SYNC_OFFSET Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Γöé
ΓöéProcStatus ΓöéProcesses the MCI_STATUS command. Γöé
ΓöéProcStop ΓöéProcesses the MCI_STOP command. Γöé
ΓöéProcSync ΓöéProcesses the MCIDRV_SYNC command. Γöé
This module contains the hardware independent code that supplement the process
commands in CDAUDPRO.C. It also contains utility functions as well.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéSetAudio ΓöéSets audio information from Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCI_SET. Γöé
ΓöéSetConnector ΓöéEnables or disables a connection. Γöé
ΓöéSetCuePoint ΓöéEnables the cue point. Γöé
ΓöéStatusMCD ΓöéGets status from MCD information. Γöé
ΓöéStatusMCDDef ΓöéGets status from MCD default Γöé
Γöé Γöéinformation. Γöé
ΓöéStatusVSD ΓöéGets status from VSD information. Γöé
ΓöéDisableEvents ΓöéDisables cuepoints and position Γöé
Γöé Γöéadvise. Γöé
ΓöéGetTimeAddr ΓöéConverts a time format to/from Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMMTIME. Γöé
ΓöéGetTimeAddrRC ΓöéColinizes return code to time Γöé
Γöé Γöéformat. Γöé
ΓöéGetTrackInfo ΓöéGets the track information for a Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecified track. Γöé
ΓöéValAddress ΓöéValidates addresses to be in range.Γöé
ΓöéValState ΓöéValidates state of logical device. Γöé
ΓöévsdResponse ΓöéProcesses VSD response. Γöé
This module initializes the re-entrant DLL.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
Γöé_DLL_InitTerm ΓöéSpecifies the entry point for the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéOS/2 loader. Γöé
ΓöéCDMCInitialization ΓöéObtains initial heap. Γöé
ΓöéCDMC_Exit ΓöéCleans up instances after Γöé
Γöé Γöétermination. Γöé
This module contains the common functions between the CD MCD and the VSD for
the IBM CD-ROM Drive.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
Γöéparse_DevParm ΓöéParses the device-specific Γöé
Γöé Γöéparameter. Γöé
Γöéget_token ΓöéGets next token and null terminatesΓöé
Γöé Γöéit. Γöé
This module contains the common heap management functions.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéHhpCreateHeap ΓöéCreates the first heap. Γöé
ΓöéNewHeap ΓöéCreates a new heap (one segment). Γöé
ΓöéHhpAllocMem ΓöéAllocates some memory. Γöé
ΓöéLocateFreeMem ΓöéLocates a free block of memory. Γöé
ΓöéHhpFreeMem ΓöéFrees memory. Γöé
ΓöéCollapseFreeBlock ΓöéRemoves fragmentation within a Γöé
Γöé Γöéheap. Γöé
ΓöéCollapseFreeHeap ΓöéRemoves fragmentation within heaps.Γöé
ΓöéHhpDestroyHeap ΓöéDestroys a heap. Γöé
ΓöéHhpAllocBuffer ΓöéAllocates a buffer from the system.Γöé
ΓöéHhpFreeBuffer ΓöéFrees the allocated buffer. Γöé
ΓöéHhpAccessBuffer ΓöéSets up segment for access. Γöé
ΓöéHhpAccessHeap ΓöéAccesses a shared heap. Γöé
ΓöéHhpReleaseHeap ΓöéReleases a heap. Γöé
ΓöéAddPid ΓöéAdds a process ID to the PID list. Γöé
ΓöéReallocHeap ΓöéReallocates a heap. Γöé
ΓöéHhpGetPID ΓöéGets the PID for the heap. Γöé
ΓöéHhpDumpHeap ΓöéDumps heap contents to standard Γöé
Γöé Γöéout. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.8.4. Vendor-Specific Driver for CD-ROM Drives (IBMCDRT.DLL) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Following describes the files and routines included in the IBMCDRT.DLL.
See table in previous section.
See table in previous section.
See table in previous section.
This module includes the entry point for the DLL. It contains the device
dependent code for a specific CD-ROM drive.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöévsdDriverEntry ΓöéSpecifies the entry point to the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéVSD from the MCD. Γöé
Γöéprocess_msg ΓöéProcesses the requested command Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudClose ΓöéError recovery routine. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudErrRecov ΓöéCloses an instance. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudInfo ΓöéReturns information about the Γöé
Γöé Γöécomponent. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudOpen ΓöéOpens an instance. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudRegDisc ΓöéRegisters a disc for the logical Γöé
Γöé Γöédevice. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudRegDrive ΓöéRegisters a drive for the calling Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMCD. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudSet ΓöéSets various attributes of the Γöé
Γöé Γöédevice. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudSetVerify ΓöéTests flags for the SET command. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudStatus ΓöéReturns the requested attribute. Γöé
ΓöéCDAudStatCVol ΓöéReturns mapped component volume Γöé
Γöé Γöélevels. Γöé
This module processes hardware requests.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Cue ΓöéPrerolls a drive. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_CuePoint ΓöéSets up a cue point. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetCaps ΓöéGets device capabilities. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetDiscInfo ΓöéGets status information of the Γöé
Γöé Γöédisc. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetID ΓöéGets the CD ID from the disc. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetPosition ΓöéGets the position of the head. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetState ΓöéGets the state of the device. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetTOC ΓöéReturns the table of contents Γöé
Γöé Γöé(MMTOC form). Γöé
ΓöéCD01_GetVolume ΓöéGets the volume settings of the Γöé
Γöé Γöédrive. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_LockDoor ΓöéLocks or unlocks the drive door. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Open ΓöéOpens the specified device or Γöé
Γöé Γöédrive. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Play ΓöéInitiates a play operation. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_PlayCont ΓöéContinues a play operation. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_PosAdvise ΓöéSets up a position advise command. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_RegTracks ΓöéRegisters tracks on the disc. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Restore ΓöéRestores the saved instance. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Resume ΓöéUnpauses a CD play operation. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Save ΓöéSaves the current instance. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Seek ΓöéSeeks to a particular redbook Γöé
Γöé Γöéaddress. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_SetVolume ΓöéSets the volume of the drive. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Stop ΓöéStops a CD play operation. Γöé
This module processes miscellaneous functions such as the timer routine for the
play command, identify the drive, and package the IOCtl calls.
ΓöéProcedure ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéCD01_StartPlay ΓöéStarts the play operation. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Sync ΓöéSync to MDM request. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Timer ΓöéTimer routine for play operation. Γöé
ΓöéCD01_Timernotify ΓöéTimer routine to setup/notify Γöé
Γöé Γöéevents. Γöé
ΓöéGetTableName ΓöéGets the CD table full path name. Γöé
ΓöéOpenFirstTime ΓöéFirst time device open tests. Γöé
ΓöéQueryTable ΓöéQueries the CD look-up table. Γöé
ΓöéCallIOCtl ΓöéCalls the hardware by way of Γöé
Γöé ΓöéIOCtls. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.9. Resource Units and Classes ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Device contexts are managed by the MDM, using an abstract concept of resource
units, resource classes and valid class combinations.
Resource units provide a measurement for the resource manager to determine how
many device contexts may be active at any given time. Each device specifies how
many resource units it can process concurrently.
Besides a total resource number, each resource class has a maximum number of
resource units available to it. This allows the MDM to determine how many
device contexts from a particular class can be active concurrently. During the
install procedure the maximum numbers are provided.
On the MCI_OPEN of a device context the required resource units and class for
the device context is returned in the MMDRV_OPEN_PARMS structure. The required
resource units and resource class of a device context can be changed by the MCD
by calling the MDM with the MCIDRV_CHANGERESOURCE message. For example, if a
waveaudio device allocated 1 resource unit for a mono wave and two units for a
stereo wave, then a load command might change the required units for that
device context.
The final piece of resource management is provided during install. This is the
valid class combinations. A certain device might have multiple classes, but
not allow certain classes to have active device contexts concurrently. The
following example is the Pro AudioSpectrum 16** card. It has at most two
resource units available. It uses 2 classes, one for waveform audio and the
other for MIDI. Each class can have at most one resource unit consumed by a
active device context. It can have any number of in-active device contexts.
Finally both classes can have active device contexts concurrently. This says
that this card can support one waveform audio and or one midi.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.10. Inserting Pages in the Multimedia Setup Notebook ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section explains how to insert settings pages in the Multimedia Setup
notebook-a program which provides a user interface to the properties of
multimedia devices that are registered with the Media Device Manager (MDM).
There are two approaches to insert settings pages in the Multimedia Setup
notebook. The following discussion focuses on the first approach, which
illustrates how to use the MCI_DEVICESETTINGS message to insert a page for a
particular MCD. The second approach is discussed in Defining Changes to Other
INI Files in Installation Requirements. This approach addresses a registration
mechanism for Multimedia Setup to insert settings pages based on device type
(not MCD). For example, pages that apply to the system or to all media control
interface devices of a particular class.
The MMSYSTEM.H header file defines data structures used in inserting a page in
the Multimedia Setup notebook for a device object.
Refer to the OS/2 PM Reference for additional information on notebook control
window processing.
You can insert a notebook page in the Multimedia Setup program if
device-specific properties exist for a particular device. When the Multimedia
Setup program is creating a notebook window, it checks the
MCI_SYSINFO_DEVICESETTINGS style bit in the ulDeviceFlag field of the
MCI_SYSINFO_LOGDEVICE data structure. This data structure (as shown in the
following example contains information about a logical device that is
installed in the system. The MCI_SYSINFO_DEVICESETTINGS style bit indicates
that the MCD has custom device settings pages.
typedef struct _MCI_SYSINFO_LOGDEVICE {
CHAR szInstallName[MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; /* Device install name */
USHORT usDeviceType; /* Device type number */
ULONG ulDeviceFlag; /* Flag indicating whether device */
/* device is controllable or not */
CHAR szVersionNumber[MAX_VERSION_NUMBER]; /* INI file version number */
CHAR szProductInfo[MAX_PRODINFO]; /* Textual product description */
CHAR szMCDDriver[MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; /* MCI driver DLL name */
CHAR szPDDName[MAX_PDD_NAME]; /* Device PDD name */
CHAR szMCDTable[MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; /* Device-type command table */
CHAR szVSDTable[MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; /* Device-specific command table */
USHORT usShareType; /* Device sharing mode */
CHAR szResourceName[MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; /* Resource name */
USHORT usResourceUnits; /* Total resource units available */
/* for this device */
USHORT usResourceClasses; /* Number of resource classes for */
/* this device */
USHORT ausClassArray[MAX_CLASSES]; /* Maximum number of resource */
/* units for each class */
ausValidClassArray[MAX_CLASSES][MAX_CLASSES];/* Valid class combination */
If an MCD creates one or more custom settings pages, the Multimedia Setup
program sends a MCI_DEVICESETTINGS message to the MCD. This allows the MCD
the opportunity to insert device-specific pages in the Multimedia Setup
notebook for a particular device. The MCD then passes this message to a
Vendor-Specific Driver (VSD) if one exists. Some device properties might be
related to the type of device and some might be related to the particular
manufacturer's hardware.
The MCI_DEVICESETTINGS_PARMS data structure (as shown in the following
example) defines the information that is passed to the MCD in the
MCI_DEVICESETTINGS message. The hwndNotebook field contains the window handle
of a CUA* notebook control window where the page should be inserted. The
usDeviceType field defines the type of media device, and the pszDeviceName
field defines the logical device name (WAVEAUDIO01) of the device for which
custom settings are to be inserted.
ULONG hwndCallback; /* Window handle */
HWND hwndNotebook; /* Handle to notebook window */
USHORT usDeviceType; /* Device type */
PSZ pszDeviceName; /* Device name */
You should also provide help for each page inserted in the notebook. The
recommended way of implementing help for a Multimedia Setup settings page is
to handle the WM_HELP message explicitly in the dialog procedure and then send
the HM_DISPLAY_HELP message to a help instance that is created by the page (or
group of pages).
When help for a tab is requested the Multimedia Setup program sends a
MM_TABHELP message to the page as shown in the following example. The page
window procedure can then display the appropriate help panel.
mp1 ULONG ulPageID /* Page identifier */
mp2 ULONG Reserved
return TRUE for handled and FALSE not handled
Some pages use the device-specific parameters of the MCD to save settings
information. New pages should expect that other pages are also using the
device-specific parameters to save their settings and therefore other keywords
may exist or exist in the future. New pages should be implemented in such as
way as to preserve keyword values that they do not recognize.
The following example provides source code to create a modeless secondary
window and insert a page in a notebook. This code can be provided as a part
of an external DLL or part of the MCD code itself. The page should be
consistent with the existing notebook design and be inserted after the
standard pages in the notebook.
HWND hwndPage; /* Page window handle */
CHAR szTabText[CCHMAXPATH]; /* Buffer for tab string */
ULONG ulPageId; /* Page Identifier */
/* Load a modeless secondary window. */
hwndPage = WinLoadSecondaryWindow(
if (!hwndPage) return (NULL);
ulPageId = (ULONG)WinSendMsg( pMCIDevSettings->hwndNotebook,
/* Associate a secondary window with a notebook page. */
WinSendMsg(pMCIDevSettings->hwndNotebook, BKM_SETPAGEWINDOWHWND,
MPFROMP( ulPageId ), MPFROMLONG( hwndPage ) );
/* Get tab text from DLL. */
WinLoadString(WinQueryAnchorBlock( HWND_DESKTOP ), vhmodMRI,
/* Set tab text. */
WinSendMsg( pMCIDevSettings->hwndNotebook, BKM_SETTABTEXT,
MPFROMP( ulPageId ), szTabText );
return( hwndPage );
typedef struct {
HWND hwndHelpInstance;
/* Modeless secondary window procedure */
MRESULT EXPENTRY ExamplePageDlgProc (HWND hwnd, USHORT msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2)
PMMPAGEINFO pMMPageInfo = (PMMPAGEINFO) WinQueryWindowPtr (hwnd, QWL_USER);
switch (msg) {
/* Place window initialization code here. */
pMMPageInfo = (PMMPAGEINFO) malloc(sizeof(MMPAGEINFO));
WinSetWindowPtr (hwnd, QWL_USER, pMMPageInfo);
/* Create a help instance. */
pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance = WinCreateHelpInstance(...);
/* Clean up page window resources. */
WinDestroyHelpInstance (pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance);
free (pMMPageInfo);
/* Process all commands. */
return ((MRESULT) FALSE);
/* Display help for a tab. */
if (pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance) {
MPFROMSHORT( WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID ) ),
case WM_CLOSE:
return ((MRESULT) FALSE);
case WM_HELP:
if (pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance) {
(MPARAM) mp1,
return ((MRESULT)TRUE);
return (WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2));
return (WinDefSecondaryWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); }
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. Stream Handlers ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section describes the Stream Programming Interface (SPI) services used by
MCDs to implement data streaming and synchronization, as well as the interfaces
used by stream handlers to transport data.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.1. Stream Handler Architecture ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Pairs of stream handlers implement the transport of data from a source to a
target device while the Synchronization and Streaming Manager (SSM) provides
coordination and central management of data buffers and synchronization data.
A stream handler can be built as a device driver run at Ring 0, or as a
dynamic-link library (DLL) run at Ring 3. See DLL Model: File System Stream
Handler and Device Driver Model: Video PDD for examples of these stream handler
Some streams are ideally controlled by a direct connection between the stream
handler and a physical device driver, whereas other streams are not associated
with a data source or target that maps physically to a specific device. For
example, the File System Stream Handler is a DLL because all file system I/O
functions are available as Ring 3 OS/2 functions that service all file system
After you determine the type of stream handler you require (DLL or DD), you
must incorporate the required functional modules in your stream handler design.
Refer to the following figure, which represents the key modules in both DLL and
device driver stream handler components.
Although the detailed coding practices of building OS/2 DLLs and device drivers
differ considerably, most logic for a stream handler is not affected by this
choice. The structure of the DLL stream handler closely resembles the device
driver stream handler, with few exceptions.
The following figure illustrates the logical structure of the Sync/Stream
Manager (SSM) and its relationship with stream handlers. The Sync/Stream
Manager DLL exports SPI services to higher-level OS/2 multimedia components
(such as media drivers) and exports Stream Manager Helper (SMH) messages to
support the stream handler DLLs. Additional SMH messages are exported by the
Sync/Stream Manager device driver to stream handler device drivers using
standard OS/2 inter-device driver communication (IDC) interfaces (established
using DevHelp_AttachDD).
The following table illustrates the stream handlers are provided by OS/2
Note: See Stream Handler Module Definitions for information describing the
high-level design and operation of the stream handlers provided with
OS/2 multimedia.
ΓöéStream Handler ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéAudio ΓöéVSD interface to a vendor-specific Γöé
Γöé Γöédriver. Supports PCM, MIDI, ADPCM Γöé
Γöé Γöéformats. Γöé
ΓöéMIDI Mapper ΓöéFilters data using the selected MIDI Γöé
Γöé Γöémap. Γöé
ΓöéFile system ΓöéUses file system services to read or Γöé
Γöé Γöéwrite data from any associated device. Γöé
ΓöéMulti-track ΓöéReads and splits interleaved data. Γöé
ΓöéVideo ΓöéIn conjunction with CODECs, outputs Γöé
Γöé Γöévideo data to the display. Γöé
ΓöéSystem Memory ΓöéTransfers data to and from system memoryΓöé
Γöé Γöébuffers. See Cuepoint Event Support. Γöé
ΓöéCD-ROM XA ΓöéReads CD-ROM XA data and splits audio Γöé
Γöé Γöésectors from video and data sectors. SeeΓöé
Γöé ΓöéCD-ROM XA Stream Handler. Γöé
ΓöéCD-DA ΓöéReads digital audio data directly from Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe CD-ROM driver. Can be used to play Γöé
Γöé Γöéback CD audio data using an audio Γöé
Γöé Γöéadapter. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2. Synchronization Features ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The ability to synchronize events is essential for multimedia applications. For
example, you might decide to display a certain bit map (an image of fireworks
bursting) at precisely the same time you play an audio waveform (a specific
cymbal crash during the "Star Spangled Banner"). From a standard OS/2
application perspective, two independent threads or a single thread might
control these events. However, there is no way for either of these approaches
to guarantee that both events will occur within a specified time span. The
longer the time delay between events, the more likely a user will notice the
loss of synchronization.
The sync/stream subsystem design supports multimedia application
synchronization requirements by ensuring that program events such as the output
of specific data elements (digital audio, image, MIDI audio, and so on) can be
reliably synchronized within very narrow real-time limits. The sync/stream
subsystem also reduces the complexity of application code required to
synchronize events.
Being able to synchronize user-oriented and system-driven events is also
important to multimedia application developers. For example, an application
might need to adjust the tempo of a musical playback sequence while responding
to the user's movement of the mouse or pressing arrow keys ( ) on the
keyboard. Any perceivable delay in response might be unacceptable. Of more
urgent importance is a pilot training program that requires the trainee to
press a key to respond to a ground-proximity alarm. If the trainee senses a
delay between pressing the key and the alarm sound muting, it would be
reasonable to expect the real cockpit controls to react the same way. This
false expectation might lead to a crash in real life.
SSM synchronization functions simplify a programmer's work. For example,
instead of establishing large and complex control structures to synchronize a
group of streams, a programmer needs only to identify the streams as part of a
The sync/stream subsystem design includes several features that provide for
simple, effective control of real-time event synchronization:
o Master/slave relationship
o Sync pulse generation
o Sync pulse processing
o Sync/stream subsystem events
o Null stream handler
These features exploit the multitasking capability of OS/2 to prevent specific
regions of code and data in physical memory from being paged to disk. This
ensures that the required modules can process data and requests in a real-time
manner, avoiding the latency that would arise should those critical regions be
swapped out when needed.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2.1. Master/Slave Relationship ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A master/slave relationship is a specification of a chain of command for
controlling a synchronized event. The relationship is 1:N, where one object
(the synchronization master) controls the behavior of one or more subordinate
objects (the slaves). The relationship is established using the SpiEnableSync
function, where one data stream is designated the master and one or more data
streams are designated as slaves. Real-time information, transmitted from the
master to all slaves by the Sync/Stream Manager, gives each of the slaves the
current time in the time base of the MMTIME standard (1/3 msec units). This
time information (sync pulse) allows each slave stream handler to adjust the
activity of that stream so that synchronization can be maintained.
Certain rules govern master/slave synchronization relationships:
o A data stream can be a slave in only one synchronization relationship.
o Stream handlers must be able to enslave multiple data streams (if
multiple data streams are supported) according to different sync masters.
For example, each active stream under that handler's control might have a
different master.
o A stream cannot become the master of two separate groups of slaves (any
additional streams become slaves in the existing master/slave group).
o The sync group (master and all slaves) can be started, stopped, and
seeked as a group by using the "slaves" flag on each of the following SPI
- SpiStartStream
- SpiStopStream
- SpiSeekStream
o Any slave in a sync relationship may be arbitrarily started or stopped
without affecting the activity of the master or any other slave. The
master can be stopped independently of any slave streams in the same sync
group and the option is available for all of the slave to be stopped at
the same time that the master stream is stopped.
o Group synchronized stream time will always be the master stream time.
This includes slave streams that have been stopped and re-started.
o Stream seeking is done on a per stream basis. For example, a seek in a
master stream does not seek in any slave streams that may be in the same
sync group.
It is possible for a slave to fail to maintain synchronization. This
condition, called sync overrun, happens when a stream handler has not
processed the last sync pulse received from the Sync/Stream Manager and
another sync pulse is received. The application can optionally request (by way
of the SpiEnableEvent function) to be notified of any sync overruns. The
stream is not stopped but the application could request a stop once it
receives a sync overrun event.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2.2. Sync Pulse Generation ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A sync pulse represents the current stream sync master clock value and its
stream handle (HSTREAM). The clock value is expressed in MMTIME units (1/3
milliseconds) where 0 represents the time the master stream was started from
the beginning of its associated multimedia data object. If a seek operation is
performed on the master, the stream must be stopped. The master stream time
also stops when a seek takes place and is reset to the stream time of the seek
point. When the stream is restarted, the stream time is restarted from the seek
point. This means that stream time can be equated to position in the data as
opposed to the amount of time the stream has been active.
Sync pulses are generated on a regular basis by the master. A slave receives
sync pulses only when the Sync/Stream Manager determines that it is out of sync
with the master. Sync pulses are distributed by the stream manager based on the
programmed stream sync relationship. This distribution is effective for both
DLL and device driver slave stream handlers.
Each slave stream handler must regularly update the sync pulse SYNC_EVCB with
what it believes the stream time is. The Sync/Stream Manager checks this slave
handler stream time against the master stream time and decides whether to send
a sync pulse to this handler.
Device driver stream handlers receive sync pulses through their sync pulse
event control block (SYNC_EVCB). A device driver stream handler must check for
sync pulses from the Sync/Stream Manager by polling a flag in the sync pulse
SYNC_EVCB. The Sync/Stream Manager sets the flag to indicate a sync pulse and
updates the current master stream time. Usually, the device driver slave
handler polls the flag once during interrupt processing and adjusts the stream
consumption accordingly.
DLL stream handlers receive sync pulses in one of two ways. A DLL stream
handler can register a semaphore with the Sync/Stream Manager, or it can use
the same method the SSM uses for a device driver stream handler.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2.3. Sync Pulse Processing ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Each stream handler (DLL or device driver) can provide sync pulse handling to
support synchronization for any streams activated. Typically, the stream
handler sync pulse handling logic is capable of correcting the active stream's
progress in its real-time context, based on information received in sync pulse
SYNC_EVCB created by the stream handler and accessed by the Sync/Stream
For example, if the slave's current local time is 45000 (15.0 seconds in
MMTIME), and the master sync pulse time is 44500 (14.83 sec), then the slave
stream handler's sync pulse logic should adjust the pace of data streaming
(slow down, or repeat the last 170 milliseconds worth of data). This
time-adjusting (resync) logic is unique to the type of data the handler is
Since there can be occurrences of heavy system load that make it impossible for
DLL sync pulse logic to get control between two sync pulses (task dispatch
latency can rise occasionally to delay even time-critical threads), the handler
always takes the most current master time (last sync pulse posted). The SSM
sets a sync pulse overrun flag if a sync pulse is not processed before the next
sync pulse arrives. Also, the sync pulse logic and all associated control data
objects must reside in fixed memory, so that these code and data pages are
never paged out (at least not while the stream is active).
The sync pulse logic must be high performance by nature. Complex,
time-consuming synchronization adjusting routines with very long path lengths
will not be able to maintain synchronization if they are dispatched
continuously. The sync pulse logic is a second level interrupt handler, so its
performance must be optimized. If no adjustment of the stream is necessary, the
routine might not need to be dispatched at all, which brings us to one final
The Sync/Stream Manager has sync pulse distribution logic that controls when it
will set the slave device driver handler's sync pulse SYNCPOLLING bit flag (the
SSM does not call the handler's IDC interface). This logic similarly controls
when it will dispatch the DLL handler's time-critical thread (clear a semaphore
the thread is waiting on). Typically, the DLL handler detects that a sync pulse
has occurred by polling the SYNCPOLLING bit flag in its sync pulse SYNC_EVCB
that it gave to the Sync/Stream Manager on return from an SHC_ENABLE_SYNC
message. This SYNCPOLLING bit flag is set only when the difference between the
master stream time and the slave's local time (both stored in the sync pulse
SYNC_EVCB) exceeds a specified resync tolerance value. The Sync/Stream Manager
determines this difference for all slaves on each sync pulse received from the
master, and only notifies the slaves whose stream has deviated too much from
the master stream time. Each stream handler that can receive sync pulses must
provide its tolerance value (a minimum time difference expressed in MMTIME) in
the stream's SPCB passed on return from the SHC_CREATE.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2.4. Sync/Stream Subsystem Events ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Sync/stream subsystem events identify a specific change of state for either a
master or slave stream handler. Some of these events do not have any effect on
synchronization and merely indicate status of the data stream.
Two classes of events are defined: implicit and explicit. Implicit events are
those events which all stream handlers must always support (such as end of
stream or preroll complete). Explicit events are events which are supported
only by some handlers (such as a custom event unique to a particular type of
data). The application automatically receives notification of implicit events;
however, the application must enable explicit events by using the
SpiEnableEvent function if it wants to receive notification of any other
events. Events remain enabled until they are disabled. The SSM and stream
handlers are the only components that generate events.
The following table lists the events that are currently defined for the
sync/stream subsystem. Stream handlers can also define new events for use as a
communication mechanism between the stream handler and the application. Refer
to the ulType and ulSubType fields in the EVCB data structure in the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference.
ΓöéEvent ΓöéData ΓöéDescription Γöé
Γöé ΓöéStructure Γöé Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_CUE_DATA ΓöéDATA_EVCB ΓöéA cuepoint in terms of some specific Γöé
Γöé(Explicit) Γöé Γöépiece of data in a stream. This event Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöécan be enabled as a single event or as aΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöérecurring event. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_CUE_TIME ΓöéTIME_EVCB ΓöéA cuepoint in terms of stream time from Γöé
Γöé(Explicit) Γöé Γöéthe start of the stream. This event can Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöébe enabled as a single event or as a Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöérecurring event. Recurring events are Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéevents that are defined as a time Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéinterval. An event is generated an each Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéoccurrence of this time interval. SingleΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéevents remain enabled, even after they Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéare reported. In case the stream is Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéseeked backwards in time to a position Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöébefore a cuepoint and play is resumed, Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéthe cuepoint will be reported again. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_CUE_TIME_PAUSE ΓöéTIME_EVCB ΓöéA cuepoint in terms of stream time from Γöé
Γöé(Explicit) Γöé Γöéthe start of the stream. This event willΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöécause the stream to be paused when the Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöécuepoint is reached. This event can be Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéenabled as a single event. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_DATAOVERRUN ΓöéEVCB ΓöéA stream handler detected a data Γöé
Γöé(Explicit) Γöé Γöéoverrun. Data could be lost in a Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöérecording situation. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_DATAUNDERRUN ΓöéEVCB ΓöéA target stream handler detected a data Γöé
Γöé(Explicit) Γöé Γöéunderrun condition. There was no data Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéavailable to output to the output Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöédevice. Usually in this situation, the Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöétarget stream handler will attempt to Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéget another buffer and then pause it's Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöédevice. The target stream handler will Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöébe re-started when more data is Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéavailable to be output. This condition Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéresults in a break in the output data Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéstream. Interleaved data format can Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöécause underruns to occur when the end ofΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéthe data is reached, but the end of fileΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéhas not been reached. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_EOS (Implicit) ΓöéIMPL_EVCB ΓöéEnd of stream event. This event is Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöégenerated after the target stream Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéhandler has consumed the last buffer in Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéthe stream. This signals to the Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéapplication that the stream has Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöécompleted processing. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_ERROR (Implicit) ΓöéIMPL_EVCB ΓöéAn error has occurred while streaming. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_PLAYLISTCUEPOINT ΓöéPLAYL_EVCBΓöéA memory stream handler playlist Γöé
Γöé(Implicit) Γöé Γöécuepoint event. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_PLAYLISTMESSAGE ΓöéPLAYL_EVCBΓöéA memory stream handler playlist Γöé
Γöé(Implicit) Γöé Γöémessage. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_QUEUE_OVERFLOW ΓöéIMPL_EVCB ΓöéEvent queue overflow. Indicates that an Γöé
Γöé(Implicit) Γöé Γöéevent has been lost due to too many Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéevents being generated. The application Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöé(MCD) should use this event to clear anyΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéwaiting conditions. Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_STREAM_STOPPED ΓöéIMPL_EVCB ΓöéThe stream has been emptied or Γöé
Γöé(Implicit) Γöé Γöédiscarded. (Refer to the SpiStopStream Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéfunction in the Programming Reference.) Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_SYNC_PREROLLED ΓöéIMPL_EVCB ΓöéAll synchronized streams are prerolled. Γöé
Γöé(Implicit) Γöé Γöé(Refer to the SpiStartStream function inΓöé
Γöé Γöé Γöéthe Programming Reference.) Γöé
ΓöéEVENT_SYNCOVERRUN ΓöéOVRU_EVCB ΓöéA sync overrun has been detected in the Γöé
Γöé(Explicit) Γöé Γöéstream. Γöé
The Sync/Stream Manager propagates events to the application through the media
driver by doing a call-back to an event routine that the application registered
with the SSM on an SpiCreateStream call. Use the event routine as if it were a
second-level interrupt routine and do not attempt to do a lot of processing.
The event routine is on a per-process basis; it receives only one process at a
time. Therefore, when an event is sent to be processed, it must wait until the
current event has completed processing.
Because there is only one EVCB for implicit events, it is a good idea to copy
any needed information from the EVCB into local variables for processing by the
event routine. The event routine has the following interface:
Event_Entry(PEVCB pEVCB, rc)
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2.5. Null Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The SSM provides a null stream creation capability to enable multimedia
applications to synchronize nonstreaming devices with streaming devices. The
null stream is created and started for the nonstreaming device, but has no data
flow associated with it. The Duet Player II Sample Program provides an example
of synchronizing the CD-DA device, which is a nonstreaming device.
Any application or media driver can create a null stream, or several null
streams. Since the null stream has no default resync tolerance value, the
creating module must establish this value by calling SpiGetProtocol followed by
SpiInstallProtocol, modifying the resync tolerance field between these two
calls. This establishes the frequency of event notification to the calling
process, allowing the system to maintain sync without the burden of running the
notification thread on every sync pulse.
A given process can create multiple null streams. These streams are notified of
sync pulses in the same way as real stream handlers; therefore, each null
stream handler must support some capabilities a real stream handler supports.
Each null stream thus created can have different sync pulse timing
characteristics. Sync pulse granularity for each stream is governed by changing
the resync tolerance value in the respective SPCBs.
Null stream handlers must support the following Stream Handler Command (SHC)
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.3. Stream Protocols ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Stream Protocol Control Block (SPCB) defines key parameters that control
the behavior of a data stream. The application can query, install, or deinstall
a specific SPCB from a stream handler. SPCB information is installed in the
SPI.INI file by means of a resource file. (See Installing a Stream Handler for
a description of how to install stream protocol.)
Each stream handler supports one or more stream protocols. Each SPCB is
uniquely identified by the value of the stream data type (SPCB key). One field
in the SPCB key allows the stream handler to have multiple SPCBs installed for
the same data type. This field can be used by an application to specify which
SPCB, for any data type, it wants to use. Each application in the system could
define multiple SPCBs for the same data type (see the ulType field in the
SPCBKEY data structure). The application can modify a stream protocol by
installing a new SPCB and deinstalling the old SPCB.
The parameters in the SPCB are:
Fields Meaning
SPCB Length Length of SPCB structure. Provided for future
expansion of the SPCB.
SPCB Key Data stream type and internal key. The internal key
is used to differentiate between multiple SPCB's of
the same data stream type.
o Data Type - The data type of the stream (for example, waveform or MIDI).
o Data Subtype - The subtype of the stream (for example, 16-bit stereo
o Internal Key - Used to differentiate between multiple SPCB's of the same
data type and subtype.
Data Flag Attributes of the data type. (that is, specifies
whether data or time cuepoints are supported by this
data type).
o SPCBDATA_CUETIME - This data type can support time cuepoint events.
o SPCBDATA_CUEDATA - This data type can support data cuepoint events.
o SPCBDATA_NOSEEK - Seeking cannot be done on this data type.
Number of Records Maximum number of records per buffer. (This is only
valid for split streams).
Data Block Size Size of a block. A block is an atomic piece of data.
For example, for digital audio data type PCM 16-bit
stereo at a 44.1 kHz sampling rate, the block size
would be 4 bytes.
Data Buffer Size Size of buffer to be used while streaming. Maximum
buffer size is 64KB.
Min Number of Buffers Minimum number of buffers needed to maintain a
constant data stream.
Max Number of Buffers Maximum number of buffers needed (ideal number). For
normal streams, this means the number of buffers that
will be allocated for the stream. For user provided
buffer streaming, this means the number of buffers
that the Sync/Stream Manager can queue up for a
consumer. This can be used by a source stream handler
that gives the same set of buffers to the Sync/Stream
Manager repeatedly. If the number of buffers is set
to the number of buffers in the set minus one, the
source stream handler will be able to detect when the
target has consumed a buffer and it can be reused.
Assuming that the set of buffers is an ordered set
and each buffer is used in the same order each time.
Source Start Number Number of EMPTY buffers required to start the source
stream handler. The value should be at least as big
as the maximum number of buffers that would be
requested by the source stream handler.
Target Start Number Number of FULL buffers required to start the target
stream handler. The value should be at least as big
as the maximum number of buffers that would be
requested by the target stream handler. Usually, a
target will require at least two buffers at the start
of the stream.
Buffer Flag Buffer attributes (that is, the user provides
buffers, fixed block size, interleaved data type, and
maximum buffer size).
o SPCBBUF_USERPROVIDED - User provides buffers for streaming. The
Sync/Stream Manager will not allocate buffers, but attempt to lock down
user provided buffers or copy the data to locked buffers. Using this flag
will affect the performance of streaming. Only a source stream handler
can set this flag. This flag is mutually exclusive with the
SPCBBUF_INTERLEAVED flag. The SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF cannot be used with this
flag set.
o SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF - The buffer size for this stream handler must be a
particular fixed size (for this data type). This flag cannot be used with
stream) implies SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF.
o SPCBBUF_NONCONTIGUOUS - Each data buffer is allocated contiguously in
physical memory unless both stream handlers set the non-contiguous flag
(SPCBBUF_NONCONTIGUOUS). This flag allows the system flexibility in
allocating memory. A device driver stream handler may require contiguous
memory, while a DLL stream handler may not.
o SPCBBUF_INTERLEAVED - This stream is a split stream. It consists of one
input stream of interleaved data that is split into multiple streams of
individual data types. Only the source stream handler can set this flag.
This flag is mutually exclusive with the SPCBBUF_USERPROVIDED flag. The
SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF cannot be used with this flag set.
o SPCBBUF_MAXSIZE - The ulBufSize field contains that maximum size buffer
that this stream handler can handle.
o SPCBBUF_16MEG - The stream buffers may be allocated above 16MB. This is
used by stream handlers device drivers that can support greater than 16MB
Handler Flag Stream handler flags (that is, the handler can
generate and receive sync pulses, and use the
Sync/Stream Manager timer as the master,
non-streaming handler).
o SPCBHAND_GENSYNC - This stream handler can generate sync pulses.
o SPCBHAND_RCVSYNC - This stream handler can receive sync pulses.
o SPCBHAND_NONSTREAM - This stream handler is a non-streaming handler (that
is, a stream handler that can participate in synchronization, but does
not stream).
o SPCBHAND_GENTIME - This stream handler can keep track of the real stream
time. This handler also supports the SpiGetTime and cuepoint events.
o SPCBHAND_NOPREROLL - This stream handler cannot preroll its device (that
is, for recording streams, the source stream handler cannot be
prerolled). The Sync/Stream Manager will treat this stream as if it were
prerolled if asked to preroll this stream.
o SPCBHAND_NOSYNC - This stream handler can be in a sync group but does not
receive or generate sync pulses. (It is useful to group streams together
so that they can be manipulated as a group).
o SPCBHAND_PHYS_SEEK - This stream handler does a seek to a physical
device. Other stream handlers only adjust stream time on a seek request.
The Sync/Stream Manager will always call this stream handler first on a
call to the SpiSeekStream function.
Resync Tolerance Resync tolerance value. It is used to determine
whether to send a sync pulse to this specific slave
stream handler, if it is a slave.
Sync Pulse Granularity Time interval in MMTIME units between sync pulses.
Used to save sync pulse generation granularity if
this stream handler is a master, but cannot generate
its own sync pulse.
Bytes Per Unit Bytes per unit of time. This is used to do seeks on
linear data that is not compressed or of variable
length. It is also used for SHC_GETTIME queries in a
stream handler.
MMTIME Per Unit The amount of MMTIME each unit represents. This is
also used for the seek and "get time" functions of a
stream handler.
Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for further information on
structure and flag definitions.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.3.1. Stream Protocol Negotiation at Stream Creation Time ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Following are some statements regarding stream protocol negotiation.
o The following flags are set to On in the negotiated SPCB for the stream
handler that should perform the action specified by the flag. Either the
source or the target negotiated SPCB will contain these bit flags.
o The DATATYPE_GENERIC will match any other data type during negotiation.
This is useful for stream handlers like the File System Stream Handler
that can be a source for almost any data type.
o If neither of the SPCB key data types are generic, then both the data
type and subtype fields must match or an error will occur. The internal
key field is not used during negotiation. The internal key of 0 is
returned from negotiation.
o The block size will default to 1 byte if not specified. The source and
target block size must match or the negotiation will fail.
o The Data Buffer Size must be a multiple of block size.
o The negotiation will fail if one stream handler has a fixed buffer size
(SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF) greater than the maximum buffer size (SPCBBUF_MAXSIZE)
of the other.
o Both handlers must not have fixed buffer sizes (SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF) of
different lengths.
o Both handlers must not have maximum buffer sizes (SPCBBUF_MAXSIZE) of
different lengths.
o Negotiation will default to a fixed buffer size (SPCBBUF_FIXEDBUF).
Otherwise, the buffer size is set the greater of the two SPCB buffer
sizes, but not greater than the maximum buffer size (SPCBBUF_MAXSIZE), if
one is specified.
o If no special conditions
the largest buffer size is the one that will be used for the stream
o For user-provided buffers (SPCBBUF_USERPROVIDED), the buffer size is set
to the maximum buffer size (SPCBBUF_MAXSIZE), or to the largest buffers
possible rounded to a multiple of the block size.
o Split streams (SPCBBUF_INTERLEAVED) must have a maximum number of records
per buffer greater than 0. The target stream handler must set this field
to 0, since only the source stream handler can set this value.
o The Minimum and Maximum number of buffers must be greater than zero.
o The largest Minimum number of buffers value is used.
o The largest Maximum number of buffers value is used.
o The Sync/Stream Manager attempts to allocate the maximum number of stream
buffers requested. If it is unable to allocate this amount of space, but
is able to allocate the minimum needed, the stream is created. Otherwise,
the stream creation fails for lack of resources.
o The number of EMPTY buffers required to start the source is always taken
from the source SPCB.
o The number of FULL buffers required to start the target is always taken
from the target SPCB.
o For SpiGetTime requests, each handler must specify whether it can receive
these requests and return real-time information. It can do this by
specifying the SPCBHAND_GENTIME flag. For negotiation, the target stream
handler is the default provider of this information unless only the
source can provide this information.
o The Bytes Per Unit and MMTIME Per Unit are set from the stream handler
that handles the real-time requests per the previous statement.
o For sync pulses, each handler must specify whether it can send or receive
sync pulses. It can do this by specifying the SPCBHAND_GENSYNC or
SPCBHAND_RCVSYNC flag. For negotiation, the target stream handler is the
default generator and receiver of sync pulses unless only the source can
generate and receive sync pulses.
o The sync tolerance is only valid for handlers that set the
o The sync pulse granularity is only valid for handlers that set the
o The SPCBHAND_PHYS_SEEK flag is used to specify if a stream handler does a
physical device seek when called on an SHC_SEEK call. The Sync/Stream
Manager uses this information to determine which stream handler should be
called first on an SpiSeekStream call. The handler that does a physical
device seek will be called first, otherwise, the stream handler that
specified SPCBHAND_GENTIME will be called last.
o Any reserved fields must be set to NULL.
o Any undefined bit in any bit flag of the stream protocol must be set to
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.4. Cuepoint Event Support ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
In certain instances it is not appropriate for a source stream handler to
report cuepoints to an application (or media driver), but to allow the target
to report the cuepoint. Usually, an application awaiting a cuepoint wants to
receive it at the time the data is being output on the target side of a stream.
One such circumstance involves the System Memory Stream Handler.
The System Memory Stream Handler has the ability to stream data from a
playlist. A playlist is basically a little program that specifies what memory
objects from a user application should be streamed and in what order. It
consists of control information to enable looping, branching, and subroutines
calls within the playlist. Another feature of a playlist is the CUEPOINT
instruction, which allows the playlist to specify where in the data stream that
cuepoints need to be sent to the application. Since the playlist is "played"
within the source stream handler, it needs to notify the target stream handler
to report the cuepoint at the appropriate time in the data stream.
The Sync/Stream Manager provides the ability for a source stream handler to
associate a cuepoint with a buffer that it passes to the target stream handler
(through the Sync/Stream Manager). This buffer and attribute remain in the data
stream until the target stream handler requests it. The attribute for the
buffer is passed with the buffer to the target (refer to the SMH_NOTIFY message
in the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference). The target stream handler must
then flag the event (for example, EVENT_CUE_DATA) when it receives a buffer
with a non-zero attribute. The value of the attribute is passed as a parameter
to the event on the SMH_REPORTEVENT call to the Sync/Stream Manager.
This feature of the Sync/Stream Manager supports the memory playlist ability to
send a cuepoint event as close to actual time it occurs as possible. For this
to work, it must be the target stream handler that must flag the cuepoint event
to the application, in this case the media driver. If the System Memory Stream
Handler is the source stream handler, it must notify the target stream handler
to flag a cuepoint event. Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference
for more information on playlists.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.5. CD-ROM XA Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Sync/Stream Manager provides a mechanism to allow one data stream source
and multiple targets, called split streams. For example, CD-ROM XA can
interleave waveform audio, video, and text data within the same data buffer.
The CD-ROM XA Stream Handler splits the data into multiple streams for CD-ROM
XA devices. It is more efficient for the stream handler to read the combined
data into one buffer and then insert the video data into a video stream and the
waveform audio data into a waveform audio stream without copying the data. The
waveform audio data stream is then consumed by a waveform audio stream handler
and the video stream by a video stream handler. The waveform audio stream
handler sees only the audio portions of the data stream and the video stream
handler sees only the video portions of the stream.
A data stream can be split into multiple split streams. The number is limited
only by the resources of the system. Each separate split of the stream is a
separate stream. The work of parsing and determining the different data is the
job of the source stream handler, which actually fills an empty buffer from the
Sync/Stream Manager with data from the source device.
The source stream handler must determine which data goes in which stream. It
must then return to the Sync/Stream Manager pointers to the individual records
of the buffer. Each record is a portion of the buffer filled with data specific
to one of the split streams. These records are returned to the Sync/Stream
Manager indicating which stream they should go to. The Sync/Stream Manager will
then queue these records in the respective buffer or record queue for one of
the split streams sharing the buffer.
You can set up this type of split stream as follows. Multiple streams must be
created, each with a call to the SpiCreateStream function to the Sync/Stream
Manager. The first of these functions is a normal stream creation call with the
hstreamBuf parameter set to NULL. Every other subsequent SpiCreateStream call
that needs to share the buffers of the first stream must pass that stream's
handle in the hstreamBuf parameter. This is the mechanism used by the
Sync/Stream Manager to allow these split streams to share the buffers of the
first stream.
The source stream handler will also receive this parameter on an SHC_CREATE
call and need to support this kind of streaming. The SPCBBUF_INTERLEAVED flag
in the SPCB that is set by the source stream handler to indicate whether it can
do split streaming. If it cannot, any SpiCreateStream attempting to use its
buffers will be rejected. Any stream sharing buffers will be negotiated to use
the same size buffers and number of buffers as the stream that allocated the
The split-stream mechanism only works for one source and multiple targets.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.6. Streaming Scenarios ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following programming scenarios provide sample pseudocode of data streaming
in the OS/2 multimedia environment using the sync/stream subsystem functions.
This pseudocode shows how to structure your application code to use the SPI
functions. For further details about how the sync/stream subsystem interfaces
operate, refer to detailed definitions of the functions and messages in the
Programming Reference.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.6.1. Streaming Waveform Audio Data from the File System ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This scenario describes creating a waveform audio data stream and associating a
file containing waveform audio with the source stream handler (File System
Stream Handler DLL), where the target handler is the Audio Stream Handler, as
shown in the following example.
