OS/2 Shareware BBS: 2 BBS
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OS/2 Help File
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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1. Introduction ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. System usage ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1. Command line entering ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3. FOSS setup ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.1. CMD files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A number of .CMD files are used by FOSS to different tasks, they are:
Command file Description
AREA.CMD is used to start external areas from FOSS with use of the
S(elect) command
DOOR.CMD is used to start external door programs from FOSS with
use of the Op(en) command
RING.CMD is called each time your modem sends a RING signal to the
BBS, may play a tune on your SoundBlaster or something
REMOTE.CMD is called by the D(osShell) command in the SysOp menu
YELL.CMD is called instead of the beeping done by the Y(ell)
command, may yell by playing a .WAV
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. Script language ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
FOSS contains a very powerful script language which allow the SysOp to modify
or enhance the system in many ways.
The FOSS script language are described in this chapter.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1. Files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
All script files should be located in the SCRIPTS sub-directory of your
FOSS-root. They should have no extension or a spesific language key as the
only extension.
There are a number of predefined script hooks inside FOSS which will execute
spesific scripts if they exists.
Some of these scripts may return values to the system by use of the @return
command, the default return value is allways 0.
Standard script hooks
Script name Called ...
B!BYE.l before a user is logged off
A!DNYUSR.l after a user was denied access because she/he matched a
line in the MAIN\DENYUSER.LST file
A!DOWN.l after a file-download has completed
B!DOWN.l before a file-download is started
A!LOGIN.l after the login procedure has completed
B!LOGIN.l before the login procedure starts
I!LOGIN.l within the login procedure
A!OPEN.l after a door has closed
B!OPEN.l before a door is opened
A!REG.l after a new user has registered
B!REG.l before a new user registers
A!SELECT.l after area change
A!UP.l after a file-upload has completed
B!UP.l before a file-upload is started
A!WHO.l after W(ho) display
B!WHO.l before W(ho) display
EXTRACMD.l when users enters a command unknown to FOSS internally.
Note: l should be blank or language key.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2. Commands ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Here are all the script commands available in the script language of FOSS.
Rules to remember when writing scripts
o Commands are case-sensitive
o Commands must be entered from the start of each line
o Enter only one command on each line
o Variables may be used on command lines
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.1. @+ ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@+ [target] [1st#] [2nd#]
target Name of script variable for calculcated value
1st# First value to add
2st# Second value to add
Function description
[target] = [1st#] + [2nd#]
See also
@-, @/, @*, @math., @mod
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.2. @- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@- [target] [1st#] [2nd#]
target Name of script variable for calculcated value
1st# Value to subtract from
2st# Value to subtract from [1st#]
Function description
[target] = [1st#] - [2nd#]
See also
@+, @/, @*, @math., @mod
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.3. @/ ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@/ [target] [1st#] [2nd#]
target Name of script variable for calculcated value
1st# Value to divide
2st# Value to divide [1st#] on
Function description
[target] = [1st#] / [2nd#]
See also
@+, @-, @*, @math., @mod
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.4. @* ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@* [target] [1st#] [2nd#]
target Name of script variable for calculcated value
1st# First value to multiply
2st# Second value to multiply
Function description
[target] = [1st#] * [2nd#]
See also
@-, @+, @/, @math., @mod
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.5. @beep ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@beep [freq] [length]
freq Frequenze in Hz of wanted sound
length Requested duration of sound
Function description
Play a sound with the given frequency for the given duration
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.6. @call ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@call [scrname]
scrname Name of script to call
Function description
Start another script, when called script are completed the current script
will continue executing
See also
@run, @rundos
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.7. @Case ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@Case [var]
var Script variable selected
Function description
Convert the text in script variable [var] to nice-case
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.8. @CASE ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@CASE [var]
var Script variable selected
Function description
Convert the text in script variable [var] to upper-case
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.9. @debug ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@debug {vardump}
vardump Display listing of all users defined script variables.
Function description
If no parameters are given: continue script in debug mode. In debug mode all
lines of the script are logged into the MAIN\USAGELOG.SYS file.
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.10. @delay ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@delay [seconds] {[char]}
seconds Number of seconds to delay
char Character to print echo second
Function description
Stop the executing of the script for [seconds] seconds and print [char] each
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.11. @command ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@command [commands]
commands String of FOSS commads to execute
Function description
Execute the given FOSS commands
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.12. @delfile ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@delfile [filename]
filename Name(s) of file(s) to delete from your harddisk
Function description
Delete the listed files from your harddisk
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.13. @exit ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@exit {[commands]}
commads FOSS commands to execute after leaving the script
Function description
End current script and place [commands] in command que
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.14. @file ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@file [filename]
filename Name of file to open
Function description
Open the given file for output from the @write and @writeln
See also
@readln, @write, @writeln
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.15. @getfirst ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@getfirst [varinto] [varfrom]
varinto Script variable to return first word into
varform Script variable to take a word from
Function description
Return first word from variable [varfrom] in [varinto]. The word is removed
from the [varfrom] variable
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.16. @goto ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@goto [label]
label Name of label to jump to
Function description
Jump to given label and continues script execution from there
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.17. @if (text) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@if [s1] [s2] [label]
s1 First string to compare
s2 Second string to compare
label Name of label to jump to
Function description
If string [s1] and string [s2] are equal jump to [label]
See also
@if (number), @ifcommand @iffile
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.18. @if (number) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@if [#1] <=> [#2] [label]
#1 First value to compare
#2 Second value to compare
label Name of label to jump to
Function description
Compare the two given values and jump to [label] if argument is true.
See also
@if (text), @ifcommand @iffile
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.19. @ifcommand ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@ifcommand [s1] [command] [label]
s1 String to check against [command]
command Command to check for in FOSS format
label Name of label to jump to
Function description
Check if [s1] matches [command] and jump to [label] if true
See also
@if (number), @if (text), @iffile
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.20. @iffile ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@iffile [filename] [label]
filename Name of file to check
label Name of label to jump to
Function description
Check if [filename] exists and jump to [label] if it does
See also
@if (number), @if (text), @ifcommand,
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.21. @input ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@input [Var#] [prompt]
Var# Script variable to return input to
prompt Text prompt for the data entry
Function description
Allow the user to input a text in [Var#]
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.22. @log ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@log [log-text]
log-text Text to write to log file
Function description
Write a line of text to current nodes log file. If [log-text] starts with a $
symbol the text if written to the SysOp logfile displayed to SysOp when
he/she logs in
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.23. @math ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@math [var] [expr]
var Script variable to return result into.
expr Mathematic expression
Function description
Simple calculator supporting +, -, / and *.
See also
@+, @-, @/, @*, @mod
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.24. @mod ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@mod [var] [1st#] [2nd#]
var Return calculated value to given script variable.
1st# Number to divide
2st# Number to divide [1st#] on
Function description
[var] = [1st#] mod [2nd#]
See also
@+, @-, @/, @*, @math
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.25. @readln ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@readln [fileline] [intovar] {[fileline] [intovar] ...}
fileline Line number to read
intovar Return line read into give script variable
Function description
Read a line of text from the current file (specified by the @file command)
into the given script variable number. More lines can be read by entering
more line numbers and var-numbers.
