ARM Club 3
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Text File
332 lines
# Messages file for Imagine
app.name: Imagine
butt.del: Delete
butt.touch: Touch
butt.move: Move
butt.extract: Extract
butt.cont: Continue
butt.kill: Kill
butt.abort: Abort
butt.close: Close
app.build: You cannot do that. This project is in the process of being compiled or built.
app.setup: Project setup:
apps_r.res: Application resources:
apps_r.del: Are you sure you want to delete this resource?
apps_r.none: No resource is selected for this operation.
apps.build: You cannot do that. A project is in the process of being compiled or built.
apps.code: Project code:
apps.del: Deleting this project will also remove all of the source code and resources. Are you sure you want to continue?
apps.ex: An application name must contain a "!" at the begining.
apps.exist: A project of this name already exists.
apps.noapps: -No applications-
apps.nofile: Unable to read project list.
apps.nomem: project list
apps.nomem2: Unable to get more memory.
apps.res: Application resources:
apps.title: Applications
child.limit: Imagine cannot have anymore child processes running.
classes.title: Classes
class.noclass: -No classes-
code.del: Deleting this source will also remove the underlying source. Are you sure you want to continue?
code.exist: Source code of this name already exists.
code.nocode: -No code-
code.noflag: Unable to open compiler flag file.
code.nofile: Unable to open code list.
code.none: No code is selected for this operation.
code.nomem: code list
code.noname: A name must be specified for the source code.
code.touch: Touching this code will cause it to be recompiled. Are you sure you want to continue?
code.type: Code must be text files.
code.unknown: Unable to determine type of code.
comp.already: Code is already being compiled.
comp.do: Compiling...
comp.done: This code does not need compiling.
comp.kill: Code is still being compiled. Are you sure you want to abort?
comp.pause: Pause
comp.nomem: Unable to get memory for output (4 bytes)
comp.resume: Resume
inc.del: Are you sure you want to delete these include paths?
inc.noinc: -No include paths-
inc.title: Include paths:
inc.type: Include paths must be directories.
inc.used: This include path has already been specified.
inclib.exists: This path has already been specified.
inclib.nofile: Unable to open list.
inclib.nomem: include path
lib.del: Are you sure you want to delete these libraries?
lib.nofile: Unable to open library list.
lib.nolibs: -No libraries-
lib.title: Libraries:
lib.type: Libraries must be object files.
lib.used: This library has already been specified.
libs.nofile: Unable to read library list.
libs.title: Libraries
link.do: Linking project...
link.done: This project is up to date.
link.open: Unable to open linker resource file.
link.nofile: Unable to open link obey file.
link.term: Link terminated due to errors.
new_app.new: Create new application
new_clas.new: Create new class
new_lib.new: Create new library
new_util.new: Create new utility
pop.nomem: Unable to get memory to create popup.
proc.topen: Unable to open code template.
proc.open: Unable to open code.
proj.none: No project is selected for this operation.
proj.open: Sorry, only 10 projects can be open at once.
res.name: A resource must have a name.
res.nobase: A file to base this resource on must be specified.
res.nomem: Unable to get memory to store resource type.
res.open: Unable to open resource types file.
res.over: This will overwrite any existing resource of this name and type. Are you sure?
res.del: Are you sure you want to delete this resource type?
res.nores: No such resource type.
setup.extract: This will extract a runtime version of the project. Are you sure you want to continue?
setup.merr: Error moving project.
setup.move: This will move the project to a different location. Are you sure you want to continue?
type.code: This source file has an unknown code type.
type.del: Are you sure you want to delete this code type?
type.nomem: code types
type.open: Unable to open code types file.
util.noutils: -No utilities-
utils.title: Utilities
# The main menu definition.
menu.icon: >Info,Open,Preferences,Quit
menu.open: Applications...,Libraries...,Utilities...,Classes...
menu.pref: Compilers...,Linker...,Archiver...,Resources... | Results,Continue
menu.main: >Info,Code,Resources,Delete,Setup,Open parent
save.drag: To save, drag the icon to a directory viewer.
