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OS/2 REXX Batch file
354 lines
/* lxLite installation script file */
'@echo off'
signal ON Halt name BreakHandler;
call rxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
call SetColor Cyan
say Center("═══════ FRIENDS software presents ═══════", 78)
call SetColor White
say Center("╖ \// An OS/2 executables packer", 78)
say Center("╜─╜//\ ╖ Lots of features, maximal", 78)
call SetColor Gray
say Center(" //╖ ╖╫─╓─╖ compression, nice interface", 78)
call SetColor DGray
say Center(" // ╜─╜╨╙─╙── ·F·R·E·E· ·S·O F·T·W·A·R·E·", 78)
call SetColor Cyan
say Center("═════════════════════════════════════════", 78)
version = SysOS2Ver()
parse value version with hiver "." lover
if (hiver = 2) & (lover > 11)
then do
hiver = lover % 10;
lover = lover // 10;
call SetColor LBlue
say Center("OS/2 version "hiver"."lover" detected", 78)
call SetColor White
say copies('*', 78)
call SetColor Yellow
say "Please note that documentation in HTML format requires a filesystem"
say "supporting long filenames. If you try to install documentation on a FAT"
say "drive, you will hear some beeps during installation (XCOPY beeps)."
say "However, the INF version of documentation will be readable."
call SetColor Green
say "Please enter the destination directory for program, ex: C:\OS2\APPS\LXLITE:"
call SetColor LGreen
do until (destDir <> '')
pull destDir
if (length(destDir) > 3) & (pos(right(destDir, 1), "\/") > 0)
then destDir = left(destDir, length(DestDir) - 1);
do while stream(destDir,"c","query datetime") = ""
QueryCreate = Ask("The directory you specified does not exist. Create it? (Y/N)", "YN")
when QueryCreate = "Y"
then 'mkDir 'destDir' 1>nul 2>nul'
say "Aborting..."
call SetColor Yellow
say "lxLite utility pack is a set of tiny utilites handy for command-line"
say "usage. It contains: noEA, a utility for removing extended attributes"
say "from a file; unLock, a utility that can unlock executable modules"
say "that are in use (loaded); sysIcons, a utility that allows"
say "changing/editing of mouse and system pointers and chCase, which"
say "allow batch case converts of filename/directory names"
QueryUtility = (Ask("Install lxLite utility pack? (Y/N)", "YN") = "Y");
call SetColor Yellow
say "lxLite resources is a set of files that contain all text resources"
say "of lxLite. It contains all messages and all API functions known"
say "by name by lxLite. If you want to change lxLite`s messages or to"
say "add your own APIs, you can use provided sources."
QueryTextRes = (Ask("Install lxLite text resources? (Y/N)", "YN") = "Y");
call SetColor Yellow
say "lxLite documentation is provided in two formats: .HTML and"
say "in standard OS/2 .INF book format"
QueryDoc = (Ask("Install lxLite documentation? (Y/N)", "YN") = "Y");
call SetColor Yellow
say "Installation program can create a folder with all installed"
say "stuff onto your OS/2 desktop"
QueryFolder = (Ask("Create lxLite folder? (Y/N)", "YN") = "Y");
call SetColor White
say copies('*', 78)
call SetColor Yellow
if (hiver >= 3) /* Repack using Lempel-Ziv for OS/2 v>=2.20 */
then do
say "Please wait, repacking lxLite using advanced compression method"
say "Supported by OS/2 2.99 and above (Warp)"
'lxLite /yur lxLite.exe'
