ICON0:\TPrinter Manager icon.|M\Sopen the Printer control \w.
ICON1:\T%0 Printer icon.|M\Smake this the main printer, click \a to open the Queue control \w, click ⇧\s to open the Configuration \w, or click ⇧\a to open the Connections \w. Drag a file here to print it.
SAVE0:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want output to appear.
SAVE1:\Schange the file name.
SAVE2:\Sset the file name.
SAVE:This \w allows you to specify the output file name.
SHTDWN2:\Scontinue the application instead of quitting.
SHTDWN3:\Sabandon the print queue and quit the application.
SHTDWN:\Wwarning you that there is data in the print queue.|MPlease choose the desired action.
HWQRY2:\Sprint the file as a 1st Word Plus file.
HWQRY3:\Scancel printing this file.
HWQRY4:\Sprint the file as plain text.
HWQRY:\Wasking you how you want to print this file.|MPlease choose the desired action.
QUERY2:\Sleave the printer alone.
QUERY3:\Scarry out the required action on the printer.
QUERY:\Wwarning you that there is data in the print queue for this printer.|MPlease choose the desired action.
QUEUE:This \w displays queue information for the active printers.|MDrag \s from a file to print it.
CNCT31:\Tname of the printer whose connections are being altered.
CNCT5:\Saccept the specified settings.
CNCT0:\Sprint to the parallel port.
CNCT1:\Sprint to the serial port.
CNCT15:\Tcurrent baud rate.
CNCT8:\Sget a list of available baud rates.
CNCT17:\Tcurrent number of data bits.
CNCT11:\Sget a list of available data bit formats.
CNCT18:\Tcurrent parity setting.
CNCT14:\Sget a list of the parity options.
CNCT19:\Tcurrent number of stop bits.
CNCT16:\Sget a list of available stop bit formats.
CNCT13a:\Senable XON/XOFF protocol.
CNCT13b:\Sdisable XON/XOFF protocol.
CNCT2:\Sprint to a network printer.
CNCT25:\Tprinter name or station number.|M\Schange it.
CNCT20:\Sget a list of known printer servers.
CNCT3:\Sprint to an NFS printer.
CNCT26:\TNFS server name.|M\Schange it.
CNCT27:\TNFS printer name.|M\Schange it.
CNCT28:\TNFS user name.|M\Schange it.
CNCT29:\TNFS printer options.|M\Schange it.
CNCT4:\Sprint to a file.
CNCT30:\Tcurrent file name.|M\Schange it.
CNCT32:\Sget a save box which makes setting the file name easier.
CNCT35a:\Scause printing to file to be added to the end of the file.
CNCT35b:\Scause printing to file to overwrite the contents of the file.
CNCT37a:\Scause files in the queue to be printed in the background.
CNCT37b:\Scause files in the queue to be printed directly to the selected output.
CNCT38:\Slose any changes you may have made.
CNCT:This \w allows you to change the connection settings for a printer.
PRCTRL:This \w gives you control over how the printers are used.|M\Sselect a printer.|MDrag \s from a printer definition file to add a printer.|MDouble-click \s to open the Configuration \w.
INFO:This \w displays information about Printers.
PAPER5:\Tpaper size name.|M\Schange it.
PAPER6:\Twidth of the paper.|M\Schange it.
PAPER7:\Theight of the paper.|M\Schange it.
PAPER8:\Tgraphics top margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER9:\Tgraphics bottom margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER10:\Tgraphics left margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER11:\Tgraphics right margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER12:\Ttext top margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER13:\Ttext bottom margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER14:\Ttext left margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER15:\Ttext right margin.|M\Schange it.
PAPER16:\Ttext height of the page.|M\Schange it.
PAPER47:\Sget a list of available paper sizes.
PAPER23:\Sset the units to millimetres.
PAPER22:\Sset the units to inches.
PAPER33:\Sdelete this paper size.
PAPER42:\Ssave this paper size.
PAPER:This \w allows you to edit existing paper sizes and create new ones.
HME1-0:\Rsee information about Printers.
HME1-1:\Sopen the Printer control \w.
HME1-2:\Sopen the Queue control \w.
HME1-2a:\Gthere are no active printers.
HME1-3:\Sedit the paper sizes.
HME1-4:\Ssave your current choices.
HME1-5:\Squit Printers.