/* M A I N */
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "os2me.h"
RC ulRC; /* Error return code */
SPCBKEY SPCBkey; /* Data type to stream */
IMPL_EVCB EVCB; /* Event control block for implicit events */
ACB_MMIO acb; /* Associate control block used to assoc */
/* The file to stream (play) */
DCB_AUDIOSH dcb; /* Audio device driver information */
HAND ahand[5]; /* Enumerate handler info */
ULONG ulNumHand = 5;
HID hidSource, hidTarget, hidunused; /* Handler ID */
HSTREAM hstream; /* Stream handle */
HEVENT hevent; /* Event handle for implicit events */
HMMIO hmmioIn; /* Handle to mmio file open */
/* Get list of all stream handlers in system */
if (rc = SpiEnumerateHandlers(&ahand, &ulNumHand))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Get the stream handler ID for the File System Stream Handler */
if (rc = SpiGetHandler("FSSH",&hidSource,&hidunused))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Get the stream handler ID for the Audio Stream Handler */
if (rc = SpiGetHandler("AUDIOSH$",&hidunused,&hidTarget))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Create a data stream from the file system to the */
/* waveform audio ACPA device connected to speakers. */
SPCBkey.ulDataSubType = WAVE_FORMAT_4S16;
SPCBkey.ulINtKey = 0;
dcb.ulDCBLen = sizeof(dcb);
dcb.hSysFileNum = (** hSysFileNum returned by audio dd on audio_init call)
if (rc = SpiCreateStream(hidSource,
return(rc); /* error! */
/* USE MMIO to access a waveform audio object */
if ((hmmioIn = mmioOpen("c:\lawton\files\waveform\hendrix.jim"
/* Fill in acb with data object info */
acb.ulACBLen = sizeof(ACB_MMIO);
acb.ulObjType = ACBTYPE_MMIO;
acb.hmmio = hmmioIn;
/* Associate the waveform data object with the source handler */
if (rc = SpiAssociate(hstream,hidSource,&acb))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Start the streaming */
if (rc = SpiStartStream(hstream, SPI_START_STREAM))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Do other processing */
/* Create a semaphore and block this thread on the semaphore */
/* until the streaming is complete */
/* Destroy the stream */
if (rc = SpiDestroyStream(hstream))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Perform any other resource cleanup */
/* E v e n t P r o c e d u r e */
RC EventProc(EVCB *pEVCB)
/* Handle events from the Sync/Stream Manager */
switch (pEVCB->ulType) {
switch (pEVCB->ulSubType) {
case EVENT_EOS: /* End of Stream */
/* Clear the semaphore so that the main */
/* routine can continue execution. */
case EVENT_ERROR: /* Error occurred */
/* flag error condition in main line application */
case EVENT_STREAM_STOPPED: /* Discard/Flush Stop */
/* Do processing while stream stopped */
case EVENT_SYNC_PREROLLED: /* Stream is prerolled */
/* Now that the producers are prerolled, do a real
start to the stream handlers */
/* Unknown event, do something */
/* Unknown event, do something */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.6.2. Synchronized MIDI and Waveform Streams ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This scenario describes how two streams (waveform audio and MIDI) are created
and synchronized with each other. The audio stream is the synchronization
master stream. The source handler for the waveform stream is the File System
Stream Handler DLL. The source handler for the MIDI stream is the File System
Stream Handler DLL.
Currently, the audio stream handler does not provide the ability to be a slave
to a master stream. It does, however, have the ability to be the master stream
/* M A I N */
RC ulRC; /* Error return code */
SPCBKEY spcbkey; /* Data type to stream */
IMPL_EVCB evcb1, evcb2; /* Event control block for implicit events */
ACB_MMIO acb; /* Associate control block used to assoc */
/* The file to stream (play) */
DCB_AUDIOSH dcb; /* Audio device driver information */
HAND ahand[5]; /* Enumerate handler info */
ULONG ulNumHand = 5;
HID hidSource1, hidTarget1, hidunused; /* Handler IDs */
HID hidSource2, hidTarget2
HSTREAM hstream1, hstream2; /* Stream handle */
HEVENT hevent1, hevent2; /* Event handle for implicit events */
HMMIO hmmio1, hmmio2; /* Handle to mmio file open */
SLAVE slave[1]; /* Sync slave structure */
/* Get list of all Stream handlers in system */
if (rc = SpiEnumerateHandlers(&ahand, &ulNumHand))
return(rc); /* error! */
/****** CREATE WAVEFORM AUDIO STREAM (Stream # 1) ******/
/* Get the stream Handler ID for the file system stream handler */
if (rc = SpiGetHandler("FSSH",&hidSource1,&hidunused))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Get the stream handler ID for the Audio Stream Handler */
if (rc = SpiGetHandler("AUDIOSH$",&hidunused,&hidTarget1))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Create a data stream from the file system to */
/* the audio ACPA device connected to speakers. */
spcbkey.ulDataType = DATATYPE_ADPCM_AVC;
spcbkey.ulDataSubType = ADPCM_AVC_HQ;
spcbkey.ulINtKey = 0;
dcb.ulDCBLen = sizeof(dcb);
dcb.hSysFileNum = (** hSysFileNum returned by audio dd on audio_init call)
if (rc = SpiCreateStream(hidSource1,
return(rc); /* error! */
/* USE MMIO to access a waveform audio object */
if ((hmmio1 = mmioOpen("E:\Mygreat\waveform\file\screams.hq"
/* Fill in acb with data object info */
acb.ulACBLen = sizeof(ACB_MMIO);
acb.ulObjType = ACBTYPE_MMIO;
acb.hmmio = hmmio1;
/* Associate the waveform data object with the source handler */
if (rc = SpiAssociate(hstream1,hidSource1,&acb))
return(rc); /* error! */
/****** CREATE MIDI STREAM (Stream # 2) ******/
/* Get the stream handler ID for the File System Stream Handler */
if (rc = SpiGetHandler("FSSH",&hidSource2,&hidunused))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Get the stream handler ID for the MIDI Audio Stream Handler */
if (rc = SpiGetHandler("AUDIOSH$",&hidunused,&hidTarget2))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Create a data stream from the memory to an */
/* OEM audio device connected to speakers. */
spcbkey.ulDataType = DATATYPE_MIDI;
spcbkey.ulDataSubType = SUBTYPE_NONE;
spcbkey.ulINtKey = 0;
dcb.ulDCBLen = sizeof(dcb);
dcb.hSysFileNum = (** hSysFileNum returned by audio dd on audio_init call)
if (rc = SpiCreateStream(hidSource2,
return(rc); /* error! */
/* USE MMIO to access a waveform audio object */
if ((hmmio2 = mmioOpen("E:Mygreat\midi\file\screams.mid"
/* Fill in acb with data object info */
acb.ulACBLen = sizeof(ACB_MMIO);
acb.ulObjType = ACBTYPE_MMIO;
acb.hmmio = hmmio2;
/* Associate the waveform data object with the source handler */
if (rc = SpiAssociate(hstream2,hidSource2,&acb))
return(rc); /* error! */
slave[0].hSlaveStream = hstream2; /* MIDI stream is slave */
slave[0].mmtimeStart = 0; /* Time to start slave */
if (rc = SpiEnableSync(hstream1, /* Audio stream is master */
1, /* Number of slaves */
0)) /* Use spcb sync granularity */
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Start streams by passing the handle to the stream sync master */
if (rc = SpiStartStream(hstream1, SPI_START_SLAVES))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Do other processing */
/* Create a semaphore and block this thread on the semaphore */
/* until the streaming is complete */
/* Destroy both streams when completed */
if (rc = SpiDestroyStream(hstream1))
return(rc); /* error! */
if (rc = SpiDestroyStream(hstream2))
return(rc); /* error! */
/* Perform other resource cleanup */
/* E v e n t P r o c e d u r e */
RC EventProc(EVCB *pEVCB)
if (pEVCB == &EVCB1) /* Stream #1 or Stream # 2 event ? */
/* Process Stream #1 events */
/* Process Stream #2 events */
/* Handle events from the Sync/Stream Manager */
switch (pEVCB->ulType) {
switch (pEVCB->ulSubType) {
case EVENT_EOS: /* End of Stream */
/* Clear the semaphore so that the main routine can */
/* continue execution. */
case EVENT_ERROR: /* Error occurred */
/* flag error condition in main line application */
case EVENT_STREAM_STOPPED: /* Discard/Flush Stop */
/* Do processing while stream stopped */
case EVENT_SYNC_PREROLLED: /* Stream is prerolled */
/* Now that the producers are prerolled, do a real
start to the stream handlers */
/* Unknown event, do something */
/* Unknown event, do something */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7. DLL Model: File System Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The multimedia system provides stream handlers at both system kernel level
(Ring 0) as OS/2 PDDs, and at application level (Ring 3) as OS/2 DLLs. The
reason for having both types of stream handlers is that while some streams are
ideally controlled by a direct connection between the stream handler and a
device's PDD, other streams are not associated with a data source or target,
which maps physically to a specific device. For example, the File System Stream
Handler is a DLL, because all file system I/O functions are available as Ring 3
OS/2 API, and service all file system devices. This eliminates the need to
build a specific stream handler PDD for every device the file system can
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.1. File System Stream Handler Modules ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following figure illustrates the outline of the file system stream handler
The descriptions for the sample file system stream handler modules shown in the
example in section File System Stream Handler Modules are contained in the
following table.
ΓöéProcedure Name ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéSHINIT.C ΓöéReceives control when FSSHT.DLL is loaded and performs Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe following functions: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéDLL_INITTERM Initialization routine to Γöé
Γöé Γöé register the stream handler Γöé
Γöé Γöé with the Sync/Stream Manager Γöé
Γöé Γöé (SSM), allocate heap memory, Γöé
Γöé Γöé and create mutex semaphores. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSHEXITLIST Termination routine to Γöé
Γöé Γöé deregister the stream handler, Γöé
Γöé Γöé destroy any active streams, Γöé
Γöé Γöé reload heap memory, and close Γöé
Γöé Γöé mutex semaphores. Γöé
ΓöéSHROUTER.C ΓöéReceives the stream handler command (SHC) messages fromΓöé
Γöé ΓöéSSM and routes them to the appropriate low-level Γöé
Γöé Γöéroutines. Γöé
ΓöéFSSHASS.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_ASSOCIATE stream handler command Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage to associate an object (file handler, CD ROM Γöé
Γöé Γöédrive letter, and so on) with a data stream. Γöé
ΓöéSHEPROT.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_ENUMERATE stream handler command Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage to return a list of stream protocols for a Γöé
Γöé Γöégiven stream. Γöé
ΓöéSHGPROT.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_GET_PROTOCOL stream handler command Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage to return a stream protocol control block Γöé
Γöé Γöé(SPCB) for a given data type. Γöé
ΓöéSHIPROT.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_INSTALL_PROTOCOL stream handler Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand message to install or replace an SPCB for a Γöé
Γöé Γöégiven data type. Γöé
ΓöéFSSHCREA.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_CREATE stream handler command messageΓöé
Γöé Γöéto create a stream instance for a given data type and Γöé
Γöé Γöésubtype. If the create is for a source stream handler, Γöé
Γöé Γöéa read thread in FSSHREAD.C is created. Otherwise a Γöé
Γöé Γöéwrite thread is created in FSSHWRIT.C for a target Γöé
Γöé Γöéstream handler. Γöé
ΓöéSHNEGOT.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_NEGOTIATE_RESULTS stream handler Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand message to save the negotiated SPCB for a givenΓöé
Γöé Γöéstream instance. Γöé
ΓöéSHSTART.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_START stream handler command message Γöé
Γöé Γöéto start the data streaming for a given stream Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstance. For a source stream handler, the read thread Γöé
Γöé Γöéin FSSHREAD.C is run. For a target stream handler, the Γöé
Γöé Γöéwrite thread in FSSHWRIT.C is run. Γöé
ΓöéSHSTOP.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_STOP stream handler command message Γöé
Γöé Γöéto stop the data streaming for a given stream instance.Γöé
Γöé ΓöéFor a source stream handler, the read thread in all theΓöé
Γöé Γöébuffers is either discarded (STOP DISCARD) or returned Γöé
Γöé Γöéto SSM (STOP FLUSH). For a target stream handler, the Γöé
Γöé Γöéwrite thread in FSSHWRIT.C is blocked, with buffers Γöé
Γöé Γöéeither discarded or flushed. Γöé
ΓöéFSSHSEEK.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_SEEK stream handler command message Γöé
Γöé Γöéto seek to a specified point in the stream object. The Γöé
Γöé Γöéseek can be from the beginning of the file, the currentΓöé
Γöé Γöéposition, or the end o the file. The seek point can be Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecified in bytes offset or MMTIME units. This module Γöé
Γöé Γöéinterfaces with low-level routines in SEEKCALC.ASM to Γöé
Γöé Γöéperform conversion from MMTIME values to bytes, and Γöé
Γöé Γöéwith mmioSeek to perform the actual seek in the object.Γöé
ΓöéSEEKCALC.ASM ΓöéPerforms the low-level conversions of MMTIME to bytes, Γöé
Γöé Γöéand bytes to MMTIME, needed by FSSHSEEK.C. Γöé
ΓöéSHDESTRY.C ΓöéProcesses the SHC_DESTROY stream handler command Γöé
Γöé Γöémessage to remove a stream instance. Either the read Γöé
Γöé Γöéthread in FSSHREAD.C or the write thread in FSSHWRIT.C Γöé
Γöé Γöéis terminated when this message is received. Γöé
ΓöéSHMISC.C ΓöéSupporting routines used by the other stream handler Γöé
Γöé Γöémodules; for example, searching the stream instance Γöé
Γöé Γöéchain to find a particular stream instance, finding an Γöé
Γöé Γöéextended stream protocol control block (SPCB), and Γöé
Γöé Γöédeallocating a stream instance. Γöé
ΓöéFSSHREAD.C ΓöéReads an object from the file system. A read thread is Γöé
Γöé Γöécreated when the SHC_CREATE message is received in Γöé
Γöé ΓöéFSSHCREA.C and destroyed when the SHC_DESTROY message Γöé
Γöé Γöéis received in SHDESTRY.C. The read is accomplished by Γöé
Γöé Γöéinterfacing with a mmioRead routine and low-level Γöé
Γöé Γöéroutines in SHIOUTIL.C to check processing flags and Γöé
Γöé Γöéreport events to SSM. Γöé
ΓöéSHIOUTIL.C ΓöéLow-level routines used by FSSHREAD.C and FSSHWRIT.C Γöé
Γöé Γöémodules. This module performs checks of processing Γöé
Γöé Γöéflags and also reports processing events to SSM. Γöé
ΓöéFSSHDAT.C ΓöéGlobal data declaration for the stream handler Γöé
Γöémakefile ΓöéMakefile to build FSSHT.DLL sample file system stream Γöé
Γöé Γöéhandler Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.2. Entry Points Diagram ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Sync/Stream Manager DLL exports SPI services to higher-level OS/2
multimedia components (such as media drivers) and exports Stream Manager Helper
(SMH) messages to support the stream handler DLLs. Additional SMH messages are
exported by the SSM device driver to stream handler device drivers using
standard OS/2 inter-device driver communication (IDC) interfaces (established
using DevHelp_AttachDD).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.3. SMHEntryPoint ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Stream Manager Helper (SMH) messages are exported for use by both device
driver and DLL stream handlers through the SMHEntryPoint. The stream handlers
use these helper routines to register with the Sync/Stream Manager, report
events and synchronization cues, and request or return buffers. They are
synchronous calls and are available to Ring 3 DLL stream handlers as a DLL call
(Ring 0 stream handlers as an IDC call).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.4. SHCEntryPoint ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
As illustrated in the following example, a DLL stream handler implements
function through an additional entry point. DLL stream handlers must supply an
interface to communicate with the Sync/Stream Manager. This interface, called
the stream handler command (SHC) interface, exports stream handler commands
(SHCs) for use by the Sync/Stream Manager to set up and control data streams.
These SHCs are accessible through a single entry point, SHCEntryPoint.
RC ShcRouter(pshc)
{ /* Start of ShcRouter */
RC rc = NO_ERROR; /* local return code */
switch (pshc->ulFunction)
rc = ShcAssociate((PPARM_ASSOC)pshcNow);
rc = ShcCreate((PPARM_CREATE)pshcNow);
rc = ShcDestroy((PPARM_DESTROY)pshcNow);
case SHC_SEEK:
rc = ShcSeek((PPARM_SEEK)pshcNow);
rc = ShcStart((PPARM_START)pshcNow);
case SHC_STOP:
rc = ShcStop((PPARM_STOP)pshcNow);
rc = ShcGetProtocol((PPARM_GPROT)pshcNow);
rc = ShcInstallProtocol((PPARM_INSTPROT)pshcNow);
rc = ShcEnumerateProtocols((PPARM_ENUMPROT)pshcNow);
rc = ShcNegotiateResult((PPARM_NEGOTIATE)pshcNow);
} /* endswitch */
} /* End of ShcRouter */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.5. DLL Initialization ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following example illustrates a DLL stream handler's initialization
process. During initialization, the stream handler must perform any global DLL
initialization the first time the DLL is loaded and perform any instance
initialization for each instance of the stream handler DLL. Each instance of
the DLL represents a process. The stream handler must register itself with the
Sync/Stream Manager during global initialization. The stream handler should
also register an exit-list routine if any is required for DLL termination.
ULONG _DLL_InitTerm( HMODULE hmod, ULONG fTerm)
{ /* Start of ShInit */
RC rc = NO_ERROR; /* local return code */
PARM_REG smhRegParm; /* Parameters for SMH_REGISTER */
int Registered = FALSE;
int HeapAllocated_Attached = FALSE;
int GlobDataMtxCreated = FALSE;
* Checking this parameter will insure that this routine will only
* be run on an actual initialization. Return success from the
* termination.
if (fTerm)
return (1L);
if (_CRT_init())
return (0L);
* Get the semaphore controlling the process count and update the process
* count if successful. Then after we have the sem, if the count is 1,
* we are guaranteed that we must do the global initializations.
* There is a problem. To determine if we need to create or open the
* semaphore, we need to check the ProcessCount to see if this is the
* first process. But since we don't have the semaphore, we don't have
* a guarantee the count won't change. If we get caught in this window
* then we will fail to get the semaphore and the rc will indicate error.
if (ulProcessCount == 0)
{ /* First process */
if (!(rc = DosCreateMutexSem(pszProcCntMutexName,
} /* First process */
{ /* not first process */
/* if a process exits and decrements ProcessCount before we get */
/* the semaphore here, we will fail. */
if (!(rc = DosOpenMutexSem(pszProcCntMutexName,
if (!(rc = DosRequestMutexSem(hmtxProcCnt,
} /* not first process */
if (!rc)
{ /* Semaphore ok, In critical section */
* If this is the first time this init routine is called then we are
* being brought in by the loader the first time, so we need to
* register with the SSM.
if (ulProcessCount == 1)
{ /* First process */
smhRegParm.ulFunction = SMH_REGISTER;
smhRegParm.pszSHName = pszHandlerName;
smhRegParm.phidSrc = &SrcHandlerID;
smhRegParm.phidTgt = &TgtHandlerID;
smhRegParm.pshcfnEntry = ( PSHCFN ) ShcRouter;
smhRegParm.ulFlags = 0L;
if (ulHandlerFlags & HANDLER_CAN_BE_SOURCE)
smhRegParm.ulFlags = REGISTER_SRC_HNDLR;
if (ulHandlerFlags & HANDLER_CAN_BE_TARGET)
smhRegParm.ulFlags |= REGISTER_TGT_HNDLR;
rc = SMHEntryPoint((PVOID)&smhRegParm);
* If ok then allocate our memory pool (heap), since it is under
* semaphore control create and get the semaphore first.
if (!rc)
{ /* Register ok */
Registered = TRUE;
hHeap = HhpCreateHeap(HEAPSIZE,
if (hHeap)
{ /* Heap Allocated */
HeapAllocated_Attached = TRUE;
if (!(rc = DosCreateMutexSem(NULL,
GlobDataMtxCreated = TRUE;
} /* Heap Allocated */
{ /* Heap not allocated */
} /* Heap not allocated */
} /* Register ok */
} /* First Process */
{ /* Not first process */
if (!(rc = DosOpenMutexSem(NULL,
{ /* Global data semaphore opened */
GlobDataMtxCreated = TRUE;
if (!ENTERCRIT(rc))
{ /* Global Data Sem obtained */
if (HhpAccessHeap(hHeap, HhpGetPID()))
{ /* Error accessing heap */
} /* Error accessing heap */
{ /* Heap attached */
HeapAllocated_Attached = TRUE;
} /* Heap attached */
} /* Global Data Sem obtained */
} /* Global data semaphore opened */
} /* Not first process */
* If things are ok, Register an exit list handler and if that works
* increment the process count.
if (!rc)
if (rc)
{ /* Error occurred - Clean Up */
if (HeapAllocated_Attached)
if (GlobDataMtxCreated)
if (Registered)
{ /* Deregister */
PARM_DEREG smhDeregParm;
smhDeregParm.ulFunction = SMH_DEREGISTER;
smhDeregParm.pszSHName = pszHandlerName;
} /* Deregister */
} /* Error occurred - Clean Up */
} /* Semaphore ok, In critical section */
* The return codes expected are:
* TRUE (any non-zero) - init routine worked
* FALSE (zero) - init routine failed
* So we have to reverse the local rc before we pass it back.
} /* End of SHInit */
The stream event handling logic in the DLL stream handlers is essentially the
same as in device driver stream handlers. The only significant difference is
that stream events are detected and reported at task time in a DLL, rather than
at interrupt time as in the case with device drivers
#include "os2.h"
#include "os2me.h"
RC rc; /* Error return code */
HID hidSource; /* Source handler ID */
TIME_EVCB timeevcb; /* Cuepoint event control block */
HEVENT hevent; /* time event handle */
HSTREAM hstream; /* Stream handle */
HID hid; /* Handler ID */
PARM_EVENT parm_event; /* Report event parameter block */
MMTIME mmtimeCurrent; /* Current stream time */
PSMHFN SMHEntryPoint; /* Pointer to SMH entry point */
/* Report an event. */
parm_event.ulFunction = SMH_REPORTEVENT; /* Set function */
parm_event.hid = hidSource; /* Source handler ID */
parm_event.hevent = hevent; /* Event handle */
parm_event.pevcbEvent = (PEVCB) &timeevcb; /* Pointer to Time EVCB */
timeevcb.ulType = EVENT_CUE_TIME; /* Set event type */
timeevcb.hstream = hstream; /* Set stream handle */
timeevcb.hid = hid; /* Set handler ID */
timeevcb.ulStatus = 0; /* No status */
timeevcb.mmtimeStream = mmtimeCurrent; /* Set current time */
if (rc = SMHEntryPoint (&parm_event))
return(rc); /* Error! */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.6. Synchronization ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
DLL stream handlers can process sync pulses as either a master or slave stream.
A master of a sync group must have the SPCBHAND_GENSYNC or the SPCBHAND_NOSYNC
bits set in the SPCB that is returned to the SSM on the SHC_CREATE call.
Otherwise, the stream handler cannot be a master.
If you would like to create a stream handler that can generate sync pulses, you
must either use a hardware device (such as an audio card) to generate timing
interrupts at a fixed rate, or use the OS/2 timer services such as the OS/2
device driver SetTimer DevHelp or the OS/2 DosAsyncTimer functions. You can
then call GetDOSVar to query the address of the global information segment
structure (GlobalInfoSeg). This allows you to get the real time so that you can
detect missed timing messages. For further information, refer to the OS/2 2.0
Technical Library Physical Device Driver Reference.
Note: We provide the architecture for synchronization. The audio stream
handler can be a master (generate sync pulses). The audio stream handler
can also be a slave, but it does not support the ability to
re-synchronize to a master stream.
/* Master */
/* Synchronization - If we are the master stream, then report the */
/* current time to the Sync/Stream Manager so that */
/* it can be distributed to any slave streams. */
/* */
/************************* END OF SPECIFICATIONS ************************/
PARM_EVENT parmevent; /* parms for SMH_NOTIFY calls */
SYNC_EVCB syncevcb; /* Cuepoint event control block */
if (psib->ulStatus & STREAM_MASTER_SYNC) {
parm_event.ulFunction = SMH_REPORTEVENT; /* Set function */
parm_event.hid = psib->HandlerID; /* Source handler ID */
parm_event.hevent = hevent; /* Event handle */
parm_event.pevcbEvent = (PEVCB) &syncevcb; /* Pointer to Sync EVCB */
syncevcb.ulType = EVENT_CUE_TIME; /* Set event type */
syncevcb.hstream = psib->hStream; /* Set stream handle */
syncevcb.hid = hid; /* Set handler ID */
syncevcb.ulStatus = 0; /* No status */
syncevcb.mmtimeStream = mmtimeCurrent; /* Set current time */
if (rc = SMHEntryPoint (&parm_event))
return(rc); /* Error! */
/* Slave */
/* Synchronization - If we are the slave stream, then update the slave */
/* time and determine if this slave stream is */
/* too slow or too fast with respect to the master */
/* stream. */
/* */
/************************ END OF SPECIFICATIONS ************************/
if ((pSTREAM)->ulStateFlg & STREAM_SLAVE_SYNC) {
(pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeSlave = mmtimeCurrStreamTime;
if ((pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.ulStatus & SYNCPOLLING) {
if (mmtimeCurrStreamTime > (pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeMaster)
/* I need to slow my stream */
if (mmtimeCurrStreamTime < (pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeMaster)
/* I need to speed up my stream */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7.7. Worker Thread Creation ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Stream handler DLLs create worker threads for each stream created. A worker
thread, for example, would consist of code to request a buffer from the
Sync/Stream Manager, fill it with data from a device and return it to the
Sync/Stream Manager. This would continue until the end of stream or until some
other kind of stream stop.
A worker thread does all the work of the stream handler itself. It is a good
idea to create a worker thread for each stream instance. Basically, a worker
thread either loops in the read routine or loops in the write routine. This
depends on whether it is a source or target. If it is a source, the thread
loops in the read routine and reads from its device using whatever commands it
uses to interface with its device. It also interfaces with the Sync/Stream
Manager requesting empty buffers and returning full buffers. On the other hand,
when the DLL stream handler is the target, the thread will also be in a big
loop, but it is performing different operations. It will be requesting full
buffers from the Sync/Stream Manager and then consuming those buffers by
passing them off to the device (in whatever way it communicates with its
#include <os2.h>
#include <os2me.h>
#include <hhpheap.h>
#include <shi.h>
PSIB psib; /* Stream Instance Block */
{ /* Start of FsshRead */
RC rc = NO_ERROR; /* local return code */
char NeedBuf; /* local loop boolean */
LONG NumBytesIO; /* Number of bytes from mmio */
PARM_NOTIFY npget, npret; /* parms for SMH_NOTIFY calls */
SRCBUFTAB SrcBufTab = {0}; /* Source buffer table */
ULONG ulStopped = DO_SLEEP; /* did we get stop disc or flush */
BOOL bAtEOS = FALSE; /* End of Stream indicator */
ULONG ulPostCount; /* Temp to hold count */
/* Before we start lets do some init stuff: */
npget.ulFunction = SMH_NOTIFY;
npget.hid = psib->HandlerID;
npget.hstream = psib->hStream;
npget.ulGetNumEntries = 1L;
npget.ulRetNumEntries = 0L;
npget.pGetBufTab = &SrcBufTab;
npget.pRetBufTab = NULL;
npret.ulFunction = SMH_NOTIFY;
npret.hid = psib->HandlerID;
npret.hstream = psib->hStream;
npret.ulFlags = BUF_RETURNFULL;
npret.ulGetNumEntries = 0L;
npret.ulRetNumEntries = 1L;
npret.pGetBufTab = NULL;
npret.pRetBufTab = &SrcBufTab;
/* Wait until we get the ShcStart */
DosWaitEventSem(psib->hevStop, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
/* We will loop forever getting an empty buffer, calling the device to */
/* fill up the buffer, sending it to the consumer. During each */
/* iteration of the loop we will check the action flags for */
/* asynchronous requests to do things. */
if (psib->ulActionFlags & SIBACTFLG_KILL)
{ /* Must have been a create error */
rc = 1L;
} /* Must have been a create error */
/* Start the main loop */
while (!rc)
{ /* while no severe error */
if (psib->ulActionFlags)
rc = CheckNSleep(psib);
* Get a buffer
NeedBuf = TRUE;
while ((NeedBuf) && (!rc))
{ /* while we don't have a buffer */
/* Clear the stop sem, so if after we call ssm to get a buffer if */
/* it returns none avail then we won't miss a SSMBuffer Start */
/* before we go to sleep. */
DosResetEventSem(psib->hevStop, &ulPostCount);
npget.ulFlags = BUF_GETEMPTY;
rc = SMHEntryPoint(&npget); /* get a buffer */
if (!rc)
NeedBuf = FALSE;
/* make sure attribute is 0 so we don't pass around a bad value */
SrcBufTab.ulMessageParm = 0L;
{ /* return code from smhnotify */
{ /* buffer not available */
/* the smhnotify resets the num entries to 0 when none avail */
npget.ulGetNumEntries = 1L;
ulStopped = DO_SLEEP;
rc = SleepNCheck(psib, &ulStopped);
} /* buffer not available */
} /* return code from smhnotify */
} /* while we don't have a buffer */
/* We have a buffer or an error */
if (!rc)
{ /* have a buffer - do the read */
NumBytesIO = mmioRead((HMMIO)psib->ulAssocP1,
if (NumBytesIO == -1L)
{ /* an error */
SrcBufTab.ulLength = 0L;
/* get the real error code */
rc = mmioGetLastError((HMMIO)psib->ulAssocP1);
rc = ShIOError(psib, npret, rc);
} /* an error */
{ /* We have some data */
if (NumBytesIO != (LONG)SrcBufTab.ulLength)
{ /* End of stream */
npret.ulFlags |= BUF_EOS;
DosResetEventSem(psib->hevStop, &ulPostCount);
SrcBufTab.ulLength = NumBytesIO;
} /* End of stream */
/* Send the data to the stream manager */
rc = SMHEntryPoint(&npret);
if (!rc)
{ /* data sent ok */
if (bAtEOS)
ulStopped = DO_SLEEP;
rc = SleepNCheck(psib, &ulStopped);
} /* data sent ok */
} /* We have some data */
/* Clear the EOS if it was set. And attribute */
npret.ulFlags = BUF_RETURNFULL;
SrcBufTab.ulMessageParm = 0L;
} /* have a buffer - do the read */
} /* while no severe error */
/* We get here if an error has occurred or a kill has */
/* been sent. In the case of the kill, reset the */
/* return code to 0 (no error) and exit the thread. */
/* Otherwise, report the error event and exit the */
/* thread. */
if (psib->ulActionFlags & SIBACTFLG_KILL)
rc = 0L;
rc, /* Return code */
EVENT_ERROR, /* event type */
0L, /* user info */
/* Only set this flag when we no longer need access to the sib since */
/* Destroy may get control and Free the sib. */
psib->ulActionFlags |= SIBACTFLG_THREAD_DEAD;
} /* End of FsshRead */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8. Device Driver Model: Video PDD ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A device driver stream handler is used as a source handler at the Ring 0 level.
It interfaces with the Sync/Stream Manager to get or return stream data
buffers. The stream handler also interfaces with the hardware's physical device
driver (PDD) to give or receive data buffer pointers. The purpose of the stream
handler is to alleviate the media driver from the task of sending a data stream
to the PDD. Instead, the media driver issues function calls to the SSM to
initiate a stream. In turn, the SSM requests the stream handlers to regulate
the proper stream flow without intervention from the application.
Device driver stream handlers include two main entry points - SMHEntryPoint and
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.1. SMHEntryPoint ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Device driver stream handlers send Stream Manager Helper (SMH) routines to the
SSM through the SMHEntryPoint. The stream handlers use these helper routines to
register with the Sync/Stream Manager, report events and synchronization cues,
and to request or return buffers. This interface is created using the standard
inter-device driver communication (IDC) approach, established by the AttachDD
DevHelp function during initialization processing.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.2. DDCMDEntryPoint ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Device driver stream handlers communicate with the hardware PDD through the
DDCMDEntryPoint. This is accomplished through the use of device driver commands
(DDCMDs), which allow a stream handler to request a PDD to perform functions
such as starting, stopping, or resuming a device. This interface uses the IDC
mechanism provided by the ATTACHDD DevHelp function. The stream handler must
attach to the device driver to receive the DDCMD entry point address of the
device driver. This function is performed before issuing device driver
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.3. SHCEntryPoint ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
As illustrated in the following example, a device driver stream handler
implements function through two additional entry points: SHCEntryPoint and
Device driver stream handlers receive commands from the Sync/Stream Manager to
initialize and perform streaming functions. These stream handler commands
(SHCs) are accessible through a single entry point, SHCEntryPoint. The main
routine is an IDC interface with the Sync/Stream Manager Device Driver. The SSM
calls the device driver stream handler by issuing stream programming interface
(SPI) functions such as SpiCreateStream, SpiStartStream, and SpiStopStream.
The following example illustrates the code implementation of the SHCEntryPoint.
RC DDCMDEntryPoint(PDDCMDCOMMON pCommon); /* PDD entry point from SH */
RC SHDEntryPoint(PSHD_COMMON pCommon); /* SH entry point from PDD */
RC SHCEntryPoint(PSHC_COMMON pCommon); /* SH entry point from SSM */
RC SMHEntryPoint(PSHC_COMMON pCommon); /* SSM entry point from SH */
ULONG (*ShcFuncs[])(PVOID pCommon) = { /* SHC function jump table */
SHCAssociate, /* 0 */
SHCClose, /* 1 */
SHCCreate, /* 2 */
SHCDestroy, /* 3 */
SHCStart, /* 4 */
SHCStop, /* 5 */
SHCSeek, /* 6 */
SHCEnableEvent, /* 7 */
SHCDisableEvent, /* 8 */
SHCEnableSync, /* 9 */
SHCDisableSync, /* 10 */
SHCGetTime, /* 11 */
SHCGetProtocol, /* 12 */
SHCInstallProtocol, /* 13 */
SHCEnumerateProtocols, /* 14 */
SHCNegotiateResult /* 15 */
USHORT MaxShcFuncs = sizeof(ShcFuncs)/sizeof(USHORT);
RC SHCEntryPoint(pCommon)
if (pCommon->ulFunction > (ULONG)MaxShcFuncs)
/* Check for valid function */
} /* Call SHC message */
PSTREAM pSTREAM; /* Ptr to current stream */
ulRC rc; /* Return code */
if (rc = GetStreamEntry(&pSTREAM, pStart->hstream))
EnterCritSec; /* Disable interrupts */
switch (pSTREAM->ulStateFlg) {
/* Get a full buffer for playback */
ParmNotify.ulFunction = SMH_NOTIFY;
ParmNotify.hid = pSTREAM->hid;
ParmNotify.hstream = pSTREAM->hStream;
ParmNotify.ulGetNumEntries = 1;
ParmNotify.ulRetNumEntries = 0;
ParmNotify.pGetBufTab = &(pSTREAM->BufTab.aBufTab[usBufTabIndex]);
ParmNotify.pRetBufTab = NULL;
ParmNotify.ulFlags = BUF_GETFULL;
/* Send full buffer to device (PDD) */
DDCMDReadWrite.hStream = (*ppSTREAM)->hStream;
DDCMDReadWrite.ulFunction = DDCMD_WRITE;
DDCMDReadWrite.pBuffer = pCurrentBufTab->pBuffer;
DDCMDReadWrite.ulBufferSize = pCurrentBufTab->ulLength;
rc = (*pSTREAM->pDDCMDEntryPoint)(&DDCMDReadWrite);
/* Start the device */
DDCMDControl.ulFunction = DDCMD_CONTROL;
DDCMDControl.hStream = pSTREAM->hStream;
DDCMDControl.pParm = NULL;
DDCMDControl.ulParmSize = NULL;
rc = (*pSTREAM->pDDCMDEntryPoint)(&DDCMDControl);
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.4. SHDEntryPoint ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Device driver stream handlers receive commands from PDDs to report events and
interrupts. These stream handler device (SHD) helper commands are provided
through the SHDEntryPoint. This entry point is specifically used for the PDD to
call back to the stream handler. For example, the PDD can send an
SHD_REPORT_INT command to the stream handler to report status, indicate that a
buffer is full, or specify that an additional buffer is required.
The following example illustrates the code implementation of the SHDEntryPoint.
ULONG (*ShdFuncs[])(PVOID pCommon) = { /* SHD message jump table */
SHDReportInt, /* 0 */
SHDReportEvent /* 1 */
USHORT MaxShdFuncs = sizeof(ShdFuncs)/sizeof(USHORT);
RC SHDEntryPoint(pCommon)
if (pCommon->ulFunction > (ULONG)MaxShdFuncs)
return(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); /* Check for valid function */
} /* Call SHC message */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.5. Event Detection ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A device driver stream handler must be able to keep track of time to detect
events. Timing is important to know when the stream starts and stops, and when
to report certain cue time events. There are two methods you can implement to
detect events. They are:
o Request the PDD to monitor the time for use.
o Implement an algorithm that constantly monitors real-time.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ PDD Monitors the Time ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The first and most accurate method of event detection is to retrieve the time
from the actual physical device. Interfaces are provided through the use of
DDCMD_STATUS, which requests the current stream time from the physical device
driver. When an application requests an event, the stream handler issues a
DDCMD_STATUS command to the PDD to detect the event time. (There are also
additional DDCMD messages that allow the PDD to inform the stream handler of
the time. Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for details.) When
the time arrives, the PDD calls back to the stream handler through the
SHDEntryPoint using the SHD_REPORT_EVENT message. At this time, the stream
handler looks through its table, and identifies which event has now come due.
In turn, the stream handler reports the event through the SMHEntryPoint on the
SMH_REPORTEVENT call to the Sync/Stream Manager. Once received, the SSM reports
the event back to the application as shown in the following example.
ulRC rc;
if (rc = GetStreamEntry(&pSTREAM, pRptEvent->hStream))
pSTREAM->ulStreamTime = pRptEvent->ulStreamTime;
/* Update stream time */
/* PDD detected an event and notified the stream handler */
while (pEVENT != NULL) {
if (pEVENT->hEvent == pRptEvent->hEvent) {
RptEvent.ulFunction = SMH_REPORTEVENT;
RptEvent.hid = pSTREAM->hid;
RptEvent.hevent = pEVENT->hEvent;
RptEvent.pevcbEvent = &(pEVENT->evcb);
/* call SSM to report event arrival */
VideoSH.pSMHEntryPoint(&RptEvent); /* report it */
break; /* process only one event and break out */
pEVENT = pEVENT->pNext;
} /* end while */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Stream Handler Monitors the Time ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The second method of event detection is for the stream handler to monitor the
time, independent of the PDD. This method is less accurate and not as efficient
as requesting the PDD to monitor the time. It involves implementing an
algorithm that constantly monitors real-time. When the stream handler detects
the appropriate time, it reports the event to the Sync/Stream Manager as shown
in the following example.
ulRC rc;
if (rc = GetStreamEntry(&pSTREAM, pRptEvent->hStream))
pSTREAM->ulStreamTime = pRptEvent->ulStreamTime;
/* Update stream time */
/* Stream handler detected event and notified the SSM. */
while (pEVENT != NULL) { /* process all possible events */
if (pEVENT->hEvent == pRptEvent->hEvent) {
/* Poll the current time to determine if the */
/* event time is now. */
if (mmtimeCurrTime >= pTimeEvcb->mmtimeStream) {
pTimeEvcb->mmtimeStream = mmtimeCurrTime;
RptEvent.ulFunction = SMH_REPORTEVENT;
RptEvent.hid = pSTREAM->hid;
RptEvent.hevent = pEVENT->hEvent;
RptEvent.pevcbEvent = &(pEVENT->evcb);
/* Call the Sync/Stream Manager to report */
/* event arrival. */
VideoSH.pSMHEntryPoint(&RptEvent); /* report it */
pEVENT = pEVENT->pNext;
} /* end while */
Note that when you develop a stream handler, the stream handler should be able
to support all time formats.
Note: Most physical device drivers use milliseconds as their reference;
however, cuepoints initiated by the application come in as a request to
the stream handler in the time format, MMTIME. Therefore, the stream
handler must be able to convert from MMTIME to milliseconds and vice
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.6. Cuepoints ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Cuepoints remain active for the life of the stream - meaning that once enabled,
they remain for the duration of the stream, whether the user decides to seek
forwards or backwards. If the user seeks over an event, the stream handler
should not detect that event. If the user seeks backwards, the stream handler
should re-enable that event.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.7. Error Detection ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Stream handlers can detect errors and report them back to the Sync/Stream
Manager to be passed back to the media driver. Once a physical device driver
detects an error, the PDD must report the error to the stream handler through
the SHDEntryPoint. In turn, the stream handler takes the appropriate action. If
the error is a hard error, the stream handler must stop the device and report
an event to the Sync/Stream Manager. The stream handler indicates that a hard
error took place by referencing the error code number. For normal events, such
as underruns and overruns, the target stream handler will attempt to get
another buffer and then pause its device. The target stream handler will be
restarted when more data is available to be output. This condition results in a
break in the output data stream. Interleaved data format can cause underruns
to occur when the end of the data is reached, but end of file has not been
The code sample in the following example illustrates the code implementation of
a stream handler detecting an error.
RptEvent.ulFunction = SMH_REPORTEVENT;
RptEvent.hid = pSTREAM->hid;
RptEvent.hevent = 0; /* must be 0 */
RptEvent.pevcbEvent = (PEVCB)&evcb;
evcb.ulType = EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE; /* SPI event */
evcb.ulSubType = EVENT_ERROR; /* event type */
evcb.ulFlags = 0;
evcb.ulStatus = EVENT_ERROR; /* error code */
evcb.hstream = pSTREAM->hStream;
/* call SSM to report event arrival*/
VideoSH.pSMHEntryPoint(&Ramp.ptEvent); /* report it! */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.8.8. Synchronization ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Each stream handler may, or may not, be able to generate or receive sync
pulses. This capability for each stream handler is defined in the SPCB for that
stream handler. Synchronization pulses are passed as an event from the master
stream handler.
Synchronization pulses are distributed by the Sync/Stream Manager based on the
synchronization relationship of the programmed stream. This distribution is
effective for both DLL and device driver stream handlers. Device driver stream
handlers receive sync pulses through their sync pulse SYNC_EVCB. Each slave
stream handler must regularly update the sync pulse SYNC_EVCB with its
calculated stream time. The Sync/Stream Manager checks this slave-handler
stream time against the master stream time and decides whether to send a sync
pulse to this handler. The device driver stream handler checks for sync pulses
from the Sync/Stream Manager by polling a flag in the sync pulse SYNC_EVCB. The
Sync/Stream Manager sets the flag to indicate a sync pulse and updates the
current master stream time. Typically, the PDD slave handler polls the flag
once during interrupt processing and adjusts the stream usage accordingly.
Refer to the following example for an example of how device driver stream
handlers support synchronization.
/* If we are the master, then report the time so that the slaves */
/* can adjust their time and be in sync with the master. */
if ((pSTREAM)->ulStateFlg & STREAM_MASTER_SYNC) {
(pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeMaster = mmtimeCurrStreamTime;
RptEvent.ulFunction = SMH_REPORTEVENT;
RptEvent.hid = (pSTREAM)->hid;
RptEvent.hevent = 0; /* must be 0 for implicit events */
RptEvent.pevcbEvent = (PEVCB)&((pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb);
VideoSH.pSMHEntryPoint(&RptEvent); /* report master time */
/* If we are the slave, then update slave time */
/* and determine if this slave stream is too slow or too fast */
/* with respect to the master. */
if ((pSTREAM)->ulStateFlg & STREAM_SLAVE_SYNC) {
(pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeSlave = mmtimeCurrStreamTime;
if ((pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.ulStatus & SYNCPOLLING) {
if (mmtimeCurrStreamTime > (pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeMaster)
/* I need to slow my stream */
if (mmtimeCurrStreamTime < (pSTREAM)->SyncEvcb.mmtimeMaster)
/* I need to speed up my stream */
Note: See Synchronization Features for more information on sync pulse
generation and processing.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.9. Inter-device Driver Communications (IDC) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The OS/2 multimedia Audio Device Driver is a standard OS/2 PDD that makes use
of two OS/2 interfaces to define a standard for IBM audio device drivers: the
audio IOCtl interface and the inter-device driver communication (IDC)
interface. These interfaces provide the foundation for sharing of the audio
device by OS/2 multimedia applications and media drivers.
The audio IOCtl interface is provided as subfunctions of the OS/2 DosDevIOCtl
function. Media drivers running at Ring 3 privilege level use the IOCtl
interface to set up the audio device for access, to change volume controls, and
so on. The IOCtl interface is not meant to be used to send audio data to the
device driver.
The IDC interface is provided by the OS/2 ATTACHDD DevHelp function. Stream
handler device drivers and audio physical device drivers use the IDC interface
to communicate with one another to coordinate their efforts to stream data to
the audio device.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.9.1. IDC Interface ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Two entry points are provided for the two device drivers participating in the
IDC interface: DDCMDEntryPoint and SHDEntryPoint. DDCMDEntryPoint allows the
stream handler device driver to communicate to the PDD, and SHDEntryPoint
allows the audio PDD to communicate to the stream handler.
The audio PDD modules are shown in the following figure. Note that streaming
data buffer pointers are passed by SSM to the Audio Stream Handler by means of
SMH calls. Then the Audio Stream Handler passes pointers to the PDD using DDCMD
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Communication to the PDD ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Seven messages are defined from the DDCMD entry point. Each message represents
a specific request by the stream handler for the audio PDD to do perform an
Read and write messages allow the stream handler to get and receive data
directly from the PDD without any intervention required by the application. The
application neither has to send data through an IOCtl nor allocate and lock
memory to perform data transfers.
Note: Refer to the Device Driver Command (DDCMD) messages in the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for further information.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Communication to the Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The SHDEntryPoint contains the following two messages. These messages are
located in the SHDD.H file of the \TOOLKIT\H subdirectory. SHDD.H contains the
data structures, their type definitions, and #define statements for certain
values. Note that the messages pass pointers to packets of data, to allow
maximum flexibility for the future.
The PDD uses this message when it needs things at interrupt time. For
example, it uses this message to tell the stream handler it has used up
all the data and needs some more.
When the stream handler gets the call, it knows the PDD is passing back a
buffer that it might already have consumed. So the stream handler returns
on that call, giving the PDD a fresh buffer to consume.
The stream handler uses this message to keep in sync with what the PDD is
doing. For example, the stream handler can request the PDD to report back
every tenth of a second that data is played. And the stream handler has
all the logic to handle these events. The PDD examines the request, and
during its checks when it realizes a tenth of a second has been played in
data, the PDD calls SHD_REPORT_EVENT. The stream handler can do what it
wants at this point, and the PDD returns.
