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;; functions missing that are part of common lisp, and commonly used
;; It is assumed you are using XLISP with all Common Lisp related options
;; turned on before you load this file.
;; Author either unknown or Tom Almy unless indicated.
;; pairlis does not check for lengths of keys and values being unequal
(defun pairlis (keys values &optional list)
(nconc (mapcar #'cons keys values) list))
(defun copy-list (list) (append list 'nil))
(defun copy-alist (list)
(if (null list)
(cons (if (consp (car list))
(cons (caar list) (cdar list))
(car list))
(copy-alist (cdr list)))))
(defun copy-tree (list)
(if (consp list)
(cons (copy-tree (car list)) (copy-tree (cdr list)))
(defun identity (l) l)
(defun signum (x)
(cond ((not (numberp x)) (error "not a number" x))
((zerop x) x)
(T (/ x (abs x)))))
; Cruddy but simple versions of these functions.
; Commented out since XLISP will now expand macros once, making
; good version much preferred.
;(defmacro incf (var &optional (delta 1))
; `(setf ,var (+ ,var ,delta)))
;(defmacro decf (var &optional (delta 1))
; `(setf ,var (- ,var ,delta)))
;(defmacro push (v l)
; `(setf ,l (cons ,v ,l))))
;(defmacro pushnew (a l &rest args)
; `(unless (member ,a ,l ,@args) (push ,a ,l) nil))
;(defmacro pop (l)
; `(prog1 (first ,l) (setf ,l (rest ,l)))))
; This is what one really needs to do for incf decf and
; (in common.lsp) push and pop. The setf form must only be evaluated once.
; But is it worth all this overhead for correctness?
; (By Tom Almy)
(defun |DoForm| (form) ; returns (cons |list for let| |new form|)
(let* ((args (rest form)) ; raw form arguments
(letlist (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (when (consp x)
(list (list (gensym) x))))
(revlist (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (second x) (first x)))
(newform (cons (first form) (sublis revlist args))))
(cons letlist newform)))
(defmacro incf (form &optional (delta 1))
(if (and (consp form) (some #'consp form))
(let ((retval (|DoForm| form)))
`(let ,(car retval)
(setf ,(cdr retval)
(+ ,(cdr retval) ,delta))))
`(setf ,form (+ ,form ,delta))))
(defmacro decf (form &optional (delta 1))
(if (and (consp form) (some #'consp form))
(let ((retval (|DoForm| form)))
`(let ,(car retval)
(setf ,(cdr retval)
(- ,(cdr retval) ,delta))))
`(setf ,form (- ,form ,delta))))
(defmacro push (val form)
(if (and (consp form) (some #'consp form))
(let ((retval (|DoForm| form)))
`(let ,(car retval)
(setf ,(cdr retval)
(cons ,val ,(cdr retval)))))
`(setf ,form (cons ,val ,form))))
(defmacro pop (form)
(if (and (consp form) (some #'consp form))
(let ((retval (|DoForm| form)))
`(let ,(car retval)
(prog1 (first ,(cdr retval))
(setf ,(cdr retval)
(rest ,(cdr retval))))))
`(prog1 (first ,form)
(setf ,form (rest ,form)))))
(defmacro pushnew (val form &rest rest)
(if (and (consp form) (some #'consp form))
(let ((retval (|DoForm| form)))
`(let ,(car retval)
(setf ,(cdr retval)
(adjoin ,val ,(cdr retval) ,@rest))))
`(setf ,form (adjoin ,val ,form ,@rest))))
;; Hyperbolic functions Ken Whedbee from CLtL
(defun logtest (x y) (not (zerop (logand x y))))
(defconstant imag-one #C(0.0 1.0))
(defun cis (x) (exp (* imag-one x)))
(defun sinh (x) (/ (- (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2.0))
(defun cosh (x) (/ (+ (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2.0))
(defun tanh (x) (/ (sinh x) (cosh x)))
(defun asinh (x) (log (+ x (sqrt (+ 1.0 (* x x))))))
(defun acosh (x)
(log (+ x
(* (1+ x)
(sqrt (/ (1- x) (1+ x)))))))
(defun atanh (x)
(when (or (= x 1.0) (= x -1.0))
(error "logarithmic singularity" x))
(log (/ (1+ x) (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x))))))
;; Additional Common Lisp Functions by Luke Tierney
;; from xlisp-stat
;; Defsetf and documentation functions
;; Corrected for Common Lisp compatibility (requires XLISP-PLUS 2.1e)
;; Modified by Tom Almy, 7/92
(defun apply-arg-rotate (f args)
(apply f (car (last args)) (butlast args)))
; (defsetf) - define setf method
(defmacro defsetf (sym first &rest rest)
(if (symbolp first)
`(progn (setf (get ',sym '*setf*) #',first) ',sym)
(let ((f `#'(lambda ,(append (car rest) first) ,@(cdr rest)))
(args (gensym)))
(setf (get ',sym '*setf-lambda*) ; changed *setf* to *setf-lambda*
#'(lambda (&rest ,args) (apply-arg-rotate ,f ,args)))
;;;; Modules, provide and require: Luke Tierney, from xlisp-stat
; Uncomment these if you want them. It's non-standard, and nothing else
; in this distribution uses them, so I'm commenting them out. Tom Almy
;(defvar *modules*)
;(defun provide (name)
; (pushnew name *modules* :test #'equal))
;(defun require (name &optional (path name))
