OS/2 Shareware BBS: 10 Tools
< prev
INI File
1,792 lines
VERS = "7.00"
; default directory names (must end with \)
; This definition is needed ...
MS_SETUP = "Microsoft (R) Setup Version"
COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986, 1992. All rights reserved."
; filename of linker, and backup name used during version checking
LINK_NAME = "link.exe"
INCREMENTAL = "Incremental"
LINEAR_386 = "Linear-386"
TEMP_LINK_NAME = "$$$link.tmp"
; ************** lists ********************
;;; Insert Source Media Description here ... VVVVVV ....
[list sdisks]
0:dos, "Your MS-DOS SYSTEM disk"
1:x, "Disk1: Setup and PWB"
2:x, "Disk2: Compiler"
; not only must these paths be relative to setup.exe, they must be
; relative to each other, so that from within any dir, the relative
; path will get you to any other dir. This means that setup.exe must
; be in one of the named dirs.
[list netsetup]
0:x, " "
1:x, "..\disk1"
2:x, "..\disk2"
;;; End of Source Media Description here ... ^^^^^^ ....
; very rarely used
[list ddisks]
1:x, "the destination disk, tape, or cartridge"
; These are used in the building of the mondo library names
[list libbuild]
; the number is insignificant, the filename is the library to build,
; the description is the lib operations line
; ****** FILE LAYOUT ******
; disk#: path [, "descr"][, size = xxx][, dest = x][, comment=][, actions]
; action codes: rename, append, noreplace, ignoreerr (default; synonym
; is "nonvital"), vital, timestamp, nocopy, root
; dest= R(Real), I(Include), T(Init), H(Help), L(Lib), S(Source),
; C(CRT Startup), M(MFC)
; [dest setting gets propagated down a list, but not across lists]
; [comment=^ shares comment string with previous file (in same list)]
[list if_compiler 1]
2: binp\C1.ERR, comment="Error messages for OS/2 compiler pass 1", size=48637
2: binp\C11616.EXE, comment="OS/2 compiler - pass 1", size=257678
2: binp\C1XX1616.EXE, comment="OS/2 C++ compiler - pass 1", size=450082
2: binp\C21616.EXE, comment="OS/2 compiler - pass 2", size=493028
2: binp\C23.ERR, comment="Error messages for OS/2 compiler passes 2 and 3", size=4401
2: binp\C23PCD.EXE, comment="PCode pass 2", size=244891
2: binp\C31616.EXE, comment="OS/2 compiler - pass 3", size=185950
2: binp\CL.DEF, comment="Default .DEF file used by Linker", size=1761
2: binp\CL.ERR, comment="Error messages for OS/2 CL.EXE", size=1844
2: binp\CL.EXE, comment="OS/2 compiler driver", size=35303
2: binp\CL.MSG, comment="Message file for OS/2 CL.EXE", size=3869
1: binp\CVPACK.EXE, comment="Debugging Information Compactor", size=84161
1: binp\EXEHDR.EXE, comment="File Header Utility", size=40629
1: binp\ILINK.EXE, comment="Incremental Link Utility", size=6745
1: binb\IMPLIB.EXE, comment="Import Library Manager", size=43893
1: binp\LIB.EXE, comment="Library Manager", size=61784
1: binp\LINK.EXE, comment="Segmented Executable Linker", size=162011
1: binb\MAPSYM.EXE, comment="Symbol File Generator", size=33001
1: binp\MPC.EXE, comment="Make P-code utility ", size=57037
1: binp\NMAKE.EXE, comment="Program Maintenance Utility ", size=85421
2: binp\Q23.EXE, comment="OS/2 Quick compiler", size=142263
1: binp\QH.EXE, comment="QuickHelp Utility", size=59471
1: binb\RC.EXE, comment="Windows Resource Compiler v3.10", size=57085
1: binb\RCPP.ERR, comment="Resource Compiler Pre-Processor Error Messages", size=14393
1: binb\RCPP.EXE, comment="Resource Compiler Pre-Processor", size=129907
1: binb\WINSTUB.EXE, comment="Windows Stub", size=610
[list if_pwb 1]
1: binp\BSCMAKE.EXE, comment="Browser Database Maintenance Utility", size=53003
1: dll\MSHELP.DLL, comment="Online Help DLL", size=35805
1: binp\PWB.EXE, comment="OS/2 Programmer's Workbench", size=412012
1: binp\PWBBASIC.PXT, comment="BASIC Extension for PWB", size=13178
1: binp\PWBC.PXT, comment="C Extension for PWB", size=29431
1: binp\PWBFORT.PXT, comment="FORTRAN Extension for PWB", size=16022
1: binp\PWBHELP.PXT, comment="Help Extension for PWB", size=24945
1: binp\PWBMASM.PXT, comment="MASM Extension for PWB", size=12424
1: binp\PWBRMAKE.EXE, comment="Browser Database Maintenance Utility (calls BSCMAKE)", size=7167
1: binp\PWBROWSE.PXT, comment="Browser Extension for PWB", size=73230
1: binp\PWBUTILS.PXT, comment="Utilities for OS/2 PWB", size=20772
1: binp\SBRPACK.EXE, comment="Browser Information Compactor", size=19281
[list setup 1]
1: .\PACKING.OS2, comment="This listing of files for Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 ", size=2348
1: .\README.OS2, comment="New Information for Microsoft C/C++ 7.0", size=10000
1: .\SETUP.EXE, comment="OS/2 Setup Program", NOCOPY, size=99285
1: .\SETUP.INF, comment="OS/2 Setup program information file", NOCOPY, size=47285
; list of files to remove if user wants components of libraries deleted
[list if_del_comps]
; list of files to search for single-file copy command
[list search_files]
{include list if_compiler}
{include list if_pwb}
{include list setup}
;INSERT HERE ^^^^^^^^^^^
[list remove]
; required by toolkit, not used by C7
;*********** more macros ***************
;required macros:
HARDHDR = "Hard Drive "
FLOPPYHDR = "Floppy Drive "
NETWORKHDR = "Network Drive "
; CHKD is 2-char string used as checkmark in listboxes
CHKD = "√ "
; other macros
TOGGLEHLP1 = "The TAB key toggles between ^1OK^0 and menu. The ARROW keys move"
TOGGLEHLP2 = "you in the menu. Mark entries using ENTER. Select OK to continue."
