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Text File  |  1995-06-06  |  318KB  |  8,557 lines

  2. DESCRIPTION: IBM C/C++ C and C++ Language, Library, and Class Libraries
  3. /******** C and C++ Language elements are below here ******/
  5. (auto, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  6. (extern, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  7. (register, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  8. (static, VIEW CPPLNG.INF static Storage Class Specifier)
  9. (volatile, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  10. (const, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  11. (_Packed, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  12. (char, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  13. (float, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  14. (int, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  15. (void, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  16. (enum, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  17. (_Seg16, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  18. (struct, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  19. (union, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  20. (typedef, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  21. (main, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  22. (::, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Scope Resolution)
  23. (++, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Increment ++)
  24. (--, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Decrement ++)
  25. (+, VIEW CPPLNG.INF + (unary/addition) )
  26. (-, VIEW CPPLNG.INF - (unary/subtraction) )
  27. (!, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Logical Negation !)
  28. (&, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ampersand (address/bitwise AND) )
  29. (/, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Division /)
  30. (%, VIEW CPPLNG.INF percent sign (format specifier/remainder) )
  31. (:, VIEW CPPLNG.INF colon (label/bit fields/conditional) )
  32. (\, VIEW CPPLNG.INF \ (escape sequence/continuation character) )
  33. (<<, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Bitwise Left and Right Shift)
  34. (>>, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Bitwise Left and Right Shift)
  35. ((, VIEW CPPLNG.INF parentheses (expressions/function calls) )
  36. (), VIEW CPPLNG.INF parentheses (expressions/function calls) )
  37. (,, VIEW CPPLNG.INF comma (expression/punctuation) )
  38. (;, VIEW CPPLNG.INF semicolon (expression/punctuation) )
  39. (<, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Relational  <  >  <=  >=)
  40. (>, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Relational  <  >  <=  >=)
  41. (<=, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Relational  <  >  <=  >=)
  42. (>=, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Relational  <  >  <=  >=)
  43. (==, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Equality  =  !=)
  44. (!=, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Equality  =  !=)
  45. (&, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  46. (^, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  47. (|, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Bitwise Inclusive OR)
  48. (&&, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Logical AND)
  49. (||, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Logical OR)
  50. (?, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Conditional Expression  ?)
  51. (=, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Simple Assignment)
  52. (break, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  53. (continue, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  54. (do, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  55. (for, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  56. (goto, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  57. (if, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  58. (return, VIEW CPPLNG.INF return statement)
  59. (switch, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  60. (while, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  61. (#define, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  62. (#undef, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  63. (#error, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  64. (#include, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  65. (#if, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  66. (#elif, VIEW CPPLNG.INF #if, #elif)
  67. (#ifdef, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  68. (#ifndef, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  69. (#else, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  70. (#endif, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  71. (#line, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  72. (pragma, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  73. (chars, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  74. (comment, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  75. (handler, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  76. (langlvl, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  77. (linkage, VIEW CPPLNG.INF linkage pragma)
  78. (map, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  79. (margins, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  80. (pack, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  81. (page, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  82. (pagesize, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  83. (seg16, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  84. (sequence, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  85. (skip, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  86. (stack16, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  87. (strings, VIEW CPPLNG.INF strings pragma)
  88. (subtitle, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  89. (title, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  90. (sizeof, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  91. (EDC*, VIEW CPPUG.INF ~)
  93. /***********  additional elements  **************/
  95. (argc, VIEW CPPLNG.INF main)                (argv, VIEW CPPLNG.INF main)
  96. (alloc_text, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)             (_Far16, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  97. (checkout, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)               (_Fastcall, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  98. (data_seg, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)               (_Optlink, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  99. (envp, VIEW CPPLNG.INF main)                (_Pascal, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  100. (_Cdecl, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)  (_System, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  101. (__cdecl, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  102. (_System, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  103. (__stdcall, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  104. (entry, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  105. (hdrfile, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  106. (hdrstop, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  107. (library, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  108. (sourcedir, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  109. (weak, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  111. /*********** new elements for version 2.0 **************/
  113. (_Export, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)          (_Inline, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  114. (_Far32, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Linkage Keywords)
  115. (entry, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)            (export, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  116. (import, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)           (info, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  117. (signed, VIEW CPPLNG.INF signed/unsigned types)
  118. (unsigned, VIEW CPPLNG.INF signed/unsigned types)
  120. /*********** new elements for version 2.0 for C++ **************/
  122. (define, VIEW CPPLNG.INF define pragma)
  123. (disjoint, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  124. (implementation, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  125. (isolated_call, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  126. (priority, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  127. (undeclared, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  128. (class, VIEW CPPLNG.INF C++ Classes)
  129. (delete, VIEW CPPLNG.INF delete and delete)
  130. (new, VIEW CPPLNG.INF new Operator)
  131. (friend, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Friends)
  132. (inline, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Inline Specifiers)
  133. (operator, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Overloading Operators)
  134. (private, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Access Specifiers)
  135. (protected, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Access Specifiers)
  136. (public, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Access Specifiers)
  137. (template, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Templates)
  138. (catch, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  139. (throw, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  140. (try, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  141. (this, VIEW CPPLNG.INF this Pointer)
  142. (virtual, VIEW CPPLNG.INF Virtual Functions)
  143. (__unaligned, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)
  145. /******** C Library elements are below here ******/
  147. (abort, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (abs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  148. (acos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_alloca, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  149. (asctime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)       (asin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  150. (assert, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (atan, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  151. (atan2, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (atexit, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  152. (atof, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (atoi, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  153. (atol, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_atold, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  154. (_beginthread, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)  (bsearch, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  155. (_cabs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (calloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  156. (ceil, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_cgets, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  157. (_chdir, VIEW CPPLIB.INF chdir)    (_chdrive, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  158. (chdir, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  159. (clearerr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)      (_clear87, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  160. (clock, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_control87, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  161. (floor, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_flushall, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  162. (fmod, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (fopen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  163. (_fpreset, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)      (fprintf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  164. (fputc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_fputchar, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  165. (fputs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (fread, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  166. (free, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_freemod, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  167. (freopen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)       (frexp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  168. (fscanf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (fseek, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  169. (_fsetmode, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (fsetpos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  170. (_fstat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF fstat)    (hypot, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  171. (fstat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  172. (is*, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_itoa, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  173. (_kbhit, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (labs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  174. (ldexp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (ldiv, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  175. (_loadmod, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)      (localeconv, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  176. (localtime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (log, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  177. (log10, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (longjmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  178. (_lrotl, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (_ltoa, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  179. (_makepath, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (malloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  180. (_matherr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)      (max, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  181. (mblen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (mbstowcs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  182. (memccpy, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)       (mbtowc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  183. (memchr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (memcmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  184. (memcpy, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (memicmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  185. (memmove, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)       (memset, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  186. (_mkdir, VIEW CPPLIB.INF mkdir)    (mktime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  187. (mkdir, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  188. (min, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (modf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  189. (_onexit, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)       (perror, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  190. (pow, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (printf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  191. (putc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_putch, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  192. (_putenv, VIEW CPPLIB.INF putenv)  (puts, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  193. (putenv, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  194. (qsort, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (raise, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  195. (rand, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (realloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  196. (remove, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  197. (assert.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF assert.h)    (rename, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  198. (builtin.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF builtin.h)
  199. (conio.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF conio.h)      (rewind, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  200. (ctype.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ctype.h)      (_rmdir, VIEW CPPLIB.INF rmdir)
  201. (rmdir, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  202. (direct.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF direct.h)    (_rmtmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  203. (errno.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF errno.h)      (_rotl, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  204. (fcntl.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF fcntl.h)      (scanf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  205. (float.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF float.h)      (_searchenv, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  206. (io.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF io.h)            (setbuf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  207. (limits.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF limits.h)    (setjmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  208. (locale.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF locale.h)    (setlocale, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  209. (malloc.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF malloc.h)    (setvbuf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  210. (math.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF math.h)
  211. (signal, VIEW CPPLIB.INF Install Interrupt Handlers)
  212. (memory.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF memory.h)    (sin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  213. (process.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF process.h)  (sinh, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  214. (search.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF search.h)    (_spawn*, VIEW CPPLIB.INF _spawnl)
  215. (setjmp.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF setjmp.h)    (_splitpath, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  216. (share.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF share.h)      (sprintf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  217. (signal.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF signal.h)    (sqrt, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  218. (stdarg.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF stdarg.h)    (srand, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  219. (stddef.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF stddef.h)    (sscanf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  220. (stdio.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF stdio.h)      (_stat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF stat)
  221. (stat, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  222. (stdlib.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF stdlib.h)    (_status87, VIEW CPPLIB.INF   ~)
  223. (string.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF string.h)    (strcat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  224. (stat.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF stat.h)        (strchr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  225. (timeb.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF timeb.h)      (strcmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  226. (types.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF types.h)      (strcmpi, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  227. (utime.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF utime.h)      (strcoll, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  228. (time.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF time.h)        (strcpy, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  229. (wcstr.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF wcstr.h)      (strcspn, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  230. /********  new V3.0 header files   ************************************/
  231. (collate.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (iconv.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  232. (langinfo.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)    (lc_core.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  233. (localedef.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)   (monetary.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  234. (nl_types.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)    (regex.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  235. (umalloc.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (variant.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  236. (wchar.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)       (wctype.h, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  237. /********************************************/
  238. (_debug_calloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)      (_strdate, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  239. (_debug_free, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (strdup, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  240. (_debug_heapmin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (strerror, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  241. (_debug_malloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)      (_strerror, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  242. (_debug_realloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (strftime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  243. (_dump_allocated, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)    (stricmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  244. (_heap_check, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)        (strlen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  245. (strlwr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (strncat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  246. (strncmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (strncpy, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  247. (strnicmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (strnset, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  248. (strpbrk, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (strrchr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  249. (strrev, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (strspn, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  250. (strstr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (_strtime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  251. (strtod, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (strtok, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  252. (strtol, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (strtold, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  253. (strtoul, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (strupr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  254. (strxfrm, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_swab, VIEW CPPLIB.INF swab)
  255. (swab, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (tempnam, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  256. (system, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (tan, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  257. (tanh, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (_tempnam, VIEW CPPLIB.INF tempnam)
  258. (time, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (tmpfile, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  259. (cos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)                (tmpnam, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  260. (cosh, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (_toascii, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  261. (_cprintf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (tolower, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  262. (_cputs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (toupper, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  263. (_cscanf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_tzset, VIEW CPPLIB.INF tzset)
  264. (tzset, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  265. (ctime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (_ultoa, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  266. (_cwait, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (ungetc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  267. (difftime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_ungetch, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  268. (div, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  269. (unlink, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (_unlink, VIEW CPPLIB.INF unlink)
  270. (_ecvt, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  271. (utime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (_utime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF utime)
  272. (_endthread, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (va_arg, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  273. (erf*, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (vfprintf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  274. (erfc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (vprintf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  275. (_exec*, VIEW CPPLIB.INF execl)         (vsprintf, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  276. (exec*, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (wait, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  277. (_execvp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_wait, VIEW CPPLIB.INF wait)
  278. (exit, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (wcscat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  279. (_exit, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (wcschr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  280. (exp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)                (wcscmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  281. (fabs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (wcscpy, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  282. (fclose, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (wcscspn, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  283. (_fcloseall, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (wcslen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  284. (_fcvt, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (wcsncat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  285. (feof, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)               (wcsncmp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  286. (ferror, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (wcsncpy, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  287. (fflush, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (wcspbrk, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  288. (fgetc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (wcsrchr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  289. (_fgetchar, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (wcsspn, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  290. (fgetpos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (wcstombs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  291. (fgets, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (wcswcs, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  292. (_fileno, VIEW CPPLIB.INF fileno)       (wctomb, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  293. (fileno, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  294. (ftell, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (_gcvt, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  295. (getchar, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_getdcwd, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  296. (_ftime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (getc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  297. (_fullpath, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (fwrite, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  298. (_getdrive, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (getenv, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  299. (_getpid, VIEW CPPLIB.INF getpid)       (gets, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  300. (isascii, view CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_isascii, view CPPLIB.INF isascii)
  301. (getpid, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  302. (gmtime, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (_heapmin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  303. (sizeof, VIEW CPPLNG.INF ~)             (gamma, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  304. (_lfind, VIEW CPPLIB.INF lfind)         (lfind, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  305. (_lsearch, VIEW CPPLIB.INF lsearch)     (lsearch, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  307. /********** low-level i/o functions and headers ***********/
  309. (_access, VIEW CPPLIB.INF access)       (_filelength, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  310. (access, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (chmod, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  311. (_chmod, VIEW CPPLIB.INF chmod)         (isatty, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  312. (_isatty, VIEW CPPLIB.INF isatty)       (lseek, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  313. (_chsize, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_lseek, VIEW CPPLIB.INF lseek)
  314. (_close, VIEW CPPLIB.INF close)         (_open, VIEW CPPLIB.INF open)
  315. (close, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (open, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  316. (_creat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF creat)         (_read, VIEW CPPLIB.INF read)
  317. (creat, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (read, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  318. (_dup, VIEW CPPLIB.INF dup)             (_sopen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  319. (dup, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)                (dup2, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  320. (_dup2, VIEW CPPLIB.INF dup2)           (_tell, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  321. (__eof, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  322. (umask, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)              (_umask, VIEW CPPLIB.INF umask)
  323. (_fdopen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF fdopen)       (_write, VIEW CPPLIB.INF write)
  324. (fdopen, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)             (write, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  326. /*********** new functions for version 2.0 **************/
  328. (_CRT_init, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  329. (_CRT_term, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  330. (__ctordtorInit, VIEW CPPLIB.INF _CRT_init)
  331. (__ctordtorTerm, VIEW CPPLIB.INF _CRT_term)
  332. (_DLL_InitTerm, VIEW CPPLIB.INF, ~)
  333. (_facos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_fasin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  334. (_fcos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_inp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  335. (_fcossin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_inpw, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  336. (_fpatan, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_inpd, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  337. (_fptan, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_outp, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  338. (_fsin, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)            (_outpd, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  339. (_fsincos, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_outpw, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  340. (_fsqrt, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_disable, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  341. (_fyl2x, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_enable, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  342. (_fyl2xp1, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_interrupt, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  343. (_f2xm1, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_getTIBvalue, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  344. (_threadstore, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)     (_set_crt_msg_handle, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  345. (_tcalloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_tmalloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  346. (_tfree, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_trealloc, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  347. (_getch, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_getcwd, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  348. (_getche, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)          (_is*, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  349. (_lrotr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_rotr, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  350. (_tolower, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)         (_toupper, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)
  352. /*********** POSIX functions for version 3.0 **************/
  354. (cclass, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (localdtconv, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  355. (collequiv , view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (maxcoll, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  356. (collorder, view CPPLIB.INF ~)    (mbrlen, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  357. (collrange, view CPPLIB.INF ~)    (mbrtowc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  358. (colltostr, view CPPLIB.INF ~)    (mbsinit, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  359. (csid , view CPPLIB.INF ~)        (mbsrtowcs, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  360. (fgetwc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (nl_langinfo, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  361. (fgetws, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (putwc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  362. (fputwc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (putwchar, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  363. (fputws, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (regcomp, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  364. (getmccoll, view CPPLIB.INF ~)    (regerror, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  365. (getsyn, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (regexec, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  366. (getwc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)        (regfree, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  367. (getwchar, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (rpmatch, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  368. (getwmccoll, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (strfmon, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  369. (iconv, view CPPLIB.INF ~)        (strptime, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  370. (iconv_close,view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (strtocoll, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  371. (iconv_open, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (swprintf, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  372. (isblank, view CPPLIB.INF ~)      (swscanf, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  373. (ismccollel, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (towlower, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  374. (iswalnum, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (towupper, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  375. (iswalpha, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (ungetwc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  376. (iswdigit, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (vswprintf, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  377. (iswcntrl, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcrtomb, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  378. (iswspace, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcscoll, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  379. (iswxdigit, view CPPLIB.INF ~)    (wcsftime, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  380. (iswgraph, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcsid, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  381. (iswlower, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcsrtombs, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  382. (iswupper, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcsstr, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  383. (iswprint, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcstod, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  384. (iswpunct, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcstol, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  385. (iswblank, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcstok, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  386. (iswctype, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcstoul, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  387. (wcswidth, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcsxfrm, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  388. (wctob, view CPPLIB.INF ~)        (wctype, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  389. (wcwidth, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  390. (iswctype, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (wcstoul, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  391. (iswblank, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  393. /**********  other new V3.0 functions **********************************/
  395. (_crotl, view CPPLIB.INF ~)           (__cxchg, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  396. (_crotr, view CPPLIB.INF ~)           (__lxchg, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  397. (_srolt, view CPPLIB.INF ~)           (__sxchg, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  398. (_srotr, view CPPLIB.INF ~)           (_ucalloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  399. (_debug_tcalloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (_uaddmem, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  400. (_debug_tfree, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (_uclose, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  401. (_debug_theapmin, view CPPLIB.INF ~)  (_ucreate, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  402. (_debug_tmalloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (_udefault, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  403. (_debug_trealloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)  (_udestroy, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  404. (_debug_ucalloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (_uheapchk, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  405. (_debug_umalloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)   (_uheap_check, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  406. (_debug_uheapmin, view CPPLIB.INF ~)  (_uheapmin, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  407. (_dump_allocated_delta, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  408. (_heapchk, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (_uheapset, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  409. (_heapset, view CPPLIB.INF ~)     (_uheap_walk, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  410. (_heapwalk, view CPPLIB.INF ~)    (_umalloc, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  411. (_mheap, view CPPLIB.INF ~)       (_uopen, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  412. (_tdump_allocated, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  413. (_udump_allocated, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  414. (_tdump_allocated_delta, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  415. (_udump_allocated_delta, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  416. (_theap_check, view CPPLIB.INF ~)  (_ustats, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  417. (_rmem_init, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)    (_rmem_term, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  418. (_tmem_init, VIEW CPPLIB.INF ~)    (_tmem_term, view CPPLIB.INF ~)
  420. /*********  Open Class Library terms (functions/classes)  ***********/
  423. DESCRIPTION: C Set ++ Class Library Reference NDX File
  424. (~BidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  425. (~ChildCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  426. (~ColumnCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  427. (~CompareFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  428. (~Cursor, VIEW CPPCLNDX ~Cursor Help Selection)
  429. (~ExceptionFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  430. (~FaceNameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  431. (~FilterFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  432. (~FrameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  433. (~IAccelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  434. (~IAnimatedButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  435. (~IApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  436. (~IBaseComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  437. (~IBaseListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  438. (~IBaseSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  439. (~IBitmapControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  440. (~IBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  441. (~IBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  442. (~IButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  443. (~IButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  444. (~ICanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  445. (~ICheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  446. (~ICircularSlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  447. (~ICircularSliderNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  448. (~ICLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  449. (~IClipboard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  450. (~IClipboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  451. (~ICnrAllocator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  452. (~ICnrBeginEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  453. (~ICnrControlList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  454. (~ICnrDrawBackgroundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  455. (~ICnrDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  456. (~ICnrDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  457. (~ICnrEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  458. (~ICnrEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  459. (~ICnrEmphasisEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  460. (~ICnrEndEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  461. (~ICnrEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  462. (~ICnrEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  463. (~ICnrHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  464. (~ICnrHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  465. (~ICnrMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  466. (~ICnrObjectSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  467. (~ICnrQueryDeltaEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  468. (~ICnrReallocStringEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  469. (~ICnrScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  470. (~ICollectionViewComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  471. (~ICollectionViewListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  472. (~IColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  473. (~IComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  474. (~IComboBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  475. (~ICommandEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  476. (~ICommandHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  477. (~IContainerColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  478. (~IContainerControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  479. (~IContainerControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  480. (~IContainerObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  481. (~IControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  482. (~IControlEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  483. (~ICritSec, VIEW CLREF ~)
  484. (~ICurrentApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  485. (~ICustomButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  486. (~ICustomButtonDrawEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  487. (~ICustomButtonDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  488. (~IDBCSBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  489. (~IDDEAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  490. (~IDDEAcknowledgeExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  491. (~IDDEAcknowledgePokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  492. (~IDDEActiveServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  493. (~IDDEActiveServerSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  494. (~IDDEBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  495. (~IDDEClientAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  496. (~IDDEClientConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  497. (~IDDEClientEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  498. (~IDDEClientHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  499. (~IDDEClientHotLinkSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  500. (~IDDEDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  501. (~IDDEEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  502. (~IDDEEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  503. (~IDDEExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  504. (~IDDEPokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  505. (~IDDERequestDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  506. (~IDDEServerAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  507. (~IDDEServerHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  508. (~IDDESetAcknowledgeInfoEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  509. (~IDDETopicServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  510. (~IDeviceColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  511. (~IDMCnrItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  512. (~IDMEFItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  513. (~IDMEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  514. (~IDMHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  515. (~IDMImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  516. (~IDMItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  517. (~IDMItemProvider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  518. (~IDMItemProviderFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  519. (~IDMMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  520. (~IDMMLEItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  521. (~IDMOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  522. (~IDMRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  523. (~IDMSourceBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  524. (~IDMSourceDiscardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  525. (~IDMSourceEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  526. (~IDMSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  527. (~IDMSourceOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  528. (~IDMSourcePrepareEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  529. (~IDMSourcePrintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  530. (~IDMSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  531. (~IDMSourceRenderEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  532. (~IDMTargetDropEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  533. (~IDMTargetEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  534. (~IDMTargetEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  535. (~IDMTargetEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  536. (~IDMTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  537. (~IDMTargetHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  538. (~IDMTargetLeaveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  539. (~IDMTargetOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  540. (~IDMTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  541. (~IDMTBarButtonItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  542. (~IDMToolBarItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  543. (~IDrawingCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  544. (~IDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  545. (~IDynamicLinkLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  546. (~IEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  547. (~IEntryField, VIEW CLREF ~)
  548. (~IEntryFieldNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  549. (~IErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  550. (~IEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  551. (~IException, VIEW CLREF ~)
  552. (~IFileDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  553. (~IFileDialogEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  554. (~IFileDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  555. (~IFlyOverHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  556. (~IFlyText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  557. (~IFocusHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  558. (~IFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  559. (~IFontDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  560. (~IFontDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  561. (~IFrameEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  562. (~IFrameExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  563. (~IFrameExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  564. (~IFrameFormatEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  565. (~IFrameHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  566. (~IFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  567. (~IFrameWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  568. (~IGArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  569. (~IGBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  570. (~IGChord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  571. (~IGEllipse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  572. (~IGLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  573. (~IGList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  574. (~IGPie, VIEW CLREF ~)
  575. (~IGPolygon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  576. (~IGPolyline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  577. (~IGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  578. (~IGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  579. (~IGraphicContext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  580. (~IGraphicPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  581. (~IGRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  582. (~IGRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  583. (~IGroupBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  584. (~IGString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  585. (~IGUIColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  586. (~IGUIErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  587. (~IG3PointArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  588. (~IHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  589. (~IHelpErrorEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  590. (~IHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  591. (~IHelpHyperlinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  592. (~IHelpMenuBarEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  593. (~IHelpNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  594. (~IHelpSubitemNotFoundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  595. (~IHelpTutorialEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  596. (~IHelpWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  597. (~IIconControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  598. (~IInfoArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  599. (~IKeyboardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  600. (~IKeyboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  601. (~IListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  602. (~IListBoxDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  603. (~IListBoxDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  604. (~IListBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  605. (~IListBoxSizeItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  606. (~IMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  607. (~IMenuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  608. (~IMenuDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  609. (~IMenuDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  610. (~IMenuEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  611. (~IMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  612. (~IMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  613. (~IMenuNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  614. (~IMessageBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  615. (~IMessageText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  616. (~IMMAmpMixer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  617. (~IMMAudioBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  618. (~IMMAudioCD, VIEW CLREF ~)
  619. (~IMMAudioCDContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  621. (~IMMConfigurableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  622. (~IMMCuePointEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  623. (~IMMDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  624. (~IMMDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  625. (~IMMDeviceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  626. (~IMMDigitalVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  627. (~IMMErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  628. (~IMMFileMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  629. (~IMMHourMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  630. (~IMMHourMinSecTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  631. (~IMMMasterAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  632. (~IMMMillisecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  633. (~IMMMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  634. (~IMMNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  635. (~IMMPassDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  636. (~IMMPlayableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  637. (~IMMPlayerPanel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  638. (~IMMPlayerPanelHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  639. (~IMMPositionChangeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  640. (~IMMRecordable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  641. (~IMMRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  642. (~IMMRemovableMediaHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  643. (~IMMSequencer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  644. (~IMMSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  645. (~IMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  646. (~IMMTrackMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  647. (~IMMWaveAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  648. (~IMM24FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  649. (~IMM25FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  650. (~IMM30FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  651. (~IMouseClickEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  652. (~IMouseEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  653. (~IMouseHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  654. (~IMousePointerEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  655. (~IMousePointerHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  656. (~IMultiCellCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  657. (~IMultiLineEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  658. (~IMultiLineEditNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  659. (~INotebook, VIEW CLREF ~)
  660. (~INotebookDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  661. (~INotebookNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  662. (~INotificationEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  663. (~INotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  664. (~INumericSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  665. (~INumericSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  666. (~IObjectWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  667. (~IObserver, VIEW CLREF ~)
  668. (~IObserverList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  669. (~IOutlineBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  670. (~IPageEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  671. (~IPageHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  672. (~IPageHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  673. (~IPageRemoveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  674. (~IPageSelectEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  675. (~IPaintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  676. (~IPaintHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  677. (~IPointArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  678. (~IPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  679. (~IPopUpMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  680. (~IPrivateResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  681. (~IProcedureAddress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  682. (~IProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  683. (~IProgressIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  684. (~IProgressIndicatorNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  685. (~IPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  686. (~IRadioButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  687. (~IRefCounted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  688. (~IReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  689. (~IResizeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  690. (~IResizeHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  691. (~IResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  692. (~IResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  693. (~IResourceLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  694. (~IScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  695. (~IScrollBarNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  696. (~IScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  697. (~IScrollHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  698. (~ISelectHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  699. (~ISetCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  700. (~ISettingButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  701. (~ISettingButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  702. (~ISharedResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  703. (~IShowListHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  704. (~ISlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  705. (~ISliderArmHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  706. (~ISliderDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  707. (~ISpinHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  708. (~ISplitCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  709. (~IStandardNotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  710. (~IStaticText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  711. (~IString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  712. (~IStringGenerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  713. (~IStringGeneratorFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  714. (~IStringGeneratorMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  715. (~IStringGeneratorRefMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  716. (~IStringParser, VIEW CLREF ~)
  717. (~IStringTest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  718. (~ISubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  719. (~ISWP, VIEW CLREF ~)
  720. (~ISystemBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  721. (~ISystemErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  722. (~ISystemMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  723. (~ISystemPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  724. (~Iterator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  725. (~ITextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  726. (~ITextControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  727. (~ITextSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  728. (~ITextSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  729. (~IThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  730. (~IThreadFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  731. (~IThreadMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  732. (~ITimer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  733. (~ITimerFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  734. (~ITitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  735. (~ITitleNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  736. (~IToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  737. (~IToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  738. (~IToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  739. (~IToolBarFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  740. (~ITrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  741. (~ITransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  742. (~IVBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  743. (~IViewPort, VIEW CLREF ~)
  744. (~IWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  745. (~IWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  746. (~IXLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  747. (~I0String, VIEW CLREF ~)
  748. (~I3StateCheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  749. (~ObjectCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  750. (~PageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  751. (~PointSizeCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  752. (~Settings, VIEW CPPCLNDX ~Settings Help Selection)
  753. (~TextCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  754. (~WindowCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  755. (abortRetryIgnoreButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  756. (abs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  757. (accelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  758. (acceptConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  759. (acknowledged, VIEW CPPCLNDX acknowledged Help Selection)
  760. (acquire, VIEW CLREF ~)
  761. (activated, VIEW CLREF ~)
  762. (activateId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  763. (activeColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX activeColor Help Selection)
  764. (activeColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  765. (activeTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  766. (activeTextBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  767. (activeTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  768. (activeTextForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  769. (add, VIEW CPPCLNDX add Help Selection)
  770. (addAllFrom, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  771. (addAscending, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAscending Help Selection)
  772. (addAsChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  773. (addAsFirst, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAsFirst Help Selection)
  774. (addAsLast, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAsLast Help Selection)
  775. (addAsNext, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAsNext Help Selection)
  776. (addAsPrevious, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAsPrevious Help Selection)
  777. (addAsRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  778. (addAtOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  779. (addAtPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAtPosition Help Selection)
  780. (addBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX addBitmap Help Selection)
  781. (addBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX addBorder Help Selection)
  782. (addColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  783. (addCuePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  784. (addDefaultHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  785. (addDescending, VIEW CPPCLNDX addDescending Help Selection)
  786. (addDetent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  787. (addDifference, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  788. (addDrive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  789. (addEntryAsFirst, VIEW CLREF ~)
  790. (addEntryAsNext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  791. (addExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  792. (addFileType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  793. (addFirstPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  794. (addHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  795. (addId, VIEW CPPCLNDX addId Help Selection)
  796. (addIntersection, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  797. (addItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX addItem Help Selection)
  798. (addLastPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  799. (addLibraries, VIEW CLREF ~)
  800. (addLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  801. (addLineAsLast, VIEW CLREF ~)
  802. (addLocation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  803. (addObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  804. (addObjectAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  805. (addObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  806. (addObjectsAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  807. (addObserver, VIEW CPPCLNDX addObserver Help Selection)
  808. (addOrReplaceElementWithKey, VIEW CPPCLNDX addOrReplaceElementWithKey Help Selection)
  809. (addPageAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  810. (addPageBefore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  811. (addPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  812. (addRef, VIEW CPPCLNDX addRef Help Selection)
  813. (addRelatedHandleToWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  814. (addRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX addRenderer Help Selection)
  815. (addRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  816. (addSeparator, VIEW CPPCLNDX addSeparator Help Selection)
  817. (addSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX addSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  818. (addSubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  819. (addText, VIEW CPPCLNDX addText Help Selection)
  820. (addToCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  821. (addToWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  822. (addToWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  823. (addType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  824. (addUnion, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  825. (adjustArg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  826. (adjustPriority, VIEW CPPCLNDX adjustPriority Help Selection)
  827. (adjustResult, VIEW CLREF ~)
  828. (aliasName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  829. (alignBottom, VIEW CPPCLNDX alignBottom Help Selection)
  830. (alignCentered, VIEW CPPCLNDX alignCentered Help Selection)
  831. (alignLeft, VIEW CPPCLNDX alignLeft Help Selection)
  832. (alignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX alignment Help Selection)
  833. (alignNoAdjust, VIEW CLREF ~)
  834. (alignRight, VIEW CPPCLNDX alignRight Help Selection)
  835. (alignTitleCentered, VIEW CLREF ~)
  836. (alignTitleLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  837. (alignTitleRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  838. (alignTop, VIEW CPPCLNDX alignTop Help Selection)
  839. (allDevices, VIEW CLREF ~)
  840. (allElementsDo, VIEW CPPCLNDX allElementsDo Help Selection)
  841. (allObjectsDo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  842. (allocate, VIEW CPPCLNDX allocate Help Selection)
  843. (allocateOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX allocateOperation Help Selection)
  844. (allowsDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  845. (allowsDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  846. (allowsMouseClickFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  847. (allSubtreeElementsDo, VIEW CPPCLNDX allSubtreeElementsDo Help Selection)
  848. (alternateWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX alternateWindow Help Selection)
  849. (alternateWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX alternateWindowHandle Help Selection)
  850. (alwaysHorizontalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  851. (alwaysVerticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  852. (amount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  853. (ampMixer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  854. (anchorBlock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  855. (animated, VIEW CLREF ~)
  856. (animateWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  857. (animation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  858. (animationRate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  859. (any, VIEW CLREF ~)
  860. (anyData, VIEW CPPCLNDX anyData Help Selection)
  861. (anyElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  862. (appContext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  863. (appDBCSStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  864. (appendRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  865. (appendText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  866. (application, VIEW CPPCLNDX application Help Selection)
  867. (applicationModal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  868. (applicationOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  869. (applicationOrKeyAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  870. (applicationSpecificData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  871. (applyBidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  872. (applyBitOp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  873. (applyButton, VIEW CPPCLNDX applyButton Help Selection)
  874. (applyTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  875. (appShell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  876. (area, VIEW CLREF ~)
  877. (areChildrenReversed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  878. (areDetailsViewTitlesVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  879. (areHeadphonesEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  880. (areSpeakersEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  881. (arg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  882. (argc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  883. (argv, VIEW CLREF ~)
  884. (armChangeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  885. (armPixelOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  886. (armPixelOffsetId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  887. (armRange, VIEW CPPCLNDX armRange Help Selection)
  888. (armSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  889. (armTickOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  890. (armTickOffsetId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  891. (armTrackId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  892. (arrangeIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  893. (arrowDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  894. (arrowUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  895. (asCDATE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  896. (asCTIME, VIEW CLREF ~)
  897. (asDebugInfo, VIEW CPPCLNDX asDebugInfo Help Selection)
  898. (asDouble, VIEW CLREF ~)
  899. (asExtendedUnsignedLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  900. (asIndex, VIEW CPPCLNDX asIndex Help Selection)
  901. (asInt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  902. (asLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  904. (asMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  905. (asNeededHorizontalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  906. (asNeededVerticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  907. (asPixel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  908. (asPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  909. (asPOINTL, VIEW CLREF ~)
  910. (asRECTL, VIEW CLREF ~)
  911. (asRGBLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  912. (asSeconds, VIEW CLREF ~)
  913. (assertParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  914. (asSIZEL, VIEW CLREF ~)
  915. (asString, VIEW CPPCLNDX asString Help Selection)
  916. (asTagXFORM, VIEW CLREF ~)
  917. (asUnsigned, VIEW CPPCLNDX asUnsigned Help Selection)
  918. (asUnsignedLong, VIEW CPPCLNDX asUnsignedLong Help Selection)
  919. (atBottomDelta, VIEW CLREF ~)
  920. (atEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  921. (atFirstObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  922. (atLastObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  923. (attach, VIEW CPPCLNDX attach Help Selection)
  924. (attachAsChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  925. (attachAsRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  926. (attachClient, VIEW CLREF ~)
  927. (attachedToId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  928. (attachSubtreeAsChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  929. (attachSubtreeAsRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  930. (attachTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  931. (atTopDelta, VIEW CLREF ~)
  932. (attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  933. (attributes, VIEW CPPCLNDX attributes Help Selection)
  934. (audio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  935. (audioCD, VIEW CLREF ~)