user1.name: User 1
user2.name: User 2
user3.name: User 3
user4.name: User 4
iconbar.*: This is the <app.name> icon.|MIt allows you to create and maintain projects.
apps_pan.*: This is the project window.|MHighlight a project and click on a button to edit code or resources.
apps.*: This is the project window.|MHighlight a project and click on a button to edit code or resources.
apps.0: This is the Delete button.|MClick on it to delete the highlighted project(s).
apps.1: This is the New button.|MClick on it to create a new project.
apps.2: This is the Open button.|MClick on it to open the parent directory viewer for the highlighted project(s).
apps.3: This is the Setup button.|MClick on it to edit the project details for the highlighted project(s).
apps.4: This is the Code button.|MClick on it to edit the code for the highlighted project(s).
apps.5: This is the Resources button.|MClick on it to edit the resource files for the highlighted application(s).
apps_rp.*: This is the application resource window.|MDouble click on a resource to load it into the relevent editor.
apps_r.*: This is the application resource window.|MDouble click on a resource to load it into the relevent editor.
apps_r.0: This is the Delete button.|MClick on it to delete the highlighted resource.
apps_r.1: This is the Create button.|MClick on it to create a new resource.
apps_r.2: This is the Edit button.|MClick on it to edit the highlighted resource.
barmenu.1: Move the pointer to the right to see information about Imagine.
barmenu.4: Move the pointer to the right to see a list of project types that can be opened.
barmenu.7: Move the pointer to the right to choose some preferences.
barmenu.10: Click to quit Imagine.
code_lis.*: This is the code window.|MHighlight some code and click on a button.
head_lis.*: This is the code window.|MHighlight some code and click on a button.
code.*: This is the code window.|MHighlight some code and click on a button.
code.0: This is the Create button.|MClick on it to create a new piece of code.
code.1: This is the Delete button.|MClick on it to delete the highlighted code.
code.2: This is the Edit button.|MClick on it to edit the highlighted code.
code.3: This is the Make button.|MClick on it to compile and link the project.
code.4: This is the Compile button.|MClick on it to compile the highlighted code.
code.5: This is the Touch button.|MClick on it to touch the highlighted code.
code.6: This is the Flags button.|MClick on it to switch various compiler flags on and off.
code.7: This is the All button.|MClick on it to select all the code.
comp_res.*: This is the Compiler resource window.
comp_res.0: This is the OK button.|MClick to store the compiler flags.
comp_res.1: This is the New button.|MClick to create a new compiler type.
comp_res.2: This is the Cancel button.|MClick to close this window.
comp_res.36: This is the Delete button.|MClick to delete the current compiler type.
comp_res.37: This is the Edit button.|MClick to edit the default template for this code type.
comp_res.5: This is the Suffix field.|MEnter the code type suffix.
comp_res.43: Click to get a list of code types.
comp_res.6: This is the Compiler field.|MEnter the name of the compiler used to compile this code type.
comp_res.7: This is the Type field.|MEnter a description of this code type.
comp_res.8: This is the Compile field.|MEnter the flag that tells the compiler to compile only.
comp_res.9: This is the Strict field.|MEnter the flag that tells the compiler to be extra fussy.
comp_res.10: This is the Include field.|MEnter the flag that tells the compiler where to find include files.
comp_res.11: This is the Output field.|MEnter the flag that specifies the output filename to the compiler.
comp_res.12: This is the Depend field.|MEnter the flag that produces a !Depend file.
comp_res.13: This is the Throwback field.|MEnter the flag that makes the compiler produce throwback.
comp_res.14: This is the Debug field.|MEnter the flag that makes the compiler produce debug information.
comp_res.15: This is the Memory field.|MEnter the minimum amount of memory in kilobytes that the archiver requires to run.
comp_res.16: This is the Manager field.|MThis should be filled in if a virtual memory manager is being used.
comp_res.17: This is the Virtual Memory field.|MEnter the amount of memory that the archiver requires to run.
