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TaskInfo 1.06 (20 Jun 1998)
Written by Jonathan Brady
for Sliced Software, © 1998
TaskInfo is a utility for adding to the taskmanager menu, and for supplying
interactive help for those menus. It can also be used to change the name of
a task as given in the task manager display.
Load TaskInfo by double-clicking on it's icon in a filer window. Once
loaded it will sit in the background waiting for you to click the menu button
in the task display window, this starts the chain of wimp messages and
service calls off.
Note 1 : All pointers used should be to locations in the RMA or a dynamic
areas which is readable in user mode (protection level 0 or 1). This is
mentioned further down the help file but some people seem to forget.
Note 2 : All task handles should only rely on the 2 LSB of the word i.e.
(Task handle AND &FFFF).
Note 3 : You should ensure that version 1.06 is loaded with any program,
versions prior to 1.04 had several bugs in them, and versions 1.04 and 1.05
would not work on the RISC OS 3.5 and 3.6 taskmanagers.
Wimp Messages
There are three wimp messages issued by this utility in an effort to
provide the menu system :
Message_TaskInfoOpen (&4F6C0)
-------------------- --------
r1+20 Call type
r1+24 Item type
r1+28 Item number (task handle, dynamic area number)
r1+32 Pointer to menu flags of main item in taskmanager menu
r1+36 Pointer to string that will be displayed in menu
r1+40 Pointer to name of item (tasks and dynamic areas only)
There are three possible call types :
0 - PreGlobal : Global call to all tasks, used to replace menus
provided by a task, and for all other item types.
1 - Task : Direct call to task for menus (only available for
tasks, and only for task whose name the menu is
opened over, therefore no need to check task handle
just whether call type is 1)
2 - PostGlobal : Global call to all tasks if task does not respond
to call type 1, used to provide menu for tasks which
don't do themselves, so if a later version of the
task does that will be used instead.
Call types 1 and 2 are only issued when a task name is clicked over in the
display, they are issued in sequence, and the sequence stops when a reply is
Item numbers are as follows :
1 Application tasks header
2 System memory allocation header
3 Module tasks header
4 Dynamic area header
5 Tasks and module tasks
8 Wimpslot next
10 Wimpslot free
12 Screen memory
13 Cursor/System/Sound
14 System heap/stack
15 Module area
16 Font cache
17 System sprites
18 RAM disc
19 Applications (free)
20 Applications (used)
21 System workspace
22 Total memory
23 Module area free
24 Module area largest block
25 Dynamic areas
Before replying to this message a task can adjust the menu flags pointed to
by r1+32 to display a tick, make the item writable etc. (although why you
would want to I have no idea). The string that will be displayed in the menu
can be altered, either by changing the pointer at r1+36 or altering the block
pointed to by it, the maximum length of this string can be is 40 bytes
including a null terminator.
This call will be received as reason code 18 (User_Message_Recorded), and
to reply send the message back altered as necessary as reason code 17
(User_Message). When a task replies the string will be copied across to the
menu, the menu item will be unshaded, and the generate warning when submenu
opened bit will be set.
The following messages are only sent to a task if it replies to this
message, therefore there is no need to check the item type or number for the
following messages if the task only supports one type of menu, if it supports
more than one then this will be necessary.
Message_TaskInfoMenuWarning (&4F6C1)
--------------------------- --------
r1+20 Item type
r1+24 Item number
r1+28 Pointer to menu flags of main item in taskmanager menu
r1+32 X coordinate of top left of new submenu
r1+36 Y coordinate of top left of new submenu
r1+40 Main menu selected item number (should always be 2)
r1+44 First submenu selected item number
r1+.. -1 to terminate list
TaskInfo sends this message when it receives a Message_MenuWarning (&400C0)
from the Wimp, this is only sent to the task which replied to the previous
Message_TaskInfoOpen (&4F6C0).
This call will be received as reason code 18 (User_Message_Recorded), and
to reply a Message_MenuWarning (&400C0) should be formatted using the
information given and a new submenu pointer, this should then be sent back as
reason code 17 (User_Message) after copying my_ref to your_ref to acknowledge
the message. The submenu should be contained in the RMA or a dynamic area
which is readable in user mode (protection level 0 or 1).
If this call is not replied to the standard quit submenu will be opened
instead (which can be a bit confusing for items other than tasks).
Note : All menus created using this system for tasks should still have a quit
option in order to maintain consistency within the taskmanager, however the
task will have to act upon it itself as the taskmanager will no longer send
a Message_Quit (0), or Message_PreQuit (8). A task should still support the
quit messages however in case TaskInfo is not loaded.