  936. (audioTape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  937. (autoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  938. (autoLatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  939. (autoPageSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  940. (autoPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  941. (autoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  942. (autoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX autoSelect Help Selection)
  943. (autoSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  944. (autoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  945. (avgCharWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  946. (avgLowercase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  947. (avgUppercase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  948. (backgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX backgroundColor Help Selection)
  949. (backgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  950. (backgroundFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  951. (backgroundMixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX backgroundMixMode Help Selection)
  952. (backPagesBottomLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  953. (backPagesBottomRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  954. (backPagesTopLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  955. (backPagesTopRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  956. (backwardDiag1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  957. (backwardDiag2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  958. (bad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  959. (balance, VIEW CLREF ~)
  960. (base, VIEW CLREF ~)
  961. (baseLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  962. (baseRecord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  963. (baseRecordSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  964. (baseRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  965. (bass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  966. (begin, VIEW CPPCLNDX begin Help Selection)
  967. (beginConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  968. (beginEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  969. (beginFlashing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  970. (beginHotLink, VIEW CPPCLNDX beginHotLink Help Selection)
  971. (beginUsingFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  972. (behind, VIEW CLREF ~)
  973. (BidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  974. (binary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  975. (binaryData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  976. (binding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  977. (bitalloc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  978. (bitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX bitmap Help Selection)
  979. (bitmapAndTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  980. (bitmapCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  981. (bitmapFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX bitmapFormat Help Selection)
  982. (bitmapOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  983. (bitmapSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  984. (bitmapVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  985. (bitsPerSample, VIEW CPPCLNDX bitsPerSample Help Selection)
  986. (black, VIEW CLREF ~)
  987. (blen, VIEW CLREF ~)
  988. (blockAlignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX blockAlignment Help Selection)
  989. (blueMix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  990. (bmp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  991. (border, VIEW CPPCLNDX border Help Selection)
  992. (borderColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX borderColor Help Selection)
  993. (borderColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  994. (borderHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  995. (borderSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  996. (borderWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  997. (bottom, VIEW CPPCLNDX bottom Help Selection)
  998. (bottomAlign, VIEW CLREF ~)
  999. (bottomCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1000. (bottomGraphicUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1001. (bottomLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1002. (bottomRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1003. (boundingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1004. (boundingRectAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1005. (buffer, VIEW CPPCLNDX buffer Help Selection)
  1006. (buttonBitmapAndTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1007. (buttonBitmapVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1008. (buttonClickId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1009. (buttonPressedId, VIEW CPPCLNDX buttonPressedId Help Selection)
  1010. (buttons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1011. (buttonsBottom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1012. (buttonSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1013. (buttonsLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1014. (buttonsPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1015. (buttonsRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1016. (buttonState, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1017. (buttonsTop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1018. (buttonTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1019. (buttonView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1020. (bytesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX bytesPerSecond Help Selection)
  1021. (b2c, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1022. (b2d, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1023. (b2x, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1024. (c_exception, VIEW CLREF c_exception )
  1025. (calcLimitSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1026. (calcMinimumSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX calcMinimumSize Help Selection)
  1027. (calcRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1028. (canBeCopied, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1029. (canBeLinked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1030. (canBeMoved, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1031. (cancel, VIEW CPPCLNDX cancel Help Selection)
  1032. (cancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1033. (canRedo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1034. (canRender, VIEW CPPCLNDX canRender Help Selection)
  1035. (canRetry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1036. (canUndo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1037. (capturePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1038. (cdxa, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  1041. (centerAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1042. (centeredAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1043. (centerPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1044. (centerVerticalAlign, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1045. (centerXCenterY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1046. (centerXMaxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1047. (centerXMinY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1048. (change, VIEW CPPCLNDX change Help Selection)
  1049. (changeCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX changeCount Help Selection)
  1050. (changed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1051. (channels, VIEW CPPCLNDX channels Help Selection)
  1052. (character, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1053. (characterKeyPress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1054. (characterSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1055. (characterTypeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1056. (charLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1057. (charType, VIEW CPPCLNDX charType Help Selection)
  1058. (charWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1059. (char1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1060. (char2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1061. (char3, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1062. (char4, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1063. (checkAddition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1064. (checked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1065. (checkItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX checkItem Help Selection)
  1066. (checkMultiplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1067. (childAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1068. (ChildCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1069. (circularArm, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1070. (classDefaultAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX classDefaultAttribute Help Selection)
  1071. (classDefaultDataStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1072. (classDefaultHeadingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1073. (classDefaultStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX classDefaultStyle Help Selection)
  1074. (className, VIEW CPPCLNDX className Help Selection)
  1075. (clear, VIEW CPPCLNDX clear Help Selection)
  1076. (clearBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1077. (clearClipRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1078. (clearDefaultTransparentColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1079. (clearLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1080. (CLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1081. (click, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1082. (client, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1083. (clientHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX clientHandle Help Selection)
  1084. (clientRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1085. (clientRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1086. (clipboardEmptied, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1087. (clipboardHasTextFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1088. (clipChildren, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1089. (clippingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1090. (clipRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1091. (clipSiblings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1092. (clipToParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1093. (close, VIEW CPPCLNDX close Help Selection)
  1094. (closed, VIEW CPPCLNDX closed Help Selection)
  1095. (closeDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1096. (closeEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1097. (closeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1098. (codepageTextFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1099. (collapse, VIEW CPPCLNDX collapse Help Selection)
  1100. (collectionReplaced, VIEW CPPCLNDX collectionReplaced Help Selection)
  1101. (color, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1102. (column, VIEW CPPCLNDX column Help Selection)
  1103. (ColumnCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1104. (columnInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1105. (columnUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1106. (columnWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1107. (command, VIEW CPPCLNDX command Help Selection)
  1108. (commandId, VIEW CPPCLNDX commandId Help Selection)
  1109. (commandNotifyId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1110. (commands, VIEW CPPCLNDX commands Help Selection)
  1111. (commandType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1112. (communicationWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1113. (compare, VIEW CPPCLNDX compare Help Selection)
  1114. (CompareFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1115. (completion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1116. (complex, VIEW CLREF complex Class )
  1117. (compressedRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1118. (conj, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1119. (connectedDeviceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1120. (container, VIEW CPPCLNDX container Help Selection)
  1121. (containerAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1122. (containerFromHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1123. (containerId, VIEW CPPCLNDX containerId Help Selection)
  1124. (containerKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1125. (containerList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1126. (containerName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1127. (containerObject, VIEW CPPCLNDX containerObject Help Selection)
  1128. (contains, VIEW CPPCLNDX contains Help Selection)
  1129. (containsAllFrom, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  1130. (containsAllKeysFrom, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  1131. (containsApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1132. (containsElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  1133. (containsKeyName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1134. (containsObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1135. (contents, VIEW CPPCLNDX contents Help Selection)
  1136. (contentsSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1137. (contentsWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1138. (contentType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1139. (control, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1140. (controlHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1141. (controlId, VIEW CPPCLNDX controlId Help Selection)
  1142. (controlInformation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1143. (controlSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1144. (controlWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1145. (conversationCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1146. (conversationEnded, VIEW CPPCLNDX conversationEnded Help Selection)
  1147. (convertToApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1148. (convertToGUIStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX convertToGUIStyle Help Selection)
  1149. (convertToNative, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1150. (convertToWorkspace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1151. (coord1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1152. (coord2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1153. (copy, VIEW CPPCLNDX copy Help Selection)
  1154. (copyable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1155. (copyFromBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1156. (copyObjectTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1157. (copySubtree, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1158. (copyToBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1159. (cos, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1160. (cosh, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1161. (count, VIEW CPPCLNDX count Help Selection)
  1162. (country, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1163. (coverPageWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1164. (create, VIEW CPPCLNDX create Help Selection)
  1165. (createFloatingFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1166. (createToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1167. (cueForPlayback, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1168. (cueForRecording, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1169. (cuePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1170. (cuePointId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1171. (current, VIEW CPPCLNDX current Help Selection)
  1172. (currentBitmapIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1173. (currentDrawingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1174. (currentEditColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1175. (currentEditMLE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1176. (currentEditObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1177. (currentFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1178. (currentGraphicType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1179. (currentId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1180. (currentPID, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1181. (currentText, VIEW CPPCLNDX currentText Help Selection)
  1182. (cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1183. (Cursor, VIEW CPPCLNDX Cursor Help Selection)
  1184. (cursoredChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1185. (cursoredObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1186. (cursorLinePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1187. (cursorPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX cursorPosition Help Selection)
  1188. (customButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1189. (cut, VIEW CPPCLNDX cut Help Selection)
  1190. (cutCopyBufferSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1191. (cutToBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1192. (cx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1193. (cy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1194. (c2b, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1195. (c2d, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1196. (c2x, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1197. (dat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1198. (data, VIEW CPPCLNDX data Help Selection)
  1199. (dataAsDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1200. (dataAsIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1201. (dataAsNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1202. (dataAsString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1203. (dataAsTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1204. (dataAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1205. (dataUpdateId, VIEW CPPCLNDX dataUpdateId Help Selection)
  1206. (date, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1207. (dayName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1208. (dayOfMonth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1209. (dayOfWeek, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1210. (dayOfYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1211. (daysInMonth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1212. (daysInYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1213. (dbcsData, VIEW CPPCLNDX dbcsData Help Selection)
  1214. (dbcsTable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1215. (dbp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1216. (deactivated, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1217. (deactivateId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1218. (debugSupport, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1219. (dec, VIEW CPPCLNDX dec Help Selection)
  1220. (deckCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1221. (deckOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1222. (deckOrientationId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1223. (decksByGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1224. (decrementUseCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1225. (defaultApplicationName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1226. (defaultAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultAttribute Help Selection)
  1227. (defaultAutoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1228. (defaultBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1229. (defaultBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1230. (defaultBuffer, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultBuffer Help Selection)
  1231. (defaultButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1232. (defaultCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1233. (defaultDataStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1234. (defaultDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1235. (defaultFillColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1236. (defaultFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1237. (defaultGroupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1238. (defaultHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1239. (defaultHeadingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1240. (defaultMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1241. (defaultMisfitWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1242. (defaultMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1243. (defaultMousePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1244. (defaultOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1245. (defaultOrdering, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultOrdering Help Selection)
  1246. (defaultPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1247. (defaultPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1248. (defaultPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1249. (defaultPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1250. (defaultPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1251. (defaultPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1252. (defaultPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1253. (defaultPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1254. (defaultProcedure, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultProcedure Help Selection)
  1255. (defaultQueueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1256. (defaultSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1257. (defaultSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1258. (defaultStackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1259. (defaultStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultStyle Help Selection)
  1260. (defaultTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1261. (defaultTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1262. (defaultText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1263. (defaultTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1264. (defaultTransparentColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1265. (defButton1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1266. (defButton2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1267. (defButton3, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1268. (deferCreation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1269. (delayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1270. (deleteAllObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1271. (deleteAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX deleteAt Help Selection)
  1272. (deleteElementWithApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1273. (deleteElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1274. (deleteId, VIEW CPPCLNDX deleteId Help Selection)
  1275. (deleteItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX deleteItem Help Selection)
  1276. (deletePendingEvents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1277. (deleteRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1278. (deleteSelectedObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1279. (deleteSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1280. (deltaReached, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1281. (dense1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1282. (dense2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1283. (dense3, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1284. (dense4, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1285. (dense5, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1286. (dense6, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1287. (dense7, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1288. (dense8, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1289. (dequeue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1290. (descendentsOf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1291. (description, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1292. (deselect, VIEW CPPCLNDX deselect Help Selection)
  1293. (deselectAll, VIEW CPPCLNDX deselectAll Help Selection)
  1294. (deselectItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1295. (desktopWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1296. (destinationRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1297. (destInvert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1298. (Destructor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1299. (detach, VIEW CPPCLNDX detach Help Selection)
  1300. (detailsObjectRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1301. (detailsTitleRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1302. (detailsView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1303. (detailsViewPortOnWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1304. (detailsViewPortOnWorkspace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1305. (detailsViewSplit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1306. (detailsViewTitles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1307. (detailsViewTitlesId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1308. (detentPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1309. (device, VIEW CPPCLNDX device Help Selection)
  1310. (deviceColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1311. (deviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1312. (deviceEventId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1313. (deviceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1314. (deviceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1315. (deviceType, VIEW CPPCLNDX deviceType Help Selection)
  1316. (deviceWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1317. (dialogBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1318. (dialogBorder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1319. (dibFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1320. (differenceWith, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  1321. (difFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1322. (digitalVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1323. (direction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1324. (disable, VIEW CPPCLNDX disable Help Selection)
  1325. (disableAnimateWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1326. (disableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1327. (disableAutoLatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1328. (disableAutoPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1329. (disableAutoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1330. (disableAutoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableAutoSelect Help Selection)
  1331. (disableAutoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1332. (disableCaching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1333. (disableCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1334. (disableConnector, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1335. (disableContinuousPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1336. (disableCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1337. (disabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX disabled Help Selection)
  1338. (disableDataUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableDataUpdate Help Selection)
  1339. (disabledBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX disabledBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  1340. (disableDefault, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1341. (disabledForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX disabledForegroundColor Help Selection)
  1342. (disabledForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1343. (disableDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1344. (disableDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1345. (disableDragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1346. (disableDrawBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1347. (disableDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableDrawItem Help Selection)
  1348. (disabledText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1349. (disabledTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1350. (disableExtendedSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1351. (disableFastSpin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1352. (disableFillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1353. (disableGridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1354. (disableGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1355. (disableHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1356. (disableHeadingUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1357. (disableHeadphones, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1358. (disableHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1359. (disableInsertMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1360. (disableItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableItem Help Selection)
  1361. (disableLatching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1362. (disableMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1363. (disableMisfitFiltering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1364. (disableMonitoring, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableMonitoring Help Selection)
  1365. (disableMouseClickFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1366. (disableMultipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1367. (disableNoAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1368. (disableNotification, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableNotification Help Selection)
  1369. (disableRibbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1370. (disableSizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1371. (disableSnapToTick, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1372. (disableSpeakers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1373. (disableStrikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1374. (disableSymmetricSwapping, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1375. (disableSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1376. (disableTabStop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1377. (disableTitleUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1378. (disableTrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1379. (disableUnderscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1380. (disableUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableUpdate Help Selection)
  1381. (disableWordByWordReordering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1382. (disableWordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1383. (disableWriteLineNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1384. (disableWritePrefix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1385. (discard, VIEW CPPCLNDX discard Help Selection)
  1386. (discId, VIEW CPPCLNDX discId Help Selection)
  1387. (discProgramKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1388. (discTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1389. (discTitleKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1390. (dismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1391. (dispatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1392. (dispatchHandlerEvent, VIEW CPPCLNDX dispatchHandlerEvent Help Selection)
  1393. (dispatchingWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1394. (dispatchNotificationEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1395. (dispatchRemainingHandlers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1396. (displayBitmapFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX displayBitmapFormat Help Selection)
  1397. (displayMetafileFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX displayMetafileFormat Help Selection)
  1398. (displayMetafilePictureFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1399. (displaySize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1400. (displayTextFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX displayTextFormat Help Selection)
  1401. (displayValue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1402. (displayWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1403. (distanceFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1404. (doallocate, VIEW CPPCLNDX doallocate Help Selection)
  1405. (doDiscard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1406. (doPrint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1407. (doRender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1408. (doRenderEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1409. (doRenderPrepare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1410. (dotProduct, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1411. (drag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1412. (dragInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1413. (dragItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX dragItem Help Selection)
  1414. (dragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1415. (dragWasInterrupted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1416. (draw, VIEW CPPCLNDX draw Help Selection)
  1417. (drawArm, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1418. (drawBackground, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawBackground Help Selection)
  1419. (drawDetailsItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1420. (drawDisabledEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1421. (drawDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1422. (drawForeground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1423. (drawIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1424. (drawingArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1425. (drawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawItem Help Selection)
  1426. (drawLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1427. (drawOn, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawOn Help Selection)
  1428. (drawOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawOperation Help Selection)
  1429. (drawRibbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1430. (drawSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1431. (drawShaft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1432. (drawTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1433. (drawText, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawText Help Selection)
  1434. (drawUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1435. (drewChecked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1436. (drewDisabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1437. (drewSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1438. (dropDownType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1439. (dropIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1440. (dropOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1441. (dropPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX dropPosition Help Selection)
  1442. (dropStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1443. (d2b, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1444. (d2c, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1445. (d2x, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1446. (eback, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1447. (ebuf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1448. (edit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1449. (editColumnTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1450. (editContainerTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1451. (editObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1452. (editRegionHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1453. (editRegionWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1454. (egptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1455. (element, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1456. (elementAdded, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementAdded Help Selection)
  1457. (elementAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementAt Help Selection)
  1458. (elementAtPosition, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  1459. (elementChanged, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementChanged Help Selection)
  1460. (elementDeleted, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementDeleted Help Selection)
  1461. (elementsChanged, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementsChanged Help Selection)
  1462. (elementWithKey, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementWithKey Help Selection)
  1463. (element11, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1464. (element12, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1465. (element21, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1466. (element22, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1467. (element31, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1468. (element32, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1469. (emHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1470. (empty, VIEW CPPCLNDX empty Help Selection)
  1471. (enable, VIEW CPPCLNDX enable Help Selection)
  1472. (enableAnimateWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1473. (enableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1474. (enableAutoLatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1475. (enableAutoPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1476. (enableAutoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1477. (enableAutoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableAutoSelect Help Selection)
  1478. (enableAutoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1479. (enableCaching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1480. (enableCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1481. (enableConnector, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1482. (enableContinuousPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1483. (enableCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1484. (enableCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1485. (enableDataUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableDataUpdate Help Selection)
  1486. (enableDefault, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1487. (enableDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1488. (enableDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1489. (enableDragDropFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1490. (enableDragFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1491. (enableDragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1492. (enableDrawBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1493. (enableDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableDrawItem Help Selection)
  1494. (enableDropOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1495. (enableExtendedSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableExtendedSelect Help Selection)
  1496. (enableFastSpin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1497. (enableFillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1498. (enableGridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1499. (enableGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1500. (enableHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1501. (enableHeadingUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1502. (enableHeadphones, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1503. (enableHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1504. (enableId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1505. (enableInsertMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1506. (enableItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableItem Help Selection)
  1507. (enableLatching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1508. (enableLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1509. (enableMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1510. (enableMisfitFiltering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1511. (enableMonitoring, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableMonitoring Help Selection)
  1512. (enableMouseClickFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1513. (enableMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1514. (enableMultipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1515. (enableNoAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1516. (enableNotification, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableNotification Help Selection)
  1517. (enableRibbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1518. (enableSizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1519. (enableSnapToTick, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1520. (enableSpeakers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1521. (enableStrikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1522. (enableSymmetricSwapping, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1523. (enableSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1524. (enableTabStop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1525. (enableTitleUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1526. (enableTrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1527. (enableUnderscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1528. (enableUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableUpdate Help Selection)
  1529. (enableWordByWordReordering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1530. (enableWordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1531. (enableWriteLineNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1532. (enableWritePrefix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1533. (enclosingRect, VIEW CPPCLNDX enclosingRect Help Selection)
  1534. (end, VIEW CPPCLNDX end Help Selection)
  1535. (endAllHotLinks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1536. (endConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1537. (endEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1538. (endFlashing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1539. (endHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1540. (endHotLinks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1541. (endingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX endingPoint Help Selection)
  1542. (endOfTrack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1543. (endUsingFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1544. (enqueue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1545. (enter, VIEW CPPCLNDX enter Help Selection)
  1546. (enterButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1547. (enterCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1548. (enterId, VIEW CPPCLNDX enterId Help Selection)
  1549. (enterPressed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1550. (eof, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1551. (epptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1552. (error, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1553. (errorCodeGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1554. (errorIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1555. (errorId, VIEW CPPCLNDX errorId Help Selection)
  1556. (errorText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1557. (eventCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1558. (eventData, VIEW CPPCLNDX eventData Help Selection)
  1559. (eventId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1560. (eventType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1561. (exceptionFunction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1562. (exceptionLogged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1563. (executeAcknowledged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1564. (executeCommands, VIEW CPPCLNDX executeCommands Help Selection)
  1565. (exit, VIEW CPPCLNDX exit Help Selection)
  1566. (exp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1567. (expand, VIEW CPPCLNDX expand Help Selection)
  1568. (expandBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1569. (expandedBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1570. (expandForText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1571. (expandTree, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1572. (exportSelectedTextToFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1573. (exportToFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1574. (extendedSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1575. (extendedSelectChangedId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1576. (extendedSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1577. (extendedStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX extendedStyle Help Selection)
  1578. (extensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1579. (externalLeading, VIEW CPPCLNDX externalLeading Help Selection)
  1580. (faceNameAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1581. (FaceNameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1582. (fail, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1583. (fastForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1584. (fastForwardButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1585. (fastSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1586. (fastSpin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1587. (fattrs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1588. (fd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1589. (file, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1590. (filebuf, VIEW CLREF filebuf )
  1591. (fileLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1592. (filename, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1593. (fileName, VIEW CPPCLNDX fileName Help Selection)
  1594. (fileNormalSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1595. (fill, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1596. (fillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1597. (fillBackgroundId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1598. (fillColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX fillColor Help Selection)
  1599. (filled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1600. (fillMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1601. (fillPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX fillPattern Help Selection)
  1602. (filter, VIEW CPPCLNDX filter Help Selection)
  1603. (FilterFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1604. (filterMisfits, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1605. (filterName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1606. (findExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1607. (findExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1608. (findPhrase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1609. (findRendererFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX findRendererFor Help Selection)
  1610. (findRenderersFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX findRenderersFor Help Selection)
  1611. (findTransaction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1612. (first, VIEW CPPCLNDX first Help Selection)
  1613. (firstElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  1614. (firstGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1615. (firstPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1616. (fixed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1617. (fixedSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1618. (fixedWidthOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1619. (fixupChildren, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1620. (fl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1621. (flags, VIEW CPPCLNDX flags Help Selection)
  1622. (floatingFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1623. (floatingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1624. (floatingTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1625. (flowedView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1626. (flush, VIEW CPPCLNDX flush Help Selection)
  1627. (flyHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1628. (flyTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1629. (flyTextStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1630. (focusId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1631. (font, VIEW CPPCLNDX font Help Selection)
  1632. (fontFamily, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1633. (fontId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1634. (fontmetrics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1635. (fontWeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1636. (fontWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1637. (foregroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX foregroundColor Help Selection)
  1638. (foregroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1639. (foregroundFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1640. (forewardDiag1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1641. (forewardDiag2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1642. (format, VIEW CPPCLNDX format Help Selection)
  1643. (formatAsHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1644. (formatCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1645. (frame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1646. (FrameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1647. (framed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1648. (frameRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1649. (frames, VIEW CPPCLNDX frames Help Selection)
  1650. (framesPerSecond, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1651. (frameToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1652. (freeze, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1653. (fromContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1654. (fstream, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1655. (full360, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1656. (functionName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1657. (gain, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1658. (gbump, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1659. (gcount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1660. (generateSourceItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX generateSourceItems Help Selection)
  1661. (generateSourceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1662. (get, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1663. (getline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1664. (getTableFromDisc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1665. (good, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1666. (gotFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1667. (goToEntry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1668. (gptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1669. (graphicAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1670. (graphicAtPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1671. (graphicBundle, VIEW CPPCLNDX graphicBundle Help Selection)
  1672. (graphicContext, VIEW CPPCLNDX graphicContext Help Selection)
  1673. (graphicWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1674. (greenMix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1675. (gridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1676. (group, VIEW CPPCLNDX group Help Selection)
  1677. (groupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1678. (halftone, VIEW CPPCLNDX halftone Help Selection)
  1679. (halftoneFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1680. (halftoneId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1681. (handle, VIEW CPPCLNDX handle Help Selection)
  1682. (handleAck, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleAck Help Selection)
  1683. (handleCursoredChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1684. (handleData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1685. (handleDrawBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1686. (handleDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleDrawItem Help Selection)
  1687. (handleError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1688. (handleEventsFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleEventsFor Help Selection)
  1689. (handleException, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleException Help Selection)
  1690. (handleExecute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1691. (handleFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1692. (handleInitiate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1693. (handleInitiateAck, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1694. (handleInuseChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1695. (handleNotificationsFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1696. (handleOpen, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1697. (handlePoke, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1698. (handleRequest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1699. (handleSelectedChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1700. (handleTerminate, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleTerminate Help Selection)
  1701. (handleTreeCollapse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1702. (handleTreeExpand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1703. (handleUnadvise, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1704. (handleWithParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1705. (handleWithPointerCaptured, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1706. (hasBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1707. (hasBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1708. (hasBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1709. (hasBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasBorder Help Selection)
  1710. (hasChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1711. (hasChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1712. (hasData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1713. (hasDragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1714. (hasDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1715. (hasFillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1716. (hasFillColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1717. (hasFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1718. (hasFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1719. (hasFont, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasFont Help Selection)
  1720. (hasGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1721. (hasGridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1722. (hasHorizontalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1723. (hasImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1724. (hasMixedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1725. (hasMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1726. (hasNormalTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1727. (hasNotifierAttrChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1728. (hasOrderedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1729. (hasPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1730. (hasPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1731. (hasPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1732. (hasPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1733. (hasPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1734. (hasPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1735. (hasPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1736. (hasPointerCaptured, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1737. (hasSelectedText, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasSelectedText Help Selection)
  1738. (hasText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1739. (hasTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1740. (hasTransparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasTransparentColor Help Selection)
  1741. (hasType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1742. (hasVerticalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1743. (hatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1744. (hatchedDiag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1745. (headerData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1746. (headingIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1747. (headingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1748. (headphone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1749. (height, VIEW CPPCLNDX height Help Selection)
  1750. (help, VIEW CPPCLNDX help Help Selection)
  1751. (helpButton, VIEW CPPCLNDX helpButton Help Selection)
  1752. (helpId, VIEW CPPCLNDX helpId Help Selection)
  1753. (helpUndefined, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1754. (helpWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX helpWindow Help Selection)
  1755. (hex, VIEW CPPCLNDX hex Help Selection)
  1756. (hide, VIEW CPPCLNDX hide Help Selection)
  1757. (hideButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1758. (hideDetailsViewTitles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1759. (hideList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1760. (hideObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1761. (hidePanelIds, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1762. (hideSeparators, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1763. (hideSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX hideSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  1764. (highHighByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1765. (highlight, VIEW CPPCLNDX highlight Help Selection)
  1766. (highlighted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1767. (highLowByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1768. (highNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1769. (hiliteBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX hiliteBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  1770. (hiliteBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1771. (hiliteForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX hiliteForegroundColor Help Selection)
  1772. (hiliteForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1773. (hitApertureSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1774. (hitPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1775. (hollow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1776. (homeBottom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1777. (homeLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1778. (homePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1779. (homeRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1780. (homeTop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1781. (horizontal, VIEW CPPCLNDX horizontal Help Selection)
  1782. (horizontalDataAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1783. (horizontalDecks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1784. (horizontalHeadingAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1785. (horizontalScroll, VIEW CPPCLNDX horizontalScroll Help Selection)
  1786. (horizontalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1787. (horizontalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1788. (hotLinkCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX hotLinkCount Help Selection)
  1789. (hotLinkInform, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1790. (hotLinks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1791. (hotLinkUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1792. (hours, VIEW CPPCLNDX hours Help Selection)
  1793. (hundredths, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1794. (hwnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1795. (hwndAllocation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1796. (hyperlinkSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1797. (IAccelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1798. (IAccelTblHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1799. (IAccessError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1800. (IAEqualityCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Collection )
  1801. (IAEqualityKeyCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Key Collection )
  1802. (IAEqualityKeySortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Key Sorted Collection )
  1803. (IAEqualitySortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Sorted Collection )
  1804. (IAKeyCollection, VIEW CLREF Key Collection )
  1805. (IAKeySortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Key Sorted Collection )
  1806. (IAnchorBlockHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1807. (IAnimatedButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1808. (IAnimatedButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1809. (IAOrderedCollection, VIEW CLREF Ordered Collection )
  1810. (IAPP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  1811. (IApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1812. (IASequentialCollection, VIEW CLREF Sequential Collection )
  1813. (IASortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Sorted Collection )
  1814. (IAssertionFailure, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1815. (IAutoElemPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  1816. (IAutoPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  1817. (IBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1818. (IBase::Version, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1819. (IBaseComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1820. (IBaseComboBox::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1821. (IBaseComboBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1822. (IBaseListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1823. (IBaseListBox::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1824. (IBaseListBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1825. (IBaseSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1826. (IBaseSpinButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1827. (IBitFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1828. (IBitmapControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1829. (IBitmapControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1830. (IBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1831. (IBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1832. (IButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1833. (IButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1834. (IButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1835. (ICanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1836. (ICanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1837. (ICheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1838. (ICheckBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1839. (ICircularSlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1840. (ICircularSlider::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1841. (ICircularSliderNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1842. (ICLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1843. (IClipboard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1844. (IClipboard::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1845. (IClipboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1846. (ICnrAllocator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1847. (ICnrBeginEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1848. (ICnrControlList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1849. (ICnrDrawBackgroundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1850. (ICnrDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1851. (ICnrDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1852. (ICnrEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1853. (ICnrEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1854. (ICnrEmphasisEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1855. (ICnrEndEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1856. (ICnrEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1857. (ICnrEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1858. (ICnrHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1859. (ICnrHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1860. (ICnrMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1861. (ICnrObjectSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1862. (ICnrQueryDeltaEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1863. (ICnrReallocStringEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1864. (ICnrScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1865. (ICollectionViewComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1866. (ICollectionViewConstants, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1867. (ICollectionViewListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1868. (IColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1869. (IComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1870. (IComboBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1871. (IComboBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1872. (ICommandEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1873. (ICommandHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1874. (icon, VIEW CPPCLNDX icon Help Selection)
  1875. (iconRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1876. (iconSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1877. (IConstantIterator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1878. (IContainerColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1879. (IContainerControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1880. (IContainerControl::Attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1881. (IContainerControl::ColumnCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1882. (IContainerControl::CompareFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1883. (IContainerControl::FilterFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1884. (IContainerControl::ObjectCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1885. (IContainerControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1886. (IContainerControl::TextCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1887. (IContainerControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1888. (IContainerObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1889. (iconText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1890. (IContextHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1891. (IControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1892. (IControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1893. (IControlEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1894. (iconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1895. (ICoordinateSystem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1896. (ICritSec, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1897. (ICurrentApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1898. (ICurrentThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1899. (ICursor, VIEW CLREF Cursor )
  1900. (ICustomButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1901. (ICustomButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1902. (ICustomButtonDrawEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1903. (ICustomButtonDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1904. (id, VIEW CPPCLNDX id Help Selection)
  1905. (IDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1906. (IDBCSBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1907. (idClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1908. (IDDE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1909. (IDDEAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1910. (IDDEAcknowledgeExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1911. (IDDEAcknowledgePokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1912. (IDDEActiveServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1913. (IDDEActiveServerSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1914. (IDDEBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1915. (IDDEClientAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1916. (IDDEClientConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1917. (IDDEClientEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1918. (IDDEClientHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1919. (IDDEClientHotLinkSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1920. (IDDEDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1921. (IDDEEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1922. (IDDEEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1923. (IDDEExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1924. (IDDEPokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1925. (IDDERequestDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1926. (IDDEServerAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1927. (IDDEServerHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1928. (IDDESetAcknowledgeInfoEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1929. (IDDETopicServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1930. (IDeque, VIEW CLREF Deque )
  1931. (IDeviceColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1932. (IDeviceError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1933. (idHide, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1934. (IDisplayHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1935. (IDM, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1936. (idMaximize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1937. (IDMCnrItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1938. (IDMEFItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1939. (IDMEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1940. (IDMHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1941. (IDMImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1942. (IDMImage::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1943. (IDMImage::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1944. (idMinimize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1945. (IDMItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1946. (IDMItemProvider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1947. (IDMItemProviderFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1948. (IDMMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1949. (IDMMLEItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1950. (IDMOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1951. (idMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1952. (IDMRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1953. (IDMSourceBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1954. (IDMSourceDiscardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1955. (IDMSourceEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1956. (IDMSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1957. (IDMSourceOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1958. (IDMSourcePrepareEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1959. (IDMSourcePrintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1960. (IDMSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1961. (IDMSourceRenderEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1962. (IDMTargetDropEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1963. (IDMTargetEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1964. (IDMTargetEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1965. (IDMTargetEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1966. (IDMTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1967. (IDMTargetHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1968. (IDMTargetLeaveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1969. (IDMTargetOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1970. (IDMTargetOperation::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1971. (IDMTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1972. (IDMTBarButtonItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1973. (IDMToolBarItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1974. (idPulldown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1975. (IDrawingCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1976. (IDrawingCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1977. (IDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1978. (idRestore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1979. (idSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1980. (idWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1981. (IDynamicLinkLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1982. (IEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1983. (IElemPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  1984. (IEntryField, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1985. (IEntryField::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1986. (IEntryFieldNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1987. (IEnumHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1988. (IEqualitySequence, VIEW CLREF IEqualitySequence )
  1989. (IErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1990. (IEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1991. (IEventData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1992. (IEventParameter1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1993. (IEventParameter2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1994. (IEventResult, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1995. (IException, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1996. (IException::TraceFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1997. (IExceptionLocation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1998. (IFileDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  1999. (IFileDialog::Settings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2000. (IFileDialog::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2001. (IFileDialogEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2002. (IFileDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2003. (IFlyOverHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2004. (IFlyText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2005. (IFocusHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2006. (IFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2007. (IFont::FaceNameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2008. (IFont::PointSizeCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2009. (IFontDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2010. (IFontDialog::Settings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2011. (IFontDialog::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2012. (IFontDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2013. (IFrameEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2014. (IFrameExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2015. (IFrameExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2016. (IFrameFormatEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2017. (IFrameHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2018. (IFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2019. (IFrameWindow::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2020. (IFrameWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2021. (ifstream, VIEW CLREF ifstream )
