Epromptsm:Ran out of memory while reading Prompts file
Epingprob:Ping library couldn't initialise
# Another error
workshy_fop:Sorry— only PPP and PPP (PAP) connections are supported in this version because the author is quite a lazy person. I've changed it back to PPP for now.
Defconf:Default configuration chosen (this is normal for first-time users). Please remember to check your setup before dialling.
Conf:Couldn't load configuration.
Long:Long line in default profile.
Save:Couldn't save configuration.
SHerr:StrongHelp hasn't been seen by the filer.
MDMerr:ModemCfg hasn't been seen by the filer.
# ppp strings
# I've puled these out of the source as the original Acorn line seemed to have duplicated
NoPPP:This profile uses PAP or CHAP authentification which requires 'InetDBase:PPP' to exist. Socketeer has created it for you.
ISPerr:Couldn't find !Socketeer.Bits.ISPs file.
Ineterr:InetSetup seems to be in the wrong place.
Logerr:You don't appear to have a log file.
#parserule messages
ruleacc:Couldn't open Account file. Have you saved one yet?
rulefind:Can't find Rules directory.
ruleinv:This doesn't appear to be a valid day.
rulemissing:Can't open Rule file
ruleodd:Odd entry in rulefile.
Badgateway:Can't get hostname. There might be an invalid gateway entry in your current profile. Please check this (you may blank the entry if you wish).