Plane.*: This is a Life plane.|MClick or drag with \s to add new Life cells.|MClick or drag with \a to remove cells.|MThis won't work at magnifications below 1:1.
iconbar.*: \TMacroLife application.|M\Screate a new Life plane.|MDrag a Life plane onto this icon to load it.
Pane1.*: \Ttool bar for MacroLife.|MIt allows various settings to be altered.
Pane1.0: \Tnumber of 'living' cells on the plane.|MDouble-click \s to clear all of the cells from the plane.
Pane1.1: \Tnumber of generations of Life which have been produced.|MDouble-click \s to reset the generation to zero.|MDouble-click \a to make the current generation the new generation zero.
Pane1.2: \Sset the speed at which new generations are produced|MClick Shift-\s to reduce the speed.|MClick Shift-\a to increase the speed.
Pane1.3: \Sstart producing new generations of Life.|MClick \s again to stop.|MIf single-tasking, press the Escape key or click \a to stop.
Pane1.4: \Sproduce one new generation of Life.
Pane1.5: \Sset the size of the Life cells.|MClick Shift-\s to reduce the size.|MClick Shift-\a to increase the size.
Pane1.6: \Sswitch visible grid lines on and off.
Pane1.7: \TX-coordinate of the Life cell at the centre of the current view.|MDouble-click \s to set the position of the view directly.
Pane1.8: \Smove the view to the centre of the plane.|M\Acentre the view on the average of all the living cells.|MClick shift-\s to shift the view of the plane around with the mouse.
Pane1.9: \TY-coordinate of the Life cell at the centre of the current view.|MDouble-click \s to set the position of the view directly.
Pane1.10: This shows which rule will be used to calculate new generations.|M\Sswitch between Conway's Life, 3-4 Life, Fredkin's Game and the user-defined rules.
Pane1.12: \Sdrag a resizable box within which all of the live cells will be cleared.
Pane1.13: \Sdrag a resizable box which will be filled with new cells
Pane1.14: \Sdrag a resizable box, the contents of which can then be moved around the plane.
Pane1.15: \Sdrag a resizable box, the contents of which can then be copied to other parts of the plane.
Pane1.16: \Schoose a Lifeform to add to the plane.
Pane1.17: \Sfill an area of the plane with a random selection of cells at a specified density.
Pane1.11: \Sset a generation at which the program will stop and optionally beep.
Pane1.18: \Ssave the current plane to disc.
Pane1.19: \Ssave an area of the current plane to disc.
Pane1.20: \Sopen a window showing the plane co-ordinates under the mouse pointer.
Pane1.21: \Sopen the overview windows.
Overview.*: This is an overview window.|MIt shows which parts of the plane contain Life cells.|M\Smove the main window around the plane.
Pane2.*: \Ttool bar for MacroLife.|MIt allows various settings to be altered.
Pane2.0: \Tnumber of 'living' cells on the plane.|MDouble-click \s to clear all of the cells from the plane.
Pane2.1: \Tnumber of generations of Life which have been produced.|MDouble-click \s to reset the generation to zero.|MDouble-click \a to make the current generation the new generation zero.
Pane2.2: \Sset the speed at which new generations are produced|MClick Shift-\s to reduce the speed.|MClick Shift-\a to increase the speed.
Pane2.3: \Sstart producing new generations of Life.|MClick \s again to stop.|MIf single-tasking, press the Escape key or click \a to stop.
Pane2.4: \Sproduce one new generation of Life.
Pane2.5: \Sset the size of the Life cells.|MClick Shift-\s to reduce the size.|MClick Shift-\a to increase the size.
Pane2.6: \Sswitch visible grid lines on and off.
Pane2.7: \TX-coordinate of the Life cell at the centre of the current view.|MDouble-click \s to set the position of the view directly.
Pane2.8: \Smove the view to the centre of the plane.|M\Acentre the view on the average of all the living cells.|MClick shift-\s to shift the view of the plane around with the mouse.
Pane2.9: \TY-coordinate of the Life cell at the centre of the current view.|MDouble-click \s to set the position of the view directly.
Pane2.10: This shows which rule will be used to calculate new generations.|M\Sswitch between Conway's Life, 3-4 Life, Fredkin's Game and the user-defined rules.
Pane2.12: \Sdrag a resizable box within which all of the live cells will be cleared.
Pane2.13: \Sdrag a resizable box which will be filled with new cells
Pane2.14: \Sdrag a resizable box, the contents of which can then be moved around the plane.