The PDD is the only one that really knows what is going on. In other
words, only the PDD knows how much data, to the millisecond, has been
played out to the device. The stream handler can approximate the data
played, using calculations based on how much data has gone by. But the
stream handler cannot calculate the data played to the millisecond, or
even to the fraction of a millisecond, the way the PDD can.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.9.2. Stream Handler Values ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
There are certain values that the stream handler looks for. For example, when
the stream handler requests a stop or a pause on a DDCMD_CONTROL message, the
pointer that comes back to the stream handler is a pointer to the cumulative
time that the PDD has recorded in real time. So whenever the stream handler
requests the device to stop, the PDD honors that request and tells the stream
handler the real time the PDD stopped within the stream.
Another value the stream handler looks for is returned on DDCMD_STATUS. This is
also a pointer to the cumulative time from the PDD, with respect to when that
stream was first started at the stream handler's request.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.9.3. PDD Values ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The stream handler passes a pointer to the PDD on DDCMD_SETUP. This points to a
value used by the PDD for setting the referenced time of the PDD. We do not
always want the PDD to start its time at 0 every time the stream handler does a
start, because the stream handler might have performed a seek in the stream.
The PDD might have played a minute of data and then seeked backwards to maybe
the 30-second mark in the data. If we issue a start, we do not want the PDD to
think it is starting from zero again when it is really starting from the
30-second mark in that stream.
DDCMD_CONTROL has an important NOTIFY subfunction, which is used for cuepoint
or event detection. The stream handler supports events in cuepoints - an
application request to be notified when a particular location in the file is
reached or a specific time period has elapsed. The stream handler uses two
methods for detecting how much time has elapsed:
1. Using DDCMD_CONTROL NOTIFY, the stream handler requests to be notified by
the PDD at a particular time and passes a pointer to the cue time.
2. The stream handler determines the time internally. This method is not as
precise as the first method, because only the PDD knows the real time.
For example, suppose the stream handler does a DDCMD_CONTROL NOTIFY at one
minute. If the PDD supports precise event detection, it must accept this
request and put it into a queue somewhere, preferably a linked list. This
linked list will have the time of one minute so that during the streaming
process, the PDD occasionally checks to see whether it is at the one minute
mark. When this event occurs, the PDD calls back on an SHD_REPORT_EVENT.
Then, the programmer can free up that event detection linked list node.
Keep in mind that the PDD should have the capability to queue these requests
because there may additional requests. For example, an application might
request to be notified at the one-minute mark, next at a minute and a half,
and possibly every five minutes.
If the PDD does not support event detection, then when it gets called on a
DDCMD_CONTROL NOTIFY, he responds ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST. This response tells
the stream handler that it must do the event detection itself.
Note: Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for the return codes
for the interfaces of the IDC.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.10. Performance-Tuning the Sync/Stream Manager ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Sync/Stream Manager is comprised of two modules: SSMDD.SYS and SSM.DLL.
SSMDD.SYS is the Ring 0 device driver of the Sync/Stream Manager. Its syntax
is as follows:
ΓööΓöÇ drive ΓöÇΓöÿ ΓööΓöÇ path ΓöÇΓöÿ Γö£ΓöÇ /S:sss ΓöÇΓöñ
Γö£ΓöÇ /P:ppp ΓöÇΓöñ
Γö£ΓöÇ /H:hhh ΓöÇΓöñ
Γö£ΓöÇ /Q:qqq ΓöÇΓöñ
ΓööΓöÇ /E:eee ΓöÇΓöÿ
/S:sss Specifies the number of streams that can be created at the
same time. Values range from 1 through 64. The default value
for machines with more than 8MB of memory is 12. The default
value for machines with 8MB of memory or less is 6.
/P:ppp Specifies the number of processes that can create streams at
the same time. Values range from 1 through 64. The default
value for machines with more than 8MB of memory is 12. The
default value for machines with 8MB of memory or less is 6.
/H:hhh Specifies the maximum amount of heap space (KB) that will be
used. Values range from 16 through 256; the default value is
/Q:qqq Specifies the size of the event queue (per process). Values
range from 2 through 1024; the default value is 64.
/E:eee Specifies the number of events that can be enabled (per
stream). Values range from 1 through 1024. The default value
for machines with more than 8MB of memory is 32. The default
value for machines with 8MB of memory or less is 20.
Note: The DEVICE=SSMDD.SYS statement must appear as the first Ring 0 stream
handler statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Sync/Stream Resource Limits
o The maximum number of streams is 64.
o The maximum number of streams in a sync group is 64.
o The maximum number of processes controlling streams is 64.
o The maximum size of Sync/Stream Manager event queue per process is 1024
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6. I/O Procedures ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section illustrates how to write a custom file format I/O procedure
(IOProc). Source code is provided for the following I/O procedures located in
the \TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM subdirectory:
Provides a simple example of how to write a file format I/O
procedure (without illustrating the use of data translation). This
sample performs case conversion of text. See the
Provides an example of how to write an I/O procedure for use with
image file formats. This sample enables file format transparency
for M-Motion still video files and illustrates the use of data
translation. See the \TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM\MMIOPROC subdirectory.
Provides a detailed example of what you need to consider when
writing I/O procedures for software motion video file formats.
ULIOT includes CODEC support and illustrates how to integrate common
and file-format-specific code to support multiple I/O procedures.
See the \TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM\ULTIMOIO subdirectory.
The following discussion focuses on the messages the M-Motion I/O procedure
samples support, and what minimal processing is required for the messages.
Information is also provided on the Ultimotion I/O procedure, which
illustrates how to call and initialize a CODEC procedure.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.1. I/O Procedure Architecture ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The MMIO subsystem of OS/2 multimedia isolates applications, media control
drivers, and stream handlers from data-specific processing in the same way that
the media control interface buffers applications from device-specific
processing. Applications send MMIO functions through the MMIO Manager, which
uses I/O procedures (IOProcs) to manipulate specific types of multimedia data.
The following figure illustrates the procedures available with the installation
of OS/2 multimedia.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.1.1. Message Handling ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
An IOProc is a message-based handler. Applications and the MMIO subsystem
communicate to IOProcs through the use of MMIO messages. When MMIO receives a
request from an application, the MMIO Manager sends a message for that
operation to the IOProc that is responsible for that particular file format or
storage system. In turn, the I/O procedure performs operations based on the
messages it receives from the MMIO Manager or an application.
MMIO messages can be either pre-defined or user-defined messages:
Pre-defined Message
This is a system message that is sent by the MMIO Manager for its
associated function. For example, an application issuing an
mmioOpen function causes the MMIO Manager to send an MMIOM_OPEN
message to an I/O procedure to open a specific file. These messages
enable applications to manage media files in a format-independent
manner. The MMIO Manager determines the correct I/O procedure to
process the message, based on an I/O procedure identifier and I/O
procedure type specified in the function. See I/O Procedure
Identifier (FOURCC) and I/O Procedure Type.
User-defined Message
This is a private message sent directly to an I/O procedure from an
application through the use of the mmioSendMessage function. This
function enables a program to call an I/O procedure directly (unlike
system messages, which are sent by the MMIO Manager). MMIOOS2.H in
the \TOOLKIT\H subdirectory defines the identifier MMIO_USER so that
you can create your own messages. The mmioSendMessage function
requires that your custom messages be defined at or above the
MMIOM_USER value defined in the MMIOOS2.H file.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.1.2. I/O Procedure Identifier (FOURCC) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A FOURCC is a 32-bit quantity representing a sequence of one to four ASCII
alphanumeric characters (padded on the right with blank characters). Each I/O
procedure supports a specific file format. The file format and IOProc are
represented by a specific FOURCC code. This permits the FOURCC to be used as
an ID value, rather than the National Language Support (NLS) string-name of the
file format or a file name extension.
Formats that support multiple media types require a different FOURCC for each
variation. This appears as a different I/O procedure for each media type.
Note: Use the mmioIdentifyFile function to identify the four-character code if
it is not available.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.1.3. I/O Procedure Type ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Certain MMIO functions operate on a specific IOProc type. There are two types
of I/O procedures: file format and storage system. A file format IOProc
operates on the contents of a file, and calls other MMIO services when
required. In contrast, a storage system IOProc operates on the storage
presentation of the media object, and calls base operating system services.
To indicate an I/O procedure type during initialization, set the ulIOProcType
field in the MMFORMATINFO structure to either MMIO_IOPROC_FILEFORMAT for file
format IOProcs or MMIO_IOPROC_STORAGESYSTEM for storage system IOProcs. You
should also have a resource file, which specifies the NLS name used to describe
the I/O procedure. You must bind the RC file to the DLL if the I/O procedure
is to be used in multiple countries. The IOProc needs to handle the
GETFORMATINFO and GETFORMATNAME messages to provide the above information.
File Format I/O Procedure
A file format IOProc should support all MMIO system messages (with the
exception of RIFF compound file messages). It should also handle any
user-defined messages created by the application. For example, a file format
IOProc needs to support the MMIOM_GETFORMATINFO message, because the MMIO
Manager internally issues this message to an IOProc when it is being installed.
If the MMIOM_GETFORMATINFO message is not supported, a blank MMFORMATINFO
structure is placed on the MMIO internal IOProc table for that specific IOProc,
except for the FOURCC.
In addition, system messages should be supported by a default message handler,
which reports back to MMIO that the message is unsupported. This message
handler should attempt to pass any message it cannot support to a subsequent
child IOProc. For example, a message is passed from a file format IOProc to a
storage system IOProc as shown in the following example.
* Declare Local Variables.
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working variable MMFILESTATUS.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS) pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
if (pVidInfo != NULL && pVidInfo->hmmioSS)
lRC = mmioSendMessage (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
if (!lRC)
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = mmioGetLastError (pVidInfo->hmmioSS);
return (lRC);
if (pmmioinfo != NULL)
} /* end case of Default */
If you write a custom IOProc that supports translation, the following messages
need to consider the translate flags:
Storage System I/O Procedure
A storage system IOProc typically handles a subset of the system-defined
messages that operate on the storage system. For example, the DOS and MEM
IOProcs handle the following messages:
A message specific to the storage system IOProc, such as extended attributes
of a file, would pass through the default handler of the file format IOProc to
the storage system IOProc for processing.
Note: The RIFF compound file (CF) IOProc installed with OS/2 multimedia only
MMIOM_GETFORMATNAME. The compound file (CF) IOProc does not need to
support additional MMIO messages because the bundle ( BND) IOProc
performs the direct file I/O operations. These two IOProcs can be
viewed as one logical compound file IOProc.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.2. Data Translation and File Conversion ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
MMIO provides a set of options in its API to support two modes of file access -
translated and untranslated. These modes enable an application to access data
in its pure, proprietary format, or in a standard presentation format when
performing its I/O operations. An IOProc can be written to optionally support
both access methods.
The default mode of access, untranslated, allows the caller to perform I/O of
file data in its native format. All header information and any data is written
to a file or read from a file and presented at the caller level without
The optional mode of access, translated, is the method used to mask proprietary
data formats and allow a caller to use standardized header and data formats for
a specific media type (for example, audio, image, or MIDI). A set of standard
header formats and accompanying data formats have been defined as the standard
presentation format for these purposes. An IOProc can be written to optionally
support the standard format. It performs the translation of header
information, data information, or both from its native format to the standard
format for that media type during read and write type operations. The
translation is performed for the file header and data.
With full translation capability enabled in pairs of IOProcs, it is possible to
convert files from one format to another very easily. File conversion is
simply a combination of loading from one file and saving to another. For
example, an application can read from an AVC image file with translation
enabled, to the standard presentation format, which is the OS/2 bit map. The
application can then use the bit map as desired, including displaying it on the
screen, image manipulating, and printing. Alternatively, the bit map could be
saved in a different file format such as M-Motion, by writing to the M-Motion
IOProc with translation enabled. For example:
I/O procedures and applications must use the same standard presentation format
of data defined for each media type for conversion to be enabled. (The media
types defined are image, audio, MIDI, digital video, and movie.) These
standard formats apply to media descriptive (header) information and media
content. The standard description structures are supersets of the headers each
file format normally uses. This permits all formats to place the subset of
their information into the standard form for other applications to access.
Similarly, each specific format can retrieve only the subset that is necessary
for its purpose. The standard content format is a usable data format
representation that maintains as much quality as possible.
Translation functions assist these standard forms in helping to ensure that
data is portable between applications, IOProcs, and the operating system
services. The structures containing descriptive information have fields that
can be mapped to system structures, such as the OS/2 operating system's
BITMAPINFOHEADER. The content format must be directly usable by the operating
system and services, or by standard hardware devices.
The descriptive header and content formats are tightly coupled. If a file
contains a media item, an application can query the header describing the
media. The IOProc returns the header, which includes the supported content
format most closely matching the information actually in the file. For
example, if an image file contains 21-bit YUV data, the IOProc for that file
informs the application that it is providing 24-bit RGB. The IOProc is
responsible for translating all subsequent read operations from YUV to RGB. In
addition, when an application is creating a new media element, it can set the
header for a new media item. All subsequent translated write operations, which
are sent from the application to the IOProc, must contain data in the content
format described by the header.
Each data type uses different description structures and content formats. The
following table gives an overview of the standard presentation formats for
supported media types.
ΓöéMedia ΓöéHeader ΓöéData Γöé
ΓöéAudio ΓöéMMAUDIO ΓöéPCM 11.025, 22.05, 33.1 Khz Γöé
ΓöéImage ΓöéMMIMAGE ΓöéOS/2 1.3 bit map (24 bit RGB, 1, 4, 8 Γöé
Γöé Γöé Γöébit palette) Γöé
ΓöéMIDI ΓöéMMMIDI ΓöéFormat 0 or 1 Γöé
ΓöéMOVIES ΓöéMMMOVIE ΓöéMulti-track video and audio Γöé
ΓöéVIDEO ΓöéMMVIDEO Γöé16, 24 bit RGB, 4, 8 bit palette Γöé
Note: Data translation in compound multimedia files is only performed on media
elements in the file. Translation is not performed on non-multimedia
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.2.1. MMFORMATINFO Data Structure ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Several MMIO functions use the MMFORMATINFO data structure for media
conversions. The mmioOpen function includes MMIO_TRANSLATEHEADER and
MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA flags which are defined in the ulTranslate field of the
MMIOINFO structure. All subsequent read and write operations of multimedia
files return data based on these flags. Translation is currently defined only
for image and audio. The MMIOOS2.H header file defines the MMFORMATINFO
structure as shown in the following example.
typedef struct _MMFORMATINFO { /* mmformatinfo */
ULONG ulStructLen; /* Length of this structure */
FOURCC fccIOProc; /* IOProc identifier */
ULONG ulIOProcType; /* Type of IOProc */
ULONG ulMediaType; /* Media type */
ULONG ulFlags; /* IOProc capability flags */
CHAR szDefaultFormatExt[sizeof(FOURCC) + 1]; */
/* Default extension 4 + null */
ULONG ulCodePage; /* Code page */
ULONG ulLanguage; /* Language */
LONG lNameLength; /* Length of identifier string */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.3. I/O Procedure Entry Point ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following example illustrates the the entry point used to access the
functionality of an I/O procedure.
LONG APIENTRY IOProc_Entry ( PVOID pmmioStr,
USHORT usMessage,
LONG lParam1,
LONG lParam2)
Associated parameters include the following.
ΓöéParameter ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéPVOID pmmioStr ΓöéSpecifies a pointer to an MMIOINFO data Γöé
Γöé Γöéstructure that contains information about theΓöé
Γöé Γöéopen file. Γöé
ΓöéUSHORT usMsg ΓöéSpecifies the message that the file I/O Γöé
Γöé Γöéprocedure is being asked to process. Γöé
Γöé Γöé(User-defined messages must have messages Γöé
Γöé Γöédefined above MMIOM_USER.) Γöé
ΓöéLONG lParam1 ΓöéSpecifies message-dependent information such Γöé
Γöé Γöéas a file name. Γöé
ΓöéLONG lParam2 ΓöéSpecifies additional message-dependent Γöé
Γöé Γöéinformation. (Used with some messages as Γöé
Γöé Γöévalues.) Γöé
Note: The return value is message-dependent. If the I/O procedure does not
recognize a message passed in by usMsg, and the default message handler
does not recognize usMsg, then it must return
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.4. Supported Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following figure illustrates the messages supported by the M-Motion I/O
procedure (MMOTTK.DLL). Following the figure are descriptions and code
examples of the messages file format I/O procedures must support.
Each IOProc must be able to process the MMIOM_OPEN message, which requests that
a file be opened. Once the application knows which IOProc is associated with
the selected file, it can open the file using mmioOpen. The application
references the appropriate IOProc using the FOURCC provided by the
identification process.
A file format IOProc must check for the following items when the MMIO Manager
issues an MMIOM_OPEN message.
o File format IOProcs use the fccChildIOProc field from the pmmioinfo
structure and perform another mmioOpen. The MMIO_NOIDENTIFY flag must be
set in this case.
o The lLogicalFilePos of the MMIOINFO structure should be set to either 0
or at the first byte of data following the header, if any. This example
has a header and lLogicalFilePos is set using the return code from
o A file format IOProc must check to see if the MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA or
MMIO_TRANSLATEHEADER flag is set. If a translate flag is set, it
processes the data according to a set of defined interchange formats
(refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for details). If a
translate flag is not set, it allows the data to pass through the IOProc
with application-specific modifications. Translation support is required
if the IOProc is to be supported under the Multimedia Data Converter
If the OPEN was successful, the application can obtain information about the
media in the file using the mmioGetHeaderInfo message.
The following example illustrates how to handle the MMIOM_OPEN message for a
file format IOProc. The MMIOM_OPEN message handler uses the mmioOpen function
to locate a media data object using an MMIO-supported storage system IOProc.
Upon opening the data object, an hmmio handle (H1) is returned to the file
format IOProc. This handle is saved in the aulInfo[1] field of MMIOINFO for
the file format IOProc. Upon the return to the mmioOpen function issued by
the application, you will notice that another handle (H2) was already
generated and returned to the application. These handles allow access to the
data object. The application will use H2, and the file format IOProc will use
H1 with MMIO function calls to the storage system IOProc.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
MMIOM_OPEN message.
* Declare local variables
PMMFILESTATUS pVidInfo; /* pointer to an M-Motion file */
/* status structure that we will*/
/* use for this file instance */
ULONG ulRequiredFileLength;
ULONG ulActualFileLength;
ULONG ulWidth;
ULONG ulHeight;
ULONG ulRowCount;
ULONG ulRGBBytesPerLine;
ULONG ulYUVBytesPerLine;
LONG rc;
HMMIO hmmioSS;
FOURCC fccStorageSystem; /* SS I/O Proc FOURCC */
MMIOINFO mmioinfoSS; /* I/O info block for SS ref*/
PSZ pszFileName = (CHAR *)lParam1; /* get the filename from */
/* parameter */
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* If flags show read and write then send back an error. We
* only support reading or writing but not both at the same
* time on the same file.
if ((pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_READWRITE) &&
((pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA) ||
(pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEHEADER)))
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Determine the storage system/child IOProc that actually
* obtains the data for us. The M-Motion data may be contained
* in a memory (RAM) file, as a component in a database or
* library (a Compound file), or as a stand-alone disk file.
* While the application uses this M-Motion IOProc to obtain
* untranslated (M-Motion) or translated (bit map) data,
* the IOProc must obtain it's data from something that
* reads and writes to a storage media. The exact storage
* media is immaterial - so long as the read and write
* operations generate data that LOOKS like it is part
* of a standard file.
if (!pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc)
/* Need to determine SS if create from pmmioinfo and filename. */
if (pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_CREATE)
if (mmioDetermineSSIOProc( pszFileName,
fccStorageSystem = FOURCC_DOS;
if (mmioIdentifyStorageSystem( pszFileName,
&fccStorageSystem ))
return (MMIO_ERROR);
if (!fccStorageSystem)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc = fccStorageSystem;
} /* end storage system identification block */
* Direct the open to the specific storage system necessary
memset( &mmioinfoSS, '\0', sizeof(MMIOINFO));
memmove( &mmioinfoSS, pmmioinfo, sizeof(MMIOINFO));
mmioinfoSS.pIOProc = NULL;
mmioinfoSS.fccIOProc = pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc;
mmioinfoSS.ulFlags |= MMIO_NOIDENTIFY;
* Try to open the file. Add the NO IDENTIFY flag to
hmmioSS = mmioOpen (pszFileName,
* Check if a DELETE was requested - mmioOpen returns a 1,
* so we much check this separately
if (pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_DELETE)
/* was the delete successful? */
if (!hmmioSS)
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_DELETE_FAILED;
return (MMIO_ERROR);
return (MMIO_SUCCESS);
* Check the return code from the open call for an error.
* If not delete, then the open should have worked.
if (!hmmioSS)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Allocate memory for one M-Motion FileStatus structures
DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &pVidInfo,
* Ensure the allocate was successful. If not, then
* close the file and return open as unsucessful...
if (!pVidInfo)
mmioClose (hmmioSS, 0);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
pVidInfo->hmmioSS = hmmioSS;
* Store pointer to our MMFILESTATUS structure in
* pExtraInfoStruct field that is provided for our use.
pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct = (PVOID)pVidInfo;
* Set the fields of the FileStatus structure that the
* IOProc is responsible for.
InitFileStruct (pVidInfo);
* If this is a read, we need to check that is a M-Motion
* file and perhaps get the data.
if (pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_READ)
* First we must get some basic information from the file
* Read in data to fill up the MMOTIONHEADER structure.
* If the read is unsuccessful, this is not a M-Motion file
* and we should return a failure on the open
if (sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER) !=
mmioRead (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(PVOID) &pVidInfo->mmotHeader,
mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
/* Ensure this IS an M-Motion file header before we continue */
if (strcmp (pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmID, "YUV12C"))
mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up width and height of image.
ulWidth = (ULONG)pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmXlen;
ulHeight = (ULONG)pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmYlen;
/* Calculate what the length of the file SHOULD be based on the */
/* header contents */
ulRequiredFileLength = (((ulWidth >> 2) * 6) * ulHeight) +
/* Query what the ACTUAL length of the file is, */
/* then move back to just after the header. */
ulActualFileLength = (ULONG)mmioSeek (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
mmioSeek (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER), SEEK_SET);
/* If these don't match, then it isn't a VALID M-Motion file */
/* - regardless of what the header says. */
if (ulRequiredFileLength != ulActualFileLength)
mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* If the app intends to read in translation mode, we must
* allocate and set-up the buffer that will contain the RGB data.
* We must also read in the data to insure that the first
* read, seek, or get-header operation will have data
* operations, since we must process reads/writes pretending
* the image is stored from the bottom-up.
* Fill out the MMIMAGEHEADER structure.
MMImgHdr.ulHeaderLength = sizeof (MMIMAGEHEADER);
MMImgHdr.ulContentType = MMIO_IMAGE_PHOTO;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cbFix =
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cx = ulWidth;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cy = ulHeight;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cPlanes = 1;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cBitCount = 24;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.ulCompression =
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cbImage =
ulWidth * ulHeight * 3;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cxResolution = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cyResolution = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cclrUsed = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cclrImportant = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.usUnits = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.usReserved = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.usRecording =
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.usRendering =
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cSize1 = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cSize2 = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.ulColorEncoding = 0L;
MMImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.ulIdentifier = 0L;
* Copy the image header into private area for later use.
* This will be returned on a mmioGetHeader () call
pVidInfo->mmImgHdr = MMImgHdr;
* YUV Bytes/Line are = 1 1/2 times the number of pels
ulYUVBytesPerLine = ulWidth + (ulWidth >> 1);
* RGB Bytes/Line are = 2* YUV bytes/line
ulRGBBytesPerLine = (ulYUVBytesPerLine << 1);
* Determine total bytes in image
pVidInfo->ulRGBTotalBytes = ulWidth * ulHeight * 3;
* M-Motion images are always on 4-pel boundaries, which also
* makes them on 4-byte/LONG boundaries, which is used for
* bit maps. Therefore, there are no extra pad bytes necessary.
pVidInfo->ulImgPaddedBytesPerLine = ulWidth * 3;
pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes = pVidInfo->ulRGBTotalBytes;
* For translated data READ mode, we must allocate a buffer,
* get the YUV data from the file, and load the RGB buffer.
* Place format-specific code here to load the image into the
* buffer. The code below is M-Motion format specific.
if (pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA)
* Get space for full image buffer.
* This will be retained until the file is closed.
if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &(pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf),
mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Get temporary space for one line YUV buffer.
if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &lpYUVBuf,
mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Initialize the beginning buffer position.
lpRGBBufPtr = pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf;
* Read in YUV data one line at a time, converting
* from YUV to RGB, then placing in the image buffer.
for (ulRowCount = 0;
ulRowCount < ulHeight;
* Read in one line.
rc = mmioRead (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(ULONG) ulYUVBytesPerLine);
* Convert one line at a time.
ConvertOneLineYUVtoRGB (lpYUVBuf,
* Make sure buffer ptr is correct for the next convert.
lpRGBBufPtr += (LONG)ulRGBBytesPerLine;
} /* end of FOR loop to read YUV data */
DosFreeMem (lpYUVBuf);
* This changes from M-Motion's top-down form to OS/2
* PM's bottom-up bit map form.
ImgBufferFlip (pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf,
* RGB buffer now full, set position pointers to the
* beginning of the buffer.
pVidInfo->lImgBytePos = 0;
} /* end IF TRANSLATED block */
} /* end IF READ block */
return (MMIO_SUCCESS);
} /* end case of MMIOM_OPEN */
The MMIOM_READ message requests that bytes be read from an open file;
MMIOM_WRITE message requests that bytes be written to an open file. These
messages should be handled differently for each IOProc, depending on the
requirements imposed by the file's data. Because a file might be using
buffered I/O, mmioRead and mmioWrite maintain the lBufOffset and the
lDiskOffset fields. The IOProc should not modify these fields. If these
fields are needed by the IOProc, the IOProc can use the aulInfo array to
maintain. Additionally, the pExtraInfoStruct can be used for any user-defined
structure that the IOProc requires. The sample IOProc stores its header in
this field to demonstrate this capability. If the IOProc is a file format
IOProc, it should use mmioRead or mmioWrite calls to the storage system IOProc,
using the internal handle generated during the open processing. A storage
system IOProc might simply issue calls to DosRead or DosWrite.
To implement a file format IOProc for translation mode, and provide support for
the MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA flag, additional code is required for the MMIOM_READ and
MMIOM_WRITE message processing. During read processing, after data is read from
the file to a private buffer in its native encoding format, the data must be
translated from its native encoding scheme to the standard presentation format
encoding scheme for its media type. The translated data is then presented to
the application in its read buffer. Likewise, for write processing, data is
received from the application in the standard presentation format, and must be
translated to its native encoding scheme before being written to the file.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
* Declare Local Variables
LONG rc;
LONG lBytesToRead;
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working file status variable.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS)pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
* Is Translate Data off?
if (!(pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA))
* Since no translation, provide exact number of bytes req.
if (!lParam1)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
rc = mmioRead (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(PVOID) lParam1,
(ULONG) lParam2);
return (rc);
* Otherwise, Translate Data is on...
* Ensure we do NOT write more data out than is remaining
* in the buffer. The length of read was requested in
* image bytes, so confirm that there are that many of
* virtual bytes remaining.
if ((ULONG)(pVidInfo->lImgBytePos + lParam2) >
lBytesToRead =
pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes - pVidInfo->lImgBytePos;
lBytesToRead = (ULONG)lParam2;
* Perform this block on ALL reads. The image data should
* be in the RGB buffer at this point, and can be handed
* to the application.
* Conveniently, the virtual image position is the same
* as the RGB buffer position, since both are 24 bit-RGB
memcpy ((PVOID)lParam1,
* Move RGB buffer pointer forward by number of bytes read.
* The Img buffer pos is identical since both are 24 bits.
pVidInfo->lImgBytePos += lBytesToRead;
return (lBytesToRead);
} /* end case of MMIOM_READ */
* Declare Local Variables.
USHORT usBitCount;
LONG lBytesWritten;
ULONG ulImgBytesToWrite;
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working variable MMFILESTATUS.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS) pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
* See if a SetHeader has been done on this file.
if ((!pVidInfo) || (!pVidInfo->bSetHeader))
return (MMIO_ERROR);
if (!(pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA))
* Translation is off, take amount of bytes sent and
* write to the file.
* Ensure that there is a data buffer to write from.
if (!lParam1)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
lBytesWritten = mmioWrite (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(PVOID) lParam1,
(ULONG) lParam2);
return (lBytesWritten);
* Translation is on.
* Set up local variables.
usBitCount =
* Ensure we do not attempt to write past the end of the
* buffer...
if ((ULONG)(pVidInfo->lImgBytePos + lParam2) >
ulImgBytesToWrite =
pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes - pVidInfo->lImgBytePos;
ulImgBytesToWrite = (ULONG)lParam2;
* Write the data into the image buffer. It will be converted to
* RGB, then YUV when the file is closed. This allows the
* application to seek to arbitrary positions within the
* image in terms of the bits/pel, etc they are writing.
memcpy (&(pVidInfo->lpImgBuf[pVidInfo->lImgBytePos]),
/* Update current position in the image buffer */
pVidInfo->lImgBytePos += ulImgBytesToWrite;
return (ulImgBytesToWrite);
} /* end case of MMIOM_WRITE */
* If the IOProc has a child IOProc, then pass the message
* on to the Child, otherwise return Unsupported Message
* Declare Local Variables.
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working variable MMFILESTATUS.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS) pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
if (pVidInfo != NULL && pVidInfo->hmmioSS)
lRC = mmioSendMessage (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
if (!lRC)
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = mmioGetLastError (pVidInfo->hmmioSS);
return (lRC);
if (pmmioinfo != NULL)
} /* end case of Default */
} /* end SWITCH statement for MMIO messages */
return (0);
} /* end of window procedure */
This message is handled differently by each IOProc. Because of the
requirements of different file formats, you will need to determine if this
message can be supported, and if so, how to implement the three different types
of seeks. A file format IOProc can use some type of calculation to determine
the seek distance, and what those distance units are. The file format IOProc
should use mmioSeek to call the storage system IOProc. A storage system IOProc
can call the DOSSetFilePtr function to set the file's position. The bounds
checking that must occur for compound file elements is handled by the mmioSeek
function for BND file elements. Any other compound file IOProcs of this nature
need to implement this checking in its own code.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
MMIOM_SEEK message.
* Set up locals.
LONG lNewFilePosition;
LONG lPosDesired;
SHORT sSeekMode;
* Check to make sure MMIOINFO block is valid.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working file status variable.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS)pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
lPosDesired = lParam1;
sSeekMode = (SHORT)lParam2;
* Is Translate Data on?
if (pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEDATA)
* Attempt to move the Image buffer pointer to the
* desired location. App sends SEEK requests in
* positions relative to the image planes & bits/pel
* We must also convert this to RGB positions
switch (sSeekMode)
case SEEK_SET:
lNewFilePosition = lPosDesired;
case SEEK_CUR:
lNewFilePosition = pVidInfo->lImgBytePos + lPosDesired;
case SEEK_END:
lNewFilePosition =
pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes += lPosDesired;
default :
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Make sure seek did not go before start of file.
* If so, then don't change anything, just return an error
if (lNewFilePosition < 0)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Make sure seek did not go past the end of file.
if (lNewFilePosition > (LONG)pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes)
lNewFilePosition = pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes;
pVidInfo->lImgBytePos = lNewFilePosition;
return (pVidInfo->lImgBytePos);
* Translate Data is OFF...
* if this is a seek from the beginning of the file,
* we must account for and pass the header
if (lParam2==SEEK_SET)
lNewFilePosition = mmioSeek (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
* Ensure we did not move to within the header
if ((lNewFilePosition != MMIO_ERROR) &&
(lNewFilePosition < MMOTION_HEADER_SIZE))
lNewFilePosition = mmioSeek (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
* Return new position. Always remove the length of the
* header from the this position value
if (lNewFilePosition != MMIO_ERROR)
lNewFilePosition -= MMOTION_HEADER_SIZE;
return (lNewFilePosition);
} /* end case of MMIOM_SEEK */
This message must be implemented by file format IOProcs to be able to properly
close the file. Note that the mmioClose function will call the mmioFlush
function to empty the file I/O buffers (so this does not need to be performed
by the IOProc message handler).
A file format IOProc will call mmioClose with its internal HMMIO handle to
close the file, unless it chooses to recognize the MMIO_FHOPEN flag available
on mmioClose. This flag allows the close processing to occur, but still allow
the file handle to remain open. If the file is an element of a compound file,
it will need to possibly update the compound file header to reflect any changes
that have been made to the file.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
MMIOM_CLOSE message.
* Declare local variables.
PMMFILESTATUS pVidInfo; /* MMotionIOProc instance data */
ULONG ulHeight; /* Image height */
USHORT usBitCount;
/* Image width, including overflow in 1bpp & 4bpp */
ULONG ulImgPelWidth;
PBYTE lpYUVLine; /* One line of packed YUV */
LONG lYUVBytesPerLine;
ULONG ulMaxPelWidth; /* # pels on 4-pel boundaries */
/* # pels on a YUV line in the output file */
ULONG ulYUVPelWidth;
ULONG ulRGBMaxBytesPerLine; /* #bytes on 4-pel bounds */
PBYTE lpRGBLine; /* One line of 24bit RGB */
PBYTE lpImgBufPtr; /* Current loc in RGB image buf*/
LONG lRGBBytesPerLine; /* #bytes on a line in image */
ULONG ulRowCount; /* loop counter */
LONG lBytesWritten; /* #bytes output on a write */
LONG lRetCode;
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working file status variable.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS)pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
* Assume success for the moment....
* see if we are in Write mode and have a buffer to write out.
* We have no image buffer in UNTRANSLATED mode.
if ((pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_WRITE) && (pVidInfo->lpImgBuf))
* The buffer should be in palettized or 24-bit RGB
* We must convert it to YUV to be written to the file.
* The buffer should be complete. If not, then we
* should still close, but can flag an error to the
* user that the data may be corrupted. The only way
* we can estimate if this is true is to check the final
* position. If not at the end...
if (pVidInfo->lImgBytePos !=
* Set up width and height of image in the buffer.
ulHeight = pVidInfo->mmImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cy;
usBitCount =
* Get the line width in YUV pels and packed bytes.
ulYUVPelWidth = pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmXlen;
lYUVBytesPerLine = (LONG)(ulYUVPelWidth * 3) >> 1;
* This changes from OS/2 PM bottom-up bitmap form
* to M-Motion's top-down form. Flip all pad, boundary
* bytes as well
ImgBufferFlip ((PBYTE)pVidInfo->lpImgBuf,
* Determine number of POSSIBLE pels on a line, tho some
* may be overflow in 1bpp and 4bpp modes.
* From that, we can calc the number of RGB pels we will
* create to represent this line.
ulImgPelWidth = (pVidInfo->ulImgPelBytesPerLine << 3) /
lRGBBytesPerLine = ulImgPelWidth * 3;
* Ensure the width is on a 4-pel boundary, necessary for
* M-Motion. We will buffer with black
if (ulImgPelWidth % 4)
ulMaxPelWidth = (((ulImgPelWidth >> 2) + 1) << 2);
ulMaxPelWidth = ulImgPelWidth;
/* #RGB bytes/line = #pels * 3 bytes/pel */
ulRGBMaxBytesPerLine = ulMaxPelWidth * 3;
* Create a buffer for one line of RGB data, accounting for
* the 4-pel boundary required. Extra bytes won't be used.
if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &lpRGBLine,
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Create a buffer for one line of YUV data.
if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &lpYUVLine,
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Zero out RGB buffer to cover for any extra black pels
* needed at the end.
memset (lpRGBLine, 0, ulRGBMaxBytesPerLine);
* Initialize start position of RGB buffer.
lpImgBufPtr = pVidInfo->lpImgBuf;
* Process Image Buffer - Save to file
* Place "your" processing code here, if full image
* buffering is performed.
* For M-Motion:
* Loop
* 1.Convert and copy a line of 1bpp, 4bpp, 8 bpp or
* 24bpp data into a temporary 24 bpp RGB line.
* This line may contain overflow garbage
* pels from 1bpp and 4bpp modes (where
* width does not fall on even byte boundaries.)
* 2.Convert the temporary RGB line contents into a
* YUV line. ONLY that data necessary converted.
* Overflow from bitmap data ignored.
* 3.Write the YUV line to the file
for (ulRowCount = 0;
ulRowCount < ulHeight;
* Convert 1 line of Image data into RGB data
switch (usBitCount)
case 1:
/* Convert 1bpp padded image buffer into 24-bit */
/* RGB line buffer, w/pads */
Convert1BitTo24Bit (
(PRGB) lpRGBLine,
(PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),
case 4:
/* Convert data from app buffer into 24-bit and */
/* copy into image buffer */
Convert4BitTo24Bit (
(PRGB) lpRGBLine,
(PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),
case 8:
/* Convert data from app buffer into 24-bit and */
/* copy into image buffer */
Convert8BitTo24Bit (
(PRGB) lpRGBLine,
(PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),
case 24:
/* Copy raw RGB data from the image buffer into */
/* the temporary */
/* RGB line. Only copy those pels necessary. */
/* No conversion required */
memcpy ((PVOID) lpRGBLine,
(PVOID) lpImgBufPtr,
ulYUVPelWidth * 3);
} /* end of Switch for Bit Conversion block */
* Convert one line at a time from RGB to YUV.
ConvertOneLineRGBtoYUV (lpRGBLine,
* Write out line of YUV data to the file.
lBytesWritten = mmioWrite (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(PVOID) lpYUVLine,
/* Check if error or EOF */
if (lBytesWritten != lYUVBytesPerLine)
lRetCode = lBytesWritten;
* Make sure bitmap image buffer pointer is correct
* for next line to be converted. Move forward ALL
* the bytes in the bitmap line, including overflow
* and pad bytes.
lpImgBufPtr += pVidInfo->ulImgPaddedBytesPerLine;
* Free temp buffers.
if (lpRGBLine)
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) lpRGBLine);
if (lpYUVLine)
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) lpYUVLine);
} /* end IF WRITE & IMAGE BUFFER block */
* Free the RGB buffer, if it exists, that was created
* for the translated READ operations.
if (pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf)
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf);
* Free the IMG buffer, if it exists, that was created
* for the translated WRITE operations.
if (pVidInfo->lpImgBuf)
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo->lpImgBuf);
* Close the file with mmioClose.
rc = mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);
DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);
if (rc != MMIO_SUCCESS)
return (rc);
return (lRetCode);
} /* end case of MMIOM_CLOSE */
The IOProc determines how to handle this message. All IOProcs must support
this message because mmioOpen sends MMIOM_IDENTIFYFILE when it attempts to
automatically identify a file.
For file format IOProcs, the header needs to be read and checked to see if it
matches with what the IOProc expects. The lParm2 field contains the handle
used for the mmioRead function. In the following example, the header is a
M-Motion file that is compared with the expected string defined in the IOProc.
If it compares correctly, the message returns TRUE; otherwise FALSE is
* Declare local variables.
MMOTIONHEADER mmotHeader; /* M-Motion structure variable */
HMMIO hmmioTemp; /* MMIO File Handle */
ULONG ulWidth;
ULONG ulHeight;
ULONG ulRequiredFileLength;
ULONG ulActualFileLength;
BOOL fValidMMotionFile = FALSE;
/* Flags used for temp open */
/* and close */
* We need either a file name (lParam1) or file handle (lParam2)
if (!lParam1 && !lParam2)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
/* Copy the file handle, assuming one was provided... */
hmmioTemp = (HMMIO)lParam2;
* If no handle, then open the file using the string name
if (!hmmioTemp)
if (!(hmmioTemp = mmioOpen ((PSZ) lParam1,
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Read in enough bytes to check out file.
if (sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER) !=
mmioRead (hmmioTemp,
(PVOID) &mmotHeader,
* Fail so close file and then return.
if (!lParam2) /* Don't close handle if provided to us */
mmioClose (hmmioTemp, 0);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Close file before returning.
if (!lParam2) /* Don't close handle if provided to us */
mmioClose (hmmioTemp, 0);
* Check validity of file and return result.
if (memcmp (mmotHeader.mmID, "YUV12C", 6) == 0)
ulWidth = mmotHeader.mmXlen;
ulHeight = mmotHeader.mmYlen;
/* Calculate what the length of the file SHOULD be based on the */
/* header contents */
ulRequiredFileLength = (((ulWidth >> 2) * 6) * ulHeight) +
/* Query what the ACTUAL length of the file is */
ulActualFileLength = (ULONG)mmioSeek (hmmioTemp, 0, SEEK_END);
/* If these don't match, then it isn't a VALID M-Motion file */
/* - regardless of what the header says. */
if (ulRequiredFileLength == ulActualFileLength)
fValidMMotionFile = TRUE;
fValidMMotionFile = FALSE;
} /* end header check block */
* Close file before returning.
if (!lParam2) /* Don't close handle if provided to us */
mmioClose (hmmioTemp, 0);
if (fValidMMotionFile)
return (MMIO_SUCCESS);
return (MMIO_ERROR);
} /* end case of MMIOM_IDENTIFYFILE */
This message requests information about the format of the IOProc. MMIO
provides a list of MMFORMATINFO structures containing descriptive information
about the formats supported by currently installed IOProcs; for example, the
format name, the FOURCC identifier, and related information. If this message
is not defined in the IOProc or the IOProc does not handle the request
successfully, mmioGetFormatInfo creates a blank MMFORMATINFO structure and
attaches it to the internal list. It is recommended to hard-code the actual
format information in the IOProc message handler code for the ulStructLen,
fccIOProc, ulMediaType, and ulFlags fields. In addition, store other
information (ulCodePage, ulLanguage, lNameLength, and aulDefaultFormatExt if
any) in a resource file for NLS considerations.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
* Declare local variables.
PMMFORMATINFO pmmformatinfo;
* Set pointer to MMFORMATINFO structure.
pmmformatinfo = (PMMFORMATINFO) lParam1;
* Fill in the values for the MMFORMATINFO structure.
pmmformatinfo->ulStructLen = sizeof (MMFORMATINFO);
pmmformatinfo->fccIOProc = FOURCC_MMOT;
pmmformatinfo->ulIOProcType = MMIO_IOPROC_FILEFORMAT;
pmmformatinfo->ulMediaType = MMIO_MEDIATYPE_IMAGE;
pmmformatinfo->ulFlags = MMIO_CANREADTRANSLATED |
strcpy ((PSZ) pmmformatinfo->szDefaultFormatExt, pszMotionExt);
if (GetNLSData( &pmmformatinfo->ulCodePage,
&pmmformatinfo->ulLanguage ))
return( -1L );
if (GetFormatStringLength( FOURCC_MMOT,
&(pmmformatinfo->lNameLength) ))
return( -1L );
* Return success back to the application.
return (MMIO_SUCCESS);
} /* end case of MMIOM_GETFORMATINFO */
This message requests the descriptive format name supported by the IOProc. It
is recommended to contain the strings in resource files for NLS considerations.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
LONG lBytesCopied;
* Copy the M-Motion format string into buffer supplied by
* lParam1. Only put in the amount of my string up to the
* allocated amount which is in lParam2. Leave enough room
* for the NULL termination.
lBytesCopied = GetFormatString( FOURCC_MMOT,
(char *)lParam1,
lParam2 );
return (lBytesCopied);
} /* end case of MMIOM_GETFORMATNAME */
This message requests the IOProc to return the size of the header for the
current file or file element opened by mmioOpen. The mmioQueryHeaderLength
function issues a MMIOM_QUERYHEADERLENGTH message to determine the buffer size
that is needed by mmioGetHeader to obtain header data. This is necessary
because headers vary in length.
To implement this message, save the current file position by using mmioSeek,
then issue a call to mmioRead to read the size of the header into a buffer.
The read can be done without a seek because mmioQueryHeaderLength saves the
current file position when the call is issued. It seeks the file to its
beginning, then seeks it back to the saved file position after the IOProc is
called. The use of mmioRead is important here if the file is using buffered
I/O so that all of MMIO's internal data fields are properly maintained
throughout the message processing. It will allow subsequent file reads after
this message is called to occur at the proper place in the file.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
* If there is no MMIOINFO block then return an error.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (0);
* If header is in translated mode then return the media
* type specific structure size.
if (pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEHEADER)
return (sizeof (MMIMAGEHEADER));
* Header is not in translated mode so return the size
* of the M-Motion header.
return (sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER));
This message requests the IOProc to return header-specific information about
the current file or file element opened for reading by mmioOpen; for example,
media type, media structure, and the size of the media structure. When you
call mmioRead to read in the file header, use the size of the header, which is
passed in by the lParam2 parameter.
When the translate header is TRUE, the IOProc is expected to return the
standard presentation header structure for that media type. The IOProc must
transpose the file's native header data into that structure.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
* Declare local variables.
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (0);
* Set up our working file status variable.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS)pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
* Getheader only valid in READ or READ/WRITE mode.
* There is no header to get in WRITE mode. We
* must also have a valid file handle to read from
if ((pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_WRITE) ||
return (0);
* Check for Translation mode.
if (!(pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEHEADER))
* Translation is off.
if (lParam2 < sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER))
return (0);
if (!lParam1)
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE;
return (0);
* Read in first 16 bytes to fill up M-Motion header.
memcpy ((PVOID) lParam1,
/* Indicate that the header has been set, which */
/* is meaningless in read mode, but allows the */
/* application to do writes in read/write mode */
pVidInfo->bSetHeader = TRUE;
return (sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER));
} /* end IF NOT TRANSLATED block */
if (lParam2 < sizeof (MMIMAGEHEADER))
return (0);
if (!lParam1)
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE;
return (0);
memcpy ((PVOID)lParam1,
return (sizeof (MMIMAGEHEADER));
} /* end case of MMIOM_GETHEADER */
This message requests the IOProc to set header-specific information in a file
opened for writing by mmioOpen. This would include data such as resolution and
colors for images, and duration and sample rate for audio.
When the translate header is TRUE, the IOProc should expect to be passed the
standard presentation header for that media type. The IOProc is expected to
transpose the data from that structure into its native header structure before
writing the header to the file.
The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the
* Declare local variables.