  2022. (IGArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2023. (IGBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2024. (IGChord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2025. (IGEllipse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2026. (IGLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2027. (IGList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2028. (IGList::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2029. (ignore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2030. (ignoreTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2031. (IGPie, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2032. (IGPolygon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2033. (IGPolyline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2034. (IGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2035. (IGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2036. (IGraphicContext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2037. (IGraphicPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2038. (IGraphicPushButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2039. (IGRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2040. (IGRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2041. (IGroupBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2042. (IGroupBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2043. (IGString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2044. (IGUIColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2045. (IGUIErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2046. (IG3PointArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2047. (IHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2048. (IHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2049. (IHeap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2050. (IHelpErrorEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2051. (IHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2052. (IHelpHyperlinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2053. (IHelpMenuBarEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2054. (IHelpNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2055. (IHelpSubitemNotFoundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2056. (IHelpTutorialEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2057. (IHelpWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2058. (IHelpWindow::Settings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2059. (IHighEventParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2060. (IIconControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2061. (IIconControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2062. (IInfoArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2063. (IInvalidParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2064. (IInvalidRequest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2065. (IIterator, VIEW CLREF IIterator )
  2066. (IKeyBag, VIEW CLREF Key Bag )
  2067. (IKeyboardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2068. (IKeyboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2069. (IKeyMap, VIEW CLREF Key Map )
  2070. (IKeySet, VIEW CLREF Key Set )
  2071. (IKeySortedBag, VIEW CLREF Key Sorted Bag )
  2072. (IKeySortedSet, VIEW CLREF Key Sorted Set )
  2073. (IListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2074. (IListBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2075. (IListBoxDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2076. (IListBoxDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2077. (IListBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2078. (IListBoxSizeItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2079. (ILowEventParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2080. (imag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2081. (image, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2082. (imageFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2083. (imageOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2084. (imageStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2085. (IMANIP, VIEW CLREF Paramterized Manipulators )
  2086. (IMap, VIEW CLREF Map )
  2087. (IMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2088. (IMenu::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2089. (IMenu::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2090. (IMenuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2091. (IMenuBar::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2092. (IMenuDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2093. (IMenuDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2094. (IMenuDrawItemHandler::DrawFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2095. (IMenuEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2096. (IMenuHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2097. (IMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2098. (IMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2099. (IMenuItem::Attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2100. (IMenuItem::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2101. (IMenuItem::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2102. (IMenuNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2103. (IMessageBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2104. (IMessageBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2105. (IMessageQueueHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2106. (IMessageText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2107. (IMMAmpMixer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2108. (IMMAudioBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2109. (IMMAudioCD, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2110. (IMMAudioCDContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2111. (IMMAudioCDContents::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2113. (IMMConfigurableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2114. (IMMCuePointEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2115. (IMMDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2116. (IMMDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2117. (IMMDeviceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2118. (IMMDigitalVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2119. (immediateDescendentsOf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2120. (IMMErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2121. (IMMFileMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2122. (IMMHourMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2123. (IMMHourMinSecTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2124. (IMMMasterAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2125. (IMMMillisecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2126. (IMMMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2127. (IMMNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2128. (IMMPassDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2129. (IMMPlayableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2130. (IMMPlayerPanel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2131. (IMMPlayerPanelHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2132. (IMMPositionChangeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2133. (IMMRecordable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2134. (IMMRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2135. (IMMRemovableMediaHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2136. (IMMSequencer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2137. (IMMSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2138. (IMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2139. (IMMTrackMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2140. (IMMWaveAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2141. (IMM24FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2142. (IMM25FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2143. (IMM30FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2144. (IMngElemPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  2145. (IMngPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  2146. (IModuleHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2147. (IMouseClickEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2148. (IMouseEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2149. (IMouseHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2150. (IMousePointerEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2151. (IMousePointerHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2152. (importFromFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2153. (IMultiCellCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2154. (IMultiCellCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2155. (IMultiLineEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2156. (IMultiLineEdit::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2157. (IMultiLineEditNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2158. (in_avail, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2159. (inactiveColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX inactiveColor Help Selection)
  2160. (inactiveColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2161. (inactiveText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2162. (inactiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2163. (inactiveTextBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2164. (inactiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2165. (inactiveTextForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2166. (inactiveTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2167. (includeEAS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2168. (includes, VIEW CPPCLNDX includes Help Selection)
  2169. (includesDBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX includesDBCS Help Selection)
  2170. (includesMBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX includesMBCS Help Selection)
  2171. (includesSBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX includesSBCS Help Selection)
  2172. (inConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2173. (incrementChangeCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX incrementChangeCount Help Selection)
  2174. (incrementUseCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2175. (index, VIEW CPPCLNDX index Help Selection)
  2176. (indexOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOf Help Selection)
  2177. (indexOfAnyBut, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfAnyBut Help Selection)
  2178. (indexOfAnyOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfAnyOf Help Selection)
  2179. (indexOfPhrase, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfPhrase Help Selection)
  2180. (indexOfWord, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfWord Help Selection)
  2181. (indexWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2182. (informationFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2183. (informationIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2184. (informSourceOfCompletion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2185. (informTargetOfCompletion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2186. (initBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2187. (initialDelayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2188. (initialDrive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2189. (initialFileType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2190. (initialize, VIEW CPPCLNDX initialize Help Selection)
  2191. (initialized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2192. (initializeGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2193. (INotebook, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2194. (INotebook::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2195. (INotebook::PageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2196. (INotebook::PageSettings::Attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2197. (INotebook::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2198. (INotebookDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2199. (INotebookNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2200. (INotificationEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2201. (INotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2202. (insert, VIEW CPPCLNDX insert Help Selection)
  2203. (insertModeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2204. (insertPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2205. (instanceFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2206. (integerWithKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2207. (intermediatePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2208. (internal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2209. (internalLeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2210. (intersectionWith, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2211. (intersects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2212. (interval, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2213. (INumericSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2214. (INumericSpinButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2215. (INumericSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2216. (inuseChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2217. (invalidate, VIEW CPPCLNDX invalidate Help Selection)
  2218. (invert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2219. (invisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2220. (IOAPP, VIEW CLREF Paramterized Manipulators )
  2221. (IObjectWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2222. (IObserver, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2223. (IObserverList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2224. (IObserverList::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2225. (IOMANIP, VIEW CLREF Paramterized Manipulators )
  2226. (ios, VIEW CLREF ios )
  2227. (iostream, VIEW CLREF iostream )
  2228. (iostream_withassign, VIEW CLREF iostream and iostream_withassign )
  2229. (IOutlineBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2230. (IOutlineBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2231. (IOutOfMemory, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2232. (IOutOfSystemResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2233. (IOutOfWindowResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2234. (IPageEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2235. (IPageHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2236. (IPageHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2237. (IPageHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2238. (IPageRemoveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2239. (IPageSelectEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2240. (IPaintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2241. (IPaintHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2242. (IPair, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2243. (ipfx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2244. (IPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2245. (IPointArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2246. (IPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2247. (IPopUpMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2248. (IPresSpaceHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2249. (IPriorityQueue, VIEW CLREF Priority Queue )
  2250. (IPrivateResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2251. (IProcedureAddress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2252. (IProcessId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2253. (IProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2254. (IProfile::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2255. (IProfileHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2256. (IProgressIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2257. (IProgressIndicator::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2258. (IProgressIndicatorNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2259. (IPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2260. (IPushButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2261. (IQueue, VIEW CLREF Queue )
  2262. (IRadioButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2263. (IRadioButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2264. (IRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2265. (IRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2266. (IRefCounted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2267. (IReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2268. (IRegionHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2269. (IRelation, VIEW CLREF Relation )
  2270. (IResizeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2271. (IResizeHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2272. (IResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2273. (IResourceExhausted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2274. (IResourceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2275. (IResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2276. (IResourceLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2277. (is_open, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2278. (isAbbrevFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2279. (isAbbreviationFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2280. (isAboveFirst, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2281. (isAckPositive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2282. (isAckRequested, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAckRequested Help Selection)
  2283. (isAckToBeginHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2284. (isAckToEndHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2285. (isAckToHotLinkUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2286. (isAckToRequestData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2287. (isAcquired, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAcquired Help Selection)
  2288. (isAlphabetic, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAlphabetic Help Selection)
  2289. (isAlphanumeric, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAlphanumeric Help Selection)
  2290. (isAltDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2291. (isAltKeyDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2292. (isAnExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2293. (isAnimatedWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2294. (isAnimationStarted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2295. (isApplicationBusy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2296. (isASCII, VIEW CPPCLNDX isASCII Help Selection)
  2297. (isAttribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2298. (isAudioEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2299. (isAutoDeleteObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2300. (isAutoDestroyWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2301. (isAutoLatchEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2302. (isAutoPlayEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2303. (isAutoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2304. (isAutoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAutoSelect Help Selection)
  2305. (isAutoSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2306. (isAutoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2307. (isAvailable, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAvailable Help Selection)
  2308. (isBidiSupported, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2309. (isBinaryDigits, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2310. (isBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX isBitmap Help Selection)
  2311. (isBitmapOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2312. (isBitmapVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2313. (isBold, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2314. (isBounded, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2315. (isButtonEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2316. (isCachingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2317. (isCaseSensitive, VIEW CPPCLNDX isCaseSensitive Help Selection)
  2318. (isChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2319. (isCharacter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2320. (isCharValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2321. (isChecked, VIEW CPPCLNDX isChecked Help Selection)
  2322. (isClippingRectSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2323. (isCloseOnDestroy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2324. (isCollapsed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2325. (isColumnExpandable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2326. (isColumnRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2327. (isCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2328. (isComposite, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2329. (isConnectionSupported, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2330. (isConnectorEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2331. (isContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2332. (isContainerControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2333. (isContinuousPlayEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2334. (isControl, VIEW CPPCLNDX isControl Help Selection)
  2335. (isConversionNeeded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2336. (IScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2337. (IScrollBar::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2338. (IScrollBarNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2339. (IScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2340. (IScrollHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2341. (isCtrlDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2342. (isCtrlKeyDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2343. (isCursored, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2344. (isCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2345. (isDataFromHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2346. (isDataIString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2347. (isDataRequested, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDataRequested Help Selection)
  2348. (isDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2349. (isDBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDBCS Help Selection)
  2350. (isDBCS1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2351. (isDefault, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2352. (isDefaultTransparentColorSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2353. (isDetailsData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2354. (isDetailsView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2355. (isDialogTemplateSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2356. (isDigits, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDigits Help Selection)
  2357. (isDisabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDisabled Help Selection)
  2358. (isDragAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2359. (isDrawBackgroundEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2360. (isDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDrawItem Help Selection)
  2361. (isDrawItemEnabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDrawItemEnabled Help Selection)
  2362. (ISelectHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2363. (ISemaphoreHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2364. (isEmpty, VIEW CPPCLNDX isEmpty Help Selection)
  2365. (isEnabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isEnabled Help Selection)
  2366. (isEnabledForNotification, VIEW CPPCLNDX isEnabledForNotification Help Selection)
  2367. (isEntryPoint32Bit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2368. (isEqual, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2369. (ISequence, VIEW CLREF Sequence )
  2370. (ISet, VIEW CLREF Set )
  2371. (ISetCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2372. (ISetCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2373. (ISettingButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2374. (ISettingButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2375. (isExpanded, VIEW CPPCLNDX isExpanded Help Selection)
  2376. (isExtendedSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2377. (isExtendedSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2378. (isFastSpinEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2379. (isFirst, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2380. (isFixed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2381. (isFlashing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2382. (isFlowed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2383. (isFlowedNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2384. (isFlowedTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2385. (isForComposite, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2386. (isFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2387. (isFramed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2388. (isFrameWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX isFrameWindow Help Selection)
  2389. (isFromFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2390. (isFull, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2391. (isGainingUse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2392. (isGraphics, VIEW CPPCLNDX isGraphics Help Selection)
  2393. (isGroup, VIEW CPPCLNDX isGroup Help Selection)
  2394. (isGUIInitialized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2395. (isHalftone, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHalftone Help Selection)
  2396. (ISharedResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2397. (isHeadingIconHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2398. (isHeadingString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2399. (isHeadingWriteable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2400. (isHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2401. (isHexDigits, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHexDigits Help Selection)
  2402. (isHide, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2403. (isHighlighted, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHighlighted Help Selection)
  2404. (isHitSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2405. (isHitSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2406. (isHorizontal, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHorizontal Help Selection)
  2407. (isHorizontalScroll, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHorizontalScroll Help Selection)
  2408. (IShowListHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2409. (isIconHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2410. (isIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2411. (isIGList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2412. (isInsertMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2413. (isInUse, VIEW CPPCLNDX isInUse Help Selection)
  2414. (isInvalidComposite, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2415. (isItalic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2416. (isItemChecked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2417. (isItemEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2418. (ISize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2419. (isLast, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2420. (isLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2421. (isLatchedBackgroundColorHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2422. (isLatchingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2423. (isLayoutDistorted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2424. (isLeaf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2425. (isLeapYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2426. (isLeftDetails, VIEW CPPCLNDX isLeftDetails Help Selection)
  2427. (isLeftDetailsHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2428. (ISlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2429. (ISlider::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2430. (ISliderArmHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2431. (ISliderDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2432. (isLike, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2433. (isListShowing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2434. (isLowerCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX isLowerCase Help Selection)
  2435. (isMajorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2436. (isMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2437. (isMaster, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2438. (isMaximized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2439. (isMBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isMBCS Help Selection)
  2440. (isMediaPresent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2441. (isMemberOf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2442. (isMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2443. (isMessageUnderstood, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2444. (isMinimized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2445. (isMinorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2446. (isMisfitFilteringEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2447. (isModal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2448. (isModeless, VIEW CPPCLNDX isModeless Help Selection)
  2449. (isMonitoringEnabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isMonitoringEnabled Help Selection)
  2450. (isMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2451. (isMoveValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2452. (isMultipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2453. (isMultipleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2454. (isNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2455. (isNoAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2456. (isNoDismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2457. (isNonPropOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2458. (isNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2459. (isOnRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2460. (isOpen, VIEW CPPCLNDX isOpen Help Selection)
  2461. (isOpenDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2462. (isOpenStringValid, VIEW CPPCLNDX isOpenStringValid Help Selection)
  2463. (ISortedBag, VIEW CLREF Sorted Bag )
  2464. (ISortedMap, VIEW CLREF Sorted Map )
  2465. (ISortedRelation, VIEW CLREF Sorted Relation )
  2466. (ISortedSet, VIEW CLREF Sorted Set )
  2467. (isOutline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2468. (isPacingRequested, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2469. (ISpinHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2470. (isPlayingForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2471. (ISplitCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2472. (ISplitCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2473. (isPositionSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2474. (isPrevDBCS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2475. (isPrimaryWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2476. (isPrintable, VIEW CPPCLNDX isPrintable Help Selection)
  2477. (isPunctuation, VIEW CPPCLNDX isPunctuation Help Selection)
  2478. (isRecoverable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2479. (isReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2480. (isRefreshOn, VIEW CPPCLNDX isRefreshOn Help Selection)
  2481. (isRelatedHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX isRelatedHandle Help Selection)
  2482. (isRepeat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2483. (isRibbonStripEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2484. (isRightDetails, VIEW CPPCLNDX isRightDetails Help Selection)
  2485. (isRightDetailsHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2486. (isRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2487. (isRowExpandable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2488. (isSBC, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2489. (isSBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isSBCS Help Selection)
  2490. (isScanCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2491. (isSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2492. (isSelected, VIEW CPPCLNDX isSelected Help Selection)
  2493. (isSelectionStateDrawn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2494. (isSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2495. (isServant, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2496. (isSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2497. (isShiftDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2498. (isShiftKeyDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2499. (isShow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2500. (isShowing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2501. (isShowingMiniIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2502. (isSingleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2503. (isSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2504. (isSizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2505. (isSnapToTickEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2506. (isSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2507. (isSpinFieldValid, VIEW CPPCLNDX isSpinFieldValid Help Selection)
  2508. (isStandardFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2509. (isStarted, VIEW CPPCLNDX isStarted Help Selection)
  2510. (isStatusTextOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2511. (isStrikeout, VIEW CPPCLNDX isStrikeout Help Selection)
  2512. (isString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2513. (isStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2514. (isSubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2515. (isSymmetricSwappingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2516. (isSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2517. (isTabStop, VIEW CPPCLNDX isTabStop Help Selection)
  2518. (IStack, VIEW CLREF Stack )
  2519. (IStandardNotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2520. (isTarget, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2521. (isTargetTheSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2522. (IStaticText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2523. (IStaticText::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2524. (isText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2525. (isTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2526. (isTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2527. (isTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2528. (isTitleSeparatorVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2529. (isTitleVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2530. (isTitleWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2531. (isTitleWriteable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2532. (isTopLevelShell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2533. (isTraceEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2534. (istream, VIEW CLREF istream )
  2535. (istream_withassign, VIEW CLREF istream )
  2536. (isTreeIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2537. (isTreeNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2538. (isTreeTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2539. (isTreeView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2540. (IString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2541. (IStringEnum, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2542. (IStringGenerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2543. (IStringGeneratorFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2544. (IStringGeneratorMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2545. (IStringGeneratorRefMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2546. (IStringHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2547. (IStringParser, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2548. (IStringParser::SkipWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2549. (IStringTest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2550. (IStringTestMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2551. (istrstream, VIEW CLREF strstream, istrstream, )
  2552. (ISubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2553. (ISubmenu::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2554. (isUncombined, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2555. (isUnderscore, VIEW CPPCLNDX isUnderscore Help Selection)
  2556. (isUndoable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2557. (isUpperCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX isUpperCase Help Selection)
  2558. (isUpTransition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2559. (isValid, VIEW CPPCLNDX isValid Help Selection)
  2560. (isValidDBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isValidDBCS Help Selection)
  2561. (isValidMBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isValidMBCS Help Selection)
  2562. (isVectorOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2563. (isVertical, VIEW CPPCLNDX isVertical Help Selection)
  2564. (isVirtual, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2565. (isVisible, VIEW CPPCLNDX isVisible Help Selection)
  2566. (isWhiteSpace, VIEW CPPCLNDX isWhiteSpace Help Selection)
  2567. (isWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2568. (isWindowValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2569. (isWordByWordReorderingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2570. (isWordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2571. (ISWP, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2572. (ISWPArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2573. (isWriteable, VIEW CPPCLNDX isWriteable Help Selection)
  2574. (isWriteLineNumberEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2575. (isWritePrefixEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2576. (isXerrorCodeAvailable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2577. (ISystemBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2578. (ISystemErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2579. (ISystemMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2580. (ISystemPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2581. (isZOrder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2582. (is32Bit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2583. (item, VIEW CPPCLNDX item Help Selection)
  2584. (itemCapability, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2585. (itemChangedId, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemChangedId Help Selection)
  2586. (itemHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemHandle Help Selection)
  2587. (itemId, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemId Help Selection)
  2588. (itemIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2589. (itemPresSpaceHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemPresSpaceHandle Help Selection)
  2590. (itemProvider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2591. (itemRect, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemRect Help Selection)
  2592. (items, VIEW CPPCLNDX items Help Selection)
  2593. (itemsId, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemsId Help Selection)
  2594. (itemSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2595. (itemStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2596. (itemText, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemText Help Selection)
  2597. (itemType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2598. (Iterator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2599. (ITextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2600. (ITextControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2601. (ITextSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2602. (ITextSpinButton::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2603. (ITextSpinButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2604. (ITextSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2605. (IThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2606. (IThread::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2607. (IThreadFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2608. (IThreadId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2609. (IThreadMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2610. (ITime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2611. (ITimer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2612. (ITimer::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2613. (ITimerFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2614. (ITimerMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2615. (ITimerMemberFn0, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2616. (ITitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2617. (ITitleNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2618. (IToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2619. (IToolBar::FrameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2620. (IToolBar::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2621. (IToolBar::WindowCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2622. (IToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2623. (IToolBarButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2624. (IToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2625. (IToolBarContainer::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2626. (IToolBarFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2627. (ITrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2628. (ITransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2629. (ITree, VIEW CLREF N-ary Tree )
  2630. (ITreeCursor, VIEW CLREF Tree Cursor )
  2631. (IVBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2632. (IViewPort, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2633. (IViewPort::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2634. (IWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2635. (IWindow::BidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2636. (IWindow::ChildCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2637. (IWindow::ExceptionFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2638. (IWindow::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2639. (IWindow::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2640. (IWindowHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2641. (IWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2642. (iword, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2643. (IXLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2644. (I0String, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2645. (I3StateCheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2646. (I3StateCheckBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2647. (julianDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2648. (jumpToPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2649. (justifyData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2650. (justifyHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2651. (key, VIEW CPPCLNDX key Help Selection)
  2652. (keyName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2653. (keysHelpId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2654. (label, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2655. (last, VIEW CPPCLNDX last Help Selection)
  2656. (lastElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2657. (lastError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2658. (lastGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2659. (lastIndexOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX lastIndexOf Help Selection)
  2660. (lastIndexOfAnyBut, VIEW CPPCLNDX lastIndexOfAnyBut Help Selection)
  2661. (lastIndexOfAnyOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX lastIndexOfAnyOf Help Selection)
  2662. (lastPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2663. (latch, VIEW CPPCLNDX latch Help Selection)
  2664. (latchedBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2665. (latchedForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2666. (latchId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2667. (layout, VIEW CPPCLNDX layout Help Selection)
  2668. (layoutAdjustment, VIEW CPPCLNDX layoutAdjustment Help Selection)
  2669. (layoutSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2670. (layoutType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2671. (left, VIEW CPPCLNDX left Help Selection)
  2672. (leftAlign, VIEW CPPCLNDX leftAlign Help Selection)
  2673. (leftCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2674. (leftIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2675. (leftJustify, VIEW CPPCLNDX leftJustify Help Selection)
  2676. (length, VIEW CPPCLNDX length Help Selection)
  2677. (limit, VIEW CPPCLNDX limit Help Selection)
  2678. (limitId, VIEW CPPCLNDX limitId Help Selection)
  2679. (lineCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2680. (lineDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2681. (lineFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2682. (lineLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2683. (lineNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2684. (lineRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2685. (lineSpacing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2686. (lineUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2687. (link, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2688. (linkable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2689. (linkFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2690. (listDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2691. (listDeleteAll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2692. (listEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2693. (listError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2694. (listInsert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2695. (listMemoryError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2696. (listNone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2697. (listShown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2698. (load, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2699. (loadAccelTable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2700. (loadBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX loadBitmap Help Selection)
  2701. (loadOnThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2702. (loadPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2703. (loadString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2704. (locate, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2705. (locateElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2706. (locateFirst, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2707. (locateLast, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2708. (locateNext, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2709. (locateNextElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2710. (locateOrAdd, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2711. (locateOrAddElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2712. (locatePrevious, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2713. (locateText, VIEW CPPCLNDX locateText Help Selection)
  2714. (location, VIEW CPPCLNDX location Help Selection)
  2715. (locationAtIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2716. (locationCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2717. (lock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2718. (lockDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2719. (log, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2720. (logData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2721. (logExceptionData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2722. (longHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2723. (longStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2724. (longTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2725. (lostFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2726. (lowerBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2727. (lowerCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX lowerCase Help Selection)
  2728. (lowHighByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2729. (lowLowByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2730. (lowNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2731. (major, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2732. (majorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2733. (majorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2734. (majorTabBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2735. (majorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2736. (majorTabForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2737. (majorTabsBottom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2738. (majorTabsLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2739. (majorTabsRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2740. (majorTabsTop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2741. (makePopUpMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2742. (mappingMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2743. (mapPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2744. (margin, VIEW CPPCLNDX margin Help Selection)
  2745. (marginSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2746. (master, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2747. (matchForMnemonic, VIEW CPPCLNDX matchForMnemonic Help Selection)
  2748. (matchingRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2749. (maxAscender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2750. (maxCharHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2751. (maxCharLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2752. (maxDescender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2753. (maximize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2754. (maximizeButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2755. (maximized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2756. (maximizeRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2757. (maximum, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2758. (maximumSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2759. (maximumWindows, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2760. (maxLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2761. (maxLowercaseAscender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2762. (maxLowercaseDescender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2763. (maxNumberOfElements, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2764. (maxSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2765. (maxUppercaseSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2766. (maxX, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2767. (maxXCenterY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2768. (maxXMaxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2769. (maxXMinY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2770. (maxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2771. (mediaLoaded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2772. (mediaLoadedId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2773. (mediaType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2774. (mediaUnloaded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2775. (menuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2776. (menuBarCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2777. (menuEnded, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuEnded Help Selection)
  2778. (menuHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuHandle Help Selection)
  2779. (menuItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuItem Help Selection)
  2780. (menuSelected, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuSelected Help Selection)
  2781. (menuShowing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2782. (mergeCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2783. (mergePaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2784. (messageFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2785. (messageQueue, VIEW CPPCLNDX messageQueue Help Selection)
  2786. (messageText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2787. (metafileFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX metafileFormat Help Selection)
  2788. (metafilePictureFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2789. (microphone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2790. (midpoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2791. (miniIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2792. (minimize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2793. (minimizeButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2794. (minimized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2795. (minimizedIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2796. (minimizeRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2797. (minimum, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2798. (minimumCharacters, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2799. (minimumRows, VIEW CPPCLNDX minimumRows Help Selection)
  2800. (minimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2801. (minimumSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2802. (minor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2803. (minorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2804. (minorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2805. (minorTabBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2806. (minorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2807. (minorTabForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2808. (minScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2809. (minTextWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2810. (minutes, VIEW CPPCLNDX minutes Help Selection)
  2811. (minX, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2812. (minXCenterY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2813. (minXMaxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2814. (minXMinY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2815. (minY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2816. (missingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2817. (missingTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2818. (mixedCharacter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2819. (mixedData, VIEW CPPCLNDX mixedData Help Selection)
  2820. (mixedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2821. (mixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX mixMode Help Selection)
  2822. (mleHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2823. (mnemonic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2824. (mode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2825. (modeless, VIEW CPPCLNDX modeless Help Selection)
  2826. (modelessResults, VIEW CPPCLNDX modelessResults Help Selection)
  2827. (monitor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2828. (monitorHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2829. (monthName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2830. (monthOfYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2831. (mouseAction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2832. (mouseButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2833. (mouseClicked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2834. (mouseMoved, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2835. (mousePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2836. (mousePointerChange, VIEW CPPCLNDX mousePointerChange Help Selection)
  2837. (mousePosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX mousePosition Help Selection)
  2838. (move, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2839. (moveable, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveable Help Selection)
  2840. (moveAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2841. (moveArmToPixel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2842. (moveArmToTick, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2843. (moveBefore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2844. (moveBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveBy Help Selection)
  2845. (moveIconTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2846. (moveObjectTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2847. (movePointerTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2848. (moveScrollBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2849. (moveScrollBoxTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2850. (moveSizeTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveSizeTo Help Selection)
  2851. (moveSizeToClient, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2852. (moveTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveTo Help Selection)
  2853. (moveToFirst, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2854. (moveToLast, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2855. (moving, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2856. (multiLineEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2857. (multipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2858. (multipleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2859. (multiSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2860. (name, VIEW CPPCLNDX name Help Selection)
  2861. (nameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2862. (nativeOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2863. (nativeRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2864. (nativeRF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2865. (nativeRM, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2866. (nativeRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2867. (newBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2868. (newCursor, VIEW CPPCLNDX newCursor Help Selection)
  2869. (newScrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2870. (newSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2871. (newStartedThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2872. (newText, VIEW CPPCLNDX newText Help Selection)
  2873. (next, VIEW CPPCLNDX next Help Selection)
  2874. (nextAvailable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2875. (nextPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2876. (nextShellRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2877. (nlsCompare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2878. (noAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2879. (noAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX noAttribute Help Selection)
  2880. (noBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX noBorder Help Selection)
  2881. (noCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2882. (noDismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2883. (noDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2884. (noDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2885. (noHorizontalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2886. (noIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2887. (nominalPointSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2888. (noMoveWithOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2889. (none, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2890. (noPointerFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2891. (norm, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2892. (normal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2893. (normalSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2894. (noSelection, VIEW CPPCLNDX noSelection Help Selection)
  2895. (noSelections, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2896. (noSharedObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2897. (noSourceRendering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2898. (noSplitBars, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2899. (noStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX noStyle Help Selection)
  2900. (notebook, VIEW CPPCLNDX notebook Help Selection)
  2901. (notebookSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2902. (notFound, VIEW CPPCLNDX notFound Help Selection)
  2903. (noTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2904. (notificationHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2905. (notificationId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2906. (notifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2907. (notifyObservers, VIEW CPPCLNDX notifyObservers Help Selection)
  2908. (notifyOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2909. (notSourceErase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2910. (noVerticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2911. (noViewWindowFill, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2912. (now, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2913. (null, VIEW CPPCLNDX null Help Selection)
  2914. (number, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2915. (numberOfApplications, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2916. (numberOfChildren, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2917. (numberOfColumnChanges, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2918. (numberOfDifferentKeys, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2919. (numberOfElements, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfElements Help Selection)
  2920. (numberOfElementsWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2921. (numberOfEntries, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2922. (numberOfExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2923. (numberOfGraphics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2924. (numberOfItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfItems Help Selection)
  2925. (numberOfKeys, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2926. (numberOfLeaves, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2927. (numberOfLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2928. (numberOfObjectChanges, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2929. (numberOfOccurrences, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  2930. (numberOfPoints, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfPoints Help Selection)
  2931. (numberOfRenderers, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfRenderers Help Selection)
  2932. (numberOfSelections, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfSelections Help Selection)
  2933. (numberOfSubtreeElements, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2934. (numberOfSubtreeLeaves, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2935. (numberOfTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2936. (numberOfTracks, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfTracks Help Selection)
  2937. (numberOfWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2938. (number1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2939. (number2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2940. (numeralDisplay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2941. (numWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2942. (OAPP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  2943. (object, VIEW CPPCLNDX object Help Selection)
  2944. (objectAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2945. (objectCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2946. (objectCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2947. (ObjectCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2948. (objectList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2949. (objectText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2950. (objectTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2951. (objectUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2952. (objectWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2953. (observerData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2954. (observerList, VIEW CPPCLNDX observerList Help Selection)
  2955. (occurrencesOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX occurrencesOf Help Selection)
  2956. (oct, VIEW CPPCLNDX oct Help Selection)
  2957. (oemData, VIEW CPPCLNDX oemData Help Selection)
  2958. (oemTextFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2959. (offset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2960. (ofstream, VIEW CLREF ofstream )
  2961. (ok, VIEW CPPCLNDX ok Help Selection)
  2962. (okButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2963. (okButtonText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2964. (okCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2965. (oldSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2966. (OMANIP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  2967. (open, VIEW CPPCLNDX open Help Selection)
  2968. (openDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2969. (openLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2970. (openOnThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2971. (openStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2972. (operatingSystem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2973. (operation, VIEW CPPCLNDX operation Help Selection)
  2974. (operationFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2975. (operator <<, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2976. (operator <, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator < Help Selection)
  2977. (operator <=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator <= Help Selection)
  2978. (operator ++, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2979. (operator +, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator + Help Selection)
  2980. (operator +=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator += Help Selection)
  2981. (operator |, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator | Help Selection)
  2982. (operator |=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator |= Help Selection)
  2983. (operator &, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator & Help Selection)
  2984. (operator &=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator &= Help Selection)
  2985. (operator !=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator != Help Selection)
  2986. (operator *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2987. (operator *=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2988. (operator ^, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2989. (operator ^=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator ^= Help Selection)
  2990. (operator --, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2991. (operator -, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator - Help Selection)
  2992. (operator ->, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2993. (operator -=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator -= Help Selection)
  2994. (operator /=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2995. (operator %=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2996. (operator _WidgetRec *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2997. (operator _XDisplay *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2998. (operator _XGC *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  2999. (operator _XrmHashBucketRec *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3000. (operator _XtAppStruct *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3001. (operator >, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator > Help Selection)
  3002. (operator >>, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3003. (operator >=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator >= Help Selection)
  3004. (operator =, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator = Help Selection)
  3005. (operator ==, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator == Help Selection)
  3006. (operator ~, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3007. (operator [], VIEW CPPCLNDX operator [] Help Selection)
  3008. (operator char *, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator char * Help Selection)
  3009. (operator const char *, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator const char * Help Selection)
  3010. (operator const IRegionHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3011. (operator delete, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator delete Help Selection)
  3012. (operator new, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator new Help Selection)
  3013. (operator PtrToFnType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3014. (operator signed char *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3015. (operator T *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3016. (operator unsigned char *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3017. (operator unsigned long, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator unsigned long Help Selection)
  3018. (operator Value, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator Value Help Selection)
  3019. (operator void*, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3020. (operator<<, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator<< Help Selection)
  3021. (operator+, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3022. (operator+=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3023. (operator!=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator!= Help Selection)
  3024. (operator*, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3025. (operator*=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3026. (operator-, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator- Help Selection)
  3027. (operator-=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3028. (operator/, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3029. (operator/=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3030. (operator>>, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator>> Help Selection)
  3031. (operator=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator= Help Selection)
  3032. (operator==, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3033. (operator==, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator== Help Selection)
  3034. (opfx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3035. (orderedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3036. (ordinal, VIEW CPPCLNDX ordinal Help Selection)
  3037. (orientation, VIEW CPPCLNDX orientation Help Selection)
  3038. (orientationId, VIEW CPPCLNDX orientationId Help Selection)
  3039. (origDefaultButtonHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3040. (osfx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3041. (ostream, VIEW CLREF ostream and ostream )
  3042. (ostream_withassign, VIEW CLREF ostream and ostream )
  3043. (ostrstream, VIEW CLREF strstream, istrstream, )
  3044. (other, VIEW CPPCLNDX other Help Selection)
  3045. (out_waiting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3046. (outlineType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3047. (outstandingTransactionCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3048. (overflow, VIEW CPPCLNDX overflow Help Selection)
  3049. (overlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3050. (overlayWith, VIEW CPPCLNDX overlayWith Help Selection)
  3051. (owner, VIEW CPPCLNDX owner Help Selection)
  3052. (ownerItemData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3053. (packEven, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3054. (packExpanded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3055. (packTight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3056. (packType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3057. (pad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3058. (padWithZeros, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3059. (page, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3060. (pageBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3061. (pageBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3062. (pageDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3063. (pageHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX pageHandle Help Selection)
  3064. (pageLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3065. (pageRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3066. (pageScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3067. (pageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3068. (PageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3069. (pageSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX pageSize Help Selection)
  3070. (pageUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3071. (pageWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3072. (paintWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3073. (paletteFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX paletteFormat Help Selection)
  3074. (parameter1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3075. (parameter2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3076. (parent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3077. (parentObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3078. (parentSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3079. (passDevice, VIEW CPPCLNDX passDevice Help Selection)
  3080. (passDeviceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3081. (passEventToOwner, VIEW CPPCLNDX passEventToOwner Help Selection)
  3082. (passToOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3083. (paste, VIEW CPPCLNDX paste Help Selection)
  3084. (pasteFromBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3085. (pasteToBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3086. (patternCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3087. (patternInvert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3088. (patternOrigin, VIEW CPPCLNDX patternOrigin Help Selection)
  3089. (patternPaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3090. (pause, VIEW CPPCLNDX pause Help Selection)
  3091. (pauseButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3092. (pbackfail, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3093. (pbase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3094. (pbump, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3095. (pcount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3096. (peek, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3097. (penColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX penColor Help Selection)
  3098. (penEndingStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX penEndingStyle Help Selection)