; (let ((name (string name))
; (path (string path)))
; (unless (member name *modules* :test #'equal)
; (if (load path)
; t
; (load (strcat *default-path* path))))))
;;;; Miscellaneous Functions: Luke Tierney
;;;; from xlisp-stat
;(defun vectorp (x)
; (and (arrayp x) (= (array-rank x) 1)))
; equalp rewritten by Tom Almy to better match Common Lisp
(defun equalp (x y)
(cond ((equal x y) t)
((numberp x) (if (numberp y) (= x y) nil))
((characterp x) (if (characterp y) (char-equal x y) nil))
((and (or (arrayp x) (stringp x))
(or (arrayp y) (stringp y))
(eql (length x) (length y)))
(every #'equalp x y))))
; also improved by TAA to use *terminal-io*
(defun y-or-n-p (&rest args)
(do ((answer nil
(let* ((*breakenable* nil)
(x (errset (read *terminal-io*) nil)))
(when (consp x) (car x)))))
((member answer '(y n)) (eq answer 'y))
(when args (apply #'format *terminal-io* args))
(princ " (Y/N)" *terminal-io*)))
; This implementation is questionable (says TAA), I'm commenting it out
; (defun getf (place indicator &optional default)
; (let ((mem (member indicator place :test #'eq)))
; (if mem (second mem) default)))
; Improved by TAA to match common lisp definition
(defun functionp (x)
(if (typep x '(or closure subr symbol))
(and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))))
(defmacro with-input-from-string (stream-string &rest body)
(let ((stream (first stream-string))
(string (second stream-string)))
`(let ((,stream (make-string-input-stream ,string)))
(progn ,@body))))
(defmacro with-input-from-string
(stream-string &rest body)
(let ((stream (first stream-string))
(string (second stream-string))
(start (second (member :start (cddr stream-string))))
(end (second (member :end (cddr stream-string))))
(index (second (member :index (cddr stream-string)))))
(when (null start) (setf start 0))
(if index
(let ((str (gensym)))
`(let* ((,str ,string)
(,stream (make-string-input-stream ,str
(prog1 (progn ,@body)
(setf ,index
(- (length ,str)
(length (get-output-stream-list
`(let ((,stream (make-string-input-stream ,string ,start ,end)))
(progn ,@body)))))
(defmacro with-output-to-string (str-list &rest body)
(let ((stream (first str-list)))
`(let ((,stream (make-string-output-stream)))
(progn ,@body)
(get-output-stream-string ,stream))))
(defmacro with-open-file (stream-file-args &rest body)
(let ((stream (first stream-file-args))
(file-args (rest stream-file-args)))
`(let ((,stream (open ,@file-args)))
(progn ,@body)
(when ,stream (close ,stream))))))
; (unintern sym) - remove a symbol from the oblist
(defun unintern (symbol)
(let ((subhash (hash symbol (length *obarray*))))
(cond ((member symbol (aref *obarray* subhash))
(setf (aref *obarray* subhash)
(delete symbol (aref *obarray* subhash)))
(t nil))))
;; array functions. KCW from Kyoto Common Lisp
(defun fill (sequence item
&key (start 0) end)
(when (null end) (setf end (length sequence)))
(do ((i start (1+ i)))
((>= i end) sequence)
(setf (elt sequence i) item)))
(defun replace (sequence1 sequence2
&key (start1 0) end1
(start2 0) end2)
(when (null end1) (setf end1 (length sequence1)))
(when (null end2) (setf end2 (length sequence2)))
(if (and (eq sequence1 sequence2)
(> start1 start2))
(do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
(l (if (< (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2))
(- end1 start1)
(- end2 start2)))
(s1 (+ start1 (1- l)) (1- s1))
(s2 (+ start2 (1- l)) (1- s2)))
((>= i l) sequence1)
(setf (elt sequence1 s1) (elt sequence2 s2)))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(l (if (< (- end1 start1)(- end2 start2))
(- end1 start1)
(- end2 start2)))
(s1 start1 (1+ s1))
(s2 start2 (1+ s2)))
((>= i l) sequence1)
(setf (elt sequence1 s1) (elt sequence2 s2)))))
(defun acons (x y a) ; from CLtL
(cons (cons x y) a))
;; more set functions. KCW from Kyoto Common Lisp
;; Modified to pass keys to subfunctions without checking here
;; (more efficient)
;; (Tom Almy states:) we can't get the destructive versions of union
;; intersection, and set-difference to run faster than the non-destructive
;; subrs. Therefore we will just have the destructive versions do their
;; non-destructive counterparts
(setf (symbol-function 'nunion)
(symbol-function 'union)
(symbol-function 'nintersection)
(symbol-function 'intersection)
(symbol-function 'nset-difference)
(symbol-function 'set-difference))
(defun set-exclusive-or (list1 list2 &rest rest)
(append (apply #'set-difference list1 list2 rest)
(apply #'set-difference list2 list1 rest)))
(defun nset-exclusive-or (list1 list2 &rest rest)
(nconc (apply #'set-difference list1 list2 rest)
(apply #'set-difference list2 list1 rest)))
(push :common *features*)