USHORT usNumColors;
ULONG ulImgBitsPerLine;
ULONG ulImgBytesPerLine;
ULONG ulBytesWritten;
ULONG ulWidth;
ULONG ul4PelWidth;
ULONG ulHeight;
USHORT usPlanes;
USHORT usBitCount;
USHORT usPadBytes;
* Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
if (!pmmioinfo)
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up our working variable MMFILESTATUS.
pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS) pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;
* Only allow this function if we are in WRITE mode
* And only if we have not already set the header
if ((!(pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_WRITE)) ||
(!(pVidInfo->hmmioSS)) ||
return (0);
* Make sure lParam1 is a valid pointer
if (!lParam1)
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE;
return (0);
* Header is not in translated mode.
if (!(pmmioinfo->ulTranslate & MMIO_TRANSLATEHEADER))
* Make sure lParam2 is correct size
return (0);
* Ensure that the header at least begins with "YUV12C"
if (strncmp ((char *)lParam1, "YUV12C", 6))
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE;
return (0);
* Take 16 byte buffer (lParam1), write to file and .
* copy to internal structure.
memcpy ((PVOID)&pVidInfo->mmotHeader,
ulBytesWritten = mmioWrite (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(PVOID) lParam1,
* Check for an error on the write..
if (ulBytesWritten != MMOTION_HEADER_SIZE)
return (0); /* 0 indicates error */
* Success...
pVidInfo->bSetHeader = TRUE;
return (sizeof (MMOTIONHEADER));
} /* end IF NOT TRANSLATED block */
* Header is translated.
* Create local pointer media specific structure.
* Check for validity of header contents supplied
* -- Length must be that of the standard header
* -- NO Compression
* 1 plane
* 24, 8, 4 or 1 bpp
usBitCount = pMMImgHdr->mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cBitCount;
if ((pMMImgHdr->mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.ulCompression !=
(pMMImgHdr->mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cPlanes != 1) ||
(! ((usBitCount == 24) || (usBitCount == 8) ||
(usBitCount == 4) || (usBitCount == 1)))
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE;
return (0);
if (lParam2 != sizeof (MMIMAGEHEADER))
return (0);
memcpy ((PVOID)&pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmID, "YUV12C", 6);
pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmXorg = 0;
pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmYorg = 0;
* Ensure we will save stuff on 4-pel boundaries when
* we actually convert to YUV and pack the bits.
* We don't change what the user is actually going to
* give us. The user thinks he is on 1-pel boundaries,
* and that is how we buffer the RGB data.
ulWidth = pMMImgHdr->mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cx;
ulHeight = pMMImgHdr->mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cy;
if (ulWidth % 4)
ul4PelWidth = (((ulWidth >> 2) + 1) << 2);
ul4PelWidth = ulWidth;
pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmXlen = (USHORT) ul4PelWidth;
pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmYlen = (USHORT) ulHeight;
* Write the M-Motion Header.
ulBytesWritten = mmioWrite (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
(PVOID) &pVidInfo->mmotHeader,
* Check for an error on the write...
if (ulBytesWritten != MMOTION_HEADER_SIZE)
return (0);
* Flag that MMIOM_SETHEADER has been done. It can only
* be done ONCE for a file. All future attempts will
* be flagged as errors.
pVidInfo->bSetHeader = TRUE;
* Create copy of MMIMAGEHEADER for future use.
pVidInfo->mmImgHdr = *pMMImgHdr;
* Check bitcount, set palette if less than 24.
if (usBitCount < 24)
* Find out how many colors are in the palette.
usNumColors = (USHORT)(1 << usBitCount);
* Take the RGB2 palette and convert it to an RGB palette
* Place the converted palette in MMFILESTATUS struct
RGB2_To_RGB (pVidInfo->mmImgHdr.bmiColors,
(PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),
* We must allocate the buffer. The app will load the
* buffer on subsequent write calls.
usPlanes = pVidInfo->mmImgHdr.mmXDIBHeader.BMPInfoHeader2.cPlanes;
* Determine total Image size
* Find bits-per-line BEFORE padding and 1bpp or 4bpp pel overflow
ulImgBitsPerLine = ulWidth * usPlanes * usBitCount;
ulImgBytesPerLine = ulImgBitsPerLine >> 3;
* Account for extra pels not on an even byte boundary
* for 1bpp and 4bpp
if (ulImgBitsPerLine % 8)
ulImgBytesPerLine ++;
pVidInfo->ulImgPelBytesPerLine = ulImgBytesPerLine;
* Ensure the row length in bytes accounts for byte padding.
* All bitmap data rows are aligned on LONG/4-BYTE boundaries.
* The data FROM an application should always appear in this form
usPadBytes = (USHORT)(ulImgBytesPerLine % 4);
if (usPadBytes)
ulImgBytesPerLine += 4 - usPadBytes;
pVidInfo->ulImgPaddedBytesPerLine = ulImgBytesPerLine;
pVidInfo->ulImgTotalBytes = ulImgBytesPerLine * ulHeight;
* Get space for full image buffer.
if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &(pVidInfo->lpImgBuf),
return (MMIO_ERROR);
* Set up initial pointer value within RGB buffer & image
pVidInfo->lImgBytePos = 0;
return (sizeof (MMIMAGEHEADER));
} /* end case of MMIOM_SETHEADER */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.5. CODEC Support ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following sections examine the Ultimotion IOProc (ULIOT) sample (located in
the \TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM\ULTIMOIO subdirectory), which includes source code to
compress or decompress a data object. The ULIOT I/O procedure calls the
Ultimotion CODEC procedure to compress raw digital images into a smaller form
so they can use less storage space. To play motion video, the ULIOT sample can
also call the decompressor part of the CODEC procedure to reconstruct the
original image from the compressed data.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.5.1. Decompression ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following section illustrates how to decompress an image to play motion
video. Follow these steps for decompression support:
1. Open the file and determine which CODEC(s) are required.
2. Load the CODEC DLL file.
3. Load and initialize the CODEC procedure.
4. Call the CODEC to decompress data.
5. Close the CODEC and release resources after use.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Opening an Image Object ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To play back or decompress an image object, you must first open the movie file
to find the four-character code (FOURCC) of the compression type and initiate
the track information (as shown in the following example). The open routine
allows for multiple compression types per stream.
LONG IOProcOpen (PMMIOINFO pmmioinfo, PSZ pszFileName) {
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS; /* Return code. */
LONG lFilePosition; /* Logical file position. */
MMIOINFO Localmmioinfo; /* For locally used. */
PINSTANCE pinstance; /* Local work structure. */
if (pmmioinfo == NULL) return MMIO_ERROR;
if (CheckMem((PVOID)pmmioinfo, sizeof(MMIOINFO), PAG_WRITE))
return MMIO_ERROR;
/* Validate the open flags for this File Format IOProc */
/* (INVALID_OPEN_FLAGS should be defined in the ff.h - file format */
/* specific header file.) */
if (pmmioinfo->ulFlags & INVALID_OPEN_FLAGS) {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_ACCESS_FLAG;
if ((pinstance = (PINSTANCE)HhpAllocMem(hheap,sizeof(INSTANCE)))
== NULL) {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_OUTOFMEMORY;
return(MMIO_ERROR); /* Allocate work struct. */
pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct = (PVOID) pinstance;
pmmioinfo->fccIOProc = HEX_FOURCC_FFIO; /* Set for CODEC loading. */
/* Validate read flags before doing read initialization */
if (( pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_READ ) &&
!( pmmioinfo->ulFlags & INVALID_READ_FLAGS )) {
/* IOProc identifies Storage System */
memcpy (&Localmmioinfo, pmmioinfo, sizeof(MMIOINFO));
Localmmioinfo.pIOProc = NULL;
Localmmioinfo.fccIOProc = pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc;
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags |= MMIO_NOIDENTIFY; /* Eliminate callbacks */
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags &= ~MMIO_ALLOCBUF; /* Force non-buffered open */
rc = ioIdentifyStorageSystem(&Localmmioinfo,pszFileName);
if (rc != MMIO_SUCCESS) { /* if error, */
/* Allocate memory for pTempBuffer which is used when */
/* IOProcReadInterLeaved is called. */
if (ENTERCRIT(rc)) {
if ((pinstance->pTempBuffer = HhpAllocMem(hheap, DEFAULTBUFFERSIZE))
== NULL) {
pinstance->ulTempBufferSize = DEFAULTBUFFERSIZE;
/* Open Movie file */
if ( pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc != FOURCC_MEM ) {
Localmmioinfo.cchBuffer = 0;
Localmmioinfo.pchBuffer = NULL;
pinstance->hmmioFileHandle = mmioOpen(pszFileName,
/* Test file open error.*/
if (pinstance->hmmioFileHandle <= (HMMIO)0L) {
rc = Localmmioinfo.ulErrorRet;
/* Call file format specific open routine */
else if (!(rc = ffOpenRead(pmmioinfo, pinstance))) {
if(!(rc = ioAddTracksToMovieHeader(pinstance))) {
/* Set lLogicalFilePos to a position pass the header */
/* block to allow read occurring at the first byte of */
/* non-header data. */
lFilePosition = ffSeekToDataBegin(pmmioinfo,pinstance);
if (lFilePosition < MMIO_SUCCESS)
pinstance->lFileCurrentPosition = lFilePosition;
if (rc) {
/* Validate Write flags before doing initialization */
#ifndef WORKSHOP
if ((pmmioinfo->ulFlags & (MMIO_READWRITE | MMIO_WRITE)) &&
!(pmmioinfo->ulFlags & INVALID_WRITE_FLAGS)) {
/* Open the movie file */
memset (&Localmmioinfo, '\0', sizeof(MMIOINFO));
Localmmioinfo.pIOProc = NULL;
Localmmioinfo.fccIOProc = pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc;
if (pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc != FOURCC_MEM) {
Localmmioinfo.cchBuffer = 0;
Localmmioinfo.pchBuffer = NULL;
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags |= MMIO_NOIDENTIFY; /* Eliminate callbacks */
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags &= ~MMIO_ALLOCBUF; /* Force non-buffered open. */
/* MMIO may do buffering. */
pinstance->hmmioFileHandle = mmioOpen(pszFileName, &Localmmioinfo,
if (pinstance->hmmioFileHandle <= (HMMIO)0L) /* Test file open error. */
rc = Localmmioinfo.ulErrorRet;
/* Call file format specific open routine */
rc = ffOpenWrite(pmmioinfo, pinstance);
if (rc != 0) {
#else /* WORKSHOP next */
if ((pmmioinfo->ulFlags & (MMIO_READWRITE | MMIO_WRITE)) &&
!(pmmioinfo->ulFlags & INVALID_WRITE_FLAGS)) {
/* Open the movie file */
memset (&Localmmioinfo, '\0', sizeof(MMIOINFO));
Localmmioinfo.pIOProc = NULL;
Localmmioinfo.fccIOProc = pmmioinfo->fccChildIOProc;
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags = pmmioinfo->ulFlags;
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags |= MMIO_NOIDENTIFY; /* Eliminate callbacks */
Localmmioinfo.ulFlags &= ~MMIO_ALLOCBUF; /* Force non-buffered open. */
/* MMIO may do buffering. */
if (!(pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_CREATE)) {
rc = ioIdentifyStorageSystem(&Localmmioinfo, pszFileName);
if (rc != MMIO_SUCCESS) { /* if error */
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = rc; /* see IdentifyStorageSystem */
/* Allocate memory for pTempBuffer which is used when */
/* IOProcReadInterLeaved is called. */
if (ENTERCRIT(rc)) {
return MMIO_ERROR;
pinstance->pTempBuffer = HhpAllocMem(hheap, DEFAULTBUFFERSIZE);
if (pinstance->pTempBuffer == NULL) {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_OUTOFMEMORY;
return MMIO_ERROR;
pinstance->ulTempBufferSize = DEFAULTBUFFERSIZE;
pinstance->lFileCurrentPosition = 0;
pinstance->hmmioFileHandle = mmioOpen(pszFileName, &Localmmioinfo,
if (pinstance->hmmioFileHandle <= (HMMIO)0L) /* Test file open error. */
rc = Localmmioinfo.ulErrorRet;
else {
/* Call file format specific open routine */
rc = ffOpenWrite(pmmioinfo, pinstance);
if (rc == 0) {
if (!(pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_CREATE)) {
rc = ioAddTracksToMovieHeader(pinstance);
if (rc == 0) {
/* Set lLogicalFilePos to a position pass the header */
/* block to allow read occurring at the first byte */
/* of non-header data. */
lFilePosition = ffSeekToDataBegin(pmmioinfo, pinstance);
if (lFilePosition < MMIO_SUCCESS) rc = MMIO_ERROR;
else pinstance->lFileCurrentPosition = lFilePosition;
if (rc != 0) {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = rc;
return MMIO_ERROR;
/* Set up the pathname in the instance structure */
if (strlen(pszFileName) < CCHMAXPATH) {
strcpy((PSZ)&(pinstance->szFileName), pszFileName);
if ((pinstance->szFileName)[1] == ':')
pinstance->ulEditFlags |= FULLY_QUALIFIED_PATH;
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Determining the CODEC Procedure ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Once the FOURCC is obtained, the appropriate CODEC procedure is determined and
loaded. The following example illustrates the ioDetermineCodec routine, which
determines which CODEC procedure to load. This routine first queries the
hardware to determine what CODEC mode the hardware requires. Next, it queries
the MMPMMMIO.INI file to determine if there is a CODEC procedure that matches
the FOURCC, compression type, and capability flags received from the open
routine. If no default CODEC is found, this routine queries the MMPMMMIO.INI
file to find a compression type that works for this particular hardware. If
there is no CODEC procedure known to the INI file that will match the FOURCC,
the code searches internal CODEC tables for the necessary CODEC to load. The
ULIOT sample provides an internal CODEC table located in the ULGDAT.C file
(shown in the following example). This table is hard coded in the IOProc to
specify what CODEC procedure to call.
LONG ioDetermineCodec ( PINSTANCE pinstance,
ULONG ulSearchFlags,
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS; /* Return code of IOProcs call */
USHORT i; /* Loop index */
ULONG ulFlags;
HPS hps; /* Use to query color support */
HAB hab; /* anchor block */
HMQ hmq; /* anchor block */
if (pcifi->ulCapsFlags & CODEC_DECOMPRESS) {
/* Query the display mode */
if (ulNumColors == 0) { /* Get this info once per process */
hab = WinInitialize(0);
// hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue( hab, 0L );
DevQueryCaps ( GpiQueryDevice(hps),
WinReleasePS (hps);
// WinDestroyMsgQueue( hmq );
WinTerminate (hab);
/* Set the color depth for the CODEC we want */
if (ulNumColors == 16)
pcifi->ulCapsFlags |= CODEC_4_BIT_COLOR;
else if (ulNumColors > 256)
pcifi->ulCapsFlags |= CODEC_16_BIT_COLOR;
else /* 256 and anything else */
pcifi->ulCapsFlags |= CODEC_8_BIT_COLOR;
/* Search for the DEFAULT codec of this type from the MMIO INI file */
pcifi->ulCapsFlags |= CODEC_DEFAULT; /* Pick default */
ulFlags = ulSearchFlags |
if (!(rc = mmioIniFileCODEC(pcifi,ulFlags))) {
/* If no default, find first one and use it from the MMIO INI file */
pcifi->ulCapsFlags &= ~CODEC_DEFAULT;
ulFlags = ulSearchFlags |
/* Match the fourcc, compress type, caps flags */
if (!(rc = mmioIniFileCODEC(pcifi,ulFlags))) {
/* Search any internal CODEC tables for the necessary CODEC to load. */
/* Note: This is used for debugging new CODEC's that have not been */
/* added to the MMPMMMIO.INI file. */
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_CODEC_TABLE; i++) {
if ((acifiTable[i].ulCompressType == pcifi->ulCompressType) &&
((acifiTable[i].ulCapsFlags & pcifi->ulCapsFlags)
== pcifi->ulCapsFlags)) {
*pcifi = acifiTable[i]; /* Copy contents */
The following example illustrates how to hardcode a CODEC INI file information
structure in an IOProc if the table is not represented in the MMPMMMIO.INI
/* szDCIODLLName[]-Decompression IOProc DLL name */
/* szDCIOProcName[]-Decomp IOProc entry pt proc name */
/* ulDecompressionType - ID of each decompression type */
CODEC_DECOMPRESS+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_SELFHEAL+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_ORIGIN_UPPERLEFT+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_4_BIT_COLOR, /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
/* szDCIODLLName[]-Decompression IOProc DLL name */
/* szDCIOProcName[]-Decomp IOProc entry pt proc name */
/* ulDecompressionType - ID of each decompression type */
CODEC_DECOMPRESS+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_SELFHEAL+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_ORIGIN_UPPERLEFT+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_MULAPERTURE+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_DIRECT_DISPLAY+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_8_BIT_COLOR, /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
/* szDCIODLLName[]-Decompression IOProc DLL name */
/* szDCIOProcName[]-Decomp IOProc entry point proc name */
/* ulDecompressionType - ID of each decompression type */
CODEC_DECOMPRESS+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_SELFHEAL+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_ORIGIN_UPPERLEFT+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_DIRECT_DISPLAY+ /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
CODEC_16_BIT_COLOR, /* ulCapsFlags - Capabilities Flag */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Loading the CODEC Procedure ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Once a CODEC procedure is determined, the CODEC DLL is loaded and added to the
linked list of CODECs currently loaded for this movie instance. The
ioLoadCodecDLL routine shown in the following example first checks to see that
the CODEC procedure is not already loaded in the list. If it is not loaded in
the list, it sends a DOSLoadModule function to load the DLL and find the entry.
Next, it initializes the CODEC procedure in the ffOpenCodec routine shown in
the following example.
Note: Refer to the OS/2 PM Reference for further information on the
DosLoadModule function.
PCCB ioLoadCodecDLL ( PINSTANCE pinstance,
PULONG phCodec )
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS; /* Return code of IOProc's call. */
SZ szLoadError[260]; /* Error returns. */
PCCB pccbNew;
PCCB pccb;
HMODULE hmod = 0L;
PMMIOPROC pmmioproc;
ULONG hCodec = 0L;
/* Search if the CCB entry has been created for the passed in */
/* pszDLLName and pszProcName,if yes, then sets pccb pointer of */
/* ptracki to that node.(different track may share a same CCB) */
for (pccb = pinstance->pccbList; pccb; pccb = pccb->pccbNext) {
if (!stricmp(pcifi->szDLLName,pccb->cifi.szDLLName)) {
hCodec = pccb->hCodec;
if (!stricmp(pcifi->szProcName,pccb->cifi.szProcName)) {
/* Proc entry names match */
} /* end loop */
/* The above searching cannot find the DCIO node; if a same */
/* DLLName was found, query IOProc address directly, else load */
/* module then query I/O address before allocates a new pccb node. */
if (DosLoadModule(szLoadError,
&hmod)) {
if (DosQueryProcAddr(hmod,
(PFN *)&pmmioproc)) {
/* The above loading and querying was successful; then create a new */
/* node for the DCIO. If HhpAllocMem fails, call DosFreeModule to */
/* free DCIO module before returning error. */
if (ENTERCRIT(rc)) {
pccbNew = (PCCB)HhpAllocMem(hheap,(ULONG)sizeof(CCB));
if(!pccbNew) {
/* Allocate error - MMIOERR_OUTOFMEMORY */
/* Assigns the Decompress IOProc information, which is in record map */
/* table, to the new DCIO node. */
pccbNew->cifi = *pcifi;
pccbNew->hmodule = hmod;
pccbNew->pmmioproc = pmmioproc;
pccbNew->hCodec = 0L;
pccbNew->ulLastSrcBuf = 0L;
pccbNew->ulMisc1 = 0L;
pccbNew->ulMisc2 = 0L;
/* Adds new node to the beginning of ccb list. */
pccbNew->pccbNext = pinstance->pccbList;
pinstance->pccbList = pccbNew;
*phCodec = hCodec;
/************************** START OF SPECIFICATIONS *****************/
/* */
/* SUBROUTINE NAME: ioLoadCodec */
/* */
/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Load a CODEC IOProc and add it the PCCB list */
/* */
/* FUNCTION: This function loads a CODEC IOProc and adds it to the */
/* linked list of CODECs currently loaded for this movie instance. */
/* */
/* NOTES: */
/* */
/* ENTRY POINT: ioLoadCodec */
/* LINKAGE: CALL FAR (00:32) */
/* */
/* INPUT: */
/* PINSTANCE pinstance - Instant structure. */
/* PTRACKI ptracki - Track specific information */
/* PCODECINIFILEINFO pcifi - CODEC ini file information */
/* */
/* pccb */
/* */
/* 0L */
/* */
/* */
/*************************** END OF SPECIFICATIONS ******************/
PCCB ioLoadCodec ( PINSTANCE pinstance,
PTRACKI ptracki,
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS; /* Return code of IOProc's call.*/
PCCB pccbNew;
ULONG hCodec = 0L;
if (pccbNew = ioLoadCodecDLL(pinstance,pcifi,&hCodec)) {
/* Open the Codec IOProc and save the hCodec in the pccb structure */
if (rc = ffOpenCodec(pinstance, pccbNew, hCodec, ptracki)) {
pinstance->pccbList = pccbNew->pccbNext; /* unlink from list */
pccbNew = NULL; /* return error condition */
/************************** START OF SPECIFICATIONS ****************/
/* */
/* SUBROUTINE NAME: ioFindCodec */
/* */
/* */
/* FUNCTION: This function finds a compression/decompression */
/* control block for this compression type. */
/* */
/* NOTES: None */
/* */
/* ENTRY POINT: ioFindCodec */
/* LINKAGE: CALL FAR (00:32) */
/* */
/* INPUT: */
/* PINSTANCE pinstance - Movie instance structure */
/* ULONG ulCompressType - Compression type */
/* */
/* */
/* pccb */
/* */
/* NULL - 0L */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/*************************** END OF SPECIFICATIONS *****************/
PCCB ioFindCodec ( PINSTANCE pinstance,
ULONG ulCompressType )
PCCB pccb;
for (pccb = pinstance->pccbList; pccb; pccb = pccb->pccbNext) {
if (pccb->cifi.ulCompressType == ulCompressType)
return(NULL); /* not found */
The ffOpenCodec routine shown in the following example opens a CODEC instance
for a movie instance and creates file format specific header information
(including a source video header and a destination video header). Next, it
calls MMIO services to open the CODEC.
LONG ffOpenCodec ( PINSTANCE pinstance,
PCCB pccb,
ULONG hCodec,
PTRACKI ptracki)
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS;/* Return code of IOProc's call. */
PMMVIDEOHEADER pmmVideoHdr; /* Video header node. */
/* Fill in necessary information for DC IOProc. */
/* Get standard track header */
pmmVideoHdr = (PMMVIDEOHEADER)ptracki->pTrackHeader;
pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr = NULL;
pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo = NULL;
/* Create Source Video Header */
if (pcodecvidhdr = (PCODECVIDEOHEADER)HhpAllocMem(hheap,(ULONG)
pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr = (PVOID)pcodecvidhdr;
pcodecvidhdr->ulStructLen = sizeof(CODECVIDEOHEADER);
pcodecvidhdr->cx = pmmVideoHdr->ulWidth;
pcodecvidhdr->cy = pmmVideoHdr->ulHeight;
pcodecvidhdr->cPlanes = 1; /* Hardcoded */
pcodecvidhdr->cBitCount = 16; /* Hardcoded */
pcodecvidhdr->ulColorEncoding = MMIO_COMPRESSED; /* Hardcoded */
/* Create Destination Video Header */
if (pcodecvidhdr = (PCODECVIDEOHEADER)HhpAllocMem(hheap,(ULONG)
pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr = (PVOID)pcodecvidhdr;
pcodecvidhdr->ulStructLen = sizeof(CODECVIDEOHEADER);
pcodecvidhdr->cx = pmmVideoHdr->ulWidth;
pcodecvidhdr->cy = pmmVideoHdr->ulHeight;
pcodecvidhdr->cPlanes = 1; // Hardcoded
/* Initialize the Flags and color encoding */
pccb->codecopen.ulFlags = pccb->cifi.ulCapsFlags &
/* Set the color depth for the CODEC we want */
if (ulNumColors == 16) {
pccb->codecopen.ulFlags |= CODEC_4_BIT_COLOR;
pcodecvidhdr->cBitCount = 16;
pcodecvidhdr->ulColorEncoding = MMIO_PALETTIZED;
else if (ulNumColors > 256) {
pccb->codecopen.ulFlags |= CODEC_16_BIT_COLOR;
pcodecvidhdr->cBitCount = 256;
pcodecvidhdr->ulColorEncoding = MMIO_RGB_5_6_5;
else { /* 256 and anything else */
pccb->codecopen.ulFlags |= CODEC_8_BIT_COLOR;
pcodecvidhdr->cBitCount = 8;
pcodecvidhdr->ulColorEncoding = MMIO_PALETTIZED;
/* Open the Codec
rc = pccb->pmmioproc(&hCodec,
if (!rc) {
pccb->hCodec = hCodec;
LONG ffAssociateCodec ( PINSTANCE pinstance,
PMMEXTENDINFO pmmextendinfo )
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.5.2. Compression ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following section illustrates how to compress raw digital images into a
smaller form so they can use less storage space. Follow these steps for
compression support:
1. Determine which CODEC procedure to use.
2. Load the CODEC DLL file.
3. Load and initialize the CODEC procedure.
4. Call the CODEC to compress the data.
5. Close the CODEC and release resources after use.
The IOSET.C file shown in the following example uses the MMEXTENDINFO data
structure to set values for the source header, destination header, and other
Note: You can only associate one stream or track.
/*************************START OF SPECIFICATIONS ****************/
/* */
/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: File Format IOProc routine for MMIOM_SET */
/* */
/* COPYRIGHT: IBM - International Business Machines */
/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993 */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* STATUS: OS/2 Release 2.0 */
/* */
/* FUNCTION: This source module contains the set functions. */
/* NOTES: */
/* DEPENDENCIES: none */
/* RESTRICTIONS: Runs in 32-bit protect mode (OS/2 2.0) */
/* */
/* IOProcSet */
/* */
/************************* END OF SPECIFICATIONS *****************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#define INCL_DOS /* #define INCL_DOSPROCESS.*/
#define INCL_WIN
#define INCL_GPI
#include <os2.h> /* OS/2 headers. */
#include <pmbitmap.h>
#define INCL_OS2MM
#include <os2me.h> /* Multimedia IO extensions. */
#include <hhpheap.h>
#include <ioi.h>
/************************** START OF SPECIFICATIONS **********/
/* */
/* */
/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Set various conditions in IOProc */
/* */
/* */
/* NOTES: None */
/* */
/* ENTRY POINT: IOProcSet */
/* LINKAGE: CALL FAR (00:32) */
/* */
/* INPUT: */
/* PMMIOINFO pmmioinfo - ptr to instance structure */
/* LONG lParam1 - first parameter */
/* LONG lParam2 - Second parameter */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/*************************** END OF SPECIFICATIONS ***********/
LONG IOProcSet ( PMMIOINFO pmmioinfo,
LONG lParam1,
LONG lParam2 )
PINSTANCE pinstance;
PCCB pccb;
PCODECASSOC pcodecassoc;
ULONG ulSize;
PVOID PtrNextAvail;
if (rc = ioGetPtrInstance(pmmioinfo,&pinstance))
/* SET INFO */
case MMIO_SET_EXTENDEDINFO: /* Set extended information */
if (pmmextendinfo) { /* error check */
/* Set active track */
if (pmmextendinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_TRACK) {
if (pmmextendinfo->ulTrackID == (ULONG)MMIO_RESETTRACKS) {
pinstance->lCurrentTrack = pmmextendinfo->ulTrackID;
else {
if (pinstance->ulFlags & OPENED_READONLY) {
if (ioFindTracki(pinstance,pmmextendinfo->ulTrackID)) {
pinstance->lCurrentTrack = pmmextendinfo->ulTrackID;
else {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
else if (pinstance->ulFlags &
pinstance->lCurrentTrack = pmmextendinfo->ulTrackID;
else {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} /* else */
} /* MMIO_TRACK */
/* Reset all Non-normal reading modes. All request audio */
/* and video frames are returned. */
if (pmmextendinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_NORMAL_READ) {
pinstance->ulMode = MODE_NORMALREAD;
/* Set IOProc into SCAN mode for the active track. Reading */
/* will now be done, but only Key frames are returned for */
/* video. */
else if (pmmextendinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_SCAN_READ) {
pinstance->ulMode = MODE_SCANREAD;
/* Set IOProc into REVERSE mode for the active track. */
/* Reading will now be done, but only Key frames are */
/* returned for video */
else if (pmmextendinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_REVERSE_READ) {
pinstance->ulMode = MODE_REVERSEREAD;
/* Associate CODEC information for recording */
if (pmmextendinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_CODEC_ASSOC) {
/* Don't alow a CODEC association for read only files */
if (pinstance->ulFlags & OPENED_READONLY) {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
/* Can only associate 1 CODEC for record */
if (pmmextendinfo->ulNumCODECs == 1) {
if (rc = ioAssociateCodec(pmmioinfo,
pmmextendinfo->pCODECAssoc)) {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = rc;
else {
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} /* pmmextendedinfo */
else { /* error - data structure missing */
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
/* Query Also CODEC associated info */
/* Create the array of codecassoc structures to return to caller */
pcodecassoc = pmmextendinfo->pCODECAssoc; /* Point to beginning */
for (pccb = pinstance->pccbList; pccb; pccb = pccb->pccbNext) {
pcodecassoc->pCodecOpen = NULL;
pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo = NULL;
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID)pcodecassoc;
/* Fill in pointers to the CODECIniFileInfo structures to follow */
ulSize = 0L;
pcodecassoc = pmmextendinfo->pCODECAssoc; /* Point to beginning */
for (pccb = pinstance->pccbList; pccb; pccb = pccb->pccbNext) {
/* Create and copy CODECINIFILEINFO structure */
pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo = (PCODECINIFILEINFO)PtrNextAvail;
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID) (((ULONG)PtrNextAvail)
/* Create and copy CODECOPEN structure */
pcodecassoc->pCodecOpen = PtrNextAvail;
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID) (((ULONG)PtrNextAvail)
+ sizeof(CODECOPEN));
/* Create and copy Pointers to structures */
/* in the CODECOPEN structure. */
if (pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr);
((PCODECOPEN)pcodecassoc->pCodecOpen)->pControlHdr =
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID) (((ULONG)PtrNextAvail) + ulSize);
if (pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr);
= PtrNextAvail;
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID) (((ULONG)PtrNextAvail) + ulSize);
if (pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr);
= PtrNextAvail;
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID) (((ULONG)PtrNextAvail) + ulSize);
if (pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo);
= PtrNextAvail;
PtrNextAvail = (PVOID) (((ULONG)PtrNextAvail) + ulSize);
/* QUERY BASE INFO (NOTE: Fall through */
/* from previous case!) */
pmmextendinfo->ulStructLen = sizeof(MMEXTENDINFO);
pmmextendinfo->ulTrackID = (ULONG)pinstance->lCurrentTrack;
/* pmmextendinfo->pCODECAssoc = NULL; */
/* Compute ulBufSize for complete information return */
ulSize = 0L;
for (pccb = pinstance->pccbList, ulCCBCount = 0; /* Count CCB's */
ulCCBCount++, pccb = pccb->pccbNext) {
ulSize += sizeof(CODECASSOC)+sizeof(CODECOPEN)
+sizeof(CODECINIFILEINFO); /* static stuff */
/* Extract ulStructLen as first field of structure */
/* that ptr points to. */
if (pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr) {
ulSize += *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr);
if (pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr) {
ulSize += *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr);
if (pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr) {
ulSize += *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr);
if (pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo) {
ulSize += *((PULONG)pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo);
pmmextendinfo->ulNumCODECs = ulCCBCount;
pmmextendinfo->ulBufSize = ulSize;
/* ERROR */
pmmioinfo->ulErrorRet = MMIOERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
}/* end switch */
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Associating a CODEC with a File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following example illustrates how to associate a CODEC procedure with a
file (track).
LONG ioAssociateCodec ( PMMIOINFO pmmioinfo,
PINSTANCE pinstance,
PCODECASSOC pcodecassoc )
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS; /* Return code of IOProc's call.*/
PCCB pccb;
ULONG hCodec; /* Possibly returned from ioLoadCodecDLL */
/* Check for NULL pointers */
if (!pcodecassoc->pCodecOpen || !pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo) {
/* Force the correct values into the CODECINIFILEINFO structure */
pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo->ulStructLen = sizeof(CODECINIFILEINFO);
pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo->fcc = pmmioinfo->fccIOProc;
pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo->ulCapsFlags |= CODEC_COMPRESS;
/* Find the codec to load */
if (rc = ioDetermineCodec(pinstance, 0, pcodecassoc->pCODECIniFileInfo))
return(rc); /* return error */
else { /* load and open the compression codec */
/* Check for previously installed CODECs. */
/* De-install any loaded. Load new one. */
/* Allows only 1 CODEC to be loaded at a time. */
if (pinstance->pccbList) {
pccb = pinstance->pccbList;
pinstance->pccbList = pccb->pccbNext; /* unlink from list */
/* Load the codec dll */
if (pccb = ioLoadCodecDLL(pinstance,
&hCodec)) {
/* Save the codec open information in the ccb */
((PCODECOPEN)pcodecassoc->pCodecOpen)->ulFlags |= CODEC_COMPRESS;
/* Force open of compressor */
if (!(rc = ioInitCodecopen(pccb,(PCODECOPEN)pcodecassoc->
pCodecOpen))) {
/* Open the codec */
if (!(rc = pccb->pmmioproc(&hCodec,
0L))) {
pccb->hCodec = hCodec; /* save handle to codec */
/* handle error conditions */
if (rc) {
pinstance->pccbList = pccb->pccbNext; /* unlink from list */
else {
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Allocating Memory for Compression ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The ioAssociateCodec routine shown in the following example calls the
ioInitCodecopen routine to allocate memory. The next example illustrates how
the ioInitCodecopen routine allocates memory and initializes a CODECOPEN
structure to be saved in the CODEC control block (CCB).
LONG ioInitCodecopen ( PCCB pccb,
PCODECOPEN pcodecopen)
ULONG ulSize;
pccb->codecopen.ulFlags = pcodecopen->ulFlags;
/* Create and copy Pointers to structures in CODECOPEN structure */
if (pcodecopen->pControlHdr) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pcodecopen->pControlHdr);
if (!(pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr = (PVOID)HhpAllocMem(hheap,ulSize)))
memcpy(pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr, pcodecopen->pControlHdr, ulSize);
if (pcodecopen->pSrcHdr) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pcodecopen->pSrcHdr);
if (!(pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr = (PVOID)HhpAllocMem(hheap,ulSize)))
memcpy(pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr, pcodecopen->pSrcHdr, ulSize);
if (pcodecopen->pDstHdr) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pcodecopen->pDstHdr);
if (!(pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr = (PVOID)HhpAllocMem(hheap,ulSize)))
memcpy(pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr, pcodecopen->pDstHdr, ulSize);
if (pcodecopen->pOtherInfo) {
ulSize = *((PULONG)pcodecopen->pOtherInfo);
if (!(pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo = (PVOID)HhpAllocMem(hheap,ulSize)))
memcpy(pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo, pcodecopen->pOtherInfo, ulSize);
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Closing the CODEC Procedure ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following example shows an example of how to close a CODEC instance. The
ioCloseCodec routine frees memory associated with the CODEC.
LONG ioCloseCodec ( PCCB pccb )
LONG rc = MMIO_SUCCESS; /* Return code of IOProc's call. */
if (pccb->codecopen.pSrcHdr) {
if (pccb->codecopen.pDstHdr) {
if (pccb->codecopen.pControlHdr) {
if (pccb->codecopen.pOtherInfo) {
if (pccb->hCodec) {
rc = pccb->pmmioproc(&pccb->hCodec,
if (!rc) {
pccb->hCodec = 0L;
if (pccb->hmodule) {
pccb->hmodule = 0;
pccb = NULL;
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7. Installation Requirements ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section describes how to install the following OS/2 multimedia subsystems
using the multimedia installation program (MINSTALL):
o Media control driver (MCD)
o Stream handler
o I/O procedure
You can prepare script control files and if necessary, create an installation
DLL file to install a subsystem. MINSTALL updates the appropriate INI files
and CONFIG.SYS statements, providing a consistent installation process.
Most developers will use control files with the MINSTALL program to install a
subsystem. MINSTALL is hardware independent and does not prompt the operating
system for hardware information. Therefore, if information is required from
the operating system or specific hardware, you need to write an installation
DLL to use (in addition to control files). See Writing an Installation DLL
for further information.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.1. Master Control File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The MINSTALL program (MINSTALL.EXE) requires specific file information to
install each subsystem. This file information is provided by the master
control file CONTROL.SCR. The master control file, CONTROL.SCR, tells the
installation program what to install, where to install it, how to display it to
the user, and what system files need to be updated. CONTROL.SCR uses keywords
to specify these instructions to MINSTALL.
This control file must be named CONTROL.SCR and must reside on the first media
unit (diskette or CD) of the installation package. During installation, if any
errors are detected in the master control file, the errors are logged in the
MINSTALL.LOG file. (See Installation LOG File.)
The CONTROL.SCR file consists of a header section and a subsystem definition
section. The header section comes first and provides general information for
the installation procedure. The subsystem definition section comes next and
provides information about the subsystems in the installation package.
The header section of the CONTROL.SCR file contains the following information:
o Name of the installation package
o Code page used when creating the file
o Name of the file list control file
o Number of subsystems in the installation package
o Number of media units required for installation
o Names of the media units required for installation
o Source and destination directory names (optional)
The following is an example of the CONTROL.SCR header located in the
\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM\CF subdirectory.
/* control.scr */
package ="IBM Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2"
codepage =437
filelist ="filelist.tlk"
medianame="IBM Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2 Installation
Diskette 1"
medianame="IBM Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2 Installation
Diskette 2"
sourcedir="\\" = 0
sourcedir="\\lib\\" = 1
destindir="\\mmos2\\" = 0
destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\lib\\" = 1
The following table describes the keywords used in the CONTROL.SCR header.
ΓöéKeyword ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéPACKAGE ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the name of Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe installation package in the form of a Γöé
Γöé Γöéquoted string. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéPACKAGE="IBM Multimedia Presentation Manager Γöé
Γöé ΓöéToolkit/2" Γöé
ΓöéCODEPAGE ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the code pageΓöé
Γöé Γöéthat the file was created under. For Γöé
Γöé Γöéexample: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéCODEPAGE = 437 Γöé
ΓöéFILELIST ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the name of Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe file list control file. This control fileΓöé
Γöé Γöécontains a list of files that make up each Γöé
Γöé Γöéfeature, identifies on which media units theyΓöé
Γöé Γöéreside in the installation package, and Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecifies the destination to which they will Γöé
Γöé Γöébe copied. For example: Γöé
ΓöéGROUPCOUNT ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the number ofΓöé
Γöé Γöésubsystems in the installation package. All Γöé
Γöé Γöégroups are counted, including group 0 (if Γöé
Γöé Γöépresent). For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéGROUPCOUNT = 10 Γöé
ΓöéMUNITCOUNT ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the number ofΓöé
Γöé Γöémedia units (diskettes, CDs) that will be Γöé
Γöé Γöéused if all subsystems are installed. This Γöé
Γöé Γöénumber must be greater than 0. This is the Γöé
Γöé Γöénumber of diskettes or CDs on which the Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation package resides. For example: Γöé
ΓöéMEDIANAME ΓöéThis required keyword specifies a unique Γöé
Γöé Γöémedia name, which is a character string on Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe diskette or CD label. For each media Γöé
Γöé Γöéunit, this keyword must be repeated once, in Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe form of a quoted string. This Γöé
Γöé Γöéinformation is used during installation to Γöé
Γöé Γöéprompt the user to insert a diskette or CD Γöé
Γöé Γöéwhen needed. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéMEDIANAME = "IBM Multimedia Presentation Γöé
Γöé ΓöéManager Toolkit/2 Installation Γöé
Γöé ΓöéDiskette 1" Γöé
ΓöéSOURCEDIR ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies the name of aΓöé
Γöé Γöésource directory and its associated number. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThis keyword can be repeated and is specifiedΓöé
Γöé Γöéby a quoted string followed by an equal sign Γöé
Γöé Γöé(=) and a number. The number is used to Γöé
Γöé Γöéidentify the particular directory in later Γöé
Γöé Γöéscripts. This can be NULL, in which case twoΓöé
Γöé Γöédefault backslash characters (\\) are used Γöé
Γöé Γöéwith an encoding of 0. The path must be Γöé
Γöé Γöésurrounded by path separators. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSOURCEDIR="\\LIB\\" = 1 Γöé
ΓöéDESTINDIR ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies the name of aΓöé
Γöé Γöédestination directory and its associated Γöé
Γöé Γöénumber. This keyword can be repeated and is Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecified by a quoted string followed by an Γöé
Γöé Γöéequal sign (=) and a number. The number is Γöé
Γöé Γöéused to identify the particular directory in Γöé
Γöé Γöélater scripts. This can be NULL, in which Γöé
Γöé Γöécase two default backslash characters (\\) Γöé
Γöé Γöéare used with an encoding of 0. The path Γöé
Γöé Γöémust be surrounded by path separators (\\). Γöé
Γöé ΓöéFor example: For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéDESTINDIR = "\\MMOS2\\" = 0 Γöé
Observe the following guidelines when you create or change a CONTROL.SCR
o You must place the keywords MUNITCOUNT and MEDIANAME so that MUNITCOUNT
comes directly before MEDIANAME. The order of the other keywords is not
o Each destination directory (DESTINDIR) must have a unique number.
o A subsystem group can be spread across several media units. It does not
have to reside on one media unit.
o You can define any directory. MINSTALL will create any subdirectories
defined with the DESTINDIR keyword that do not exist.
o If you move the installation package files to media of a different size,
the number of media units (MEDIACOUNT) may change.
o You may use comments in the header section in the form of blank lines or
text enclosed with /* and */. You may not use nested comments.
o You may use blank spaces around the equal sign; blank spaces are ignored.
o If you want to use a double quotation mark or a backslash in a string,
you must precede it with the escape character (\).
o You may use the escape sequence \n (new line).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.1.2. CONTROL.SCR Subsystem Definition ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The subsystem definition section of the CONTROL.SCR file follows the header
section and contains the definitions for each of the subsystems in the
installation package. A block of information must be included for each
Each block of information in the subsystem definition section contains the
following information:
o The group or feature number
o The feature name
o The version of the component
o The size of all the files for the feature installation
o The names of the control files that change the INI files and CONFIG.SYS
o The names of DLL files and entry points
The following is an example of a CONTROL.SCR subsystem definition.
ssgroup =0
ssname ="Toolkit_Base"
sssize =13
/* - 7 = clock */
ssgroup =7
ssname ="Clock Utility"
sssize =839
ssinich ="TLKCLOCK.SCR"
/* - 8 = midiconv */
ssgroup =8
ssname ="MIDI File Format Converter"
sssize =170
ssinich ="TLKCONV.SCR"
/* - 3 = midiio */
ssgroup =3
ssname ="MIDI IO Procedure"
sssize =475
/* - 11 = mcistrng */
ssgroup =11
ssname ="Media Control Interface String Test"
sssize =194
ssinich ="TLKSTRN.SCR"
/* - 9 = duet1 */
ssgroup =9
ssname ="Duet Player I"
sssize =4854
ssinich ="TLKDUT1.SCR"
/* - 10 = duet2 */
ssgroup =10
ssname ="Duet Player II"
sssize =816
ssinich ="TLKDUT2.SCR"
/* - 12 = inc, lib, and h */
ssgroup =12
ssname ="Header Files, Include Files and Libraries"
sssize =384
/* - 13 = prog ref */
ssgroup =13
ssname ="Program Reference"
sssize =400
ssinich ="TLKBOOKR.SCR"
/* - 14 = workbook */
ssgroup =14
ssname ="Workbook"
sssize =150
ssinich ="TLKBOOKW.SCR"
/* - 2 = avcinst */
ssgroup =2
ssname ="AVC I/O Procedure Installation Utility"
sssize =102
ssinich ="TLKIOPU.SCR"
/* - 4 = caseconv */
ssgroup =4
ssname ="Case Converter I/O Procedure"
sssize =82
The CONTROL.SCR subsystem definition consists of the keywords shown in the
folloiwng table.
