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# WWWOFFLE - World Wide Web Offline Explorer - Version 2.1.
# WWWOFFLE Configuration file CONFDIR/wwwoffle.conf
# Derived from the example configuration file written by Andrew M. Bishop
# WWWOFFLE and example configuration file Copyright 1997,98 Andrew M. Bishop
# They may be distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2, or
# any higher version. See section COPYING of the GNU Public license
# for conditions under which this file may be redistributed.
# Lines beginning with a '#' are comments and ignored.
# Program startup configuration.
# This can not be changed without restarting the program.
# Header : StartUp
# Options: http-port = <integer>
# The port number to use for the proxy http server (default=8080).
# : wwwoffle-port = <integer>
# The port number to use for wwwoffle control (default=8081).
# : spool-dir = <directory name>
# The directory to use as the spool directory
# (default=/var/spool/wwwoffle).
# : run-uid = <username> | <uid>
# The username or numeric uid to run the wwwoffled server as
# (default=none).
# : run-gid = <groupname> | <gid>
# The groupname or numeric gid to run the wwwoffled server as
# (default=none).
# : use-syslog = yes | no
# If true then log all important messages using syslog
# (default=yes).
# : password = <word> | none |
# The authorisation password for demon configuration by wwwoffle
# (default=none).
# : max-servers = <integer>
# The maximum number of server processes that are ever started,
# must be less than MAX_SERVERS (=64) (default=8).
# : max-fetch-servers = <integer>
# The maximum number of server processes that are started to
# fetch pages that were requested in offline mode, must be less
# than MAX_FETCH_SERVERS (=48). (default=4).
# Notes 1: For the password to work the configuration file must be set so that
# only authorised users can read it.
# 2: To use the run-uid/run-gid options, the server must start as root.
# 3: The max-fetch-servers value must be less than max-servers or you will
# not be able to use wwwoffle interactively online while fetching.
http-port = 8080
wwwoffle-port = 8081
spool-dir = SPOOLDIR
#run-uid = daemon
#run-gid = daemon
use-syslog = yes
password = none
max-servers = 8
max-fetch-servers = 4
# Other configuration options.
# Header : Options
# Options: log-level = debug | info | important | warning | fatal
# Log messages with this or higher priority (default=important).
# fetch-images = yes | no
# Whether to also fetch images when doing a fetch (default=no).
# fetch-frames = yes | no
# Whether to also fetch frames when doing a fetch (default=no).
# index-latest-days = <age>
# The age in days of pages to show in the index of latest pages
# (default=7).
# add-info-refresh = yes | no
# The option to add a tag at the bottom of spooled pages giving
# the date it was cached and a refresh button (default=no).
# request-changed = <time>
# While online pages will only be fetched if the cached version
# is older than this specified time in seconds (default=600).
# pragma-no-cache = yes | no
# Whether to request a new copy of a page if the request has
# 'Pragma: no-cache' (default=yes).
# offline-requests = yes | no
# Whether to record requests that are made while offline or to
# return an error (default=yes).
# monitor-interval = <age>
# The interval in days between monitoring of the specified URLs
# (default=7 days).
# Notes 1: The request-changed option can be set negative to indicate that
# cached pages are always used while online.
# 2: The pragma-no-cache option should be set to 'no' if when browsing
# offline all pages are re-requested by a 'broken' browser.
# 3: The monitor-interval option when set to '0' means to check each time
# wwwoffle is online, '1' means once per day, etc.
log-level = important
fetch-images = yes
fetch-frames = no
index-latest-days = 7
add-info-refresh = no
request-changed = 600
pragma-no-cache = yes
offline-requests = yes
monitor-interval = 7
# wwwoffle server host name specification.
# The possible names that the server that wwwoffles is on may be known by.
# Header : LocalHost
# Options: <host>
# One of the possible hostnames or IP addresses.
# Notes 1: All entries in here are also used the same way as those in the
# LocalNet and AllowedConnect sections.
# 2: The first named host is used as the server name for several features so
# should be a name that will work from any client host if on a network.
# 3: None of the entries here or in LocalNet are fetched via a proxy.
#### Example ####
# The server is on www.foo.com, with IP address
# www.foo.com
# Local Network non-cached host name specification
# The names of hosts that are not cached because they are on the local network.
# Header : LocalNet
# Options: <host>
# A hostname or IP address.
# Notes 1: The hostname matches from the right so that 'foo.com' here matches
# 'www.bar.foo.com' and 'www.foo.com' etc, IP addresses from the left.
# 2: All entries here are assumed to be reachable even when offline.
# 3: All entries in the LocalHost section are used as if they were here.
