Archive Magazine 1995
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%OP%VS4.13 (28-Apr-92), The Bindon Family, R4001 0009 7093 7995
%CO:A,80,0%%C%%H3%%H1%Analysis of Lottery results
by Donald C Bindon (1995may30)
60 Mellstock Avenue, DORCHESTER, Dorset DT1 2BQ
An article in "The Times" of Saturday 28th January 1995, reported that a
chi-squared analysis of 12 years of the results of the Australian National
Lotto had concluded that they were far from truly random. `Anyone wanting to
improve their chances of winning could do so by following the trends'. The
Times did not give any further details of this research.
Suppose the results from the British machines are also less random than
statistical expectation. We might find that some numbers come up more often
than expected; or perhaps that some numbers tend to come up in pairs. We might
then back the contention that the past history of the Lottery is slightly
correlated to its future.
Ignoring the bonus ball distinction we have seven balls selected from 49 each
week. After seven weeks each ball will have appeared once on the average. But
if after seven weeks each ball had come up exactly once, we would suspect human
intervention. If on the other hand, one particular ball had come up every one
of the seven weeks, we would suspect that insufficient care had been put into
making the lottery machines random.
This spreadsheet LotNos28 and its custom functions analyse historic lottery
results to consider if they could be biased by inadequate lottery machine
construction, or by human intervention.
The lottery machines have no memory of past selections, and they are supposed
to be completely random. So we would expect the distribution of ball success to
be represented by a Poisson distribution, which relates the average occurrence
of a random event to the expectation of less or more occurrences of that event,
by an exponential series.
1 = e^x * e^-x = e^-x [ { x^0/0! , x^1/1! , x^2/2! , x^3/3! , ...}
After first 28 weeks at 7 balls from 49 each week, average ball success must be
28*7/49 -> 4 Total balls 28 * 7 -> 196
Success 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total
Observed 0 2 7 13 9 9 5 2 2 0 0 0
Balls (O) 0 2 14 39 36 45 30 14 16 0 0 0 196
49 = 49*EXP(-4) * [ { 1 , 4^0/0! , 4^2/2! , 4^3/3! , ... }
Poisson .90 3.59 7.18 9.57 9.57 7.66 5.11 2.92 1.46 .65 .26 .09
Balls (P) 0 3.59 14.4 28.7 38.3 38.3 30.7 20.4 11.7 5.85 2.60 .99 195.53
Pois-Obs 0 1.59 .18 -3.4 .57 -1.3 .11 .92 -.54 .65 .26 .09
The observed distribution of ball success peaks at 3 with 13 of the 49 balls
having been this successful, a somewhat higher peak than the 9.57 expected. But
there is little evidence yet either of human intervention or of poorly
constructed machines. There is not yet any equivalent of the behaviour of the
Australian Lotto.
The custom functions CountSort and Fac are in the file c_LotMath. The former
illustrates counting and sorting in custom function language.
Custom function CountSort accepts a matrix with a 7-element row containing the
successful balls for each week and as many rows as analysed. It creates a new 2
by 49 matrix in which the total success to date for each ball is computed. This
matrix is then sorted in descending order of ball success.
A further 3 by 21 matrix is then created showing for each total number of ball
success categories from 0 to 20, the observed and Poisson expected number of
balls with this degree of success. Over the first 28 weeks no ball has
succeeded less than 1 time or more than 8 times. The first and second columns
are set in the custom function and the third column is set in the calling
Chart28 shows the observed and Poisson distribution of ball success.
The file LotNos32 contains a further four weeks of lottery numbers making a
total of 32 weeks results; and Chart32 shows the latest cumulative distribution
of ball success. The leftward skew of the observed distribution of ball
success, is beginning to look interesting, but it will probably disappear over
the next 32 weeks.
Our lives start with the lottery of the genes we inherit and the family
circumstances of our birth: health and wealth and happiness are not ours to
choose. Compared to this great "lottery of life", winning a fortune through
Camelot is a small thing, so I do not see no trying to win as a moral failing.
But I agree with Gerald that some may be tempted to gamble more than they can
afford. Perhaps some may gamble money they should spend on food and clothes for
their children, and this is a very bad thing. But I read that Britain was the
last country in Europe to institute a state lottery, a fewámonths behind
Albania. Britain had a State lottery once before. In the early 19th century
prayers were offered in churches for the success of parishioners in the British
State lottery! This earlier lottery was stopped after allegations of cheating.
I wonder how long the present one will last?