HelpIB0:\TRed workspace icon.|M\Schange to this workspace.
HelpIB1:\TOrange workspace icon.|M\Schange to this workspace.
HelpIB2:\TYellow workspace icon.|M\Schange to this workspace.
HelpIB3:\TGreen workspace icon.|M\Schange to this workspace.
HelpIB4:\TCyan workspace icon.|M\Schange to this workspace.
HelpIB5:\TBlue workspace icon.|M\Schange to this workspace.
HelpD0:Click OK to confirm your choice|M
HelpD1:Use \s to move the \w to the Red workspace.|M\a to add the \w to the workspace.
HelpD2:Use \s to move the \w to the Orange workspace.|M\a to add the \w to the workspace.
HelpD3:Use \s to move the \w to the Yellow workspace.|M\a to add the \w to the workspace.
HelpD4:Use \s to move the \w to the Green workspace.|M\a to add the \w to the workspace.
HelpD5:Use \s to move the \w to the Cyan workspace.|M\a to add the \w to the workspace.
HelpD6:Use \s to move the \w to the Blue workspace.|M\a to add the \w to the workspace.
HelpD6:Click to add the \w to all workspaces.
HelpCD0:Click on OK to use choices.
HelpCD1:Click on CANCEL to abandon choices.
HelpCD2:Click on SAVE to use and store the choices.
HelpCD6:Choices for this workspace.
HelpCD7:When ticked the workspace will always use the chosen mode.|MWhen unticked the workspace will use the current mode.
HelpCD8:Enter a mode number, or a mode selection string.
HelpCD9:When ticked the workspace will always use the desktop palette in effect now.|MWhen unticked the workspace will use the current palette.
HelpCD33:When ticked the high or low res icon sets will be used when the mode changes.|MWhen unticked the icon set will not be changed.
HelpCD34:Drag a sprite file containing low res icons to this box.
HelpCD35:Drag a sprite file containing high res icons to this box.
HelpCD39:Type the hotkey used to bring up the workspace selection box.|MThe hot key can be used on \ws that do not have a back icon to press MENU over.
HelpM0:\Rsee information on this application.
HelpM1:Fetch a window to this workspace.|M\Rselect the task and window.
HelpM10:Choose the task|M\Rchoose the window.
HelpM100:Choose the window.
HelpM2:Goto the workspace containing a particular window.|M\Rselect the task and window.
HelpM3:Select windows to send to another workspace by dragging a rectangle with the mouse.
HelpM4:Bring up the choices dialog.
HelpM5:Quit !WorkSpace.
# DEEJlib messages
msgacts0:Inavlid variable '%s' in msg_savedesk
msgacts1:You can't run two copies of %s at once
mode0:Bad Wimp Mode
# This is the messages file for RISC_OSLib
alarm1:Unable to read monotonic time
alarm2:Not enough memory to set alarm -- increase wimpslot
dbox1:Not enough memory to create dialogue box -- increase wimpslot
dbox2:Templates file is not loaded for use with dialog boxes
flex1:Flex memory error
flex2:Not enough memory, or not within *Desktop world.
flex3:Flex not initialised
heap1:Not enough memory to create heap -- free some application memory
heap2:Heap_alloc error: %s
heap3:Fatal internal heap error
heap4:Heap_free error: %s
heap5:Heap not initialised
heap6:Flex blocks cannot be allowed to move for heap
menu1:Not enough memory for menu (1) -- increase wimpslot
menu2:Not enough memory for menu (2) -- increase wimpslot
menu3:Not enough memory for menu (3) -- increase wimpslot