Message_TaskInfoMenuSelection (&4F6C2)
----------------------------- --------
r1+20 Item type
r1+24 Item number
r1+28 Pointer to menu flags of main item in taskmanager menu
r1+32 Main menu selected item number (always 2)
r1+36 First submenu selected item number
r1+.. -1 to terminate list
This message is sent when a menuselection is made, this is only sent to the
task which replied to the previous Message_TaskInfoOpen (&4F6C0). The
information given should be used to perform the relevant action.
This call will be received as reason code 17 (User_Message), and there is
no need to (and there should not be a) reply to this message.
Message_TaskInfoHelpRequest (&4F6C3)
--------------------------- --------
r1+20 Item type
r1+24 Item number
r1+28 Task handle of interactive help application
r1+32 Pointer to menu flags of main item in taskmanager menu
r1+36 Main menu selected item number (always 2)
r1+40 First submenu selected item number
r1+.. -1 to terminate list
This message is sent when TaskInfo receives a Message_HelpRequest (&502)
from a help application, this is only sent to the task which replied to the
previous Message_TaskInfoOpen (&4F6C0). The information given should be used
to supply the relevant interactive help.
This call will be received as reason code 18 (User_Message_Recorded), and
to reply the call should be sent back as reason code 17 (User_Message), with
the interactive help text replacing the data from r1+36 upwards.
If this call is not replied to a standard 'Move the pointer right to open
the submenu for ...' will be used for the main menu item (and therefore a
reply should not be made for the main menu item unless there is a need to
change this), and for all other menu items a standard 'Sorry there is no help
available for this menu item.' will be used.
Message_TaskInfoChangeName (&4F6C4)
-------------------------- --------
r1+20 Task handle whose name is to be changed
r1+24 Null terminated string containing new name (max. length 330 OS
units (approx 22 characters)
This message can be sent (to the TaskManager) as reason code 17
(User_Message) to initiate the change of a tasks name to that given.
Note : This wimp message is only supplied for completeness the service call
method should be used to initiate a name change where possible (in fact this
message once received initiates that system itself).
Service Calls
There is only one service call (with four reason codes) issued by this
utility to provide the menu system and change task names :
Service_TaskInfo (&80780)
The registers for reason codes 0-3 are as follows (unless otherwise stated) :
r1 = &80780
r2 = Reason code
r3 = Pointer to wimp message block
r4 = Item type
r5 = Item number
r6 = Pointer to menu flags of main item in taskmanager menu
Other registers depend on reason code
These service calls are called immediately before the associated wimp
message. If the service call is claimed by setting r1=0 on exit the wimp
message is not called. All reason codes are issued no matter whether or not
the wimp system has been replied to or a claim is made using the service
calls (except TaskInfo_Open call type 2 which is not issued if a previous
call with a lower call type has been claimed or replied to by either service
or wimp calls, but only for the associated chain of calls).
To change any data the values in the registers r4 upwards must be changed
for the benefit of other modules (unless the call is claimed), but to have
any real effect the block pointed to by r3 must be changed.
TaskInfo_Open (Reason code 0)
r2 = 0
r3 = Pointer to start of actual message (ie r1+20)
r7 = Call type (Only PreGlobal (0) and PostGlobal (2))
A claim here should only be used to prevent the wimp task from receiving
the message completely. Ie to completely prevent a task from using TaskInfo.
TaskInfo_MenuWarning (Reason code 1)
r2 = 1
r3 = Pointer to start of actual message (ie r1+20)
This call is issued to add a menu to the system in place of any wimp menu
whether the default or a TaskInfo menu. To specify the submenu pointer it
must be stored at r3+8, and then the call claimed by setting r1 to 0. The
submenu should be held in RMA.
TaskInfo_MenuSelection (Reason code 2)
r2 = 2
r3 = Pointer to start of actual message (ie r1+20)
This call can be used either to replace the actions of an existing menu
(either the default menu or a task menu, but only if certain of the exact
structure of the menu), or to provide a completely different menu. It is
expected however for it to be used to provide an action for the main menu
Claiming the call by setting r1 to 0 will prevent either the default
option or the task options from being executed.
TaskInfo_HelpRequest (Reason code 3)
r2 = 3
r3 = Pointer to actual start of block (ie r1)
This call is used to provide interactive help for a menu option, if this
call is claimed then the message should be placed at r3+20 with a null
terminator, and the length of the message + 20 should be placed at r3,
finally the call should be claimed by setting r1 to 0.
TaskInfo_ChangeName (Reason code 4)
r1 = &80780
r2 = 4
r3 = Task handle of task whose name is being changed
r4 = Pointer to current task name
r5 = Pointer to new task name requested
This call is issued when a request to change the name of a task is
received, in order to change the new name of the task there are two options
available :
1) Change the name pointed to by r4 and claim the call
2) Change the pointer in r5 and let the call continue
Note : The maximum length of the task name is 330 OS units (approx. 22
characters), excluding the null terminator.