See also
@file, @write, @writeln
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.26. @receive ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@receive [filename] {protocol}
filename Name of file to receive
protocol Identifier of protocol to transfer file with
Function description
Receive a file user the given protocol
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.27. @return ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@return [returnvalue] {commands}
returnvalueValue to return from script
commads Commands to insert into the command que
Function description
Ends script execution and returns the given value and commads
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.28. @run ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@run [command] {Parameters}
commands Program to run
ParametersParameters to pass to the program
Function description
Run an external OS/2 executable
See also
@rundos, @call
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.29. @rundos ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@rundos [command] {Parameters}
command Program to run
ParametersParameters to pass to the program
Function description
Run an external executable through the OS/2 command shell
See also
@run, @call
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.30. @select ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@select "[keys]" [prompt]
keys String of keys
prompt Text prompt for input operation
Function description
Let the user select one of the given keys in answer to a question. Example
@select "~Yes_do ~No_don't" Should I delete this file?
File is about to being deleted!
@delfile test.txt
File was not deleted!
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.31. @send ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@send [filename] {[protocol]}
filename Name of file to send
protocol Protocol to use when sending
Function description
Send a file to the user using the given protocol
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.32. @set ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@set [var] [value]
var Name of variable to set
value Value to set [var] to
Function description
var Possible selections
menu Select a internal menu directly, available menu selections are: M
for Main menu, U for Utility menu, B for Bulletion menu, C for
Chat/Node menu, $ for SysOp menu, F for File menu and R for Message
output Select if the none-command lines in script are to be displayed on
screen, available selections are: ON or OFF
1000sep Select if numbers are to be displayed with or without
1000-separators as default
all other Allocate and set named script variable, if no value given, remove
and deallocate variable.
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.33. @show ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@show [filename]
filename Name of file to display
Function description
Display the named file to screen
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.34. @splitpath ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@splitpath [path] [varfordir] [varforname]
path Path to split up
varfordir Var to put directory part in
varfornameVar to put name part in
Function description
Split a complete path string (dir+name) into directory and name parts.
See also
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.35. @write ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@write [text]
text Text to write to file
Function description
Writes the given text to the file opened by the @file command
See also
@file, @readln, @writeln
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.36. @writeln ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
@writeln [text]
text Text to write to file
Function description
Writes the given text to the file opened by the @file command and adds a
CR/LF sequece
See also
@file, @readln, @write
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3. Variables ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
FOSS referes to variable as either system or script variables. System variables
are defined by the system, and can usually not be deleted or altered. Script
variables are defined by scripts made by the SysOp.
All variable are defined with a name which can be used in scripts, bulletins
and menus.
To use the value of a variable the variable name is surrounded by two percent
signs (%). This insert the variable value instead of the variable name in the
line before the line is processed. In such way, the variable value can be
accessed by bulletins and menus as well as scripts.
To access the variable you should only use the variable name. This way of
accessing variables are only used in scripts.
An example: The variable "Test" is given the value "This is a test" by the
script command "@set Test This is a test". Then "This is %Test%" will write
"This is This is a test" at your screen. If you now enter the command "@set
%Test% Hello" you would not set the "Test" variable but you'll set a variable
called "This" with the value of "is a test Hello".
Most of the variables may be displayed using different masks by entering a :
and a mask number after the variable, but before the ending %. All variable
defaults to mask 0. To list the previous example with mask 1 (gives it a
leeding zero) you'll have to enter: "Today's date is %cur_day:1%".
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.1. %cur_date% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current date
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_date% ΓöéDate string Γöé1st January 1990 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.2. %cur_day% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current day of month
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_day% ΓöéCurrent day of month Γöé7 Γöé
Γöé%cur_day:1% ΓöéCurrent day with leading zero Γöé07 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.3. %cur_hour% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current hour
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_hour% ΓöéHour Γöé5 Γöé
Γöé%cur_hour:1% ΓöéHour with leading zero Γöé05 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.4. %cur_min% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current min
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_min% ΓöéMin Γöé5 Γöé
Γöé%cur_min:1% ΓöéMin with leading zero Γöé05 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.5. %cur_month% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current month of year
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_month% ΓöéCurrent month Γöé1 Γöé
Γöé%cur_month:1% ΓöéCurrent month with leading zero ΓöéJanuary Γöé
Γöé%cur_month:2% ΓöéName of current month Γöé01 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.6. %cur_sec% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current second
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_sec% ΓöéSecond Γöé5 Γöé
Γöé%cur_sec:1% ΓöéSecond with leading zero Γöé05 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.7. %cur_time% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current time
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_time% ΓöéHour and minute Γöé11 Γöé
Γöé%cur_time:1% ΓöéHour, minute and second Γöé11 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.8. %cur_year% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current year
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%cur_year% ΓöéCurrent year, two digits Γöé94 Γöé
Γöé%cur_year:1% ΓöéCurrent year, all four digits Γöé1994 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.9. %sys_area_code% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current area code
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_code% ΓöéCurrent area code ΓöéMAIN Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_code:1% ΓöéCurrent file code ΓöéMAIN Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_code:2% ΓöéCurrent door code ΓöéMAIN Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_code:3% ΓöéCurrent bull code ΓöéMAIN Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.10. %sys_area_last% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current number of last message in area
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_last% ΓöéLast message Γöé1000 Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_last:1% ΓöéLast message with 1000-separators Γöé1,000 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.11. %sys_area_lastread% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current number of last message read by current user in area
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_lastread% ΓöéLast message read Γöé1000 Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_lastread:1% ΓöéLast message read with 1000-separators Γöé1,000 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.12. %sys_area_name% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current area name
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_name% ΓöéCurrent area name ΓöéMain Board Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.13. %sys_area_new% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current number of new message in area
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_new% ΓöéNumber of new messages Γöé1000 Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_new:1% ΓöéNumber of new messages with Γöé1,000 Γöé
Γöé Γöé1000-separators Γöé Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_new:2% ΓöéNumber of new messages for current user Γöé1000 Γöé
Γöé%sys_area_new:3% ΓöéNumber of new messages for current user Γöé1,000 Γöé
Γöé Γöéwith 1000-separators Γöé Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.14. %sys_cmd% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current command line.
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_cmd% ΓöéCurrent command line ΓöéSelect Mail Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.15. %sys_com% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current com handle, port# or device name
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_com% ΓöéCom handle in hex Γöé000E Γöé
Γöé%sys_com:1% ΓöéCom handle in dec Γöé14 Γöé
Γöé%sys_com:2% ΓöéCom port number Γöé1 Γöé
Γöé%sys_com:3% ΓöéCom device name ΓöéCOM1 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.16. %sys_menu% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current menu
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_menu% ΓöéCurrent menu character ΓöéR Γöé
Menu characters are:
ΓöéM ΓöéMain menu Γöé
ΓöéR ΓöéRead menu Γöé
ΓöéF ΓöéFile menu Γöé
Γöé$ ΓöéSysOp menu Γöé
ΓöéC ΓöéChat menu Γöé
ΓöéB ΓöéBulletin menu Γöé
ΓöéU ΓöéUtility menu Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.17. %sys_node% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current node number
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_node% ΓöéCurrent node number Γöé1 Γöé
Γöé%sys_node:1% ΓöéCurrent node number prefilled with 0's Γöé001 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.18. %sys_speed% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current communication speed
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%sys_speed% ΓöéCONNECT speed Γöé28800 Γöé
Γöé%sys_speed:1% ΓöéInit speed Γöé56700 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.19. %sys_vers% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current system version
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
│%sys_vers% │Version string │FOSS/2 v1.0с │
│%sys_vers:1% │Version number │1.0с │
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.20. %usr_acc% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns users access level
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_acc% ΓöéAccess level Γöé2 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.21. %usr_acc_x% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns the access status for x in current area. x should be a valid access
string. (RWUDOAS)
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_acc_x% ΓöéReturns 1 if accesses are present or 0 Γöé1 Γöé
Γöé Γöéif not Γöé Γöé
Γöé%usr_acc_x:1% ΓöéReturns Y if accesses are present or N ΓöéY Γöé
Γöé Γöéif not Γöé Γöé
Γöé%usr_acc_x:2% ΓöéReturns Yes if accesses are present or ΓöéYes Γöé
Γöé ΓöéNo if not Γöé Γöé
Γöé%usr_acc_x:3% ΓöéReturns the given access string if ΓöéRWUD Γöé
Γöé Γöépresent, nothing is return if no access Γöé Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.22. %usr_addr% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns users address.