Pane2.15: \Sdrag a resizable box, the contents of which can then be copied to other parts of the plane.
Pane2.16: \Schoose a Lifeform to add to the plane.
Pane2.17: \Sfill an area of the plane with a random selection of cells at a specified density.
Pane2.11: \Sset a generation at which the program will stop and optionally beep.
Pane2.18: \Ssave the current plane to disc.
Pane2.19: \Ssave an area of the current plane to disc.
Pane2.20: \Sopen a window showing the plane co-ordinates under the mouse pointer.
Pane2.21: \Sopen the overview windows.
Overview.*: This is an overview window.|MIt shows which parts of the plane contain Life cells.|M\Smove the main window around the plane.
Mouse.*: \Tmouse coordinates window.|MIt shows the X and Y coordinates under the mouse pointer.
Position.*: This dialogue box allows you to set the position of the window onto the Life plane.
Clear.*: This dialogue box allows you to clear all of the cells from the Life plane.
NewStart.*: This dialogue box allows you to make this generation the new generation zero.
Reset.*: This dialogue box allows you to reset the generation to zero
FileInfo.*: This info box provides information about the current Life plane.
ProgInfo.3: \Asee a list of credits.
ProgInfo.*: This info box provides information about the MacroLife application.
Saveas.*: Drag the file icon to a directory window to save the current Life plane.
Saveform.*: Drag the file icon to a directory window to save the selected region of the Life plane.
Speed.*: This dialogue box allows you to set the generation speed.|MSingle-task mode will stop everything else while it runs.
Stop.*: This dialogue box allows you to set the generation at which a run will stop.|MYou can continue after the stop without resetting it.
Random.*: This dialogue box allows you to create fields of randomly scattered cells.
Scale.*: This dialogue box allows you to scale the view of the Life plane.|MBelow a scale of 3:1, the grid lines are not shown.|MCells can only be added with the mouse at scales of 1:1 and above.
Rule.*: This dialogue box allows you to choose between generation rules for Conway's Life, 3-4 Life or Fredkin's Game.|MYou can also select user-defined rules; click on the Define... button to change these.
Define.2: This button sets up the rules for HighLife.
Define.3: This button sets up the rules for Conway's Life.
Define.4: This button sets up the rules for 3-4 Life.
Define.5: This button sets up the rules for Fredkin's Game.
Define.*: This dialogue box allows you to define new rules.|M'Neighbours' specifies the number of neighbours for birth or survival.|M'Cells' determines which of the neighbouring cells to consider.
Exportas.*: Drag the file icon to a directory window to save the current Life plane as text.|MThe text file can be imported into Life programs on other makes of computer.
Options.*: This dialogue box allows you to set various options.|MThese only apply to the current plane.|MChoose 'Save choices' from the icon bar menu to keep them permanently.
Options.0: \Simplement the selected options.|M\Aimplement the selected options and keep the window open.|M
Options.1: \Scancel any changes.|M\Acancel any changes and keep the window open.|M
Options.2: \Sset the application's default options.|M\Aset the default options and keep the window open.|M
Options.4: If this option is selected, MacroLife will scroll the current window when you are adding or deleting cells and the pointer approaches the edge of the window.
Options.6: If this option is selected, the generation zero pattern will be stored.|MYou can then use the reset option to recover the original pattern.|MTurn it off if you are short of memory.
Options.8: If this option is selected, Life patterns will 'wrap around' -|Mmoving patterns will reappear on the opposite side of the plane.
Options.20: This option determines whether the toolbar buttons are stacked or spread along a narrow toolbar.
Options.21: This option determines whether the toolbar shows a 'quick help' text to the right of the 'eye'.
MI.0: \Rview information about this application.
MI.1: \Ssave your choices permanently.|MThis option is greyed out if you don't have a Life plane open.
MI.2: \Sopen the Help file for this application.
MI.3: \Squit this application.
MG.0: \Rget the File menu.|MThis leads to options for saving and information about the current plane.
MG.00: \Rsee information about the Life plane.
MG.01: \Rsave the whole plane.
MG.02: \Ssave a part of the plane as a Lifeform.
MG.03: \Rsave the whole plane as a text file.
MG.1: \Rget the Edit menu.|MThis leads to options for changing the way that MacroLife calculates new generations, and for adding new patterns to the plane.
MG.10: \Sstart producing new generations of Life.|M\Akeep the menu open.|MClick again to stop.