  3099. (penJoiningStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX penJoiningStyle Help Selection)
  3100. (penPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX penPattern Help Selection)
  3101. (penType, VIEW CPPCLNDX penType Help Selection)
  3102. (penWidth, VIEW CPPCLNDX penWidth Help Selection)
  3103. (pib, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3104. (pitch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3105. (plainText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3106. (play, VIEW CPPCLNDX play Help Selection)
  3107. (playableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3108. (playAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3109. (playButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3110. (playDigital, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3111. (playFast, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3112. (playScan, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3113. (playSlow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3114. (point, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3115. (pointArray, VIEW CPPCLNDX pointArray Help Selection)
  3116. (pointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3117. (pointerOffset, VIEW CPPCLNDX pointerOffset Help Selection)
  3118. (pointerPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3119. (pointSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX pointSize Help Selection)
  3120. (pointSizeAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3121. (PointSizeCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3122. (pokeAcknowledged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3123. (pokeData, VIEW CPPCLNDX pokeData Help Selection)
  3124. (pokedData, VIEW CPPCLNDX pokedData Help Selection)
  3125. (polar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3126. (polygon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3127. (polygonTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3128. (pop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3129. (popupMenuObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3130. (position, VIEW CPPCLNDX position Help Selection)
  3131. (positionBehindSibling, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3132. (positionBehindSiblings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3133. (positionChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3134. (positionChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3135. (positionChangeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3136. (positionExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3137. (positionId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3138. (positionOnSiblings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3139. (positionRelativeTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3140. (positionTimerId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3141. (positionViewWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3142. (postEvent, VIEW CPPCLNDX postEvent Help Selection)
  3143. (postEvents, VIEW CPPCLNDX postEvents Help Selection)
  3144. (postHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3145. (postSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3146. (pow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3147. (pptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3148. (precision, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3149. (preload, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3150. (prepare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3151. (prepareAtSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3152. (prepareForUse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3153. (prerollTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3154. (prerollType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3155. (presentationSystem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3156. (pressedOK, VIEW CPPCLNDX pressedOK Help Selection)
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  3158. (presSpaceHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3159. (prevCharLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3160. (previous, VIEW CPPCLNDX previous Help Selection)
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  3163. (prevScrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3164. (primaryFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3165. (primaryScale, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3166. (primaryScale1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3167. (primaryScale2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3168. (printDestination, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3169. (priorityClass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3170. (priorityLevel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3171. (procAddress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3172. (processMsgs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3173. (profile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3174. (proportionalOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3175. (proportionalTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3176. (provideEnterSupport, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3177. (provideHelpFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3178. (provideLeaveSupport, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3179. (provideSourceItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX provideSourceItems Help Selection)
  3180. (provideTargetItemFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX provideTargetItemFor Help Selection)
  3181. (ptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3182. (push, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3183. (put, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3184. (putback, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3185. (pword, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3186. (queryIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3187. (queueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3188. (radius, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3189. (range, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3190. (rdbuf, VIEW CPPCLNDX rdbuf Help Selection)
  3191. (rdstate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3192. (read, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3193. (readOnly, VIEW CPPCLNDX readOnly Help Selection)
  3194. (readOnlyDropDownType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3195. (readOnlyHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3196. (readOnlyTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3197. (real, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3198. (reallocateString, VIEW CPPCLNDX reallocateString Help Selection)
  3199. (record, VIEW CPPCLNDX record Help Selection)
  3200. (recoverable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3201. (rect, VIEW CPPCLNDX rect Help Selection)
  3202. (redMix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3203. (redo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3204. (reference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3205. (reflectHorizontally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3206. (reflectVertically, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3207. (refresh, VIEW CPPCLNDX refresh Help Selection)
  3208. (refreshAllContainers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3209. (refreshTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3210. (registerCallbacks, VIEW CPPCLNDX registerCallbacks Help Selection)
  3211. (registerFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3212. (registerFrameClass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3213. (relatedHandlesList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3214. (relativeSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3215. (relativeWindowRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3216. (release, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3217. (releasePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3218. (releasePresSpace, VIEW CPPCLNDX releasePresSpace Help Selection)
  3219. (remainingStack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3220. (removableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3221. (remove, VIEW CPPCLNDX remove Help Selection)
  3222. (removeAll, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAll Help Selection)
  3223. (removeAllElementsWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3224. (removeAllObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3225. (removeAllObservers, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAllObservers Help Selection)
  3226. (removeAllOccurrences, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3227. (removeAllPages, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3228. (removeAllWithId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3229. (removeAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAt Help Selection)
  3230. (removeAtPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAtPosition Help Selection)
  3231. (removeBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeBorder Help Selection)
  3232. (removeColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3233. (removeColumnAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3234. (removeConditionalCascade, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3235. (removeCuePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3236. (removeDefaultHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3237. (removeDetent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3238. (removeElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3239. (removeEntryAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3240. (removeExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3241. (removeFirst, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeFirst Help Selection)
  3242. (removeFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3243. (removeFromCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3244. (removeFromWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3245. (removeFromWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3246. (removeGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3247. (removeHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3248. (removeHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3249. (removeId, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeId Help Selection)
  3250. (removeItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3251. (removeLast, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeLast Help Selection)
  3252. (removeLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3253. (removeLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3254. (removeObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3255. (removeObjectAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3256. (removeObserver, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeObserver Help Selection)
  3257. (removePage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3258. (removePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3259. (removeRef, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeRef Help Selection)
  3260. (removeRelatedHandleFromWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3261. (removeRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeRenderer Help Selection)
  3262. (removeRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3263. (removeSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3264. (removeSelectedObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3265. (removeSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  3266. (removeSubmenu, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeSubmenu Help Selection)
  3267. (removeSubmenuAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeSubmenuAt Help Selection)
  3268. (removeSubtree, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3269. (removeTabSection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3270. (removeType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3271. (removeWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3272. (renderAllFormats, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3273. (renderAtSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3274. (renderComplete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3275. (renderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX renderer Help Selection)
  3276. (renderFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3277. (renderingFailed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3278. (renderToName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3279. (repeatCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3280. (replaceAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX replaceAt Help Selection)
  3281. (replaceElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3282. (replaceEntryAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3283. (replaceItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3284. (replaceRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX replaceRenderer Help Selection)
  3285. (requestAck, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3286. (requestData, VIEW CPPCLNDX requestData Help Selection)
  3287. (requiresFiles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3288. (requiresPreparation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3289. (reset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3290. (resetActiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3291. (resetActiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3292. (resetActiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3293. (resetBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  3294. (resetBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3295. (resetBorderColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3296. (resetButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3297. (resetChangedFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3298. (resetClippingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3299. (resetColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3300. (resetDisabledBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetDisabledBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  3301. (resetDisabledForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetDisabledForegroundColor Help Selection)
  3302. (resetDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3303. (resetFillColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetFillColor Help Selection)
  3304. (resetFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3305. (resetFont, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetFont Help Selection)
  3306. (resetForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetForegroundColor Help Selection)
  3307. (resetHiliteBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetHiliteBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  3308. (resetHiliteForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetHiliteForegroundColor Help Selection)
  3309. (resetInactiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3310. (resetInactiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3311. (resetInactiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3312. (resetLatchedBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3313. (resetLatchedForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3314. (resetMajorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3315. (resetMajorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3316. (resetMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3317. (resetMinorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3318. (resetMinorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3319. (resetMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3320. (resetPageBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3321. (resetPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3322. (resetPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3323. (resetPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3324. (resetPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3325. (resetPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3326. (resetPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3327. (resetPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3328. (resetShadowColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3329. (resetSplitBarEdgeColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3330. (resetSplitBarMiddleColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3331. (resetTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3332. (resetTransparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetTransparentColor Help Selection)
  3333. (resize, VIEW CPPCLNDX resize Help Selection)
  3334. (resourceLibrary, VIEW CPPCLNDX resourceLibrary Help Selection)
  3335. (restore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3336. (restoreRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3337. (result, VIEW CPPCLNDX result Help Selection)
  3338. (resume, VIEW CPPCLNDX resume Help Selection)
  3339. (retryCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3340. (returnValue, VIEW CPPCLNDX returnValue Help Selection)
  3341. (reverse, VIEW CPPCLNDX reverse Help Selection)
  3342. (reversePoints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3343. (rewind, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3344. (rewindButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3345. (rfAny, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3346. (rfForThisProcess, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3347. (rfFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3348. (rfObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3349. (rfProcess, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3350. (rfSharedMem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3351. (rfText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3352. (rfUnknown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3353. (ribbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3354. (right, VIEW CPPCLNDX right Help Selection)
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  3356. (rightCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3357. (rightJustify, VIEW CPPCLNDX rightJustify Help Selection)
  3358. (rmAny, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3359. (rmDiscard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3360. (rmfFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3361. (rmFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3362. (rmFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3363. (rmfs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3364. (rmfsFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3365. (rmLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3366. (rmObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3367. (rmPrint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3368. (rotateBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX rotateBy Help Selection)
  3369. (rotateBy180, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3370. (rotateBy270, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3371. (rotateBy90, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3372. (rotationIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3373. (roundedTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3374. (rounding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3375. (rowHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3376. (run, VIEW CPPCLNDX run Help Selection)
  3377. (samplesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX samplesPerSecond Help Selection)
  3378. (SAPP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  3379. (save, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3380. (saveAs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3381. (saveAsEAType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3382. (saveBits, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3383. (saved, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3384. (saveHeadphonesSetting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3385. (saveSpeakersSetting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3386. (saveVolume, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3387. (sbcsData, VIEW CPPCLNDX sbcsData Help Selection)
  3388. (sbumpc, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  3391. (scaleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3392. (scanCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3393. (scanCodeKeyPress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3394. (scientific, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3395. (scroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3396. (scrollableRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3397. (scrollAmount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3398. (scrollBarWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3399. (scrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3400. (scrollBoxPositionId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3401. (scrollBoxRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3402. (scrollBoxTrack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3403. (scrollBoxTrackEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3404. (scrollDetailsHorizontally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3405. (scrollEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3406. (scrollHorizontally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3407. (scrollToObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3408. (scrollVertically, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3409. (scrollViewHorizontallyTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3410. (scrollViewVerticallyTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3411. (searchListWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3412. (seconds, VIEW CPPCLNDX seconds Help Selection)
  3413. (seek, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3414. (seekg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3415. (seekoff, VIEW CPPCLNDX seekoff Help Selection)
  3416. (seekp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3417. (seekpos, VIEW CPPCLNDX seekpos Help Selection)
  3418. (seekToEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3419. (seekToStart, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3420. (select, VIEW CPPCLNDX select Help Selection)
  3421. (selectableListbox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3422. (selectAll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3423. (selected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3424. (selectedChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3425. (selectedCollectionPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedCollectionPosition Help Selection)
  3426. (selectedElement, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedElement Help Selection)
  3427. (selectedFileCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3428. (selectedFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3429. (selectedIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3430. (selectedMechanism, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3431. (selectedRange, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedRange Help Selection)
  3432. (selectedRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3433. (selectedText, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedText Help Selection)
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  3436. (selectId, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectId Help Selection)
  3437. (selection, VIEW CPPCLNDX selection Help Selection)
  3438. (selectItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectItem Help Selection)
  3439. (selectRange, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectRange Help Selection)
  3440. (sendCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3441. (sendEvent, VIEW CPPCLNDX sendEvent Help Selection)
  3442. (sendEvents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3443. (separator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3444. (separatorHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3445. (separatorType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3446. (separatorWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3447. (sequencer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3448. (serialNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3449. (servant, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3450. (serverHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3451. (set, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3452. (setAccelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3453. (setAccelResLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3454. (setActiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3455. (setActiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3456. (setActiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3457. (setActiveWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3458. (setAlignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX setAlignment Help Selection)
  3459. (setAllEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3460. (setAlternateWindowHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3461. (setAnimationRate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3462. (setApplicationBusy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3463. (setApplicationOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3464. (setApplicationSpecificData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3465. (setArgs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3466. (setArmRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3467. (setArmSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3468. (setAssociatedWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3469. (setAttribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3470. (setAttributes, VIEW CPPCLNDX setAttributes Help Selection)
  3471. (setAutoDeleteObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3472. (setAutoDestroyWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3473. (setAutoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3474. (setb, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3475. (setBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  3476. (setBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBackgroundMixMode Help Selection)
  3477. (setBalance, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3478. (setBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3479. (setBass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3480. (setBinding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3481. (setBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBitmap Help Selection)
  3482. (setBitmaps, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3483. (setBitsPerSample, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBitsPerSample Help Selection)
  3484. (setBlockAlignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBlockAlignment Help Selection)
  3485. (setBlue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3486. (setBold, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3487. (setBorderColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3488. (setBorderHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3489. (setBorderSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3490. (setBorderWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3491. (setbuf, VIEW CPPCLNDX setbuf Help Selection)
  3492. (setBuffer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBuffer Help Selection)
  3493. (setButtonView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3494. (setBytesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBytesPerSecond Help Selection)
  3495. (setCaseSensitive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3496. (setChangedFlag, VIEW CPPCLNDX setChangedFlag Help Selection)
  3497. (setChannels, VIEW CPPCLNDX setChannels Help Selection)
  3498. (setCharHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3499. (setCharSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3500. (setCharType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3501. (setCharWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3502. (setChecked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3503. (setClient, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3504. (setClientRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3505. (setClippingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3506. (setClipRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3507. (setClosed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3508. (setCloseOnDestroy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3509. (setColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setColor Help Selection)
  3510. (setColumnInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3511. (setColumnWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3512. (setCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3513. (setCompletion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3514. (setConditionalCascade, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3515. (setContainer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setContainer Help Selection)
  3516. (setContainerAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3517. (setContainerName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3518. (setContainerObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3519. (setContainerRefreshOff, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3520. (setContainerRefreshOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3521. (setContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3522. (setContentType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3523. (setControlHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3524. (setCoord1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3525. (setCoord2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3526. (setCurrent, VIEW CPPCLNDX setCurrent Help Selection)
  3527. (setCurrentBitmapIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3528. (setCurrentDrawingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3529. (setCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3530. (setCursorLinePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3531. (setCursorPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX setCursorPosition Help Selection)
  3532. (setData, VIEW CPPCLNDX setData Help Selection)
  3533. (setDataAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3534. (setDataOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3535. (setDeckCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3536. (setDeckOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3537. (setDecrementBitmaps, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3538. (setDefaultApplicationName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3539. (setDefaultAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultAttribute Help Selection)
  3540. (setDefaultAutoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3541. (setDefaultBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3542. (setDefaultBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3543. (setDefaultBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3544. (setDefaultCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3545. (setDefaultDataStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3546. (setDefaultDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3547. (setDefaultFillColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3548. (setDefaultFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3549. (setDefaultGroupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3550. (setDefaultHeadingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3551. (setDefaultMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3552. (setDefaultMisfitWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3553. (setDefaultMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3554. (setDefaultOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3555. (setDefaultOrdering, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultOrdering Help Selection)
  3556. (setDefaultPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3557. (setDefaultPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3558. (setDefaultPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3559. (setDefaultPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3560. (setDefaultPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3561. (setDefaultPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3562. (setDefaultPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3563. (setDefaultPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3564. (setDefaultQueueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3565. (setDefaultSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3566. (setDefaultSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3567. (setDefaultStackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3568. (setDefaultStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultStyle Help Selection)
  3569. (setDefaultTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3570. (setDefaultTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3571. (setDefaultText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultText Help Selection)
  3572. (setDefaultTransparentColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3573. (setDelayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3574. (setDeleteColumnsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3575. (setDeleteObjectsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3576. (setDestination, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3577. (setDestroyOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3578. (setDetailsViewSplit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3579. (setDialogTemplate, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDialogTemplate Help Selection)
  3580. (setDirection, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDirection Help Selection)
  3581. (setDisabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3582. (setDisabledBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDisabledBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  3583. (setDisabledForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDisabledForegroundColor Help Selection)
  3584. (setDisabledText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3585. (setDiscTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3586. (setDispatchingHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3587. (setDisplayPS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3588. (setDisplayWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3589. (setDragInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3590. (setDragResult, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3591. (setDrawingArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3592. (setDrawItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3593. (setDrawOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDrawOperation Help Selection)
  3594. (setDropIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3595. (setDropOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3596. (setDropPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3597. (setDropStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3598. (setEditColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3599. (setEditMLE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3600. (setEditObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3601. (setEditRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3602. (setEditRegionHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3603. (setEditRegionWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3604. (setElement11, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3605. (setElement12, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3606. (setElement21, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3607. (setElement22, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3608. (setElement31, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3609. (setElement32, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3610. (setEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX setEmphasis Help Selection)
  3611. (setEnclosingRect, VIEW CPPCLNDX setEnclosingRect Help Selection)
  3612. (setEndingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX setEndingPoint Help Selection)
  3613. (setErrorCodeGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3614. (setErrorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3615. (setEventData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3616. (setEventType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3617. (setExceptionFunction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3618. (setExtendedSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3619. (setExtendedStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setExtendedStyle Help Selection)
  3620. (setExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3621. (setExtensionSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3622. (setf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3623. (setFamily, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3624. (setFileName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3625. (setFillColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFillColor Help Selection)
  3626. (setFillMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3627. (setFillPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFillPattern Help Selection)
  3628. (setFloatingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3629. (setFloatingTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3630. (setFlyTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3631. (setFlyTextStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3632. (setFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3633. (setFont, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFont Help Selection)
  3634. (setFontAngle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3635. (setFontShear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3636. (setForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setForegroundColor Help Selection)
  3637. (setFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFormat Help Selection)
  3638. (setFramed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3639. (setg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3640. (setGain, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3641. (setGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3642. (setGraphicBundle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setGraphicBundle Help Selection)
  3643. (setGraphicContext, VIEW CPPCLNDX setGraphicContext Help Selection)
  3644. (setGreen, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3645. (setGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3646. (setGroupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3647. (setHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHandle Help Selection)
  3648. (setHeadingIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3649. (setHeadingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3650. (setHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3651. (setHelpId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3652. (setHelpResLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3653. (setHelpTable, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHelpTable Help Selection)
  3654. (setHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3655. (setHide, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3656. (setHighlighted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3657. (setHiliteBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHiliteBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  3658. (setHiliteForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHiliteForegroundColor Help Selection)
  3659. (setHitApertureSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3660. (setHitPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3661. (setHitSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3662. (setHitSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3663. (setHomePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3664. (setIcon, VIEW CPPCLNDX setIcon Help Selection)
  3665. (setIconSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3666. (setIconText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3667. (setId, VIEW CPPCLNDX setId Help Selection)
  3668. (setImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3669. (setImageStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3670. (setInactiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3671. (setInactiveText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3672. (setInactiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3673. (setInactiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3674. (setIncrementBitmaps, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3675. (setIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3676. (setInitialDelayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3677. (setInitialDrive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3678. (setInitialFileType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3679. (setIntermediatePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3680. (setInterval, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3681. (setInUse, VIEW CPPCLNDX setInUse Help Selection)
  3682. (setItalic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3683. (setItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItem Help Selection)
  3684. (setItemHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemHandle Help Selection)
  3685. (setItemProvider, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemProvider Help Selection)
  3686. (setItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItems Help Selection)
  3687. (setItemSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemSize Help Selection)
  3688. (setItemText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemText Help Selection)
  3689. (setLastError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3690. (setLatchedBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3691. (setLatchedBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3692. (setLatchedForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3693. (setLayout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3694. (setLayoutDistorted, VIEW CPPCLNDX setLayoutDistorted Help Selection)
  3695. (setLayoutSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3696. (setLeftIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3697. (setLibraries, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3698. (setLimit, VIEW CPPCLNDX setLimit Help Selection)
  3699. (setLineCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3700. (setLineSpacing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3701. (setLocation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setLocation Help Selection)
  3702. (setLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3703. (setLongStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3704. (setLongTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3705. (setLowerBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3706. (setMajorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3707. (setMajorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3708. (setMajorTabSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3709. (setMappingMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3710. (setMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3711. (setMarginSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3712. (setMaster, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3713. (setMediaType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3714. (setMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3715. (setMenuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3716. (setMessageFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3717. (setMessageNotUnderstood, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3718. (setMinimumCharacters, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3719. (setMinimumRows, VIEW CPPCLNDX setMinimumRows Help Selection)
  3720. (setMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3721. (setMinorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3722. (setMinorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3723. (setMinorTabSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3724. (setMinScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3725. (setMissingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3726. (setMixedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3727. (setMixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX setMixMode Help Selection)
  3728. (setMLEHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3729. (setMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3730. (setMonitorWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3731. (setMousePointer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setMousePointer Help Selection)
  3732. (setMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3733. (setMultipleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3734. (setName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3735. (setNativeRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3736. (setNoAdjust, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3737. (setNoDismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3738. (setNormalTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3739. (setNoSourceRendering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3740. (setNotificationHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3741. (setNotifierAttrChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3742. (setNumberOfPoints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3743. (setNumeralDisplay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3744. (setObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3745. (setObjectText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3746. (setObserverData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3747. (setOKButtonText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3748. (setOnRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3749. (setOpen, VIEW CPPCLNDX setOpen Help Selection)
  3750. (setOpenDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3751. (setOpenStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3752. (setOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3753. (setOrderedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3754. (setOrientation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setOrientation Help Selection)
  3755. (setOutline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3756. (setOutlineType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3757. (setOwner, VIEW CPPCLNDX setOwner Help Selection)
  3758. (setp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3759. (setPackType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3760. (setPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3761. (setPageBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3762. (setPageButtonSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3763. (setPageScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3764. (setPageSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3765. (setParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3766. (setPassDeviceRequested, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3767. (setPassToOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3768. (setPatternOrigin, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPatternOrigin Help Selection)
  3769. (setPenColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenColor Help Selection)
  3770. (setPenEndingStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenEndingStyle Help Selection)
  3771. (setPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenJoiningStyle Help Selection)
  3772. (setPenPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenPattern Help Selection)
  3773. (setPenType, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenType Help Selection)
  3774. (setPenWidth, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenWidth Help Selection)
  3775. (setPitch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3776. (setPlayableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3777. (setPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3778. (setPointArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3779. (setPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3780. (setPointerOffset, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPointerOffset Help Selection)
  3781. (setPoints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3782. (setPointSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPointSize Help Selection)
  3783. (setPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPosition Help Selection)
  3784. (setPrevScrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3785. (setPrimaryScale, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3786. (setPrinterPS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3787. (setPriority, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPriority Help Selection)
  3788. (setProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3789. (setProgram, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3790. (setQueueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3791. (setRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3792. (setRed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3793. (setReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3794. (setRefreshOff, VIEW CPPCLNDX setRefreshOff Help Selection)
  3795. (setRefreshOn, VIEW CPPCLNDX setRefreshOn Help Selection)
  3796. (setRelatedHandlesList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3797. (setRelativeWindowRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3798. (setRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setRenderer Help Selection)
  3799. (setRequiresPreparation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3800. (setResourceLibrary, VIEW CPPCLNDX setResourceLibrary Help Selection)
  3801. (setRestoreRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3802. (setResult, VIEW CPPCLNDX setResult Help Selection)
  3803. (setRetry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3804. (setRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3805. (setRotationIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3806. (setRounding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3807. (setRowHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3808. (setSamplesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSamplesPerSecond Help Selection)
  3809. (setSaveAsDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3810. (setScrollableRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3811. (setScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3812. (setSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3813. (setSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3814. (setSelectedRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3815. (setSelectionStateDrawn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3816. (setSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3817. (setSeparatorHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3818. (setSeverity, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3819. (setShadowColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3820. (setShaftBreadth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3821. (setShaftPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3822. (setShow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3823. (setSingleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3824. (setSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSize Help Selection)
  3825. (setSizeList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3826. (setSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3827. (setSourceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3828. (setSourceOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSourceOperation Help Selection)
  3829. (setSourceWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSourceWindowHandle Help Selection)
  3830. (setSpeedFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3831. (setSplitBarEdgeColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3832. (setSplitBarMiddleColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3833. (setSplitBarThickness, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3834. (setSplitWindowPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3835. (setStackingPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3836. (setStackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3837. (setStandardBitmapSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3838. (setStandardTextLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3839. (setStandardTextWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3840. (setStartAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStartAngle Help Selection)
  3841. (setStartingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStartingPoint Help Selection)
  3842. (setStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3843. (setStatusText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStatusText Help Selection)
  3844. (setStatusTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3845. (setStretchSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3846. (setStrikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3847. (setStringGenerator, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStringGenerator Help Selection)
  3848. (setStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3849. (setStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStyle Help Selection)
  3850. (setSubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3851. (setSubmenuHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3852. (setSupportedRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3853. (setSupportedTypes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3854. (setSweepAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSweepAngle Help Selection)
  3855. (setTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3856. (setTabBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTabBitmap Help Selection)
  3857. (setTabShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3858. (setTabText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTabText Help Selection)
  3859. (setTabTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3860. (setTargetCanRetry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3861. (setTargetInfo, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTargetInfo Help Selection)
  3862. (setTargetName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3863. (setTargetOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3864. (setTargetWindowHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3865. (setText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setText Help Selection)
  3866. (setTextOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3867. (setTextShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3868. (setTextType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3869. (setTickLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3870. (setTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3871. (setTickSpacing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3872. (setTickText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3873. (setTimeFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3874. (setTimeToOrdinal, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTimeToOrdinal Help Selection)
  3875. (Settings, VIEW CPPCLNDX Settings Help Selection)
  3876. (setTitle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTitle Help Selection)
  3877. (setTitleAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3878. (setTitleAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3879. (setTitleText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTitleText Help Selection)
  3880. (setToChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToChild Help Selection)
  3881. (setToFirst, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToFirst Help Selection)
  3882. (setToFirstExistingChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToFirstExistingChild Help Selection)
  3883. (setToIdentity, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3884. (setToIndex, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToIndex Help Selection)
  3885. (setToLast, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToLast Help Selection)
  3886. (setToLastExistingChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3887. (setToNext, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToNext Help Selection)
  3888. (setToNextDifferentElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3889. (setToNextExistingChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToNextExistingChild Help Selection)
  3890. (setToNextWithDifferentKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3891. (setToolBarList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3892. (setTop, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTop Help Selection)
  3893. (setToParent, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToParent Help Selection)
  3894. (setTopLeftViewPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3895. (setTopLevelShell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3896. (setToPosition, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  3897. (setToPrevious, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToPrevious Help Selection)
  3898. (setToPreviousExistingChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToPreviousExistingChild Help Selection)
  3899. (setToRoot, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToRoot Help Selection)
  3900. (setTraceFunction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3901. (setTrackTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3902. (setTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3903. (setTransformMethod, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3904. (setTransparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTransparentColor Help Selection)
  3905. (setTreble, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3906. (setTreeExpandIconSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3907. (setTreeItemIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3908. (setTreeViewIndent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3909. (setTrueType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3910. (setTutorial, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3911. (setTypes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3912. (setUnderscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3913. (setUpperBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3914. (setupScrollBars, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3915. (setUserData, VIEW CPPCLNDX setUserData Help Selection)
  3916. (setUserParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3917. (setUserResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3918. (setUsingHelp, VIEW CPPCLNDX setUsingHelp Help Selection)
  3919. (setValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3920. (setValue, VIEW CPPCLNDX setValue Help Selection)
  3921. (setVariable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3922. (setView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3923. (setViewNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3924. (setViewOption, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3925. (setViewPortRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3926. (setViewText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3927. (setViewWindowSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3928. (setVisibleCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3929. (setVolume, VIEW CPPCLNDX setVolume Help Selection)
  3930. (setWhoDiscards, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3931. (setWhoPrints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3932. (setWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3933. (setWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX setWindow Help Selection)
  3934. (setWindowData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3935. (setWindowFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3936. (setWindowLayout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3937. (setWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3938. (setWorldTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3939. (setX, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3940. (setXerrorCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3941. (setY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3942. (setZOrder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3943. (sgetc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3944. (sgetn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3945. (shadowColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3946. (shadowColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3947. (shaftPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3948. (shaftSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3949. (shareParentDBCSStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3950. (shellPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3951. (show, VIEW CPPCLNDX show Help Selection)
  3952. (showbase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3953. (showContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3954. (showCoverPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3955. (showDetailsView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3956. (showDetailsViewTitles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3957. (showFlowedNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3958. (showFlowedTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3959. (showHistory, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3960. (showIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3961. (showIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3962. (showList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3963. (showMiniIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3964. (showModally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3965. (showNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3966. (showObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3967. (showPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3968. (showPanelIds, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3969. (showpoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3970. (showpos, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3971. (showSearchList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3972. (showSeparators, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3973. (showSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX showSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  3974. (showTutorial, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3975. (shrinkBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3976. (shrunkBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3977. (simpleType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3978. (sin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3979. (singleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3980. (sinh, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3981. (size, VIEW CPPCLNDX size Help Selection)
  3982. (sizeBitmapTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3983. (sizeBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3984. (sizedBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3985. (sizedTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3986. (sizeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3987. (sizeTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX sizeTo Help Selection)
  3988. (sizeToBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3989. (sizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3990. (sizeToIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3991. (sizingBorder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3992. (skip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3993. (SkipWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3994. (skipws, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3995. (sleep, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3996. (slope, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3997. (slowSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3998. (SMANIP, VIEW CLREF ~)
  3999. (snapToTickMark, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4000. (snextc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4001. (solidBinding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4002. (sort, VIEW CPPCLNDX sort Help Selection)
  4003. (source, VIEW CPPCLNDX source Help Selection)
  4004. (sourceAnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4005. (sourceBegin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4006. (sourceContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4007. (sourceDiscard, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceDiscard Help Selection)
  4008. (sourceEnd, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceEnd Help Selection)
  4009. (sourceErase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4010. (sourceInvert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4011. (sourceItemFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4012. (sourceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4013. (sourceOfEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4014. (sourceOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceOperation Help Selection)
  4015. (sourcePaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4016. (sourcePrepare, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourcePrepare Help Selection)
  4017. (sourcePrint, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourcePrint Help Selection)
  4018. (sourceRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4019. (sourceRender, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceRender Help Selection)
  4020. (sourceToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4021. (sourceToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4022. (sourceWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceWindow Help Selection)
  4023. (sourceWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceWindowHandle Help Selection)
  4024. (space, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4025. (speaker, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4026. (speed, VIEW CPPCLNDX speed Help Selection)
  4027. (speedFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4028. (spinDown, VIEW CPPCLNDX spinDown Help Selection)
  4029. (spinEnded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4030. (spinTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX spinTo Help Selection)
  4031. (spinUp, VIEW CPPCLNDX spinUp Help Selection)
  4032. (spiralBinding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4033. (split, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4034. (splitBarEdgeColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4035. (splitBarMiddleColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4036. (splitBarOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4037. (splitBarThickness, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4038. (splitWindowPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4039. (splitWithSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4040. (sputbackc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4041. (sputc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4042. (sputn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4043. (sqrt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4044. (squareTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4045. (stackingPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4046. (stackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4047. (standardBitmapSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4048. (standardFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4049. (standardTextLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4050. (standardTextWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4051. (start, VIEW CPPCLNDX start Help Selection)
  4052. (startAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX startAngle Help Selection)
  4053. (startAnimation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4054. (startBackwardsSearch, VIEW CPPCLNDX startBackwardsSearch Help Selection)
  4055. (startBoundaryAccumulation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4056. (startedThread, VIEW CPPCLNDX startedThread Help Selection)
  4057. (startHandlingEventsFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4058. (startHitTesting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4059. (startingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX startingPoint Help Selection)
  4060. (startOfTrack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4061. (startPositionTracking, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4062. (startScanningBackward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4063. (startScanningForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4064. (startSearch, VIEW CPPCLNDX startSearch Help Selection)
  4065. (status, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4066. (statusText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4067. (statusTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4068. (statusTextCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4069. (statusTextLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4070. (statusTextOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4071. (statusTextRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4072. (stdio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4073. (stdiobuf, VIEW CLREF stdiobuf )
  4074. (stdiostream, VIEW CLREF stdiostream )
  4075. (stepBackward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4076. (stepBackwardButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4077. (stepForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4078. (stepForwardButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4079. (stepFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4080. (stop, VIEW CPPCLNDX stop Help Selection)
  4081. (stopAnimation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4082. (stopBoundaryAccumulation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4083. (stopButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4084. (stopHandlingEventsFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX stopHandlingEventsFor Help Selection)
  4085. (stopHandlingNotificationsFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4086. (stopHitTesting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4087. (stopPositionTracking, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4088. (stopProcessingMsgs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4089. (stossc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4090. (str, VIEW CPPCLNDX str Help Selection)
  4091. (strContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4092. (streambuf, VIEW CLREF streambuf )
  4093. (stretch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4094. (stretchSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4095. (strikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4096. (strikeoutId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4097. (string, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4098. (stringFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX stringFor Help Selection)
  4099. (stringGenerator, VIEW CPPCLNDX stringGenerator Help Selection)
  4100. (stringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4101. (strip, VIEW CPPCLNDX strip Help Selection)
  4102. (strstream, VIEW CLREF strstream )
  4103. (strstreambuf, VIEW CLREF strstreambuf )
  4104. (style, VIEW CPPCLNDX style Help Selection)
  4105. (subitemNotFound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4106. (submenuHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4107. (subscriptOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4108. (subscriptSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4109. (subString, VIEW CPPCLNDX subString Help Selection)
  4110. (subtopicId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4111. (successCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4112. (superscriptOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4113. (superscriptSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4114. (supportedOperations, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4115. (supportedOperationsFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX supportedOperationsFor Help Selection)
  4116. (supportedRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4117. (supportedTopics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4118. (supportedTypes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4119. (supportingApplications, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4120. (supportsAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4121. (supportsCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4122. (supportsDigitalTransfer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4123. (supportsDisableEject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4124. (supportsEject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4125. (supportsOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4126. (supportsOverlayGraphics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4127. (supportsPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4128. (supportsRecord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4129. (supportsRecordInsertion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4130. (supportsReverse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4131. (supportsRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4132. (supportsSave, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4133. (supportsSizing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4134. (supportsStreaming, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4135. (supportsStretchToFit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4136. (supportsVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4137. (supportsVolumeAdjustment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4138. (supportsWaveFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4139. (suspend, VIEW CPPCLNDX suspend Help Selection)
  4140. (swapPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4141. (sweepAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX sweepAngle Help Selection)
