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Defined PopUp handlers
The following are all of the PopUp TYPES which are currently defined.
(If you wish to write your own PopUp check if there is another PopUp TYPE
which you can emulate, so you can replace that other PopUp, rather than
creating a completely new type with a new interface. This will maximise the
interconnectability of applications and PopUps.
If you are designing a new type of PopUp, then please consider the interface
carefully, and try to make it as generalised as possible (within reason!)
so that similar PopUps can be written to provide similar functions without
compatability problems)
The currently defined PopUp types are listed below. Note that the name
given is the PopUp identifier string to pass in to PopUp_Open.
menu PopUps
Magnify Standard magnifier (ratio setting device, e.g "1:2")
Print Simple 'Print' dialogue (as in !Draw)
ProgInfo Program Information window (display only)
Report Multitasking problem/message reporting window
SaveAs Standard save-as window (file icon, writable, OK button)
TrueColour Colour picker for picking a TRUE colour (full 24-bit RGB)
WimpColour Colour picker for picking a WIMP colour (16 colours)
SetValue Window allowing you to set a value in some manner
(Possibly a writable, a slider, etc)
static PopUps
FontSelect Font selector window
These PopUp types are controlled by the 'popup specific' portion of the
application parameter block that you pass to SWI "PopUp_Open".
This 'popup specific' data is also the layout used in Message_PopUpStatus.
This is a simple magnifier PopUp. Note that by Acorn's definition, a magnifier
should cause an instant effect if the 'bump' arrows are clicked. Thus, the
magnifier PopUp will send you a PopUpState message whenever such an action
occurs - do not assume that such a message signals that the PopUp is closed!
The magnifier can be opened as either a MENU or STATIC PopUp
Block extension:
R0 + 24 Multiplier part of fractional magnification
R0 + 28 Divisor part of fractional magnification
R0 + 32 Minimum multiplier value
R0 + 36 Maximum multiplier value
R0 + 40 Minimum divisorr value
R0 + 44 Maximum divisor value
R0 + 48 Title string for magnifier window.
This should be no more than 12 chars including the terminator,
(in fact, less than that as the window title area is quite small)
The multiplier is not allowed outside the bounds of min_mul and max_mul.
The divisor is not allowed outside the bounds of min_div and max_div.
(These values are all INCLUSIVE)
It is up to you to ensure that the limits have reasonable values.
This supplies a simple 'print' dialogue similar to the one in !Draw.
It displays the name of the current printer driver (or 'No printer driver
installed' type message), allows the user to enter the number of copies
to print, and has an OK button to initiate the print.
This PopUp can only be shown as a MENU PopUp.
If a printer driver is running and the user clicks OK, the state will be
returned to you indicating the number of copies to print. On receipt of this
message you should print.
The block extension contains:
R0 + 24 (word) number of copies to print. You should set this to 1
This simply supplies a standard Program Information window.
ProgInfo can only be opened as a MENU PopUp.
The block extension contains 4 0/CR-terminated strings which must be no
longer than 32 characters (including the terminator):
R0 + 24 Program name [Frooble ]
R0 + 56 Purpose [To provide desktop froobles ]
R0 + 88 Author name [© Copyright 1993 J.Williams ]
R0 + 120 Version number [1.00 (01 Apr 1993) ]
This PopUp is a display-only PopUp, i.e. it will never send you a PopUpState
message. Thus, you may open it with SWI "PopUp_Open", and completely forget
about it.
Report can be opened as a MENU or STATIC popup.
Opening it as a Menu LEAF is generally regarded as silly (to be precise,
it will fail to open at all)
This supplies a window similar to the Wimp_ReportError dialogue. However,
there are several significant differences: You can set the Ok/Cancel text, the
window is a 'menu' PopUp, so can be cancelled with escape/click-outside, etc,
and most importantly this PopUp multitasks while it is operating.
You ideally should call this PopUp from a function which includes its own
Wimp_Poll loop - this can then 'vet' WIMP events and only allow 'safe' events
(such as redraws) through to your normal event handlers. You should continue
in this special event loop until the Report PopUp is removed.
The block extension contains:
R0 + 24: Flags: Set bit 1 to have a cancel button, and bit 2 to have
an OK button. Valid flags are therefore:
1 = cancel only
2 = ok only
3 = both OK and cancel
Invalid flags will be treated as a '3'.
The top 24 bits of the flagword should be set to a value which
is unique and meaningful to you. (This should be used to
handle re-entrant error reporting). i.e. to set a value of
1, and get OK & cancel, set flags to (1 << 8) + 3
R0 + 28: Text for 'OK' button (not more than 11 chars + terminator)
R0 + 40: Text for 'Cancel' button (not more than 11 chars + terminator)
R0 + 52: Application name for titlebar ("Message from <application>")
(not more than 11 chars + terminator)
If this string is blank (the first char is a terminator) then
the titlebar will read 'Message' or something similar.
R0 + 64: Brief message for the user. This will be wrapped over several
lines if necessary. (Not more than 187 characters + terminator)
This PopUp will return a Message_PopUpState whenever it is closed to let
you know when you can resume normal polling. The message body in this case
will contain:
block + 20 PopUp handle (as usual)
block + 24 "Report" (As usual, the PopUp id string, 12 characters)
block + 36 bits 0-7 (block!36 AND &FF) are the return flags:
1 = Cancel was selected
2 = OK was selected
The top 24 bits return the id number you passed in originally
SaveAs gives a standard 'save as' box, allowing file drag or ok click to save.