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_addr% ΓöéUser city ΓöéTrondheim Γöé
Γöé%usr_addr:1% ΓöéUser street address ΓöéBoks 455 Sentrum Γöé
Γöé%usr_addr:2% ΓöéUser post code Γöé7001 Trondheim, Γöé
Γöé Γöé ΓöéNorway Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.23. %usr_dls% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns download status
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_dls% ΓöéNumber of files downloaded Γöé13 Γöé
Γöé%usr_dls:1% ΓöéNumber of KB downloaded Γöé1200 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.24. %usr_logon% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns various logon information
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_logon% ΓöéNumber of logons Γöé32 Γöé
Γöé%usr_logon:1% ΓöéFirst logon, string Γöé12 Γöé
Γöé%usr_logon:2% ΓöéLast logon, string Γöé12 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.25. %usr_name% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns current users name
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_name% ΓöéFull user name ΓöéTerje Flaaronning Γöé
Γöé%usr_name:1% ΓöéUser first name ΓöéTerje Γöé
Γöé%usr_name:2% ΓöéUser last name ΓöéFlaaronning Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.26. %usr_phone% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns users phone numbers
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_phone% ΓöéHome phone Γöé+47-92254444 Γöé
Γöé%usr_phone:1% ΓöéWork phone Γöé+47-92103444 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.27. %usr_read% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns number of message read by user
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_read% ΓöéMessages read Γöé100 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.28. %usr_time% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns users different time information
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_time% ΓöéTime left today in minutes Γöé10 Γöé
Γöé%usr_time:1% ΓöéTime allowed each day in minutes Γöé60 Γöé
Γöé%usr_time:2% ΓöéMinutes since logon Γöé15 Γöé
Γöé%usr_time:3% ΓöéTotal time used in minutes Γöé1200 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.29. %usr_uls% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns upload status
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_uls% ΓöéNumber of files uploaded Γöé13 Γöé
Γöé%usr_uls:1% ΓöéNumber of KB uploaded Γöé1200 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.30. %usr_written% ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Returns number of message written by user
ΓöéVariable ΓöéDescription ΓöéExample output Γöé
Γöé%usr_written% ΓöéMessages written Γöé100 Γöé
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. Greetings ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Herve Lefebvre running a FOSS Beta BBS and the maker of the
French language support for FOSS.
Raymond L. Gwinn who has supported me with info about SIO and
the OS/2-API concerning async-communcation.
(Developer of the SIO driver for OS/2).
Jan-Morten Havstein who has been helping with with a lot of the
testing some time ago.
XBoard developers who was the first to add native FOSS support to
an offline reader
Stian Seeberg who ran a FOSS BBS for some time.
Rune Kjellberg who is running a FOSS Beta BBS
My mother who has paid quite a few large phonebills the
last years
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6. ---------------------- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7. B&BSETUP old doc's ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Bits & Bytes Bulletin Board System/2
Version 1.0с1
By Terje FlaarЫnning
By Stian Seeberg
Table of contents&:
Welcome to B&BSYS/2 1
What you need to set up B&BSYS/2 1
First time installation 2
Unpacking the distribution files 2
Running SETUP.CMD 3
First time startup 3
Welcome to B&BSYS/2
You are about to set up one of the easiest, yet most advanced
BBS-systems for OS/2. It is based on a database-structure so
advanced other much larger systems can only aspire to compete
with it! There is almost no limit as to how large your BBS can
What you need to set up B&BSYS/2
Obviously you will need a computer (running OS/2 2.1 or
better). This computer will need to meet the minimum hardware
requirements for running OS/2, that being a 386 with 6MB of
RAM. However we feel that for any kind of performance a 486sx
with 6MB of RAM is the minimum. In addition a modem is
required, and it should support Hayes ╨╣ AT-commands. The speed
of the modem is something that you will have to adress, but the
UNREGISTRED version of B&BSYS/2 only supports speeds up to 9600
BPS. And last but not least you will need B&BSYS/2......
First time installation
This will cover unpacking the datafiles and setting up the
system for the very first time.
Unpacking the distribution files
The program itself comes in the ZIP-files B&BS10с1.ZIP and
B&BN10с1.ZIP. These files contain the system files, and the
Norwegian language files. These will have to be unzipped using
PkWare's PkUnzip, InfoZip's UnZip or a compatible utility into
a subdirectory (default is d&:\BBS, where "d" is the drive
letter). It is very important that the files be UnZipped WITH
THE DIRECTORY STRUCTURE INTACT! This is accomploshed with the "-
d" swich in PkWare's PkUnzip, and is default in InfoZip's
UnZip. The following directories are stored in the *.ZIP-files,
and will be created on your HardDrive&:
b&broot is the Drive-letter and Subdirectory you place
B&BSYS/2's files in. It is usually "C&:\BBS", but can be changed
if you wish.
The API subdirectory contains the datastructures, and API
interface for application programmers.
The BULLETS subdirectory contains the Bulletins that are
supplied with B&BSYS/2, and is alse where you will place other
bulletins and files that you create (this will be covered later
in this document)
The MENUS subdirectory contains the Menu's that are supplied
with B&BSYS/2. These should not be modified! Any modifications
will be made by the author and the files will be made available
to all users in a ZIP-file.
The SCRIPTS subdirectory contains the scripts that are supplied
with B&BSYS/2, and is where your own scripts should be placed.
For information on creating scripts see SYSOP.DOC!
Besides these subdirectories there are a few that are created
in the SETUP process. These subdirectories are&:
b&broot\MAIN og
The MAIN and MAIN\AREA subdirectories contain all the datafiles
that are necessary to run the system. None of these files
should be tampered with! A copy of all the files in this
directory-tree, and the file B&BSYS.CFG found in b&broot should
be made. If any of these files become corrupted all the files
in this backup must be restored! For more information on this
The TEMP.xxx subdirectories represent the temprary storage area
for the nodes on your BBS. The letters "xxx" represent a number
from "000" to "999", depending on the number of nodes in your
BBS. The system will automatically create TEMP.000 and
TEMP.001, as the B&BSYS/2 ShareWare version only supports 2
nodes, one Local, and one eksternal node! These can be placed
on a RAM-disk if you have one, and the procedure for that is
discussed in SYSOP.DOC.
The UPLOADS subdirectory is the default upload directory for
B&BSYS/2. This can be changed from within B&BSYS/2, but that is
discussed in SYSOP.DOC.
Now that you have unpacked the files, and understand what
subdirectories are created and why, you are ready to begin
installation of B&BSYS/2!
Your next task will be to run the OS/2 command file SETUP.CMD.
This is done from the OS/2 commandline, and the only paramaters
are your HardDrive letters. It might look something like this&:
Where CDE are the drives C, D and E if they are present on your
system. Setup will then set up the system, searching the entire
computer for the necessary programs (communication protocols
and archivers). If B&BSYS/2 finds any of the following they
will be autodetected, and set up with the appropriate
DSZ.EXE (or *.COM) which is a file that includes the common
X, Y and Zmodem protocols.