ΓöéKeyword ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéSSGROUP ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup. This marks the beginning of a Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup and assigns it a number. Each Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup must have a unique number from Γöé
Γöé Γöé0-49 within the package; however, the Γöé
Γöé Γöésame number can be used with different Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation packages. The groups are Γöé
Γöé Γöédisplayed in the installation main Γöé
Γöé Γöéselection window in ascending order by Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup number. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSSGROUP = 5 Γöé
ΓöéSSNAME ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup name, as an ASCII string. This Γöé
Γöé Γöékeyword is case sensitive and takes the Γöé
Γöé Γöéform of a quoted string. The name may Γöé
Γöé Γöéinclude special characters and may be Γöé
Γöé Γöétranslated. The name is displayed in Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe main installation selection window. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéFor example: SSNAME = "CD Audio" Γöé
ΓöéSSVERSION ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the Γöé
Γöé Γöéversion of the group in the form of a Γöé
Γöé Γöéquoted string. This string must be in Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe format "dd.dd.dd" (where dd Γöé
Γöé Γöérepresents digits). Any version not Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecified in this format will be Γöé
Γöé Γöéconverted to that format. All string Γöé
Γöé Γöéitems that are not digits or periods Γöé
Γöé Γöéwill be converted to zeros. Any periods Γöé
Γöé Γöéafter the second period will be Γöé
Γöé Γöéconverted to zeros. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSSVERSION = "1.1.0" Γöé
ΓöéSSSIZE ΓöéThis required keyword specifies the Γöé
Γöé Γöétotal size of all the files in the Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup. The size denotes the number of Γöé
Γöé Γöébytes in thousands (500 = 500KB). This Γöé
Γöé Γöénumber is used to help determine if Γöé
Γöé Γöéthere is enough disk space to support Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe installation. If you do not know Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe correct size of a group, overstate Γöé
Γöé Γöéits size. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSSSIZE = 1024 Γöé
ΓöéSSINICH ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies the nameΓöé
Γöé Γöéof the file that contains changes to an Γöé
Γöé ΓöéINI file. If this statement is missing,Γöé
Γöé Γöéthere are no changes to an INI file. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéFor example: Γöé
ΓöéSSCONFIGCH ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies the nameΓöé
Γöé Γöéof the file that contains the changes toΓöé
Γöé Γöéthe CONFIG.SYS file. If this statement Γöé
Γöé Γöéis missing, there are no changes to the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéCONFIG.SYS file. For example: Γöé
ΓöéSSCOREQS ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies a list Γöé
Γöé Γöéof corequisites needed for this group toΓöé
Γöé Γöérun. It specifies what other groups theΓöé
Γöé Γöécurrent group depends on. These other Γöé
Γöé Γöégroups must be installed for the currentΓöé
Γöé Γöégroup to function. (If this statement Γöé
Γöé Γöéis missing, there are no corequisites.) Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThe corequisite is identified by its Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup number. Corequisite groups should Γöé
Γöé Γöépoint to each other only if they requireΓöé
Γöé Γöéeach other. It is possible to have Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup A list group B as a corequisite Γöé
Γöé Γöéand group B have no corequisites. If Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe user selects a group with Γöé
Γöé Γöécorequisites, but does not select all Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe corequisites, the user is notified Γöé
Γöé Γöébefore the installation starts. This Γöé
Γöé Γöéentry can be repeated as necessary. ForΓöé
Γöé Γöéexample: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSSCOREQS = 1 Γöé
ΓöéSSICON ΓöéThis optional keyword names the icon Γöé
Γöé Γöéfile for this group that is to be Γöé
Γöé Γöédisplayed in the installation main Γöé
Γöé Γöéselection window. The icon file to be Γöé
Γöé Γöédisplayed in the selection window must Γöé
Γöé Γöéreside on the first installation media Γöé
Γöé Γöéunit. If this statement is missing, a Γöé
Γöé Γöédefault icon is used. For example: Γöé
ΓöéSSDLL ΓöéThis optional keyword names a DLL file Γöé
Γöé Γöéthat is to be run during the Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation process. The DLL Γöé
Γöé Γöéreferenced will be run after all files Γöé
Γöé Γöéare copied to the destination, but Γöé
Γöé Γöébefore any script processing is Γöé
Γöé Γöéperformed. If this keyword is present, Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe SSDLLENTRY keyword must also be Γöé
Γöé Γöépresent. For example: Γöé
ΓöéSSDLLENTRY ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies the nameΓöé
Γöé Γöéof the entry point into SSDLL in the Γöé
Γöé Γöéform of a quoted string. If this Γöé
Γöé Γöékeyword is present, the SSDLL keyword Γöé
Γöé Γöémust also be present. For example: Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSSDLLENTRY="MyEntry" Γöé
ΓöéSSTERMDLL ΓöéThis optional keyword names a DLL file Γöé
Γöé Γöéthat is to be run during the Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation process. The DLL Γöé
Γöé Γöéreferenced will be run after all files Γöé
Γöé Γöéare copied to the destination and after Γöé
Γöé Γöéall script processing is done. The Γöé
Γöé Γöépurpose of this keyword is to allow for Γöé
Γöé Γöéprocessing to occur on a fully Γöé
Γöé Γöéconfigured multimedia system. If this Γöé
Γöé Γöékeyword is present, the SSTERMDLLENTRY Γöé
Γöé Γöékeyword must also be present. For Γöé
Γöé Γöéexample: Γöé
ΓöéSSTERMDLLENTRY ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies the nameΓöé
Γöé Γöéof the entry point into SSTERMDLL in theΓöé
Γöé Γöéform of a quoted string. If this Γöé
Γöé Γöékeyword is present, the SSTERMDLL Γöé
Γöé Γöékeyword must also be present. For Γöé
Γöé Γöéexample: Γöé
ΓöéSSDLLINPUTPARMS ΓöéThis optional keyword specifies Γöé
Γöé Γöéinformation needed by an installation Γöé
Γöé ΓöéDLL in the form of a quoted string. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThis information is passed as a Γöé
Γöé Γöéparameter to the installation DLL as Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecified in the SSDLL or SSTERMDLL Γöé
Γöé Γöékeywords. For example: Γöé
ΓöéSSSELECT ΓöéThis optional keyword determines the Γöé
Γöé Γöépreselection of subsystems for Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation. Five values are Γöé
Γöé Γöésupported: Γöé
Γöé Γöé"ALWAYS" - This value specifies that theΓöé
Γöé Γöégroup will always be installed. It is Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe only valid value for group 0. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéGroups with this value will not be Γöé
Γöé Γöédisplayed in the installation main Γöé
Γöé Γöéselection window. Γöé
Γöé Γöé"REQUIRED" - This value specifies that Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe group will be preselected for Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation. If the group had been Γöé
Γöé Γöépreviously installed, it cannot be Γöé
Γöé Γöéunselected by the user if this Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation package is newer than the Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstalled version. If the group had notΓöé
Γöé Γöébeen previously installed, it can be Γöé
Γöé Γöéunselected by the user. Γöé
Γöé Γöé"VERSION" - This value specifies that Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe group will be preselected only if itΓöé
Γöé Γöéwas previously installed and this Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstallation package is newer than the Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstalled version. However, it can be Γöé
Γöé Γöéunselected by the user. Γöé
Γöé Γöé"YES" - This value specifies that the Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup will be preselected whether or notΓöé
Γöé Γöéit was previously installed. It can be Γöé
Γöé Γöéunselected by the user. This is the Γöé
Γöé Γöédefault. Γöé
Γöé Γöé"NO" - This value specifies that the Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup is never preselected but can be Γöé
Γöé Γöéselected by the user. Γöé
Γöé Γöé"BASENEWER" - This value specifies that Γöé
Γöé Γöéfiles belonging to this group will only Γöé
Γöé Γöébe copied if the user's machine has no Γöé
Γöé Γöépackage installed or if the package Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstalled is older than the current Γöé
Γöé Γöépackage. Γöé
Γöé Γöé"ONLYNEWER" - This value specifies that Γöé
Γöé Γöéa user will not be able to install an Γöé
Γöé Γöéolder version of a package on top of a Γöé
Γöé Γöénewer version. Files belonging to this Γöé
Γöé Γöégroup will only be copied if the user Γöé
Γöé Γöéhas an older version (or the same Γöé
Γöé Γöéversion) installed. If no version is Γöé
Γöé Γöéinstalled or if the version installed isΓöé
Γöé Γöéhigher than the one in the package, no Γöé
Γöé Γöéfiles will be copied. Γöé
Observe the following guidelines when you create or change a CONTROL.SCR
subsystem definition:
o The SSGROUP keyword must be the first statement in the information block.
o A group may reside on different media.
o Each statement in the information block must have a value.
o You may use comments in an information block in the form of blank lines
or text enclosed with /* and */. You may not use nested comments.
o You may use blank spaces around the equal sign; blank spaces are ignored.
o If you want to use a double quotation mark or a backslash in a string,
you must precede it with the escape character (\).
o You may use the escape sequence \n (new line).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.2. File List Control File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The master control file, CONTROL.SCR, specifies a FILELIST keyword which
identifies the name of a file list control file that lists all the installable
files in the installation package. The file list control file also contains
the following:
o The name of the file
o The number of the media unit where the file is stored
o The destination directory where the file will be copied
o The group the file is identified with
The following is an example of a file list control file. (Ellipsis points
indicate additional entries.) The first nonblank, noncomment record is a
count of the number of files (or file name lines) in the file. For example,
/* This file contains install information. Strings enclosed in C type */
/* comments like this line are comment lines. Blank lines are ignored. */
/* Non-blank lines will be parsed and extraneous characters will */
/* cause errors. First non-comment line must be the total number of */
/* files to be installed. */
/* */
/* Total number of entries is 145 */
/* All files on the install disks are listed below. Other information */
/* is also given, as follows: */
/* */
/* Disk# - The number of the disk on which the file resides. */
/* (Ignored if installing from CD-ROM). These are sorted */
/* from 0 to the number of disks, ascending. */
/* */
/* Group# - The logical group to which the file belongs. Group */
/* starts at 0. */
/* */
/* Dest# - The destination subdirectory into which the file will be */
/* copied. Dest# starts at 0. */
/* */
/* Source# - The source subdirectory from which the file will be */
/* copied. */
/* */
/* FileName - The base filename. */
/* sourcedir="\\" = 0 */
/* sourcedir="\\lib\\" = 1 */
/* sourcedir="\\h\\" = 2 */
/* sourcedir="\\clock\\" = 7 */
/* sourcedir="\\duet1\\" = 9 */
/* sourcedir="\\duet2\\" = 10 */
/* sourcedir="\\mcistrng\\" = 11 */
/* sourcedir="\\inc\\" = 13 */
/* sourcedir="\\book\\" = 16 */
/* sourcedir="\\cdmct\\" = 17 */
/* sourcedir="\\avcinst\\" = 18 */
/* sourcedir="\\caseconv\\" = 19 */
/* */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\" = 0 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\lib\\" = 1 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\h\\" = 2 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\install\\" = 4 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\clock\\" = 7 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\duet1\\" = 9 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\duet2\\" = 10 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\mcistrng\\" = 11 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\cf\\" = 12 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\inc\\" = 13 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\dll\\" = 14 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\help\\" = 15 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\book\\" = 16 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\cdmct\\" = 17 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\avcinst\\" = 18 */
/* destindir="\\mmos2\\mmtoolkt\\samples\\caseconv\\" = 19 */
/* */
/* groups */
/* - 2 = AVC I/O Procedure Installation Utility */
/* - 3 = MIDI IO Procedure */
/* - 4 = Case Converter I/O Procedure */
/* - 7 = Clock Utility */
/* - 9 = Duet Player I */
/* - 10 = Duet Player II */
/* - 11 = MCI String Test */
/* - 12 = Header Files, Include Files and Libraries */
/* - 13 = Program Reference */
/* - 14 = Workbook */
/* */
/* Disk# Group# Dest# Source# FileName */
/* mmtoolkt\samples\cf 9 14K */
0 0 12 0 "CONTROL.SCR"
0 0 12 0 "FILELIST.TLK"
0 0 12 0 "TLKCLOCK.SCR"
0 0 12 0 "TLKIOPU.SCR"
0 0 12 0 "TLKCONV.SCR"
0 0 4 0 "TLKCLOCK.SCR"
0 0 4 0 "TLKIOPU.SCR"
0 0 4 0 "TLKCONV.SCR"
0 0 4 0 "TLKSTRN.SCR"
0 10 12 0 "TOOLKIT.CH"
/* mmtoolkt\inc 10 83K */
0 12 13 13 "ACB.INC"
0 12 13 13 "AUDIO.INC"
0 12 13 13 "DCB.INC"
/* mmtoolkt\lib 11 50K */
0 12 1 1 "AUDCTL.LIB"
0 12 1 1 "DSPMGRDL.LIB"
0 12 1 1 "LVDP8000.LIB"
/* mmtoolkt\h 22 269K */
0 12 2 2 "ACB.H"
0 12 2 2 "AUDCTL.H"
0 12 2 2 "AUDIO.H"
/* mmtoolkt\samples\duet2 12 390k */
0 10 10 10 "duet2.c"
0 10 10 10 "duet2.h"
0 10 10 10 "duet2.rc"
/* mmtoolkt\samples\avcinst 9 102K */
0 2 18 18 "avcinst.dlg"
0 2 18 18 "avcinst.def"
0 2 18 18 "avcinst.ipf"
/* mmtoolkt\samples\caseconv 8 72K */
0 4 19 19 "convcvsr.c"
0 4 19 19 "convproc.rc"
0 4 19 19 "convconv.c"
/* mmtoolkt\samples\midiconv 2 44K */
1 8 15 0 "midiconv.hlp"
1 8 0 0 "midiconv.exe"
/* mmtoolkt\samples\mcistrng 14 194K */
1 11 11 11 "mcistrng.c"
1 11 11 11 "mcistrng.h"
1 11 11 11 "mcistrng.rc"
The following table describes the columns in the file list control file.
ΓöéColumn ΓöéDescription Γöé
ΓöéMedia# ΓöéSpecifies the number of the media unit Γöé
Γöé Γöé(diskette or CD) where the file is stored. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThe units are numbered starting from 0. ThisΓöé
Γöé Γöénumber will be used for all installation Γöé
Γöé Γöémedia except for the hard disk. The Media# Γöé
Γöé Γöécolumn must be sorted in ascending order. A Γöé
Γöé Γöémedia unit does not have to be filled (there Γöé
Γöé Γöécan be unused space on any numbered unit). Γöé
ΓöéGroup or ΓöéSpecifies the group to which the file Γöé
Γöésubsystem# Γöébelongs. The group number must be a positiveΓöé
Γöé Γöéinteger, with numbering starting at 0 (the Γöé
Γöé Γöégroups are defined in CONTROL.SCR by the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSSGROUP keyword). This number is used to Γöé
Γöé Γöédetermine which files belong to a group Γöé
Γöé Γöéselected for installation. Γöé
ΓöéDestination# ΓöéSpecifies the destination subdirectory where Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe file will be copied. The encoding Γöé
Γöé Γöémapping is defined in the CONTROL.SCR file byΓöé
Γöé Γöéthe DESTINDIR keyword. This field must Γöé
Γöé Γöéalways be a defined number (for example, 14 Γöé
Γöé Γöéfor the \MMOS2\DLL path). Γöé
Γöé ΓöéIf you specify a DESTINDIR statement in the Γöé
Γöé Γöémaster control file, you only have to specifyΓöé
Γöé Γöéthe corresponding group number (for example, Γöé
Γöé Γöé1). Γöé
ΓöéSource# ΓöéSpecifies the path name of the source file. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThe encoding mapping is defined in the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéCONTROL.SCR file by the SOURCEDIR keyword. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThis field must always be defined with a Γöé
Γöé Γöénumber (for example, 1 for the \LIB path). Γöé
ΓöéFile name ΓöéSpecifies the source file name, which must beΓöé
Γöé Γöéin double quotes. For example, Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.3. Change Control Files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Change control files are script files that make changes to the CONFIG.SYS and
INI files. The master control file, CONTROL.SCR, identifies the change control
files when you specify the SSCONFIGCH and SSINICH keywords.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.3.1. Supported Macros ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Macros can be used in the change control files. Macros can also be used in the
master control file. When a supported macro is used, drives and paths do not
have to be identified until the time of installation. At installation, macros
can perform the following:
o Replace the full destination path of the file
o Replace the installation target drive letter
o Replace the default destination drive and path as defined in CONTROL.SCR
o Replace the startup (boot) drive letter of the operating system
o Delete specified files
The following describes the supported macros.
Macro Description
destindir = "$(DELETE)\\path\\"
= number
The $(DELETE) macro can only be used with
the DESTINDIR keyword in the master control
file. The relative number is listed in the
file list control file. Every file that
has this number will be deleted from the
user's machine.
$(DEST)filename $(DEST) is replaced with the full
destination path of the file. For example:
$(DRIVE) $(DRIVE) is replaced with the installation
target drive letter. (Do not append a
colon.) For example:
$(DIR)# # is the number of the destination
directory as stated in the CONTROL.SCR
file. The macro is replaced with the drive
and path defined in the CONTROL.SCR file
for the specified DESTINDIR definition.
For example:
$(BOOT) Replaces the startup (boot) drive letter of
the operating system. (Do not append a
colon.) For example:
where C: is the drive on which OS/2 is
Note: Using multiple macros is supported.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.3.2. CONFIG.SYS Change Control Files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Some multimedia subsystems require unique statements in the CONFIG.SYS file.
The CONFIG.SYS change control file creates, adds, merges, and replaces
CONFIG.SYS statements through the use of keywords. The master control file,
CONTROL.SCR, specifies a SSCONFIGCH keyword for each file that contains changes
to the CONFIG.SYS file.
The following describes the keywords used in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Keyword Description
DEVICE Adds new device statements to the CONFIG.SYS file. The
right side of the equal sign must be a quoted string. For
DEVICE="$(DEST)DEVICE.SYS /parameters"
A supported macro may be used. Ordinarily, the $(DEST)
macro is used. When the $(DEST) macro is used, MINSTALL
searches for the file named DEVICE.SYS in the control files.
If MINSTALL finds it, the $(DEST) macro is replaced with the
full path of the destination of that file, and the final
statement is added to the CONFIG.SYS file. For example:
MERGE Merges data into an existing statement in the CONFIG.SYS
file. For example:
The number 1 relates to the CONTROL.SCR file destination
subdirectory 1. After MINSTALL finds subdirectory 1, it adds
this path at the end of the current LIBPATH statement. (A
semicolon ends a line and is used between components.) If
there is no current LIBPATH statement in the file, a LIBPATH
statement will be generated with the specified path.
If the right side of the equal sign is not a numeric string,
the line is copied as is. For example:
If the SOMEVAR environment variable exists, WHOKNOWS is
added at the end of the statement. If the variable does not
exist, the statement:
is added to the CONFIG.SYS file.
Note: Refer to the TOOLKIT.CH file in the
\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM\CF subdirectory.
You also can insert SET following the first quotation mark
character inside the first quoted string. The word SET is
ignored unless you are adding a new line to the CONFIG.SYS
file. In this case, SET is appended to the beginning of the
line. For example:
REPLACE Replaces an existing CONFIG.SYS statement.
REPLACE can be followed by a variable name or a variable
name preceded by SET inside a quoted string. On the right
side of the equal sign is either a number or a quoted
string. A supported macro may be used. For example:
If the variable MMBASE is in the CONFIG.SYS file, then the
value is changed to 0. If the variable does not exist, the
following statement is added:
Note: This statement replaces the existing statement. Do
not use this statement in conjunction with a path
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.3.3. INI Change Control Files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can use an INI change control file to do the following:
o Define a program in a folder on the desktop
o Define changes to the MMPM2.INI file
o Define changes to other INI files
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Defining a Program in a Folder on the Desktop ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the WPObject structure to define a folder or a program (to be added to a
folder). The WPObject structure calls the OS/2 WinCreateObject function, which
adds an icon and title to the desktop. This structure indirectly changes the
OS2.INI file. Refer to the OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming Reference for
object class definitions and supported keywords for the object class you are
Use the WPObject structure shown in the following example to define a folder.
WPObject =
WPClassName = "WPFolder"
WPTitle = "title"
WPSetupString = "ICONFILE=$(DEST)icon;OBJECTID=<folderobjid>"
WPLocation = "<parentfolderobjid>"
WPFlags = wpflags
title Specifies the folder title to be displayed below the
icon Specifies the file name of the icon representing the
<folderobjid> Specifies the OS/2 unique object ID that is used to find
this folder. This is used by the Workplace Shell* to
determine if this folder exists or not. It is also used
in the WPLocation field of other WPObject definitions.
<parentfolderobjid> Specifies the folder object ID of the folder in which
this folder is to be placed. For example,
"<WP_DESKTOP>" is the object ID for the Workplace Shell
Desktop folder.
wpflags This value specifies what action is to be taken if the
object already exists.
0 - Fail if the object exists.
1 - Replace the object if it exists.
2 - Update the object if it exists (change the specified fields to the
given values).
In the following example, a folder called Multimedia Presentation Manager
Toolkit/2 will be added to the desktop.
WPObject =
WPClassName = "WPFolder"
WPTitle = "Multimedia Presentation\nManager Toolkit/2"
WPLocation = "<WP_DESKTOP>"
WPFlags = 2L
You can also use the WPObject structure to define a program that will be added
to a folder on the desktop as shown in the following figure.
WPObject =
WPClassName = "WPProgram"
WPTitle = "title"
WPSetupString = "EXENAME=path file;STARTUPDIR =dir;PROGTYPE=PM;
[ASSOCFILTER=filter;] OBJECTID=<pgmobjid>"
WPLocation = "<parentfolderobjid>"
WPFlags = wpflags
title Specifies the title to be displayed below the object in
the parent folder.
path Specifies a supported macro or the full path for the EXE
file Specifies the EXE file name.
dir Specifies the full path of the startup directory or the
macro $(DIR)# (where # is a defined destination
directory in CONTROL.SCR).
icon Specifies the file name of the icon representing the
type Specifies one or more association types such as
"Waveform." Multiple values are separated by commas.
filter Specifies one or more association filter types such as
"*.WAV." Multiple values are separated by commas.
<pgmobjid> Specifies the OS/2 unique object ID that is used to find
this program. This is used by the installation program
to determine if this program exists in the parent
folder. It is not used in the WPLocation field of any
WPObject definition.
<parentfolderobjid> Specifies the folder object ID of the folder in which
this program is to be placed.
wpflags This value specifies what action is to be taken if the
object already exists.
0 - Fail if the object exists.
1 - Replace the object if it exists.
2 - Update the object if it exists (change the specified fields to the
given values).
JoinEA Structure
The JoinEA structure shown in the following example causes the joining of an
EA file to the parent file or directory. If the file or directory is used in
a WPObject declaration, this structure should precede that declaration.
JoinEA =
JoinFileName = "full path to file"
JoinEAFileName = "full path to EA file"
full path to file Specifies the full path to this file. Supported macros
may be used.
full path to EA file Specifies the full path to the EA file. Supported
macros may be used.
JoinLongNameEA Structure
The JoinLongNameEA structure shown in the following example allows you to
specify a name that is greater than the standard 8-character length for a
directory you are going to create as a Workplace Shell object. The
JoinLongNameEA statement causes an EA file of type LONGNAME to be added to the
directory. The long name is then displayed whenever the directory appears as
a folder object. The JoinLongNameEA statement should come before creating the
directory as a Workplace Shell object.
JoinLongNameEA =
JoinLongName = "longname"
JoinLongFileName = "full path to directory"
JoinEALongFileName = "full path to EA file"
longname Specifies the new long name to be displayed.
full path to directory Specifies the directory to which EAs are to be
attached. Supported macros may be used.
full path to EA file Specifies the full path to the EA file. Supported
macros may be used.
Following is an example of a long name specified for an OS/2 multimedia
directory with the JoinLongNameEA structure. The long name "Sound Bites" is
added to the directory defined as "9" in the CONTROL.SCR file. In this case,
it is the "Sounds" directory.
JoinLongNameEA =
JoinLongName = "Sound Bites"
JoinLongFileName = "$(DIR)9"
JoinEALongFileName = "$(DRIVE):\\MMOS2\\INSTALL\\sounds.eas"
The $(DEST) macro is not used for this structure because the file is created,
not copied and changed by MINSTALL. Notice that the file is placed in the
\MMOS2\INSTALL subdirectory. This is the directory to which all EAs should be
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Defining Changes to the MMPM2.INI File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Some multimedia subsystems require unique information in the MMPM2.INI file.
This file is used by the media device manager (MDM) to maintain a database of
installed multimedia components and devices.
The following structures are used to make changes to the MMPM2.INI file.
MciInstallDrv Structure
The MciInstallDrv structure shown in the following example allows you to
install MCDs on your system.
MciInstallDrv =
DrvInstallName = "internalname"
DrvDeviceType = devicetypecode
DrvDeviceFlag = deviceflag
DrvVersionNumber = "verno"
DrvProductInfo = "name2"
DrvMCDDriver = "mcdname"
DrvVSDDriver = "vsdname"
DrvPDDName = "pddname"
DrvMCDTable = "mcdtablename"
DrvVSDTable = "vsdtablename"
DrvShareType = number1
DrvResourceName = "resname"
DrvResourceUnits = number2
DrvClassArray[num] =
(DrvClassNumber = number3)
internalname Specifies the name under which the device is being installed.
This must be a unique name. Consider using a name that is a
combination of a company name, device type, and device model.
For example, the IBM media driver for the Sound Blaster**
waveaudio device is ibmwavesb01.
devicetypecode Specifies an encoding of the device type. These codes are
defined in the MCIOS2.H file located in the \TOOLKIT\H
deviceflag Specifies the LONG INT with the flags set. This determines
whether or not the device is controllable.
verno Specifies the version number in the format "dd.dd.dd" where
dd represents digits.
name2 Specifies the full name of the product and can be translated.
mcdname Specifies the name of the DLL that contains the media control
driver (MCD). This driver is loaded by the media device
manager (MDM).
vsdname Specifies the name of the DLL that contains the
vendor-specific driver (VSD) used by the MCD (if any).
pddname Specifies the name of the physical device driver used by the
MCD (if any).
mcdtablename Specifies the name of the DLL containing the MCD command
table. (OS/2 multimedia provides a standard command table.)
vsdtablename Specifies the name of the DLL containing the VSD command
number1 Specifies an encoding of the valid types of sharing
supported. These codes are defined in the MMDRVOS2.H file
located in the \TOOLKIT\H subdirectory.
resname Specifies a unique name for the management of the driver
number2 Specifies the maximum number of resource units supported for
the driver.
num Specifies the number of resource classes defined in the next
number3 Specifies the maximum number of resource units used by the
MciInstallAlias Structure
The MciInstallAlias structure shown in the following example allows you to
specify an alternate name for a driver installed on your system.
MciInstallAlias =
AliasInstallName = "internalname"
AliasString = "aliasstring"
internalname Specifies the internal name of the driver with which the
alias is associated. This name is specified in the
MciInstallDrv structure.
aliasstring Specifies an alternate name of the driver.
MciInstallConn Structure
Each implementation of a media driver defines certain paths of information
flow into and out of the device. These paths are known as connectors.
Connectors have defined connector types, and each connector type has an
associated connector-type name. The MciInstallConn structure shown in the
following example allows you to install the media connectors on your system.
MciInstallConn =
ConnInstallName = "internalname"
ConnArray [num1]
ConnType = num2
ConnInstallTo = "connto"
ConnIndexTo = num3
internalname Specifies the internal name of the driver with which the
connector is associated. This name is specified in the
MciInstallDrv structure.
num1 Specifies the number of entries in the array.
num2 Specifies the connection type. Connection types are defined
in the MCIOS2.H file located in the \TOOLKIT\H subdirectory.
connto Specifies the internal name of the driver to connect to.
num3 Specifies the connector index to the other driver specified
in connto.
MciInstallExt Structure
When an element name is specified as the device name on an MCI_OPEN message
and no device type is specified, the device type is identified by the file
extension. For example, if the .WAV extension is associated with an internal
driver name, that driver will be used if a file ending in .WAV is opened.
The MciInstallExt structure shown below allows you to define media control
interface file extensions on your system.
MciInstallExt =
ExtInstallName = "internalname"
ExtArray[num] =
(ExtString = "string")
internalname Specifies the internal name of the driver with which the
extension is associated. This name is specified in the
MciInstallDrv structure.
num Specifies the number of external strings defined in the
string field.
string Specifies the valid extensions.
MciInstallParm Structure
The MciInstallParm structure shown below allows you to define device-specific
parameters that provide additional information about the driver to your MCD.
For example, this structure is used to define to the MIDI MCD which MIDI map
table to use for each sequencer.
MciInstallParm =
ParmInstallName = "internalname"
ParmString = "device specific parameters"
internalname Specifies the internal name of the driver
with which the parameters are associated.
This name is specified in the MciInstallDrv
device specific parameters Specifies the parameters needed by the
driver. These parameters can be used to
provide additional information about the
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Defining Changes to Other INI Files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can create an INI change control file to make changes to any INI file that
a driver needs. For example, you could initialize an OS/2 profile, define MIDI
maps, and define external pages. You define changes to INI files using the
ProfileData structure.
The following shows an example of the ProfileData structure.
ProfileData =
inifilename Specifies the name of an OS/2 INI file. For example,
appname Specifies the value of the appname parameter. This is
the appname to be used in the INI file.
keyname Specifies the unique name (the variable name or keyname)
of the item being installed
resourcedllname Specifies the name of the DLL that contains a RCDATA
resource with the ID identified in resourceid.
resourceid Specifies the resource ID of the RCDATA resource (where
the value is stored in the RC file). The resourceid is a
LONG numeric value. For example, 120L.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.4. Writing an Installation DLL ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can provide one or two installation DLLs. These DLLs can be the same DLL
with two different entry points or two different DLLs with corresponding entry
points. There are two ways to call an installation DLL:
o Call the routine after all files have been copied, but before script
files have been processed (using the SSDLL and SSDLLENTRY keywords), or
o Call the routine after all files have been copied and after script files
have been processed (using the SSTERMDLL and SSTERMDLLENTRY keywords).
The parameters for each entry point are as follows:
HWND (input) Owner handle. This handle allows the DLL to create windows for
the user interface.
PSZ (input) Source path of the installation package.
PSZ (input) Target drive (a drive letter and colon (for example, d:).
PSZ (input) DLL input parameters, as specified by the SSDLLINPUTPARMS
keyword in CONTROL.SCR.
HWND (input) MINSTALL object window handle that receives messages to perform
media control interface and CONFIG.SYS operations.
PSZ (output) A CHAR[256] null-terminated string that contains response-file
data needed by the DLL. The encoded string is created by the
DLL as a series of ASCII characters. This information allows
MINSTALL to operate in an unattended installation mode where
all user responses are provided by the response-file string.
The encoded information is passed to the DLL, and all user
interaction is bypassed.
The following is an example prototype used to define an installation DLL.
ULONG APIENTRY StartMyInstall (HWND hwndOwnerHandle,
PSZ pszSourcePath,
PSZ pszTargetDrive,
PSZ pszMyParms,
HWND hwndMinstallHandle,
PSZ pszResponseFile);
MINSTALL provides numerous services to the installation DLLs due to the
various environments in which MINSTALL must operate. You can use MINSTALL on a
machine that has never had OS/2 multimedia installed on it. You can also use
MINSTALL on a machine that has OS/2 multimedia installed on the hard drive.
OS/2 multimedia does not need to be running to use MINSTALL in this
environment. MINSTALL retains control of the MMPM2.INI and CONFIG.SYS files to
ensure no changes are made to these files while MINSTALL is running.
While MINSTALL has control of the MMPM2.INI and CONFIG.SYS files it might be
necessary for an installation DLL to read or write to one or both of these
files. MINSTALL provides an interface to allow the installation DLLs access
to both the MMPM2.INI and CONFIG.SYS files. Also, if OS/2 multimedia is
installed and running, some files might be open that MINSTALL attempts to
replace. When this occurs, MINSTALL copies the open files to a temporary
directory until the next system restart.
The following table lists the messages, along with the message formats and
descriptions, available to an installation DLL. An installation DLL can send
these messages with WinSendMsg or WinPostMsg.
Message Description
IM_CODEC1INSTALL Installs a CODEC using the ulCodecCompType field.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
INSTIOPROC structure */
IM_CODEC2INSTALL Installs a CODEC using the fccCodecCompType[5]
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
INSTIOPROC structure */
IM_CONFIGDELETE Deletes a line from the CONFIG.SYS file.
mp1 = MPFROMP(PCONFIGDATA); /* Pointer to the CONFIGDATA structure */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_CONFIGENUMERATE Gets a line from the CONFIG.SYS file.
mp1 = MPFROMP(PCONFIGDATA); /* Pointer to the CONFIGDATA structure */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_CONFIGMERGE Merges data into an existing CONFIG.SYS entry.
mp1 = MPFROMP(PCONFIGDATA); /* Pointer to the CONFIGDATA structure */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_CONFIGNEW Adds a new line to the CONFIG.SYS file.
mp1 = MPFROMP(PCONFIGDATA); /* Pointer to the CONFIGDATA structure */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_CONFIGREPLACE Replaces an existing CONFIG.SYS file.
mp1 = MPFROMP(PCONFIGDATA); /* Pointer to the CONFIGDATA structure */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_CONFIGUPDATE Updates an existing CONFIG.SYS entry.
mp1 = MPFROMP(PCONFIGDATA); /* Pointer to the CONFIGDATA structure */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_CREATE_WPS_OBJECT Installs a folder and its contents.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
mp2 = MPFROMP(PINSTOBJECTDATA); /* Pointer to the
IM_DESTROY_WPS_OBJECT Destroys an existing folder and its contents.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
mp2 = MPFROMP(HOBJECT); /* This must be the exact OBJECTID
with which the object was created */
IM_EA_JOIN Joins an EA file to its parent file (the file that
it was previously separated from).
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
structure */
IM_EA_LONG_NAME_JOIN Creates an EA file containing a long name (greater
than 8 characters but less than 256) and joins it to
a file or directory.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
mp2 = MPFROMP(PINSTEALONGNAMEJOIN); /* A pointer to the structure
that contains the long name
as an ASCII string, the file or
directory name to which the long
name is to be applied, and the
new EA name */
IM_LOG_ERROR Writes a message to the MINSTALL.LOG file. This can
be an error type message or only an information type
mp1 = MPFROMP((PSZ)pszStatement); /* The text of the message to insert
at the end of the MINSTALL.LOG
file */
mp2 = 0; /* Not used */
mp1 = MPFROML(LONG); /* The MCI_SYSINFO extended function desired */
structure */
IM_MCI_SEND_COMMAND Sends an MCI command.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
structure */
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
IM_MMIO_INSTALL Installs an IOProc.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
mp2 = MPFROMP(PINSTIOPROC); /* Pointer to the INSTIOPROC structure */
IM_QUERYPATH Requests the current location of a copied file.
mp1 = PMFROMP(PSZ); /* The name of the file needed */
mp2 = PMFROMP(PSZ); /* The full path to the file */
IM_SPI_INSTALL Installs stream protocol information.
mp1 = 0; /* Not used */
mp2 = MPFROMP(PSZ); /* The fully qualified path of a SPI resource DLL */
The data structures used as parameters for the messages in the previous list
are defined in the MINSTALL.H file located in the \TOOLKIT\H subdirectory.
Follow these guidelines when writing an installation DLL:
o Set the mouse pointer to SPTR_WAIT during any operation lasting more than
one second between requests for user information.
o Keep the user interface as responsive as possible by using the
MM_DISPATCHVARS and MM_DISPATCHMESSAGES() macros before and after all I/O
intensive operations and and while updates are being made to INI files
and the CONFIG.SYS file. This is necessary because installation DLLs are
executed in the MINSTALL message queue thread. These macros are defined
in the MINSTALL.H file.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.5. Installing a Media Control Driver ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To install a media control driver (MCD) in the OS/2 multimedia system:
1. Create an INI change control file containing the information needed for
the media control driver. This will make the necessary changes in the
MMPM2.INI file.
When you create a new MCD, you have to install drivers into the OS/2
multimedia system to use the new MCD. The following is an example of how
to use structures in an INI Change Control File to install a Sound
Blaster Waveform Audio Driver that uses a new Audio MCD named "MyNewMCD."
See Defining Changes to the MMPM2.INI File for a detailed description of
these structures.
MciInstallDrv =
DrvInstallName = "MyWaveSB01"
DrvDeviceType = 7
DrvDeviceFlag = 01L
DrvVersionNumber = "1"
DrvProductInfo = "Sound Blaster Pro MCV"
DrvMCDDriver = "MyNewMCD"
DrvVSDDriver = "Audioif"
DrvPDDName = "SBAUD1$"
DrvMCDTable = "MDM"
DrvVSDTable = ""
DrvShareType = 3
DrvResourceName = "SoundblasterW01"
DrvResourceUnits = 1
DrvClassArray[1] =
( DrvClassNumber = 1 )
MciInstallParm =
ParmInstallName = "MyWaveSB01"
ParmString = "FORMAT=1,SAMPRATE=22050,BPS=8,CHANNELS=2,
MciInstallConn =
ConnType=3 /* Wavestream connector */
ConnInstallTo="MyAmpMixSB01" /* Connect to ampmixer */
ConnIndexTo=1 /* First connector in
ampmixer */
MciInstallAlias =
AliasString="Wave Audio"
MciInstallExt =
ExtInstallName = "MyWaveSB01"
ExtArray[1] =
(ExtString = "WAV")
2. Install external settings pages in the Multimedia Setup notebook
(optional). See Inserting External Settings Pages.
3. Specify the name of your INI change control file in an SSINICH keyword in
the master control file (CONTROL.SCR). See CONTROL.SCR Subsystem
Definition for more information. An example of a CONTROL.SCR file and a
description of the keywords are provided in that section. For example:
You might want to experiment with the sample files provided in the
\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES\MM\CF subdirectory. If you decide to experiment with the MCD
templates provided in the toolkit, you can test your changes by replacing the
name of the driver that comes with OS/2 multimedia with the name of your
driver. For example, you can edit the MMPM2.INI file and change the
MCDDRIVER=AUDIOMCD statement to MCDDRIVER=AUDIOMCT. You also must copy your
MCD to a directory that is included in the LIBPATH statement of your
CONFIG.SYS file (for example, \MMOS2\DLL). After you make these changes and
restart your system, OS/2 multimedia will use your MCD instead of the OS/2
multimedia MCD.
Note: After you complete your MCD testing, you must change the MMPM2.INI text
file back to its original state. Unpredictable results can occur when
OS/2 multimedia is used without its supported MCDs.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.6. Installing a Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When a stream handler is installed by MINSTALL, the following events occur:
1. A media driver issues an SpiGetHandler function.
2. When the handler is loaded, the Sync/Stream Manager (SSM) reads in the
respective stream protocol control blocks (SPCBs) from the SPI.INI file.
3. If the stream handler is a DLL, the SSM loads and registers the DLL with
the DOSLoadModule function. However, if the stream handler is a device
driver, the SSM does not issue a DOSLoadModule because a CONFIG.SYS
statement installs the device drivers during system startup.
Before the SSM can read in the respective SPCBs, the SPCBs first must be
installed in the SPI.INI file, which is built during the multimedia
installation of the base OS/2 product. This file contains all the information
about stream handlers and stream classes that are currently supported by OS/2
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.6.1. Creating a Resource File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To install SPCB information in the SPI.INI file, you first must create a
resource file containing all the information about the stream handlers to
update or add to the SPI.INI profile. The fields and the order of these fields
should match the example shown in the example that follows.
#include <os2.h>
#include <os2me.h>
2 /* number of stream handlers resources */
"TESTSYS\0", /* Class name */
"R3TEST\0", /* Handler name */
SH_DLL_TYPE, /* PDD or DLL flag */
"R3TEST\0", /* PDD or DLL name */
1, /* Number of SPCBs */
SPCBSIZE, /* Length of SPCB */
DATATYPE_GENERIC, /* Data type */
SUBTYPE_NONE, /* Sub type */
0L, /* Internal key */
0L, /* Data flag */
0L, /* # of records */
1L, /* Block size */
4096L, /* Buffer size */
2L, /* Min # of buffers */
4L, /* Max # of buffers */
1L, /* # empty buffs to start src */
2L, /* # full buffs to start tgt */
SPCBHAND_RCVSYNC, /* Handler flag */
0L, /* Sync tolerance value */
0L, /* Save sync pulse generation */
0L, /* Bytes/unit of time */
0L /* MMTIME each unit represents */
"TESTSYS\0", /* Class name */
"R0TEST\0", /* Handler name */
SH_PDD_TYPE, /* PDD or DLL flag */
"R0TEST.SYS\0", /* PDD or DLL name */
2, /* Number of SPCBs */
SPCBSIZE, /* Length of SPCB */
DATATYPE_ADPCM_AVC, /* Data type */
0L, /* Sub type */
0L, /* Internal key */
SPCBDATA_CUETIME, /* Data flag */
0L, /* # of records */
1L, /* Block size */
4096L, /* Buffer size */
10L, /* Min # of buffers */
10L, /* Max # of buffers */
1L, /* # empty buffs to start src */
1L, /* # full buffs to start tgt */
0L, /* Sync tolerance value */
0L, /* Save sync pulse generation */
0L, /* Bytes/unit of time */
0L, /* MMTIME each unit represents */
SPCBSIZE, /* Length of SPCB */
DATATYPE_WAVEFORM, /* Data type */
0L, /* Sub type */
0L, /* Internal key */
SPCBDATA_CUETIME, /* Data flag */
0L, /* # of records */
1L, /* Block size */
8192L, /* Buffer size */
10L, /* Min # of buffers */
10L, /* Max # of buffers */
1L, /* # empty buffs to start src */
1L, /* # full buffs to start tgt */
0L, /* Sync tolerance value */
0L, /* Save sync pulse generation */
0L, /* Bytes/unit of time */
0L /* MMTIME each unit represents */
Creating a Stub Routine
After you create a resource file, you must create a stub routine to generate
the DLL that contains the resource file. The following example shows an example
of a sample stub routine (RCSTUB.C) that is used to create the DLL containing
the resource shown in the previous example.
#include <os2.h>
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.6.2. Building the DLL Containing the Resource ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Next, you must build the DLL containing the resource. A DLL is generated that
will be used in Updating the SPI.INI File to update the SPI.INI profile. The
DLL is built by entering the following command:
The following example shows a sample makefile (MAKERES.MAK), which is used to
build the TESTRES.DLL containing the resource shown in the previous example.
(See Creating a Resource File.)
.SUFFIXES: .com .sys .exe .obj .mbj .asm .inc .def .lrf .crf .ref \
.lst .sym .map .c .h .lib .msg .pro .txt .cod .cvk
/* Compiler and Tools location */
MSRC =..
INC =..\..\SRC\INC
H =..\..\SRC\H
H386 =..\..\SRC\H386
LIB =..\..\SRC\LIB
LIB386 =..\..\SRC\LIB386
/* Definitions for C Compiler */
CFLAGS386= /c /G3 /AS /W3 /Od /DLINT_ARGS
CINC386=-I. -I$(SHIP_H) -I$(COMMON) -I$(H386) -I$(H386)\SYS -I$(H) -I$(H)\SYS
/* Definitions for linker */
LINK386 =link386
LFLAGS386= $(LNK_DEBUG) /batch /map /nod /noi /packcode /packdata
LIBS386 =$(NAMELIB) os2386 libc doscalls
/* Definitions for RESOURCE compiler */
RC = rc
RCINC = -i $(H) -i $(SHIP_H) -i $(COMMON)
/* Object file lists */
RCOBJS =$(COMMON)\rcstub.obj
/* Inference Rules */
$(CCOMP386) $(CFLAGS386) $(CINC386) /Fo$(<R).obj $(C_LST) $(<R).c
/* Target Descriptions */
!include "$(H)\common.mak"
all: rc
/* SSMRES.DLL Target Descriptions */
rc: $(RCDLL).dll
$(RCDLL).dll: $(RCOBJS) $(RCDLL).rc makeres.mak $(RCDLL).lrf \
$(LINK386) $(LFLAGS386) @$(RCDLL).lrf
$(RC) $(RCINC) $(RCDLL).rc $(RCDLL).dll
# Make DEF file
$(RCDLL).def: makeres.mak
@echo Creating file <<$(@B).def
DESCRIPTION 'DLL file containing resources'
# Make link response file
$(RCDLL).lrf: makeres.mak
@echo Creating file <<$(@B).lrf
$(RCDLL).map $(LFLAGS386)
os2386 libcdll
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.6.3. Updating the SPI.INI File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The resource DLL that was built by the makefile must now be used with the
master control file, the file list control file, and the SpiInstall structure
to update the SPI.INI profile. (See Master Control File and File List Control
File for information about the master control file and the file list control
file.) Following are examples of the files needed to update the SPI.INI file:
o INI change control file
These files must be placed on a diskette with the TESTRES.DLL file that was
The following example shows how to write an INI change control file named
TEST.SCR to install the DLL file (TESTRES.DLL).
SpiInstall =
The following example shows how to specify the TEST.SCR INI change control
file in the CONTROL.SCR file.
package ="SPI.INI Update"
codepage =437
filelist ="TEST.MMI"
medianame ="SPI.INI Update Disk 1"
sourcedir = "\\" = 0
destindir = "\\MMOS2\\DLL\\" = 2
destindir = "\\MMOS2\\INSTALL\\" = 4
ssgroup =0
ssname ="Base"
ssversion ="1.0.0"
sssize =10
ssgroup =1
ssname ="SPI.INI Update"
ssversion ="1.0.0"
sssize =10
ssinich ="TEST.SCR"
The following is an example of how to specify the TEST.SCR INI change control
file in the FILELIST.TLK file.
/* Total number of entries is 3 */
/* Disk# Group# Dest# Path FileName */
0 1 2 0 "TESTRES.DLL"
0 1 4 0 "TEST.SCR"
0 0 4 0 "TEST.SCR"
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.6.4. Installing Stream Protocol ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A stream handler must also support SpiInstallProtocol to be able to receive the
SPCB's. For example, suppose an application or media driver wants to install
another SPCB of the same data type and subtype as an SPCB that it already has
installed. The application or media driver will need to assign a new internal
key value, that is used to differentiate between multiple SPCB's of the same
data stream type. All the default SPCBs are installed with an internal key
value of 0. Any additional SPCBs that overlap any of the data types that are
already installed, need to use a different internal key value. Therefore, the
stream handler must have code that allows for this scenario.
The sample code in the following example illustrates how to install stream
RC ShcInstallProtocol(pipparm)
{ /* Start of ShcInstallProtocol */
RC rc = NO_ERROR; /* local return code */
int notfound = TRUE;
PESPCB pTempEspcb;
PESPCB pPrevEspcb;
/* the ESPCB list is under semaphore control */
if (!(rc = DosRequestMutexSem(hmtxGlobalData, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT)))
{ /* obtained semaphore */
if (pipparm->ulFlag & SPI_DEINSTALL_PROTOCOL)
{ /* DeInstall */
/* To Deinstall, Find the spcb, */
/* Take it off the espcb chain, */
/* Free the espcb memory allocated */
pPrevEspcb = NULL;
pTempEspcb = pESPCB_ListHead;
while (pTempEspcb && notfound)
{ /* Loop thru espcbs */
if ((pipparm->spcbkey.ulDataType ==
pTempEspcb->spcb.spcbkey.ulDataType) &&
(pipparm->spcbkey.ulDataSubType ==
pTempEspcb->spcb.spcbkey.ulDataSubType) &&
(pipparm->spcbkey.ulIntKey ==
{ /* found match */
notfound = FALSE;
rc = NO_ERROR;
/* Take the espcb off the chain */
if (pPrevEspcb)
pPrevEspcb->pnxtESPCB = pTempEspcb->pnxtESPCB;
pESPCB_ListHead = pTempEspcb->pnxtESPCB;
HhpFreeMem(hHeap, pTempEspcb);
} /* found match */
{ /* try the next espcb in the chain */
pPrevEspcb = pTempEspcb;
pTempEspcb = pTempEspcb->pnxtESPCB;
} /* try the next espcb in the chain */
} /* Loop thru espcbs */
} /* DeInstall */
{ /* Install */
/* If the SPCB already exists then error */
if (ShFindEspcb(pipparm->spcbkey))
{ /* OK to add spcb */
/* Allocate the espcb and put it on the front of the chain */
pTempEspcb = (PESPCB)HhpAllocMem(hHeap, sizeof(ESPCB));
if (pTempEspcb)
pTempEspcb->spcb = *(pipparm->pspcb);
pTempEspcb->pnxtESPCB = pESPCB_ListHead;
pESPCB_ListHead = pTempEspcb;
} /* OK to add spcb */
} /* Install */
} /* obtained semaphore */
} /* End of ShcInstallProtocol */
Note: For descriptions of the parameters in the SPCB, see Stream Handlers.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.7. Installing an I/O Procedure ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To install an I/O procedure, an IOProc entry is added to the MMPMMMIO.INI file.