  4142. (swpArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4143. (sylkFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4144. (sync, VIEW CPPCLNDX sync Help Selection)
  4145. (sync_with_stdio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4146. (synchPaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4147. (systemColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4148. (systemCommand, VIEW CPPCLNDX systemCommand Help Selection)
  4149. (systemCommandId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4150. (systemMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4151. (systemModal, VIEW CPPCLNDX systemModal Help Selection)
  4152. (systemProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4153. (systemScrollBarWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4154. (systemScrollBoxLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4155. (systemScrollButtonLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4156. (tabBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX tabBitmap Help Selection)
  4157. (tabShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4158. (tabStop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4159. (tabText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4160. (tabTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4161. (tabTextCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4162. (tabTextLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4163. (tabTextRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4164. (targetCanRetry, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetCanRetry Help Selection)
  4165. (targetDrop, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetDrop Help Selection)
  4166. (targetEnd, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetEnd Help Selection)
  4167. (targetInfo, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetInfo Help Selection)
  4168. (targetLeave, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4169. (targetName, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetName Help Selection)
  4170. (targetOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetOperation Help Selection)
  4171. (targetRender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4172. (targetRenderComplete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4173. (targetRenderPrepare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4174. (targetToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4175. (targetToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4176. (targetWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetWindow Help Selection)
  4177. (targetWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetWindowHandle Help Selection)
  4178. (tellg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4179. (tellp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4180. (terminate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4181. (terminateGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4182. (test, VIEW CPPCLNDX test Help Selection)
  4183. (text, VIEW CPPCLNDX text Help Selection)
  4184. (textCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4185. (TextCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4186. (textFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX textFormat Help Selection)
  4187. (textId, VIEW CPPCLNDX textId Help Selection)
  4188. (textLength, VIEW CPPCLNDX textLength Help Selection)
  4189. (textLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4190. (textOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4191. (textRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4192. (textRef, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4193. (textShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4194. (textSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4195. (textType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4196. (textView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4197. (textVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4198. (textWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4199. (thousandths, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4200. (threadId, VIEW CPPCLNDX threadId Help Selection)
  4201. (throwCLibError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4202. (throwError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4203. (throwGUIError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4204. (throwMMError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4205. (throwSystemError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4206. (throwXLibError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4207. (tickLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4208. (tickPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4209. (tickSpacing, VIEW CPPCLNDX tickSpacing Help Selection)
  4210. (tickText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4211. (tie, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4212. (tiffFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4213. (time, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4214. (timeFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4215. (timerAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4216. (timerExpired, VIEW CPPCLNDX timerExpired Help Selection)
  4217. (title, VIEW CPPCLNDX title Help Selection)
  4218. (titleAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4219. (titleBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4220. (titleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4221. (titleRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4222. (titleSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4223. (titleText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4224. (titleVisibleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4225. (today, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4226. (tokenForWPSObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4227. (toolBarAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4228. (toolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4229. (toolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4230. (toolBarList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4231. (top, VIEW CPPCLNDX top Help Selection)
  4232. (topAlign, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4233. (topCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4234. (topGraphicUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4235. (topHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX topHandle Help Selection)
  4236. (topic, VIEW CPPCLNDX topic Help Selection)
  4237. (topicId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4238. (topLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4239. (topLeftViewPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4240. (topPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4241. (topRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4242. (totalPages, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4243. (totalRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4244. (traceDestination, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4245. (TraceFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4246. (track, VIEW CPPCLNDX track Help Selection)
  4247. (trackBackward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4248. (trackForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4249. (trackId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4250. (trackStartedId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4251. (trackTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4252. (transactionType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4253. (transformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4254. (transformMethod, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4255. (translate, VIEW CPPCLNDX translate Help Selection)
  4256. (translateAudioFlag, VIEW CPPCLNDX translateAudioFlag Help Selection)
  4257. (translateBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX translateBy Help Selection)
  4258. (transparent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4259. (transparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX transparentColor Help Selection)
  4260. (transpose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4261. (transposeXForY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4262. (treble, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4263. (treeCollapsed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4264. (treeExpanded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4265. (treeView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4266. (trueType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4267. (tryToLoadBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX tryToLoadBitmap Help Selection)
  4268. (tryToLoadDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4269. (tryToLoadIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4270. (tryToLoadMessage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4271. (tryToLoadString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4272. (turnToPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4273. (tutorialName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4274. (type, VIEW CPPCLNDX type Help Selection)
  4275. (types, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4276. (ulAltFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4277. (ulAltMask, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4278. (ulCharacterFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4279. (ulCompositeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4280. (ulCtrlFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4281. (ulCtrlMask, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4282. (ulForCompositeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4283. (ulInvalidCompositeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4284. (ulRepeatFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4285. (ulReserved1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4286. (ulReserved2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4287. (ulScanCodeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4288. (ulShiftFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4289. (ulShiftMask, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4290. (ulUncombinedFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4291. (ulUpTransitionFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4292. (ulVirtualFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4293. (unavailable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4294. (unbuffered, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4295. (uncheckItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX uncheckItem Help Selection)
  4296. (underflow, VIEW CPPCLNDX underflow Help Selection)
  4297. (underscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4298. (underscoreId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4299. (undo, VIEW CPPCLNDX undo Help Selection)
  4300. (unhighlight, VIEW CPPCLNDX unhighlight Help Selection)
  4301. (unionWith, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  4302. (uniqueDiscIdentifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4303. (unitbuf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4304. (unknown, VIEW CPPCLNDX unknown Help Selection)
  4305. (unlatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4306. (unlock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4307. (unlockDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4308. (unreadable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4309. (unrecoverable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4310. (unregisterCallbacks, VIEW CPPCLNDX unregisterCallbacks Help Selection)
  4311. (unsetf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4312. (upc, VIEW CPPCLNDX upc Help Selection)
  4313. (update, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4314. (updateForInsert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4315. (upperBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4316. (uppercase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4317. (upperCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX upperCase Help Selection)
  4318. (useBitmapOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4319. (useCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX useCount Help Selection)
  4320. (useDefaultMonitorWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4321. (useDefaultPaintHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4322. (useDefaultWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4323. (useExtensionMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4324. (useIdForBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4325. (useIdForText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4326. (useMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4327. (useNonPropOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4328. (userData, VIEW CPPCLNDX userData Help Selection)
  4329. (userParameter, VIEW CPPCLNDX userParameter Help Selection)
  4330. (userProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4331. (userResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4332. (usesDialogBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4333. (useVectorOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4334. (validate, VIEW CPPCLNDX validate Help Selection)
  4335. (validObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4336. (value, VIEW CPPCLNDX value Help Selection)
  4337. (valueId, VIEW CPPCLNDX valueId Help Selection)
  4338. (variable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4339. (vectorOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4340. (verifyPointers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4341. (version, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4342. (vertCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4343. (vertical, VIEW CPPCLNDX vertical Help Selection)
  4344. (verticalDataAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4345. (verticalDecks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4346. (verticalHeadingAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4347. (verticalScroll, VIEW CPPCLNDX verticalScroll Help Selection)
  4348. (verticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4349. (verticalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4350. (videoDisc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4351. (videoFileHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4352. (videoFileName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4353. (videoFileWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4354. (videoHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4355. (videoTape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4356. (videoWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4357. (view, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4358. (viewedPagesWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4359. (viewNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4360. (viewNumberId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4361. (viewOption, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4362. (viewPortOnWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4363. (viewPortOnWorkspace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4364. (viewPortRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4365. (viewText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4366. (viewTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4367. (viewWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4368. (viewWindowDrawRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4369. (viewWindowSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4370. (viewWindowSizeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4371. (virtualKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4372. (virtualKeyPress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4373. (visible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4374. (visibleCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4375. (visibleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4376. (visibleLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4377. (visibleRectangle, VIEW CPPCLNDX visibleRectangle Help Selection)
  4378. (visibleTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4379. (visibleTreeLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4380. (volume, VIEW CPPCLNDX volume Help Selection)
  4381. (waitFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4382. (waitForAllThreads, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4383. (waitForAnyThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4384. (warningIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4385. (wasDragAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4386. (wasPassDeviceRequested, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4387. (wasTargetSuccessful, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4388. (waveAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4389. (white, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4390. (whoDiscards, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4391. (whoPrints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4392. (width, VIEW CPPCLNDX width Help Selection)
  4393. (willDeleteColumnsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4394. (willDeleteObjectsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4395. (willDestroyOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4396. (window, VIEW CPPCLNDX window Help Selection)
  4397. (windowAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4398. (WindowCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4399. (windowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX windowHandle Help Selection)
  4400. (windowId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4401. (windowInCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4402. (windowLayout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4403. (windowList, VIEW CPPCLNDX windowList Help Selection)
  4404. (windowResize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4405. (windowScrolled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4406. (windowULong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4407. (windowUnderPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4408. (windowUShort, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4409. (windowWithHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4410. (windowWithOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4411. (windowWithParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4412. (word, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4413. (wordBreak, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4414. (wordIndexOfPhrase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4415. (words, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4416. (wordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4417. (worldTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4418. (wrapper, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4419. (write, VIEW CPPCLNDX write Help Selection)
  4420. (writeToFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4421. (writeToQueue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4422. (writeToStandardError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4423. (writeToStandardOutput, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4424. (x, VIEW CPPCLNDX x Help Selection)
  4425. (x_fill, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4426. (x_precision, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4427. (x_width, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4428. (xalloc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4429. (XerrorCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4430. (xHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4431. (x2b, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4432. (x2c, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4433. (x2d, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4434. (y, VIEW CPPCLNDX y Help Selection)
  4435. (year, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4436. (yesNoButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4437. (yesNoCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4438. (zero, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4441. DESCRIPTION: C Set ++ Class Library Reference NDX File
  4442. (~BidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4443. (~ChildCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4444. (~ColumnCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4445. (~CompareFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4446. (~Cursor, VIEW CPPCLNDX ~Cursor Help Selection)
  4447. (~ExceptionFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4448. (~FaceNameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4449. (~FilterFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4450. (~FrameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4451. (~IAccelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4452. (~IAnimatedButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4453. (~IApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4454. (~IBaseComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4455. (~IBaseListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4456. (~IBaseSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4457. (~IBitmapControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4458. (~IBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4459. (~IBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4460. (~IButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4461. (~IButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4462. (~ICanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4463. (~ICheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4464. (~ICircularSlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4465. (~ICircularSliderNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4466. (~ICLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4467. (~IClipboard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4468. (~IClipboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4469. (~ICnrAllocator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4470. (~ICnrBeginEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4471. (~ICnrControlList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4472. (~ICnrDrawBackgroundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4473. (~ICnrDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4474. (~ICnrDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4475. (~ICnrEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4476. (~ICnrEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4477. (~ICnrEmphasisEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4478. (~ICnrEndEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4479. (~ICnrEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4480. (~ICnrEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4481. (~ICnrHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4482. (~ICnrHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4483. (~ICnrMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4484. (~ICnrObjectSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4485. (~ICnrQueryDeltaEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4486. (~ICnrReallocStringEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4487. (~ICnrScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4488. (~ICollectionViewComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4489. (~ICollectionViewListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4490. (~IColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4491. (~IComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4492. (~IComboBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4493. (~ICommandEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4494. (~ICommandHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4495. (~IContainerColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4496. (~IContainerControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4497. (~IContainerControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4498. (~IContainerObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4499. (~IControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4500. (~IControlEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4501. (~ICritSec, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4502. (~ICurrentApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4503. (~ICustomButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4504. (~ICustomButtonDrawEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4505. (~ICustomButtonDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4506. (~IDBCSBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4507. (~IDDEAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4508. (~IDDEAcknowledgeExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4509. (~IDDEAcknowledgePokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4510. (~IDDEActiveServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4511. (~IDDEActiveServerSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4512. (~IDDEBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4513. (~IDDEClientAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4514. (~IDDEClientConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4515. (~IDDEClientEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4516. (~IDDEClientHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4517. (~IDDEClientHotLinkSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4518. (~IDDEDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4519. (~IDDEEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4520. (~IDDEEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4521. (~IDDEExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4522. (~IDDEPokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4523. (~IDDERequestDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4524. (~IDDEServerAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4525. (~IDDEServerHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4526. (~IDDESetAcknowledgeInfoEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4527. (~IDDETopicServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4528. (~IDeviceColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4529. (~IDMCnrItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4530. (~IDMEFItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4531. (~IDMEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4532. (~IDMHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4533. (~IDMImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4534. (~IDMItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4535. (~IDMItemProvider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4536. (~IDMItemProviderFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4537. (~IDMMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4538. (~IDMMLEItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4539. (~IDMOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4540. (~IDMRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4541. (~IDMSourceBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4542. (~IDMSourceDiscardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4543. (~IDMSourceEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4544. (~IDMSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4545. (~IDMSourceOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4546. (~IDMSourcePrepareEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4547. (~IDMSourcePrintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4548. (~IDMSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4549. (~IDMSourceRenderEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4550. (~IDMTargetDropEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4551. (~IDMTargetEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4552. (~IDMTargetEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4553. (~IDMTargetEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4554. (~IDMTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4555. (~IDMTargetHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4556. (~IDMTargetLeaveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4557. (~IDMTargetOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4558. (~IDMTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4559. (~IDMTBarButtonItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4560. (~IDMToolBarItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4561. (~IDrawingCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4562. (~IDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4563. (~IDynamicLinkLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4564. (~IEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4565. (~IEntryField, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4566. (~IEntryFieldNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4567. (~IErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4568. (~IEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4569. (~IException, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4570. (~IFileDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4571. (~IFileDialogEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4572. (~IFileDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4573. (~IFlyOverHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4574. (~IFlyText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4575. (~IFocusHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4576. (~IFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4577. (~IFontDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4578. (~IFontDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4579. (~IFrameEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4580. (~IFrameExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4581. (~IFrameExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4582. (~IFrameFormatEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4583. (~IFrameHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4584. (~IFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4585. (~IFrameWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4586. (~IGArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4587. (~IGBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4588. (~IGChord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4589. (~IGEllipse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4590. (~IGLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4591. (~IGList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4592. (~IGPie, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4593. (~IGPolygon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4594. (~IGPolyline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4595. (~IGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4596. (~IGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4597. (~IGraphicContext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4598. (~IGraphicPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4599. (~IGRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4600. (~IGRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4601. (~IGroupBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4602. (~IGString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4603. (~IGUIColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4604. (~IGUIErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4605. (~IG3PointArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4606. (~IHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4607. (~IHelpErrorEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4608. (~IHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4609. (~IHelpHyperlinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4610. (~IHelpMenuBarEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4611. (~IHelpNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4612. (~IHelpSubitemNotFoundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4613. (~IHelpTutorialEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4614. (~IHelpWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4615. (~IIconControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4616. (~IInfoArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4617. (~IKeyboardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4618. (~IKeyboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4619. (~IListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4620. (~IListBoxDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4621. (~IListBoxDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4622. (~IListBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4623. (~IListBoxSizeItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4624. (~IMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4625. (~IMenuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4626. (~IMenuDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4627. (~IMenuDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4628. (~IMenuEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4629. (~IMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4630. (~IMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4631. (~IMenuNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4632. (~IMessageBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4633. (~IMessageText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4634. (~IMMAmpMixer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4635. (~IMMAudioBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4636. (~IMMAudioCD, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4637. (~IMMAudioCDContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4638. (~IMMCDXA, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4639. (~IMMConfigurableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4640. (~IMMCuePointEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4641. (~IMMDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4642. (~IMMDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4643. (~IMMDeviceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4644. (~IMMDigitalVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4645. (~IMMErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4646. (~IMMFileMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4647. (~IMMHourMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4648. (~IMMHourMinSecTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4649. (~IMMMasterAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4650. (~IMMMillisecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4651. (~IMMMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4652. (~IMMNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4653. (~IMMPassDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4654. (~IMMPlayableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4655. (~IMMPlayerPanel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4656. (~IMMPlayerPanelHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4657. (~IMMPositionChangeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4658. (~IMMRecordable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4659. (~IMMRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4660. (~IMMRemovableMediaHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4661. (~IMMSequencer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4662. (~IMMSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4663. (~IMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4664. (~IMMTrackMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4665. (~IMMWaveAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4666. (~IMM24FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4667. (~IMM25FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4668. (~IMM30FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4669. (~IMouseClickEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4670. (~IMouseEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4671. (~IMouseHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4672. (~IMousePointerEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4673. (~IMousePointerHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4674. (~IMultiCellCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4675. (~IMultiLineEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4676. (~IMultiLineEditNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4677. (~INotebook, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4678. (~INotebookDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4679. (~INotebookNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4680. (~INotificationEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4681. (~INotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4682. (~INumericSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4683. (~INumericSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4684. (~IObjectWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4685. (~IObserver, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4686. (~IObserverList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4687. (~IOutlineBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4688. (~IPageEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4689. (~IPageHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4690. (~IPageHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4691. (~IPageRemoveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4692. (~IPageSelectEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4693. (~IPaintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4694. (~IPaintHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4695. (~IPointArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4696. (~IPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4697. (~IPopUpMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4698. (~IPrivateResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4699. (~IProcedureAddress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4700. (~IProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4701. (~IProgressIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4702. (~IProgressIndicatorNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4703. (~IPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4704. (~IRadioButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4705. (~IRefCounted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4706. (~IReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4707. (~IResizeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4708. (~IResizeHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4709. (~IResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4710. (~IResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4711. (~IResourceLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4712. (~IScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4713. (~IScrollBarNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4714. (~IScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4715. (~IScrollHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4716. (~ISelectHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4717. (~ISetCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4718. (~ISettingButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4719. (~ISettingButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4720. (~ISharedResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4721. (~IShowListHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4722. (~ISlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4723. (~ISliderArmHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4724. (~ISliderDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4725. (~ISpinHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4726. (~ISplitCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4727. (~IStandardNotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4728. (~IStaticText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4729. (~IString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4730. (~IStringGenerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4731. (~IStringGeneratorFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4732. (~IStringGeneratorMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4733. (~IStringGeneratorRefMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4734. (~IStringParser, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4735. (~IStringTest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4736. (~ISubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4737. (~ISWP, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4738. (~ISystemBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4739. (~ISystemErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4740. (~ISystemMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4741. (~ISystemPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4742. (~Iterator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4743. (~ITextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4744. (~ITextControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4745. (~ITextSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4746. (~ITextSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4747. (~IThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4748. (~IThreadFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4749. (~IThreadMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4750. (~ITimer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4751. (~ITimerFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4752. (~ITitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4753. (~ITitleNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4754. (~IToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4755. (~IToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4756. (~IToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4757. (~IToolBarFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4758. (~ITrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4759. (~ITransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4760. (~IVBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4761. (~IViewPort, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4762. (~IWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4763. (~IWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4764. (~IXLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4765. (~I0String, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4767. (~ObjectCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4768. (~PageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4770. (~Settings, VIEW CPPCLNDX ~Settings Help Selection)
  4771. (~TextCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4772. (~WindowCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4773. (abortRetryIgnoreButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4774. (abs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4775. (accelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4776. (acceptConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4777. (acknowledged, VIEW CPPCLNDX acknowledged Help Selection)
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  4779. (activated, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4780. (activateId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4784. (activeTextBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4786. (activeTextForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4790. (addAsChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4791. (addAsFirst, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAsFirst Help Selection)
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  4794. (addAsPrevious, VIEW CPPCLNDX addAsPrevious Help Selection)
  4795. (addAsRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4796. (addAtOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4799. (addBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX addBorder Help Selection)
  4800. (addColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4801. (addCuePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4802. (addDefaultHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4803. (addDescending, VIEW CPPCLNDX addDescending Help Selection)
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  4805. (addDifference, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  4806. (addDrive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4807. (addEntryAsFirst, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4808. (addEntryAsNext, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4810. (addFileType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4811. (addFirstPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4816. (addLastPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4818. (addLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4819. (addLineAsLast, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4820. (addLocation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4821. (addObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4822. (addObjectAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4823. (addObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4824. (addObjectsAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4825. (addObserver, VIEW CPPCLNDX addObserver Help Selection)
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  4828. (addPageBefore, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4833. (addRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4837. (addText, VIEW CPPCLNDX addText Help Selection)
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  4839. (addToWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4840. (addToWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4842. (addUnion, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
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  4854. (alignTitleLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4855. (alignTitleRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4858. (allElementsDo, VIEW CPPCLNDX allElementsDo Help Selection)
  4859. (allObjectsDo, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4863. (allowsDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4864. (allowsMouseClickFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4869. (alwaysVerticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4870. (amount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4871. (ampMixer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4872. (anchorBlock, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4874. (animateWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4875. (animation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4876. (animationRate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4877. (any, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4878. (anyData, VIEW CPPCLNDX anyData Help Selection)
  4879. (anyElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  4880. (appContext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4881. (appDBCSStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4882. (appendRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4883. (appendText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4884. (application, VIEW CPPCLNDX application Help Selection)
  4885. (applicationModal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4886. (applicationOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4887. (applicationOrKeyAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4888. (applicationSpecificData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4889. (applyBidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4890. (applyBitOp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4891. (applyButton, VIEW CPPCLNDX applyButton Help Selection)
  4892. (applyTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4893. (appShell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4894. (area, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4895. (areChildrenReversed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4896. (areDetailsViewTitlesVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4897. (areHeadphonesEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4898. (areSpeakersEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4899. (arg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4900. (argc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4901. (argv, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4903. (armPixelOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4904. (armPixelOffsetId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4907. (armTickOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4908. (armTickOffsetId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4909. (armTrackId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4911. (arrowDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4912. (arrowUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4913. (asCDATE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4914. (asCTIME, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4915. (asDebugInfo, VIEW CPPCLNDX asDebugInfo Help Selection)
  4916. (asDouble, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4917. (asExtendedUnsignedLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4918. (asIndex, VIEW CPPCLNDX asIndex Help Selection)
  4919. (asInt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4920. (asLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4921. (asMATRIXLF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4922. (asMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4924. (asNeededVerticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4925. (asPixel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4926. (asPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4927. (asPOINTL, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4928. (asRECTL, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4929. (asRGBLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4930. (asSeconds, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4931. (assertParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4933. (asString, VIEW CPPCLNDX asString Help Selection)
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  4937. (atBottomDelta, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4938. (atEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4939. (atFirstObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4940. (atLastObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4941. (attach, VIEW CPPCLNDX attach Help Selection)
  4942. (attachAsChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4943. (attachAsRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4944. (attachClient, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4945. (attachedToId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4946. (attachSubtreeAsChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4947. (attachSubtreeAsRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4948. (attachTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4949. (atTopDelta, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4950. (attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4953. (audioCD, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4954. (audioTape, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4962. (autoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4963. (avgCharWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4964. (avgLowercase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4965. (avgUppercase, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4967. (backgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4972. (backPagesTopLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4973. (backPagesTopRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4975. (backwardDiag2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4976. (bad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4977. (balance, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4978. (base, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4979. (baseLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4980. (baseRecord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4981. (baseRecordSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4982. (baseRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4983. (bass, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4985. (beginConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4986. (beginEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4987. (beginFlashing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4988. (beginHotLink, VIEW CPPCLNDX beginHotLink Help Selection)
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  4990. (behind, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4991. (BidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4992. (binary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4993. (binaryData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4994. (binding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  4995. (bitalloc, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  4998. (bitmapCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5001. (bitmapSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5002. (bitmapVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5003. (bitsPerSample, VIEW CPPCLNDX bitsPerSample Help Selection)
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  5005. (blen, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5006. (blockAlignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX blockAlignment Help Selection)
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  5008. (bmp, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5012. (borderHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5013. (borderSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5014. (borderWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5017. (bottomCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5018. (bottomGraphicUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5019. (bottomLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5020. (bottomRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5021. (boundingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5022. (boundingRectAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5023. (buffer, VIEW CPPCLNDX buffer Help Selection)
  5024. (buttonBitmapAndTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5025. (buttonBitmapVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5026. (buttonClickId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5027. (buttonPressedId, VIEW CPPCLNDX buttonPressedId Help Selection)
  5028. (buttons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5029. (buttonsBottom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5030. (buttonSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5031. (buttonsLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5032. (buttonsPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5033. (buttonsRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5034. (buttonState, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5035. (buttonsTop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5036. (buttonTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5037. (buttonView, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5041. (b2x, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5042. (c_exception, VIEW CLREF c_exception )
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  5046. (canBeCopied, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5047. (canBeLinked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5048. (canBeMoved, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5049. (cancel, VIEW CPPCLNDX cancel Help Selection)
  5050. (cancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5051. (canRedo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5052. (canRender, VIEW CPPCLNDX canRender Help Selection)
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  5054. (canUndo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5055. (capturePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5056. (cdxa, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5060. (centeredAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5061. (centerPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5062. (centerVerticalAlign, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5063. (centerXCenterY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5064. (centerXMaxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5065. (centerXMinY, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5068. (changed, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5071. (characterKeyPress, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5074. (charLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5077. (char1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5078. (char2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5079. (char3, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5080. (char4, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5081. (checkAddition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5082. (checked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5083. (checkItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX checkItem Help Selection)
  5084. (checkMultiplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5085. (childAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5086. (ChildCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5087. (circularArm, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5095. (clearClipRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5096. (clearDefaultTransparentColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5097. (clearLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5098. (CLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5099. (click, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5100. (client, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5101. (clientHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX clientHandle Help Selection)
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  5103. (clientRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5104. (clipboardEmptied, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5105. (clipboardHasTextFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5106. (clipChildren, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5107. (clippingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5108. (clipRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5109. (clipSiblings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5110. (clipToParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5111. (close, VIEW CPPCLNDX close Help Selection)
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  5114. (closeEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5115. (closeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5122. (columnInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5123. (columnUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5124. (columnWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5128. (commands, VIEW CPPCLNDX commands Help Selection)
  5129. (commandType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5130. (communicationWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5132. (CompareFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5133. (completion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5134. (complex, VIEW CLREF complex Class )
  5135. (compressedRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5136. (conj, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5137. (connectedDeviceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5141. (containerId, VIEW CPPCLNDX containerId Help Selection)
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  5143. (containerList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5144. (containerName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5145. (containerObject, VIEW CPPCLNDX containerObject Help Selection)
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  5149. (containsApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5150. (containsElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  5151. (containsKeyName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5152. (containsObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5153. (contents, VIEW CPPCLNDX contents Help Selection)
  5154. (contentsSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5155. (contentsWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5156. (contentType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5157. (control, VIEW CLREF ~)
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  5160. (controlInformation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5161. (controlSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5162. (controlWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5163. (conversationCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5164. (conversationEnded, VIEW CPPCLNDX conversationEnded Help Selection)
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  5167. (convertToNative, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5168. (convertToWorkspace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5169. (coord1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5170. (coord2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5171. (copy, VIEW CPPCLNDX copy Help Selection)
  5172. (copyable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5173. (copyFromBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5174. (copyObjectTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5175. (copySubtree, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5176. (copyToBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5177. (cos, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5178. (cosh, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5179. (count, VIEW CPPCLNDX count Help Selection)
  5180. (country, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5181. (coverPageWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5182. (create, VIEW CPPCLNDX create Help Selection)
  5183. (createFloatingFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5184. (createToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5185. (cueForPlayback, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5186. (cueForRecording, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5187. (cuePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5188. (cuePointId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5189. (current, VIEW CPPCLNDX current Help Selection)
  5190. (currentBitmapIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5191. (currentDrawingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5192. (currentEditColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5193. (currentEditMLE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5194. (currentEditObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5195. (currentFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5196. (currentGraphicType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5197. (currentId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5198. (currentPID, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5199. (currentText, VIEW CPPCLNDX currentText Help Selection)
  5200. (cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5201. (Cursor, VIEW CPPCLNDX Cursor Help Selection)
  5202. (cursoredChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5203. (cursoredObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5204. (cursorLinePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5205. (cursorPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX cursorPosition Help Selection)
  5206. (customButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5207. (cut, VIEW CPPCLNDX cut Help Selection)
  5208. (cutCopyBufferSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5209. (cutToBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5210. (cx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5211. (cy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5212. (c2b, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5213. (c2d, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5214. (c2x, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5215. (dat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5216. (data, VIEW CPPCLNDX data Help Selection)
  5217. (dataAsDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5218. (dataAsIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5219. (dataAsNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5220. (dataAsString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5221. (dataAsTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5222. (dataAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5223. (dataUpdateId, VIEW CPPCLNDX dataUpdateId Help Selection)
  5224. (date, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5225. (dayName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5226. (dayOfMonth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5227. (dayOfWeek, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5228. (dayOfYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5229. (daysInMonth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5230. (daysInYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5231. (dbcsData, VIEW CPPCLNDX dbcsData Help Selection)
  5232. (dbcsTable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5233. (dbp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5234. (deactivated, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5235. (deactivateId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5236. (debugSupport, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5237. (dec, VIEW CPPCLNDX dec Help Selection)
  5238. (deckCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5239. (deckOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5240. (deckOrientationId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5241. (decksByGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5242. (decrementUseCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5243. (defaultApplicationName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5244. (defaultAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultAttribute Help Selection)
  5245. (defaultAutoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5246. (defaultBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5247. (defaultBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5248. (defaultBuffer, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultBuffer Help Selection)
  5249. (defaultButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5250. (defaultCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5251. (defaultDataStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5252. (defaultDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5253. (defaultFillColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5254. (defaultFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5255. (defaultGroupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5256. (defaultHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5257. (defaultHeadingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5258. (defaultMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5259. (defaultMisfitWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5260. (defaultMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5261. (defaultMousePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5262. (defaultOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5263. (defaultOrdering, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultOrdering Help Selection)
  5264. (defaultPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5265. (defaultPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5266. (defaultPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5267. (defaultPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5268. (defaultPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5269. (defaultPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5270. (defaultPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5271. (defaultPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5272. (defaultProcedure, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultProcedure Help Selection)
  5273. (defaultQueueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5274. (defaultSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5275. (defaultSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5276. (defaultStackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5277. (defaultStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX defaultStyle Help Selection)
  5278. (defaultTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5279. (defaultTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5280. (defaultText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5281. (defaultTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5282. (defaultTransparentColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5283. (defButton1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5284. (defButton2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5285. (defButton3, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5286. (deferCreation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5287. (delayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5288. (deleteAllObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5289. (deleteAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX deleteAt Help Selection)
  5290. (deleteElementWithApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5291. (deleteElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5292. (deleteId, VIEW CPPCLNDX deleteId Help Selection)
  5293. (deleteItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX deleteItem Help Selection)
  5294. (deletePendingEvents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5295. (deleteRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5296. (deleteSelectedObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5297. (deleteSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5298. (deltaReached, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5299. (dense1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5300. (dense2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5301. (dense3, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5302. (dense4, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5303. (dense5, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5304. (dense6, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5305. (dense7, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5306. (dense8, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5307. (dequeue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5308. (descendentsOf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5309. (description, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5310. (deselect, VIEW CPPCLNDX deselect Help Selection)
  5311. (deselectAll, VIEW CPPCLNDX deselectAll Help Selection)
  5312. (deselectItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5313. (desktopWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5314. (destinationRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5315. (destInvert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5316. (Destructor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5317. (detach, VIEW CPPCLNDX detach Help Selection)
  5318. (detailsObjectRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5319. (detailsTitleRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5320. (detailsView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5321. (detailsViewPortOnWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5322. (detailsViewPortOnWorkspace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5323. (detailsViewSplit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5324. (detailsViewTitles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5325. (detailsViewTitlesId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5326. (detentPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5327. (device, VIEW CPPCLNDX device Help Selection)
  5328. (deviceColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5329. (deviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5330. (deviceEventId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5331. (deviceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5332. (deviceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5333. (deviceType, VIEW CPPCLNDX deviceType Help Selection)
  5334. (deviceWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5335. (dialogBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5336. (dialogBorder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5337. (dibFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5338. (differenceWith, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  5339. (difFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5340. (digitalVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5341. (direction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5342. (disable, VIEW CPPCLNDX disable Help Selection)
  5343. (disableAnimateWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5344. (disableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5345. (disableAutoLatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5346. (disableAutoPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5347. (disableAutoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5348. (disableAutoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableAutoSelect Help Selection)
  5349. (disableAutoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5350. (disableCaching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5351. (disableCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5352. (disableConnector, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5353. (disableContinuousPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5354. (disableCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5355. (disabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX disabled Help Selection)
  5356. (disableDataUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableDataUpdate Help Selection)
  5357. (disabledBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX disabledBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  5358. (disableDefault, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5359. (disabledForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX disabledForegroundColor Help Selection)
  5360. (disabledForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5361. (disableDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5362. (disableDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5363. (disableDragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5364. (disableDrawBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5365. (disableDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableDrawItem Help Selection)
