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/ ARM Club 3 / TheARMClub_PDCD3.iso / hensa / filemanager / director_1 / !Director / Menus / Files / MenuMenu (.txt) < prev    next >
RISC OS BBC BASIC V Source  |  1995-07-27  |  4KB  |  149 lines

  1.  >Director:Menus.Files.MenuMenu
  2. $+" at "+
  3. MenuName$="MenuMenuMenu"
  4. buffer_size%=1024
  5.  buffer% buffer_size%
  6.     %Menu=
  7. swi_number("Director_Menu")
  8. +EndMenu=
  9. swi_number("Director_EndMenu")
  10. )Option=
  11. swi_number("Director_Option")
  12. +Command=
  13. swi_number("Director_Command")
  14. %Dash=
  15. swi_number("Director_Dash")
  16. 0XOS_ReadVarVal=
  17. swi_number("XOS_ReadVarVal")
  18. .XOS_SetVarVal=
  19. swi_number("XOS_SetVarVal")
  20. set("Director$Menu",MenuName$)
  21. 'Leaf$=
  22. read("Director$CurrentLeaf")
  23.  Leaf$="" 
  24.   *DirectorMouseDir x -file
  25.   *DirectorParsePath <x>
  26. )  Leaf$=
  27. read("Director$CurrentLeaf")
  28.  Leaf$="" 
  29. 'Path$=
  30. read("Director$CurrentPath")
  31. %Dir$=
  32. read("Director$CurrentDir")
  33. DirLeaf$=
  34. leaf(Dir$)
  35. set("Leaf",Leaf$)
  36. set("Path",Path$)
  37. set("Dir",Dir$)
  38.  "XOS_File",&17,Path$ 
  39.  ,,,,,,Type%
  40. Title$=Leaf$
  41.  Leaf$<>DirLeaf$ 
  42. (DirLeaf$)<=3 
  43.  Title$=DirLeaf$+"."+Title$
  44.  Menu,Title$+" "+MenuName$+" -temp"
  45.  Option,Title$+" -path "+Path$+" -up"
  46.  Type%<&1000 
  47.  Type$="File" 
  48.  Type$="Dir."
  49.  Option,""""+Type$+" 
  50. "+Leaf$+"
  51. "" -sub ""Filer"""
  52. *     
  53.  Command,"Save:"+Path$
  54.  Dash
  55.  Option,"""Set CSD to 
  56. "+DirLeaf$+"
  57.  Command,"Dir "+Dir$
  58.  Option,"""Open 
  59. "+DirLeaf$+"
  60. 0(    
  61.  Command,"Filer_OpenDir "+Dir$
  62.  Option,"""Pin 
  63. "+Leaf$+"
  64. 2G    
  65.  Command,"SWI OS_Mouse TO x y|MPin "+Path$+" |<x>-90 |<y>+45"
  66.  Option,"AddTinyDir"
  67. 4&    
  68.  Command,"AddTinyDir "+Path$
  69.  Option,"Command -sub *"
  70.  Path$<>Dir$ 
  71.  Type%>=&1000 
  72.  Dash
  73.  Option,"""Set CSD to 
  74. "+Leaf$+"
  75.  Command,"Dir "+Path$
  76.  Option,"""Open 
  77. "+Leaf$+"
  78. =)    
  79.  Command,"Filer_OpenDir "+Path$
  80.  Type%<&1000 
  81.  Dash
  82.  Option,"Filer_Run"
  83. C%    
  84.  Command,"Filer_Run "+Path$
  85.  Option,"Filer_Boot"
  86. E&    
  87.  Command,"Filer_Boot "+Path$
  88.  Option,"Edit"
  89. G(    
  90.  Command,"DirectorEdit "+Path$
  91.  Type%=&FFB 
  92.  Option,"BasicEdit"
  93.  Command,"Fx 225 1|MSet a |<Key$0>|MKey 0 *Key 0 |<a>||MEDIT||M|MFx 138 0 128|MKey 4 |<0>|<&94>SYS""Wimp_CommandWindow"",-1||MQUIT||M|MDir "+Dir$+"|MBasic -load "+Leaf$
  94.  Option,"""Task window"" -sub ""Dynamic:/Director:Menus.Files.TaskArgs"""
  95. MI    
  96.  Command,"TaskWindow """+Path$+""" -display -quit -name "+Leaf$
  97.  Type%=&FF9 
  98.  Dash
  99.  Option,"IconSprites"
  100. S'    
  101.  Command,"IconSprites "+Path$
  102.  Option,"ToolSprites"
  103. U'    
  104.  Command,"ToolSprites "+Path$
  105.  Option,"""BackDrop"" -sub ""Set BackDrop"""
  106. W*    
  107.  Command,"BackDrop -Tile "+Path$
  108.  Type%=&FEB 
  109.  Dash
  110.  Option,"DirectorObey"
  111. ](    
  112.  Command,"DirectorObey "+Path$
  113.  Option,"""DirectorObey -v"""
  114. _C    
  115.  Command,"TaskWindow ""DirectorObey -v "+Path$+""" -quit"
  116.  Option,"""Obey -v"""
  117. a;    
  118.  Command,"TaskWindow ""Obey -v "+Path$+""" -quit"
  119.  Dash
  120.  Option,"Memoriser -sub Memoriser:"
  121.  EndMenu
  122.  Menu,"""Copy Local"""
  123.  Option,""""+Leaf$+""" -len 32"
  124. k<    
  125.  Command,"/Director:Utils.RunFilerAc 7 <MenuText>"
  126.  EndMenu
  127.  Menu,"""Rename
  128. "" Rename"
  129.  Option,""""+Leaf$+""" -len 32"
  130. p9    
  131.  Command,"Rename "+Path$+" "+Dir$+".<MenuText>"
  132.  EndMenu
  133. swi_number(name$)
  134.  &39,,name$ 
  135. read(a$)
  136.   ?buffer%=13
  137.  XOS_ReadVarVal,a$,buffer%,buffer_size%,0,3 
  138.  ,,read%
  139.   buffer%?read%=13
  140. =$buffer%
  141. set(a$,v$)
  142.  XOS_SetVarVal,a$,v$,
  143. v$,0,0
  144. leaf(f$)
  145. '  l%=
  146. l%-=1:
  147. f$,l%,1)="."
  148. f$,l%+1)