comp_res.18: This is a user defined flag name.|MEnter the name of a user defined flag.
comp_res.19: This is a user defined flag.|MEnter a user defined flag.
comp_res.20: This is a user defined flag name.|MEnter the name of a user defined flag.
comp_res.21: This is a user defined flag.|MEnter a user defined flag.
comp_res.22: This is a user defined flag name.|MEnter the name of a user defined flag.
comp_res.23: This is a user defined flag.|MEnter a user defined flag.
comp_res.24: This is a user defined flag name.|MEnter the name of a user defined flag.
comp_res.25: This is a user defined flag.|MEnter a user defined flag.
comp_res.26: This is the Command field.|MEnter the full compiler command.
comp_swt.*: This is the Compiler options window.|MIt allows different compiler options to be specified.
comp_swt.0: This is the OK button.|MClick on it to store the compiler options.
comp_swt.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick on it to close this window.
comp_swt.4: This shows the currently selected source code type.
comp_swt.5: Click to get a list of different source code types.
comp_swt.6: This is the Strict option.|MSelect this to make the compiler perform tougher checks.
comp_swt.7: This is the Throwback option.|MSelect this to make correcting errors easier.
comp_swt.8: This is the Debug option.|MSelect this to make the compiler include information that can be used by DDT.
comp_swt.9: This is a user defined option.|MSelect this to turn on a user defined flag.
comp_swt.10: This is a user defined option.|MSelect this to turn on a user defined flag.
comp_swt.11: This is a user defined option.|MSelect this to turn on a user defined flag.
comp_swt.12: This is a user defined option.|MSelect this to turn on a user defined flag.
lib_res.*: This is the Archiver resource window.
lib_res.0: This is the OK button.|MClick to store the archiver flags.
lib_res.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick to close the this window.
lib_res.2: This is the Create field.|MEnter the flag that causes the archiver to create a new file.
lib_res.3: This is the Memory field.|MEnter the minimum amount of memory in kilobytes that the archiver requires to run.
lib_res.4: This is the Manager field.|MThis should be filled in if a virtual memory manager is being used.
lib_res.5: This is the Virtual Memory field.|MEnter the amount of memory that the archiver requires to run.
lib_res.6: This is the Other field.|MEnter any other flags.
lib_res.7: This is the Command field.|MEnter the full archiver command.
link_res.*: This is the Link resource window.
link_res.0: This is the OK button.|MClick to store the linker flags.
link_res.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick to close the this window.
link_res.2: This is the Output field.|MEnter the flag that specifies the linker output file.
link_res.3: This is the Debug field.|MEnter the flag that makes the linker include debug information.
link_res.4: This is the Module field.|MEnter the flag that tells the linker that the resulting file is a module.
link_res.5: This is the Relocatable AIF field.
link_res.6: This is the AIF field.
link_res.7: This is the AOF field.
link_res.8: This is the Binary field.
link_res.9: This is the Memory field.|MEnter the minimum amount of memory in kilobytes that the archiver requires to run.
link_res.10: This is the Manager field.|MThis should be filled in if a virtual memory manager is being used.
link_res.11: This is the Virtual Memory field.|MEnter the amount of memory that the archiver requires to run.
link_res.12: This is the Other field.|MEnter any other linker flags.
link_res.13: This is the Command field.|MEnter the full archiver command.
link_swt.*: This is the Link options window.|MIt allows different link options to be specified.
link_swt.0: This is the OK button.|MClick on it to store the linker options.
comp_swt.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick on it to close this window.
link_swt.4: This is the Debug option.|MSelect this to make the linker include information that can be used by DDT.
link_swt.5: This is the Module option.|MSelect this if the project is a module.
link_swt.6: This is the Relocatable AIF option.
link_swt.7: This is the AIF option.
link_swt.8: This is the AOF option.
link_swt.9: This is the Binary option.
link_swt.10: This is the Other option.|MSelect this to turn on any other specified options.
list.*: This is a list of files.