  5366. (disabledText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5367. (disabledTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5368. (disableExtendedSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5369. (disableFastSpin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5370. (disableFillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5371. (disableGridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5372. (disableGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5373. (disableHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5374. (disableHeadingUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5375. (disableHeadphones, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5376. (disableHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5377. (disableInsertMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5378. (disableItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableItem Help Selection)
  5379. (disableLatching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5380. (disableMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5381. (disableMisfitFiltering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5382. (disableMonitoring, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableMonitoring Help Selection)
  5383. (disableMouseClickFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5384. (disableMultipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5385. (disableNoAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5386. (disableNotification, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableNotification Help Selection)
  5387. (disableRibbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5388. (disableSizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5389. (disableSnapToTick, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5390. (disableSpeakers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5391. (disableStrikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5392. (disableSymmetricSwapping, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5393. (disableSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5394. (disableTabStop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5395. (disableTitleUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5396. (disableTrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5397. (disableUnderscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5398. (disableUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX disableUpdate Help Selection)
  5399. (disableWordByWordReordering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5400. (disableWordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5401. (disableWriteLineNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5402. (disableWritePrefix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5403. (discard, VIEW CPPCLNDX discard Help Selection)
  5404. (discId, VIEW CPPCLNDX discId Help Selection)
  5405. (discProgramKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5406. (discTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5407. (discTitleKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5408. (dismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5409. (dispatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5410. (dispatchHandlerEvent, VIEW CPPCLNDX dispatchHandlerEvent Help Selection)
  5411. (dispatchingWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5412. (dispatchNotificationEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5413. (dispatchRemainingHandlers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5414. (displayBitmapFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX displayBitmapFormat Help Selection)
  5415. (displayMetafileFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX displayMetafileFormat Help Selection)
  5416. (displayMetafilePictureFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5417. (displaySize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5418. (displayTextFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX displayTextFormat Help Selection)
  5419. (displayValue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5420. (displayWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5421. (distanceFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5422. (doallocate, VIEW CPPCLNDX doallocate Help Selection)
  5423. (doDiscard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5424. (doPrint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5425. (doRender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5426. (doRenderEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5427. (doRenderPrepare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5428. (dotProduct, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5429. (drag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5430. (dragInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5431. (dragItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX dragItem Help Selection)
  5432. (dragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5433. (dragWasInterrupted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5434. (draw, VIEW CPPCLNDX draw Help Selection)
  5435. (drawArm, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5436. (drawBackground, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawBackground Help Selection)
  5437. (drawDetailsItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5438. (drawDisabledEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5439. (drawDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5440. (drawForeground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5441. (drawIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5442. (drawingArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5443. (drawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawItem Help Selection)
  5444. (drawLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5445. (drawOn, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawOn Help Selection)
  5446. (drawOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawOperation Help Selection)
  5447. (drawRibbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5448. (drawSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5449. (drawShaft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5450. (drawTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5451. (drawText, VIEW CPPCLNDX drawText Help Selection)
  5452. (drawUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5453. (drewChecked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5454. (drewDisabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5455. (drewSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5456. (dropDownType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5457. (dropIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5458. (dropOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5459. (dropPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX dropPosition Help Selection)
  5460. (dropStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5461. (d2b, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5462. (d2c, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5463. (d2x, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5464. (eback, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5465. (ebuf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5466. (edit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5467. (editColumnTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5468. (editContainerTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5469. (editObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5470. (editRegionHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5471. (editRegionWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5472. (egptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5473. (element, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5474. (elementAdded, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementAdded Help Selection)
  5475. (elementAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementAt Help Selection)
  5476. (elementAtPosition, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  5477. (elementChanged, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementChanged Help Selection)
  5478. (elementDeleted, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementDeleted Help Selection)
  5479. (elementsChanged, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementsChanged Help Selection)
  5480. (elementWithKey, VIEW CPPCLNDX elementWithKey Help Selection)
  5481. (element11, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5482. (element12, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5483. (element21, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5484. (element22, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5485. (element31, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5486. (element32, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5487. (emHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5488. (empty, VIEW CPPCLNDX empty Help Selection)
  5489. (enable, VIEW CPPCLNDX enable Help Selection)
  5490. (enableAnimateWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5491. (enableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5492. (enableAutoLatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5493. (enableAutoPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5494. (enableAutoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5495. (enableAutoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableAutoSelect Help Selection)
  5496. (enableAutoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5497. (enableCaching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5498. (enableCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5499. (enableConnector, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5500. (enableContinuousPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5501. (enableCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5502. (enableCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5503. (enableDataUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableDataUpdate Help Selection)
  5504. (enableDefault, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5505. (enableDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5506. (enableDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5507. (enableDragDropFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5508. (enableDragFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5509. (enableDragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5510. (enableDrawBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5511. (enableDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableDrawItem Help Selection)
  5512. (enableDropOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5513. (enableExtendedSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableExtendedSelect Help Selection)
  5514. (enableFastSpin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5515. (enableFillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5516. (enableGridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5517. (enableGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5518. (enableHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5519. (enableHeadingUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5520. (enableHeadphones, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5521. (enableHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5522. (enableId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5523. (enableInsertMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5524. (enableItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableItem Help Selection)
  5525. (enableLatching, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5526. (enableLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5527. (enableMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5528. (enableMisfitFiltering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5529. (enableMonitoring, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableMonitoring Help Selection)
  5530. (enableMouseClickFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5531. (enableMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5532. (enableMultipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5533. (enableNoAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5534. (enableNotification, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableNotification Help Selection)
  5535. (enableRibbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5536. (enableSizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5537. (enableSnapToTick, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5538. (enableSpeakers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5539. (enableStrikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5540. (enableSymmetricSwapping, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5541. (enableSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5542. (enableTabStop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5543. (enableTitleUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5544. (enableTrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5545. (enableUnderscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5546. (enableUpdate, VIEW CPPCLNDX enableUpdate Help Selection)
  5547. (enableWordByWordReordering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5548. (enableWordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5549. (enableWriteLineNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5550. (enableWritePrefix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5551. (enclosingRect, VIEW CPPCLNDX enclosingRect Help Selection)
  5552. (end, VIEW CPPCLNDX end Help Selection)
  5553. (endAllHotLinks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5554. (endConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5555. (endEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5556. (endFlashing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5557. (endHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5558. (endHotLinks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5559. (endingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX endingPoint Help Selection)
  5560. (endOfTrack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5561. (endUsingFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5562. (enqueue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5563. (enter, VIEW CPPCLNDX enter Help Selection)
  5564. (enterButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5565. (enterCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5566. (enterId, VIEW CPPCLNDX enterId Help Selection)
  5567. (enterPressed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5568. (eof, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5569. (epptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5570. (error, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5571. (errorCodeGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5572. (errorIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5573. (errorId, VIEW CPPCLNDX errorId Help Selection)
  5574. (errorText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5575. (eventCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5576. (eventData, VIEW CPPCLNDX eventData Help Selection)
  5577. (eventId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5578. (eventType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5579. (exceptionFunction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5580. (exceptionLogged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5581. (executeAcknowledged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5582. (executeCommands, VIEW CPPCLNDX executeCommands Help Selection)
  5583. (exit, VIEW CPPCLNDX exit Help Selection)
  5584. (exp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5585. (expand, VIEW CPPCLNDX expand Help Selection)
  5586. (expandBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5587. (expandedBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5588. (expandForText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5589. (expandTree, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5590. (exportSelectedTextToFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5591. (exportToFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5592. (extendedSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5593. (extendedSelectChangedId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5594. (extendedSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5595. (extendedStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX extendedStyle Help Selection)
  5596. (extensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5597. (externalLeading, VIEW CPPCLNDX externalLeading Help Selection)
  5598. (faceNameAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5599. (FaceNameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5600. (fail, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5601. (fastForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5602. (fastForwardButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5603. (fastSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5604. (fastSpin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5605. (fattrs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5606. (fd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5607. (file, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5608. (filebuf, VIEW CLREF filebuf )
  5609. (fileLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5610. (filename, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5611. (fileName, VIEW CPPCLNDX fileName Help Selection)
  5612. (fileNormalSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5613. (fill, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5614. (fillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5615. (fillBackgroundId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5616. (fillColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX fillColor Help Selection)
  5617. (filled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5618. (fillMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5619. (fillPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX fillPattern Help Selection)
  5620. (filter, VIEW CPPCLNDX filter Help Selection)
  5621. (FilterFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5622. (filterMisfits, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5623. (filterName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5624. (findExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5625. (findExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5626. (findPhrase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5627. (findRendererFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX findRendererFor Help Selection)
  5628. (findRenderersFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX findRenderersFor Help Selection)
  5629. (findTransaction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5630. (first, VIEW CPPCLNDX first Help Selection)
  5631. (firstElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  5632. (firstGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5633. (firstPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5634. (fixed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5635. (fixedSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5636. (fixedWidthOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5637. (fixupChildren, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5638. (fl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5639. (flags, VIEW CPPCLNDX flags Help Selection)
  5640. (floatingFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5641. (floatingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5642. (floatingTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5643. (flowedView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5644. (flush, VIEW CPPCLNDX flush Help Selection)
  5645. (flyHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5646. (flyTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5647. (flyTextStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5648. (focusId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5649. (font, VIEW CPPCLNDX font Help Selection)
  5650. (fontFamily, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5651. (fontId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5652. (fontmetrics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5653. (fontWeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5654. (fontWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5655. (foregroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX foregroundColor Help Selection)
  5656. (foregroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5657. (foregroundFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5658. (forewardDiag1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5659. (forewardDiag2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5660. (format, VIEW CPPCLNDX format Help Selection)
  5661. (formatAsHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5662. (formatCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5663. (frame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5664. (FrameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5665. (framed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5666. (frameRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5667. (frames, VIEW CPPCLNDX frames Help Selection)
  5668. (framesPerSecond, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5669. (frameToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5670. (freeze, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5671. (fromContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5672. (fstream, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5673. (full360, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5674. (functionName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5675. (gain, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5676. (gbump, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5677. (gcount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5678. (generateSourceItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX generateSourceItems Help Selection)
  5679. (generateSourceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5680. (get, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5681. (getline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5682. (getTableFromDisc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5683. (good, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5684. (gotFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5685. (goToEntry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5686. (gptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5687. (graphicAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5688. (graphicAtPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5689. (graphicBundle, VIEW CPPCLNDX graphicBundle Help Selection)
  5690. (graphicContext, VIEW CPPCLNDX graphicContext Help Selection)
  5691. (graphicWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5692. (greenMix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5693. (gridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5694. (group, VIEW CPPCLNDX group Help Selection)
  5695. (groupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5696. (halftone, VIEW CPPCLNDX halftone Help Selection)
  5697. (halftoneFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5698. (halftoneId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5699. (handle, VIEW CPPCLNDX handle Help Selection)
  5700. (handleAck, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleAck Help Selection)
  5701. (handleCursoredChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5702. (handleData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5703. (handleDrawBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5704. (handleDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleDrawItem Help Selection)
  5705. (handleError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5706. (handleEventsFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleEventsFor Help Selection)
  5707. (handleException, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleException Help Selection)
  5708. (handleExecute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5709. (handleFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5710. (handleInitiate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5711. (handleInitiateAck, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5712. (handleInuseChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5713. (handleNotificationsFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5714. (handleOpen, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5715. (handlePoke, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5716. (handleRequest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5717. (handleSelectedChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5718. (handleTerminate, VIEW CPPCLNDX handleTerminate Help Selection)
  5719. (handleTreeCollapse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5720. (handleTreeExpand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5721. (handleUnadvise, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5722. (handleWithParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5723. (handleWithPointerCaptured, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5724. (hasBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5725. (hasBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5726. (hasBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5727. (hasBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasBorder Help Selection)
  5728. (hasChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5729. (hasChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5730. (hasData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5731. (hasDragLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5732. (hasDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5733. (hasFillBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5734. (hasFillColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5735. (hasFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5736. (hasFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5737. (hasFont, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasFont Help Selection)
  5738. (hasGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5739. (hasGridLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5740. (hasHorizontalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5741. (hasImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5742. (hasMixedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5743. (hasMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5744. (hasNormalTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5745. (hasNotifierAttrChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5746. (hasOrderedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5747. (hasPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5748. (hasPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5749. (hasPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5750. (hasPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5751. (hasPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5752. (hasPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5753. (hasPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5754. (hasPointerCaptured, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5755. (hasSelectedText, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasSelectedText Help Selection)
  5756. (hasText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5757. (hasTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5758. (hasTransparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX hasTransparentColor Help Selection)
  5759. (hasType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5760. (hasVerticalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5761. (hatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5762. (hatchedDiag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5763. (headerData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5764. (headingIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5765. (headingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5766. (headphone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5767. (height, VIEW CPPCLNDX height Help Selection)
  5768. (help, VIEW CPPCLNDX help Help Selection)
  5769. (helpButton, VIEW CPPCLNDX helpButton Help Selection)
  5770. (helpId, VIEW CPPCLNDX helpId Help Selection)
  5771. (helpUndefined, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5772. (helpWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX helpWindow Help Selection)
  5773. (hex, VIEW CPPCLNDX hex Help Selection)
  5774. (hide, VIEW CPPCLNDX hide Help Selection)
  5775. (hideButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5776. (hideDetailsViewTitles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5777. (hideList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5778. (hideObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5779. (hidePanelIds, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5780. (hideSeparators, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5781. (hideSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX hideSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  5782. (highHighByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5783. (highlight, VIEW CPPCLNDX highlight Help Selection)
  5784. (highlighted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5785. (highLowByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5786. (highNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5787. (hiliteBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX hiliteBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  5788. (hiliteBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5789. (hiliteForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX hiliteForegroundColor Help Selection)
  5790. (hiliteForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5791. (hitApertureSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5792. (hitPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5793. (hollow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5794. (homeBottom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5795. (homeLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5796. (homePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5797. (homeRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5798. (homeTop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5799. (horizontal, VIEW CPPCLNDX horizontal Help Selection)
  5800. (horizontalDataAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5801. (horizontalDecks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5802. (horizontalHeadingAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5803. (horizontalScroll, VIEW CPPCLNDX horizontalScroll Help Selection)
  5804. (horizontalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5805. (horizontalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5806. (hotLinkCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX hotLinkCount Help Selection)
  5807. (hotLinkInform, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5808. (hotLinks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5809. (hotLinkUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5810. (hours, VIEW CPPCLNDX hours Help Selection)
  5811. (hundredths, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5812. (hwnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5813. (hwndAllocation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5814. (hyperlinkSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5815. (IAccelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5816. (IAccelTblHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5817. (IAccessError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5818. (IAEqualityCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Collection )
  5819. (IAEqualityKeyCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Key Collection )
  5820. (IAEqualityKeySortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Key Sorted Collection )
  5821. (IAEqualitySortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Equality Sorted Collection )
  5822. (IAKeyCollection, VIEW CLREF Key Collection )
  5823. (IAKeySortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Key Sorted Collection )
  5824. (IAnchorBlockHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5825. (IAnimatedButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5826. (IAnimatedButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5827. (IAOrderedCollection, VIEW CLREF Ordered Collection )
  5828. (IAPP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  5829. (IApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5830. (IASequentialCollection, VIEW CLREF Sequential Collection )
  5831. (IASortedCollection, VIEW CLREF Sorted Collection )
  5832. (IAssertionFailure, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5833. (IAutoElemPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  5834. (IAutoPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  5835. (IBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5836. (IBase::Version, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5837. (IBaseComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5838. (IBaseComboBox::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5839. (IBaseComboBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5840. (IBaseListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5841. (IBaseListBox::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5842. (IBaseListBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5843. (IBaseSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5844. (IBaseSpinButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5845. (IBitFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5846. (IBitmapControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5847. (IBitmapControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5848. (IBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5849. (IBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5850. (IButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5851. (IButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5852. (IButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5853. (ICanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5854. (ICanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5855. (ICheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5856. (ICheckBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5857. (ICircularSlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5858. (ICircularSlider::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5859. (ICircularSliderNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5860. (ICLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5861. (IClipboard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5862. (IClipboard::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5863. (IClipboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5864. (ICnrAllocator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5865. (ICnrBeginEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5866. (ICnrControlList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5867. (ICnrDrawBackgroundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5868. (ICnrDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5869. (ICnrDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5870. (ICnrEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5871. (ICnrEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5872. (ICnrEmphasisEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5873. (ICnrEndEditEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5874. (ICnrEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5875. (ICnrEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5876. (ICnrHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5877. (ICnrHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5878. (ICnrMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5879. (ICnrObjectSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5880. (ICnrQueryDeltaEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5881. (ICnrReallocStringEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5882. (ICnrScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5883. (ICollectionViewComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5884. (ICollectionViewConstants, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5885. (ICollectionViewListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5886. (IColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5887. (IComboBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5888. (IComboBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5889. (IComboBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5890. (ICommandEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5891. (ICommandHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5892. (icon, VIEW CPPCLNDX icon Help Selection)
  5893. (iconRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5894. (iconSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5895. (IConstantIterator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5896. (IContainerColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5897. (IContainerControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5898. (IContainerControl::Attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5899. (IContainerControl::ColumnCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5900. (IContainerControl::CompareFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5901. (IContainerControl::FilterFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5902. (IContainerControl::ObjectCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5903. (IContainerControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5904. (IContainerControl::TextCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5905. (IContainerControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5906. (IContainerObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5907. (iconText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5908. (IContextHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5909. (IControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5910. (IControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5911. (IControlEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5912. (iconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5913. (ICoordinateSystem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5914. (ICritSec, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5915. (ICurrentApplication, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5916. (ICurrentThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5917. (ICursor, VIEW CLREF Cursor )
  5918. (ICustomButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5919. (ICustomButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5920. (ICustomButtonDrawEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5921. (ICustomButtonDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5922. (id, VIEW CPPCLNDX id Help Selection)
  5923. (IDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5924. (IDBCSBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5925. (idClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5926. (IDDE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5927. (IDDEAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5928. (IDDEAcknowledgeExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5929. (IDDEAcknowledgePokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5930. (IDDEActiveServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5931. (IDDEActiveServerSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5932. (IDDEBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5933. (IDDEClientAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5934. (IDDEClientConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5935. (IDDEClientEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5936. (IDDEClientHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5937. (IDDEClientHotLinkSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5938. (IDDEDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5939. (IDDEEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5940. (IDDEEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5941. (IDDEExecuteEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5942. (IDDEPokeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5943. (IDDERequestDataEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5944. (IDDEServerAcknowledgeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5945. (IDDEServerHotLinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5946. (IDDESetAcknowledgeInfoEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5947. (IDDETopicServer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5948. (IDeque, VIEW CLREF Deque )
  5949. (IDeviceColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5950. (IDeviceError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5951. (idHide, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5952. (IDisplayHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5953. (IDM, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5954. (idMaximize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5955. (IDMCnrItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5956. (IDMEFItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5957. (IDMEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5958. (IDMHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5959. (IDMImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5960. (IDMImage::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5961. (IDMImage::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5962. (idMinimize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5963. (IDMItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5964. (IDMItemProvider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5965. (IDMItemProviderFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5966. (IDMMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5967. (IDMMLEItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5968. (IDMOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5969. (idMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5970. (IDMRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5971. (IDMSourceBeginEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5972. (IDMSourceDiscardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5973. (IDMSourceEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5974. (IDMSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5975. (IDMSourceOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5976. (IDMSourcePrepareEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5977. (IDMSourcePrintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5978. (IDMSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5979. (IDMSourceRenderEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5980. (IDMTargetDropEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5981. (IDMTargetEndEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5982. (IDMTargetEnterEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5983. (IDMTargetEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5984. (IDMTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5985. (IDMTargetHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5986. (IDMTargetLeaveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5987. (IDMTargetOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5988. (IDMTargetOperation::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5989. (IDMTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5990. (IDMTBarButtonItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5991. (IDMToolBarItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5992. (idPulldown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5993. (IDrawingCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5994. (IDrawingCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5995. (IDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5996. (idRestore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5997. (idSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5998. (idWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  5999. (IDynamicLinkLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6000. (IEditHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6001. (IElemPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  6002. (IEntryField, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6003. (IEntryField::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6004. (IEntryFieldNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6005. (IEnumHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6006. (IEqualitySequence, VIEW CLREF IEqualitySequence )
  6007. (IErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6008. (IEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6009. (IEventData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6010. (IEventParameter1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6011. (IEventParameter2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6012. (IEventResult, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6013. (IException, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6014. (IException::TraceFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6015. (IExceptionLocation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6016. (IFileDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6017. (IFileDialog::Settings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6018. (IFileDialog::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6019. (IFileDialogEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6020. (IFileDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6021. (IFlyOverHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6022. (IFlyText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6023. (IFocusHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6024. (IFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6025. (IFont::FaceNameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6026. (IFont::PointSizeCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6027. (IFontDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6028. (IFontDialog::Settings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6029. (IFontDialog::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6030. (IFontDialogHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6031. (IFrameEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6032. (IFrameExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6033. (IFrameExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6034. (IFrameFormatEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6035. (IFrameHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6036. (IFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6037. (IFrameWindow::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6038. (IFrameWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6039. (ifstream, VIEW CLREF ifstream )
  6040. (IGArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6041. (IGBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6042. (IGChord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6043. (IGEllipse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6044. (IGLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6045. (IGList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6046. (IGList::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6047. (ignore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6048. (ignoreTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6049. (IGPie, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6050. (IGPolygon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6051. (IGPolyline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6052. (IGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6053. (IGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6054. (IGraphicContext, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6055. (IGraphicPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6056. (IGraphicPushButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6057. (IGRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6058. (IGRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6059. (IGroupBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6060. (IGroupBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6061. (IGString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6062. (IGUIColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6063. (IGUIErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6064. (IG3PointArc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6065. (IHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6066. (IHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6067. (IHeap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6068. (IHelpErrorEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6069. (IHelpHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6070. (IHelpHyperlinkEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6071. (IHelpMenuBarEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6072. (IHelpNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6073. (IHelpSubitemNotFoundEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6074. (IHelpTutorialEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6075. (IHelpWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6076. (IHelpWindow::Settings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6077. (IHighEventParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6078. (IIconControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6079. (IIconControl::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6080. (IInfoArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6081. (IInvalidParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6082. (IInvalidRequest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6083. (IIterator, VIEW CLREF IIterator )
  6084. (IKeyBag, VIEW CLREF Key Bag )
  6085. (IKeyboardEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6086. (IKeyboardHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6087. (IKeyMap, VIEW CLREF Key Map )
  6088. (IKeySet, VIEW CLREF Key Set )
  6089. (IKeySortedBag, VIEW CLREF Key Sorted Bag )
  6090. (IKeySortedSet, VIEW CLREF Key Sorted Set )
  6091. (IListBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6092. (IListBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6093. (IListBoxDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6094. (IListBoxDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6095. (IListBoxNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6096. (IListBoxSizeItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6097. (ILowEventParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6098. (imag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6099. (image, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6100. (imageFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6101. (imageOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6102. (imageStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6103. (IMANIP, VIEW CLREF Paramterized Manipulators )
  6104. (IMap, VIEW CLREF Map )
  6105. (IMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6106. (IMenu::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6107. (IMenu::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6108. (IMenuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6109. (IMenuBar::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6110. (IMenuDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6111. (IMenuDrawItemHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6112. (IMenuDrawItemHandler::DrawFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6113. (IMenuEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6114. (IMenuHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6115. (IMenuHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6116. (IMenuItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6117. (IMenuItem::Attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6118. (IMenuItem::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6119. (IMenuItem::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6120. (IMenuNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6121. (IMessageBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6122. (IMessageBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6123. (IMessageQueueHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6124. (IMessageText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6125. (IMMAmpMixer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6126. (IMMAudioBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6127. (IMMAudioCD, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6128. (IMMAudioCDContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6129. (IMMAudioCDContents::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6131. (IMMConfigurableAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6132. (IMMCuePointEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6133. (IMMDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6134. (IMMDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6135. (IMMDeviceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6136. (IMMDigitalVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6137. (immediateDescendentsOf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6138. (IMMErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6139. (IMMFileMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6140. (IMMHourMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6141. (IMMHourMinSecTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6142. (IMMMasterAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6143. (IMMMillisecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6144. (IMMMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6145. (IMMNotifyEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6146. (IMMPassDeviceEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6147. (IMMPlayableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6148. (IMMPlayerPanel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6149. (IMMPlayerPanelHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6150. (IMMPositionChangeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6151. (IMMRecordable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6152. (IMMRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6153. (IMMRemovableMediaHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6154. (IMMSequencer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6155. (IMMSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6156. (IMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6157. (IMMTrackMinSecFrameTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6158. (IMMWaveAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6159. (IMM24FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6160. (IMM25FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6161. (IMM30FramesPerSecondTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6162. (IMngElemPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  6163. (IMngPointer, VIEW CLREF Pointer Classes )
  6164. (IModuleHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6165. (IMouseClickEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6166. (IMouseEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6167. (IMouseHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6168. (IMousePointerEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6169. (IMousePointerHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6170. (importFromFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6171. (IMultiCellCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6172. (IMultiCellCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6173. (IMultiLineEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6174. (IMultiLineEdit::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6175. (IMultiLineEditNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6176. (in_avail, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6177. (inactiveColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX inactiveColor Help Selection)
  6178. (inactiveColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6179. (inactiveText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6180. (inactiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6181. (inactiveTextBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6182. (inactiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6183. (inactiveTextForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6184. (inactiveTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6185. (includeEAS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6186. (includes, VIEW CPPCLNDX includes Help Selection)
  6187. (includesDBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX includesDBCS Help Selection)
  6188. (includesMBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX includesMBCS Help Selection)
  6189. (includesSBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX includesSBCS Help Selection)
  6190. (inConversation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6191. (incrementChangeCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX incrementChangeCount Help Selection)
  6192. (incrementUseCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6193. (index, VIEW CPPCLNDX index Help Selection)
  6194. (indexOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOf Help Selection)
  6195. (indexOfAnyBut, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfAnyBut Help Selection)
  6196. (indexOfAnyOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfAnyOf Help Selection)
  6197. (indexOfPhrase, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfPhrase Help Selection)
  6198. (indexOfWord, VIEW CPPCLNDX indexOfWord Help Selection)
  6199. (indexWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6200. (informationFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6201. (informationIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6202. (informSourceOfCompletion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6203. (informTargetOfCompletion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6204. (initBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6205. (initialDelayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6206. (initialDrive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6207. (initialFileType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6208. (initialize, VIEW CPPCLNDX initialize Help Selection)
  6209. (initialized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6210. (initializeGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6211. (INotebook, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6212. (INotebook::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6213. (INotebook::PageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6214. (INotebook::PageSettings::Attribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6215. (INotebook::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6216. (INotebookDrawItemEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6217. (INotebookNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6218. (INotificationEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6219. (INotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6220. (insert, VIEW CPPCLNDX insert Help Selection)
  6221. (insertModeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6222. (insertPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6223. (instanceFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6224. (integerWithKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6225. (intermediatePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6226. (internal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6227. (internalLeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6228. (intersectionWith, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6229. (intersects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6230. (interval, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6231. (INumericSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6232. (INumericSpinButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6233. (INumericSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6234. (inuseChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6235. (invalidate, VIEW CPPCLNDX invalidate Help Selection)
  6236. (invert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6237. (invisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6238. (IOAPP, VIEW CLREF Paramterized Manipulators )
  6239. (IObjectWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6240. (IObserver, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6241. (IObserverList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6242. (IObserverList::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6243. (IOMANIP, VIEW CLREF Paramterized Manipulators )
  6244. (ios, VIEW CLREF ios )
  6245. (iostream, VIEW CLREF iostream )
  6246. (iostream_withassign, VIEW CLREF iostream and iostream_withassign )
  6247. (IOutlineBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6248. (IOutlineBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6249. (IOutOfMemory, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6250. (IOutOfSystemResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6251. (IOutOfWindowResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6252. (IPageEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6253. (IPageHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6254. (IPageHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6255. (IPageHelpEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6256. (IPageRemoveEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6257. (IPageSelectEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6258. (IPaintEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6259. (IPaintHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6260. (IPair, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6261. (ipfx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6262. (IPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6263. (IPointArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6264. (IPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6265. (IPopUpMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6266. (IPresSpaceHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6267. (IPriorityQueue, VIEW CLREF Priority Queue )
  6268. (IPrivateResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6269. (IProcedureAddress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6270. (IProcessId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6271. (IProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6272. (IProfile::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6273. (IProfileHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6274. (IProgressIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6275. (IProgressIndicator::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6276. (IProgressIndicatorNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6277. (IPushButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6278. (IPushButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6279. (IQueue, VIEW CLREF Queue )
  6280. (IRadioButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6281. (IRadioButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6282. (IRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6283. (IRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6284. (IRefCounted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6285. (IReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6286. (IRegionHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6287. (IRelation, VIEW CLREF Relation )
  6288. (IResizeEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6289. (IResizeHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6290. (IResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6291. (IResourceExhausted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6292. (IResourceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6293. (IResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6294. (IResourceLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6295. (is_open, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6296. (isAbbrevFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6297. (isAbbreviationFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6298. (isAboveFirst, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6299. (isAckPositive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6300. (isAckRequested, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAckRequested Help Selection)
  6301. (isAckToBeginHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6302. (isAckToEndHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6303. (isAckToHotLinkUpdate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6304. (isAckToRequestData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6305. (isAcquired, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAcquired Help Selection)
  6306. (isAlphabetic, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAlphabetic Help Selection)
  6307. (isAlphanumeric, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAlphanumeric Help Selection)
  6308. (isAltDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6309. (isAltKeyDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6310. (isAnExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6311. (isAnimatedWhenLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6312. (isAnimationStarted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6313. (isApplicationBusy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6314. (isASCII, VIEW CPPCLNDX isASCII Help Selection)
  6315. (isAttribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6316. (isAudioEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6317. (isAutoDeleteObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6318. (isAutoDestroyWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6319. (isAutoLatchEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6320. (isAutoPlayEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6321. (isAutoScroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6322. (isAutoSelect, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAutoSelect Help Selection)
  6323. (isAutoSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6324. (isAutoTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6325. (isAvailable, VIEW CPPCLNDX isAvailable Help Selection)
  6326. (isBidiSupported, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6327. (isBinaryDigits, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6328. (isBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX isBitmap Help Selection)
  6329. (isBitmapOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6330. (isBitmapVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6331. (isBold, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6332. (isBounded, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6333. (isButtonEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6334. (isCachingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6335. (isCaseSensitive, VIEW CPPCLNDX isCaseSensitive Help Selection)
  6336. (isChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6337. (isCharacter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6338. (isCharValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6339. (isChecked, VIEW CPPCLNDX isChecked Help Selection)
  6340. (isClippingRectSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6341. (isCloseOnDestroy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6342. (isCollapsed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6343. (isColumnExpandable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6344. (isColumnRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6345. (isCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6346. (isComposite, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6347. (isConnectionSupported, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6348. (isConnectorEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6349. (isContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6350. (isContainerControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6351. (isContinuousPlayEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6352. (isControl, VIEW CPPCLNDX isControl Help Selection)
  6353. (isConversionNeeded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6354. (IScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6355. (IScrollBar::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6356. (IScrollBarNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6357. (IScrollEvent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6358. (IScrollHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6359. (isCtrlDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6360. (isCtrlKeyDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6361. (isCursored, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6362. (isCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6363. (isDataFromHotLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6364. (isDataIString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6365. (isDataRequested, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDataRequested Help Selection)
  6366. (isDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6367. (isDBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDBCS Help Selection)
  6368. (isDBCS1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6369. (isDefault, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6370. (isDefaultTransparentColorSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6371. (isDetailsData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6372. (isDetailsView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6373. (isDialogTemplateSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6374. (isDigits, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDigits Help Selection)
  6375. (isDisabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDisabled Help Selection)
  6376. (isDragAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6377. (isDrawBackgroundEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6378. (isDrawItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDrawItem Help Selection)
  6379. (isDrawItemEnabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isDrawItemEnabled Help Selection)
  6380. (ISelectHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6381. (ISemaphoreHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6382. (isEmpty, VIEW CPPCLNDX isEmpty Help Selection)
  6383. (isEnabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isEnabled Help Selection)
  6384. (isEnabledForNotification, VIEW CPPCLNDX isEnabledForNotification Help Selection)
  6385. (isEntryPoint32Bit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6386. (isEqual, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6387. (ISequence, VIEW CLREF Sequence )
  6388. (ISet, VIEW CLREF Set )
  6389. (ISetCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6390. (ISetCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6391. (ISettingButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6392. (ISettingButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6393. (isExpanded, VIEW CPPCLNDX isExpanded Help Selection)
  6394. (isExtendedSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6395. (isExtendedSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6396. (isFastSpinEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6397. (isFirst, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6398. (isFixed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6399. (isFlashing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6400. (isFlowed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6401. (isFlowedNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6402. (isFlowedTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6403. (isForComposite, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6404. (isFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6405. (isFramed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6406. (isFrameWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX isFrameWindow Help Selection)
  6407. (isFromFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6408. (isFull, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6409. (isGainingUse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6410. (isGraphics, VIEW CPPCLNDX isGraphics Help Selection)
  6411. (isGroup, VIEW CPPCLNDX isGroup Help Selection)
  6412. (isGUIInitialized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6413. (isHalftone, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHalftone Help Selection)
  6414. (ISharedResource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6415. (isHeadingIconHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6416. (isHeadingString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6417. (isHeadingWriteable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6418. (isHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6419. (isHexDigits, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHexDigits Help Selection)
  6420. (isHide, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6421. (isHighlighted, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHighlighted Help Selection)
  6422. (isHitSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6423. (isHitSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6424. (isHorizontal, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHorizontal Help Selection)
  6425. (isHorizontalScroll, VIEW CPPCLNDX isHorizontalScroll Help Selection)
  6426. (IShowListHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6427. (isIconHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6428. (isIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6429. (isIGList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6430. (isInsertMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6431. (isInUse, VIEW CPPCLNDX isInUse Help Selection)
  6432. (isInvalidComposite, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6433. (isItalic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6434. (isItemChecked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6435. (isItemEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6436. (ISize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6437. (isLast, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6438. (isLatched, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6439. (isLatchedBackgroundColorHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6440. (isLatchingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6441. (isLayoutDistorted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6442. (isLeaf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6443. (isLeapYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6444. (isLeftDetails, VIEW CPPCLNDX isLeftDetails Help Selection)