; macros for Packing list generator (not used in Setup)
DESC_HEADER = "Files Description"
DESC_ULINES = "----- -----------"
PLHEADER = "Packing List for Microsoft C/C++ Version 7.0 "
; macro used by wrong_dest_drive
KB_FREE = "0"
;*********** menus ***************
[menu mainc]
; leave 2 spaces at front for checkmark
" Custom installation of MS C/C++ compiler"
" Install the MS C/C++ compiler using defaults"
" Run Setup without installing any files"
" View important documentation notes (README.OS2)"
" View the packing list (PACKING.OS2)"
" Copy a file from the distribution disks"
" Exit Setup"
[menu yesno]
[menu choose_mode]
"Windows 3.0"
[menu math_menu]
"Emulator math"
"80x87 chip math"
"Alternate math"
[menu models_menu]
"Small memory model"
"Medium memory model"
"Compact memory model"
"Large memory model"
[menu copyanotherm]
"Return to Setup main menu"
"Copy another file"
"Exit Setup"
[menu anotherhd]
"Install on a different hard disk"
"Change my answers to Setup questions"
"Continue with installation on this disk"
"Exit Setup"
[menu smallhd]
"Change my answers to Setup questions"
"Continue with installation on this disk"
"Exit Setup"
; required menus below this point
[menu timestampm]
"Continue without overwriting my file"
"Replace my copy of the file"
"Exit Setup"
[menu contorexit]
"Exit Setup"
[menu retry]
"Try again"
"Exit Setup"
[menu formatorretry]
"Format the disk"
"Try again (do not format)"
[menu retryorignore]
"Try again"
"Ignore the error and continue"
"Exit Setup"
[menu readonlyerrm]
"Try to overwrite"
"Continue without copying"
"Exit Setup"
[menu build_err_m]
"Return to Setup main menu"
"Continue building libraries"
"Exit Setup"
[menu view_modify_opts]
"Let Setup update your system files for you"
"View the changes now"
"Save the changes to edit later"
;***** colors *****
1=high white
;********** header and footer screens ************
[screen header]
{color white,blue}
{at 2,1}
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS Setup
{at 0,2}
{line 60,205}
[screen error_header]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Setup Error^0
; footer screens
[screen exit]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color black, white}
{at 67,24}
[screen ent_exit]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color black, white}
{at 2,24}
{at 67,24}
[screen ent_sel_exit]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color black, white}
{at 2,24}
{at 19,24}
=Make Selection
{at 67,24}
[screen ent_sel_esc_f3_exit]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color black, white}
{at 2,24}
{at 19,24}
=Make Selection
{at 39,24}
{at 51,24}
F3=Select All
{at 67,24}
[screen ent_f1_exit]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color black, white}
{at 2,24}
{at 39,24}
F1=Additional Information
{at 67,24}
[screen ent_sel_f1_exit]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color black, white}
{at 2,24}
{at 19,24}
=Make Selection
{at 39,24}
F1=Additional Information
{at 67,24}
[screen help_footer]
{clear 0,24,79,24}
{color white, blue}
{at 2,24}
ESC=Return to Setup
{at 30,24}
PgDn=Next Screen
{at 55,24}
PgUp=Previous Screen
[screen typedir]
If the directory does not exist, Setup will create it.
Setup proposes the following directory:
{input 5,55,1}
If you want to install these files in a different directory:
Use the BACKSPACE key to erase the current selection.
Type the directory name.
When the correct directory is displayed, press ENTER.