HSLINK.EXE which is a bi-directional file transfer protocol
ZIP.EXE which is InfoZip's ZIP utility (completely compatible
with PK's popular ZIP- utility, but made for OS/2)
UNZIP.EXEWhich is InfoZip's UnZip (companion to ZIP.EXE)
ARJ.EXE The popular DOS archiver doesn't have an OS/2
counterpart, so the DOS version is used.
LHA.EXE This is also a DOS archiver, and is often preferred
by Amiga╨╣ users. It also lacks an OS/2 version.
If for any reason these files are not detected, or do not
reside on your system at the time of running SETUP.CMD they can
be added later. Please note that although you may use PkWare's
PkUnzip to unzip the distribution files it is not used by
B&BSYS/2. For your BBS to have ZIP/UNZIP available you will
have to aquire InfoZip's ZIP/UNZIP or a fully compatible OS/2
utility. If you use a compatible utility the files MUST be
named ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE!
First time startup
The first time you start your new BBS you will need to run the
file BBS.CMD, which is found in the b&broot. BBS.CMD should be
run with only one parameter, and that being the node number.
Node 0 is the default Local Node, and so the system should be
started with the command&:
When you are prompted for a username use "Sysop Sysop", and
specify your personal logon password. You have now entered the
BBS! You may wish to og to the Utilities menu to change your
name on the system (which at this time is "Sysop Sysop") to
match your real name. The utilities menu can be reached by
typing UTilities (only the capital letters need to be typed),
and then chosing Name. You will then see the current username
"Sysop Sysop", and can change it to your name, pressing ENTER
when done. You are now ready to configure your BBS. For
detailed information on the Configuration of B&BSYS/2 you
should read SYSOP.DOC, which is a detailed description of the
system and all commands that are available!
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8. B&BSYSOP old doc's ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
SysOp Documentation for
Frog Online Services System for OS/2
Frog OSS/2
This documenation file is updated with version 1.0с3 which is
the first release since B&BSYS changed name to FOSS.
All included material is copyright 1991-94 by&:
Terje FlaarЫnning
2.2 The Configure menu 4
General 4
Path names 5
File protocols 5
Archive programs 6
Nodes (comms) 7
Timed events 8
Net-links 9
Areas 9
Return to BBS 12
Creating a list of confrences 20
Creating lists of file areas 20
Creating a list of bulletins 20
Creating bulletins 20
Welcome to the wonderful world of FOSS/2, the next generation
of BBS's that runs under OS/2.
My first meeting with modem-communications was in the summer of
1989 when I realised there were telephone connectors in the
back of my PC (a old ITT XTRA from 1984). I managed to connect
to a local BBS and became a frequent user there. But
unfortunately my local BBS had to close down and I had to start
calling long distance which was not cheap. After a short while
I got the idea of starting my own BBS. My first BBS was started
using the MBBS (Γòò Mike Robertson) BBS-system and I was online
from early 1990. I connected to national networks and since I
got more and more conferences the MBBS system became to
limited, it only supported 75 conferences. Therefore I started
making my own BBS-system which is known as "The Bits & Bytes
Bulletin Board System" or FOSS for short.
Have to add something here, late in 1993 I heard about the OS/2
patches for Borland Pascal, and this was the start of FOSS/2.
FOSS will no longer be developed in a DOS-version.
FOSS/2 is in many way like other BBS-systems. The main
difference that it is almost unlimited as to how big your
system may become. FOSS/2 consist of a database-structure so
advanced that many bigger systems can just dream about matching
it. This system is not just another program but it does follow
all major software development rules.
FOSS/2 has a user friendly interface and it is almost
impossible to "break" the system by using bad commands or the
FOSS/2 is easy to setup, and if you follow these few steps it
should be up and running in minutes.
┬╖ Unpack the main archive (FOSS*.ZIP) to your BBS directory
(C&:\BBS for example). Remember to unpack with the directory-
structure intact!
┬╖ Be sure til place your .KEY file in your BBS directory
from now on called B&B-root. This file is supplied directly
from me upon registering.
┬╖ Execute the SETUP.CMD file and follow the on-screen
┬╖ Now, start FOSS/2 by typing BBS 0 (0 is your local SysOp
node) and with the name "Sysop Sysop". Use your own password.
┬╖ When you are on FOSS/2 command line, type UTIL NAME to
change your from Sysop Sysop to the real one.
┬╖ Now you may start to explore and configure your FOSS/2
┬╖ ... but before you do all this, print out these
instructions or write them down.
That's all, now you should configure your FOSS/2 BBS the way
you want it by using the Co(nfig) command in the SysOp menu.
Good luck. A more detailed explanation of the setup-procedure
is available in SETUP.DOC, which is found in the same
directory as this file.
The main system FOSS/2 is entirely written by Terje Flaaronning
during late evenings the last two-three years.
Thomas Stenhaug is writing QWK-support, and сeta-version are
now being tested.
The following people have be supporting me under the
development of FOSS/2.
┬╖ Raymond L. Gwinn (Developer of the SIO drivers for OS/2)
who has supported me with info about SIO and the OS/2-API
concerning async-communication.
· Jan-Morten Havstein (Running the main сeta board for
FOSS/2) who has to live with all the bugs in the preсeta
versions of FOSS/2.
┬╖ Thomas Stenhaug who is currently working on QWK support
routines for FOSS/2, I suspect he have something ready when you
read this.
· Эyvind L. Eggen (Developer of the XBoard offline reader)
who made support for the FOSS/2 grab format in XBoard. The grab
format has changed today, but I hope that coming versions of
XBoard will support the new format. Now Erik Mogensen is
writing the new XBoard and greetings to him also.
┬╖ Stian Seeberg who wrote this and all the other DOC's
available for FOSS/2 (and is also running a сeta-test board).
Well I've wrote most of it myself, but Stian have been helping
a lot.
┬╖ My mother who has paid quite a few large phonebills the
last couple of years. &:-)
To configure FOSS/2 you will first have to enter the SysOp
menu. It is from here all system wide changes are made. This
menu is entered by typing $ (for $ysOp), and pressing ENTER.
You will then see the following menu&:
v1.0с1 >>> SYSOP MENU <<<
Co nfigure your BBS EF Edit file PA Pack area
L og, Show logfile AF Add files (install) DU Delete
user (kill)
Us er editor DF Delete file CF Classify
Mem ory/system info D os shell/command SF Sort
B ulletin command R ead (messages) comm. T ransfer
C hat/Node command S elect a new area No de
message (send)
F ile transfer command U tility command Com ment to
Q uit to main command O pen a external door G oodbye
The lower part of this menu consists of the systemwide
commands. These can be invoked from anywhere in the BBS. The
top half of the menu is the $ysOp menus special commands. These
will be covered in detail in SYSOP.DOC.
2.2 The Configure menu
The command we are intrested in for the time being is COnfigure
your BBS. This command brings up the following menu again&:
Configure System
Path names
File protocols
Archive programs
Nodes (Comms)
Timed events
Return to BBS
You select an area by moving the highlight up/down with the
arrow-keys on your keyboard, and pressing ENTER. We will now
cover these areas in detail.
This is where the general configuration of your BBS is done.
The screen looks like this&:
Configure General Use&:
Esc Letters
Board name&: Your boards name
SysOp name (you)&: Your name
Location of system&:
Main phone Number&:
Max inactivity time&: 180 seconds
New users&:
Access level&: 1
Time limit&: 60
Response time&: 10
The boards name you will have to enter yourself. It should
match the name you have chosen for your BBS.