SaveAs can only be opened as a MENU PopUp.
The block extension for Save as includes two strings, both either 0 or CR (13)
R0 + 24 12 character string: Name of icon sprite to display in window
Note - the icon sprite should exist in the WIMP sprite pool.
If this sprite is not available, "file_xxx" will be used instead.
R0 + 36 String to place into filename writable icon
(max length 196 characters including terminator)
This will start a DragASprite drag of the icon, and send you a PopUpState
message with the following data in it:
block + 20 PopUp handle (as usual)
block + 24 PopUp type/name string ("SaveAs")
block + 36 flag word:
bit 0 (value &01): 0 = file dragged, 1 = OK clicked
bit 1 (value &02): SHIFT key status - 1 means SHIFT was
held down when the drag was started.
block + 40 reserved
block + 44 zero-terminated file name string copied back out of the
save-as windows writable icon. If the file icon was dragged,
this is a leaf-name, else it is the full writable contents.
This string will have all illegal filename characters
either removed or replaced by legal chars.
To save data, you thus will open a SaveAs PopUp, and when you recieve
the above message, you will use GetPointerState to read the pointer
position, and can then build a message_datasave to initiate further
action for the save. Note that the filename already occurs at block + 44,
to make it convenient to build a message_datasave around it in the block.
(C programmers - if using RISC OS Lib, you can call a function like
"xfersend" when you recieve this message, and it will immediately start
the transfer when it realises that the mouse button is not down - it
won't start another drag)
The flag indicating SHIFT key status is intended for the following use:
In the filer, dragging a file icon between windows results in a copy
of the file being made. By holding down SHIFT, the file is moved
instead, so that the source file is removed. The SaveAs window is
supposed to be like a small filer window, so it seems reasonable that
the operation of "save and then close the document" should take place
if you shift-drag from the window. This is a handy 'short cut', and
is very intuitive (as it simply makes the SaveAs window more consistent
with the rest of the desktop). It is also a difficult action to
apply by accident. Note however, that the document should only be closed
if the file is 'safe', i.e. successfully saved to a non-temporary
1 If the user 'drops' that save-as icon into the save-as window, nothing
will happen (the window stays open). However, if it is dropped elsewhere
you will get the state message - you should check (handle) the case
where the user has dragged to another of your windows/menus etc.
2 If the user clicks OK/presses return, the PopUp will check if the
file name in the writable looks like a full pathname (This is currently
a very simple check - does the text include a '.' character): If not,
it will report an error using the 'Report' PopUp (To save, drag icon
to directory viewer), and will NOT return a state message to you.
(i.e. if you get a state message, just go ahead and save)
3 The SaveAs window has a validation string to stop the user entering
invalid characters such as @#%^&*
The SaveAs PopUp also scans the filename string before returning it
to you, replacing spaces (invalid in filenames) with hard-space
characters (which are valid in filenames), etc.
Exactly what this scan does is implementation defined, but it is likely
to do more in the future to make filenames 'foolproof' for you.
(i.e. if you get a state message, just go ahead and save!)
4 SaveAs will do a DragASprite, if that is configured on.
Under RISC OS 2, or if DragASprite is disabled, SaveAs will do a
normal 'dotted box' drag.
Well, actually, the dotted box seems to be missing under RISC OS 2,
and I can't make it appear... This may improve in a future release.
TrueColour can be opened as a MENU or STATIC PopUp.
This provides a 'true colour' (24-bit RGB) colour picker, which allows picking
of colours from a 16-million colour palette, plus up to 256 transparency levels
The user can swap between several different colour models in some manner
(radio buttons or the like). The setting of colour model when the window is
closed should be remembered by the application as the default setting the
next time it is opened.
The application can also define initial colours and recieve resulting colours
back in any of the supported formats, and the PopUp will handle the
conversions necessary between the displayed and returned formats.
More options for which colour model to use may become available as this
colour picker is extended, but the current models are:
No. | Colour model
&00000 | RGB [With no transparency options at all]
&00001 | HSV
&00002 | CMYK
&10000 | RGB [With 'none' colour option]
&10001 | HSV
&10002 | CMYK
&20000 | RGB [With 256 levels of transparency]
&20001 | HSV
&20002 | CMYK
Block extension (3 words):
R0 + 24 Colour model number (as defined above)
R0 + 28 Colour as represented in the given colour model (see below)
R0 + 32 Transparency value (0 = not transparent, 255 = totally seethrough)
Colour Representation
RGB: Colourtrans style colour word, with transparency represented by the
bottom byte (0 = no transparency, &FF = totally transparent)
R0 + 28: &BBGGRRTT (one byte each for B, G, R, and T)
(yes, the transparency info is duplicated)
HSV: R0 + 28: &HHHHSSVV Hue: 0..360, Saturation: 0..255, Value 0..255
This provides a small square window divided into 16 coloured squares, one
for each WIMP colour. A dot is drawn on the current selection. Users may
choose any WIMP colour. Each time a different colour is selected, a
PopUpStatus message is sent to the client application, containing the new
WimpColour can only be opened as a MENU PopUp.
Block extension:
R0 + 24 (byte) WIMP colour number (integer in range 0..15 inclusive)
Note that if the WIMP colour number supplied is outside the range 0..15,
then the WimpColour PopUp will default to the last value it displayed -
this of course may have been from another program using PopUps!