This is accomplished by either writing an INI change control file or writing a
program using the mmioIniFileHandler function. The IOProc is installed in the
IOProc table ahead of the system-provided storage system IOProcs (DOS, MEM, and
The mmioInstall structure shown in the following example allows you to install
an IOProc in the system. The MMPMMMIO.INI file is modified with the latest
mmioInstall data when the MINSTALL program is executed.
mmioInstall =
mmioFourCC = "fourcc"
mmioDllName = "full path"
mmioDllEntryPoint = "entry name"
mmioFlags = "flags"
mmioExtendLen = "extend length"
mmioMediaType = "media type"
mmioIOProcType = "file format"
mmioDefExt = "default extension"
fourcc Specifies the FOURCC of the I/O procedure.
full path Specifies the full path to the file and the file name of
the IOProc DLL. (You can use supported macros described
in Supported Macros.)
entry name Specifies the entry point of the IOProc DLL.
flags Specifies any additional MMIO flags. Set to 0L for this
extend length Specifies the extended length of 16 for this release.
media type Specifies the media type of this file.
file format Specifies the type of IOProc, either a file format or
storage system IOProc.
default extension Specifies the default file extension.
For example, to install the AVC audio I/O procedure, create an INI change
control specifying the mmioInstall structure.
mmioInstall =
mmioFourCC = "AVCA"
mmioDllName = "$(DEST)AVCAPROC.DLL"
mmioDllEntryPoint = "AVCAIOProc"
mmioFlags = 0L
mmioExtendLen = 16L
mmioMediaType = 2L
mmioIOProcType = 2L
mmioDefExt = ""
Specify the name of your INI change control file using the SSINICH keyword in
the master control file (CONTROL.SCR). See CONTROL.SCR Subsystem Definition
for an example of a CONTROL.SCR file and a description of the keywords. For
BASE1.SCR, located in the \MMOS2\INSTALL subdirectory, contains mmioInstall
structure examples. You can also install an IOProc in your system by
identifying the IOProc in the initialization file (MMPMMMIO.INI) using the
mmioIniFileHandler function.
The following shows an example of how an application uses the
mmioIniFileHandler function to install the OS/2 1.3 PM bit map image IOProc.
#define FOURCC_OS13 mmioFOURCC( 'O', 'S', '1', '3' )
#pragma linkage( mmioIniFileHandler, system )
void main ()
MMINIFILEINFO mminifileinfo;
mminifileinfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_OS13;
strcpy (mminifileinfo.szDLLName, "OS13PROC");
strcpy (mminifileinfo.szProcName, "OS13BITMAPIOPROC");
mminifileinfo.ulExtendLen = 16L;
mminifileinfo.ulFlags = 0L;
mminifileinfo.ulMediaType = MMIO_MEDIA_IMAGE;
mminifileinfo.ulIOProcType = MMIO_IOPROC_FILEFORMAT;
strcpy (mminifileinfo.szDefExt, "");
printf ("Installing OS/2 PM Bitmap (V1.3) IOProc\n");
rc = mmioIniFileHandler (&mminifileinfo, MMIO_INSTALLPROC);
switch (rc)
printf ("Installing Complete\n");
printf ("Error in this install program\n");
printf ("OS/2 MPM System Error\n");
printf ("Memory unavailable for this IOProc\n");
printf ("Unable to access the OS/2 MMPMMMIO.INI file\n");
printf ("Cannot find the file : OS13PROC.DLL\n");
printf ("Unknown error attempting to install OS/2 Bitmap V(1.3)\n");
The advantage of installing I/O procedures in the MMPMMMIO.INI file is to
achieve application transparency; I/O procedures become built-in as soon as
you restart your OS/2 multimedia application. Note that the IOProc must
reside in a DLL file, although more than one IOProc can reside in the DLL if
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.8. Inserting External Settings Pages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following approach shows you how to insert settings pages in the Multimedia
Setup notebook, where the code for the settings pages exists outside the
Multimedia Setup program itself. This is applicable in situations where you
want to insert an external settings page for configuration items that are not
strictly related to a particular MCD. For example, pages that apply to the
system or to all media control interface devices of a particular class.
Note: To insert a settings page for a particular MCD, see Inserting Pages in
the Multimedia Setup Notebook.
MDM uses the MMPM2.INI file to maintain a data base of installed multimedia
components and devices. MMPM2.INI is initialized by the MINSTALL program.
Additional sections in the MMPM2.INI file are initialized based on information
contained in the keywords in an installation control file, or as requested by
an application calling MDM to make the change.
You can write an INI change control file containing the ProfileData structure
to define external pages by following these steps:
1. Write a function to create the settings page. The function should be of
the prototype shown in the following example.
HWND hwndPage; /* Page window handle */
CHAR szTabText[CCHMAXPATH]; /* Buffer for tab string */
ULONG ulPageId; /* Page Identifier */
/* Load a modeless secondary window */
hwndPage = WinLoadSecondaryWindow(
if (!hwndPage) return (NULL);
ulPageId = (ULONG)WinSendMsg( pMCIDevSettings->hwndNotebook,
/* Associate a secondary window with a notebook page. */
WinSendMsg(pMCIDevSettings->hwndNotebook, BKM_SETPAGEWINDOWHWND,
MPFROMP( ulPageId ), MPFROMLONG( hwndPage ) );
/* Get Tab Text from DLL */
WinLoadString(WinQueryAnchorBlock( HWND_DESKTOP ), vhmodMRI,
/* Set Tab Text */
WinSendMsg( pMCIDevSettings->hwndNotebook, BKM_SETTABTEXT,
MPFROMP( ulPageId ), szTabText );
return( hwndPage );
typedef struct {
HWND hwndHelpInstance;
/* Modeless secondary window procedure */
MRESULT EXPENTRY ExamplePageDlgProc (HWND hwnd, USHORT msg,
WinQueryWindowPtr (hwnd, QWL_USER);
switch (msg) {
/* Initialize The Page */
pMMPageInfo = (PMMPAGEINFO) malloc(sizeof(MMPAGEINFO));
WinSetWindowPtr (hwnd, QWL_USER, pMMPageInfo);
/* Create a Help Instance */
pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance = WinCreateHelpInstance(...);
/* Clean up page window resources */
WinDestroyHelpInstance (pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance);
free (pMMPageInfo);
/* Process All Commands */
return ((MRESULT) FALSE);
/* Display help for a tab */
if (pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance) {
MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)),
case WM_CLOSE:
return ((MRESULT) FALSE);
case WM_HELP:
if (pMMPageInfo->hwndHelpInstance) {
(MPARAM) mp1,
return ((MRESULT)TRUE);
return (WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2));
return (WinDefSecondaryWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2));
2. Create an INI change control file containing the ProfileData structure as
shown in the following example.
ProfileData =
ini="$(DIR)0\\MMPM.INI" /* Name of the INI file */
appname="STPM_SettingsPage:7" /* External settings pages */
keyname="UniqueName" /* Name of the page */
dll="RESDLLNAME" /* Resource DLL name */
id=33L /* Resource ID */
The external settings pages are stored with the appname of
STPM_SettingsPage:#, where # is the string equivalent of
MCI_DEVICETYPE_xxx values. The # value of 0 indicates that the settings
page is a system-oriented settings page. The keyname value for an
external settings page can be any unique name that identifies the page.
The dll value specifies the name of the DLL that contains a RCDATA
resource with the value specified in the id field. The id field is the
resource ID of the RCDATA resource. The value is a LONG numeric value;
for example, 33L.
In addition to the INI change control file, you must load a resource DLL
during installation. The value of the data item is a string that contains
the module name and the entry point of the DLL that inserts a settings
page. The value string in the example shown in the following example is
This script format loads a block of data from a RCDATA resource stored in
a DLL, and writes it to a standard OS/2 INI file using the OS/2
PrfWriteProfileData function. The ProfileData structure is discussed in
more detail in Defining Changes to Other INI Files.
Note: Entry points that are registered in this way will apply to all
devices of the declared media control interface device type.
Therefore, if a settings page is intended to apply to a particular
device, then the function should verify that it is dealing with
the appropriate device.
3. Specify the name of the INI change control file created in step 2 in
4. If you are writing an installation DLL, an external settings page can be
installed by calling the OS/2 PrfWriteProfileData function directly as
shown in the following example.
hini = PrfOpenProfile("c:\mmos2\mmpm.ini");
PrfWriteProfileData (hini,
"STPM_SettingsPage:7", /* Appname */
"UniqueName", /* Keyname */
"MakePage, InsertExamplePage", /* Value */
"strlen("MakePage, InsertExamplePage")+1);
/* Value length */
Refer to the OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming Reference for more
information on the PrfWriteProfileData function.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.9. Installation LOG File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
During installation, MINSTALL writes an installation log file called
MINSTALL.LOG. The LOG file records installation information and can be used to
identify problems that occur during the installation procedure.
When you start the installation procedure, the LOG file defaults to the root
directory of the startup (boot) disk. When the user selects the Install push
button in the installation main selection window, the LOG file is moved to the
destination directory. The LOG file can be printed using the PRINT command or
viewed using the TYPE command. To view the LOG file on the screen, at an OS/2
command prompt, type:
where d is the destination drive selected for the installation.
If a problem occurs during installation, MINSTALL might display a screen with
information about the problem. If you cannot solve the problem using the
information on the screen, you can view the LOG file to determine how to handle
the problem. The problem will not necessarily be the last entry in the LOG
If you determine that you need to call IBM for support, print the LOG file
before you call. The IBM support personnel will need the LOG information to
resolve your installation problem.
If the installation is successful, a Congratulations screen appears.
Note: You might receive a message that the installation was successful, but
when you view the LOG file you notice that the file reported some
errors. This means that the errors were resolved during the
installation procedure and the errors reported in the LOG file can be
The following example shows a sample of a MINSTALL.LOG file for a successful
Begin parsing master file - Z:\RT\CONTROL.SCR.
Z:\RT\CONTROL.SCR parsed successfully.
Begin parsing file list - Z:\RT\MASTERH3.RT
Z:\RT\MASTERH3.RT parsed successfully.
The following file was copied successfully: D:\MMOS2\README
The following file was copied successfully: D:\MMOS2\MINSTALL.EXE
The following file was copied successfully: D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\WAVEFILE.EAS
Loaded DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\MMSND.DLL and calling entry point InstallMMSound.
Returned from DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\MMSND.DLL.
Loaded DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\QRYUM.DLL and calling entry point LocateUM.
An extended Sysinfo failed call with dwItem=1024.
An extended Sysinfo failed call with dwItem=4096.
Completed updating MMPM2.INI with Digital Video Player devices.
Returned from DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\QRYUM.DLL.
Loaded DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\QRYCD.DLL and calling entry point LocateCD.
An extended Sysinfo failed call with dwItem=4.
An extended Sysinfo failed call with dwItem=4.
Returned from DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\QRYCD.DLL.
Loaded DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\QRYAD.DLL and calling entry point LocateMAUDIO.
Completed updating CONFIG.SYS with M-Audio devices
An extended Sysinfo failed call with dwItem=1024.
An extended Sysinfo failed call with dwItem=1024.
Completed updating MMPM2.INI with M-Audio devices
Returned from DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\QRYAD.DLL.
Starting to parse the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\BASE.SCR'.
Successfully parsed the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\BASE.SCR'.
Starting to parse the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\SMVINI.SCR'.
Successfully parsed the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\SMVINI.SCR'.
Starting to parse the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\BASECONF.CH'.
Successfully parsed the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\BASECONF.CH'.
Starting to parse the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\SMVCONF.CH'.
Successfully parsed the file 'D:\MMOS2\INSTALL\SMVCONF.CH'.
Loaded DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\ITERM.DLL and calling entry point ITermEntry.
Returned from DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\ITERM.DLL.
Loaded DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\WEPMPINT.DLL and calling entry point WepmPlusAdd.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8. Stream Handler Module Definitions ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following information describes the high-level design and operation of the
stream handlers provided with the OS/2 multimedia system. The handlers
described include:
o Audio Stream Handler DLL and "Stub" Device Driver
o MIDI Mapper Stream Handler DLL
o File System Stream Handler DLL
o Memory Stream Handler DLL
o CD-DA Stream Handler DLL
o CD-ROM XA Stream Handler DLL
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.1. Audio Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Audio Stream Handler is used to control streaming of audio data. In some
cases, the Audio Stream Handler acts as a consumer of audio data, and in other
cases it acts as a producer. The audio data in each of these cases is always
digital. It is sometimes compressed and sometimes uncompressed. Each of these
cases is discussed in detail below. In addition to these discussions,
information is included concerning interaction between this module and the
Sync/Stream Manager.
This module is implemented as a DLL running at Ring 3 as well as a stub device
driver module (PDD) running at Ring 0 (system kernel privilege level).
The Audio Stream Handler running at Ring 3 can call Ring 3 DLL audio CODECs to
assist in compressing and decompressing audio data. The Ring 3 Audio Stream
Handler communicates with audio device drivers through the DDCMD interfaces in
the VSD. (Refer to the OS/2 Multimedia Programming Reference for the VSD DDCMD
interface definitions.)
Existing audio device drivers use standard audio-device-driver interface
(DDCMDs) to communicate with the Ring 0 stub device driver module.
External Interface Description
The description for the Ring 3 Audio Stream Handler external interface follows:
Handler Name AUDIOSH$
Handler Class AUDIOSH
Source This stream handler can be a source when recording audio
data from an audio device. When using this component to
record digitized audio, it is known as an audio Source
Stream Handler. Audio signals are brought into the system
and digitized by an audio hardware device. The resultant
data is then passed to the consumer stream handler by way
of a set of stream buffers.
The output of this stream handler can be in several
different forms such as uncompressed 16-bit PCM, and
several styles of compressed ADPCM.
Target This stream handler can be a target when playing audio
data from a source. When using this stream handler to
play back recorded audio samples, it is acting as an audio
target stream handler. Digitized audio data will be
streamed from the source stream handler (for example, the
File System Stream Handler) through the Sync/Stream
Manager. This data is transferred through a number of
stream buffers, which are allocated and managed through
the Sync/Stream Manager.
The exact number and size of these stream buffers will
depend on the type of data being streamed. The
information needed to determine the size and number of
stream buffers is contained in the stream protocol control
block (SPCB) for a particular type of stream.
This stream handler supports audio data in several
different formats (stream types) such as 16-bit PCM, AVC's
8-bit ADPCM, CD-ROM XA's 8-bit ADPCM, and so forth.
In addition to handling the playback of audio data, this
stream handler generates sync pulses based on the playback
of an audio stream. Therefore, this stream handler can be
a master or a slave in a sync relationship. The
application can set up a sync relationship between two
streams and define the sync pulse granularity. Sync pulses
would then be generated by the Audio Stream Handler,
possibly on a recurring interval, based on the sync
granularity defined in the SPCB for the data type.
Device Control Blocks
The Ring 3 Audio Stream Handler supports two device control blocks (DCBs).
The DCB is used to associate an audio device driver with this stream handler
for this stream instance. The DCB is passed as a parameter on a call to
* DCB_AUDIOSH - Device Control Block for the
* Audio Stream Handler.
typedef struct _dcb_audiosh { /* dcb_audiosh - Device Control Block */
ULONG ulDCBLen; /* Length of structure */
SZ szDevName[MAX_SPI_NAME]; /* Device driver name */
ULONG ulSysFileNum; /* File handle number - From an */
/* audio_init call */
typedef struct _dcb_audiosh FAR *PDCB_AUDIOSH;
The Ring 3 Audio Stream Handler also supports the VSD device control block
(VSD_DCB) which identifies the VSD DLL to be used by the Ring 3 Audio Stream
Handler. The VSD_DCB is passed as a parameter on a call to SpiCreateStream.
* VSD_DCB - VSD Device Control Block
* This structure will allow stream handlers to use the VSD DLL
* by using by the additional fields in the structure.
typedef struct _VSD_DCB { /* vsd_dcb - VSD Device Control Block */
ULONG ulDCBLen; /* Length of structure */
SZ szDevName[MAX_SPI_NAME]; /* Device driver name */
ULONG ulSysFileNum; /* File handle number */
ULONG hvsd; /* Handle to VSD instance */
PFN pfnvsdEntryPoint; /* Address of VSD entry point */
ULONG ulReserved1; /* Reserved for system */
ULONG ulReserved2; /* Reserved for system */
Associate Control Blocks
The Audio Stream Handler does not support an associate control block.
Implicit Events (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) Supported
The following implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) events for the Audio Stream
Handler are supported:
The ulStatus field will contain the error code. The possible error codes
that can be generated and returned by this stream handler are:
This will be generated only when this stream handler is a target and it
finds a cuepoint indicator in the buffer table from the Sync/Stream
Manager. The event will be reported after the data has been written to
the file system using MMIO. The ulMessageParm field of the PLAYL_EVCB
will be filled in with the message supplied in the playlist instruction.
The mmtimeStream field will not be filled in.
Explicit Events Supported
The following explicit events for the Audio Stream Handler are supported:
Explicit Events Not Supported
The following explicit events for the Audio Stream Handler are not supported:
Stream Handler Commands Supported
The following stream handler commands (SHC) are supported. Refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for a description of these SHC commands and
the error return codes.
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Base Stream Protocol Control Blocks Supported
The Audio Stream Handler supports the following SPCBs:
Stream Handler Limits
The Audio Stream Handler is limited by system memory.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.2. MIDI Mapper Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The MIDI Mapper Stream Handler is used to map MIDI data. This stream handler
does not interface with an audio device driver directly but is basically a
"filter" stream handler that filters the MIDI data. The Audio Stream Handler
is used to interface to the audio device drivers.
This module is implemented as an OS/2 DLL running at ring 3.
Flushing a Filter Stream Group
A filter stream group requires some extra steps to properly erase its contents.
Stop flushes must be sent separately to each stream. An example stream group
of one master stream connected through a filter handler to a slave stream would
need a stop flush sent first to the master stream. When the master stop event
is received, the second stop flush must then be sent to the slave stream.
Refer to the SHC_STOP command message in the OS/2 Multimedia Programming
Application and Media Driver Capabilities
For optimum performance, each application and media driver should have the
following capabilities:
SEEK Seeks the source stream and then the target
streams. (The stream time will not be correct if
you use another other method.)
STOP DISCARD Stops the target streams and waits for all stop
events. Next, it stops the source stream and waits
for the event. If a stream is at EOS, an error
stream that is already stopped will be returned.
Failure to wait for events on the source stream
will deadlock.
STOP FLUSH Stops the source stream and waits for the stop
event. Next, it stops the target streams and waits
for the stop events. Failure to wait for events on
the source stream will cause deadlock.
STOP PAUSE Always pauses all streams at the same time.
Pausing one stream while leaving another running
can cause deadlock.
START Starts the source stream and then starts the target
streams. Small MIDI files will produce a quick EOS
on the source stream. Do not attempt to START or
START PREROLL a target stream without first
starting the source stream. An attempt to do this
will deadlock.
START PREROLL Starts (nonpreroll) the source stream and then
starts preroll target streams. If you attempt to
START PREROLL all streams, you will deadlock.
DESTROY Destroys all streams at the same time. Do not try
to destroy one stream and then continue to use
another stream.
CREATE and ASSOCIATE All streams must be created and associated before
any streams can accept commands. Do not attempt to
add another stream later on.
External Interface Description
The description for the MIDI Mapper Stream Handler external interface follows:
File Name MISH.DLL
Handler Name MISH
Handler Class MIDISYS
Source and Target This stream handler is a filter. Therefore, it is
both a source and a target stream handler at the same
time. It consumes MIDI data from the source stream
and produces mapped MIDI data that goes into the
target stream or streams. The MIDI Mapper Stream
Handler can have one source stream (the master
This stream handler does not generate or receive sync
pulses, but it can be included in a sync group. In
fact, MIDI mapping is done by grouping the input
stream (master stream) with the output streams (slave
streams) to create a sync group. A stream will be
created for each output port. The MIDI sync group can
be started, stopped, and seeked as a group by using
the "slaves" flag with each of these calls.
Device Control Blocks
The MIDI Mapper Stream Handler does not support a device control block.
Associate Control Blocks
The MIDI Mapper Stream Handler supports the following associate control blocks
shown in the following figure.
* MISH - MIDI stream handler port-stream table ACB
#define ACBTYPE_MISH 0x0005L /* MIDI port-stream table */
typedef struct _acb_MISH /* acbmish - MIDI Assoc. Control Block */
ULONG ulACBLen; /* Length of structure */
ULONG ulObjType; /* ACB_MISH */
HSTREAM hstreamDefault; /* Default hstream to use when */
/* mapper is turned off. */
ULONG ulReserved1;
ULONG ulReserved2;
ULONG ulNumInStreams;
HSTREAM hstreamInMAX[_PORTS]; /* Array of Input streams */
ULONG ulNumOutStreams;
HSTREAM hstreamOut[MAX_PORTS]; /* Array of Output streams */
/* The index into the array is */
/* the source channel for that */
/* stream. */
* MISH - MIDI stream handler SET ACB
#define ACBTYPE_SET 0x0006L /* MIDI set function */
typedef struct _acb_set /* acbset - Set Assoc. Control Block */
ULONG ulACBLen; /* Length of structure */
ULONG ulObjType; /* ACB_SET */
ULONG ulFlag; /* Set flag */
ULONG ulTempo; /* Not used. */
/* ulFlag defines: */
#define MIDI_MAP_ON 0x0000L /* turn mapping function on */
#define MIDI_MAP_OFF 0x0001L /* turn mapping function off */
Implicit Events (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) Supported
The following implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) events for the MIDI Mapper Stream
Handler are supported:
The ulStatus field will contain the error code. The possible error codes
that can be generated and returned by this stream handler are:
Explicit Events Supported
No explicit events are supported for the MIDI Mapper Stream Handler.
Stream Handler Commands Supported
The following stream handler commands (SHC) are supported. Refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for a description of these SHC commands and
the error return codes.
Possible Return Codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE (ulAcbLen is smaller than needed)
- ERROR_STREAM_NOT_STOP (stream must be stopped to associate)
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
Possible Return Codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Possible Return Codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
Possible Return Codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
- ERROR_DATA_ITEM_NOT_SPECIFIED (stream must be associated)
Possible Return Codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
Base Stream Protocol Control Blocks Supported
The MIDI Mapper Stream Handler supports the following stream protocol control
blocks (SPCBs).
Stream Handler Limits
Limited by system memory.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.3. File System Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The File System Stream Handler DLL transports data to or from file system
devices (local or remote) on behalf of a real-time application. This handler
is unique in that it utilizes the MMIO subsystem to interface to a very wide
variety of devices, such as hard disk drives, diskette drives, CD-ROM drives,
WORM drives, and so forth. These devices can be physically installed in the
local system hardware, or they can be accessed across a LAN on a server
In a playback scenario (for example, waveform audio from a RIFF file), the File
System Stream Handler uses MMIO to perform I/O on specified data files, and
then performs stream processing to maintain a continuously available supply
which is then streamed to a target stream handler; for example, the Waveform
Audio Stream Handler. This handler does not operate fully in a real-time mode,
but it must support continuous data streaming. It also does not support
synchronization mastering, because the file system devices are not real-time
External Interface Description
The description for the File System Stream Handler external interface follows:
File Name FSSH.DLL
Handler Name FSSH
Handler Class FILESYS
Source This stream handler can be the source in a stream.
Target This stream handler can be the target in a stream.
Device Control Blocks
Associate Control Blocks
This handler supports type ACBTYPE_MMIO associate control blocks.
* FSSH - File System Stream Handler MMIO Object ACB
#define ACBTYPE_MMIO 0x0001L /* MMIO object */
typedef struct _acb_mmio /* acbmmio - MMIO ACB */
ULONG ulACBLen; /* Length of structure */
ULONG ulObjType; /* ACB_MMIO */
HMMIO hmmio; /* Handle of MMIO object */
Implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) Events Supported
The following implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) events for the File System Stream
Handler are supported:
The error type will be set in the ulFlag field of the event control
block. The three types of errors that will be reported are:
- Temporary Error - TEMPORARY_ERROR 0x0000L
An error occurred during streaming but the stream handler, the SSM,
or both the stream handler and the SSM were able to continue
- Recoverable Error - RECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x0001L
An error occurred that required the stream to be stopped. The
application can restart the stream if appropriate.
- NonRecoverable Error - NONRECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x0002L
A severe error occurred causing the stream handler to stop this
stream. The stream cannot be restarted. The application must issue
a call to SpiDestroyStream.
The ulStatus field will contain the error code. No error codes are
generated and returned by this stream handler.
Also, errors from the following APIs can be returned:
- DosGetInfoBlocks
- mmioRead (If source, extended error code obtained by
- mmioWrite (If target, extended error code obtained by
This will be generated only when this stream handler is a target and it
finds a cuepoint indicator in the buffer table from the Sync/Stream
Manager. The event will be reported after the data has been written to
the file system using MMIO. The ulMessageParm field of the PLAYL_EVCB
will be filled in with the message supplied in the playlist instruction.
The mmtimeStream field will not be filled in.
Explicit Events Supported
No explicit events are supported for the File System Stream Handler.
Stream Handler Commands Supported
The following stream handler commands (SHCs) are supported. Refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for a description of these SHC commands and
the error return codes.
Note: A stream requires a file to be opened and associated to the stream
before a stream can be started. Reassociating a new object
without stopping the stream is not supported.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE (ulAcbLen is smaller than needed)
- ERROR_STREAM_NOT_STOP (stream must be stopped to associate)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: If the spcbkey passed does not match any of the installed
protocols, the last installed stream protocol control block with
DATATYPE_GENERIC will be used.
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosCreateThread
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or both hstream and hid
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or both hstream and hid
- ERROR_DATA_ITEM_NOT_SPECIFIED (stream must be associated before it
is started).
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or both hstream and hid
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosResumeThread
- DosSuspendThread
Note: If you are adding support in the system for a new nonlinear data
type, you can write a MMIO IOProc to support the MMIOM_SEEKBYTIME
message. This message will be sent (mmioSendMessage) when the
File System Stream Handler gets a seek by time (for information on
the SpiSeekStream SPI_SEEKMMTIME parameter, refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference.) and the SPCB indicates this is
a nonlinear data type by having a 0 in the spcb.ulBytesPerUnit
field, the spcb.mmtimePerUnit fields, or both fields.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or both hstream and hid
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- mmioSeek (the extended error code from mmioGetLastError)
- mmioSendMessage - MMIOM_SEEKBYTIME (the extended error code from
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: This stream handler allows any data type and subtype to be
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or both hstream and hid
- ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (must only be called directly after create)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Base Stream Protocol Control Blocks Data Types Supported
The File System Stream Handler has only 1 base SPCB. It is DATATYPE_GENERIC.
When a stream is created with a SPCBKEY that is not installed, this stream
handler copies over the last installed SPCB of type DATATYPE_GENERIC and uses
it. The data type, subtype and intkey passed are used in place of the generic
values for these fields. The base generic SPCB has:
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé16KB Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé2 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé5 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé1 Γöé
Stream Handler Limits
Maximum number of streams (only limited by available memory).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.4. Memory Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
There are many multimedia application scenarios where data streaming might be
performed to or from system memory. For example, an application can create a
waveform data object dynamically, allocating application data buffers in which
to store the waveform data. This data is not read from a device but is
generated by an application algorithm. This waveform data can then be streamed
to the Waveform Audio Stream Handler (target).
Another example where system memory is used for streaming is when the
application must process or convert data read from a file before it can be used
as the source of a stream. There can be some cases where application-unique
data compression is used. In these cases, the application can stream data from
a "flat file" into an application buffer. Then, after decompression (or other
operation) this data in system memory can be streamed using the Memory Stream
Handler as the source, perhaps sending the data to the Waveform Audio Stream
The Memory Stream Handler does not support synchronization.
Memory playlists are used to specify the memory addresses to play from or
record into.
External Interface Description
The description for the Memory Stream Handler external interface follows:
Handler Name MEMSH
Handler Class MEMSYS
Source This stream handler can be the source in a stream.
Target This stream handler can be the target in a stream.
Device Control Blocks
Associate Control Blocks
This handler supports type ACBTYPE_MEM_PLAYL associate control blocks.
* MEMSH - Memory Stream Handler Playlist Object ACB
#define ACBTYPE_MEM_PLAYL 0x0003L /* Memory playlist object */
typedef struct _acb_mem_playl
ULONG ulACBLen; /* Length of structure */
PVOID pMemoryAddr; /* Starting address of playlist */
Implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) Events Supported
The following implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) events for the Memory Stream
Handler are supported:
The error type will be set in the ulFlag field of the event implicit
control block (evcb). These error types and the flag values are
described in the file system stream handler section.
The ulStatus field will contain the error code. The possible error codes
that can be generated and returned by this stream handler are:
encountered. The maximum CALL depth is 20 calls.)
encountered. There should be exactly one RETURN instruction
executed for each CALL instruction.)
- ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (invalid playlist opcode encountered.)
- ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK (playlist is not read/write accessible or data
is not read (play) or write (record) accessible.)
- ERROR_END_OF_PLAYLIST (when recording into a playlist, the EXIT
opcode was encountered before EOS. The stream handler stops).
Also, errors from the following APIs can be returned:
- DosGetInfoBlocks
- DosQueryMem
- SMHEntryPoint SMH_NOTIFY (GiveBuf function for Play)
- SMHEntryPoint SMH_NOTIFY (GetFull, ReturnEmpty for Record)
The Memory Stream Handler does not receive playlist cuepoint indicators
within the stream. This handler will place a cuepoint indicator into a
stream when it interprets a CUEPOINT playlist operation. Therefore this
stream handler does not generate the EVENT_PLAYLISTCUEPOINT, but it
enables it in the stream for the target stream handler. Check the
description of the target stream handler to determine if it supports this
This is generated when a MESSAGE instruction is encountered. The
ulMessageParm field of the PLAYL_EVCB will be filled in with the message
supplied in the message parameter (operand2) of the playlist MESSAGE
instruction. The ulStatus field contains the playlist instruction
Explicit Events Supported
No explicit events are supported for the Memory Stream Handler.
Stream Handler Commands Supported
The following stream handler commands (SHC) are supported. Refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for a description of these SHC commands and
the error return codes.
Note: A stream requires a file to be opened and associated to the stream
before a stream can be started. Reassociating a new object
without stopping the stream is not supported.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE (ulAcbLen is smaller than needed)
- ERROR_STREAM_NOT_STOP (stream must be stopped to associate)
- ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK (invalid memory address - not read/write
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosQueryMem
Note: If the SPCBKEY passed does not match any of the installed
protocols, the last installed SPCB with DATATYPE_GENERIC will be
used. If the MEMSH is the source, create will always set the
SPCBBUF_USERPROVIDED flag in the spcb.ulBufFlag field.
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosCreateThread
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_DATA_ITEM_NOT_SPECIFIED (stream must be associated before it
is started).
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosResumeThread
- DosSuspendThread
Note: Seeking backward is not supported. SEEK_END is only supported if
the lSeekPoint is 0. A playlist seek is accomplished by going
back to the beginning of the playlist and executing each
instruction without playing the data, but counting the time it
takes. The Seek operates on the current playlist, that means that
if the playlist was modified by the application the Seek uses the
modified playlist to calculate the seek position. When a seek
absolute is performed all LOOP iterations are reset to 0 before
the Seek starts calculating the position.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosQueryMem
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: This stream handler allows any data type and subtype to be
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (must only be called directly after create)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Base Stream Protocol Control Block Data Types Supported
The Memory Stream Handler has only 1 base stream protocol control block
(SPCB). It is DATATYPE_GENERIC. When a stream is created with a SPCBKEY that
is not one installed, this stream handler copies over the last installed SPCB
of type DATATYPE_GENERIC and uses it. The data type, subtype and intkey
passed are used in place of the generic values for these fields. The base
generic SPCB has:
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé16KB Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé3 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé10 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé1 Γöé
Stream Handler Limits
Maximum number of streams (only limited by available memory).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.5. Compact Disc-Digital Audio Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Many CDs have CD-DA ("Redbook audio") tracks that contain digital audio. These
audio tracks can be played using the built-in DAC or the data can be read into
the system and streamed to an adapter with DAC hardware KB (for example, ACPA
card). For the latter case, the CD-DA Stream Handler DLL is required and acts
as the source stream handler.
This handler does not operate fully in a real-time mode, but it must support
continuous data streaming. It also does not support synchronization mastering,
because of the lack of real-time nature of CD devices.
This handler operates on the specific CD addresses. Most CD-DA do not have
data in approximately the first 2 seconds of the CD, but some discs do. CD-DA
tracks can also be placed between other data tracks on mixed-mode disks.
Because of this operation, the CD-DA Stream Handler will interpret the absolute
beginning of the disc as MMTIME 0. The calling program must query the disc and
find where the desired CD-DA track begins and call SpiSeekStream before
starting the stream. The CD Audio media control interface driver does this
operation for the applications coding to the media control interface.
External Interface Description
The description for the Compact Disc-Digital Audio Stream Handler external
interface follows:
Handler Name CDDASH
Handler Class FILESYS
Source This stream handler can be the source in a stream.
Target This stream handler cannot be the target in a stream.
Device Control Blocks
Associate Control Blocks
This handler supports type ACBTYPE_CDDA associate control blocks.
* CDDASH - CD DA Stream Handler Object ACB
#define ACBTYPE_CDDA 0x0004L /* Compact disc - digital audio */
typedef struct _acb_CDDA /* acbcdda - CD Assoc. Control Block */
ULONG ulACBLen; /* Length of structure */
ULONG ulObjType; /* ACB_CDDA */
CHAR bCDDrive; /* CD drive letter */
Implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) Events Supported
The following implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) events for the Compact
Disc-Digital Audio Stream Handler are supported:
The error type will be set in the ulFlag field of the event implicit
control block (evcb). The three types of errors that will be reported
- Temporary Error (TEMPORARY_ERROR 0x0000L)
An error occurred during streaming but the stream handler, the
Sync/Stream Manager or both the stream handler and the Sync/Stream
Manager were able to continue streaming.
- Recoverable Error (RECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x0001L)
An error occurred that required the stream to be stopped. The
application can restart the stream if appropriate.
- NonRecoverable Error (NONRECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x0002L)
A severe error occurred causing the stream handler to stop this
stream. The stream can not be restarted. The application must
issue an SpiDestroyStream.
The ulStatus field will contain the error code. The possible error
codes that can be generated and returned by this stream handler are:
- None
Also, errors from the following APIs can be returned:
- DosGetInfoBlocks
- DosDevIOCtl (from ReadLong command to CD device driver).
Explicit Events Supported
No explicit events are supported for the Compact Disc-Digital Audio Stream
Stream Handler Commands Supported
The following stream handler commands (SHC) are supported. Refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for a description of these SHC commands and
the error return codes.
Note: A stream requires a file to be opened and associated to the stream
before a stream can be started. Reassociating a new drive letter
without stopping the stream is not supported.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE (ulAcbLen is smaller than needed)
- ERROR_STREAM_NOT_STOP (stream must be stopped to associate)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosOpen (for CD device).
Note: The only data type supported is 16-bit PCM Stereo sampled at 44.1
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosCreateThread
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
- ERROR_DATA_ITEM_NOT_SPECIFIED (stream must be associated before it
is started).
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hstream and hid passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosResumeThread
- DosSuspendThread
Note: Keep in mind that SEEK will go to the specified address in
absolute terms. The absolute address from the beginning of the
disc might not be the beginning of the CD-DA music.
Also the seekpoint is granular to the mmtimePerUnit specified in the
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosDevIOCtl (DiskInfo command for Seek_End)
- DosDevIOCtl (Seek command)
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: This stream handler allows any data type and subtype to be
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (must only be called directly after create).
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Base Stream Protocol Control Block Data Types Supported
The Compact Disc-Digital Audio Stream Handler has only 1 base SPCB. It is
DATATYPE_WAVEFORM with DataSubType WAVE_FORMAT_4S16. This SPCB has the
following defaults:
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé48KB Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé8 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé12 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé7 Γöé
ΓöéulBytesPerUnit Γöé588 Γöé
ΓöémmtimePerUnit Γöé10 Γöé
Stream Handler Limits
Maximum number of streams (only limited by available memory).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.6. CD-ROM XA Stream Handler ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The CD-ROM XA Stream Handler is used to stream interleaved data to multiple
streams and therefore multiple target devices. This is required to play
multiple streams from a CD-ROM XA. For example, a CD-ROM XA file could have
one channel of audio and one channel of video that need to be streamed at the
same time. Because the audio and video are interleaved in the same file the
CD-ROM XA Stream Handler can take these individual channels from the file and
pass them to the Sync/Stream Manager as independent streams.
External Interface Description
The description for the CD-ROM XA Stream Handler external interface follows:
File Name SSSH.DLL
Handler Name SSSH
Handler Class FILESYS
Source This stream handler can be the source in a stream.
Target This stream handler cannot be the target in a stream.
Device Control Blocks
This handler requires the standard DCB structure on the SHC_CREATE function.
The szDevName must have the drive letter of the CD-ROM XA drive.
typedef struct _dcb /* dcb - Device Control Block */
ULONG ulDCBLen; /* Length of structure */
SZ szDevName[MAX_SPI_NAME]; /* Device driver name */
} DCB;
Associate Control Blocks
Implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) Events Supported
The following implicit (EVENT_IMPLICIT_TYPE) events for the CD-ROM XA Stream
Handler are supported:
The error type will be set in the ulFlag field of the event implicit
control block (evcb). The three types of errors that will be reported
- Temporary Error (TEMPOARY_ERROR 0x0000L)
An error occurred during streaming but the stream handler, the
Sync/Stream Manager or both the stream handler and the Sync/Stream
Manager were able to continue streaming.
- Recoverable Error (RECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x0001L)
An error occurred that required the stream to be stopped. The
application can restart the stream if appropriate.
- NonRecoverable Error (NONRECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x0002L)
A severe error occurred causing the stream handler to stop this
stream. The stream cannot be restarted. The application must issue
an SpiDestroyStream.
The ulStatus field will contain the error code. The possible error
codes that can be generated and returned by this stream handler are:
- None
Also, errors from the following APIs can be returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosGetInfoBlocks
- DosDevIOCtl (from ReadLong command to CD device driver).
Explicit Events Supported
No explicit events are supported for the CD-ROM XA Stream Handler.
Stream Handler Commands Supported
The following stream handler commands (SHC) are supported. Refer to the OS/2
Multimedia Programming Reference for a description of these SHC commands and
the error return codes.
Note: A stream requires a file to be opened and associated to the stream
before a stream can be started.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE (ulAcbLen is smaller than needed)
- ERROR_STREAM_NOT_STOP (stream must be stopped to associate)
- ERROR_FILE_FORMAT_INCORRECT (file is not cdxa mode 2)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosDevIOCtl (ReadLong on CD drive)
- DosFSCtl (to CDFS)
- DosSetFilePtr
Note: The primary stream is the stream that is created first for a
interleaved file. The secondary streams must have the hstream
handle of the primary stream in the hstreambuf parameter of the
SpiCreateStream API. Only the CREATE for the primary stream needs
to have the DCB filled in with the drive letter. Any DCB passed
in on the secondary stream creates is ignored by this stream
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_TOO_MANY_STREAMS (only 16 streams per XA file)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosCreateThread
- DosOpen for CD Drive
Note: Destroying the primary stream will suspend the streaming of the
secondary streams because all the associated streams use the
buffers owned by the primary stream.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: The streaming will only start when the SHC_START command is
received for the primary stream, because it owns the I/O thread
and the stream buffers.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
- ERROR_DATA_ITEM_NOT_SPECIFIED (stream must be associated before it
is started).
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: A stop for the primary stream will stop all the streams because it
owns the I/O thread and the buffers. A stop for a secondary
stream will only stop the data for that stream. If a secondary
stream is stopped and restarted while the primary stream is still
going, the secondary stream data will pick up at the interleaved
point where the primary stream is.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosResumeThread
- DosSuspendThread
Note: SEEK is only valid on the primary stream. A SEEK command on a
secondary stream will return ERROR_DATA_ITEM_NOT_SEEKABLE.
The seek point is granular to the mmtimePerUnit specified in the SPCB.
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream or hid-or both-passed)
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
- DosDevIOCtl (ReadLong command to CD device driver).
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Note: This stream handler allows only data types of DATATYPE_CDXA_AUDIO,
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Possible return codes:
- ERROR_INVALID_STREAM (invalid hstream, hid, or both passed)
- ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (must only be called directly after create).
Return codes from the following APIs are also returned:
- DosRequestMutexSem
Base Stream Protocol Control Block Data Types Supported
The CD-ROM XA Stream Handler has 7 base SPCBs.
Γöéspcbkey.ulDataSubType ΓöéCDXA_LEVELB ΓöéCDXA_LEVELC Γöé
ΓöéulNumRec Γöé17 Γöé17 Γöé
ΓöéulBlockSize Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé39984 Γöé39984 Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé8 Γöé8 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé16 Γöé16 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulHandFlag ΓöéSPCBHAND_NOSYNC | Γöé Γöé
ΓöéulBytesPerUnit Γöé2304 Γöé2304 Γöé
ΓöémmtimePerUnit Γöé160 Γöé320 Γöé
ΓöéulNumRec Γöé17 Γöé17 Γöé
ΓöéulBlockSize Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé39984 Γöé39984 Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé8 Γöé8 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé16 Γöé16 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulHandFlag ΓöéSPCBHAND_NOSYNC | Γöé Γöé
ΓöéulBytesPerUnit Γöé2304 Γöé2304 Γöé
ΓöémmtimePerUnit Γöé320 Γöé640 Γöé
ΓöéSPCB Field ΓöéCDXA_AUDIO Values Γöé
Γöéspcbkey.ulDataTΓöéDATATYPE_CDXA_AUDIO Γöé
Γöéspcbkey.ulDataSΓöéCDXA_AUDIO_HD Γöé
ΓöéulNumRec Γöé17 Γöé
ΓöéulBlockSize Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé39984 Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé8 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé16 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulBytesPerUnit Γöé0 Γöé
ΓöémmtimePerUnit Γöé0 Γöé
ΓöéSPCB Field ΓöéCDXA_DATA Values ΓöéCDXA_VIDEO Values Γöé
Γöéspcbkey.ulDataSubType Γöé0 Γöé0 Γöé
ΓöéulNumRec Γöé17 Γöé17 Γöé
ΓöéulBlockSize Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulBufSize Γöé39984 Γöé39984 Γöé
ΓöéulMinBuf Γöé8 Γöé8 Γöé
ΓöéulMaxBuf Γöé16 Γöé16 Γöé
ΓöéulSrcStart Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulTgtStart Γöé1 Γöé1 Γöé
ΓöéulHandFlag ΓöéSPCBHAND_NOSYNC | Γöé Γöé
ΓöéulBytesPerUnit Γöé0 Γöé0 Γöé
ΓöémmtimePerUnit Γöé0 Γöé0 Γöé
Stream Handler Limits
Maximum number of streams associated to a primary stream is 15.
Maximum number of streams supported by the stream handler at one time is only
limited by available memory.
The P2STRING tool processes script files (containing string commands and tool
directives) to test the behavior of subsystems in OS/2 multimedia. P2STRING
extracts the strings from the script files and processes the commands through
the mciSendString function. Messages and error conditions of the processes
included in the scripts are logged to an output file and displayed in windows
(as shown in the following figure). Each process logs to its own display
window, but all processes log to the same output file. In addition, if you
close the display window, the string execution thread is immediately destroyed
and the entire process ends.
Output messages include all non-comment lines read from the script (for
example, script directives, command strings, expected return values, expected
and received notify messages, and status lines). In addition, errors and
debugging statements of unsuccessful string commands are logged to a file named
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.1. Setting Font Size and Type ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Before you start the P2STRING tool, you can change the size and type of font
displayed in the P2STRING window on the desktop. For example, to specify Times
Roman font with a 10 point font size, type:
You can specify either font face, font size, or both. Possible FONTFACE values
include SYSTEM, COURIER, TIMES, or HELVETICA** (default). Possible FONTSIZE
values include 8 (default), 10, 12, 14, or 18.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.2. Starting P2STRING ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The P2STRING tool consists of two files: P2STRING.EXE and P2S_DLL.DLL. These
files are located in the \TOOLKIT\BIN\BETA\P2STRING subdirectory. The following
figure displays the syntax used to start the P2STRING program. Associated
parameters are described in the next table in this section.
P2STRING inp_file [-a]out_file [-eerr_file] [-d|-D] [-E] [-t]
Note: The parameters are case sensitive.
The following table describes the parameters associated with the P2STRING
Parameter Description
script_file Specifies the script file name you want to process.
Note: See P2STRING Script Language for information on the
contents of a script file and how to interpret the
script language.
[-a]out_file Specifies the output file name containing the results of
the test. This file contains only the results of the test
you are running, unless you specify the optional -a
parameter. For example, to append the output of a script
file named SAMPLE.SCR to output currently in a file named
MDM.OUT, type:
[-eerr_file] Specifies the optional error file name that receives
messages from string commands that completed
unsuccessfully. For example, to create an error file named
MDM.ERR, type:
[-d|-D] Specifies one of the following optional parameters:
-d Instructs P2STRING to end after processing a script file.
Use this parameter when you are running test cases automatically.
There is no change in the output.
When the script file has completed processing, P2STRING prompts
you with a message requiring you to end the test.
-D Behaves identically to the -d parameter except that the script
directives requiring user input are ignored.
Note: See Tool Directives for information on how to add
execution directives (which require user input) in
a script file.
-E Causes the script file to exit after the first error. By
default, script files run to completion regardless of
errors. For example, the following command ends the
processing of SAMPLE.SCR after an error is encountered:
-t Records time stamps for strings and MM_MCIPASSDEVICE
notification messages.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3. P2STRING Script Language ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section describes the contents of a script file and how to interpret the
script language. Script files can contain the following types of lines:
o Comments
o Tool Directives
o OS/2 Multimedia String Commands
o Expected Return Strings
o Expected Error Messages
o Expected Notification Messages
The following discussion provides information on how to create a script file
containing these various line types. The following figure displays an example
of how a script file appears.
