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PGP wimp
Version 0.12
© Peter Gaunt, 1993
This application is in the Public Domain and may be freely
distributed provided
a) no charge is made other than to cover the cost of the medium
b) all files, including this !Help file, are included
If you run a Public Domain software library please obtain my permission
before including this program in your lists or distributing it.
Copyright remains with me at all times.
This application provides a wimp front end to the PGP program converted for
the Archimedes by Chris Gransden. Access is provided to what are probably
the most commonly used aspects of the program. Commands which cannot be
explicitly set up by the program can also be entered.
Once PGP issues a command PGP will run it in either a command window or in
a task window (you decide which). Until someone converts PGP for the
wimp properly then this sort of program will have to suffice...
PGPwimp has been tested with PGP version 2.2 (Archimedes version 1.12).
All options should also work with PGP 2.1 (Archimedes version 1.02a) with
the possible exception of the "text" output option for signing files which
has only been tested with PGP 2.2
**** This program can only be run under RISC OS 3.10 or later. ****
Setting up the computer
Before the program can be used the following situation must apply -
(i) the original !PGP application must have been "seen" by the wimp
(ii) the PGP file from within !PGP must be either somewhere on the
computer's Run$Path, in the current library or in the current
directory. This is so that !PGPwimp can run PGP simply by issuing
a *PGP <command> command. !PGPwimp will not attempt to run PGP from
directly within !PGP (unless that happens to be on Run$Path.
On my own machine I have !PGPwimp stored in the same directory as !PGP so
that both are "seen" at the same time. The PGP file has been moved from
within !PGP to a directory called Utils within !System (this is apparently
very naughty) which is where I store all files I need to be able to access
with *-commands. My Run$Path is set up in !System's !Boot file with the
line "SETMACRO Run$Path ,%.,<System$Path>Utils.,<System$Path>Modules."
This documentation is a quick scribble (sorry!) and assumes that you already
know the sort of thing which PGP does and the precautions you should use. Read
the PGP docs!!
Using PGP wimp
Running !PGPwimp opens a window containing a number of buttons.
All commands are issued to PGP wimp via an intermediate file containing
a PGP command. This is store within !PGPwimp and deleted when it's finished
The command can be run either within a command window or withing a task
window. Running in a command window is quicker but doesn't multitask and
sometimes text scrolls off the top before it can be read. Which one to use
can be set via the "Task" option button at the top right of the window.
We'll deal with the window first.
Dropping a file into the window enters its leaf name into the "file" icon.
The "Action" icon determines what will be done with the file. Click the arrow
icon next to the Action icon to open a small menu of options -
"Encrypt" - the file will be encrypted. The other options in the window
determine the recipient's user ID (as stored in your public key file), whether
the file will be signed, whether it will be signed with one of your secret
keys, whether it will be converted into an "ASCII Armour" file and its file
"Decrypt" - the program will ask PGP to attempt to decrypt the file.
"Sign" - allows you to sign an existing file. You can choose whether the
output file will be binary, an "ASCII Armour" file or a "Text file". If
"Text file" is selected then the output file will be unchanged except for
the addition of the signature and a header provided the input file is pure
text. If the input file is not pure text when "Text file" is selected then
PGP notices this and saves an ASCII Armour file instead.
"Armour" - allows you to convert an existing file to ASCII Armour format.
Note that if you wish to both sign an existing file and convert it to ASCII
Armour format you should choose the "Sign" option and set the output file
type to "Armour"
"Add keys" - asks PGP to add any keys contained in the file to your keyring.
Menu options
Click "menu" anywhere over the window to open the menu.
File action
This option leads to a menu which simply duplicates the menu available via
the arrow icon next to the Action icon.
Edit key - type the name of the key you want to edit into the writeable icon.
This option is useful both for editing your own keys and the trust
parameters of the keys in your public keyring.
Remove key - type the name of the key you want to delete into the writeable
Certify key - Use this option to certify one of the keys on your public key
ring. Type the name of the key you want to certify into the
User ID icon. If you want to certify the key with anything
other than your default signature, select the radio button next
to the writeable icon in the Signature box and type in the
signature name.
Make key - Allows you to generate a new key.
View key - Type the name of the key you want to look at into the box
View all keys-Lists all the keys on your keyring
Fingerprint - To look at a key's fingerprint, type the ID into the box
All fingerprints - List the fingerprints of all the keys on your keyring
Allows you to extract a key as either a binary or ASCII Armour file, so that
it can be given to someone else. Type the Key ID into the Key ID box and a file
name into the filename box.
Allows you to issue any PGP command not available elsewhere in the program.
Type the command into the box. There is no need to start the command with
"PGP" (though it doesn't matter if you do).
Runs PGP's "Help" file listing all the commands.
The program can be set up so that it always defaults to either "command window"
or "task window" mode. This is done by altering a parameter in the !Run file.
The line which runs "!RunImage" can take a final parameter of "-Task" or
"-Command". Like this ----
RUN <PGPFE$Dir>.!RunImage -Task
RUN <PGPFE$Dir>.!RunImage -Command
If the parameter is missing then PGPwimp starts up in command window mode.
If you experience any problems with this application please feel free
to contact me via email
Prestel (014511332) Note - this is NOT my phone number!
Telecom Gold (84:MAG10849)
Arcade BBS (Tel. 081 654 2212, user #617)