  6445. (isLeftDetailsHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6446. (ISlider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6447. (ISlider::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6448. (ISliderArmHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6449. (ISliderDrawHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6450. (isLike, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6451. (isListShowing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6452. (isLowerCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX isLowerCase Help Selection)
  6453. (isMajorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6454. (isMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6455. (isMaster, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6456. (isMaximized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6457. (isMBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isMBCS Help Selection)
  6458. (isMediaPresent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6459. (isMemberOf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6460. (isMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6461. (isMessageUnderstood, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6462. (isMinimized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6463. (isMinorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6464. (isMisfitFilteringEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6465. (isModal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6466. (isModeless, VIEW CPPCLNDX isModeless Help Selection)
  6467. (isMonitoringEnabled, VIEW CPPCLNDX isMonitoringEnabled Help Selection)
  6468. (isMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6469. (isMoveValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6470. (isMultipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6471. (isMultipleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6472. (isNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6473. (isNoAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6474. (isNoDismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6475. (isNonPropOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6476. (isNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6477. (isOnRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6478. (isOpen, VIEW CPPCLNDX isOpen Help Selection)
  6479. (isOpenDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6480. (isOpenStringValid, VIEW CPPCLNDX isOpenStringValid Help Selection)
  6481. (ISortedBag, VIEW CLREF Sorted Bag )
  6482. (ISortedMap, VIEW CLREF Sorted Map )
  6483. (ISortedRelation, VIEW CLREF Sorted Relation )
  6484. (ISortedSet, VIEW CLREF Sorted Set )
  6485. (isOutline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6486. (isPacingRequested, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6487. (ISpinHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6488. (isPlayingForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6489. (ISplitCanvas, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6490. (ISplitCanvas::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6491. (isPositionSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6492. (isPrevDBCS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6493. (isPrimaryWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6494. (isPrintable, VIEW CPPCLNDX isPrintable Help Selection)
  6495. (isPunctuation, VIEW CPPCLNDX isPunctuation Help Selection)
  6496. (isRecoverable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6497. (isReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6498. (isRefreshOn, VIEW CPPCLNDX isRefreshOn Help Selection)
  6499. (isRelatedHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX isRelatedHandle Help Selection)
  6500. (isRepeat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6501. (isRibbonStripEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6502. (isRightDetails, VIEW CPPCLNDX isRightDetails Help Selection)
  6503. (isRightDetailsHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6504. (isRoot, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6505. (isRowExpandable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6506. (isSBC, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6507. (isSBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isSBCS Help Selection)
  6508. (isScanCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6509. (isSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6510. (isSelected, VIEW CPPCLNDX isSelected Help Selection)
  6511. (isSelectionStateDrawn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6512. (isSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6513. (isServant, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6514. (isSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6515. (isShiftDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6516. (isShiftKeyDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6517. (isShow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6518. (isShowing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6519. (isShowingMiniIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6520. (isSingleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6521. (isSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6522. (isSizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6523. (isSnapToTickEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6524. (isSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6525. (isSpinFieldValid, VIEW CPPCLNDX isSpinFieldValid Help Selection)
  6526. (isStandardFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6527. (isStarted, VIEW CPPCLNDX isStarted Help Selection)
  6528. (isStatusTextOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6529. (isStrikeout, VIEW CPPCLNDX isStrikeout Help Selection)
  6530. (isString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6531. (isStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6532. (isSubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6533. (isSymmetricSwappingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6534. (isSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6535. (isTabStop, VIEW CPPCLNDX isTabStop Help Selection)
  6536. (IStack, VIEW CLREF Stack )
  6537. (IStandardNotifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6538. (isTarget, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6539. (isTargetTheSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6540. (IStaticText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6541. (IStaticText::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6542. (isText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6543. (isTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6544. (isTextVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6545. (isTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6546. (isTitleSeparatorVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6547. (isTitleVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6548. (isTitleWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6549. (isTitleWriteable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6550. (isTopLevelShell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6551. (isTraceEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6552. (istream, VIEW CLREF istream )
  6553. (istream_withassign, VIEW CLREF istream )
  6554. (isTreeIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6555. (isTreeNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6556. (isTreeTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6557. (isTreeView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6558. (IString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6559. (IStringEnum, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6560. (IStringGenerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6561. (IStringGeneratorFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6562. (IStringGeneratorMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6563. (IStringGeneratorRefMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6564. (IStringHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6565. (IStringParser, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6566. (IStringParser::SkipWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6567. (IStringTest, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6568. (IStringTestMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6569. (istrstream, VIEW CLREF strstream, istrstream, )
  6570. (ISubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6571. (ISubmenu::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6572. (isUncombined, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6573. (isUnderscore, VIEW CPPCLNDX isUnderscore Help Selection)
  6574. (isUndoable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6575. (isUpperCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX isUpperCase Help Selection)
  6576. (isUpTransition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6577. (isValid, VIEW CPPCLNDX isValid Help Selection)
  6578. (isValidDBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isValidDBCS Help Selection)
  6579. (isValidMBCS, VIEW CPPCLNDX isValidMBCS Help Selection)
  6580. (isVectorOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6581. (isVertical, VIEW CPPCLNDX isVertical Help Selection)
  6582. (isVirtual, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6583. (isVisible, VIEW CPPCLNDX isVisible Help Selection)
  6584. (isWhiteSpace, VIEW CPPCLNDX isWhiteSpace Help Selection)
  6585. (isWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6586. (isWindowValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6587. (isWordByWordReorderingEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6588. (isWordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6589. (ISWP, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6590. (ISWPArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6591. (isWriteable, VIEW CPPCLNDX isWriteable Help Selection)
  6592. (isWriteLineNumberEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6593. (isWritePrefixEnabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6594. (isXerrorCodeAvailable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6595. (ISystemBitmapHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6596. (ISystemErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6597. (ISystemMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6598. (ISystemPointerHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6599. (isZOrder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6600. (is32Bit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6601. (item, VIEW CPPCLNDX item Help Selection)
  6602. (itemCapability, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6603. (itemChangedId, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemChangedId Help Selection)
  6604. (itemHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemHandle Help Selection)
  6605. (itemId, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemId Help Selection)
  6606. (itemIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6607. (itemPresSpaceHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemPresSpaceHandle Help Selection)
  6608. (itemProvider, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6609. (itemRect, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemRect Help Selection)
  6610. (items, VIEW CPPCLNDX items Help Selection)
  6611. (itemsId, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemsId Help Selection)
  6612. (itemSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6613. (itemStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6614. (itemText, VIEW CPPCLNDX itemText Help Selection)
  6615. (itemType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6616. (Iterator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6617. (ITextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6618. (ITextControlNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6619. (ITextSpinButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6620. (ITextSpinButton::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6621. (ITextSpinButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6622. (ITextSpinButtonNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6623. (IThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6624. (IThread::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6625. (IThreadFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6626. (IThreadId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6627. (IThreadMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6628. (ITime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6629. (ITimer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6630. (ITimer::Cursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6631. (ITimerFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6632. (ITimerMemberFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6633. (ITimerMemberFn0, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6634. (ITitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6635. (ITitleNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6636. (IToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6637. (IToolBar::FrameCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6638. (IToolBar::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6639. (IToolBar::WindowCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6640. (IToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6641. (IToolBarButton::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6642. (IToolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6643. (IToolBarContainer::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6644. (IToolBarFrameWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6645. (ITrace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6646. (ITransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6647. (ITree, VIEW CLREF N-ary Tree )
  6648. (ITreeCursor, VIEW CLREF Tree Cursor )
  6649. (IVBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6650. (IViewPort, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6651. (IViewPort::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6652. (IWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6653. (IWindow::BidiSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6654. (IWindow::ChildCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6655. (IWindow::ExceptionFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6656. (IWindow::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6657. (IWindow::style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6658. (IWindowHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6659. (IWindowNotifyHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6660. (iword, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6661. (IXLibErrorInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6662. (I0String, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6663. (I3StateCheckBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6664. (I3StateCheckBox::Style, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6665. (julianDate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6666. (jumpToPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6667. (justifyData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6668. (justifyHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6669. (key, VIEW CPPCLNDX key Help Selection)
  6670. (keyName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6671. (keysHelpId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6672. (label, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6673. (last, VIEW CPPCLNDX last Help Selection)
  6674. (lastElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6675. (lastError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6676. (lastGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6677. (lastIndexOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX lastIndexOf Help Selection)
  6678. (lastIndexOfAnyBut, VIEW CPPCLNDX lastIndexOfAnyBut Help Selection)
  6679. (lastIndexOfAnyOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX lastIndexOfAnyOf Help Selection)
  6680. (lastPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6681. (latch, VIEW CPPCLNDX latch Help Selection)
  6682. (latchedBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6683. (latchedForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6684. (latchId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6685. (layout, VIEW CPPCLNDX layout Help Selection)
  6686. (layoutAdjustment, VIEW CPPCLNDX layoutAdjustment Help Selection)
  6687. (layoutSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6688. (layoutType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6689. (left, VIEW CPPCLNDX left Help Selection)
  6690. (leftAlign, VIEW CPPCLNDX leftAlign Help Selection)
  6691. (leftCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6692. (leftIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6693. (leftJustify, VIEW CPPCLNDX leftJustify Help Selection)
  6694. (length, VIEW CPPCLNDX length Help Selection)
  6695. (limit, VIEW CPPCLNDX limit Help Selection)
  6696. (limitId, VIEW CPPCLNDX limitId Help Selection)
  6697. (lineCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6698. (lineDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6699. (lineFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6700. (lineLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6701. (lineNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6702. (lineRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6703. (lineSpacing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6704. (lineUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6705. (link, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6706. (linkable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6707. (linkFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6708. (listDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6709. (listDeleteAll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6710. (listEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6711. (listError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6712. (listInsert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6713. (listMemoryError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6714. (listNone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6715. (listShown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6716. (load, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6717. (loadAccelTable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6718. (loadBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX loadBitmap Help Selection)
  6719. (loadOnThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6720. (loadPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6721. (loadString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6722. (locate, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6723. (locateElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6724. (locateFirst, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6725. (locateLast, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6726. (locateNext, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6727. (locateNextElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6728. (locateOrAdd, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6729. (locateOrAddElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6730. (locatePrevious, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6731. (locateText, VIEW CPPCLNDX locateText Help Selection)
  6732. (location, VIEW CPPCLNDX location Help Selection)
  6733. (locationAtIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6734. (locationCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6735. (lock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6736. (lockDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6737. (log, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6738. (logData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6739. (logExceptionData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6740. (longHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6741. (longStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6742. (longTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6743. (lostFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6744. (lowerBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6745. (lowerCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX lowerCase Help Selection)
  6746. (lowHighByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6747. (lowLowByte, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6748. (lowNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6749. (major, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6750. (majorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6751. (majorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6752. (majorTabBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6753. (majorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6754. (majorTabForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6755. (majorTabsBottom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6756. (majorTabsLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6757. (majorTabsRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6758. (majorTabsTop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6759. (makePopUpMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6760. (mappingMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6761. (mapPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6762. (margin, VIEW CPPCLNDX margin Help Selection)
  6763. (marginSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6764. (master, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6765. (matchForMnemonic, VIEW CPPCLNDX matchForMnemonic Help Selection)
  6766. (matchingRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6767. (maxAscender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6768. (maxCharHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6769. (maxCharLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6770. (maxDescender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6771. (maximize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6772. (maximizeButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6773. (maximized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6774. (maximizeRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6775. (maximum, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6776. (maximumSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6777. (maximumWindows, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6778. (maxLong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6779. (maxLowercaseAscender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6780. (maxLowercaseDescender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6781. (maxNumberOfElements, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6782. (maxSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6783. (maxUppercaseSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6784. (maxX, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6785. (maxXCenterY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6786. (maxXMaxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6787. (maxXMinY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6788. (maxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6789. (mediaLoaded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6790. (mediaLoadedId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6791. (mediaType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6792. (mediaUnloaded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6793. (menuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6794. (menuBarCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6795. (menuEnded, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuEnded Help Selection)
  6796. (menuHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuHandle Help Selection)
  6797. (menuItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuItem Help Selection)
  6798. (menuSelected, VIEW CPPCLNDX menuSelected Help Selection)
  6799. (menuShowing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6800. (mergeCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6801. (mergePaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6802. (messageFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6803. (messageQueue, VIEW CPPCLNDX messageQueue Help Selection)
  6804. (messageText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6805. (metafileFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX metafileFormat Help Selection)
  6806. (metafilePictureFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6807. (microphone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6808. (midpoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6809. (miniIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6810. (minimize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6811. (minimizeButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6812. (minimized, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6813. (minimizedIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6814. (minimizeRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6815. (minimum, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6816. (minimumCharacters, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6817. (minimumRows, VIEW CPPCLNDX minimumRows Help Selection)
  6818. (minimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6819. (minimumSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6820. (minor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6821. (minorTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6822. (minorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6823. (minorTabBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6824. (minorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6825. (minorTabForegroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6826. (minScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6827. (minTextWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6828. (minutes, VIEW CPPCLNDX minutes Help Selection)
  6829. (minX, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6830. (minXCenterY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6831. (minXMaxY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6832. (minXMinY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6833. (minY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6834. (missingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6835. (missingTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6836. (mixedCharacter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6837. (mixedData, VIEW CPPCLNDX mixedData Help Selection)
  6838. (mixedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6839. (mixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX mixMode Help Selection)
  6840. (mleHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6841. (mnemonic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6842. (mode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6843. (modeless, VIEW CPPCLNDX modeless Help Selection)
  6844. (modelessResults, VIEW CPPCLNDX modelessResults Help Selection)
  6845. (monitor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6846. (monitorHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6847. (monthName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6848. (monthOfYear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6849. (mouseAction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6850. (mouseButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6851. (mouseClicked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6852. (mouseMoved, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6853. (mousePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6854. (mousePointerChange, VIEW CPPCLNDX mousePointerChange Help Selection)
  6855. (mousePosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX mousePosition Help Selection)
  6856. (move, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6857. (moveable, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveable Help Selection)
  6858. (moveAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6859. (moveArmToPixel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6860. (moveArmToTick, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6861. (moveBefore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6862. (moveBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveBy Help Selection)
  6863. (moveIconTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6864. (moveObjectTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6865. (movePointerTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6866. (moveScrollBox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6867. (moveScrollBoxTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6868. (moveSizeTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveSizeTo Help Selection)
  6869. (moveSizeToClient, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6870. (moveTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX moveTo Help Selection)
  6871. (moveToFirst, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6872. (moveToLast, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6873. (moving, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6874. (multiLineEdit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6875. (multipleSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6876. (multipleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6877. (multiSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6878. (name, VIEW CPPCLNDX name Help Selection)
  6879. (nameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6880. (nativeOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6881. (nativeRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6882. (nativeRF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6883. (nativeRM, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6884. (nativeRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6885. (newBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6886. (newCursor, VIEW CPPCLNDX newCursor Help Selection)
  6887. (newScrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6888. (newSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6889. (newStartedThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6890. (newText, VIEW CPPCLNDX newText Help Selection)
  6891. (next, VIEW CPPCLNDX next Help Selection)
  6892. (nextAvailable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6893. (nextPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6894. (nextShellRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6895. (nlsCompare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6896. (noAdjustPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6897. (noAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX noAttribute Help Selection)
  6898. (noBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX noBorder Help Selection)
  6899. (noCursorSelect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6900. (noDismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6901. (noDragDelete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6902. (noDragDrop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6903. (noHorizontalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6904. (noIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6905. (nominalPointSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6906. (noMoveWithOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6907. (none, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6908. (noPointerFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6909. (norm, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6910. (normal, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6911. (normalSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6912. (noSelection, VIEW CPPCLNDX noSelection Help Selection)
  6913. (noSelections, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6914. (noSharedObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6915. (noSourceRendering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6916. (noSplitBars, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6917. (noStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX noStyle Help Selection)
  6918. (notebook, VIEW CPPCLNDX notebook Help Selection)
  6919. (notebookSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6920. (notFound, VIEW CPPCLNDX notFound Help Selection)
  6921. (noTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6922. (notificationHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6923. (notificationId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6924. (notifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6925. (notifyObservers, VIEW CPPCLNDX notifyObservers Help Selection)
  6926. (notifyOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6927. (notSourceErase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6928. (noVerticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6929. (noViewWindowFill, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6930. (now, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6931. (null, VIEW CPPCLNDX null Help Selection)
  6932. (number, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6933. (numberOfApplications, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6934. (numberOfChildren, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6935. (numberOfColumnChanges, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6936. (numberOfDifferentKeys, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6937. (numberOfElements, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfElements Help Selection)
  6938. (numberOfElementsWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6939. (numberOfEntries, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6940. (numberOfExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6941. (numberOfGraphics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6942. (numberOfItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfItems Help Selection)
  6943. (numberOfKeys, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6944. (numberOfLeaves, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6945. (numberOfLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6946. (numberOfObjectChanges, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6947. (numberOfOccurrences, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  6948. (numberOfPoints, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfPoints Help Selection)
  6949. (numberOfRenderers, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfRenderers Help Selection)
  6950. (numberOfSelections, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfSelections Help Selection)
  6951. (numberOfSubtreeElements, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6952. (numberOfSubtreeLeaves, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6953. (numberOfTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6954. (numberOfTracks, VIEW CPPCLNDX numberOfTracks Help Selection)
  6955. (numberOfWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6956. (number1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6957. (number2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6958. (numeralDisplay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6959. (numWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6960. (OAPP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  6961. (object, VIEW CPPCLNDX object Help Selection)
  6962. (objectAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6963. (objectCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6964. (objectCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6965. (ObjectCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6966. (objectList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6967. (objectText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6968. (objectTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6969. (objectUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6970. (objectWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6971. (observerData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6972. (observerList, VIEW CPPCLNDX observerList Help Selection)
  6973. (occurrencesOf, VIEW CPPCLNDX occurrencesOf Help Selection)
  6974. (oct, VIEW CPPCLNDX oct Help Selection)
  6975. (oemData, VIEW CPPCLNDX oemData Help Selection)
  6976. (oemTextFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6977. (offset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6978. (ofstream, VIEW CLREF ofstream )
  6979. (ok, VIEW CPPCLNDX ok Help Selection)
  6980. (okButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6981. (okButtonText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6982. (okCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6983. (oldSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6984. (OMANIP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  6985. (open, VIEW CPPCLNDX open Help Selection)
  6986. (openDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6987. (openLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6988. (openOnThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6989. (openStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6990. (operatingSystem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6991. (operation, VIEW CPPCLNDX operation Help Selection)
  6992. (operationFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6993. (operator <<, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6994. (operator <, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator < Help Selection)
  6995. (operator <=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator <= Help Selection)
  6996. (operator ++, VIEW CLREF ~)
  6997. (operator +, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator + Help Selection)
  6998. (operator +=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator += Help Selection)
  6999. (operator |, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator | Help Selection)
  7000. (operator |=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator |= Help Selection)
  7001. (operator &, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator & Help Selection)
  7002. (operator &=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator &= Help Selection)
  7003. (operator !=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator != Help Selection)
  7004. (operator *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7005. (operator *=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7006. (operator ^, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7007. (operator ^=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator ^= Help Selection)
  7008. (operator --, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7009. (operator -, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator - Help Selection)
  7010. (operator ->, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7011. (operator -=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator -= Help Selection)
  7012. (operator /=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7013. (operator %=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7014. (operator _WidgetRec *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7015. (operator _XDisplay *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7016. (operator _XGC *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7017. (operator _XrmHashBucketRec *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7018. (operator _XtAppStruct *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7019. (operator >, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator > Help Selection)
  7020. (operator >>, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7021. (operator >=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator >= Help Selection)
  7022. (operator =, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator = Help Selection)
  7023. (operator ==, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator == Help Selection)
  7024. (operator ~, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7025. (operator [], VIEW CPPCLNDX operator [] Help Selection)
  7026. (operator char *, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator char * Help Selection)
  7027. (operator const char *, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator const char * Help Selection)
  7028. (operator const IRegionHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7029. (operator delete, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator delete Help Selection)
  7030. (operator new, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator new Help Selection)
  7031. (operator PtrToFnType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7032. (operator signed char *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7033. (operator T *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7034. (operator unsigned char *, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7035. (operator unsigned long, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator unsigned long Help Selection)
  7036. (operator Value, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator Value Help Selection)
  7037. (operator void*, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7038. (operator<<, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator<< Help Selection)
  7039. (operator+, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7040. (operator+=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7041. (operator!=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator!= Help Selection)
  7042. (operator*, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7043. (operator*=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7044. (operator-, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator- Help Selection)
  7045. (operator-=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7046. (operator/, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7047. (operator/=, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7048. (operator>>, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator>> Help Selection)
  7049. (operator=, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator= Help Selection)
  7050. (operator==, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7051. (operator==, VIEW CPPCLNDX operator== Help Selection)
  7052. (opfx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7053. (orderedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7054. (ordinal, VIEW CPPCLNDX ordinal Help Selection)
  7055. (orientation, VIEW CPPCLNDX orientation Help Selection)
  7056. (orientationId, VIEW CPPCLNDX orientationId Help Selection)
  7057. (origDefaultButtonHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7058. (osfx, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7059. (ostream, VIEW CLREF ostream and ostream )
  7060. (ostream_withassign, VIEW CLREF ostream and ostream )
  7061. (ostrstream, VIEW CLREF strstream, istrstream, )
  7062. (other, VIEW CPPCLNDX other Help Selection)
  7063. (out_waiting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7064. (outlineType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7065. (outstandingTransactionCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7066. (overflow, VIEW CPPCLNDX overflow Help Selection)
  7067. (overlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7068. (overlayWith, VIEW CPPCLNDX overlayWith Help Selection)
  7069. (owner, VIEW CPPCLNDX owner Help Selection)
  7070. (ownerItemData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7071. (packEven, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7072. (packExpanded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7073. (packTight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7074. (packType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7075. (pad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7076. (padWithZeros, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7077. (page, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7078. (pageBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7079. (pageBackgroundColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7080. (pageDown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7081. (pageHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX pageHandle Help Selection)
  7082. (pageLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7083. (pageRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7084. (pageScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7085. (pageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7086. (PageSettings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7087. (pageSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX pageSize Help Selection)
  7088. (pageUp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7089. (pageWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7090. (paintWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7091. (paletteFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX paletteFormat Help Selection)
  7092. (parameter1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7093. (parameter2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7094. (parent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7095. (parentObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7096. (parentSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7097. (passDevice, VIEW CPPCLNDX passDevice Help Selection)
  7098. (passDeviceId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7099. (passEventToOwner, VIEW CPPCLNDX passEventToOwner Help Selection)
  7100. (passToOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7101. (paste, VIEW CPPCLNDX paste Help Selection)
  7102. (pasteFromBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7103. (pasteToBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7104. (patternCopy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7105. (patternInvert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7106. (patternOrigin, VIEW CPPCLNDX patternOrigin Help Selection)
  7107. (patternPaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7108. (pause, VIEW CPPCLNDX pause Help Selection)
  7109. (pauseButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7110. (pbackfail, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7111. (pbase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7112. (pbump, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7113. (pcount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7114. (peek, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7115. (penColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX penColor Help Selection)
  7116. (penEndingStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX penEndingStyle Help Selection)
  7117. (penJoiningStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX penJoiningStyle Help Selection)
  7118. (penPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX penPattern Help Selection)
  7119. (penType, VIEW CPPCLNDX penType Help Selection)
  7120. (penWidth, VIEW CPPCLNDX penWidth Help Selection)
  7121. (pib, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7122. (pitch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7123. (plainText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7124. (play, VIEW CPPCLNDX play Help Selection)
  7125. (playableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7126. (playAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7127. (playButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7128. (playDigital, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7129. (playFast, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7130. (playScan, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7131. (playSlow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7132. (point, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7133. (pointArray, VIEW CPPCLNDX pointArray Help Selection)
  7134. (pointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7135. (pointerOffset, VIEW CPPCLNDX pointerOffset Help Selection)
  7136. (pointerPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7137. (pointSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX pointSize Help Selection)
  7138. (pointSizeAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7139. (PointSizeCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7140. (pokeAcknowledged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7141. (pokeData, VIEW CPPCLNDX pokeData Help Selection)
  7142. (pokedData, VIEW CPPCLNDX pokedData Help Selection)
  7143. (polar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7144. (polygon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7145. (polygonTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7146. (pop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7147. (popupMenuObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7148. (position, VIEW CPPCLNDX position Help Selection)
  7149. (positionBehindSibling, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7150. (positionBehindSiblings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7151. (positionChange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7152. (positionChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7153. (positionChangeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7154. (positionExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7155. (positionId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7156. (positionOnSiblings, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7157. (positionRelativeTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7158. (positionTimerId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7159. (positionViewWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7160. (postEvent, VIEW CPPCLNDX postEvent Help Selection)
  7161. (postEvents, VIEW CPPCLNDX postEvents Help Selection)
  7162. (postHelp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7163. (postSystemCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7164. (pow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7165. (pptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7166. (precision, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7167. (preload, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7168. (prepare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7169. (prepareAtSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7170. (prepareForUse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7171. (prerollTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7172. (prerollType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7173. (presentationSystem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7174. (pressedOK, VIEW CPPCLNDX pressedOK Help Selection)
  7175. (presSpace, VIEW CPPCLNDX presSpace Help Selection)
  7176. (presSpaceHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7177. (prevCharLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7178. (previous, VIEW CPPCLNDX previous Help Selection)
  7179. (previousPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7180. (previousSelectedPageHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7181. (prevScrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7182. (primaryFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7183. (primaryScale, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7184. (primaryScale1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7185. (primaryScale2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7186. (printDestination, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7187. (priorityClass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7188. (priorityLevel, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7189. (procAddress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7190. (processMsgs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7191. (profile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7192. (proportionalOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7193. (proportionalTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7194. (provideEnterSupport, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7195. (provideHelpFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7196. (provideLeaveSupport, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7197. (provideSourceItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX provideSourceItems Help Selection)
  7198. (provideTargetItemFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX provideTargetItemFor Help Selection)
  7199. (ptr, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7200. (push, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7201. (put, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7202. (putback, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7203. (pword, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7204. (queryIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7205. (queueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7206. (radius, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7207. (range, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7208. (rdbuf, VIEW CPPCLNDX rdbuf Help Selection)
  7209. (rdstate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7210. (read, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7211. (readOnly, VIEW CPPCLNDX readOnly Help Selection)
  7212. (readOnlyDropDownType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7213. (readOnlyHeading, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7214. (readOnlyTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7215. (real, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7216. (reallocateString, VIEW CPPCLNDX reallocateString Help Selection)
  7217. (record, VIEW CPPCLNDX record Help Selection)
  7218. (recoverable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7219. (rect, VIEW CPPCLNDX rect Help Selection)
  7220. (redMix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7221. (redo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7222. (reference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7223. (reflectHorizontally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7224. (reflectVertically, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7225. (refresh, VIEW CPPCLNDX refresh Help Selection)
  7226. (refreshAllContainers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7227. (refreshTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7228. (registerCallbacks, VIEW CPPCLNDX registerCallbacks Help Selection)
  7229. (registerFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7230. (registerFrameClass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7231. (relatedHandlesList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7232. (relativeSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7233. (relativeWindowRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7234. (release, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7235. (releasePointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7236. (releasePresSpace, VIEW CPPCLNDX releasePresSpace Help Selection)
  7237. (remainingStack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7238. (removableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7239. (remove, VIEW CPPCLNDX remove Help Selection)
  7240. (removeAll, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAll Help Selection)
  7241. (removeAllElementsWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7242. (removeAllObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7243. (removeAllObservers, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAllObservers Help Selection)
  7244. (removeAllOccurrences, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7245. (removeAllPages, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7246. (removeAllWithId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7247. (removeAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAt Help Selection)
  7248. (removeAtPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeAtPosition Help Selection)
  7249. (removeBorder, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeBorder Help Selection)
  7250. (removeColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7251. (removeColumnAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7252. (removeConditionalCascade, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7253. (removeCuePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7254. (removeDefaultHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7255. (removeDetent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7256. (removeElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7257. (removeEntryAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7258. (removeExtension, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7259. (removeFirst, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeFirst Help Selection)
  7260. (removeFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7261. (removeFromCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7262. (removeFromWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7263. (removeFromWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7264. (removeGraphicBundle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7265. (removeHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7266. (removeHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7267. (removeId, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeId Help Selection)
  7268. (removeItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7269. (removeLast, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeLast Help Selection)
  7270. (removeLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7271. (removeLink, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7272. (removeObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7273. (removeObjectAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7274. (removeObserver, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeObserver Help Selection)
  7275. (removePage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7276. (removePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7277. (removeRef, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeRef Help Selection)
  7278. (removeRelatedHandleFromWindowSet, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7279. (removeRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeRenderer Help Selection)
  7280. (removeRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7281. (removeSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7282. (removeSelectedObjects, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7283. (removeSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  7284. (removeSubmenu, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeSubmenu Help Selection)
  7285. (removeSubmenuAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX removeSubmenuAt Help Selection)
  7286. (removeSubtree, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7287. (removeTabSection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7288. (removeType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7289. (removeWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7290. (renderAllFormats, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7291. (renderAtSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7292. (renderComplete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7293. (renderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX renderer Help Selection)
  7294. (renderFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7295. (renderingFailed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7296. (renderToName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7297. (repeatCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7298. (replaceAt, VIEW CPPCLNDX replaceAt Help Selection)
  7299. (replaceElementWithKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7300. (replaceEntryAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7301. (replaceItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7302. (replaceRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX replaceRenderer Help Selection)
  7303. (requestAck, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7304. (requestData, VIEW CPPCLNDX requestData Help Selection)
  7305. (requiresFiles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7306. (requiresPreparation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7307. (reset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7308. (resetActiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7309. (resetActiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7310. (resetActiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7311. (resetBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  7312. (resetBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7313. (resetBorderColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7314. (resetButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7315. (resetChangedFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7316. (resetClippingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7317. (resetColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7318. (resetDisabledBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetDisabledBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  7319. (resetDisabledForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetDisabledForegroundColor Help Selection)
  7320. (resetDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7321. (resetFillColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetFillColor Help Selection)
  7322. (resetFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7323. (resetFont, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetFont Help Selection)
  7324. (resetForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetForegroundColor Help Selection)
  7325. (resetHiliteBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetHiliteBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  7326. (resetHiliteForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetHiliteForegroundColor Help Selection)
  7327. (resetInactiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7328. (resetInactiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7329. (resetInactiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7330. (resetLatchedBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7331. (resetLatchedForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7332. (resetMajorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7333. (resetMajorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7334. (resetMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7335. (resetMinorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7336. (resetMinorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7337. (resetMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7338. (resetPageBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7339. (resetPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7340. (resetPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7341. (resetPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7342. (resetPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7343. (resetPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7344. (resetPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7345. (resetPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7346. (resetShadowColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7347. (resetSplitBarEdgeColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7348. (resetSplitBarMiddleColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7349. (resetTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7350. (resetTransparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX resetTransparentColor Help Selection)
  7351. (resize, VIEW CPPCLNDX resize Help Selection)
  7352. (resourceLibrary, VIEW CPPCLNDX resourceLibrary Help Selection)
  7353. (restore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7354. (restoreRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7355. (result, VIEW CPPCLNDX result Help Selection)
  7356. (resume, VIEW CPPCLNDX resume Help Selection)
  7357. (retryCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7358. (returnValue, VIEW CPPCLNDX returnValue Help Selection)
  7359. (reverse, VIEW CPPCLNDX reverse Help Selection)
  7360. (reversePoints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7361. (rewind, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7362. (rewindButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7363. (rfAny, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7364. (rfForThisProcess, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7365. (rfFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7366. (rfObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7367. (rfProcess, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7368. (rfSharedMem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7369. (rfText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7370. (rfUnknown, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7371. (ribbonStrip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7372. (right, VIEW CPPCLNDX right Help Selection)
  7373. (rightAlign, VIEW CPPCLNDX rightAlign Help Selection)
  7374. (rightCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7375. (rightJustify, VIEW CPPCLNDX rightJustify Help Selection)
  7376. (rmAny, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7377. (rmDiscard, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7378. (rmfFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7379. (rmFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7380. (rmFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7381. (rmfs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7382. (rmfsFrom, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7383. (rmLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7384. (rmObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7385. (rmPrint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7386. (rotateBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX rotateBy Help Selection)
  7387. (rotateBy180, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7388. (rotateBy270, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7389. (rotateBy90, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7390. (rotationIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7391. (roundedTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7392. (rounding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7393. (rowHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7394. (run, VIEW CPPCLNDX run Help Selection)
  7395. (samplesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX samplesPerSecond Help Selection)
  7396. (SAPP, VIEW CLREF Parameterized Manipulators )
  7397. (save, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7398. (saveAs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7399. (saveAsEAType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7400. (saveBits, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7401. (saved, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7402. (saveHeadphonesSetting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7403. (saveSpeakersSetting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7404. (saveVolume, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7405. (sbcsData, VIEW CPPCLNDX sbcsData Help Selection)
  7406. (sbumpc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7407. (scaleBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX scaleBy Help Selection)
  7408. (scaledBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX scaledBy Help Selection)
  7409. (scaleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7410. (scanCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7411. (scanCodeKeyPress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7412. (scientific, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7413. (scroll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7414. (scrollableRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7415. (scrollAmount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7416. (scrollBarWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7417. (scrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7418. (scrollBoxPositionId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7419. (scrollBoxRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7420. (scrollBoxTrack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7421. (scrollBoxTrackEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7422. (scrollDetailsHorizontally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7423. (scrollEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7424. (scrollHorizontally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7425. (scrollToObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7426. (scrollVertically, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7427. (scrollViewHorizontallyTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7428. (scrollViewVerticallyTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7429. (searchListWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7430. (seconds, VIEW CPPCLNDX seconds Help Selection)
  7431. (seek, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7432. (seekg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7433. (seekoff, VIEW CPPCLNDX seekoff Help Selection)
  7434. (seekp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7435. (seekpos, VIEW CPPCLNDX seekpos Help Selection)
  7436. (seekToEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7437. (seekToStart, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7438. (select, VIEW CPPCLNDX select Help Selection)
  7439. (selectableListbox, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7440. (selectAll, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7441. (selected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7442. (selectedChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7443. (selectedCollectionPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedCollectionPosition Help Selection)
  7444. (selectedElement, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedElement Help Selection)
  7445. (selectedFileCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7446. (selectedFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7447. (selectedIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7448. (selectedMechanism, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7449. (selectedRange, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedRange Help Selection)
  7450. (selectedRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7451. (selectedText, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedText Help Selection)
  7452. (selectedTextLength, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectedTextLength Help Selection)
  7453. (selectHalftone, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7454. (selectId, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectId Help Selection)
  7455. (selection, VIEW CPPCLNDX selection Help Selection)
  7456. (selectItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectItem Help Selection)
  7457. (selectRange, VIEW CPPCLNDX selectRange Help Selection)
  7458. (sendCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7459. (sendEvent, VIEW CPPCLNDX sendEvent Help Selection)
  7460. (sendEvents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7461. (separator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7462. (separatorHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7463. (separatorType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7464. (separatorWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7465. (sequencer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7466. (serialNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7467. (servant, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7468. (serverHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7469. (set, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7470. (setAccelerator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7471. (setAccelResLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7472. (setActiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7473. (setActiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7474. (setActiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7475. (setActiveWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7476. (setAlignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX setAlignment Help Selection)
  7477. (setAllEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7478. (setAlternateWindowHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7479. (setAnimationRate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7480. (setApplicationBusy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7481. (setApplicationOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7482. (setApplicationSpecificData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7483. (setArgs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7484. (setArmRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7485. (setArmSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7486. (setAssociatedWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7487. (setAttribute, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7488. (setAttributes, VIEW CPPCLNDX setAttributes Help Selection)
  7489. (setAutoDeleteObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7490. (setAutoDestroyWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7491. (setAutoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7492. (setb, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7493. (setBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  7494. (setBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBackgroundMixMode Help Selection)
  7495. (setBalance, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7496. (setBase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7497. (setBass, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7498. (setBinding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7499. (setBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBitmap Help Selection)
  7500. (setBitmaps, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7501. (setBitsPerSample, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBitsPerSample Help Selection)
  7502. (setBlockAlignment, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBlockAlignment Help Selection)
  7503. (setBlue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7504. (setBold, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7505. (setBorderColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7506. (setBorderHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7507. (setBorderSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7508. (setBorderWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7509. (setbuf, VIEW CPPCLNDX setbuf Help Selection)
  7510. (setBuffer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBuffer Help Selection)
  7511. (setButtonView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7512. (setBytesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX setBytesPerSecond Help Selection)