MG.11: \Sproduce one new generation of Life.|M\Akeep the menu open.
MG.12: \Rset the speed at which MacroLife calculates new generations.
MG.13: \Rset the rule which MacroLife uses to calculate new generations.
MG.14: \Rset the generation at which a run will stop.
MG.15: \Rget the block editing menu. This provides operations on blocks of cells.
MG.150: \Sclear all of the cells from a specified block.
MG.151: \Sset all of the cells in a specified block.
MG.152: \Smove a specified block of cells to another part of the plane.
MG.153: \Scopy a specified block of cells to another part of the plane.
MG.16: \Rget the Lifeforms menu. This leads to predefined patterns which can be added to the Life plane.
MG.160: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which oscillate in a fixed cycle.
MG.161: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which move across the plane.
MG.162: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which 'fire' moving lifeforms.
MG.163: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which move leaving a trail of debris or 'smoke'.
MG.164: \Rget a menu of assorted Lifeforms.
MG.17: \Radd a block of random cells to the Life plane.
MG.18: \Rclear all of the cells from the plane.
MG.19: \Rto reset the generation to zero.|MThis option is greyed out if the current generation is zero.
MG.1A: \Rto make this generation the new generation zero.|MThis option is greyed out if the current generation is zero.
MG.2: \Rget the View menu.|MThis leads to options for changing the appearance of the Life plane, and for extra information.
MG.20: \Smove the view to the centre of the plane.
MG.21: \Smove the view to the avarage of all the live cells on the plane.
MG.22: \Sshift the view around the plane using the mouse.
MG.23: \Rmove the view to a specified part of the plane.
MG.24: \Rchange the magnification of the cells in the window.
MG.25: \Sturn grid lines on and off.
MG.26: \Sopen a window showing the position of the mouse pointer on the plane.
MG.27: \Sopen three windows giving an overview of which cells are occupied.|M\Ropen the overview windows individually.
MG.270: \Sopen the Global overview window.|MThis covers the whole plane showing blocks of 4096 cells.
MG.271: \Sopen the Regional overview window.|MThis covers the Global window showing blocks of 256 cells.
MG.272: \Sopen the Local overview window.|MThis covers the Regional window showing blocks of 16 cells.
MG.28: \Sturn the toolbar at the top of the window on and off.
MG.3: \Schange the options for the current Life plane.
MF.0: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which oscillate in a fixed cycle.
MF.1: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which move across the plane.
MF.2: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which 'fire' moving lifeforms.
MF.3: \Rget a menu of Lifeforms which move leaving a trail of debris or 'smoke'.
MF.4: \Rget a menu of assorted Lifeforms.
MX.*: \Schoose a colour.
icon.0: Clear plane
icon.1: Reset/New start
icon.2: Set speed
icon.3: Run/Stop
icon.4: Step
icon.5: Scale
icon.6: Show grid
icon.7: Move view
icon.8: Centre/Shift
icon.9: Move view
icon.10: Set rule
icon.11: Stop at
icon.12: Clear block
icon.13: Fill block
icon.14: Move block
icon.15: Copy block
icon.16: Add Lifeform
icon.17: Random field
icon.18: Save
icon.19: Save area
icon.20: Mouse position
icon.21: Overviews
Warn.BigBlock: This block has %.1f million cells
Error.NoMem: MacroLife has run out of memory. If you can, please free some and try again.
Error.NoWork: MacroLife could not claim enough memory to compress the file. Please free some or turn off file compression.
Error.NoPath: To save, drag the icon to a directory display
Error.OneFile: MacroLife can only handle one Life plane at a time
Error.NotLife: MacroLife can't load that type of file
Error.NotForm: You can only drag LifeForm files onto the Life plane
Error.NoSave: MacroLife cannot save the Life file
Error.NoSpace: Disc full
Error.Read: That Life file has an incorrect format
Error.ReadForm: That LifeForm file has an incorrect format
Error.IntForm: The LifeForm file '%s' has an incorrect format
Error.IntLib: The LifeForm library file '%s' has an incorrect format
Error.ReadText: That is not a Life file!
Error.WontOpen: MacroLife cannot read that text file
Error.NoWrite: MacroLife cannot write the text file
Error.TxtFail: Text export of Life plane was not completed
Error.TooBig: Sorry, the LifeForm file would be too large
Error.Debug: MacroLife has encountered a debugging checkpoint
Fatal.BadArgs: Incorrect arguments passed to MacroLife
Fatal.Dummy: *** The last line of the Messages file ***