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  1. 1Report            Start   Main    End     regular  read/write                                                                                      
  2. 2?             66 160NewPg   EndPg                                                                                                                  
  3. 31E       read/writeyes                                                                                                                             
  4. 4Start   Print the report                                                                                                                           
  5. 4End     Report ready                                                                                                                               
  6. 5Zero    Zero           Long   Positive1  1  0;                                                                                                     
  7. 5Date0   Data 0         Date   American 10  100/00/0000;                                                                                            
  8. 5One     One            Long   Positive1  1  1;                                                                                                     
  9. 5Two     two            Long   Positive1  1  2;                                                                                                     
  10. 5Title   title          Char   Lf-T-Rgh20 1  Report;                                                                                                
  11. 5BLANK   blank          Char   Lf-T-Rgh1  1   ;                                                                                                     
  12. 5Dummy   dummy          Char   Lf-T-Rgh10 1  1;                                                                                                     
  13. 5PrintYN Prepare Report?Char   Lf-T-Rgh  3  1Yes;                                                                                                     5PrintYNLPrintYNL       Char   Lf-T-Rgh  3  2Yes;No;                                                                                                  5No      No             Char   Lf-T-Rgh  3  1No;                                                                                                      5Yes     Yes            Char   Lf-T-Rgh  3  1Yes;                                                                                                     5EOF     EOF            Long   Positive  1  10;                                                                                                       6PrintYN  19.333  6.632 40.000 10.000L_FRAME         CYAN            0Title   DEFAULT_WINDOW  Report  1      1      6      8                          6MAIN      2.000  7.632 68.500  1.368L_FRAME         DARKGREEN       0Title                   Report  0.5    0.5    6      8                          7MAIN    1Family  0Dummy    22.167  0.316 15.667  1.053S_ARISTO        BACKGROUND      BLUE            KEY              NONE                          7PrintYN 0PrintYN 0PrintYNL  2.667  3.421 33.167  3.632S_RADIOV        GREEN           BLUE            PrintYN          ON_TOP    2.579               9Start            If      FirstRun                                                                                                                    9                 New-Scr                  0Title                                                                                                   
  14. 9                 Seton                             F5                                                                                                9                 EndIf                                                                                                                               9                 Put-Lin#PrintYN          +0                                                                                                         9                 Accept *PrintYN                                                                                                                     9                 Clr-Lin#PrintYN                                                                                                                     9                 Return                                                                                                                              9##########                    ----------- Start routine end ---------                                                                                9##########                    ----------- Main routine begining ------------                                                                         9Main                                                                                                                                                 9IfYes            If      Yes                                                                                                                         9                 Perform                              First                                                                                        
  15. 9                 Title  #MAIN                                                                                                                      
  16. 9                 Setoff                            N1                                                                                                9WNotE            While   NotEOF                                                                                                                      9Next             Read   1KEY1                      N1                                                                                              
  17. 9              N1 QtLoop                                                                                                                              9                 Print  #MAIN                                                                                                                      
  18. 9EWNotE           EndBlck                                                                                                                           
  19. 9EIfYes           EndIf                                                                                                                               9End1             Return                                                                                                                            
  20. 9##########               ----------- Main routine end  -------------                                                                                 9##########               ---------- End routine begining --------                                                                                    9End              If      Yes                                                                                                                         9                 Else                                                                                                                                9                 Return                                                                                                                              9                 EndIf                                                                                                                               9                 Restart                                                                                                                             9##########              ---------- End routine end -----------                                                                                       9First            Moves  0BLANK            1Family                                                                                                  
  21. 9                 Return                                                                                                                            
  22. 9NewPg            Return                                                                                                                            
  23. 9EndPg            Return                                                                                                                            
  24. BYes     0PrintYN 0Yes     0Yes                                                                                                                       BNotEOF  ^N1      ^=       ^=                                                                                                                         BFirstRun^F5      ^=       ^=       And                                                                                                               B        ^Z0      ^=       ^=                                                                                                                         0