  7513. (setCaseSensitive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7514. (setChangedFlag, VIEW CPPCLNDX setChangedFlag Help Selection)
  7515. (setChannels, VIEW CPPCLNDX setChannels Help Selection)
  7516. (setCharHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7517. (setCharSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7518. (setCharType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7519. (setCharWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7520. (setChecked, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7521. (setClient, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7522. (setClientRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7523. (setClippingRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7524. (setClipRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7525. (setClosed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7526. (setCloseOnDestroy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7527. (setColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setColor Help Selection)
  7528. (setColumnInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7529. (setColumnWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7530. (setCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7531. (setCompletion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7532. (setConditionalCascade, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7533. (setContainer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setContainer Help Selection)
  7534. (setContainerAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7535. (setContainerName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7536. (setContainerObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7537. (setContainerRefreshOff, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7538. (setContainerRefreshOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7539. (setContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7540. (setContentType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7541. (setControlHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7542. (setCoord1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7543. (setCoord2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7544. (setCurrent, VIEW CPPCLNDX setCurrent Help Selection)
  7545. (setCurrentBitmapIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7546. (setCurrentDrawingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7547. (setCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7548. (setCursorLinePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7549. (setCursorPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX setCursorPosition Help Selection)
  7550. (setData, VIEW CPPCLNDX setData Help Selection)
  7551. (setDataAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7552. (setDataOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7553. (setDeckCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7554. (setDeckOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7555. (setDecrementBitmaps, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7556. (setDefaultApplicationName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7557. (setDefaultAttribute, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultAttribute Help Selection)
  7558. (setDefaultAutoInitGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7559. (setDefaultBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7560. (setDefaultBackgroundMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7561. (setDefaultBuffer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7562. (setDefaultCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7563. (setDefaultDataStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7564. (setDefaultDrawOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7565. (setDefaultFillColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7566. (setDefaultFillPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7567. (setDefaultGroupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7568. (setDefaultHeadingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7569. (setDefaultMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7570. (setDefaultMisfitWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7571. (setDefaultMixMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7572. (setDefaultOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7573. (setDefaultOrdering, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultOrdering Help Selection)
  7574. (setDefaultPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7575. (setDefaultPatternOrigin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7576. (setDefaultPenColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7577. (setDefaultPenEndingStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7578. (setDefaultPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7579. (setDefaultPenPattern, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7580. (setDefaultPenType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7581. (setDefaultPenWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7582. (setDefaultQueueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7583. (setDefaultSourceHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7584. (setDefaultSourceRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7585. (setDefaultStackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7586. (setDefaultStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultStyle Help Selection)
  7587. (setDefaultTargetHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7588. (setDefaultTargetRenderer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7589. (setDefaultText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDefaultText Help Selection)
  7590. (setDefaultTransparentColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7591. (setDelayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7592. (setDeleteColumnsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7593. (setDeleteObjectsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7594. (setDestination, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7595. (setDestroyOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7596. (setDetailsViewSplit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7597. (setDialogTemplate, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDialogTemplate Help Selection)
  7598. (setDirection, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDirection Help Selection)
  7599. (setDisabled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7600. (setDisabledBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDisabledBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  7601. (setDisabledForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDisabledForegroundColor Help Selection)
  7602. (setDisabledText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7603. (setDiscTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7604. (setDispatchingHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7605. (setDisplayPS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7606. (setDisplayWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7607. (setDragInfo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7608. (setDragResult, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7609. (setDrawingArea, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7610. (setDrawItem, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7611. (setDrawOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setDrawOperation Help Selection)
  7612. (setDropIndicator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7613. (setDropOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7614. (setDropPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7615. (setDropStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7616. (setEditColumn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7617. (setEditMLE, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7618. (setEditObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7619. (setEditRegion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7620. (setEditRegionHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7621. (setEditRegionWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7622. (setElement11, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7623. (setElement12, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7624. (setElement21, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7625. (setElement22, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7626. (setElement31, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7627. (setElement32, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7628. (setEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX setEmphasis Help Selection)
  7629. (setEnclosingRect, VIEW CPPCLNDX setEnclosingRect Help Selection)
  7630. (setEndingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX setEndingPoint Help Selection)
  7631. (setErrorCodeGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7632. (setErrorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7633. (setEventData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7634. (setEventType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7635. (setExceptionFunction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7636. (setExtendedSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7637. (setExtendedStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setExtendedStyle Help Selection)
  7638. (setExtensions, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7639. (setExtensionSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7640. (setf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7641. (setFamily, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7642. (setFileName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7643. (setFillColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFillColor Help Selection)
  7644. (setFillMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7645. (setFillPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFillPattern Help Selection)
  7646. (setFloatingPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7647. (setFloatingTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7648. (setFlyTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7649. (setFlyTextStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7650. (setFocus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7651. (setFont, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFont Help Selection)
  7652. (setFontAngle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7653. (setFontShear, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7654. (setForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setForegroundColor Help Selection)
  7655. (setFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX setFormat Help Selection)
  7656. (setFramed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7657. (setg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7658. (setGain, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7659. (setGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7660. (setGraphicBundle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setGraphicBundle Help Selection)
  7661. (setGraphicContext, VIEW CPPCLNDX setGraphicContext Help Selection)
  7662. (setGreen, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7663. (setGroup, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7664. (setGroupPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7665. (setHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHandle Help Selection)
  7666. (setHeadingIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7667. (setHeadingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7668. (setHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7669. (setHelpId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7670. (setHelpResLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7671. (setHelpTable, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHelpTable Help Selection)
  7672. (setHelpText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7673. (setHide, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7674. (setHighlighted, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7675. (setHiliteBackgroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHiliteBackgroundColor Help Selection)
  7676. (setHiliteForegroundColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setHiliteForegroundColor Help Selection)
  7677. (setHitApertureSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7678. (setHitPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7679. (setHitSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7680. (setHitSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7681. (setHomePosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7682. (setIcon, VIEW CPPCLNDX setIcon Help Selection)
  7683. (setIconSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7684. (setIconText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7685. (setId, VIEW CPPCLNDX setId Help Selection)
  7686. (setImage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7687. (setImageStyle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7688. (setInactiveColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7689. (setInactiveText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7690. (setInactiveTextBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7691. (setInactiveTextForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7692. (setIncrementBitmaps, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7693. (setIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7694. (setInitialDelayTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7695. (setInitialDrive, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7696. (setInitialFileType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7697. (setIntermediatePoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7698. (setInterval, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7699. (setInUse, VIEW CPPCLNDX setInUse Help Selection)
  7700. (setItalic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7701. (setItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItem Help Selection)
  7702. (setItemHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemHandle Help Selection)
  7703. (setItemProvider, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemProvider Help Selection)
  7704. (setItems, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItems Help Selection)
  7705. (setItemSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemSize Help Selection)
  7706. (setItemText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setItemText Help Selection)
  7707. (setLastError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7708. (setLatchedBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7709. (setLatchedBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7710. (setLatchedForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7711. (setLayout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7712. (setLayoutDistorted, VIEW CPPCLNDX setLayoutDistorted Help Selection)
  7713. (setLayoutSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7714. (setLeftIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7715. (setLibraries, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7716. (setLimit, VIEW CPPCLNDX setLimit Help Selection)
  7717. (setLineCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7718. (setLineSpacing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7719. (setLocation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setLocation Help Selection)
  7720. (setLock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7721. (setLongStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7722. (setLongTextControl, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7723. (setLowerBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7724. (setMajorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7725. (setMajorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7726. (setMajorTabSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7727. (setMappingMode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7728. (setMargin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7729. (setMarginSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7730. (setMaster, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7731. (setMediaType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7732. (setMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7733. (setMenuBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7734. (setMessageFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7735. (setMessageNotUnderstood, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7736. (setMinimumCharacters, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7737. (setMinimumRows, VIEW CPPCLNDX setMinimumRows Help Selection)
  7738. (setMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7739. (setMinorTabBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7740. (setMinorTabForegroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7741. (setMinorTabSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7742. (setMinScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7743. (setMissingText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7744. (setMixedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7745. (setMixMode, VIEW CPPCLNDX setMixMode Help Selection)
  7746. (setMLEHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7747. (setMMTime, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7748. (setMonitorWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7749. (setMousePointer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setMousePointer Help Selection)
  7750. (setMove, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7751. (setMultipleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7752. (setName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7753. (setNativeRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7754. (setNoAdjust, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7755. (setNoDismiss, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7756. (setNormalTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7757. (setNoSourceRendering, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7758. (setNotificationHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7759. (setNotifierAttrChanged, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7760. (setNumberOfPoints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7761. (setNumeralDisplay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7762. (setObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7763. (setObjectText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7764. (setObserverData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7765. (setOKButtonText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7766. (setOnRemovableMedia, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7767. (setOpen, VIEW CPPCLNDX setOpen Help Selection)
  7768. (setOpenDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7769. (setOpenStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7770. (setOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7771. (setOrderedTargetEmphasis, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7772. (setOrientation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setOrientation Help Selection)
  7773. (setOutline, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7774. (setOutlineType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7775. (setOwner, VIEW CPPCLNDX setOwner Help Selection)
  7776. (setp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7777. (setPackType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7778. (setPad, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7779. (setPageBackgroundColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7780. (setPageButtonSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7781. (setPageScrollIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7782. (setPageSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7783. (setParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7784. (setPassDeviceRequested, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7785. (setPassToOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7786. (setPatternOrigin, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPatternOrigin Help Selection)
  7787. (setPenColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenColor Help Selection)
  7788. (setPenEndingStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenEndingStyle Help Selection)
  7789. (setPenJoiningStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenJoiningStyle Help Selection)
  7790. (setPenPattern, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenPattern Help Selection)
  7791. (setPenType, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenType Help Selection)
  7792. (setPenWidth, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPenWidth Help Selection)
  7793. (setPitch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7794. (setPlayableDevice, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7795. (setPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7796. (setPointArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7797. (setPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7798. (setPointerOffset, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPointerOffset Help Selection)
  7799. (setPoints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7800. (setPointSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPointSize Help Selection)
  7801. (setPosition, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPosition Help Selection)
  7802. (setPrevScrollBoxPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7803. (setPrimaryScale, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7804. (setPrinterPS, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7805. (setPriority, VIEW CPPCLNDX setPriority Help Selection)
  7806. (setProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7807. (setProgram, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7808. (setQueueSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7809. (setRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7810. (setRed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7811. (setReference, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7812. (setRefreshOff, VIEW CPPCLNDX setRefreshOff Help Selection)
  7813. (setRefreshOn, VIEW CPPCLNDX setRefreshOn Help Selection)
  7814. (setRelatedHandlesList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7815. (setRelativeWindowRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7816. (setRenderer, VIEW CPPCLNDX setRenderer Help Selection)
  7817. (setRequiresPreparation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7818. (setResourceLibrary, VIEW CPPCLNDX setResourceLibrary Help Selection)
  7819. (setRestoreRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7820. (setResult, VIEW CPPCLNDX setResult Help Selection)
  7821. (setRetry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7822. (setRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7823. (setRotationIncrement, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7824. (setRounding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7825. (setRowHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7826. (setSamplesPerSecond, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSamplesPerSecond Help Selection)
  7827. (setSaveAsDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7828. (setScrollableRange, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7829. (setScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7830. (setSelectable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7831. (setSelected, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7832. (setSelectedRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7833. (setSelectionStateDrawn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7834. (setSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7835. (setSeparatorHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7836. (setSeverity, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7837. (setShadowColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7838. (setShaftBreadth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7839. (setShaftPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7840. (setShow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7841. (setSingleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7842. (setSize, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSize Help Selection)
  7843. (setSizeList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7844. (setSource, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7845. (setSourceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7846. (setSourceOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSourceOperation Help Selection)
  7847. (setSourceWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSourceWindowHandle Help Selection)
  7848. (setSpeedFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7849. (setSplitBarEdgeColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7850. (setSplitBarMiddleColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7851. (setSplitBarThickness, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7852. (setSplitWindowPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7853. (setStackingPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7854. (setStackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7855. (setStandardBitmapSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7856. (setStandardTextLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7857. (setStandardTextWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7858. (setStartAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStartAngle Help Selection)
  7859. (setStartingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStartingPoint Help Selection)
  7860. (setStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7861. (setStatusText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStatusText Help Selection)
  7862. (setStatusTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7863. (setStretchSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7864. (setStrikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7865. (setStringGenerator, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStringGenerator Help Selection)
  7866. (setStringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7867. (setStyle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setStyle Help Selection)
  7868. (setSubmenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7869. (setSubmenuHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7870. (setSupportedRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7871. (setSupportedTypes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7872. (setSweepAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setSweepAngle Help Selection)
  7873. (setTab, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7874. (setTabBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTabBitmap Help Selection)
  7875. (setTabShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7876. (setTabText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTabText Help Selection)
  7877. (setTabTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7878. (setTargetCanRetry, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7879. (setTargetInfo, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTargetInfo Help Selection)
  7880. (setTargetName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7881. (setTargetOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7882. (setTargetWindowHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7883. (setText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setText Help Selection)
  7884. (setTextOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7885. (setTextShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7886. (setTextType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7887. (setTickLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7888. (setTicks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7889. (setTickSpacing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7890. (setTickText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7891. (setTimeFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7892. (setTimeToOrdinal, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTimeToOrdinal Help Selection)
  7893. (Settings, VIEW CPPCLNDX Settings Help Selection)
  7894. (setTitle, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTitle Help Selection)
  7895. (setTitleAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7896. (setTitleAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7897. (setTitleText, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTitleText Help Selection)
  7898. (setToChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToChild Help Selection)
  7899. (setToFirst, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToFirst Help Selection)
  7900. (setToFirstExistingChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToFirstExistingChild Help Selection)
  7901. (setToIdentity, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7902. (setToIndex, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToIndex Help Selection)
  7903. (setToLast, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToLast Help Selection)
  7904. (setToLastExistingChild, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7905. (setToNext, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToNext Help Selection)
  7906. (setToNextDifferentElement, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7907. (setToNextExistingChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToNextExistingChild Help Selection)
  7908. (setToNextWithDifferentKey, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7909. (setToolBarList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7910. (setTop, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTop Help Selection)
  7911. (setToParent, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToParent Help Selection)
  7912. (setTopLeftViewPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7913. (setTopLevelShell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7914. (setToPosition, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  7915. (setToPrevious, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToPrevious Help Selection)
  7916. (setToPreviousExistingChild, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToPreviousExistingChild Help Selection)
  7917. (setToRoot, VIEW CPPCLNDX setToRoot Help Selection)
  7918. (setTraceFunction, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7919. (setTrackTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7920. (setTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7921. (setTransformMethod, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7922. (setTransparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX setTransparentColor Help Selection)
  7923. (setTreble, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7924. (setTreeExpandIconSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7925. (setTreeItemIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7926. (setTreeViewIndent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7927. (setTrueType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7928. (setTutorial, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7929. (setTypes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7930. (setUnderscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7931. (setUpperBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7932. (setupScrollBars, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7933. (setUserData, VIEW CPPCLNDX setUserData Help Selection)
  7934. (setUserParameter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7935. (setUserResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7936. (setUsingHelp, VIEW CPPCLNDX setUsingHelp Help Selection)
  7937. (setValid, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7938. (setValue, VIEW CPPCLNDX setValue Help Selection)
  7939. (setVariable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7940. (setView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7941. (setViewNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7942. (setViewOption, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7943. (setViewPortRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7944. (setViewText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7945. (setViewWindowSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7946. (setVisibleCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7947. (setVolume, VIEW CPPCLNDX setVolume Help Selection)
  7948. (setWhoDiscards, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7949. (setWhoPrints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7950. (setWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7951. (setWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX setWindow Help Selection)
  7952. (setWindowData, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7953. (setWindowFont, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7954. (setWindowLayout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7955. (setWindowList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7956. (setWorldTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7957. (setX, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7958. (setXerrorCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7959. (setY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7960. (setZOrder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7961. (sgetc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7962. (sgetn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7963. (shadowColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7964. (shadowColorId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7965. (shaftPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7966. (shaftSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7967. (shareParentDBCSStatus, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7968. (shellPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7969. (show, VIEW CPPCLNDX show Help Selection)
  7970. (showbase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7971. (showContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7972. (showCoverPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7973. (showDetailsView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7974. (showDetailsViewTitles, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7975. (showFlowedNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7976. (showFlowedTextView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7977. (showHistory, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7978. (showIconView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7979. (showIndex, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7980. (showList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7981. (showMiniIcons, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7982. (showModally, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7983. (showNameView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7984. (showObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7985. (showPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7986. (showPanelIds, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7987. (showpoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7988. (showpos, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7989. (showSearchList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7990. (showSeparators, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7991. (showSourceEmphasis, VIEW CPPCLNDX showSourceEmphasis Help Selection)
  7992. (showTutorial, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7993. (shrinkBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7994. (shrunkBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7995. (simpleType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7996. (sin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7997. (singleSelection, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7998. (sinh, VIEW CLREF ~)
  7999. (size, VIEW CPPCLNDX size Help Selection)
  8000. (sizeBitmapTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8001. (sizeBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8002. (sizedBy, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8003. (sizedTo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8004. (sizeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8005. (sizeTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX sizeTo Help Selection)
  8006. (sizeToBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8007. (sizeToGraphic, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8008. (sizeToIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8009. (sizingBorder, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8010. (skip, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8011. (SkipWords, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8012. (skipws, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8013. (sleep, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8014. (slope, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8015. (slowSpeed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8016. (SMANIP, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8017. (snapToTickMark, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8018. (snextc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8019. (solidBinding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8020. (sort, VIEW CPPCLNDX sort Help Selection)
  8021. (source, VIEW CPPCLNDX source Help Selection)
  8022. (sourceAnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8023. (sourceBegin, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8024. (sourceContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8025. (sourceDiscard, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceDiscard Help Selection)
  8026. (sourceEnd, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceEnd Help Selection)
  8027. (sourceErase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8028. (sourceInvert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8029. (sourceItemFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8030. (sourceName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8031. (sourceOfEnd, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8032. (sourceOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceOperation Help Selection)
  8033. (sourcePaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8034. (sourcePrepare, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourcePrepare Help Selection)
  8035. (sourcePrint, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourcePrint Help Selection)
  8036. (sourceRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8037. (sourceRender, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceRender Help Selection)
  8038. (sourceToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8039. (sourceToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8040. (sourceWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceWindow Help Selection)
  8041. (sourceWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX sourceWindowHandle Help Selection)
  8042. (space, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8043. (speaker, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8044. (speed, VIEW CPPCLNDX speed Help Selection)
  8045. (speedFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8046. (spinDown, VIEW CPPCLNDX spinDown Help Selection)
  8047. (spinEnded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8048. (spinTo, VIEW CPPCLNDX spinTo Help Selection)
  8049. (spinUp, VIEW CPPCLNDX spinUp Help Selection)
  8050. (spiralBinding, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8051. (split, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8052. (splitBarEdgeColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8053. (splitBarMiddleColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8054. (splitBarOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8055. (splitBarThickness, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8056. (splitWindowPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8057. (splitWithSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8058. (sputbackc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8059. (sputc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8060. (sputn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8061. (sqrt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8062. (squareTabs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8063. (stackingPercentage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8064. (stackSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8065. (standardBitmapSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8066. (standardFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8067. (standardTextLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8068. (standardTextWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8069. (start, VIEW CPPCLNDX start Help Selection)
  8070. (startAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX startAngle Help Selection)
  8071. (startAnimation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8072. (startBackwardsSearch, VIEW CPPCLNDX startBackwardsSearch Help Selection)
  8073. (startBoundaryAccumulation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8074. (startedThread, VIEW CPPCLNDX startedThread Help Selection)
  8075. (startHandlingEventsFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8076. (startHitTesting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8077. (startingPoint, VIEW CPPCLNDX startingPoint Help Selection)
  8078. (startOfTrack, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8079. (startPositionTracking, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8080. (startScanningBackward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8081. (startScanningForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8082. (startSearch, VIEW CPPCLNDX startSearch Help Selection)
  8083. (status, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8084. (statusText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8085. (statusTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8086. (statusTextCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8087. (statusTextLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8088. (statusTextOn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8089. (statusTextRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8090. (stdio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8091. (stdiobuf, VIEW CLREF stdiobuf )
  8092. (stdiostream, VIEW CLREF stdiostream )
  8093. (stepBackward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8094. (stepBackwardButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8095. (stepForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8096. (stepForwardButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8097. (stepFrame, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8098. (stop, VIEW CPPCLNDX stop Help Selection)
  8099. (stopAnimation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8100. (stopBoundaryAccumulation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8101. (stopButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8102. (stopHandlingEventsFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX stopHandlingEventsFor Help Selection)
  8103. (stopHandlingNotificationsFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8104. (stopHitTesting, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8105. (stopPositionTracking, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8106. (stopProcessingMsgs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8107. (stossc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8108. (str, VIEW CPPCLNDX str Help Selection)
  8109. (strContents, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8110. (streambuf, VIEW CLREF streambuf )
  8111. (stretch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8112. (stretchSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8113. (strikeout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8114. (strikeoutId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8115. (string, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8116. (stringFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX stringFor Help Selection)
  8117. (stringGenerator, VIEW CPPCLNDX stringGenerator Help Selection)
  8118. (stringTableOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8119. (strip, VIEW CPPCLNDX strip Help Selection)
  8120. (strstream, VIEW CLREF strstream )
  8121. (strstreambuf, VIEW CLREF strstreambuf )
  8122. (style, VIEW CPPCLNDX style Help Selection)
  8123. (subitemNotFound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8124. (submenuHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8125. (subscriptOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8126. (subscriptSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8127. (subString, VIEW CPPCLNDX subString Help Selection)
  8128. (subtopicId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8129. (successCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8130. (superscriptOffset, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8131. (superscriptSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8132. (supportedOperations, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8133. (supportedOperationsFor, VIEW CPPCLNDX supportedOperationsFor Help Selection)
  8134. (supportedRMFs, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8135. (supportedTopics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8136. (supportedTypes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8137. (supportingApplications, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8138. (supportsAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8139. (supportsCommand, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8140. (supportsDigitalTransfer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8141. (supportsDisableEject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8142. (supportsEject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8143. (supportsOperation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8144. (supportsOverlayGraphics, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8145. (supportsPlay, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8146. (supportsRecord, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8147. (supportsRecordInsertion, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8148. (supportsReverse, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8149. (supportsRMF, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8150. (supportsSave, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8151. (supportsSizing, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8152. (supportsStreaming, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8153. (supportsStretchToFit, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8154. (supportsVideo, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8155. (supportsVolumeAdjustment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8156. (supportsWaveFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8157. (suspend, VIEW CPPCLNDX suspend Help Selection)
  8158. (swapPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8159. (sweepAngle, VIEW CPPCLNDX sweepAngle Help Selection)
  8160. (swpArray, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8161. (sylkFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8162. (sync, VIEW CPPCLNDX sync Help Selection)
  8163. (sync_with_stdio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8164. (synchPaint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8165. (systemColor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8166. (systemCommand, VIEW CPPCLNDX systemCommand Help Selection)
  8167. (systemCommandId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8168. (systemMenu, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8169. (systemModal, VIEW CPPCLNDX systemModal Help Selection)
  8170. (systemProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8171. (systemScrollBarWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8172. (systemScrollBoxLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8173. (systemScrollButtonLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8174. (tabBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX tabBitmap Help Selection)
  8175. (tabShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8176. (tabStop, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8177. (tabText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8178. (tabTextAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8179. (tabTextCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8180. (tabTextLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8181. (tabTextRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8182. (targetCanRetry, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetCanRetry Help Selection)
  8183. (targetDrop, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetDrop Help Selection)
  8184. (targetEnd, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetEnd Help Selection)
  8185. (targetInfo, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetInfo Help Selection)
  8186. (targetLeave, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8187. (targetName, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetName Help Selection)
  8188. (targetOperation, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetOperation Help Selection)
  8189. (targetRender, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8190. (targetRenderComplete, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8191. (targetRenderPrepare, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8192. (targetToolBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8193. (targetToolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8194. (targetWindow, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetWindow Help Selection)
  8195. (targetWindowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX targetWindowHandle Help Selection)
  8196. (tellg, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8197. (tellp, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8198. (terminate, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8199. (terminateGUI, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8200. (test, VIEW CPPCLNDX test Help Selection)
  8201. (text, VIEW CPPCLNDX text Help Selection)
  8202. (textCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8203. (TextCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8204. (textFormat, VIEW CPPCLNDX textFormat Help Selection)
  8205. (textId, VIEW CPPCLNDX textId Help Selection)
  8206. (textLength, VIEW CPPCLNDX textLength Help Selection)
  8207. (textLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8208. (textOrientation, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8209. (textRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8210. (textRef, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8211. (textShape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8212. (textSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8213. (textType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8214. (textView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8215. (textVisible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8216. (textWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8217. (thousandths, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8218. (threadId, VIEW CPPCLNDX threadId Help Selection)
  8219. (throwCLibError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8220. (throwError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8221. (throwGUIError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8222. (throwMMError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8223. (throwSystemError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8224. (throwXLibError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8225. (tickLength, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8226. (tickPosition, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8227. (tickSpacing, VIEW CPPCLNDX tickSpacing Help Selection)
  8228. (tickText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8229. (tie, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8230. (tiffFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8231. (time, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8232. (timeFormat, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8233. (timerAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8234. (timerExpired, VIEW CPPCLNDX timerExpired Help Selection)
  8235. (title, VIEW CPPCLNDX title Help Selection)
  8236. (titleAttributes, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8237. (titleBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8238. (titleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8239. (titleRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8240. (titleSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8241. (titleText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8242. (titleVisibleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8243. (today, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8244. (tokenForWPSObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8245. (toolBarAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8246. (toolBarButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8247. (toolBarContainer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8248. (toolBarList, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8249. (top, VIEW CPPCLNDX top Help Selection)
  8250. (topAlign, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8251. (topCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8252. (topGraphicUnderPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8253. (topHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX topHandle Help Selection)
  8254. (topic, VIEW CPPCLNDX topic Help Selection)
  8255. (topicId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8256. (topLeft, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8257. (topLeftViewPoint, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8258. (topPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8259. (topRight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8260. (totalPages, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8261. (totalRectFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8262. (traceDestination, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8263. (TraceFn, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8264. (track, VIEW CPPCLNDX track Help Selection)
  8265. (trackBackward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8266. (trackForward, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8267. (trackId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8268. (trackStartedId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8269. (trackTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8270. (transactionType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8271. (transformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8272. (transformMethod, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8273. (translate, VIEW CPPCLNDX translate Help Selection)
  8274. (translateAudioFlag, VIEW CPPCLNDX translateAudioFlag Help Selection)
  8275. (translateBy, VIEW CPPCLNDX translateBy Help Selection)
  8276. (transparent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8277. (transparentColor, VIEW CPPCLNDX transparentColor Help Selection)
  8278. (transpose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8279. (transposeXForY, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8280. (treble, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8281. (treeCollapsed, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8282. (treeExpanded, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8283. (treeView, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8284. (trueType, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8285. (tryToLoadBitmap, VIEW CPPCLNDX tryToLoadBitmap Help Selection)
  8286. (tryToLoadDialog, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8287. (tryToLoadIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8288. (tryToLoadMessage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8289. (tryToLoadString, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8290. (turnToPage, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8291. (tutorialName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8292. (type, VIEW CPPCLNDX type Help Selection)
  8293. (types, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8294. (ulAltFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8295. (ulAltMask, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8296. (ulCharacterFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8297. (ulCompositeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8298. (ulCtrlFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8299. (ulCtrlMask, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8300. (ulForCompositeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8301. (ulInvalidCompositeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8302. (ulRepeatFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8303. (ulReserved1, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8304. (ulReserved2, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8305. (ulScanCodeFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8306. (ulShiftFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8307. (ulShiftMask, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8308. (ulUncombinedFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8309. (ulUpTransitionFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8310. (ulVirtualFlag, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8311. (unavailable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8312. (unbuffered, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8313. (uncheckItem, VIEW CPPCLNDX uncheckItem Help Selection)
  8314. (underflow, VIEW CPPCLNDX underflow Help Selection)
  8315. (underscore, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8316. (underscoreId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8317. (undo, VIEW CPPCLNDX undo Help Selection)
  8318. (unhighlight, VIEW CPPCLNDX unhighlight Help Selection)
  8319. (unionWith, VIEW CLREF Collection Class function )
  8320. (uniqueDiscIdentifier, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8321. (unitbuf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8322. (unknown, VIEW CPPCLNDX unknown Help Selection)
  8323. (unlatch, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8324. (unlock, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8325. (unlockDoor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8326. (unreadable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8327. (unrecoverable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8328. (unregisterCallbacks, VIEW CPPCLNDX unregisterCallbacks Help Selection)
  8329. (unsetf, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8330. (upc, VIEW CPPCLNDX upc Help Selection)
  8331. (update, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8332. (updateForInsert, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8333. (upperBound, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8334. (uppercase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8335. (upperCase, VIEW CPPCLNDX upperCase Help Selection)
  8336. (useBitmapOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8337. (useCount, VIEW CPPCLNDX useCount Help Selection)
  8338. (useDefaultMonitorWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8339. (useDefaultPaintHandler, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8340. (useDefaultWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8341. (useExtensionMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8342. (useIdForBitmap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8343. (useIdForText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8344. (useMinimumSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8345. (useNonPropOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8346. (userData, VIEW CPPCLNDX userData Help Selection)
  8347. (userParameter, VIEW CPPCLNDX userParameter Help Selection)
  8348. (userProfile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8349. (userResourceLibrary, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8350. (usesDialogBackground, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8351. (useVectorOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8352. (validate, VIEW CPPCLNDX validate Help Selection)
  8353. (validObject, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8354. (value, VIEW CPPCLNDX value Help Selection)
  8355. (valueId, VIEW CPPCLNDX valueId Help Selection)
  8356. (variable, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8357. (vectorOnly, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8358. (verifyPointers, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8359. (version, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8360. (vertCenter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8361. (vertical, VIEW CPPCLNDX vertical Help Selection)
  8362. (verticalDataAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8363. (verticalDecks, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8364. (verticalHeadingAlignment, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8365. (verticalScroll, VIEW CPPCLNDX verticalScroll Help Selection)
  8366. (verticalScrollBar, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8367. (verticalSeparator, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8368. (videoDisc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8369. (videoFileHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8370. (videoFileName, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8371. (videoFileWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8372. (videoHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8373. (videoTape, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8374. (videoWidth, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8375. (view, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8376. (viewedPagesWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8377. (viewNumber, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8378. (viewNumberId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8379. (viewOption, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8380. (viewPortOnWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8381. (viewPortOnWorkspace, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8382. (viewPortRect, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8383. (viewText, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8384. (viewTextId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8385. (viewWindow, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8386. (viewWindowDrawRectangle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8387. (viewWindowSize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8388. (viewWindowSizeId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8389. (virtualKey, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8390. (virtualKeyPress, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8391. (visible, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8392. (visibleCount, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8393. (visibleId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8394. (visibleLines, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8395. (visibleRectangle, VIEW CPPCLNDX visibleRectangle Help Selection)
  8396. (visibleTitle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8397. (visibleTreeLine, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8398. (volume, VIEW CPPCLNDX volume Help Selection)
  8399. (waitFor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8400. (waitForAllThreads, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8401. (waitForAnyThread, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8402. (warningIcon, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8403. (wasDragAfter, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8404. (wasPassDeviceRequested, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8405. (wasTargetSuccessful, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8406. (waveAudio, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8407. (white, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8408. (whoDiscards, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8409. (whoPrints, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8410. (width, VIEW CPPCLNDX width Help Selection)
  8411. (willDeleteColumnsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8412. (willDeleteObjectsOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8413. (willDestroyOnClose, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8414. (window, VIEW CPPCLNDX window Help Selection)
  8415. (windowAt, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8416. (WindowCursor, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8417. (windowHandle, VIEW CPPCLNDX windowHandle Help Selection)
  8418. (windowId, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8419. (windowInCell, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8420. (windowLayout, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8421. (windowList, VIEW CPPCLNDX windowList Help Selection)
  8422. (windowResize, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8423. (windowScrolled, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8424. (windowULong, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8425. (windowUnderPointer, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8426. (windowUShort, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8427. (windowWithHandle, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8428. (windowWithOwner, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8429. (windowWithParent, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8430. (word, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8431. (wordBreak, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8432. (wordIndexOfPhrase, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8433. (words, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8434. (wordWrap, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8435. (worldTransformMatrix, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8436. (wrapper, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8437. (write, VIEW CPPCLNDX write Help Selection)
  8438. (writeToFile, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8439. (writeToQueue, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8440. (writeToStandardError, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8441. (writeToStandardOutput, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8442. (x, VIEW CPPCLNDX x Help Selection)
  8443. (x_fill, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8444. (x_precision, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8445. (x_width, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8446. (xalloc, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8447. (XerrorCode, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8448. (xHeight, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8449. (x2b, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8450. (x2c, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8451. (x2d, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8452. (y, VIEW CPPCLNDX y Help Selection)
  8453. (year, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8454. (yesNoButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8455. (yesNoCancelButton, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8456. (zero, VIEW CLREF ~)
  8457. (IAnimatedButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8458. (IBitmapControl, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8459. (ICanvas, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8460. (ICheckBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8461. (ICircularSlider, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8462. (ICollectionViewComboBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8463. (ICollectionViewListBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8464. (IComboBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8465. (IContainerColumn, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8466. (ICustomButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8467. (IEntryField, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8468. (IFrameWindow, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8469. (IGraphicPushButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8470. (IGroupBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8471. (IHelpWindow, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8472. (IIconControl, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8473. (IInfoArea, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8474. (IListBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8475. (IMenu, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8476. (IMenuCascade, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8477. (IMenuItem, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8478. (IMenuSeparator, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8479. (IMessageBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8480. (IMMAmpMixer, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8481. (IMMAudioCD, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8482. (IMMCDXA, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8483. (IMMDigitalVideo, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8484. (IMMMasterAudio, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8485. (IMMPlayerPanel, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8486. (IMMSequencer, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8487. (IMMWaveAudio, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8488. (IMultiCellCanvas, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8489. (IMultiLineEdit, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8490. (INotebook, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8491. (INumericSpinButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8492. (IOutlineBox, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8493. (IProgressIndicator, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8494. (IPushButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8495. (IRadioButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8496. (IScrollBar, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8497. (ISetCanvas, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8498. (ISlider, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8499. (ISplitCanvas, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8500. (IStaticText, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8501. (ITextSpinButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8502. (ITitle, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8503. (IToolBar, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8504. (IToolBarButton, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8505. (IVBContainerControl, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8506. (IVBFactory, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8507. (IVBFileDialog, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8508. (IVBFlyText, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8509. (IVBFontDialog, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8510. (IVBNotebookPage, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8511. (IVBVariableClass, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8512. (IVBVariableClassPointer, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8513. (IVBVariablePart, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8514. (IVBVariablePartPointer, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8515. (IViewPort, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8516. (IVSequence, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8517. (I0String, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8518. (IAccelerator, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8519. (ICLibErrorInfo, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8520. (IClipboard, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8521. (IColor, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8522. (IContainerObject, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8523. (IDate, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8524. (IDynamicLinkLibrary, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8525. (IFlyOverHelpHandler, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8526. (IFont, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8527. (IGUIErrorInfo, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8528. (IHandle, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8529. (IMM24FramesPerSecondTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8530. (IMM25FramesPerSecondTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8531. (IMM30FramesPerSecondTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8532. (IMMAudioBuffer, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8533. (IMMAudioCDContents, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8534. (IMMAudioHeader, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8535. (IMMErrorInfo, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8536. (IMMHourMinSecFrameTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8537. (IMMHourMinSecTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8538. (IMMMillisecondTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8539. (IMMMinSecFrameTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8540. (IMMSpeed, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8541. (IMMTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8542. (IMMTrackMinSecFrameTime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8543. (IPair, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8544. (IPercentAvailable, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8545. (IPoint, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8546. (IPointArray, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8547. (IProfile, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8548. (IRange, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8549. (IRectangle, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8550. (IResourceId, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8551. (IResourceLibrary, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8552. (ISize, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8553. (IString, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8554. (ISystemErrorInfo, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8555. (ITime, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)
  8556. (ITrace, View CppVbRef.Inf ~)