{include screen ent_exit}
;********** required screens ************
[screen helpframe]
{color black, white}
{at 2,1}
^2Additional Information^0
{at 0,2}
{line 60,205,blue,white}
{include screen help_footer}
[screen installing]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
{at 0,4}
{center on}
Installing Microsoft C/C++ compiler %VERS...
{center off}
{include screen exit}
[screen mcopying]
{clear 0,10,79,13}
{At 8,10}
Setup is copying %SPATH%SFILE
There are %NUM files left to copy.
[screen badmacro]
{include screen error_header}
{at 5,10}
Predefined macro "%SECTION" is missing in SETUP.INF
[screen insdiskpath]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1File Not Found^0
{At 5,8}
Setup can't find the file %SFILE.
Please type the drive and directory where this file can be found.
Then press ENTER.
You can specify a floppy-disk drive or a hard-disk drive.
{input 10,60,1}
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen insdiskpath2]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Cannot Find File^0
{At 5,8}
Setup can't find the file %SFILE in the directory you specified.
Please try again now, or exit, find a copy of the file, and run
Setup later.
Please type the drive and directory where this file is located and
press ENTER. You can specify a floppy-disk drive or a hard-disk drive.
{input 10,60,1}
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen insdisknopath]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Insert Requested Disk^0
{At 5,8}
Please insert the disk labeled '%DISKNAME'
in drive %DRIVE and press ENTER.
{input 15,35,5}
{include menu contorexit}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen badsdisk]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Can't read disk^0
{At 5,8}
Setup can't read the disk in drive %DRIVE. Please be sure the
correct disk is inserted and the drive door is closed.
{input 15,35,5}
{include menu contorexit}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen wrongdisk]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Wrong disk^0
{At 5,8}
This does not appear to be %DISKNAME.
Please insert the disk labeled '%DISKNAME'
in drive %DRIVE and press ENTER.
{input 15,35,5}
{include menu contorexit}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen badddisk]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Error reading disk^0
{At 5,8}
Setup can't read the disk in drive %DRIVE.
{input 15,35,4}
{include menu formatorretry}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen readerr]
{include screen error_header}
{At 5,8}
An error occurred while reading the file %SFILE.
{input 15,35,5}
; inserts menu retry or menu retryorignore
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen writeerr]
{include screen error_header}
{At 5,8}
An error occurred while writing the file
{input 15,35,5}
; inserts menu retry or menu retryorignore
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen createerr]
{include screen error_header}
{At 5,8}
An error occurred while creating the file
{input 15,35,5}
; inserts menu retry or menu retryorignore
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen renameerr]
{include screen error_header}
{At 5,8}
An error occurred while renaming the file
{input 15,35,5}
; inserts menu retry or menu retryorignore
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen createdirerr]
{include screen error_header}
{At 5,8}
An error occurred while creating the directory
{input 15,35,5}
; inserts menu retry or menu retryorignore
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen timestamperr]
{include screen error_header}
{At 5,8}
The version of the file %SFILE on your disk is newer than the
one supplied with Microsoft C/C++.
You can continue the installation process without copying this
file, or you can overwrite your copy of the file.
Setup suggests that you do not overwrite this file. If you decide
later that you want the version supplied with C/C++ %VERS, rename
your existing file and use Setup to copy the new version.
{input 15,45,5}
{include menu timestampm}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
; required screens not used by C
[screen nonvital]
{clear 0,0,0,0}
[screen pathtoolong]
; screen used by floppy-to-floppy setup only
[screen insnewdisk]
[screen readonlyerr]
{include screen error_header}
{at 5,8}
Setup is trying to copy to the read-only file
%DPATH%DFILE on your hard disk.
You can try to overwrite the file, skip the copy if you are sure
your file is correct, or you can exit Setup and delete your file.
{input 15,35,5}
{include menu readonlyerrm}
{include screen ent_sel_f1_exit}
[screen readme_beg_frame]
{help nohelp}
{at 0,23}
{line 80,220}
{clear 0,24,79,24}
PgDn=Next screen ** First Screen ** ESC=Exit README.OS2
[screen readme_middle_frame]
{help nohelp}
{at 0,23}
{line 80,220}
{clear 0,24,79,24}
PgDn=Next screen PgUp=Previous screen ESC=Exit README.OS2
[screen readme_end_frame]
{help nohelp}
{at 0,23}
{line 80,220}
{clear 0,24,79,24}
** End of File ** PgUp=Previous screen ESC=Exit README.OS2
[screen packing_beg_frame]
{help nohelp}
{at 0,23}
{line 80,220}
{clear 0,24,79,24}
PgDn=Next screen ** First Screen ** ESC=Exit PACKING.OS2
[screen packing_middle_frame]
{help nohelp}
{at 0,23}
{line 80,220}
{clear 0,24,79,24}
PgDn=Next screen PgUp=Previous screen ESC=Exit PACKING.OS2
[screen packing_end_frame]
{help nohelp}
{at 0,23}
{line 80,220}
{clear 0,24,79,24}
** End of File ** PgUp=Previous screen ESC=Exit PACKING.OS2
; ********* C SCREENS **********************
[screen nohelp]
{color black, white}
{at 10,10}
If you get this screen, please report it as a bug.