'del lxLite2x.cfg 1>nul 2>nul'
else do
say "The installed version of OS/2 does not support Lempel-Ziv compression"
'lxLite /x unLock.exe noEA.exe SysIcons.exe chCase.exe'
'del lxLite.cfg 1>nul 2>nul'
'ren lxLite2x.cfg lxLite.cfg 1>nul 2>nul'
call SetColor White
say copies('*', 78)
if QueryFolder
then do
rc = SysCreateObject('WPFolder', 'lxLite', '<WP_DESKTOP>', ,
'BACKGROUND='directory()'\doc\img\texture6.gif,T;', 'R');
rc = SysSetObjectData('<LXLITE_FOLDER>', 'OPEN=DEFAULT');
call CopyFile "lxLite.exe"
call CopyFile "lxLite.cfg"
call CopyFile "stub_min.bin"
call CopyFile "stub_vdm.bin"
if QueryDoc
then do
call CopyDir "doc"
call wpsCreate destDir'\doc\lxLite.inf';
if QueryUtility
then do
call CopyFile "noEA.exe"
call CopyFile "chCase.exe"
call CopyFile "unLock.exe"
call CopyFile "SysIcons.exe"
call CopyDir "AndyPtrs"
call CopyDir "AndyB&W"
call CopyDir "WGloves"
if QueryTextRes
then do
call CopyDir "API"
call wpsCreate destDir'\api';
rc = SysSetObjectData('<LXLITE_FOLDER>', 'BACKGROUND='destDir||'\doc\img\texture6.gif,T');
call SetColor White
say copies('*', 78)
call SetColor LRed
say "-- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION --"
call SetColor Yellow
say Center("If you`re a previous lxLite user please note that in versions above 1.1.5", 78);
say Center("command-line switches has been changed. I STRONGLY suggest you to browse", 78);
say Center("through WHATSNEW file (especially the section regarding version 1.1.7),", 78);
say Center("or at least to run lxLite /? and see what`s changed", 78);
call SetColor White
say Center("***", 78);
call SetColor Yellow
say Center("Note also a new lxLite feature: The ability to convert NE files into LX", 78);
say Center("then to compress them. This is a tricky technology that does not work in", 78);
say Center("all cases: for executables and dynamic-link libraries it works in 99% cases,", 78);
say Center("but not for the device drivers (.ADD, .FLT, .DMD etc). During testing I`ve", 78);
say Center("found that some Warp 4.0 drivers does not convert correctly, namely", 78);
say Center("RESOURCE.SYS, OS2CDROM.DMD, ESS1688.SYS and some others. For this reason", 78);
say Center("by default NE conversion is disabled. To enable it, please uncomment the", 78);
say Center("[pdd] configuration section in lxLite.cfg file and add an appropiate /N", 78);
say Center("switch (I recommend /N+BLR-) to the [default] section.", 78);
if QueryUtility
then do
call SetColor White
say Center("***", 78);
call SetColor Yellow
say Center("Note that in some conditions chCase can damage file names. Please test", 78);
say Center("first chCase in a separate directory: especially on non-English characters", 78);
say Center("This can happen because of incorrect case-conversion tables in COUNTRY.SYS", 78);
call SetColor LRed
call SetColor LRed
say "-- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION ---- CAUTION --"
if Ask("Installation complete. Do you want to read the WHATSNEW file now?", "YN") = "Y"
then do
call SetColor Cyan
'call cmd /c type doc\whatsnew.txt | more'
Ask(d2c(13)"Press Space to continue", " ")
if Ask("Do you wish to clean the install source directory? (Y/N)", "YN") = "Y"
then do
call SetColor Yellow
say "Please wait, cleaning up ..."