; set masteraudio level for session to 10% - will affect all
; 3 processes
masteraudio volume 10
; open waveaudio device non-exclusively
open waveaudio alias wav1 shareable notify
@WAIT_NOTIFY 1 60000
@WAIT_NOTIFY 21 60000
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3.1. Comments ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Script comment lines must start with either a semi-colon (;) or pound sign (#)
in the first column. These comment lines are neither displayed nor echoed in
the output file. If you want a remark to appear in the output, use the @REM
P2STRING allows for a variable number of lines to be displayed in its window.
Regular comment lines (header lines) are not displayed nor written to the
output file.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3.2. Tool Directives ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The P2STRING tool supports either multithreaded or multiprocess execution, but
not both. You can use tool directives to test either @PROCESSES or @THREADS in
a script file.
Tool directives start with an at sign (@) in the first column. These
directives affect the execution and appearance of the output. The following
classes of directives are recognized:
o Initialization
o Execution
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Initialization Directives ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use initialization directives to set up the content of the script file. These
directives must appear before execution directives because the tool
preprocesses the script file and builds process command buffers.
The @THREADS and @PROCESSES directives are mutually exclusive. In other words,
the P2STRING tool supports either multithreaded or multiprocess execution in a
script file (not both). In addition, there is a limit of 10 processes or
threads per script file. The following table lists the supported initialization
Directive Description
Specifies the number (x) of processes the
script file will be running. For
Specifies the number (x) of threads the
script file will be running.
@EVENTS={n[=0|1] [,n[=0|1]]}
Specifies one or more names of events.
Events are user-defined with a maximum of
15 characters. Events can be set to 1 or
0. Set an event to 1 for an event that is
set with the @SET_EVENT execution
directive. Set an event to 0 to clear or
reset the event. If no initialization
values are specified, the event is
initialized to 0. For example:
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Execution Directives ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use execution directives to process the script file. Again, the @THREAD and
@PROCESS directives are mutually exclusive.
The following table lists the supported execution directives.
Note: Timing out on the @WAIT_EVENT and @WAIT_NOTIFY directives is not
considered a failure.
Directive Description
Specifies that the script lines
following this directive belong to
thread number x until the next
@THREAD directive is encountered.
Specifies that the script lines
following this directive belong to
process number x until the next
@PROCESS directive is encountered.
@SET_EVENT name 0|1
Sets the event name to either 1 or 0.
Use 1 to mark that the event has
happened. Use 0 to clear or reset the
Note: The event must be declared
through the @EVENTS directive.
@WAIT_EVENT name [to]
Waits until the event name is set to
1. @WAIT_EVENT does not cause a
change of the event state. If you
need a reusable event, use this
The timeout (to) is specified in
milliseconds. If omitted, it defaults
to 3 minutes.
Waits for a specific number (x) from
an expected MM_MCINOTIFY notification
message. This number must match the
index used in the MM_MCINOTIFY
reference line. The @WAIT_NOTIFY
events are not reusable because there
are no events that logically reset
The timeout (to) is specified in
milliseconds. If omitted, it defaults
to 3 minutes.
If the associated mciSendString
function fails, the event is posted
to prevent delays for notifications
that are never going to be sent.
Waits until the device instance with
an alias of alias gains use. This
assumes that the alias names used
within a script file are unique. The
maximum alias name length is 20
Note: Use a unique alias for every
OPEN command.
The timeout (to) is specified in
milliseconds. If omitted, it defaults
to 3 minutes.
The tool assumes that a unique alias
is specified on each OPEN string
command. If unique aliases are not
used, errors conditions might occur.
@REM comment
Echoes the comment to the screen and
the output log file. All other script
comment lines (those starting with ;
or #) are neither transferred nor
Pauses processing of the current
thread or process in the input script
file for the specified time. It does
not stop the processing of the
notifications or window functions.
Other threads or processes are not
affected by this directive.
@BREAK [message]
Causes a message box to appear with
message text. Script processing is
halted until the user responds with
the correct action. For example:
@BREAK [replace the CD]
@CHECK [message]
Grades the success of the previous
command based on the user's response.
A pop-up window displays the message
and prompts the user with Yes or No
push buttons. The status is passed if
the user selects Yes, or failed if No
is selected. For example:
@BREAK The music will play for 5 secs. Ready to time it?
play cdaudio notify
@PAUSE 5000
@CHECK Did it play?
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3.3. OS/2 Multimedia String Commands ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
All lines that do not fall into any of the other categories are interpreted as
OS/2 multimedia string commands. These lines are passed to the Media Device
Manager (MDM) through the mciSendString function after the environment
variables have been substituted.
Any token in the string command line bracketed by question marks (such as
?FOO?) is interpreted as an environment variable. The actual value of the
environment variable is substituted into the string before it is passed to the
mciSendString function. If the variable is not found, a warning is issued and
the token is replaced with a NULL string. For example, assuming the
environment string MMDATA is set to D:\DATA, open ?mmdata?\temp.wav alias a is
equal to open d:\data\temp.wav alias a.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3.4. Expected Return Strings ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Many OS/2 multimedia commands return strings. It is possible to check these
strings against an expected value with an expected return string line.
An expected return string line has the format:
The equal sign (=) must be in column 1 and should have no trailing spaces. If
an empty string is expected, nothing should follow the = (not even spaces).
For example:
status cdaudio ready wait
status cdaudio mode wait
The expected result is always interpreted as a string. This might produce some
unusual outputs for commands that return binary data.
Where the return is a textual numerical value, it may be matched to a tolerance
range of ё10% using a tilde (~) before the number. This is typically used when
the exact value cannot be known. For example:
set foo time format milliseconds wait
play foo notify
@PAUSE 1000
stop foo wait
status foo position wait
Thus, the status command is considered successful if the returned string is in
the range 900-1100.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3.5. Expected Error Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When an OS/2 multimedia string command is expected to fail with an error, use
the expected error line to specify the expected error. The expected error line
has the format:
The =! must start in column 1. If any error is acceptable, then use the
keyword ERROR. If a specific error is expected, enter the exact error message
after the =!. For example:
open sequencer alias mymidi wait
load mymidi nofile.foo
=!File not found.
Be careful about extra blanks in the expected-error and expected-result lines.
The case of the strings is unimportant; however the comparison will fail if the
spacing or punctuation does not match exactly.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3.6. Expected Notification Messages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Many OS/2 multimedia string commands cause notification messages to be sent to
the P2STRING tool. The system uses notification messages to respond to
applications. For example, notification messages indicate system status
regarding completion of a media device function or passing of the ownership of
a media control device from one process to another.
It is possible to verify that the proper notifications are received by using an
expected-notify line. Each expected notification line begins with a plus sign
(+) in column 1. The following types of notification lines are possible:
o Command completion/error notifications
o Event notifications
o Position change notifications
Note: Any or all notification messages might be expected for a single OS/2
multimedia string command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Command Completion/Error Notifications ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
An MM_MCINOTIFY line notifies an application when a device successfully
completes the action indicated by a media message or when an error occurs.
+MM_MCINOTIFY notify-code[#x]
ΓöéKeyword ΓöéDescription Γöé
Γöénotify-code ΓöéSpecifies the notification message code, for Γöé
Γöé Γöéexample, MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL. The spelling mustΓöé
Γöé Γöébe the same as the #defines in the OS2ME.H file Γöé
Γöé Γöéfor the notify codes. Γöé
Γöémessage ΓöéSpecifies the media control interface message thatΓöé
Γöé Γöécaused the notification, for example, MCI_PLAY. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThe spelling must be the same as the #defines in Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe OS2ME.H file for MCI messages. Γöé
Γöéx ΓöéSpecifies a unique number (x) used to associate Γöé
Γöé Γöé@WAIT_NOTIFY directives with particular Γöé
Γöé Γöénotifications. This number has nothing to do withΓöé
Γöé Γöéthe order in which strings are sent. The number Γöé
Γöé Γöémust be unique and in the range 1-99. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Event Notifications ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
An MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE line notifies an application of the current media
+MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE position %user-parameter #x
ΓöéKeyword ΓöéDescription Γöé
Γöéposition ΓöéSpecifies the expected MMTIME position of theΓöé
Γöé Γöéfirst position-change message. Γöé
Γöéuser-parameter ΓöéSpecifies the user parameter to be returned. Γöé
Γöé ΓöéThis should be the same as the return value Γöé
Γöé Γöéspecified in the SETPOSITIONADVISE string Γöé
Γöé Γöécommand. Note that the return value must be Γöé
Γöé Γöéa unique integer in the range of 1-99. Γöé
Γöéx ΓöéSpecifies the number (x) of position change Γöé
Γöé Γöémessages expected. For further information, Γöé
Γöé Γöésee Limitations of MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE Γöé
Γöé ΓöéVerification. Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ Position Change Notifications ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
An MM_MCICUEPOINT line notifies an application that the playlist processor has
encountered a message instruction.
+MM_MCICUEPOINT position %user-parameter
ΓöéKeyword ΓöéDescription Γöé
Γöéposition ΓöéSpecifies the expected MMTIME position of Γöé
Γöé Γöéthe first position-change message. Γöé
Γöéuser-parameter ΓöéSpecifies the user parameter to be Γöé
Γöé Γöéreturned. This should be the same as the Γöé
Γöé Γöéreturn value specified in the Γöé
Γöé ΓöéSETPOSITIONADVISE string command. Note Γöé
Γöé Γöéthat the return value must be a unique Γöé
Γöé Γöéinteger in the range of 1-99. Γöé
Note: Other notifications cannot be compared because they do not allow for a
user-parameter as part of the message, which is essential for the
tracking of related notifications.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4. Limitations of MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE Verification ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
There are limitation to what you can verify in the P2STRING tool using event
notification lines. The MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE line requires the use of the
"return value" item in the respective string commands. This line also does not
provide for timing start point; for example, playing has started. The P2STRING
tool can only count the number of messages received for a specific user
parameter (used as a key) and check if subsequent messages have positions
approximate to the given expected position interval. The script writer must
determine how many SETPOSITIONADVISE messages are expected, considering the
duration of playing, time format, and start position of the play/record. The
reference position given in the expected notification line must be in MMTIME
units. If the "expected number of messages" parameter is omitted, the tool
only verifies the position interval (not the number). In case of scripts where
play, seek, or record are used to cover non-monotonic ranges, P2STRING might
report failures on position-advises because it expects each SETPOSITIONADVISE
to be in the next position interval from the previous message. If the script
makes a jump to a position that does not conform to this, the status will be
logged as failed.
For example:
setpositionadvise SomeDevice every 10000 on return 5
play SomeDevice from 35000 to 55000 notify (produce 3 positionchange msgs)
seek SomeDevice to 30000 wait
play SomeDevice notify (produces a number of messages starting at 30000)
MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE messages are logged as failed, because of the lapse in
position interval. A way to handle this situation is to disable the
MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE before an explicit position jump is made and enable the
same SETPOSITIONADVISE with a different user parameter.
For example:
setpositionadvise SomeDevice every 10000 on return 5
play SomeDevice from 35000 to 55000 notify (produce 3 positionchange msgs)
setpositionadvise SomeDevice every 10000 off
seek SomeDevice to 30000 wait
setpositionadvise SomeDevice every 10000 on return 6
play SomeDevice notify (produce a number of messages starting at 30000)
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.5. Processing Logic ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A string command line can be followed by zero to one return value lines, or
zero to three notification lines. Note that this is an exclusive OR, meaning
that specifying both expected return value and expected notification is not
going to give reliable results due to the fact that the returned buffer does
not become valid prior to the end of the notify message. Also, in case of
notify flags, return values are in the procedural interface format rather than
in the string interface format.
The MDM will not be able to convert return values to strings for commands
processed with the notify flag because media control drivers will be sending
their notify messages directly to the application.
Status of each command is determined in two stages. The first stage is at
string execution. If the mciSendString function returns an error and there was
no =!ERROR reference line in the script following the command string line, the
command is considered failed. If a return value was found after mciSendString
is processed, the tool will check for expected return and perform comparison of
the two. It they do not match, the command is considered failed. In case of
an error that is not in the range understood by the mciGetErrorString function,
the command is considered failed even if the !ERROR was encountered.
The second stage of the comparison is after a notification is received and
after all the commands are issued. If a notification was received and it
successfully compared to the expected notification line, the command is
considered successful. If there was no reference notification line, status of
the command will not be assigned, unless notify-error was returned. After all
the scripts are processed, expected reference notifications will be used to
determine if all the notifications were received. The commands that did not
receive a notify, and had an expected notification line of the type, are marked
failed. Note that command strings are not examined for presence of a notify
flag and it is the writer's responsibility to create an expected notify line if
it is of importance. In case of expected NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL messages, all codes
other than NOTIFY_ERROR are considered valid. This includes NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL,
NOTIFY_ABORTED and NOTIFY_SUPERCEDED. If any other notify code was specified
as expected, and exact match will be checked for. If NOTIFY_ERROR is expected,
all errors in the range are verified as passed. There is no facility for
verification of an exact error code returned in the notification.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10. Glossary ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> Glossary ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Select the starting letter of the glossary term you want to locate.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> A ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
AB roll Synchronized playback of two recorded video images so that one can
perform effects, such as dissolves, wipes, or inserts, using both images
ACPA Audio capture and playback adapter.
active matrix A technology that gives every pel (dot) on the screen its own
transistor to control it more accurately. (This allows for better contrast
and less motion smearing.)
adaptive differential pulse code modulation A bit-rate reduction technique
where the difference in pulse code modulation samples are not compressed
before being stored.
ADC Analog-to-digital converter.
ADPCM Adaptive differential pulse code modulation.
aliasing The phenomenon of generating a false (alias) frequency, along with
the correct one, as an artifact of sampling a signal at discrete points. In
audio, this produces a "buzz." In imagery, this produces a jagged edge, or
stair-step effect.
all points addressable (APA) In computer graphics, pertaining to the ability
to address and display or not display each picture element on a display
AM Animation metafile.
ambience In audio, the reverberation pattern of a particular concert hall, or
listening space.
ambient noise In acoustics, the noise associated with a particular
environment, usually a composite of sounds from many distant or nearby
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) An organization consisting of
producers, consumers, and general interest groups, that establishes the
procedures by which accredited organizations create and maintain voluntary
industry standards in the United States.
AMF Animation metafile format.
amp See amplifier.
amp-mixer (1) A combination amplifier and mixer that is used to control the
characteristics of an audio signal from one or more audio sources. (2) Also
referred to as an amplifier-mixer.
amplifier (1) A device that increases the strength of input signals (either
voltage or current) (2) Also referred to as an amp.
analog Pertaining to data consisting of continuously variable physical
quantities. Contrast with digital.
analog audio Audio in which all information representing sounds is stored or
transmitted in a continuous-scale electrical signal, such as line level
audio in stereo components. See also digital audio.
analog video Video in which all the information representing images is in a
continuous-scale electrical signal for both amplitude and time. See also
digital video.
analog video overlay See overlay.
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) A functional unit that converts data from an
analog representation to a digital representation. (I) (A)
anchor An area of a display screen that is activated to accept user input.
Synonymous with hot spot, touch area, and trigger.
animate Make or design in such a way as to create apparently spontaneous,
lifelike movement.
animated Having the appearance of something alive.
animated screen capture Recording a computing session for replay on a similar
computer with voice annotation. (An example is sending a spreadsheet with
an accompanying screen recording as an explanation and overview.)
animatic A limited animation consisting of artwork shot on film or videotape
and edited to serve as an on-screen storyboard.
animation metafile A compound file format, the elements of which are the
frames of animation themselves. These frames are stored sequentially so
that they can be played back in time by streaming to the video agent.
animation metafile format (AMF) The file format used to store animated frame
annotation The linking of an object with another, where the second contains
some information related to the first. For example, an audio annotation of
a spreadsheet cell might a verbal explanation about the contents of the
ANSI American National Standards Institute.
anthropomorphic software agent The concept of a simulated agent, seemingly
living inside the computer, that talks to and listens to the user, and then
acts for the user on command.
antiliasing (1) In imagery, using several intensities of colors (a ramp)
between the color of the line and the background color to create the effect
of smoother curves and fewer jagged edges on curves and diagonals. (2) In
imagery or audio, removing aliases by eliminating frequencies above half the
sample frequencies.
AOCA Audio Object Content Architecture.
APA All points addressable.
APA graphics All Points Addressable graphics. See bit-mapped graphics.
API Application programming interface.
Application programming interface (API). A functional interface supplied by
the operating system or a separately orderable licensed program that allows
an application program written in a high-level language to use specific data
or functions of the operating system or the licensed program.
application-defined video window An application can specify to the multimedia
system that it wants video played in a specific window (controlled by the
application) instead of the default window (controlled by the multimedia
system). The application-defined video window can be used to implement
advanced features not supported by the default video window. Also referred
to as an alternate video window.
artifact A product resulting from human activity; in computer activity, a
(usually unwanted) by-product of a process.
aspect ratio (1) On a display screen, the ratio of the maximum length of a
display line to the maximum length of a display column. (2) The ratio of
height to width. (This term applies to areas or individual pels.) Refer to
enhanced graphics adapter and video graphics adapter.
asymmetric video compression In multimedia applications, the use of a powerful
computer to compress a video for mastering so that a less powerful (less
expensive) system is needed to decompress it. Contrast with symmetric video
audible cue A sound generated by the computer to draw a user's attention to,
or provide feedback about, an event or state of the computer. Audible cues
enhance and reinforce visible cues.
audio Pertaining to the portion of recorded information that can be heard.
audio attribute control Provides access to and operation of the standard audio
attributes: mute, volume, balance, treble, and bass. All device
communication and user interface support is handled by the control.
audio attributes Refers to the standard audio attributes. mute, volume,
balance, treble and bass.
audio clip A section of recorded audio material.
Audio Object Content Architecture A data format for multimedia products.
audio processing Manipulating digital audio to, for example, edit or create
special effects.
audio segment A contiguous set of recorded data from an audio track. An audio
segment might or might not be associated with a video segment.
audio track (1) The audio (sound) portion of the program. (2) The physical
location where the audio is placed beside the image. (A system with two
audio tracks can have either stereo sound or two independent audio tracks.)
(3) Synonymous with sound track.
Audio Visual Connection* (AVC)* An authoring system used on an IBM PS/2 to
develop and display audiovisual productions.
audiovisual A generic term referring to experiences, equipment, and materials
used for communication that make use of both hearing and sight.
audiovisual computer program A computer program that makes use of both hearing
and sight.
authoring A structured approach to combining all media elements within an
interactive production, assisted by computer software designed for this
authoring system A set of tools used to create an interactive multimedia
application without implementing formal programming.
AVI file format The Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file format is the standard
file format used to support software motion video. AVI files can contain
multiple streams (tracks) of data (for example, a video and an audio
stream). The streams may be interleaved to improve access times during
playback. The present implementation is limited to a single video stream and
a single, optional, audio stream.
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background image The part of a display image, such as a form overlay, that is
not changed during a particular sequence of transactions. Contrast with
foreground image.
background music In videotaping, music that accompanies dialog or action.
balance For audio, refers to the relative strength of the left and right
channels. A balance level of 0 is left channel only. A balance level of
100 is right channel only.
basic input/output system (BIOS) In an IBM personal computer, microcode that
controls basic hardware operations, such as interactions with diskette
drives, hard disk drives, and the keyboard. (For example, the IBM Enhanced
Graphics Adapter has an addressable BIOS, located on the adapter itself,
that is used to control the IBM InfoWindow.
beta format A consumer and industrial 0.5-inch tape format.
BG Script abbreviation for background.
BIOS Basic input/output system.
bit map A coded representation in which each bit, or group of bits, represents
or corresponds to an item, for example, a configuration of bits in main
storage in which each bit indicates whether a peripheral device or a storage
block is available or in which each group of bits corresponds to one pel of
a display image.
bit-block transfer Transfer of a rectangular array of bit-map data.
bit-map graphics A form of graphics whereby all points on the display are
directly addressable. See also all points addressable.
bitblt Bit-block transfer. Synonymous with blit.
blit Synonym for bitblt.
blitter Hardware that performs bit-block transfer operations.
BND (1) An internal I/O procedure, provided by the OS/2 multimedia system,
that supports RIFF compound files (commonly called bundle files). (2) The
four-character code (FOURCC) of a bundle file. See RIFF compound file.
BND file A RIFF compound file.
BND IOProc An internal I/O procedure, provided by the OS/2 multimedia system,
that supports the elements in a RIFF compound file. See also CF IOProc.
boom A long, relatively horizontal supporting brace used for holding a
microphone or camera; sometimes used to refer to the machinery that supports
the camera and allows it to move while shooting.
brightness Refers to the level of luminosity of the video signal. A brightness
level of 0 produces a maximally white signal. A brightness level of 100
produces a maximally black signal.
buffer A portion of storage used to hold input or output data temporarily.
bundle file (BND) A file that contains many individual files, called file
elements, bound together. The MMIO file manager provides services to
locate, query, and access file elements in a bundle file. (2) A RIFF
compound file.
bus A facility for transferring data between several devices located between
two end points, only one device being able to transmit at a given moment.
buy In videotaping, footage that is judged acceptable for use in the final
video. Synonymous with keeper.
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CAI Computer-assisted instruction. Synonymous with CBT.
calibration The adjustment of a piece of equipment so that it meets normal
operational standards. (For example, for the IBM InfoWindow system,
calibration refers to touching a series of points on the screen so that the
system can accurately determine their location for further reference.)
camcorder A compact, hand-held video camera with integrated videotape
capture To take a snapshot of motion video and retain it in memory. The video
image may then be saved to a file or restored to the display.
cast animation (1) A sequence of frames consisting of manipulations of
graphical objects. (2) The action of bringing a computer program, routine,
or subroutine into effect, usually by specifying the entry conditions and
jumping to an entry point. See also frame animation.
CAV Constant angular velocity.
CBT Computer-based training. Synonym for CAI.
CCITT Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique. The
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee.
CD Compact disc.
CD-DA Compact disc, digital audio.
CD-I Compact Disc-Interactive.
CD-ROM Compact disc, read-only memory.
CD-ROM XA Compact disc, read-only memory extended architecture.
cel A single frame (display screen) of an animation. (The term originated in
cartooning days when the artist drew each image on a sheet of celluloid
CF IOProc An internal I/O procedure, provided by the OS/2 multimedia system,
that supports RIFF compound files. The CF IOProc operates on the entire
compound file (rather than on the elements in a RIFF compound file, as with
the BND IOProc). The CF IOProc is limited to operations required by the
system to ensure storage system transparency at the application level. See
also BND IOProc.
CGA Color graphics adapter.
CGRP Compound file resource group.
channel mapping The translation of a MIDI channel number for a sending device
to an appropriate channel for a receiving device.
check disc A videodisc produced from the glass master that is used to check
the quality of the finished interactive program.
chord To press more than one button at a time on a pointing device.
chroma signal The portion of image information that provides the color (hue
and saturation).
chroma-key color The specified first color in a combined signal. See also
chroma-keying Combining two video signals that are in sync. The combined
signal is the second signal whenever the first is of some specified color,
called the chroma-key color, and is the first signal otherwise. (For
example, the weatherman stands in front of a blue background - blue is the
chroma-key color.) At home, the TV viewer sees the weather map in place of
the chroma-key color, with the weatherman suspended in front.
chrominance The difference between a color and a reference white of the same
luminous intensity.
chunk (1) The basic building block of a RIFF file. (2) A RIFF term for a
formalized data area. There are different types of chunks, depending on the
chunk ID. See LIST chunk and RIFF chunk.
chunk ID A four-character code (FOURCC) that identifies the representation of
the chunk data.
circular slider control A knob-like control that performs like a control on a
TV or stereo.
circular slider knob A knob-like dial that operates like a control on a
television or stereo.
class A categorization or grouping of objects that share similar behaviors and
characteristics. Synonymous with object class.
click To press and release a button on a pointing device without moving the
pointer off the object or choice. See double-click.
clip A section of recorded, filmed, or videotaped material. See also audio
clip and video clip.
close-up In videotaping, the picture obtained when the camera is positioned to
show only the head and shoulders of a subject; in the case of an object, the
camera is close enough to show details clearly. See also extreme close-up.
closed circuit A system of transmitting television signals from a point of
origin to one or many restricted destination points specially equipped to
receive the signals.
CLP Common loader primitive.
CODEC compressor/decompressor.
CLUT Color look-up table. Synonym for color palette.
CLV Constant linear velocity.
collaborative document production A system feature that provides the ability
for a group of people to manage document production.
collision An unwanted condition that results from concurrent transmissions on
a channel. (T) (For example, an overlapping condition that occurs when one
sprite hides another as it passes over it.)
color cycling An animation effect in which colors in a series are displayed in
rapid succession.
color graphics adapter (CGA) An adapter that simultaneously provides four
colors and is supported on all IBM Personal Computer and Personal System/2.
color palette A set of colors that can be displayed on the screen at one time.
This can be a standard set used for all images or a set that can be
customized for each image. Synonymous with CLUT. See also standard palette
and custom palette.
colorization The color tinting of a monochrome original.
common loader primitive A system service that provides a high-level interface
to hardware-specific loaders.
common user access (CUA) (1) Guidelines for the dialog between a human and a
workstation or terminal. (2) One of the three SAA architectural areas.
compact disc (CD) A disc, usually 4.75 inches in diameter, from which data is
read optically by means of a laser.
Compact Disc-Interactive (CD-I) A low-cost computer, being developed by N.V.
Phillips (The Netherlands) and Sony (Japan), that plugs into standard
television sets to display text and video stored on compact discs.
compact disc, digital audio (CD-DA) The specification for audio compact discs.
See also Redbook audio.
compact disc, read-only memory (CD-ROM) High-capacity, read-only memory in the
form of an optically read compact disc.
compact disc, read-only memory extended architecture (CD-ROM XA) An extension
to CD-ROM supporting additional audio and video levels for compression and
interlacing of audio, video, and digital data.
component video A video signal using three signals, one of which is luminance,
and the other two of which are the color vectors. See also composite video
and S-video.
composed view A view of an object in which relationships of the parts
contribute to the overall meaning. Composed views are provided primarily
for data objects.
composite The combination of two or more film, video, or electronic images
into a single frame or display. See also composite video.
composite monitor A monitor that can decode a color image from a single
signal, such as NTSC or PAL. Contrast with RGB.
composite object An object that contains other objects. For example, a
document object that contains not only text, but graphics, audio, image,
and/or video objects, each of which can be manipulated separately as an
individual object.
composite video A single signal composed of chroma, luminance, and sync. NTSC
is the composite video that is currently the U.S. standard for television.
See also component video and S-video.
compound device A multimedia device model for hardware that requires
additional data objects, referred to as device elements, before multimedia
operations can be performed.
compound file A file that contains multiple file elements.
compound file resource group (CGRP) A RIFF chunk that contains all the
compound file elements, concatenated together.
compound file table of contents (CTOC) A RIFF chunk that indexes the CGRP
chunk, which contains the actual multimedia data elements. Each entry
contains the name of, and other information about, the element, including
the offset of the element within the CGRP chunk. All the CTOC entries of a
table are of the same length and can be specified when the file is created.
compressor/decompressor (CODEC) An algorithm implemented either in hardware or
software that can either compress or decompress a data object. For example,
a CODEC procedure can compress raw digital images into a smaller form so
that they use less storage space. When used in the context of playing
motion video, decompressors reconstruct the original image from the
compressed data. This is done at a high rate of speed to simulate motion.
computer-controlled device An external video source device with frame-stepping
capability, usually a videodisc player, whose output can be controlled by
the multimedia subsystem.
computer-animated graphics Graphics animated by using a computer, compared to
using videotape or film.
computer-assisted instruction (CAI) A data processing application in which a
computing system is used t assist in the instruction of students. The
application usually involves a dialog between the student and a computer
program. An example is the OS/2 tutorial. Synonymous with computer-based
computer-based training (CBT) Synonym for computer-assisted instruction.
conforming Performing final editing on film or video using an offline edited
master as a guide.
connection The establishment of the flow of information from a connector on
one device to a compatible connector on another device. A connection can be
made that is dependent on a physical connection, for example the attachment
of a speaker to an audio adapter with a speaker wire. A connection can also
be made that is completely internal to the PC, such as the connection
between the waveaudio media device and the ampmix device. See also
connector A software representation of the physical way in which multimedia
data moves from one device to another. A connector can have an external
representation, such as a headphone jack on a CD-ROM player. A connector can
also have an internal representation, such as the flow of digital
information into an audio adapter. See also connection.
contrast The difference in brightness or color between a display image and the
area in which it is displayed. A contrast level of 0 is minimum difference.
A contrast level of 100 is maximum difference.
constant angular velocity (CAV) Refers to both the format of data stored on a
videodisc and the videodisc player rotational characteristics. CAV
videodiscs contain 1 frame per track. This allows approximately 30 minutes
of playing time per videodisc side. CAV videodisc players spin at a
rotational speed (1800 rpm for NTSC or 1500 rpm for PAL) and play 1 frame
per disc revolution. CAV player support frame accurate searches. allowing
freeze-frame and slow-motion. See also constant linear velocity.
constant linear velocity (CLV) Refers to both the format of data stored on a
videodisc and the videodisc player rotational characteristics. CLV
videodiscs contain 1 frame on the innermost track and gradually increase to
3 frames on the outermost track. This allows approximately 1 hour of playing
time per videodisc side. CLV videodisc players vary the rotational speed
from approximately 1800 rpm at the inner tracks to 600 rpm at the outer
tracks (for NTSC).
Currently, few CLV players support frame-accurate searches. They only
support search or play to within one second (30 frames for NTSC or 25 frames
for PAL). See also constant angular velocity.
container An object whose specific purpose is to hold other objects. A folder
is an example of a container object.
contents view A view of an object that shows the contents of the object in
list form. Contents views are provided for container objects and for any
object that has container behavior, for example, a device object such as a
continuity In videotaping, consistency maintained from shot to shot and
throughout the take. For example, a switch that is on in one shot should
not be off in the next unless it was shown being turned off.
continuous media object A data object that varies over time; a stream-oriented
data object. Examples include audio, animation, and video.
control A visual user interface component that allows a user to interact with
coordinate graphics (1) Computer graphics in which display images are
generated from display commands and coordinate data. (2) Contrast with
raster graphics. (3) Synonymous with line graphics.
crop To cut off; to trim (for example, a tape).
cross-platform Used to describe applications that are operable with more than
one operating system.
cross-platform transmission Electronic transmission of information (such as
mail) between incompatible operating systems.
crossfade Synonym for dissolve.
CTOC Compound file table of contents.
CU Script abbreviation for close-up.
CUA Common User Access.
cue point A point that the system recognizes as a signal that may be acted
custom palette A set of colors that is unique to one image or one application.
See also standard palette and color palette.
cut The procedure of instantly replacing a picture from one source with a
picture from another. (This is the most common form of editing scene to
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DAC Digital-to-analog converter.
data object In an application, an element of a data structure (such as a file,
an array, or an operand) that is needed for program execution and that is
named or otherwise specified by the allowable character set of the language
in which the program is coded.
data stream All data transmitted through a data channel.
data streaming Real-time, continuous flowing of data.
DCP See device control panel.
decode (1) To convert data by reversing the effect of previous encoding. (2)
To interpret a code. (3) To convert encoded text into plain text by means of
a code system. Contrast with encode.
default video window Refers to where video is displayed when an application
does not indicate an application-defined window with the MCI_WINDOW message.
This is provided by and managed for the application by the multimedia
system. See also application-defined window.
default window See default video window.
delta frame Refers to one or more frames occurring between reference frames in
the output stream. Unlike a reference frame, which stores a complete image,
a delta frame stores only the changes in the image form one frame to the
next. See reference frame.
destination rectangle An abstract region that defines the size of an image to
be created during the recording of images for software motion video
playback. The ratio of the size of this rectangle to that of the source
rectangle determines the scaling factor to be applied to the video.
destination window See destination rectangle.
DevHlp Device helper.
device capabilities The functionality of a device, including supported
component functions.
device context The device status and characteristics associated with an opened
instance of a media control interface device.
device control panel (DCP) An integrated set of controls that is used to
control a device or media object (such as by playing, rewinding, increasing
volume, and so on).
device controls See standard multimedia device controls.
device driver A program that contains the code needed to attach and use a
device element A data object, such as a file, utilized by a compound device.
device helper (DevHlp) (1) A kernel service (memory, hardware interrupt,
software interrupt, queuing, semaphore, and so forth) provided to physical
device drivers. (2) A callable C-language or assembler-language routine that
provides an operating system service for an OS/2 device driver.
device object An object that provides a means for communication between a
computer and the outside world. A printer is an example of a device object.
device sharing (1) The ability to share a device among many different
applications simultaneously. If a device is opened shareable, the device
context will be saved by the operating system when going from one
application to another application. (2) Allowing a device context to be
switched between media control interface devices.
device-specific format The storage or transmission format used by a device,
especially if it is different from an accepted standard.
dialog In an interactive system, a series of related inquiries and responses
similar to a conversation between two people.
digital Pertaining to data in the form of numeric characters. Contrast with
digital audio Material that can be heard that has been converted to digital
form. Synonymous with digitized audio.
digital signal processor (DSP) A high-speed coprocessor designed to do
real-time manipulation of signals.
digital video Material that can be seen that has been converted to digital
form. Synonymous with digitized video.
digital video device A device which can record and/or play files containing
digitally stored video.
digital video effects (DVE) An online editing technique that manipulates
on-screen a full video image; activity for creating sophisticated
transitions and special effects. Digital video effects (DVE) can involve
moving, enlarging, or overlaying pictures.
Digital Video Interactive (DVI) A system for bringing full-screen, full-motion
television pictures and sound to a regular PC. DVI is a chip set and uses
delta compression; that is, only the image-to-image changes in each frame
are saved rather than the whole frame. Data (video footage) is compressed
into a form that reduces memory requirements by factors of 100 or greater.
This compressed data is stored on optical discs and can be retrieved at a
rate of 30 frames per second. (The DVI technology was developed by RCA and
then sold to Intel. IBM has chosen this technology for future use in the
digital-to-analog converter (DAC) (1) A functional unit that converts data
from a digital representation to an analog representation. (2) A device that
converts a digital value to a proportional analog signal.
digitize To convert an analog signal into digital format. (An analog signal
during conversion must be sampled at discrete points and quantized to
discrete numbers.)
digitized audio Synonym for digital audio.
digitized video Synonym for digital video.
digitizer A device that converts to digital format any image captured by the
direct manipulation A set of techniques that allow a user to work with an
object by dragging it with a pointing device or interacting with its pop-up
direct memory access The transfer of data between memory and input and output
units without processor intervention.
direct-read-after-write (DRAW) disc A videodisc produced directly from a
videotape, one copy at a time. A DRAW disc usually is used to check program
material and author applications before replicated discs are available.
disc Alternate spelling for disk.
discard stop In data streaming, requests that the data stream be stopped and
the data remaining in the stream buffers be discarded.
disk A round, flat, data medium that is rotated in order to read or write
display image A collection of display elements or segments that are
represented together at any one time on a display surface. See also
background image and foreground image.
dissolve To fade down one picture as the next fades up. Synonymous with
dithering When different pixels in an image are prebiased with a varying
threshold to produce a more continuous gray scale despite a limited palette.
This technique is used to soften a color line or shape. This technique also
is used for alternating pixel colors to create the illusion of a third
DLL Dynamic-link library.
dolly A wheeled platform for a camera; a camera movement where the tripod on
which the camera is mounted physically moves toward or away from the
DOS IOProc An internal I/O procedure, provided by the OS/2 multimedia system,
that supports DOS files.
double-click To press and release a button on a pointing device twice without
moving the pointer off of the object or choice.
DRAW disc Direct-read-after-write disc.
drop-frame time code A nonsequential time code used to keep tape time code
matched to real time. Must not be used in tapes intended for videodisc
DSP Digital signal processor.
DTMF Dual-tone modulation frequency.
dual plane video system Refers to when graphics from the graphics adapter are
separate from the analog video. That is, there is a separate graphics plane
and video plane. The analog video appears behind the graphics, showing
through only in the areas that are transparent. Since graphics and video are
separate, capturing the graphics screen will only obtain graphics, and
capturing the video screen will only obtain video. This is also true for
restoring images. See also single plane video system.
dual-state push button A push button that has two states, in and out. It is
used for setting and resetting complementary states, such as Mute and
dual-tone modulation frequency (DTMF) Pushbutton phone tones.
dub To copy a tape; to add (sound effects or new dialog) to a film; to provide
a new audio track of dialog in a different language. (Often used with "in"
as "dub in".)
DVE Digital video effects.
DVI Digital Video Interface
dynamic icon An icon that changes to convey some information about the object
that it represents. For example, a folder icon can show a count, indicating
the number of objects contained within the folder. Also, a tape player icon
can show an animation of turning wheels to indicate that the machine
dynamic linking A function that enables programs to have external references
to segments of a program that are not included in the program's .EXE file.
See also dynamic-link library (DLL).
dynamic-link library (DLL) A file that has the same format as an .EXE file and
contains the actual dynamic-link run-time code. Contrast with LIB. See also
dynamic linking.
dynamic resource A multimedia program unit of data that resides in system
memory. Contrast with static resource.
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earcon An icon with an audio enhancement, such as a ringing telephone.
ECB Event control block.
ECU Script abbreviation for extreme close-up.
edit decision list (EDL) Synonym for edit list.
edit list A list of the specific video footage, with time-code numbers, that
will be edited together to form the program. It is completed during the
offline edit and used during the online edit. Synonymous with edit decision
list (EDL).
edit master The final videotape from which all copies are made. See also glass
editing Assembling various segments into the composite program.
EDL Edit decision list.
EGA Enhanced graphics adapter.
element (1) A file or other stored data item. (2) An individual file that is
part of a RIFF compound file. An element of a compound file also could be
an entire RIFF file, a non-RIFF file, an arbitrary RIFF chunk, or arbitrary
binary data. (3) The particular resource within a subarea that is identified
by an element address.
emphasis Highlighting, color change, or other visible indication of the
condition of an object or choice and the effect of that condition on a
user's ability to interact with that object or choice. Emphasis can also
give a user additional information about the state of an object or choice.
encode To convert data by the use of a code in such a manner that reconversion
to the original form is possible. Contrast with decode.
enhanced graphics adapter (EGA) A graphics controller for color displays. The
pel resolution of an enhanced graphics adapter is 3:4.
entry field An area into which a user places text. Its boundaries are usually
erasable optical discs Optical discs that can be erased and written to
establishing shot In videotaping, a long shot used in the beginning of a
program or segment to establish where the action is taking place and to give
the sense of an environment.
EVCB Event control block.
event An occurrence of significance to a task; for example, the completion of
an asynchronous operation, such as I/O.
event control block (ECB or EVCB) A control block used to represent the status
of an event.
event queue In computer graphics, a queue that records changes in input
devices such as buttons, valuators, and the keyboard. The event queue
provides a time-ordered list of input events.
event semaphore (1) Used when one or more threads must wait for a single event
to occur. (2) A blocking flag used to signal when an event has occurred.
explicit event An event supported by only some handlers, such as a custom
event unique to a particular type of data.
EXT Script abbreviation for exterior.
extended selection A type of selection optimized for the selection of a single
object. A user can extend selection to more than one object, if required.
The two kinds of extended selection are contiguous extended selection and
discontiguous extended selection.
extreme close-up The shot obtained when the camera is positioned to show only
the face or a single feature of the subject; in the case of an object, the
camera is close enough to reveal an individual part of the object clearly.
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facsimile machine A functional unit that converts images to signals for
transmission over a telephone system or that converts received signals back
to images.
fade To change the strength or loudness of a video or audio signal, as in
"fade up" or "fade down."
fast threads Threads created by an application that provide minimal process
context, for example, just stack, register, and memory. With the reduced
function, fast threads can be processed quickly.
FAX machine Synonym for facsimile machine.
file cleanup The removal of superfluous or obsolete data from a file.
file compaction Any method of encoding data to reduce its required storage
file element (1) An individual file that is part of a RIFF compound file. (2)
An element of a compound file can also be an entire RIFF file, a non-RIFF
file, an arbitrary RIFF chunk, or arbitrary binary data. See media element.
file format A language construct that specifies the representation, in
character form, of data objects in a file. For example, MIDI, M-Motion, or
file format handler I/O procedure. Provides functions that operate on the
media object of a particular data format. These functions include opening,
reading, writing, seeking, and closing elements of a storage system.
file format IOProc An installable I/O procedure that is responsible for all
technical knowledge of the format of a specific type of data, such as
headers and data compression schemes. A file format IOProc manipulates
multimedia data at the element level. A file format IOProc handles the
element type it was written for and does not rely on any other file format
IOProcs to do any processing. However, a file format IOProc might need to
call a storage system IOProc to obtain data within a file containing
multiple file elements. See IOProc and storage system IOProc.
final script The finished script that will be used as a basis for shooting the
video. Synonymous with shooting script.
first draft A rough draft of the complete script.
first generation In videotaping, the original or master tape; not a copy.
flashback Interruption of chronological sequence by interjection of events
occurring earlier.
flush stop In data streaming, requests that the source stream handler be
stopped but the target stream handler continue until the last buffer held at
the time the stop was requested is consumed by the target stream handler.
flutter A phenomenon that occurs in a videodisc freeze-frame when both video
fields are not identically matched, thus creating two different pictures
alternating every 1/60th of a second.
fly-by Animation simulating a bird's-eye view of a three-dimensional
fly-in A DVE where one picture "flies" into another.
folder A container used to organize objects.
footage The total number of running feet of film used (as for a scene).
foreground image The part of a display image that can be changed for every
transaction. Contrast with background image.
form overlay A pattern such as a report form, grid, or map used as background
for a display image.
form type A field in the first four bytes of the data field of a RIFF chunk.
It is a four-character code identifying the format of the data stored in the
file. A RIFF form is a chunk with a chunk ID of RIFF. For example, waveform
audio files (WAVE files) have a form type of WAVE.
Format 0 MIDI file All MIDI data is stored on a single track.
Format 1 MIDI file All MIDI data is stored on multiple tracks.
four-character code (FOURCC) A 32-bit quantity representing a sequence of one
to four ASCII alphanumeric characters (padded on the right with blank
characters). Four-character codes are unique identifiers that represent the
file format and IOProc.
FOURCC Four-character code.
fps Frames per second.
frame A complete television picture frame is composed of two scanned fields,
one of the even lines and one of the odd lines. In the NTSC system, a frame
has 525 horizontal lines and is scanned in 1/30th of a second. In the PAL
system, a frame has 625 horizontal lines and is scanned in 1/25th of a
frame-step recording Refers to the capturing of video and audio data frame by
frame, from a computer-controlled, frame-steppable video source device, or a
previously recorded AVI file.
frame-accurate searches The ability of a videodisc player to play or search to
specific frames on the videodisc via software or remote control. This
capability is available on all CAV players, but currently only on a few CLV
players. Most CLV players can only search or play to within one second (30
frames for NTSC or 25 frames for PAL).
frame animation A process where still images are shown at a constant rate. See
also cast animation.
frame grabber A device that digitizes video images.
frame number The number used to identify a frame. On videodisc, frames are
numbered sequentially from 1 to 54,000 on each side and can be accessed
individually; on videotape, the numbers are assigned by way of the SMPTE
time code.
frame rate The speed at which the frames are scanned. For a videodisc player,
the speed at which frames are scanned is 30 frames a second for NTSC video
and 25 frames a second in PAL video. For most videotape devices, the speed
is 24 frames a second.
freeze Disables updates to all or part of the video buffer. The last video
displayed remains visible. See also unfreeze.
freeze-frame A frame of a motion-picture film that is repeated so as to give
the illusion of a still picture.
full-frame time code A standardized method, set by the Society of Motion
Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), of address coding a videotape. It
gives an accurate frame count rather than an accurate clock time. Synonymous
with nondrop time code.
full-motion video Video playback at 30 frames per second for NTSC signals or
25 frames per second for PAL signals.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> G ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
game port A connector on a computer used to attach hardware devices, such as
joy sticks.
GDT Global Descriptor Table.
general purpose interface bus An adapter that controls the interface between
the PC, Personal Computer XT or Personal Computer AT and, for example, the
InfoWindow display; also known as the IBM IEEE 488.
genlock A device that comes on an adapter or plugs into a computer port and
provides the technology to overlay computer-generated titles and graphics
onto video images. It does this by phase-locking the sync generation of two
video signals together so they can be merged. Genlock also converts a
digital signal to NTSC or PAL format. (For example, flying logos and
scrolling text on television shows are overlaid using a genlock.)
glass master The final videodisc format from which copies are made.
Global Descriptor Table (GDT) Defines code and data segments available to all
tasks in an application.
GOCA Graphic Object Content Architecture.
Graphic Object Content Architecture (GOCA) (1) A data format for multimedia
products. (2) A push button with graphic, two-state, and animation
graphics overlay The nature of dual plane video systems makes it possible to
place graphics over video. Only the pels of the designated transparent
color allows the video to show through. All other graphics pels appear on
top of the video. Note that the video still exists in the video buffer
under the non-transparent graphics pels.
graphics plane In a dual plane video system, the graphics plane contains
material drawn or generated by the graphics adapter. The graphics plane
will be combined with the video plane to create an entire display image.
grayscale See greyscale.
greyscale When video is displayed in shades of black and white.
grouping For media control interface devices, refers to the ability to
associate dissimilar devices for a common purpose.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> H ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
handshaking The exchange of predetermined signals when a connection is
established between two data set devices.
help view A view of an object that provides information to assist users in
working with that object.
HID Handler identification.
High Sierra Group (HSG) (1) A group that set the standards for information
exchange for a CD-ROM. (2) HSG also refers to those standards (HSG
Hi8 High-band 8mm videotape format.
HMS (1) Hours-minutes-seconds. (2) A time format for videodisc players.
HMSF Hours-minutes-seconds-frames. A time format for videodisc players.
hot spot The area of a display screen that is activated to accept user input.
Synonymous with touch area.
HSG High Sierra Group.
HSI Hue saturation intensity.
hue Describes the position of a color in a range from blue to green. A hue
level of 0 is maximum blue. A hue level of 100 is maximum green. Also
referred to as tint.
hue saturation intensity (HSI) A method of describing color in
three-dimensional color space.
