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<title>Help : !MessPlay (Multi-Emulator Super System)</title>
<h1> Mess Play v1.01 </h1>
<h2> Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator - Front End. </h2>
<br>Mess Play: by Robert R. Chasmer - © 1997 KAOS productions
<br>Mess Engine: Ported to RISC OS by Gareth S. Long
<br>Text viewer: by Ian Jeffray - © 1994-96 Oregan Software Developments
<p> 'Mess Play' is FREEWARE and is being distributed via the internet through
various ftp & web sites, though copyright remains mine.
<h6> (page last updated: 02/08/98). </h6>
<h2> Version Control </h2>
<pre>Aplication: !MessPlay
Programs job: Provide a simple way of starting MESS games
Version: 1.01
Last_updated: 02/08/98
Created: 07/06/98
Written by: R.R.Chasmer (KAOS)
WWW Support: http://www.kaosuk.demon.co.uk/Acorn/
Credits: Gareth S.Long for the MESS Player executable
<h2> Description </h2>
<br> This is a front-end for users of the excelent MESS (Multi-Emulator
Super System). You will need to get hold of this emulator seperatly inorder
to use this application. At the time of writing the latest version tested
was MESS v0.01 and can be found at:-
<p> To use, double click on !MessPlay to load the application onto the
iconbar, and then drag 'MESS Rom Images (GAMES)' to the MESS icon on the
iconbar to start them. Double clicking on correctly typed 'MESS Rom Images
(GAMES)' will also start them using the front-end.
<p> A number of options are available within !MessPlay which allow MESSs
behavior to be changed for all ROMS which are started by MessPlay.
<h2> Setting up </h2>
<p> Setting up is very easy. Copy the !Boot dir structure in the MessPlay
archive over your main !Boot file. Then after downloading the MESS
executable archive from Gatch's site, copy the archives contents into
mes100/zip.!Boot.Choices.mess/cfg -> !Boot.Choices.mess/cfg
mess0-01/zip.MESS.Mess -> !MessPlay.MessExe.Mess
mess0-01/zip.MESS.EmUtils -> !MessPlay.MessExe.EmUtils
mess0-01/zip.MESS.MameVox2 -> !MessPlay.MessExe.MameVox2
mess0-01/zip.readme/1st -> !MessPlay.MessExe.Docs.beta/txt
mess0-01/zip.readme/txt -> !MessPlay.MessExe.Docs.cheat/doc
mess0-01/zip.modelists.* -> !MessPlay.MessExe.Docs.*
PLEASE NOTE: It is important that the directory section in the mess/cfg file
is not altered if !MessPlay is to operate correctly. This file should
reside in '!Boot.Choices' or to where ever Choices$Write points to.
<p> !MessPlay relies on Game Rom Images having specific filetypes. These are
listed below (Please note: that these types are subject to change as none of
them as far as I know are correctly registered with Acorn/Pinapple):-
Coleco - &0CA - Coleco
Nintendo Entertainment System - &0CF - NES
Sega Megadrive / Genesis - &0CB - Genesis
Colour Geneie - &0CD - CGenie
TRS80 - &0CE - Trs80</pre>
<br> You will also need to obtain the OS Roms for some of these consoles as
they will not be able to emulate the games without them. Please do not ask
me for these OS Roms or any other Game Roms.
<h2> Recommendations </h2>
<br>If you own a copy of !SparkFS, !TBAFS/rw, or any other image file system
that allows long filenames, and greater than 77 files per directory, then
you should replace all the directories in the MameEXE directory with
archives of the same names. I personaly use Spark Zip Archives for CFG, HI,
<h2> New things in version 1.01 </h2>
<li> The Genesis filetype has been changed from 0cc to 0cb as 0cc is
specified as Card and HellFile in the "Unofficial Acorn Filetypes List"
<li> The !Boot file has been mended, and the !Run file now calls the !Boot
file before running the application.
<h2> Things to be added </h2>
<li> Add more of MESSs switches to the options screen.
<li> Allow the MESS command line to be specified directly, ignoring the
switches on the options screen.
<li> Add facility for custom options, for specific games. Eg. hi-res modes
for vector games.
<li> Allow the Mess/cfg file to be maintained by the front end.
<li> Use the correct/registered filetypes, rather than madeup ones.
<li> Allow the game engine to be installed more easily, using an install
<h2> Conditions of use (04/09/97) </h2>
<br> 'Mess Play' is FREEWARE and is being distributed via the internet through
various ftp & web sites, though copyright remains mine.
<p> A lot of time and effort has gone into the production of this
application so I would be grateful if you would follow the conditions below
for the distribution and use of this package.
<p> The entire application, which includes
"!Boot, !Run, !RunGame, !RunHelp, Templates, !Sprites, !Sprites22, !RunImage
!Help.Help, !Help.!Run, !Help.!RunImage, Source.!RunImage Source.[Wimp]"
may be distributed freely by any bulletin board and by anyone else with a
copy of it, providing that ALL the files are included and remain unaltered.
<p> PD libaries and alike, may only distribute this program, after
explicit permission by me the author using one of the contact methods listed
below. The maximum any libary may charge for a disk containing any part of
Boot-suite is two uk pounds.
<h2> Contact methods (04/09/97) </h2>
<br> Any comments, extentions, PD, or money would be grately appreciated.
<br> Contact me:-
<br> Robert R. Chasmer (KAOS productions)
<br> 13 Ferndale Crescent
<br> Canvey Island
<br> Essex
<br> SS8 0AR
<br> Phone: 0378 958871
<br> E-mail: chas@kaosuk.demon.co.uk
<br> WWW: http://www.kaosuk.demon.co.uk/Acorn/