Your name is autodetected, however if there are several people
who have SysOp access any of these can be entered in this
field. A user without SysOp axess will not be allowed entered
in this field however.
The location and phonenumber of your BBS will also have to be
entered by you manually.
Max inactivity time is the number of seconds a user may remain
online without being ejected from the BBS. This is useful if
the user falls asleep while online, or simply forgets that
he/she is online. It prevents not only that your system remains
busy, but saves the user from a rather large phonebill!
Access level is the level of access given new users. This will
determine what areas of your system they will be allowed to
enter. More about the different areas later, in the Areas
Time limit is the number of minutes a new user is given online.
Response time is how fast the system reacts to input from the
user. The default value of 10 should be acceptable for most
Path names
This is where you chose the different paths for your temporary
files. The menu looks like this&:
Configure Path Names Use&: Esc
Letters Digits
RAM disk temp dir&:
Scratch-pad path&:
CD-ROM drive letters&:
1 - [ ] 2 - [ ] 3 - [ ] 4 - [ ] 5 - [ ] 6 - [ ] 7 - [ ]
8 - [ ]
If you do not have a RAM disk then leave the field empty.
The scratch-pad should be placed on your fastest hard drive, or
preferably on a RAM disk. This should only be done however if
the RAM drive is large (at least 2MB for a single node system).
If your system has any CD-ROM drives, and you wish to make the
files on it (them) available to the users, then place the drive
letter in the chechbox(es) that match your system.
File protocols
This is where you configure your file protocols. The screen
looks like this&:
Configure File Protocols Use&: Esc
Letters Arrows
Letter&: Z Name&: ZModem OkErr&: 0 Type&: B_A
Upload&: port & p speed &s ha both rz &u
Download&: port &p speed &s ha both sz &l
AutoRec&: "**"#24
Z - ZModem &p com port
Y - YModem Batch &s speed
X - XModem &l send list
1 - XModem-1k &n node number
H - HS/Link &u upload directory
&t minutes left
&b base addr (com3+)
&i irq (com3+)
&h com handle
These are autodetected, and unless you wish to install a
protocall that is not autodetected, you will not need to change
any of these settings.
If you should have to enter any protocols that are not
autodetected, you will have to fill out the following things&:
Letter is the letter of the alphabet that represents this
protocol in the list of available protocols that are presented
to the user in the PRotocol part of the UTilities menu.
Name is the name of the protocol. This is also shown to the
user in the PRotocol part of the UTilities menu.
*Type has three possible switches; B, B and A. These stand for
?, Bi-directional and Autodetect ????
Path is the path to the file, including the filename and
Upload is the command string sendt to the program to start the
upload process.
Download is the command string sendt to the program to start
the download process.
AutoRec is the string the program should look for when
autodetecting an upload.
Archive programs
This is where you set the different archive programs. The
supported programs are ZIP, UNZIP, ARJ, ARC and LHA. These are
all autodetected, and selfconfiguring, but you may need to
specify the programs if FOSS/2 does not find them for one
reason or another. The screen should look something like this&:
Configure Archive programs Use&:
UNZIP.EXE path (used to view/unpack *.ZIP archives)&:
ZIP.EXE path (used to create *.ZIP archives)&:
PKXARC.COM path (used to view/unpack *.ARC archives)&:
PKARC.EXE path (used to create *.ARC archives)&:
LHA.EXE path (used to view/unpack/create *.LZH/*.LHA
ARJ.EXE path (used to view/unpack/create *.ARJ archives)&:
All you have to do here is to specify the path to the file in
question. If you fail to do so (like this system has in the
case of PKXARC), the file will be highlighted in red on a grey
background, and only the filename the system searched for is
entered as opposed to the other fields which have a path and
filename entered.
Nodes (comms)
This is where you specify the nodes your system has, and also
set up the modem. The screen looks like this&:
Configure Nodes and Communications Use&: Esc Arrows
Letters Del
1 Com Port&: COM1
Init baud rate&: 38400
Lock baud rate&: Y
Type of login &: Wait for RING/CONNECT
Ring before answer&: 0
IO device&: COM1
Modem command strings&:
Init&: ATxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Answer&: ATA
Off hook&: ATH1
On hook&: ATH0
1 indicates the number of the node that is being configured.
You can have as many nodes as you wish in the registered
version, but the $hareWare version only supports nodes 0, and
1. Node 0 is the default Local Node, and can not be configured
for modem-use.
Com Port is the port that the modem is connected to at the back
of the macine.
Init baud rate is the speed that the system will communicate
with the modem at. In the $hareWare version this is set so that
it can not exceed 9600. For v32bis modems 38400 is recomended.
Lock baud rate can be set to either Y(es) or N(o), but Y(es) is
recomended. This determines wheter or not the rate of data
transfer between the computer and the modem should be locked,
or be dictated by the connect baud rate.
Type of login can be set to several different types of logins,
however for an eksternal node (one where people can call in via
a modem) the setting is&:
Wait for RING/CONNECT ... the BBS waits until it recives a RING
signal from the modem, sends the answer string (covered below)
and waits until it recived a CONNECT message from the modem.
The user is then allowed to log in.
The other possibilities are&:
Direct local login ... for purely local nodes (like node 0)
Direct login ... don't know really???????
Wait for DCD (0-Modem) ... used for logins directly from
another computer without the use of a modem. A so-called 0-
Modem cable is used to connect the computers.
Rings before answer tells the BBS how many rings it should wait
until it answers the call. This defaults to 0, but can be set
to any number.
IO Device is the device that provides the data Input and
Output. This is generally the same as the COM port.
The modem commands are different for each node, as each node
has its own modem. These commands varey from modem to modem,
and you will have to consult your modems users manual for the
correct settings for your modem. However we have included some
tips on what might be included (although the commands for these
settings can be different from modem to modem!) in the init at
the end of this document. See Apendix A&: Init strings.
Init is sendt to your modem to set it in the correct state for
recieving calls. All commands that need to be sendt to the
modem should be present on this line. It is sendt to the modem
each time FOSS/2 is started up, and after every caller has hung
up. If the resultcode from the modem is OK, then FOSS/2 will go
into a state of "Waiting for RING/CONNECT" in the case of
external nodes.
Answer is the answer string for your modem. Usually this is
ATA, and this is what FOSS/2 defaults to.
Off hook is the command string that instructs your modem to
take the phone off the hook. This is usually ATH1, and this is
what FOSS/2 defaults to.
On hook is the command string that instructs your modem to put
the phone on the hook. This is usually ATH0, and this is what
FOSS/2 defaults to.
Timed events
FOSS/2 is capable of running events at given times of the
day/week. Her mЖ jeg ha hjelp, da jeg ikke aner hvordan det
FOSS/2 BBS's all have the capabilities to become members of a
network called bNet. This network consists of FOSS/2 BBS's
only, and they exchange messages at given intervals. To become
a member of bNet all you have to do is to register your copy of
FOSS/2. You will then be given a number, indicating which BBS
you are, and be given a HUB that you can connect to. This HUB
will take care of all the message-transfers.
As of this day, the bNet and Net-links part of FOSS/2 are not
perfected, and as souch they have not been implemented. You are
therefor strongly advised to not use this feature of FOSS/2,
until an upgrade is available.
This is where you configure the diffrent confrences, file areas
and bulletin areas. The screen looks like this&:
Configure Areas Use&: Esc Arrows
Letters Del
Info from Bnet Area name&:
Mail Box Main Board
B&B Support Area type&: Local area
Main Board Area code&: MAIN
File code&: MAIN
Door code&: MAIN
Bull code&: MAIN
# of old msg to read&: 100
Area flags&:
New user autojoin
Message type&:
Public messages
Area host&: Not a bNet
Access levels ->
Directories ->
These are the areas that are preconfigured with FOSS/2&:
Info from bNet
Mail box
B&B support
Main Board
You may add as many as you wish.