Setup has no additional information on this topic.
Press ESC to return to Setup.
[screen welcome]
{include screen header}
{at 4,3}
%MS_Setup %Setup_VER
Welcome to the Setup program for OS/2 hosted Microsoft C/C++.
^1This Setup program installs the OS/2 components of
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS only.^0
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS for Microsoft Windows(TM) and/or MS-DOS(R)
must be installed before you run this Setup program. If you have
not already installed C/C++, exit this Setup now using CTRL+C and run
SETUP or CSETUP from the C/C++ distribution disks.
The files on the distribution disks are compressed, so you must
use Setup to install them. You can also use Setup to decompress
and copy a single file, view the README.OS2 file, or view
the packing list.
If you make a mistake, you can type CTRL+C at any time to quit and
start over. Setup never erases files from the distribution disks.
Press ENTER to continue or CTRL+C to exit.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen mainmenu]
{help mainmenu_h}
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Main Menu^0
{at 5,4}
Press F1 for information on how to use Setup,
or make a selection and press ENTER to continue.
{input 10,55,10}
{include menu mainc}
{at 5}
Use the ARROW (,) keys to make the selection, then press ENTER.
{include screen ent_sel_f1_exit}
[screen mainmenu_h]
{help mainmenu_h2}
{color black, white}
{at 5,4}
This Setup program prompts you for information it needs.
If in doubt about any option, select the default option.
Before Setup installs any files, you can change your answers.
You can also run Setup again at any time.
To see all of Setup's options before installing
Microsoft C/C++, select
^2Run Setup without installing any files^0
from the main menu. Setup will prompt you for information
but will not copy any files.
To install Microsoft C/C++ using defaults
for all of Setup's options, choose
^2Install the Microsoft C/C++ compiler using defaults^0
from the main menu. Before Setup installs any files, it will give
you the opportunity to change any of your answers.
For more information on using Setup, press the PgDn key.
[screen mainmenu_h2]
{color black, white}
{at 5,3}
Setup asks for information in two ways. For some questions, you
will be given a list of choices, which will look like:
{at 20}
{box 15,4,3,white,blue}
{at 21}
^2 Choice One ^0
^3 Choice Two ^0
{at 5}
To move the highlighted bar on a screen, use the ARROW keys (,)
When the choice you want is highlighted, press ENTER to continue.
If the word MORE appears at the bottom of the box, press the DOWN
ARROW key until you've seen all the options.
To specify a directory or file name, Setup gives you a field
that looks like:
^4C:\C700\BIN ^0
Use the BACKSPACE key to erase characters,
the ARROW keys to move the highlight around in text
the HOME key to move to the beginning of the text
the END key to move to the end of the text
[screen needhd]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Hard Disk Needed^0
{at 5,6}
Setup cannot find a hard disk attached to your system. You need a
hard disk to install Microsoft C/C++ version %VERS.
Some removable hard disk systems look like floppy drives to Setup,
but you can still install C/C++ %VERS on them. If you have a
removable hard disk or believe Setup made an error, press ENTER to
continue with Setup.
If you do not have a hard disk, press CTRL+C now to exit Setup, and
run Setup again after you have installed a hard disk.
Press ENTER to continue or CTRL+C to exit.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen dirtmp]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1TMP Environment Variable^0
{at 5,5}
Setup has determined that the TMP environment variable is not set or
that the TMP environment points to a directory that does not exist.
The LIB utility requires that TMP be set to a valid path on your
hard drive. Since you have specified combined libraries, the TMP
environment variable needs to be defined.
{include screen typedir relative}
[screen comblibs]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Combined Libraries^0
{At 5,3}
In order to reduce the time spent linking programs, the C/C++
compiler uses "combined libraries." A combined library is a file
containing two or more individual libraries (called component
libraries). We recommend converting to combined libraries as the
compiler uses them by default. You can leave the libraries in
their component forms if you have MAKEFILEs that rely on this.
Setup automatically creates the combined libraries for the memory
model, math options, and the operating modes you specify. Because
combined libraries require a considerable amount of disk space
(approximately 200-250K per library), you should build only those
libraries you need. From Setup's main menu, you can build other
combined libraries later.
Build combined libraries?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen math_opts]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Math Options^0
{At 5,3}
There are three options for floating-point math support:
1. The emulator uses a math coprocessor if one is present; otherwise
it emulates the coprocessor in software. This is the default
option for the compiler.
2. The 80x87 library uses the math coprocessor if one is present, but
it generates an error if the chip is not present at run time.
3. The alternate-math library never uses the coprocessor, even if it
is present. It uses an alternative representation of numbers (thus
the name) that is faster than the emulator if a coprocessor is not
present. However, this option sacrifices some accuracy in exchange
for speed and size.
Install which Math options?
