If SysBeep$Kernel200 = 1 Then SetEval SysBeep$IRQUtilsNeeded 1
Unset SysBeep$Kernel200
SetEval SysBeep$IRQPresent 1
If (SysBeep$IRQUtilsNeeded = 1) Then RMEnsure IRQUtils 0.09 SetEval SysBeep$IRQPresent 0
If ((SysBeep$IRQUtilsNeeded = 1) AND (("<System$Path>"="") AND (SysBeep$IRQPresent = 0))) Then Error 256 I need a System application with IRQUtils to work.
If SysBeep$IRQUtilsNeeded = 1 Then RMEnsure IRQUtils 0.09 RMload System:Modules.IRQUtils
If SysBeep$IRQUtilsNeeded = 1 Then RMEnsure IRQUtils 0.09 Error I require IRQUtils 0.09 or better!