Archive Magazine 1995
Text File
456 lines
%CO:A,23,72%My reference and date:
Your reference and date:
For attention of:
Mr Gerald Fitton
Norwich Comp. Services
18 Mile End Road
Dear Mr Fitton
%JR%In response to your appeal for applications on p.38 of this month's Archive, I will explain how
%JL%I have set up PipeDream 3 to load automatically the details above left, as soon as I enter my
reference in slot A2.
%JR%As an accountant I want a folder (named with 3 or 4 initials) for each client, containing copies
%JL%of all outgoing correspondence, accounts and schedules. Letters often need to contain
%JR%mini-spreadsheets, which is why I chose PipeDream. The 10-character filename for each
%JL%outgoing letter is a 3-character addressee code (eg: CLI for the client, TAX for Inland
%JR%Revenue, BNK for the client's bank, etc) followed by the date in text format (6 or 7
characters). My ref. is only 7-8 characters: <ClientCode>.<AddresseeCode>
%JR%There are 3 special files in the Clients directory, in addition to the sub-directories for each
%JL%client: they are called Letter, Where and Who. The first of these contains my letterhead
%JR%(locked against the inevitable failure to rename before saving a letter) complete with my
%JL%signature block and some reference slots, which read the appropriate data from the other two
%JR%files constituting the database. It is essential that all data in those is held in Text format -- no
numeric slots even for numeric data.
%JR%Using relational principles, each data item is recorded once only, although (for example) I
%JL%need to write to the same tax office about several different clients. So the columns in Where
%JR%are: addressee (organisation or person, listed alphabetically as key field), phone number
%JL%(including STD code), and 4 address-line fields (the last containing, if not otherwise used, a
row of dashes the same length as the postcode before it).
%JR%The other file Who contains my reference (alphabetical key), the addressee (exactly as in
%JL%Where file) and contact name (a row of dashes if irrelevant). Since the database files are
%JR%always in memory -- I use a 440! -- it's handy to look up phone numbers in this file, so the
%JL%next column repeats it from the Who file with the formula in D2:
%JR%vlookup(B2,[Where]A$1A$<nnn>,1) which is replicated down from D2 to the bottom of
%JL%column D; <nnn> is the last line number in Where. This field shows the message Lookup if
%JR%it can't find the addressee, or a zero if it finds the addressee but no phone number. The last
%JL%two columns give the contact name's extension number or direct-dial number, and the
addressee's reference for this client.
%JR%Now for the magic bit: what goes in the lookup slots in the Letter file? Note first the use of
%JL%the $ character in the formula shown above, to fix the range of rows in Where over which the
%JR%addressee will be looked up. You don't have to fix column A as well, because all the lookup
%JL%slots are in column D. The same is true of the lookups in the Letter file, which are all in
%JR%column A (but must be individually edited anyway). The 1 at the end of the formula is the
%JL%lookup offset: slot D2 takes its data from 1 column to the right of A in Where, i.e. column B
where the phone numbers are.
%JR%The column layout in the Letter file is a wide-ish column A (because lookups are numeric
%JL%slots which can't overlap following columns) followed by a few narrower columns for
%JR%spreadsheets within letters. The only disadvantage to this is that indentations within column
%JL%A must be done manually with the space bar: in a spreadsheet you almost always want text in
%JR%the first column, which can be right-aligned if desired. The right margins of all columns are
%JL%in the position appropriate for a page of text, and the normal option settings saved in Letter
include Text, Row, Wrap, Insert on Return and Grid.
%JR%The following are the contents of slots in columns A and B (999 to be replaced by the last line
%JL%number in the relevant file). My own address block is contained in one of the columns over
towards the right, starting on the top line, with my phone number below it.
%JR%When you load Letter, this must also load Who and Where as supporting documents. A2 is
%JL%empty, B2 shows today's date, A5 A7 and A9 show Lookup, and A10 to A13 zeroes. Type a
%JR%valid reference in A2, and because Insert on Return is set, move out with the Tab key (or the
%JL%Adjust button) to B2, to avoid splitting the line. All the lookup data appears immediately, and
%JR%must first be "snapshotted" to provide a true copy at a later date when some of the data may
%JL%have changed. Mark the date slot B2 as one corner of a block, enter the date of the letter
%JR%you're replying to in B5, double-click on A13 to mark the block, issue the Snapshot command
(Control-BSS) and finally press Shift-F3 to clear the block markers.
%JR%Now just click Select to the right of Dear -- and carry on typing. After printing the letter,
%JL%fold back just below Dear Whatsit, and the contact name and address will be visible in a
%JR%standard window envelope. Don't forget to rename the file before saving (giving the full
%JL%reference as explained above: Client-code.Addressee-codeDate), and reloading Letter for the
next one.
Yours sincerely
Keith Matthews
Vol.3 #7
My reference and date:
(left blank)
Your reference and date:
For attention of:
B2 date
(system date function)
(followed by one space)
B5 (left blank)
(4-line address
starting in
column C of
Where file)