list_pan.*: This is a list of files.
list.0: This is the OK button.|MClick it to store the list.
list.1: This is the Delete button.|MClick it to delete the highlighted entries from the list.
list.2: This is the Cancel button.|MClick it to close this window.
new_app.*: This is the Create new project window.|MIt allows the creation of new projects.
new_app.0: This is the Save button.|MEnter a valid filename and click to save the new project.
new_app.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick to close this window.
new_app.2: This is the filename of the project.|MEnter a valid name and click the Save button to save the project.
new_app.3: Drag this icon to a directory viewer to save the application.
new_app.4: This is the Name field.|MEnter a name for the project.
new_app.5: This is the Description field.|MEnter a description for the project.
new_code.*: This is the Create new source window.|MIt allows new source code to be added to a project.
new_code.0: This is the Create button.|MClick on it to create some new source code and add it to the project.
new_code.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick on it to remove the Create new source window.
new_code.2: Click to get a list of different code types.
new_code.3: This is the Name field.|MEnter the name of the new source code.
new_code.5: This is the Type of the new source code.
new_res.*: This is the Create new resource window.|MIt allows a new resource to be added to an application.
new_res.0: This is the Create button.|MClick on it to create a new resource and add it to the application.
new_res.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick on it to remove the Create new resource window.
new_res.2: Click to get a list of different resource types.
new_res.4: This is the Type of the new resource.
openmenu.1: Click to open the Application list.
openmenu.4: Click to open the Libraries list.
openmenu.7: Click to open the Utilities list.
openmenu.10: Click to open the Classes list.
prefmenu.1: Click to set compiler preferences.
prefmenu.4: Click to set linker preferences.
prefmenu.7: Click to set Archiver preferences.
prefmenu.10: Click to set Resource preferences.
prefmenu.13: Select this item to view compilation results whilst compiling.
prefmenu.16: Select this item to compile multiple sources even if there are errors.
popmenu.0: Click to choose an item from the popup.
proginfo.*: This window displays information about Imagine.
prompt.*: This window displays a message.
prompt.1: Click to accept the action.
prompt.2: Click to Cancel the action;
prompt2.*: This window displays a message.
prompt2.1: Click to accept the action.
prompt2.2: Click to Cancel the action;
prompt2.3: Click to accept the action.
res_res.*: This is the Resource resources window.
res_res.0: This is the OK button.|MClick to accept the changes made to the resource.
res_res.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick to close this window.
res_res.2: This is the New button.|MClick to create a new resource type.
res_res.3: This is the Delete button.|MClick to delete the current resource type.
res_res.4: This is the Edit button.|MClick to edit the default file for this resource type.
res_res.5: This is the resource Name.|MEnter a name for the resource type.
res_res.6: Click to get a list of resource types.
res_res.7: This is the resource filetype.|MEnter either a filetype number or a filetype description.
res_res.8: Click for a list of valid filetypes.
res_res.9: Select this option if the resource should be treated as a text file.
res_res.10: This is the name of a file to copy as the default resource file.|MDrag a file to here to be used as a default.
setup.*: This is the Setup window.|MIt allows the details of a project to be changed.
setup.0: This is the OK button.|MClick to save the project details.
setup.1: This is the Cancel button.|MClick to close this window.
setup.2: This is the Include button.|MClick to edit the include paths associated with the project.
setup.3: This is the Flags button.|MClick to set the linker/archiver options.
setup.4: This is the Libraries button.|MClick to edit the libraries that will be linked with a project.
setup.5: This is the Name of the project.
setup.8: This is the Description field.|MEnter a description for the project.
setup.9: Drag this icon to a directory viewer to save the application.
setup.10: This is the filename of the project.
# Help messages for all windows created from the "mainwindow" template.
# Note how only the first 8 characters ("mainwind") can be used by the
# tags...
# Note also: Icon 2 has it's own help, all other icons AND the window
# background have their help (mainwind.*)
imagine.default: This is an Imagine
mainwind.*: <imagine.default> window.