'del lxLite??.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del noEA*.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del chCase*.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del unLock*.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del SysIcons*.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del lxUtil*.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del stub_*.* 1>nul 2>nul'
'del whatsnew 1>nul 2>nul'
'del file_id.diz 1>nul 2>nul'
'echo Y | del "doc\img" 1>nul 2>nul'
'rmdir "doc\img"'
'echo Y | del "doc" 1>nul 2>nul'
'rmdir "doc"'
'echo Y | del "AndyB&W" 1>nul 2>nul'
'rmdir "AndyB&W"'
'echo Y | del "AndyPtrs" 1>nul 2>nul'
'rmdir "AndyPtrs"'
'echo Y | del "WGloves" 1>nul 2>nul'
'rmdir "WGloves"'
'echo Y | del "API" 1>nul 2>nul'
'rmdir "API"'
'attrib -r install.cmd 1>nul 2>nul'
'del install.cmd 1>nul 2>nul'
call SetColor White
say Center("Just another fine product from", 78)
call SetColor Yellow
say Center("╖──────────────╖──╖", 78)
say Center("║─╖╖─╖╖╓─╖╖─╖╓─╢╓──", 78)
say Center("╜ ╜ ╨╙──╜ ╙╙─╙──╜", 78)
call SetColor Red
say Center("s·o·f·t·w·a·r·e", 78)
call SetColor Green
say Center("To contact me, write to: Andrew Zabolotny, 2:5030/84.5@FIDOnet", 78)
say Center(" e-mail: bit@freya.etu.ru ", 78)
call SetColor Gray
call SetColor Red
say d2c(13)Center("·-= Installation procedure aborted =-·", 78)
call SetColor Gray
exit 1
parse arg fName dPath
call SetColor Cyan
say "Copying "fName" -> "destDir||dPath"\"fName
'copy 'fName destDir||dPath' 1>nul 2>nul'
call wpsCreate destDir||dPath'\'||fName;
parse arg fName
if \QueryFolder then return;
when (Pos('.EXE', Translate(fName)) > 0)
then do
progType = 'WPProgram';
progSetup = 'EXENAME='fName';PARAMETERS="%*"';
progTitle = getTitle(fName);
progIcon = progTitle||'.ico';
when (Pos('.INF', Translate(fName)) > 0)
then do
progType = 'WPProgram';
progTitle = getINFtitle(fName);
progIcon = '';
when (Pos('.CFG', Translate(fName)) > 0)
then do
progType = 'WPShadow';
progSetup = 'SHADOWID='fName;
progTitle = getTitle(fName)||'^configuration file';
progIcon = '';
when (Pos('\API', Translate(fName)) > 0)
then do
progType = 'WPShadow';
progSetup = 'SHADOWID='fName;
progIcon = '';
otherwise return;
if length(progIcon) > 0 then progIcon = 'ICONFILE='progIcon;
rc = SysCreateObject(progType, progTitle, '<LXLITE_FOLDER>', progSetup';'progIcon, 'R');
parse arg dName
call SetColor Cyan
say "Copying "dName"\ -> "destDir"\"dName"\"
'xcopy /s /e "'dName'" "'destDir'\'dName'"\ 1>nul 2>nul'
parse arg Question,Reply;
call SetColor Green
rc = charOut(, Question)
call SetColor LGreen
do until Pos(Answer, Reply) \= 0
KeyIn = SysGetKey("noecho")
parse upper var KeyIn Answer
say Answer;
return Answer;
lowStr: procedure
arg S;
return translate(S, xRange('a','z'), xRange('A','Z'));
getTitle: procedure
arg fName
__S = fileSpec('name', fName);
if pos('.', __S) > 0
then __S = subStr(__S, 1, pos('.', __S)-1);
return substr(__S, 1, 1)||lowStr(substr(__S, 2))
getINFtitle: procedure;
arg fName;
Title = strip(charIn(fName, 108, 48), 'Trailing', d2c(0));
if Title = '' then Title = getTitle(fName);
return Title;
procedure expose break;
arg Col;
Col = ColorNo(Col);
if Col = -1 then return -1;
if Col > 7
then Col = '1;3'Col-8;
else Col = '0;3'Col;
call charOut ,d2c(27)'['Col'm';
return 0;
procedure expose break;
arg ColName;
if Substr(ColName, 1, 1) = 'L'
then do
ColName = right(ColName, length(ColName) - 1);
Light = 8;
else Light = 0;
when Abbrev('BLACK', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 0;
when Abbrev('BLUE', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 4;
when Abbrev('GREEN', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 2;
when Abbrev('CYAN', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 6;
when Abbrev('RED', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 1;
when Abbrev('MAGENTA', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 5;
when Abbrev('BROWN', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 3;
when Abbrev('GRAY', ColName, 3)
then return Light + 7;
when Abbrev('DGRAY', ColName, 3)
then return 8;
when Abbrev('YELLOW', ColName, 3)
then return 11;
when Abbrev('WHITE', ColName, 3)
then return 15;
return -1;