{input 15,30,5}
{include menu math_menu}
{at 12}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen math_reqd]
{help math_reqd_help}
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Math Options Required^0
{At 5,6}
You must specify at least one floating-point math option.
Which Math options would you like
{input 15,30,5}
{include menu math_menu}
{at 12}
{include screen ent_sel_f1_exit}
[screen math_reqd_help]
{color black, white}
{at 5,4}
You must specify ^2at least one math option^0 since combined
libraries are composed of a C run-time component, a model-independent
component, a model-dependent math component, a C++ run-time
component, and a coprocessor chip or emulator support component.
There are three options for floating-point math support:
1. The emulator uses a math coprocessor if one is present; otherwise
it emulates the coprocessor in software. This is the default
option for the compiler.
2. The 80x87 library uses the math coprocessor if one is present, but
it generates an error if the chip is not present at run time.
3. The alternate-math library never uses the coprocessor, even if it
is present. It uses an alternative representation of numbers (thus
the name) that is faster than the emulator if a coprocessor is not
present. However, this option sacrifices some accuracy in exchange
for speed and size.
You can choose any or all of the math options. However, ^2at least
one must be specified.^0
[screen mem_models]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Memory Models^0
{At 5,3}
The C/C++ compiler supports libraries for six memory models:
tiny, small, medium, compact, large, and huge.
You can choose any or all of the memory models.
Since the libraries take up a lot of disk space, Setup
recommends you select only the memory models you use most often.
(Note that the large model libraries are also used for huge model
programs, and the small model libraries are also used for tiny model
You must specify at least one memory model.
Install which memory models?
{input 15,30,6}
{include menu models_menu}
{at 12}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen mem_models_lib]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Memory Models^0
{At 5,5}
The C/C++ compiler supports libraries for six memory models:
tiny, small, medium, compact, large, and huge.
You can choose any or all of the memory models.
Since the libraries take up a lot of disk space, Setup
recommends you select only the memory models you use most often.
(Note that the large model libraries are also used for huge model
programs, and the small model libraries are also used for tiny
model programs).
Install which memory models?
{input 15,30,6}
{include menu models_menu}
{at 12}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen pwb]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Programmer's WorkBench^0
{At 5,6}
The Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) is a character-mode
development environment based on a full-screen editor.
PWB supports character-mode windows and the mouse.
With the OS/2 hosted PWB, you can edit, browse, and build
your program with PWB. Since this is a cross-compiler you
will have to debug and run your program under MS-DOS or
Install Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen helpfiles]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Help Files^0
{At 5,5}
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS has an online help database that can be
accessed from within PWB or from the command line with QuickHelp.
The Help files provide extensive information about PWB, C,
C++, the CodeView debugger, run-time library functions, Windows
library functions, and utilities that come with MS C/C++. The
Help system is fully indexed to help you find the information
you need quickly.
These files take about 2.7 MB of disk space. Install the Help
files if you have sufficient space on your machine.
Install Help files?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen samples]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Sample Programs^0
{At 5,5}
There are many sample C and C++ programs included with MS C/C++.
They include programs demonstrating the use of PWB and the
Microsoft Foundation Class Library.
If you choose not to copy the sample files now, you can install
them later using the file copying option in Setup's main menu.
Copy the sample programs?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen destdrive]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Destination Drive^0
{At 5,5}
Setup has found more than one hard drive attached to your system.
Select the drive on which you want to install MS C/C++.
This drive will be the default when Setup asks you to specify
directory names. If you want to divide this product's components
among different hard drives, specify that drive when Setup asks
for the directory paths.
Please select the destination drive:
{input 15,20,5}
; list of drives (built on the fly) goes here
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen wrong_dest_drive]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Wrong Destination Drive^0
{At 5,5}
The destination path you have supplied ^1%WRONG_DIR^0 is
incorrect because the drive you have specified does not exist.
Setup has found the following hard disk(s) attached to your
system. You should select the drive on which you want the above
directory to be created.
This drive will become the drive for the directory path specified.
Please select the destination drive:
{input 15,20,5}
; list of drives (built on the fly) goes here
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen dirbase]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Installation Base Directory^0
{at 5,5}
Please specify the base directory for MS C/C++ installation.
Changing this directory changes the base path name used to create
pathnames for all of the directories that Setup creates.
{include screen typedir relative}
[screen dirbin]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Windows Executable Files^0
{at 5,4}
Please specify the directory in which to place the Windows executable
files and Windows DLLs.
{include screen typedir relative}
[screen dirlib]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Library Files^0
{at 5,5}
Please specify the directory for your C/C++ libraries.
This directory will contain the combined libraries created
by Setup as well as other libraries that Setup copies from the
source disks.
{include screen typedir relative}
; source of component directories for library-building
[screen dirlib_src]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Source of Component Libraries^0
{At 5,5}
Please specify the source of the files for creating the
combined libraries. This can be a disk drive (such as A:),
or it can be a directory (such as C:\LIB\C) that contains
the libraries that were copied after running Setup earlier.