The following things have to be configured for each new area&:
Area name is the name of the area in the areas list. This area
list has to be made by you, the SysOp. This will be covered
later in this document.
Area type will usually be a Local area, as bNet areas are not
fully supported as of yet.
Area code is a code of up to four letters, that specifies the
area as a message area. NO two areas may share the same area
code! If you enter an areaname, but omit the areacode "MAIN"
will be entered automatically. If this is done you WILL NOT BE
ABLE TO CHANGE IT!! You may therfore be wise in filling this in
first, and leaving the name blank until this has been taken
care of. A change is to come here, making it impossible to have
two areas with the same code!
File code is also a code of up to four letters. Areas are
allowed to share the same file code, and if you intend the
files to be available to all users it may be wise to set this
file code to MAIN. This is done because users need to be in the
area that the file code is set for to be able to list and
download the files in that area. If all files that are to be
available to the users are kept in the file code MAIN, users
will not need to change areas to see all files available to
them. This also provides you with an easy way of shielding some
users from certain files (typically adult pictures, or private
files). You merely place those files in an area with a diffrent
file code, and change ( raise) the access level needed to enter
that area! (This will be covered in Access levels.)
Door code is also a code of up to four letters, and all the
limitations that apply to the file codes are in effect here as
well. You may wish to make certain doors available to only a
limited number of users, and therefor specify a code that is
different from MAIN, which is the default.
Bull code is the same code of up to four letters, but it
controlls the bulletins that are available in a certain area.
MAIN is the default here as well, and like the File and Door
areas you will only need to change the default if the bulletins
should be hidden from scertain users.
# of old messages to read is the limit for how many old
messages a new user should read in that perticular area. This
number can be set as high (or low) as you wish. However new
users may not wish to read trough several hundred messages to
become up to date, so set the number with care.
Area flags are certain limitations, or restrictions that
pertain to that perticular area. The flags are as follows&:
External area&: used about bNet areas
New user autojoin&: a new user is automatically a
member of this confrence
No resign&: users may not resign from this
New user autojoin; No resign&:a new user automatically joins
this confrence, and may not resign from
The space can also be left blank, in which case no
restrictions apply. This is the case for most local areas, and
is also the default!
Message type lists the type of messages that are allowed in an
area. The valid choices are&:
Public messages&: all messages are public, and can be
read by all
Private messages&: all messages are private, and can only
be read by the author of the message, the
recipiant of the message and the SysOp.
Public/Private messages&: messages can either be public or
Please note that the SysOp can read all messages, even those
marked as private! It is up to the SysOp how much privacy is to
be expected on any given BBS.
Area host is used for bNet areas, and as such has not been
activated yet.
Access levels have to be set for any area to become active.
There are two very important things to remember when setting
access levels. The first is to whom you wish to give access to
this perticular area. This is up to you, but you should keep in
mind that all users have at least the minimum access level, and
if the data in the area is sensitive (adult pictures are one
type of files that should be shielded from some users) you
should specify a higher access level. Specifying the access
level is done by entering the letter that corresponds to the
level you wish to give that area. You then enter a code for
what users with that access level may do. The codes for this
R ead
W rite
U pload
D ownload
O pen
All users with a higher access level will recieve the same
privelages as the first level you specify. This is only
natural, and FOSS/2 will fill the remaining access levels to
save you the work.
You may of course specify that some users will only be allowed
to read messages, and perhaps write them in certain areas, and
only users with a higher access level are given up/download
privelages. The variations on this (and openness on your
system) are up to you to decide!
In addition to these five codes comes the second of the very
important things to remember. That is to place an S (for SysOp)
at level 15 (the letter P). This is to ensure that you are
given SysOp access in this area, and as souch have all messages
routed to you as well as the intended recipiant. This also
grants you the option of killing messages that are deemed not
appropriate by you, either morally or legally. Please remember
that as a SysOp you are responsible for the files and messages
that appear on your system!
Directories is where you speciy which directories are assigned
to each area. The screen looks like this&:
Configure Directories Use&: Esc Arrows Letters Del
PgUp DgDn
Directory name&:
Disk directory&:
Directory flags&:
The field for directory name is the name that will be listed in
FOSS/2 as the directory. This name should have some connection
with the files in that specific directory. You may use spaces
in the name, and any alphanumerical combination.
Disk directory is the directory that is on the hard drive. This
does not have to have any connection to the directory name, but
it MUST be exclusive. Two directory names can not share the
same disk directory!
Directory flags are really only used for the Upload
directories, but can be used in the other directories as well.
The flags that are available are&:
Uploaddir&: the specified directory is the upload
directory for that file code
Show uploader&: the name of the person that uploaded a
file is shown along with the file
Uploaddir;Show uploader&: the specified directory is the
upload directory for that file code, and the name of the
uploader is shown along with the file description.
There must be an Upload directory for every file code! If there
is not one, then an error code will be recorded in the Log!
After configuring an area it may be wise to move the highlight
up a few notches to see if the changes have taken effect, and
exit the area menu before entering a new area or changing an
existing one. This is to ensure that all changes have been
saved to disk, in case of a disaster, like a power outage or a
hanging of the computer.
Return to BBS
This returns you to the BBS. You can also press Esc to exit the
COnfigure menu. All changes will be saved regardless!
There are several global menu functions that are already built
into FOSS/2. In addition to these you can create scripts that
provide a global functions for your particular system. This is
useful for customising your system. The global functions that
are present in FOSS/2 are as follows&:
B ulletin command R ead (messages) comm. T ransfer
C hat/Node command S elect a new area No de message
F ile transfer command U tility command Com ment to
Q uit to main command O pen a external door G oodbye
In addition to these that are available to everyone there is
one that is reserved the SysOp. That is the $-function that
lets you enter the SysOp menu. This has it's own set of
commands that will be covered later in this document.
The main menu has it's own functions that can only be evoked
from within this menu. These are&:
L ist users Ti me left/used X pert
List users will either list all the users that are registered
to your BBS, or only the users whose names match the string of
letters the user enters.
Time left/used shows the user how much of the time he/she is
allowed on the system is left and how long he/she has been on
the BBS today.
Xpert mode toggles whether or not the user sees the "(? for
It is from within this menu that you read and write messages.
The functions that are available for reading messages are&:
# read that message . review last read < Read last in
+ read next message +# skip # forewrd, read > Read reply to
- read previous message -# skip # back, read
The following functions are used for the area as a whole&:
E nter message Sh ow area status Ki ll message
R eply to message V iew messages in area Un kill message
M ark messages Ed it message
D ump message(s) Res ign from area Mo ve message
When you write a message you have a choice of either a line-
based editor or a full-screen editor that is built into FOSS/2.
This full screen editor allows you to move around using the
arrow keys on your keyboard or using the standard WordStar keys
you may be used to from other systems.
When you R(eply) to a message you get the option of quoting the
previous message. Quoting a message means that everything that
was in the previous message will be added to the top of the
message you are about to write, whit the initials of the author
and a vertical line in front of every line of text. This
ensures that everyone knows who wrote what. You are also asked
if the message should be marked as private (given that private
messages are allowed in that perticular area!). This assures
you that only the intended recipiant of the message (and the
SysOp who can read anything!) can read it. You are also given
the choice of editors.