HME2:\Sset the baud rate to this choice.
HME3:\Sset the data format to this choice.
HME4:\Sset the parity to this choice.
HME5:\Sset the stop bits format to this choice. The available choices are restricted by the settings of Data bits and Parity.
HME6:\Sset the printer name to this choice.
HMP1:\Sedit this paper size.
HMQ1-0:\Spause the selected printer (ie, pause it now).
SMQ1-0:\Gthe printer is already paused or suspended.
HMQ1-1:\Ssuspend the selected printer (ie, pause it when the current file has been printed).
SMQ1-1:\Gthe printer is already paused or suspended.
HMQ1-2:\Sresume the selected printer (ie, continue printing).
SMQ1-2:\Gthe printer is not paused or suspended.
HMQ1-3:\Sflush the selected printer (ie, remove all queued entries).
HMQ1-4a:\Spause the selected entry.
HMQ1-4b:\Ssuspend the selected entry. It will not get printed until you resume it.
SMQ1-4:\Gthe entry is already paused or suspended.
HMQ1-5:\Sresume the selected entry.
SMQ1-5:\Gthe entry is not paused or suspended.
HMQ1-6:\Sdelete the selected entry.
SMQ1-7:\Gthere isn't a selected entry.
HMC1-0:\Sconfigure the selected printer.
SMC1-0:\Gyou have got more than one printer selected.
HMC1-1:\Schange the connection on the selected printer.
HMC1-2:\Sactivate the selected printer(s).
SMC1-2:\Gthere are no selected printers.
HMC1-3:\Sdeactivate the selected printer(s).
HMC1-4:\Sremove the selected printer(s).
HMC1-5:\Sselect all of the printers.
HMC1-6:\Sclear the selection of printers.
SMC1-6:\Gthere isn't a selection of printers.
HMC1s-0:\Sconfigure the selected printer.
SMC1s-0:\Gyou have got more than one printer selected.
HMC1s-1:\Schange the connection on the selected printer.
HMC1s-2:\Sshare the selected printer(s).
SMC1s-2:\Gyou can't share printer(s) at present.
HMC1s-3:\Sactivate the selected printer(s).
SMC1s-3:\Gthere are no selected printers.
HMC1s-4:\Sdeactivate the selected printer(s).
HMC1s-5:\Sremove the selected printer(s).
HMC1s-6:\Sselect all of the printers.
HMC1s-7:\Sclear the selection of printers.
SMC1s-7:\Gthere isn't a selection of printers.
# connection information
GOT:%0 on %1, %2
GOTa:%0 (%1) on %2, %3
CN8:direct drive
IC5:To file
ICx:Printer %0
# Queue states
QUL:%1 on %2 [%3]
QUA:%0 (%1) on %2 [%3]
QULB:%1 on %2 in background [%3]
QUAB:%0 (%1) on %2 in background [%3]
QF1:%z12:%mi %am
QF2:%zdy %m3 %ce%yr
QF3:%0%% of %1
# Menu text
ME1:#Printers,Info,Printer control...,Queue control...,Edit paper sizes...,Save choices,Quit
OK1:Unable to read PrData file for printer class %0
OK1a:Unable to read Template file for printer class %0
OK2:Error in %0 PrData file: %1
OK2a:Error in %0 Template file: %1
OK3:end of file reached while scanning template
OK3a:end: does not take any parameters
OK4:no semi-colon in '%0'
OK4a:'%0' defined outside template scope
OK5:'%0' does not contain a recognised boolean type
OK6:'%0' does not contain a recognised record type
OK7:'%0' does not contain a recognised list type
OK7a:'%0' should have a number after it
OK8:cannot find data for template '%0'
OK9:failed to match '%0' against the template
OKA:paper size '%0' cannot be found
OKB:Unable to save choices: %0
OKC:Unsupported configuration variable type for printer '%0'
OKD:Unable to read settings
OKE:Error in settings file: %0
OKG:end of file reached while looking for '%0'
OKH:'%0' does not contain a recognised settings type
OKI:Parallel port in use: %0
OKJ:Serial port in use: %0
OKK:NFS printer server must be specified
OKL:NFS is not loaded
OKM:NFS printer, username or options are badly specified
OKN:Objects to be printed must be dragged to a printer icon or into the queue window
OKO:Error in paper file '%0': end of file reached while looking for '%1'
OKP:Printing paused: %0
OKPa:Printing aborted: %0
OKQ:Unable to delete paper size - it has not been saved first
OKQa:Unable to delete paper size - it is being used by a printer
OKR:You can only delete paper sizes that you have saved yourself
OKS:Don't know how to print directories - entry will be removed from queue
OKT:Don't know how to print applications - entry will be removed from queue
OKU:Can only print from applications when a printer has been selected