The following service reason code can be used to initiate the change of a
task name, it should only be issued and should not be intercepted/altered in
any way.
TaskInfo_ChangeNameInit (Reason code 5)
r1 = &80780
r2 = 5
r3 = Task handle of task whose name is being changed
r5 = Pointer to new task name (does not have to be in RMA)
Note : For both the service call and wimp methods of task name changing no
error will be returned if the task does not exist.
This software is copyrighted work of Jonathan Brady, it is supplied
“as is”; using it is entirely at your own risk. I make no warranty as to
the fitness of this software for any purpose. This software may be passed
on to other people as long as the following conditions are met:
1) Copies may be passed between private individuals as long as this is
done free of charge.
2) It may be distributed by public domain libraries, as long as no more
than £2.00 is charged for a 800Kb (E format) disk of P.D. software
containing TaskInfo and no more than £2.50 is charged for a 1.6Mb (F
format disk). If charges are higher than this, then my permission must
be obtained first.
3) It may be distributed by remote databases such as FTP sites or mail
servers on the Internet or bulletin boards, as long as no charge is
made for downloading it (other than the cost of the phone call).
4) It may be distributed by any other method (including magazine discs)
provided that my permission has been obtained first.
5) The copyright remains mine at all times.
6) The software is distributed intact and unchanged. Or in other words
the module must be accompanied by this help file (the example programs
need not be included).
7) The software can be distributed with any package (including commercial
packages) free of charge (but see condition 6). There is no need to
inform me when distributing with any package, but it would be polite.
8) An acknowledgement would be appreciated in the documentation of any
package that the software is distributed with, stating that the
software can be used by the package, and that the software copyright
belongs to me.
1.00 (13 Mar 1998)
- Works fine on RISC OS 3.7 taskmanager not tested on anything else.
- Warning when menu clicked in task display window.
- Warning when submenu opened in from above menu.
- Interactive help system for menus implemented.
1.01 (14 Mar 1998)
- Code tidied up slightly, unused routines removed.
- Different text displayed for area headers to other items in system.
- Tested and works with RISC OS 3.6 taskmanager.
- Tested and does not work on RISC OS 3.11 taskmanager.
1.02 (15 Mar 1998)
- First release version.
- Works on RISC OS 3.11 taskmanager.
1.03 (18 Mar 1998)
- Second release version.
- Error if clicked at very bottom of work area fixed.
- Error if menu closed just after menuwarning message sent fixed.
- If submenu warning ignored for items other than tasks standard quit
menu is no longer displayed.
- Menu selection message no longer sent if submenu warning not replied
- Service call system added.
1.04 (13 Apr 1998)
- Menu item positioning system altered to use same system TaskManager
- Now uses TaskManager version number when calculating item numbers
instead of RISC OS version number, to solve problems with people using
new TaskManager on old versions of RISC OS (I'm just guessing the
version numbers so please report any further problems).
- Select and adjust click bugs fixed (ie now they are ignored).
- Menu flags changed back to standard flags each time menu opened.
1.05 (27 Apr 1998)
- Third release version.
- Can now be installed before the desktop due to new filter system,
needs WimpSWIve though.
- TaskDemo2 included (BASIC version of TaskDemo).
- Templates added to demo applications
- Service handler code fixed.
- There appears to be a problem with RISC OS 3.6 (reported by David
Thomas), possibly RISC OS 3.5 too.
1.06 (09 Jun 1998)
- Fourth release version.
- Task name changing system added.
- Redraw of taskmanager window when task name changed narrowed down to
name only.
- TaskDemo3 included to demonstrate name changing system, this is not
the intended use for this facility, but I thought it would be a fairly
interesting example. It is intended for use in displaying program
- Bug which stopped quit option working when TaskInfo_MenuWarning was
not replied to fixed.
- TaskDemo2 and TaskDemo3 now use MessageTrans.
- Fixed bug introduced in version 1.04 which stopped TaskInfo working
with RISC OS 3.5 and 3.6 (well I did say I was just guessing the version
- There appears to be a problem with pre RISC OS 3.5 machines and the
new filter installation system introduced in version 1.05, until this is
fixed the new installation system has been removed from the release
version. A copy incorporating the new installation system can be
obtained from the author on request.
To do list
Tidy code up.
Support MessageTrans for TaskDemo.
Demo application in C - Does anyone want this?
Small C library to facilitate code writing?
New installation system fix for RISC OS 3.11
Test with new FilterManager (version 0.18).
Contact Addresses
If you have any comments, bug reports, suggestions for future versions or
anything else don't hesitate to contact me at :
Mail: Mr J.T.J. Brady
147 Higher Bebington Road
Higher Bebington
L63 2PN
Email: taskinfo@sliced.demon.co.uk
WWW: http://www.sliced.demon.co.uk/