{input 10, 56, 1}
If you want to change the source of these files, use the
BACKSPACE key to erase the current selection, then type
the disk or directory name.
When the source shown above is correct, press ENTER to continue.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen dirincl]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Include Files^0
{at 5,5}
Please specify the directory for your C/C++ include files.
Some files will also be placed in the \SYS subdirectory
of this directory.
{include screen typedir relative}
[screen dirinit]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Initialization Files^0
{at 5,5}
Please specify the directory for your C/C++ initialization
files for PWB and CodeView. A sample TOOLS.INI file (named
TOOLS.C70) is also copied to this directory.
{include screen typedir relative}
[screen dirhelp]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Help Files^0
{at 5,5}
Please specify the directory for your C/C++ Help files.
Help files for the MS C/C++ compiler and associated
tools are copied to this directory.
{include screen typedir relative}
; strings used to init the confirm listbox
INSTALL = "Install "
NOINSTALL = "Do not install "
COPY = "Copy "
NOCOPY = "Do not copy "
INCLUDE = "Include "
NOINCLUDE = "Do not include "
HELP_FILES = "Online Help Files"
MFC_LIBRARY = "Microsoft Foundation Class Library"
; Used to separate lists like math and memory model lists
MATHOPTS = "Math options: "
EMULATOR = "Emulator math"
CHIPMATH = "80x87 chip math"
ALTMATH = "Alternate math"
NOMATH = "No math libraries"
MEMMODELS = "Memory models: "
SMALL = "Small"
MEDIUM = "Medium"
COMPACT = "Compact"
LARGE = "Large"
NOMODELS = "No memory models"
BUILDCOMBLIBS = "Build combined libraries"
NOCOMBLIBS = "Do not build combined libraries"
INSTALLPWB = "Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench"
INSTALLSAMPLES= "Sample programs"
INSTALL_COMPILER = "Microsoft C/C++ compiler components"
INSTALL_RUNTIME = "C/C++ run-time library components"
INSTALL_CODEVIEW = "CodeView debugger files"
DIRFORBASE = "Installation Base Directory: "
DIRFORREAL = "Path for MS-DOS & Windows executables: "
DIRFORLIB = "Path for library files: "
DIRFORLIBEXE = "Path for LIB.EXE (MS-DOS executables): "
DIRFORINCL = "Path for include files: "
DIRFORINIT = "Path for initialization files: "
DIRFORHELP = "Path for help files: "
DIRFORSOURCE = "Path for source files: "
DIRFORSTARTUP = "Path for C run-time startup files: "
DIRFORMFC = "Path for Microsoft Foundation Classes: "
SRCFORLIB = "Source for component library files: "
[screen confirm]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Confirm Your Choices^0
{at 5,3}
To move between ^1OK^0 and list of items, use TAB.
To choose an option from the list, use ARROW (,) keys.
When the correct options are highlighted,
TAB to ^1OK^0 and press ENTER.
{input 2,70,13}
; menu is built on the fly
{at 5,22}
^1Approximate Space Needed (in Kilobytes) : %KB_NEEDED^0
^1Approximate Space Free (in Kilobytes) : %KB_FREE^0
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen diskchk]
{include screen header}
{at 8, 5}
{center on}
Checking disk space requirements. Please wait...
{center off}
{include screen exit}
[screen freespace]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Not Enough Disk Space^0
{at 5,3}
There isn't enough free disk space on drive %DRIVE to install
C/C++ %VERS with the options you chose.
^1You need another %KB_NEEDED K of disk space.^0
If Setup runs out of disk space, the compiler may not be installed
You can install fewer optional files, or you can delete existing
files and run Setup again.
If you believe Setup incorrectly determined the free space on your
hard disk, you can continue.
Please select one of the following:
{input 15,46,6}
; menu 'anotherhd' is used if > 1 hard disk, else menu 'smallhd' goes here
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
; user only sees this screen if running off hard disk and > 1 floppy drive found
[screen single_src_drive]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Copy Files^0
{At 5,5}
In order to copy files from the distribution disks, Setup needs
to know in which drive you will insert the disks.
Setup will prompt you to insert the correct disks as needed.
Please select the source of the distribution disks:
{input 15,20,5}
; list of floppy drives (built on the fly) goes here
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen single_copy_fname]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Enter File Name^0
{at 5,5}
Enter the base name, without drive or path designation,
of the file you want to copy.
You can use wildcards (*, ?) to specify more than one file.
From Setup's main menu, you can view the packing list.
The list includes a short description of each file on the
distribution disks.
To return to Setup's main menu, press ENTER without typing a name.
Please type the name of the file to copy:
{input 25,20,1}
{at 5}
Do not give a drive or directory name with the filename.
Use the BACKSPACE key to erase characters.
Use wildcards to specify more than one file.
When the filename is correct, press ENTER.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen single_no_match]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Enter File Name^0
{at 5,4}
^1The filename you gave does not match any file on the
distribution disks.^0
The packing list contains a complete list of files on the
distribution disks. The packing list can be viewed from Setup's
main menu. Refer to this list to determine the correct name of
the file you want to copy.