HWID Hardware identifier.
hypermedia Navigation or data transfer between connected objects of different
media types. For example, a user might navigate from an image object to an
audio object that describes the image over a hypermedia link. Or, a
representation of a graph object might be embedded in a document object with
a hypermedia data transfer link, such that when the graph object is changed,
the representation of that object in the document is also changed.
Hytime An ANSI standard proposal that addresses the synchronization and
linking of multimedia objects.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> I ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
I-Frame A video frame that contains information to reconstruct the complete
image. Synonymous with key frame and reference frame See delta frame.
IDC Inter-device communication mechanism provided by the OS/2 function
identifier (1) A sequence of bits or characters that identifies a program,
device, or system to another program, device, or system. (2) In the C
language, a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores used to identify a
data object or function. See four-character code (FOURCC).
IDOCA Integrated Data Object Content Architecture.
image An electronic representation of a video still.
image bitsperpel Pertaining to the number of colors supported by the current
pel format. The currently accepted standard values are those supported by
OS/2 bitmaps, for example, 1, 4, 8, or 24 bits per pel. In addition, 12
bits per pel formats are accepted for YUV images (including the 'yuvb' pel
format for RDIB files).
image buffer A location in memory where video images are stored for later use.
image buffer formats The format or representation of data buffers containing
video images.
image compression The method of compressing video image data to conserve
storage space.
image file format The format or representation of data files containing video
Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA) A data format for multimedia
image pelformat Indicates the color representation that is to be used for
images that are captured and saved. This normally includes palettized RGB,
true-color RGB, or YUV color formats.
image quality Represents the user's or application's subjective evaluation of
complexity and quality of the image to be captured or saved. This setting is
used to determine specific compression methods to use for saving the image.
implicit event An event that all stream handlers always must support, such as
end of stream or preroll complete).
implicit event An event that all stream handlers always must support, such as
end of stream or preroll complete).
in frame Refers to a subject that is included within the frame. See also
in-betweening Synonym for tweening.
InfoWindow system A display system that can combine text, graphics, and video
images on a single display. The minimum system configuration is the IBM
InfoWindow Color Display, a system unit, a keyboard, and one or two
videodisc players.
input locking mask A filter, or mask, that controls which areas of the display
can display or freeze video.
input/output control (IOCtl) A system function that provides a method for an
application to send device-specific control commands to a device driver.
installable I/O procedure A file format handler that provides functions that
operate on the media object of a particular data format. These functions
include opening, reading, writing, seeking, and closing elements.
INT Script abbreviation for interior.
Integrated Data Object Control Architecture (IDOCA) A data format for
multimedia products.
interactive multimedia The delivery of information content through
combinations of video, computer graphics, sound, and text in a manner that
allows the user to interact.
interactive program A running program that can receive input from the keyboard
or another input device. Contrast with noninteractive program.
interactive videodisc system (IVS) A system in which a user can interact with
a videodisc display image by entering commands to the computer through a
device such as a keyboard or keypad or by touching a touch-sensitive screen
at specific points on the display surface.
interlace flicker The apparent flicker when one field of an interlaced image
contains more light than the other field due to the placement of image
details with respect to the separate fields. Two methods used to avoid
interlace flicker: limit the vertical resolution on natural images (as
opposed to text or graphics); design characters so that each character has
an equal number of pels in each field.
interlacing A characteristic of video image display that results in greater
image clarity. In effect, the video image is traced across the screen
twice. (The time delay between the two tracings makes this effect
undesirable for normal computer-generated graphics.) Synonymous with
interleaving The simultaneous accessing of two or more bytes or streams of
data from distinct storage units. Synonymous with interlacing.
internal I/O procedure An I/O procedure that is built in to the OS/2
multimedia system, including DOS, MEM, and CF IOProcs.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) An organization of
national standards bodies from various countries established to promote
development of standards to facilitate international exchange of goods and
services, and develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific,
technological, and economic activity.
IOCtl Input/output control.
IOProc A file format handler that provides functions that operate on the media
object of a particular data format. These processes include opening,
reading, writing, seeking, and closing elements of a storage system. There
are two classes of I/O procedures: file format and storage system.
iris To fade a picture by operating the iris (aperture) on the camera in a
certain way; the type of computer image dissolve accomplished by operating
the aperture in a certain way.
ISO International Organization for Standardization.
ISP IBM Signal Processor. An IBM proprietary digital signal processor.
ISPOS IBM Signal Processor Operating System.
ISV Independent software vendor.
items Options, choices or keywords such as one or more of the following
options, choices or keywords can or should be specified. Sometimes use of
these items can also be exclusive or some items may not be compatible with
other items.
IVS Interactive videodisc system.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> J ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
JIT Just in time. (Often used with "learning" as "JIT learning.) Multimedia
help functions, closely integrated with applications, that employ voice
output to guide the user.
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) A group that is working to establish a
standard for compressing and storing still images in digital form. JPEG
also refers to the standard under development by this group (JPEG standard).
joy stick In computer graphics, a lever that can pivot in all directions and
that is used as a locater device. (Resembles an airplane's joy stick).
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> K ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
keeper Synonym for buy.
kernel The part of the operating system that performs basic functions.
key frames The start and end frames of a single movement in an animation
sequence; also can refer to the periodic full-frame image interspersed in
the stream to allow random starts from these full-frame images (key frames).
keypad A small, often hand-held, keyboard.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> L ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
laser Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; the device that
produces this light.
latency In video, the time it takes for the light from the phosphor screen to
decay after the excitation is removed. Long-persistence phosphor has less
flicker of still images, but more blurring of moving images.
level one videodisc applications Interactive applications based on manual
keypad functions, picture stops, and chapter stops.
level three videodisc applications Interactive applications controlled by an
external computer that uses the videodisc player as a peripheral device.
level two videodisc applications Interactive applications controlled by the
keypad and the videodisc player's internal computer. The control program is
recorded on the videodisc itself.
LIB Dynamic-link definition library. A file containing the data needed to
build a program .EXE file but which does not contain the dynamic-link
programs themselves. Contrast with dynamic-link library.
light pen A light-sensitive pick device that is used by pointing it at the
display surface.
line graphics Synonym for coordinate graphics.
line pairing A faulty interlace pattern in which the lines of the second field
begin to pair with the lines of the first field rather than fit exactly
within them.
linear audio The analog audio on the linear track of videotape that can be
recorded without erasing existing video; used for audio dubbing after video
is edited.
linear video A sequence of motion footage played from start to finish without
stops or branching, like a movie.
LIST chunk A chunk that contains a list or an ordered sequence of subchunks.
list type (1) A field in the first four bytes of the data field of a LIST
chunk (2) A four-character code identifying the contents of the list.
locked memory An area of memory that is not available for use because it is
being held by another process.
long shot A camera angle that reveals the subject and the surroundings. Often
used as an establishing shot. Synonymous with wide shot.
LS Script abbreviation for long shot.
luminance signal The portion of image information that provides brightness.
Alone, luminance provides a monochrome image.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> M ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
M-ACPA M-Audio Capture and Playback Adapter.
M-Audio Capture and Playback Adapter (M-ACPA) An adapter card (for use with
the IBM PS/2 product line) that provides the ability to record and play back
high quality sound. The adapter converts the audio input (analog) signals
to a digital format that is compressed and stored for later use.
M-Control Program/2 The software interface required for the M-Motion Video
Adapter/A. It consists of APIs or toolkits for DOS, Windows, Windows Media
Control Interface, OS/2, and OS/2 multimedia. It also includes Pioneer and
Sony videodisc player drivers for these environments. See also M-Motion
Video Adapter/A.
M-Motion A multimedia platform that offers analog video in addition to quality
sound and images. The M-Motion environment consists of the M-Motion Video
Adapter/A and the M-Control Program/2 master stream handler.
M-Motion Video Adapter/A (1) A Micro Channel adapter that receives and
processes signals from multiple video and audio sources, and then sends
these signals to a monitor and speakers. (2) Dual plane video hardware that
offers analog video in addition to quality sound and images. (3) The
M-Motion Video Adapter/A requires the M-Control Program/2.
master stream handler Controls the behavior of one or more subordinate objects
(the slave streams).
matte In film, an opaque piece of art or a model that leaves a selected area
unexposed to be filled on a subsequent pass or in composite.
MCD Media Control Driver.
MDM Media Device Manager.
media More than one hardware medium.
media component A processor of audiovisual information or media. Media
components can be either internal or external physical devices or defined
mechanisms for effecting higher-level function from internal hardware and
software subsystems. (An example is a waveform player that utilizes the DSP
subsystem and data streaming services to effect audio playback functions.)
media control driver (MCD) A software implementation or method that effects
the function of a media component. For OS/2, a media control driver, or
media driver, is a dynamic-link library (or set of libraries) that utilizes
physical device drivers, MCI services, and OS/2 to implement the function of
the media component.
media device capabilities The functionality of a media component, including
component functions that are supported.
media device connection A physical or logical link between media component
connectors for a particular set of media component instances.
media device connector A physical or logical input or output on a media
media device connector index An identifier for a media component connector.
media device ID Media component identification. A unique identifier for a
media device instance A case of an application's use of a media component.
media component type A class of media components that exhibit similar behavior
and capabilities. Examples of media component types are analog video
display hardware and MIDI synthesizers.
media control interface A generalized interface to control multimedia devices.
Each device has its own media control interface driver that implements a
standard set of media control interface functions. In addition, each media
driver can implement functions that are specific to the particular device.
media device capabilities The functionality of a media component, including
supported component functions.
media device connection A physical or logical link between media component
connectors for a particular set of media component instances.
media device connector A physical or logical input or output on a media
media device connector index An identifier for a media component connector.
media device manager (MDM) A system service that, when two or more
applications attempt to control a media device, determines which process
gains access.
media driver A device driver for a multimedia device. See also device driver.
media driver A software implementation or method that effects the function of
a media device.
media element manager (MEM) A system service that manipulates multimedia data.
media programming interface (MPI) A subsystem that provides a comprehensive
system programming API layer for multimedia applications.
media segment An audiovisual object of some type, such as a waveform, song,
video clip, and so on.
media unit A medium on which files are stored; for example, a diskette.
media volume A (possibly heterogeneous) physical or logical collection of
media segments. (Examples are a videodisc, video tape, compact audio disc,
OFF file, and RIFF file.)
media volume file A media volume that is embodied as a conventional binary
computer file within a computer file system on storage devices such as
disks, diskettes, or CD-ROMs. Such storage devices can be either local or
remote. Media volume files can be of various formats, such as OFF or RIFF,
and contain segments of various types.
medium shot A camera angle that reveals more of the subject than a close-up
but less than a wide shot, usually from face to waistline; sometimes called
a mid-shot.
MEM Media element manager.
MEM IOProc An internal I/O procedure provided by the OS/2 multimedia system
that supports memory files.
memory file A block of memory that is perceived as a file by an application.
memory playlist A data structure in the application used to specify the memory
addresses to play from or record to. The application can modify the
playlist to achieve various effects in controlling the memory stream.
message interface See command message interface.
mid-shot See medium shot.
MIDI Mapper Provides the ability to translate and redirect MIDI messages to
achieve device-independent playback of MIDI sequences.
millisecond One thousandth of a second.
minutes-seconds-frames (MSF) A time format based on the 75-frames-per-second
CD digital audio standard.
MIPS Millions of instructions per second. A unit of measure of processing
performance equal to one million instructions per second.
mix The combination of audio or video sources during postproduction.
mixed-media system Synonym for multimedia system.
mixer A device used to simultaneously combine and blend several inputs into
one or two outputs.
mixing (1) In computer graphics, the result of the intersection of two or more
colors. (2) In filming, the combining of audio and video sources that is
accomplished during postproduction at the mix. (3) In recording, the
combining of audio sources.
MMIO Multimedia Input/Output.
MMIO file services System services that enable an application to access and
manipulate multimedia data files.
MMIO manager Multimedia input/output manager. The MMIO manager provides
services to find, query, and access multimedia data objects. It also
supports the functions of memory allocation and file compaction. The MMIO
manager uses I/O procedures to direct the input and output associated with
reading from and writing to different types of storage systems or file
MMPM/2 Multimedia Presentation Manager/2. See OS/2 Multimedia.
MMTIME Standard time and media position format supported by the media control
interface. This time unit is 1/3000 second, or 333 microseconds.
mode A method of operation in which the actions that are available to a user
are determined by the state of the system.
model The conceptual and operational understanding that a person has about
module A language construct that consists of procedures or data declarations
and that can interact with other constructs.
moire An independent, usually shimmering pattern seen when two geometrically
regular patterns (as a sampling frequency and a correct frequency) are
superimposed. The moire pattern is an alias frequency. See also aliasing.
monitor See video monitor.
monitor window A graphical window, available from a digital video device, that
displays the source rectangle and any subset of this video capture region.
See also destination rectangle.
motion video capture adapter An adapter that, when attached to a computer,
allows an ordinary television picture to be displayed on all or part of the
screen, mixing high-resolution computer graphics with video; also enables a
video camera to become an input device.
Motion Video Object Content Architecture (MVOCA) A data format for multimedia
motion-control photography A system for using computers to precisely control
camera movements so that the different elements of a shot-models and
backgrounds, for example-can later be composited with a natural and
believable unity.
Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) A group that is working to establish a
standard for compressing and storing motion video and animation in digital
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group.
MPI Media Programming Interface.
MPI application services Media Programming Interface application services.
Functional services provided by MPI to application programs and higher-level
programming constructs, such as multimedia controls.
MS Script abbreviation for medium shot.
MSF Minutes-seconds-frames.
multimedia Material presented in a combination of text, graphics, video,
image, animation, and sound.
multimedia data object In an application, an element of a data structure (such
as a file, an array, or an operand) that is needed for program execution and
that is named or otherwise specified by the allowable character set of the
language in which the program is coded.
Multimedia File I/O Services System services that provide a generalized
interface to manipulate multimedia data. The services support buffered and
unbuffered file I/O, standard RIFF files, and installable I/O procedures.
multimedia input/output (MMIO) (1) System services that provide a variety of
functions for media file access and manipulation. (2) A consistent
programming interface where an application, media driver, or stream handler
can refer to multimedia files, read and write data to the files, and query
the contents of the files, while remaining independent of the underlying
file formats or the storage systems that contain the files.
multimedia navigation system A tool that gives the information product
designer the freedom to link various kinds and pieces of data in a variety
of ways so that users can move through it nonsequentially.
multimedia system A system capable of presenting multimedia material in its
entirety. Synonymous with mixed-media system.
multiple selection A selection technique in which a user can select any number
of objects, or not select any.
multitrack A file containing multiple types of information, such as
interleaved audio and video.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) A protocol that allows a
synthesizer to send signals to another synthesizer or to a computer, or a
computer to a musical instrument, or a computer to another computer.
mute To temporarily turn off the audio for the associated medium.
mutex Mutually exclusive (semaphore).
mux An abbreviation for multiplexer. See also mixer.
MVOCA Motion Video Object Content Architecture.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> N ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
NAPLPS North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax.
National Television Standard Committee (NTSC) A committee that defines the
video standard in the United States.
NTSC (1) The video standard in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Japan.
(2) 525 lines of resolution at 30 frames per second. (3) See also National
Television Standard Committee.
non-streaming device (1) A device that contains both source and destination
information for multimedia. (2) A device that transmits data (usually
analog) directly, without streaming to system memory.
nondrop time code Synonym for full-frame time code.
noninteractive program A running program that cannot receive input from the
keyboard or other input device.
North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (NAPLPS) A protocol used for
display and communication of text and graphics in a videotex system; a form
of vector graphics.
notebook A graphical representation that resembles a perfect bound or spiral
bound notebook that contains pages separated into sections by tabbed divider
pages. A user can turn the pages of a notebook to move from one section to
NTSC National Television Standard Committee.
null streaming (1) The behavior of a stream that can be created and started
but which has no associated data flow. (2) The behavior of a stream that can
be created and started but which has no associated data flow. For example,
a CD-DA is a non-streaming device. (3) A device that does not stream its
data through the OS/2 multimedia streaming system. For example, a CD-DA
device is a non-streaming device.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> O ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
object (1) Anything that exists in and occupies space in storage and on which
operations can be performed; for example, programs, files, libraries, and
folders. (2) Anything to which access is controlled; for example, a file, a
program, an area of main storage. (3) See also data object and media object.
object Anything a user can manipulate as a single unit; icons and files are
examples of objects.
object class A categorization or grouping of objects that share similar
behaviors and characteristics.
object connection A link between two objects. Connections can be used for
navigation, as with hypermedia, or for data transfer between objects.
Object Content Architecture (OCA) A data format for multimedia products.
object decomposition The process of breaking an object into its component
object orientation An orientation in a user interface in which user attention
is directed toward the objects the user works with, rather than
applications, to perform a task.
object template An object that can be used to create another object of the
same object class. The template is a basic framework of the object class,
and the newly created object is an instance of the object class.
object-action paradigm A method where users select the object that they want
to work with, then choose the action they wish to perform on that object.
See object orientation.
object-oriented user interface A type of user interface that implements object
orientation and the object-action paradigm.
OCA Object Content Architecture.
OEM Original equipment manufacturer.
OFF Operational file format.
offline edit A preliminary or test edit usually done on a low-cost editing
system using videocassette work tapes. (An offline edit is done so that
decisions can be made and approvals given prior to the final edit.)
online edit The final edit, using the master tapes to produce a finished
operational file format (OFF) A file format standard.
optical disc A disc with a plastic coating on which information (as sound or
visual images) is recorded digitally as tiny pits and read using a laser.
The three categories of optical discs are CD-ROM, WORM, and erasable.
optical drive Drives that run optical discs.
optical reflective disc A designation of the means by which the laser beam
reads data on an optical videodisc. In the case of a reflective disc, the
laser beam is reflected off a shiny surface on the disc.
opticals Visual effects produced optically by means of a device (an optical
printer) that contains one camera head and several projectors. The
projectors are precisely aligned so as to produce multiple exposures in
exact registration on the film as in the camera head.
original footage The footage from which the program is constructed.
OS/2 multimedia A subsystem service of OS/2 that provides a software platform
for multimedia applications. It defines standard interfaces between
multimedia devices and OS/2 multimedia applications.
overlay The ability to superimpose text and graphics over video.
overlay device (1) Provides support for video overlaying along with video
attribute elements. The video overlaying handles tasks such as displaying,
and sizing video. (2) Also referred to as video overlay device.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> P ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
PAL See Phase Alteration Line.
palette See color palette, standard palette, and custom palette.
pan A camera movement where the camera moves sideways on its stationary
tripod; left-to-right balance in an audio system.
panel A particular arrangement of information grouped together for
presentation to users in a window.
panning Progressively translating an entire display image to give the visual
impression of lateral movement of the image.
In computer graphics, the viewing of an image that is too large to fit on a
single screen by moving from one part of the image to another.
paradigm An example, pattern, or model.
patch mapping The reassignment of an instrument patch number associated with a
specific synthesizer to the corresponding standard patch number in the
General MIDI specification.
pause To temporarily halt the medium. The halted visual should remain
displayed but no audio should be played.
pause stop In data streaming, a stop that pauses the data stream but does not
disturb any data.
PDC Physical device component.
PDD Physical device driver.
pedestal up/down A camera movement where the camera glides up or down on a
pel An acronym derived from the words "picture element" that is used when the
associated numerical value is binary, that is, 0 or 1. See also pixel.
Phase Alternation Line (PAL) (1) The video standard in most of Europe,
Australia, and New Zealand. (2) 625 lines of resolution at 25 frames per
physical device driver (PDD) A program that handles hardware interrupts and
supports a set of input and output functions.
picon A graphic or natural image reduced to icon size. Similar to thumbnail.
picture element In computer graphics, the smallest element of a display
surface that can be independently assigned color and intensity.
picture-in-picture A video window within a larger video window.
pixel An acronym derived from the words "picture element" that is used when
the associated numerical value defines a gray scale of, for example, 0-255.
plaintext Nonencrypted data.
platform In computer technology, the principles on which an operating system
is based.
playback window A graphical window in which software motion video is
displayed. This window can be supplied by an application, or a default
window can be created by a digital video device.
play backward To play the medium in the backward direction.
play forward To play the medium in the forward direction.
pointer A symbol, usually in the shape of an arrow, that a user can move with
a pointing device. Users place the pointer over objects they want to work
pointing device A device, such as a mouse, trackball, or joystick, used to
move a pointer on the screen.
polish The version of the script submitted for final approval.
polyphony A synthesizer mode where more than 1 note can be played at a time.
Most synthesizers are 16-note to 32-note polyphonic.
postproduction The online and offline editing process.
PPQN (1) Parts-per-quarter-note. (2) A time format used in musical instrument
digital interface (MIDI).
preproduction The preparation stage for video production, when all logistics
are planned and prepared.
preroll The process of preparing a device to begin a playback or recording
function with minimal latency. During a multimedia sequence, it might
require that two devices be cued (prerolled) to start playing and recording
at the same time.
primary window A window in which the main interaction between a user and an
object takes place.
Proc See IOProc and CODEC.
production In videotaping, the actual shooting.
production control room The room or location where the monitoring and
switching equipment is placed for the direction and control of a television
progress indicator A control, usually a read-only slider, that informs the
user about the status of a user request.
props In videotaping, support material for the shoot, for example, equipment
being promoted, auxiliary equipment, software, or supplies; anything
provided to make the set look realistic and attractive.
protection master A copy of the edit master that is stored as a backup.
PS/2 CD-ROM-II Drive An IBM CD-ROM drive that can play compact disc digital
audio (CD-DA) and CD-ROM/XA interleaved audio, video, and text, and adheres
to the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). The drive can be installed
on Micro Channel and non-Micro Channel IBM PS/2 systems.
pulse code modulation (PCM) In data communication, variation of a digital
signal to represent information.
push button A graphical control, labeled with text, graphics, or both, that
represents an action that will be initiated when a user selects it. For
example, when a user clicks on a Play button, a media object begins playing.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> R ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
raster graphics Computer graphics in which a display image is composed of an
array of pels arranged in rows and columns.
raw footage Synonym for original footage.
ray-tracing A technique used by 3-D rendering software programs that
automatically figures an object's position in three dimensions and
calculates shadows, reflections, and hidden surfaces based on user-entered
light locations and material characteristics. (In other words, if the user
orders an object to be a mirror, the computer produces the mirror with all
its correct reflective properties.)
real time (1) Pertaining to the processing of data by a computer in connection
with another process outside the computer according to time requirements
imposed by the outside process. This term is also used to describe systems
operating in conversational mode and processes that can be influenced by
human intervention while they are in progress. (2) A process control system
or a computer-assisted instruction program, in which response to input is
fast enough to affect subsequent output.
record To transfer data from one source (for example, microphone, CD,
videodisc) or set of sources to another medium.
reference frame Refers to the complete frame that is created at periodic
intervals in the output stream. An editing operation always begins at a
reference frame. Also referred to as a key frame or an I-frame. See delta
reference frame interval Frequency with which reference frames are to be
inserted in the output data stream.
Redbook audio The storage format of standard audio CDs. See also compact disc,
digital audio (CD-DA).
reflective disc See optical reflective disc.
render In videotaping, to create a realistic image from objects and light data
in a scene.
repeat A mode which causes the medium to go to the beginning and start
replaying when it reaches the medium's end.
resolution (1) In computer graphics, a measure of the sharpness of an image,
expressed as the number of lines and columns on the display screen or the
number of pels per unit of area. (2) The number of lines in an image that an
imaging system (for example, a telescope, the human eye, a camera, and so
on) can resolve. A higher resolution makes text and graphics appear clearer.
resource As used in the multimedia operating system, any specific unit of data
created or used by a multimedia program. See also static resource and
dynamic resource.
resource handler A system service that loads, saves, and manipulates
multimedia program units of data.
resource interchange file format (RIFF) A tagged file format framework
intended to be the basis for defining new file formats.
resync Recovery processing performed by sync-point services when the failure
of a session, transaction program, or LU occurs during sync-point
processing. The purpose of resync is to return protected resources to
consistent states.
resync tolerance value A minimum time difference expressed in MMTIME format.
rewind To advance the medium in the backward direction quickly, and optionally
allow the user to scan the medium.
RGB Color coding where the brightness of the additive primary colors of light,
red, green, and blue, are specified as three distinct values of white light.
RIFF Resource interchange file format.
RIFF chunk A chunk with a chunk ID of RIFF. In a RIFF file, this must be the
first chunk.
RIFF compound file A file containing multiple file elements or one file
element that makes up the entire RIFF file. The MMIO manager provides
services to find, query, and access any file elements in a RIFF compound
file. Synonymous with bundle file.
rotoscope A camera setup that projects live-action film, one frame at a time,
onto a surface so that an animator can trace complicated movements. When
filmed, the completed animation matches the motion of the original action.
rough cut (1) The result of the offline edit. (2) A video program that
includes the appropriate footage in the correct order but does not include
special effects.
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S-video (1) Separated video or super video. (2) A signal system using a Y/C
format. See also Y/C, composite video, and component video.
S-Video input connector A special connector that separates the chrominance
from the luminance signal.
SAA Systems Application Architecture.
safety An extra shot of a scene that is taken as a backup after an acceptable
shot (the buy) has been acquired.
saturation Refers to the depth of color intensity. A saturation level of 0 is
no color (greyscale). A saturation level of 100 is maximum color intensity.
Also referred to as color.
sampler A device that converts real sound into digital information for storage
on a computer.
scan backward To display the video and optionally play the audio while the
medium is advancing in the backward direction rapidly.
scan converter A device that converts digital signal to NTSC or PAL format.
scan forward To display the video and optionally play the audio while the
medium is advancing in the forward direction rapidly.
scan line (1) In a laser printer, one horizontal sweep of the laser beam
across the photoconductor. (2) A single row of picture elements.
scanner A device that examines a spatial pattern, one part after another, and
generates analog or digital signals corresponding to the pattern.
SCB Subsystem control block.
scene A portion of video captured by the camera in one continuous shot. The
scene is shot repeatedly (each attempt is called a take) until an acceptable
version, called the buy, is taken.
scripting Writing needed dialog.
scroll bar A window component that shows a user that more information is
available in a particular direction and can be scrolled into view. Scroll
bars should not be used to represent an analog setting, like volume.
Sliders should be used.
SCSI Small computer system interface.
SECAM Sequential Couleurs a Memoire. The French standard for color
second generation A direct copy from the master or original tape.
secondary window A window that contains information that is dependent on
information in a primary window and is used to supplement the interaction in
the primary window.
secondary window manager A sizable dialog manager that enables application
writers to use CUA-defined secondary windows instead of dialog boxes.
selection The act of explicitly identifying one or more objects to which a
subsequent choice will apply.
selection technique The method by which users indicate objects on the
interface that they want to work with.
semaphore (1) A variable that is used to enforce mutual exclusion. (T) (2) An
indicator used to control access to a file; for example, in a multiuser
application, a flag that prevents simultaneous access to a file.
sequencer A digital tape recorder.
set In videotaping, the basic background or area for production.
settings Characteristics of objects that can be viewed and sometimes altered
by the user. Examples of a file's settings include name, size, and creation
date. Examples of video clip's settings include brightness, contrast,
color, and tint.
settings view A view of an object that provides a way to change
characteristics and options associated with the object.
SFX Script abbreviation for special effects.
shade To darken with, or as if with, a shadow; to add shading to.
sharpness Refers to the clarity and detail of a video image. A sharpness
value of 0 causes the video to be generally fuzzy with little detail. A
sharpness value of 100 causes the video to be generally very detailed, and
may appear grainy.
SHC Stream handler command.
shoot To videotape the needed pictures for the production.
shooting script Synonym for final script.
shot list A list containing each shot needed to complete a production, usually
broken down into a schedule.
simple device A multimedia device model for hardware that does not require any
additional data objects, referred to as device elements, to perform
multimedia operations.
sine wave A waveform that represents periodic oscillations of a pure
single plane video system Refers to when video and graphics are combined into
one buffer. This may appear the same as a dual plane video system, but
since all the data is in one buffer, capture and restore operations will
obtain both graphics and video components in one operation. See also dual
plane video system.
single selection A selection technique in which a user selects one, and only
one, item at a time.
slave stream A stream that is dependent on the master stream to maintain
slave stream handler In SPI, regularly updates the sync pulse EVCB with the
stream time. The Sync/Stream Manager checks the slave stream handler time
against the master stream time to determine whether to send a sync pulse to
the slave stream handler.
slide-show presentation Synonym for storyboard.
slider A visual component of a user interface that represents a quantity and
its relationship to the range of possible values for that quantity. A user
can also change the value of the quantity. Sliders are used for volume and
time control.
slider arm The visual indicator in the slider that a user can move to change
the numerical value.
slider button A button on a slider that a user clicks on to move the slider
arm one increment in a particular direction, as indicated by the directional
arrow on the button.
small computer system interface (SCSI) An input and output bus that provides a
standard interface between the OS/2 multimedia system and peripheral
SMH Stream manager helper.
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
SMPTE time code A frame-numbering system developed by SMPTE that assigns a
number to each frame of video. The 8-digit code is in the form HH:MM:SS:FF
(hours, minutes, seconds, frame number). The numbers track elapsed hours,
minutes, seconds, and frames from any chosen point.
socketable user interface An interface defined by multimedia controls that
enable the interface to be plugged into and unplugged from applications
without affecting the underlying object control subsystem.
sound track Synonym for audio track.
source rectangle An abstract region representing the area available for use by
a video capture adapter. This area is displayed in the monitor window of a
digital video device. A subset of the largest possible region to be
captured can be defined; such a subset is indicated by an animated, dashed
rectangle in the monitor window.
source window See source rectangle.
SPCB Stream protocol control block.
special effects In videotaping, any activity that is not live footage, such as
digital effects, computer manipulation of the picture, and nonbackground
SPI Stream programming interface.
split streaming A mechanism provided by the Sync/Stream Manager to create one
data stream source with multiple targets.
SPP A time format based on the number of beats-per-minute in the MIDI file.
sprite An animated object that moves around the screen without affecting the
sprite graphics A small graphics picture, or series of pictures, that can be
moved independently around the screen, producing animated effects.
squeeze-zoom A DVE where one picture is reduced in size and displayed with a
full-screen picture.
SSM Sync/Stream Manager.
standard multimedia device controls These controls provide the application
developer with a CUA compliant interface for controlling audio attributes,
video attributes, and videodisc players. These controls simplify the
programming task required to create the interface and handle the
presentation of the interface and all interaction with the user. They also
send the media control interface commands to the Media Device Manager (MDM)
for processing.
standard objects A set of common, cross-product objects provided and supported
by the system. Examples include folders, printers, shredders, and media
standard palette A set of colors that is common between applications or
images. See also custom palette and color palette.
static resource A resource that resides on any read-and-write or read-only
medium. Contrast with dynamic resource.
status area Provides information as to the state of the medium and device, or
both. It should indicate what button is currently pressed and what modes
(for example, mute) are active.
step backward To move the medium backward one frame or segment at a time.
still A static photograph.
still image See video image.
still video capture adapter An adapter that, when attached to a computer,
enables a video camera to become an input device. See also motion video
capture adapter.
stop Halt (stops) the medium.
storage system The method or format a functional unit uses to retain or
retrieve data placed within the unit.
storage system IOProc A procedure that unwraps data objects such as RIFF
files, RIFF compound files, and AVC files. IOProcs are ignorant of the
content of the data they contain. A storage system IOProc goes directly to
the OS/2 file system (or to memory in the case of a MEM file) and does not
pass information to any other file format or storage system IOProc. The
internal I/O procedures provided for DOS files, memory files, and RIFF
compound files are examples of storage system IOProcs, because they operate
on the storage mechanism rather than on the data itself. See also file
format IOProc.
storyboard A visual representation of the script, showing a picture of each
scene and describing its corresponding audio. Synonymous with slide-show
storyboarding Producing a sequence of still images, such as titles, graphics,
and images, to work out the visual details of a script.
stream To send data from source to destination via buffered system memory.
stream connector A port or connector that a device uses to send or receive.
See also connector.
stream handler A routine that controls a program reaction to a specific
external event through a continuous string of individual data values.
stream handler command (SHC) Synchronous calls provided by both ring 3 DLL
stream handlers as a DLL call and by ring 0 PDD stream handlers as a IDC
call. The stream handler commands are provided through a single entry
point, SHCEntryPoint, which accepts a parameter structure on input. This
enables the DLL and PDD interfaces to the stream manager to be the same.
stream manager A system service that controls the registration and activities
of all stream handlers.
stream manager helper (SMH) Routines provided by the stream manager for use by
all stream handlers. The stream handlers use these helper routines to
register with the manager, report events, and synchronize cues to the
manager to request or return buffers to the manager. They are synchronous
functions and are available to both ring 3 DLL stream handlers as a DLL call
and to ring 0 PDD stream handlers.
stream programming interface A system service that supports continual flow of
data between physical devices.
stream programming interface (SPI) A system service that supports continual
flow of data between physical devices.
stream protocol control block (SPCB) The system service that controls the
behavior of a specified stream type. This enables you to subclass a stream
data type, change data buffering characteristics, and alter synchronization
behavior and other stream events.
strike In videotaping, to clear away, remove, or dismantle anything on the
string commands See command string interface.
subchunk The first chunk in a RIFF file is a RIFF chunk; all other chunks in
the file are subchunks of the RIFF chunk.
subclassing The act of intercepting messages and passing them on to their
original intended recipient.
super Titles or graphics overlaid on the picture electronically. See also
superimpose To overlay titles or graphics on the picture electronically.
sweetening (1) The equalization of audio to eliminate noise and obtain the
cleanest and most level sound possible. (2) The addition of laughter to an
audio track.
switching Electronically designating, from between two or more video sources,
which source's pictures are recorded on tape. Switching can occur during a
shoot or during an edit.
symmetric video compression A technology in which the computer can be used to
create, as well as play back, full-motion, full-color video.
sync Synchronization or synchronized.
sync group A master stream and all its slaves that can be started, stopped,
and searched as a group by using the slaves flag on each of the following
SPI functions:
o SpiStartStream
o SpiStopStream
o SpiSeekStream
sync pulse A system service that enables each slave stream handler to adjust
the activity of that stream so that synchronization can be maintained. Sync
pulses are introduced by transmission equipment into the receiving equipment
to keep the two equipments operating in step.
sync signal Video signal used to synchronize video equipment.
synchronization The action of forcing certain points in the execution
sequences of two or more asynchronous procedures to coincide in time.
synchronous Pertaining to two or more processes that depend upon the
occurrence of specific events such as common timing signals.
synthesizer A musical instrument that allows its user to produce and control
electronically generated sounds.
system message A predefined message sent by the MMIO manager for the message
associated function. For example, when an application calls mmioOpen, the
MMIO manager sends an MMIOM_OPEN message to an I/O procedure to open the
specified file.
Systems Application Architecture (SAA) A set of IBM software interfaces,
conventions, and protocols that provide a framework for designing and
developing applications that are consistent across systems.
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tagged image file format (TIFF) An easily transportable image file type used
by a wide range of multimedia software.
tagged image file format (TIFF) An easily transportable image file type used
by a wide range of multimedia software.
take During the shoot in videotaping, each separate attempt at shooting a
scene. This is expressed as: Scene 1, Take 1; Scene 1, Take 2, and so on.
talent On-screen person (professional or amateur) who appears before the
camera or does voice-over narration.
TAM Telephone answering machine.
tearing Refers to when video is displaced horizontally. This may be caused by
sync problems.
TelePrompTer A special monitor mounted in front of a camera so that talent can
read text and will appear to be looking at the camera.
thaw See unfreeze.
thumbnail A small representation of an object. For example, a full screen
image might be presented in a much smaller area in an authoring system time
line. A picon is an example of a thumbnail.
TIFF Tagged Image File Format time code.
tilt A camera movement where the camera pivots up or down on its stationary
timbre The distinctive tone of a musical instrument or human voice that
distinguishes it from other sounds.
time code See SMPTE time code.
time-line processor A type of authoring facility that displays an event as
elements that represent time from the start of the event.
tint See hue.
TMSF A time format expressed in tracks, minutes, seconds, and frames, which is
used primarily by compact disc audio devices.
tone (bass, treble, etc... ) A control that adjusts the various attributes of
the audio.
tool palette A palette containing choices that represent tools, often used in
media editors (such as graphics and audio editors). For example, a user
might select a "pencil" choice from the tool palette to draw a line in the
touch area An area of a display screen that is activated to accept user input.
Synonymous with anchor, hot spot, and trigger.
track A path associated with a single Read/Write head as the data medium moves
past it.
track advance To advance the medium to the beginning of the next track.
track reverse To rewind the medium to the beginning of the current track. If
it is at the beginning of the track it will then jump to the beginning of
the previous track.
transform device A device that modifies a signal or stream received from a
transport device. Examples are amplifier-mixer and overlay devices.
translator A computer program that can translate. In telephone equipment the
device that converts dialed digits into call-routine information.
transparency Refers to when a selected color on a graphics screen is made
transparent to allow the video "behind it" to become visible. Often found
in dual plane video subsystems.
transparent color Video information is considered as being present on the
video plane which is maintained behind the graphics plane. When an area on
the graphics plane is painted with a transparent color, the video
information in the video plane is made visible. See also dual plane video
transport device A device that plays, records, and positions a media element,
and either presents the result directly or sends the material to a transform
device. Examples are videodisc players, CD-ROMs, and digital audio (wave)
treatment A detailed design document of the video.
tremolo A vibrating effect of a musical instrument produced by small and rapid
amplitude variations to produce special musical effects.
trigger An area of a display screen that is activated to accept user input.
Synonymous with anchor, hot spot, and touch area.
truck In videotaping, a sideways camera movement of the tripod on which the
camera is mounted.
tweening The process of having the computer draw intermediate animation frames
between key frames. In other words, the animation tool requires only that
pictures of key sections of a motion be provided; the software calculates
all the in-between movements. Synonymous with in-betweening.
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U-matic A video cassette system using 0.75-inch tape format.
Ultimatte The trade name of a very high-quality, special-effects system used
for background replacement and image composites.
underrun Loss of data caused by the inability of a transmitting device or
channel to provide data to the communication control logic (SDLC or BSC/SS)
at a rate fast enough for the attached data link or loop.
unfreeze (1) To return to action after a freeze. (2) Enables updates to the
video buffer. (3) Also referred to as a thaw.
unidirectional microphone A microphone that responds to sound from only one
direction and is not subject to change of direction. (A unidirectional
microphone is the type of microphone employed in computers capable of voice
unload To eject the medium from the device.
user interface The area at which a user and an object come together to
interact. As applied to computers, the ensemble of hardware and software
that allows a user to interact with a computer.
user-defined message A private message sent directly to an I/O procedure by
using the mmioSendMessage function. All messages begin with an MMIOM
prefix, with user-defined messages starting at MMIOM_USER or above.
user's conceptual model A user's mental model about how things should work.
Much of the concepts and expectations that make up the model are derived
from the user's experience with real-world objects of similar type, and
experience with other computer systems.
value set A control used to present a series of mutually exclusive graphical
choices. A tool palette in a paint program can be implemented using a value
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> V ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
VCR Videocassette recorder.
VDD Virtual device driver.
VDH Virtual device helper.
VDP Video display processor.
vector graphics See coordinate graphics.
vendor-specific driver (VSD) An extension to an MCD to execute
hardware-specific commands.
VHS Very high speed. A consumer and industrial tape format (VHS format).
vicon A vicon, or video icon, can be an animation or motion video segment in
icon size. Usually this would be a short, repeating segment, such as an
animation of a cassette tape with turning wheels.
video Pertaining to the portion of recorded information that can be seen.
video aspect ratio See aspect ratio.
video attribute control Provides access to and operation of the standard video
attributes: brightness, contrast, freeze, hue, saturation, and sharpness.
All device communication and user interface support is handled by the
video attributes Refers to the standard video attributes: brightness,
contrast, freeze, hue, saturation, and sharpness.
video clip A section of filmed or videotaped material.
video clipping See clipping.
video digitizer Any system for converting analog video material to digital
representation. (For example, see DVI.)
video display buffer The buffer containing the visual information to be
displayed. This buffer is read by the video display controller.
video display controller The graphics or video adapter that connects to a
display and presents visual information.
video encoder A device (adapter) that transforms the high-resolution digital
image from the computer into a standard television signal, thereby allowing
the computer to create graphics for use in video production.
video graphics adapter A graphics controller for color displays. The pel
resolution of the video graphics adapter is 4:4.
video image A still video image that has been captured. Also referred to as
image or still image.
video monitor A display device capable of accepting a video signal that is not
modulated for broadcast either on cable or over the air; in videotaping, a
television screen located away from the set where the footage can be viewed
as it is being recorded.
video overlay See overlay.
video overlay device See overlay device.
video plane In a dual plane video system, the video plane contains the video.
This video plane will be combined with the graphics plane to create an
entire display image.
video programming interface (VPI) A subsystem that performs output from video
source to video window.
video quality The compression quality level setting to be set for the CODEC.
This value is in the range of 0 (min) - 100 (max).
video record rate Frame rate for recording as an integral number of frames per
second. This sets the target capture rate, but there are no assurances this
rate will be attained. Drop frame records will be inserted into the output
data stream to indicate frames dropped during the capture/record process.
video record frame duration Frame rate for recording as the time duration of
each frame in microseconds. Useful for setting non-integer frame rates, for
example, 12.5 FPS of a PAL videodisc: 1000000/12.5 = 8000 microseconds.
video signal An electrical signal containing video information. The signal
must be in some standard format, such as NTSC or PAL.
VSD Vendor-specific driver.
video scaling Expanding or reducing video information in size or area. See
also aspect ratio.
video scan converter A device that emits a video signal in one standard into
another device of different resolution or scan rate.
video segment A contiguous set of recorded data from a video track. A video
segment might or might not be associated with an audio segment.
video signal An electrical signal containing video information. The signal
must be in some standard format, such as NTSC or PAL.
video source selection The ability of an application to change to an alternate
video input using the connector command.
video tearing See tearing.
video teleconferencing A means of telecommunication characterized by audio and
video transmission, usually involving several parties. Desktop video
teleconferencing could involve having the audio and video processed by the
user's computer system, that is, with the other users' voices coming through
the computer's speaker, and video windows of the other users displayed on
the computer's screen.
video windows Graphical PM-style windows in which video is displayed. Most
often associated with the video overlay device.
videocassette recorder (VCR) A device for recording or playing back
videodisc A disc on which programs have been recorded for playback on a
computer (or a television set) or a recording on a videodisc. The most
common format in the United States and Japan is an NTSC signal recorded on
the optical reflective format.
videodisc player control Provides access to and operation of the following
videodisc functions: eject, pause, play forward, play reverse, position,
record, repeat, rewind, scan forward, scan reverse, step forward, step
reverse, and stop. All device communication and user interface support is
handled by the control.
videotape (1) The tape used to record visual images and sound. (2) To make a
videotape of. (3) A recording of visual images and sound made on magnetic
tape. (All shooting is done in this format, even if the results are later
transferred to videodisc or film.)
videotape recorder (VTR) A device for recording and playing back videotapes.
(The professional counterpart of a consumer VCR.)
videotex A system that provides two-way interactive information services,
including the exchange of alphanumeric and graphic information, over common
carrier facilities to a mass consumer market using modified TV displays with
special decoders and modems.
view The form in which an object is presented. The four kinds of views are:
composed, contents, settings, and help.
viewport An area on the usable area of the display surface over which the
developer has control of the size, location, and scaling, and in which the
user can view all or a portion of the data outlined by the window.
virtual device driver (VDD) (1) Virtualizes the hardware interfaces of an
option adapter or device, usually to migrate an existing DOS application
into an OS/2 DOS session. (2) Essentially a Dynamic Link Library; a virtual
device driver generally does not interface directly with the hardware. (3) A
32-bit .EXE file that can contain initialization code, initialization data,
and swappable global code. (4) Maintains shadow state of hardware, if
necessary. Allows a DOS session to execute in a window or in the background
by intercepting direct device access and simulating that device.
virtual device helper (VDH) A system service that is available to perform
essential functions.
VO Script abbreviation for voice-over.
voice-over (1) The voice of an unseen narrator in a video presentation. (2) A
voice indicating the thoughts of a visible character without the character'
lips moving.
volume The intensity of sound. A volume of 0 is minimum volume. A volume of
100 is maximum volume.
VPI Video programming interface.
VTR Videotape recorder.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> W ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
walk-through A type of animated presentation that simulates a walking tour of
a three-dimensional scene.
walk-up-and-use interface An interface that the target audience should be able
to use without having to read manuals or instructions, even if they have
never seen the interface.
waveform (1) A graphic representation of the shape of a wave that indicates
its characteristics (such as frequency and amplitude). (2) A digital method
of storing and manipulating audio data.
wide shot Synonym for long shot.
wild footage Synonym for original footage.
window An area of the screen with visible boundaries through which panel
information is displayed.
window An area of the screen with visible boundaries that presents a view of
an object or with which a user conducts a dialog with a computer system.
window coordinates The size and location of a window.
wipe Technical effect of fading away one screen to reveal another.
workplace A container that fills the entire screen and holds all of the
objects that make up the user interface.
write once/read many (WORM) Describes an optical disc that once written to,
cannot be overwritten. Storage capacity ranges from 400MB to 3.2GB.
Present technology allows only one side to be read at a time; to access the
other side, the disk must be turned over.
WS Script abbreviation for wide shot.
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get. The appearance of the object is in
actual form. For example, a document that looks the same on a display
screen as it does when it is printed. Composed views of objects are often
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> X Y Z ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Y Refers to the luminance portion of a Y/C video signal.
Y/C Color image encoding that separates luminance (Y) and chrominance (C)
YIQ Image encoding scheme similar to YUV that selects the direction of the two
color axes, I and Q, to align with natural images. As an average, the I
signal bears much more information than the Q signal. (YIQ is used in the
NTSC video standard.)
YUV Color image encoding scheme that separates luminance (Y) and two color
signals: red minus Y (U), and blue minus Y (V). Transmission of YUV can
take advantage of the eye's greater sensitivity to luminance detail than
color detail.
zoom in An optical camera change where the camera appears to approach the
subject it is shooting.
zoom out An optical camera change where the camera appears to back up from the
subject it is shooting.
zooming The progressive scaling of an image in order to give the visual
impression of movement of all or part of a display group toward or away from
an observer.
3-D modeling Presenting material in a three-dimensional format.