You can M(ark) messages in different ways, giving you full
control over messages to you. This is practical when you want
to dump a number of messages to the scratchpad and download
them for reading offline.
D(ump)ing messages to the scratchpad allows you to download
these messages as a file and read them offline, thus saving you
valuable time online. Dumping messages allows you to read
messages, however you will have to go back online to reply to
the ones meant for you. There are offline-readers that allow
you to read messages and reply to them offline, and then upload
the replys automatically next time you log on, but as of yet
none of these support FOSS/2's messageformat. However QWK-
support is to be built into FOSS/2 allowing you to both read
and reply to messages offline, using a QWK-compatible mail-
Users can search for unread messages either by pressing ENTER
until they have read all messages, or they can get a list of
unread messages in the different areas by using the Sh(ow area)
function. This will tell you how many messages are in an area,
and how many of these are for you.
The SysOp can define whether or not users will be allowed to
R(esign) from certain areas. This is useful for having areas
where you can be certain all the members of your BBS will get a
message you have posted to ALL users! This is done in the $ysOp
COnfigure AREA menu, as described above under CONFIGURATION
WITH THE U(til) Co(nfig) COMMAND.
K(illing) of messages can only be done by the SysOp and the
originator of that message. If the message has been read by
anyone the "killer" will be given a message to that effect.
This is where the user will find files for Download and
(hopefully) Upload. The functions that are used are as follows&:
Up load a file L ist files available K eyword file
D ownload file(s) N ew files scan (date)
V iew an archived file W ild-char file search
The user can Up(load) files using the upload command. The user
is told to begin the upload at his/her end. FOSS/2 will then
autodetect the file(s) being sendt, and also place the file in
the appropriate upload-area depending on which area the user
was in at the time she was in at the time. The user is then
asked to type a simple description of the file. This
description may be as long as 110 letters, including spaces,
devided into two lines of 55 characters each!
D(ownload) allows the user to specify filenames until he/she
enters a blank space and the file(s) are then sent using the
protocol defined in the Ut(ilities) Pr(otocol) menu. There are
several commands that can be evoked from within the D(ownload)
command. These are&:
? Show available commands
/a Abort download
/l List tagged files
/r Remove a file from the list of tagged files
Tagging files for download can be accomplished in one of two
ways. The user can either specify a wildchard, and all files
matching that wildchard will be tagged, or the user may specify
one file at a time.
V(iew)ing a file causes FOSS/2 to give the user a complete list
of files in an archived file (ZIP, ARJ, ARC or LHA), or in the
case of GIF-files the resolution and number of colours (It will
NOT display the picture itself).
L(ist)ing files will give the user a complete list of the files
in the area he/she is in at the time, or one of the directories
only. For a list of the available directories the "?" command
is used. FOSS/2 will NOT create a list of available
directories. That has to be done manually by the SysOp.
W(ild-char) searching is done by specifying a wild-chard for
FOSS/2 to search for matches to. It searches through the
filearea(s) and lists the files that mach the specified search-
criteria. The common wild-chards "*" and "?" may be used. The
difference between these two is that while "*" can represent
one or more letters "?" can replace one letter only.
K(eyword) searching is more time-consuming but also more
effective if you don't know the name of the file you are
looking for, because it also searches the description of the
files for a match. DO NOT use wild-cards in this search, as it
is case-sensitive!!!
The bulletins that are to be a part of any BBS must of course
be made by the SysOP, and the SysOp must also make a bulletin
list to be named areaLIST.* where "area" is the four-letter
code used for that spesific bulletin-area in the configuration.
The file areaLIST.* is to reside in the BULLETS subdirectory.
The bulletins are numbered according to the name of the files
they represent. The bulletins themselves are named areaxxx.*
where xxxx is the number of that perticular bulletin. The first
bulletin in the MAIN area would be called MAIN0001.*. These
files also reside in the BULLETS subdirectory. The functions in
this area are&:
# read that bulletin D ownload a bulletin
# represents the number of the bulletin the user wants to read.
The user may also D(ownload) a bulletin if he/she wishes, and
will be prompted for the number of that bulletin. The download
will be completed using the default protocol for that user.
There is the possibility of chatting with other nodes on a
multinode BBS or with the SysOp on a single node system. If the
SysOp has made himself available he will receive a warning by
the machine beeping that someone wants to talk to him/her. The
same goes for other nodes, they will be notified with either a
message on the screen or a message and a beep if their system
allows it. The functions for this menu are&:
W ho is online Sy sOp chat (request) A vailability
Ch at with another node
W(ho) gives the user a list of active users on the different
nodes and if the SysOp is available or not. If the SysOp is
available there will be a red message to that affect at the
bottom of the list of active nodes. If the SysOp is not
available no message will be at the bottom of said list.
Sy(sOp) will call the SysOp if he/she has set him/herself
available. If the SysOp is not available the user will be asked
to leave a Com(ment) instead. The SysOp can answer a chat
request by making the window that node is in active and
pressing Alt-C. The chat-session is ended by the SysOp by
pressing Alt-C again.
The user can set himself available for chat or turn this
function off using the A(vailability) function.
Ch(at) is used in conjunction with the number of the node the
user wishes to chat with, or he/she is prompted for the node-
number. The user on the node that recives the chat request can
answer by entering Ch(at) followed by the number of the node.
The number of the node that initiated the chat-request is
listed to the reciever of that request along with the request-
This menu allows the user to update his personal preferences
and change his personal data and password. The functions are&:
V iew user profile N ame change AN SI graphics
Ar chive format A ddress change IB M chars
Pr otocol change P hone number change Cl ear scr.
Use ANSI toggles Pa ssword change La nguage
To ggle switches Li nes on screen Ta sk Manager
V(iew) gives the user a list of his/her active configuration.
It is then easy to identify which things need to be changed to
suit the users preferences.
Ar(chive format) tells the system which archiver (ZIP, ARJ, ARC
and LHA are available) that the user would prefer used for the
files to be archived using (this format is used for the
messages that the user grabs and the bulletins that are
downloaded, NOT the archived files on the system that are free
for download!).
Pr(otocol) tells the system which transfer protocol the user
would like to use as a default. The system will then use this
protocol instead of prompting the user every time.
Use ANSI toggles whether the system should display ANSI
graphics in menus, bulletins and messages.
To(ggle) is used to decide whether or not to display message
status at logon.
N(ame) allows you to change the name you will be using on the
BBS. This can be used to change your Alias on boards that allow
this, or if your name has changed for whatever reason. This
will NOT redirect messages adressed to your new name, but users
will be given a message that as your old name is no longer be a
part of that BBS's user-list! It will be up to the user to
announce the name-change!!
A(dress) allows you to change the adress you have listed to the
system. Your old adress will be displayed, and you can press
ENTER if you do not wish to make any changes. This should be
changed if you move however, as it allows the SysOp to get in
touch with you should there ever be a need for it.
P(hone number) allows you to change the phone number you have
listed. The number for your Home and Work numbers are both
changable from this menue. If you do not wish to change the
number that is highlighted, then press ENTER, and the next
number will be highlighted. These numbers should be changed to
reflect your current numbers, as it allows the SysOp to get in
touch with you should there ever be a need for it.
Pa(ssword) allows you to change your password used during
login. You are prompted for your old password once and your new
password twice (to ensure you typed it correctly!). This new
password will be used for all consequent logins.
Li(nes) sets the number of lines the system will let scroll
across the screen before the user gets a --more-- message. Set
this to 0 and the system will not stop scrolling.
