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Text File  |  2000-01-01  |  13KB  |  150 lines

  1.                                        88OOCCOO8                                              
  2.                                    8OooooooooooooooC                                        
  3.                                 OooooooooooooooooooooooO                                    
  4.                              Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo                                  
  5.                            Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo8                               
  6.                          ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo8                             
  7.                        Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo                            
  8.                       oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo                          
  9.                     OooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO                        
  10.                    Ooooooooo                                ooooooooO                       
  11.                   oooooooooo    =======================     oooooooooO                      
  12.                  Coooooooooo    ACORN ANTIQUES PRESENTS     ooooooooooo                     
  13.                 oooooooooooo    =======================     oooooooooooC                    
  14.               8ooooooooooooo     Acorn User Cover CD 10     ooooooooooooo                   
  15.               oooooooooooooo    (August 2000, issue 223)    oooooooooooooC                  
  16.              Coooooooooooooo    =======================     ooooooooooooooC                 
  17.             oooooooooooooooo          OS: RISC OS           ooooooooooooooo8                
  18.            8oooooooooooooooo     Format: ISO inside RAR     oooooooooooooooo8               
  19.           8ooooooooooooooooo    Release date: 31.01.2010    ooooooooooooooooo               
  20.           oooooooooooooooooo                                oooooooooooooooooO              
  21.          8oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo8             
  22.          oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo             
  23.         Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo             
  24.         oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooC            
  25.        OooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO           
  27.         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  28.         |                                                                      |
  29.         |   Supplied......:  Acorn Antiques    Release name..:  AU_CD10.rar    |
  30.         |   Packaged......:  filth             Release type..:  Util           |
  31.         |   Protection....:  none              Language......:  English        |
  32.         |   Crack/SN......:  n/a               Size..........:  308 MB         |
  33.         |                                                                      |
  34.         |   MD5 checksum.................: fc374cccb26300f2262411bedf813038    |
  35.         |                                                                      |
  36.         |   ================================================================   |
  37.         |                            Description                               |
  38.         |   ================================================================   |
  39.         |                                                                      |
  40.         |   Former commercial games:                                           |
  41.         |                                                                      |
  42.         |    - Alone in the Dark                                               |
  43.         |    - Burn Out                                                        |
  44.         |    - Cannon Fodder                                                   |
  45.         |    - Elite                                                           |
  46.         |    - Gods                                                            |
  47.         |    - Heimdall                                                        |
  48.         |    - Interdictor                                                     |
  49.         |    - Karma - The Flight Trainer                                      |
  50.         |    - Mad Professor Moriarty                                          |
  51.         |    - Nebulous                                                        |
  52.         |    - Pacman                                                          |
  53.         |    - Premier Manager                                                 |
  54.         |    - Quest for Gold                                                  |
  55.         |    - Revelation                                                      |
  56.         |    - Swiv                                                            |
  57.         |    - Terramex                                                        |
  58.         |    - Twin World                                                      |
  59.         |    - Xenon 2                                                         |
  60.         |    - Zool                                                            |
  61.         |                                                                      |
  62.         |   22 freeware games                                                  |
  63.         |   33 more freeware games from the University of Stuttgart archives   |
  64.         |   8 Angband variants                                                 |
  65.         |   A selection of text adventure games and interpreters               |
  66.         |   Cheat modules                                                      |
  67.         |   Emulators for other platforms                                      |
  68.         |                                                                      |
  69.         |   Internet software                                                  |
  70.         |    - Demo versions of Fresco, Oregano, Pluto and Webster XL          |
  71.         |    - A selection of Freeware utilities                               |
  72.         |                                                                      |
  73.         |   Website mirrors                                                    |
  74.         |    - Acorn Gaming                                                    |
  75.         |    - Acorn News Service                                              |
  76.         |    - Cerilica                                                        |
  77.         |    - Code Craft                                                      |
  78.         |    - RISCStation                                                     |
  79.         |    - Simnet                                                          |
  80.         |    - Tony Haughton                                                   |
  81.         |                                                                      |
  82.         |   http://www.acornuser.com/acornuser/year19/issue223.html            |
  83.         |                                                                      |
  84.         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  85.         |                                                                      |
  86.         |   Visit our profile for more, including some vary rare releases!     |
  87.         |                                                                      |
  88.         |                http://thepiratebay.org/user/antiques                 |
  89.         |                                                                      |
  90.         |  [tags: risc, risc os, acorn, acorn user, riscos, magazine, cover]   |
  91.         |                                                                      |
  92.         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  93.         |                                                                      |
  94.         |   Please seed - this is for the benefit of the RISC OS community,    |
  95.         |   to ensure that these CDs and the files on them are never lost.     |
  96.         |   Do your part to help, but please do support legitimate developers! |
  97.         |                                                                      |
  98.         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  99.         |                                                                      |
  100.         |                  acorn.antiques.warez@gmail.com                      |
  101.         |                                                                      |
  102.         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  103.         |                                                                      |
  104.         |                             Greetz to:                               |
  105.         |         flibble, acp, [qUE], Adny, teh Hodge, beardy Dave,           |
  106.         |         beardy John, Paul 'the man' and pig-fucker Johnson           |
  107.         |                                                                      |
  108.         |          And special greetz to our friends at RISCOSROMS:            |
  109.         |                  http://tinyurl.com/riscosroms                       |
  110.         |                                                                      |
  111.         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  113.      CooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO       
  114.      o:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:cO       
  115.      Oc:c:::c:::c::c::c::c::::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:::c:cc8       
  116.       :c:::c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:cc:o        
  117.       c:c:c::::c:c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:c8        
  118.       Oc::c:c:c::c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:c         
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  121.         8cc:c::c::c::c:c::c:c::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:::c:c           
  122.           c::c:c::c:c::::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:o            
  123.            Oc:c:c:cc:c:c::c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c::C             
  124.             C::c:c:c:c:c::c:::c::::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c               
  125.               c:c::c::c:c:c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:O                
  126.                 c::c:c:c::::c:c::c:c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::co                  
  127.                   c:cc:c:c:cc:c:c:c:c:::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:co8                   
  128.                     c::c:c:c::c:c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:::C                      
  129.                       Cc::c::c::c:c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c:::c::c:ccC                        
  130.                          o:c::c:c:c:::c::c:::c::c::c::c:c:c:c:O                           
  131.      8CO8                    c:c:c:c:c:c::c::::c:c:c:c:c::O8                              
  132.      8c:::c:cc:ccoCO             8Cc::c:c:c::::c::c:cC                                    
  133.               88Co::cc:c:ccCO        88OC:c:cCOO8                                           
  134.                         Ooc::c:oo8      :c::co                                               
  135.                                8Cc:c:::c:cccocc::co                                               
  136.                                       8occ:cc:c:c:ccCO                                            
  137.                                             8ccc::c:c::cc:oO                                      
  138.         ___                                     8oc:c:c:c:c:c:cC8                                
  139.        / _ \  ___ ___  _ __ _ __                     Ooc:c:cc:::c:cco8    
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