OKV:Unable to read settings - incompatible file contents
OKW:A printer must be installed and activated before printing works
OKX:Unable to read file '%0'
OKZ:Printer not installed - corrupt or incompatible printer definition file (%0)
OKZa:unable to find class specification in file
OKZb:class '%0' is not supported
OKZc:couldn't match %0 in file
OKAA:Missing ':' from pointer name '%0'
OKAB:'%0' cannot be found as a template name
OKAC:Printer '%0' does not support text printing
OKAD:Paper sizes must be given a name
OKAE:Paper sizes must have a non-zero height and width
OKAF:Unable to open '%0' for printing - entry will be removed from queue
OKAG:Net printer server must be specified
OKAH:File name must be specified
OKAI:You cannot change the configuration of a printer that is printing
OKAJ:You cannot change the connection of a printer that is printing
OKAK:Template '%0' not found
OKAL:'%0' is not a Printer Definition file
OKAM:%0 is not a supported speed on this machine - changing to 9600 baud
OKAN:Unable to install printer because !Printers does not have write access to the files in printer class %0
OKAO:!Printers requires a scrap directory for this operation to work
OKAOs:Remote printer '%0' is unavailable
OKAP:A currently shared printer cannot have its name changed - using old name
OKAQ:A shared printer on this network already has the name '%0'. Please change the name of your printer in the configuration window, and share it again.
OKAQa:You have already shared a printer with the name '%0'. Please change the name of your printer in the configuration window, and share it again.
OKAR:Remote printer connection for printer '%0' is unavailable
OKAS:The printer job cannot be correctly set up due to a network problem (%0).
OKAT:This printer cannot be shared because !Scrap is located on a shared disc. Please find and run a local copy of !Scrap and try again.
OKAU:The printer '%0' cannot be shared because !Scrap is located on a shared disc. Please find and run a local copy of !Scrap and try again.
OKAV:!Printers requires a scrap directory in order to share a printer
OKAW:!Printers requires a scrap directory in order to share the printer '%0'
OKAX:The name of this paper size must be changed before it can be used
OKAY:Paper size definition invalid: %0
OKAZ:top margin + bottom margin is greater than height
OKBA:left margin + right margin is greater than width
OKBB:Cannot open cached palette file '%0'
OKBC:File '%0' is not in ResourceFS
# Warnings
WA1:Printer '%1' not installed (class '%0' not supported)
WA2:Printer '%0' has some queued printing. Keep it or deactivate it?
WA3:Printer '%0' has some queued printing. Keep it or remove it?
WA4:There is some queued printing. Quit or continue application?
WA5:Don't know how to print %0 files; print '%1' as plain or fancy text?
WA6:Error from class %0: %2
WA7:Printer '%0' not installed - incompatible settings file contents
WA8:Printer '%0' not installed - no definition data for it
WA9:Connection for printer '%0' reset to none - %1 connection is not available
WA10:Don't know how to match &%0
WA11:Cannot find paper size '%0' - defaulting to '%1' for printer '%2'
WA12: In order to get the best colour quality, please upgrade your copy of !System to contain ColourTrans 1.50 or later
WA13:Error while creating directory '%0': '%1'
WA14:The paper sizes file cannot be written to. The paper size you have just created therefore cannot be saved, but you can continue to use it until you quit Printers
# Fatal errors
FA1:No printer configuration files can be found
FA2:Cannot find templates for printer class %0
FA3:Unsupported type for support code for printer class %0
# or module
FA4:Not enough free memory to overlay printer support code
FA5:Not enough free memory to continue execution
FA6:Internal error: attempt to read an integer from a non-integer block
FA7:Internal error: attempt to read a string from a non-string block
FA8:Internal error: attempt to read a boolean from a non-boolean block
FA9:Internal error: attempt to read a list from a non-list block
FAA:Internal error: don't know how to free block at &%0
FAD:Internal error: '%0' does not evaluate to a number