To return to Setup's main menu, press ENTER without typing a name.
Please type the name of the file to copy:
{input 25,20,1}
{at 5}
Do not give a drive or directory name with the filename. Use
the BACKSPACE key to erase characters. You can use wildcards to
specify more than one file.
When the filename is correct, press ENTER.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen multiple_files]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Choose Files^0
{at 5,4}
There is more than one file on the C/C++ distribution disks
with the name you gave. You can copy any of the files.
Below are the packing list descriptions of each file.
Use the ARROW (,) keys to select a file, then press SPACEBAR
to mark it. Repeat until you have marked all the files you want to
copy. When you are ready to copy the files, press ENTER.
{input 5,70,11}
; listbox is built on the fly
{include screen ent_sel_esc_f3_exit}
[screen single_copy_dest]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Enter Path^0
{at 5,5}
The packing list description of this file is:
Type the full path (drive and directory) to show where you
want the selected file to be copied. Do not type the name of
the file, just the name of the directory.
Please type a drive and directory to which %SFILE should
be copied:
{input 10,60,1}
{at 5}
Use the BACKSPACE key to erase characters.
When the drive and directory are correct, press ENTER.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen mult_copy_dest]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Enter Path^0
{at 5,5}
Type the full path (drive and directory) to show where you
want the selected files to be copied. Do not type the name of
the files, just the name of the directory.
Please type a drive and directory to show where the files should
be copied:
{input 10,60,1}
{at 5}
You can use the BACKSPACE key to erase characters.
When the correct drive and directory is displayed,
press ENTER.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen single_copying]
{include screen header}
{at 5,5}
{include screen exit}
; notice that this screen is designed to overlay screen single_copying
[screen single_copy_another]
{include screen header}
{at 5,5}
Copying... finished.
Do you want to copy another file from the distribution disk?
{input 15,35,5}
{include menu copyanotherm}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen installworked]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Installation Complete^0
{At 5,6}
Setup has successfully installed Microsoft C/C++ %VERS.
Press ENTER to continue, or press CTRL+C to exit Setup.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen installerrs]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Installation Errors^0
{At 5,6}
Setup was not successful installing the Microsoft C/C++ compiler
Version %VERS. There were %NUMERRORS errors detected while copying
files, and %NUMFILES files were not installed because of those errors.
Microsoft C/C++ may not work correctly if it is not properly
installed. Please run Setup again after correcting the problems.
Press ENTER to continue, or press CTRL+C to exit Setup.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen mult_linkers]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Multiple Linkers^0
{At 5,6}
Setup has found multiple linkers in your system's PATH.
You must use the LINK.EXE that comes with C/C++ %VERS for
linking programs assembled with C/C++ %VERS.
Please press ENTER to continue with Setup.
{include screen ent_exit}
UNKNOWN = "of unknown type and version"
ISVERSION = "version"
FOR = " for "
AND = " and "
[screen which_linker]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Overwrite Linker^0
{At 5,5}
The version of LINK.EXE that you have in your AUTOEXEC.BAT %SPATH
statement is not the version supplied with the Microsoft C/C++.
Your existing linker is %OLDLINKVERS.
The new linker is %NEWLINKVERS.
Do you want to overwrite your copy of LINK.EXE?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen newfiles_real]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Environment Settings for MS-DOS^0
{At 5,5}
Setup has created the following files to help you configure
your system for using Microsoft C/C++ %VERS:
^1%MDIRBIN%NEWAUTOEXEC^0 is a batch file
that sets environment variables for use by the C/C++ compiler.
The file should be run from the command line to set the environment
before running the C/C++ compiler and before starting Windows, or it
can be merged with an existing AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
that sets up for use by the C/C++ compiler.
This file should be merged with your existing CONFIG.SYS and you
should ^1reboot if your current options are different from this.^0
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen tools_pre]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Sample PWB & CV Settings^0
{At 5,5}
Setup has created the following file to help you configure
your system for Microsoft C/C++:
^1%MDIRINIT%TOOLSC7^0 is a sample file that contains various
settings used to initialize the CodeView debugger (CV) utility.
This file can be renamed as TOOLS.INI or be merged with an
existing file of that name.
This file also contains various settings used to initialize the
Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) utility. It also contains special
configuration information about the run-time libraries Setup
has installed. If you do not have a TOOLS.INI file, you should
copy this file to TOOLS.INI.
{include screen ent_exit}
;******** Library-building screens **********
[screen start_libs]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Build Libraries^0
{At 5,5}
Setup will now begin building combined libraries ...
[screen creating_libs]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Building Library^0
{At 5,5}
Creating Library %DFILE
{at 8,15}
Libraries built:
{at 5,17}
{include screen exit}
[screen build_err]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Error Building Library^0
{At 5,5}
There was an error creating the library %DFILE
You can continue building other libraries that
you have requested, you can continue the rest
of Setup without building the libraries, or you can
exit Setup.