The AN(SI) function toggles whether ANSI should be used at all
(useful if the user doesn't have ANSI-capabilities in his/her
IB(M) toggles the IBM extended ASCII text mode.
Cl(ear) toggles whether or not to clear the screen before
showing messages, bulletins or menus.
La(nguage) toggles between English and Norwegian language in
menus and functions.
Ta(sk) toggles whether or not you want to allow background
execution of tasks.
This is where you change the look and feel of your BBS! You can
make changes even while users are logged on to your system,
allowing you to make changes without having to shut down!! This
is a major improvement over several of the larger BBS-systems
that are on the market. If one of the changes you make forces
the BBS to reset because of an error the user is not logged
off, but is instead given the opportunity to log on again
without having to call back. No extra cost is forced upon
him/her by your mistake (even though a mistake is unlikely!).
Co nfigure your BBS EF Edit file PA Pack area
L og, Show logfile AF Add files (install) DU Delete user
Us er editor DF Delete file CF Classify
Mem ory/system info D os shell/command SF Sort files
Co(nfigure) is used to change the basics of the BBS. This is
covered in detail in the section of this file called
"CONFIGURATION WITH THE U(til) Co(nfig) COMMAND". This section
was placed at the beginning of this document because it is
neccesary for the proper configuration of FOSS/2, and as souch
was covered as early as possible.
L(og) shows the user log for the node you specify. This
contains a list of new users and files that have been uploaded,
and to where. It also contains a list of the different errors
that have occured on the system.
Us(er editor) is used to grant users higher access levels or
unkill an unintentionally killed user. You can also grant the
user higher timelimits if you so wish.
The Mem(ory) function gives you a list of system information.
EF allows you to edit the description of a file or a list of
files, depending on how you specified the file(s). The file(s)
to be edited can be listed with wild-chards to increase the
flexibility of the editing process. However if the SysOp plans
to edit several files the CF command is superior!
AF adds files to the filearea the SysOp specifies. The areaname
is to be used, and not the directoryname! The files in the
directory specified for that filearea that do not have a
description will be shown to the SysOp and he/she will have to
type in a description. If one is not addes the file will not be
added to the filelist. The SysOp can specify a file that
contains a list of the files that are to be added, and their
descriptions. This allows ease of installation if the files
come with a description file, or one can be made ahead of time.
The default description file name is DESCRIPT.ION, which is the
file used by 4DOS (4OS2) and NDOS for attaching long
descriptions to files. This can be changed however to match any
filename. The files that are to be added can have filenames
that are up to 16 characters long (including periods!) on HPFS
disks. FAT-disks have the familiar 8.3 filename restrictions.
DF will delete a file or several files (using wild-chards) from
the filelist and the harddrive.
D(os shell) allows you to execute a DOS-command or run a file,
either from within the BBS, or after you shell to the command
PA allows you to pack an area for storage, saving all the
messages in that area for later refrence.
DU allows you to kill a user so that he/she is not allowed back
onto the BBS. This can be done for different reasons, but be
careful! They are gone for ever!!
CF is a full screen file editor. It allows the SysOp to change
the description of a file, move a file (with the description
intact!) to a different filearea or delete files form the
filelist and the harddrive. The files are tagged using the
insert key, and may then be edited in the above mentioned ways.
SF sorts the files in the filearea you specify. This can be
time-consuming if you have a large number of files, but it is
recommended that you do this often, so that the file index is
updated, and the searches will go faster. Files will also be
placed in alphabetical order, which makes it easier to find
files even without the search tools. You are given the option
to update the 4DOS (4OS2) or NDOS DESCRIPT.ION files as well,
allowing 4DOS (4OS2) or NDOS users to see the descriptions when
using the DIR command at the commandline.
Creating the BBS-specific files
As your BBS is different from every other BBS it is essencial
that you create files that reflect this. There are several
files that help users find their way around your system. These
will have to be created by you using an ANSI drawing utility
like TheDraw╨╣. The files that are most important are the lists
of the different confrences, and the different file areas. In
addition it may be wise to create bulletins that contain
information that are of interest to your users.
Creating a list of confrences
The confrence list comes up every time a user trys to Select an
area but does not specify which area that should be. The file
should be called AREALIST.* and should contain all confrences
on your system, members only included. This because it gives
the user an easily accessible way of learnign what the system
has to offer. It might be a good idea to include information on
the confrence, like who is in charge of it or if it is for
members only (what the access level is to enter). There is a
sample file that comes with FOSS/2, and contains the pre-
installed areas.
Creating lists of file areas
You have to create your own list of file areas that is
consistent with your BBS. These files are generally ANSI files
(made in an ANSI-drawing utility like TheDraw╨╣) that FOSS/2
displays when a user asks for them (by specifying that "?"
should be listed). The file should be called DIRSarea.* where
"area" is the four letter file code. You will have to make one
for every single file area that has a seperate file code.
Creating a list of bulletins
To make a list of the bulletins you create the file areaLIST.*
where "area" is the four letter Bull code.
Creating bulletins
Bulletins generally contain information that is of interest to
the user. The files are called areaxxxx.* where "area" is the
name of the Bull code, and "xxxx" is the number of the
bulletins starting with 0001.
Scripts that need to be made
There are several scripts that need to be created, to give the
user a more pleasant time when logging on to your system. These
scripts will be covered in detail, as to when they are
executed, and hints to what they might contain.
This program runs under OS/2, and as a result you are forced to
live with it's demands on your hardware. We feel that for any
type of performance a 386dx with 8 MB of RAM is the minimum,
although OS/2 (and therefore FOSS/2) will run on any 386 with
over 4MB of RAM. (er dette riktig?????) In addition you will of
course need a modem and a telephone line! The ShareWare version
of FOSS/2 has certain features that are limited. The one thing
you will notice is that it is not capable of exceeding 9600
baud, and you are limited to 20 users on the system. This means
that the 21. person who logs on to your system will overwrite
the 20. person...... so if you plan to start your own BBS this
program can get you started, but if you are serious about it
the small fee the author asks is not that excessive!
Si ifra hvis dette ikke stemmer...har jo bare prЫvd pЖ en 486dx
33 med 20MB RAM ;-)
The structures of all system files may be obtained directly
from me.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The AREA.CMD file is used to start external areas from FOSS with the use of the
S(elect) command.
1. Node number, unformatted
2. Node number, prefilled with zeros to length of 3 characters
3. Current com port
4. Current com speed divided with 100
5. External areas area code
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The DOOR.CMD file is used to start external door programs from FOSS with the
use of the Op(en) command.
1. Node number, unformatted
2. Node number, prefilled with zeros to length of 3 characters
3. Current com port
4. Current com speed divided with 100
5. Door name/number
6. Current door code
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The RING.CMD file is called each time your modem sends a RING signal to the
BBS, may play a tune on your SoundBlaster or something. There are no parameters
passed to this command file.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The REMOTE.CMD file is called by the D(osShell) command in the SysOp menu if
the user/SysOp wants to shell to dos.
1. Node number, unformatted
2. Node number, prefilled with zeros to length of 3 characters
3. Current com port
4. Current com speed divided with 100
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The YELL.CMD file is called instead of the beeping done by the Y(ell) command,
may yell by playing a .WAV
1. Node number, unformatted
2. Node number, prefilled with zeros to length of 3 characters
3. Current com port
4. Current com speed divided with 100
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The B!DOWN.l script is run before a file-download is started
What to return
1. should be returned if there should be no download
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The EXTRACMD.l script is run each time FOSS reaches an unknown command. This
script should (if present) allways remove the first command from the command
que by executing a "@getfirst curcmd sys_cmd" command.