{input 15,32,5}
{include menu build_err_m}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen libs_built]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Libraries Built^0
{At 5,5}
Setup has successfully installed the libraries for
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS.
Press ENTER to return to the main Setup menu,
or press CTRL+C to exit Setup.
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen mfc]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Microsoft Foundation Classes^0
{At 5,5}
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS Setup installs the Microsoft Foundation
Class libraries. The Microsoft Foundation Classes are
designed for programming applications for Windows in
C++. They also include general purpose classes for
writing the non-graphical portions of your applications in C++.
The installation includes library source code and debugging
versions of the libraries for use with CodeView. These
take approximately 7 MB of disk space.
Install Microsoft Foundation Classes?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen compiler]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1C/C++ compiler components^0
{At 5,6}
Selecting this option will install the OS/2 hosted C/C++
Compiler. You will be able to target MS-DOS or Windows only with
this compiler. You will need to install the MS-DOS and Windows hosted
C/C++ Compiler before installing this compiler if you have not
already done so.
Install C/C++ compiler components?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen runtime]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Run-time Library components^0
{At 5,6}
The run-time library provides a run-time environment for the code
created with the Microsoft C/C++ compiler. You need to select this
component if you plan to call a Microsoft C run-time library
function. The C run-time component contains the include files and
the sources for the new dynamic overlay manager.
Install Run-time library components?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen codeview]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Microsoft CodeView Debugger^0
{At 5,6}
In order to debug the code generated by the Microsoft C/C++
compiler %VERS you need the CodeView source debugger. This
debugger uses the source information that the compiler generates
for you when you specify the /Zi command-line option.
Earlier versions of CodeView cannot be used with the code
created by the Microsoft C/C++ compiler because the debug
information generated by the compiler is not compatible.
Install the CodeView debugger?
{input 15,10,4}
{include menu yesno}
{include screen ent_sel_exit}
[screen run_gui]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Running under Windows^0
{At 5,6}
^1Setup has detected that you are running under Microsoft Windows. If
you want to install Microsoft C/C++ %VERS for MS-DOS, exit
Setup and run from outside Windows. If you want to install Microsoft
C/C++ under Windows, then run Setup with the Run option on the File
menu of the Program Manager.^0
Press ENTER to exit Setup ...
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen need_386]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1C/C++ Compiler needs 80386^0
{At 5,6}
^1Setup has detected that your machine does not have a 80386 or
higher processor in your machine. Microsoft C/C++ %VERS for
MS-DOS requires an 80386 processor.^0
Press ENTER to exit Setup ...
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen view_modify]
{help view_modify_help}
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1System Files^0
{At 5,6}
Setup needs to make changes to your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
Choose the appropriate option --
{input 15,50,5}
{include menu view_modify_opts}
{at 5}
Use the ARROW (,) keys to make the selection, then press ENTER.
{include screen ent_sel_f1_exit}
[screen view_modify_help]
{color black, white}
{at 5,4}
Setup will display your current file and a copy of your
current file with additions and changes clearly marked with
comments. If you approve the suggested changes, Setup will
save the updated file.
For additional information on configuring your computer for
C/C++ 7.0, see Chapter 3, Configuring Your System, in the
Getting Started manual.
[screen viewfile_help]
{color black, white}
{at 5,4}
The split screen editor allows you to view both the new and the old
versions of your system files. When Setup modifies a system file, it
gives you an option to view the original file and the changed version
of the file.
For example, the Viewer will display your CONFIG.SYS file with
the changes Setup recommends adding to it, and the other window
will display your original file, CONFIG.OLD.
The Viewer has two modes:
The default mode, in which the status bars on both windows are
highlighted. In this mode, both screens scroll at the same time.
Another mode, which you access by pressing F3.
In this mode, only one status bar is highlighted, and that file can
be scrolled independently of the other file. In this mode you can:
Move between files using TAB or F6
Scroll using PgUp and PgDn
After viewing the two versions of the CONFIG.SYS file, you have two
options: Accept the changes by pressing ENTER
Cancel the changes by pressing ESC
[screen upgrade_386max]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Upgrade 386MAX software^0
{At 5,6}
^1Setup has detected that your machine has an older version of
386-Max or Blue-Max. Microsoft C/C++ requires version 6.0 or later.^0
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen no_dpmi]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1No DPMI Server^0
{At 5,6}
^1Setup has not detected DPMI Services on your machine.
Microsoft C/C++ %VERS requires Windows 3.1 or an
alternate DPMI server to run.^0
{include screen ent_exit}
[screen ctrl_alt_del]
{include screen header}
{at 35,1}
^1Serious Setup Error^0
{At 5,6}
^1Setup has encountered a serious problem while identifying
the type of hard disk on your machine. To correct this problem,
you need to restart your computer.
After restarting, run Setup again by typing setup /x. This skips
the automatic hardware detection.
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL now to restart your computer.^0