# 4: None of the entries here or in LocalHost are fetched via a proxy.
#### Example ####
# The local domain is foo.com so don't cache any hosts in it.
# foo.com
# Allowed client host name specification
# The names of client hosts that are allowed to connect to the server.
# Header : AllowedConnect
# Options: <host>
# A hostname or IP address.
# Notes 1: The hostname matches from the right so that 'foo.com' here matches
# 'www.bar.foo.com' and 'www.foo.com' etc, IP addresses from the left.
# 2: All entries in the LocalHost section are used as if they were here.
#### Example ####
# Only allow connections from hosts in the foo.com domain.
# foo.com
# A list of ways of recognising a URL not to cache.
# Header : DontCache
# Options: default = ...
# When getting any URLs ...
# When getting URLs that match this ...
# ... don't cache any whose path matches this.
# Notes 1: See the bottom of this file for the description of HOST-SPECIFICATION
# 2: See the bottom of this file for the description of FILE-SPECIFICATION
# 3: The URL will still be cached if fetched non-interactively.
#### Example ####
# Don't cache any hosts in the barfoo.com domain.
# barfoo.com = /
# Don't cache any gzipped or tar files.
# default = .gz
# default = .tar
# Don't cache any files from /volatile in the foo.com domain.
# foo.com = /volatile
# A list of ways of recognising a URL not to get.
# Header : DontGet
# Options: default = ...
# When getting URLs ...
# When getting URLs that match this ...
# ... don't cache any whose path matches this.
# Notes 1: See the bottom of this file for the description of HOST-SPECIFICATION
# 2: See the bottom of this file for the description of FILE-SPECIFICATION
#### Example ####
# Don't get from any hosts in the barfoo.com domain.
# barfoo.com = /
# Don't get any gzipped or tar files.
# default = .gz
# default = .tar
# Don't get any files from /adverts in the foo.com domain.
# foo.com = /adverts
# A list of ways of recognising a URL not to get when fetching recursively.
# Header : DontGetRecursive
# Options: default = ...
# When recursively getting URLs ...
# When recursively getting URLs that match this ...
# ... don't cache any whose path matches this.
# Notes 1: See the bottom of this file for the description of HOST-SPECIFICATION
# 2: See the bottom of this file for the description of FILE-SPECIFICATION
#### Example ####
# Dont get any gzipped or tar files when getting recursively.
# default = .gz
# default = .tar
# Censorship of information sent to the server
# A list of HTTP header lines that are to be removed from the requests sent.
# Header : CensorHeader
# Options: <header>
# A header field name, e.g. From, Cookie, User-Agent.
# Notes 1: The header is case sensitive, and does not have a ':' at the end.
### Example ###
# Don't send the username.
# From
# Don't send Cookies back
# Cookie
# Don't reveal the Browser type and OS version.
# User-Agent
# Options to use when fetching files using ftp.
# Header : FTPOptions
# Options: anon-username = <string>
# The username to use for anonymous ftp (default=anonymous).
# anon-password = <string>
# The password to use for anonymous ftp (default=<user>@<host>).
# auth-hostname = <host[:port]>
# A host to use a different username and password.
# auth-username = <string>
# The username to use on the above host.
# auth-password = <string>
# The password to use on the above host.
# Notes 1: The anon-password should be set to a sensible value especially if you
# are behind a firewall.
# 2: The auth-hostname, auth-username and auth-password options must come
# together as a triplet.
# 3: The auth-hostname must be exact, it is not used as a wildcard match.
anon-username = anonymous
#anon-password =
# MIME Types to use when fetching files not using HTTP.
# Header : MIMETypes
# Options: default = <mime-type>/<subtype>
# The default MIME type (default=text/plain).
# .<file-ext> = <mime-type>/<subtype>
# The MIME type to associate with a file extension.
# Notes 1: You must include the '.' in the file extension.
# 2: If more than one of the extensions match then the longest is used.
default = text/plain
.pdf = application/pdf
.eps = application/postscript
.ps = application/postscript
.rtf = application/rtf
.dvi = application/x-dvi
.latex = application/x-latex
.tcl = application/x-tcl
.tex = application/x-tex
.texinfo = application/x-texinfo
.texi = application/x-texinfo
.tr = application/x-troff
.man = application/x-troff-man
.me = application/x-troff-me
.ms = application/x-troff-ms
.zip = application/zip
.cpio = application/x-cpio
.tar = application/x-tar
.Z = application/x-compress
.gz = application/x-gzip
.au = audio/basic
.snd = audio/basic
.wav = audio/x-wav
.gif = image/gif
.jpeg = image/jpeg
.jpg = image/jpeg
.tif = image/tiff
.tiff = image/tiff
.ras = image/x-cmu-raster
.pnm = image/x-portable-anymap
.pbm = image/x-portable-bitmap
.pgm = image/x-portable-graymap
.ppm = image/x-portable-pixmap
.rgb = image/x-rgb
.xbm = image/x-xbitmap
.xpm = image/x-xpixmap
.xwd = image/x-xwindowdump
.html = text/html
.txt = text/plain
.mpeg = video/mpeg
.mpg = video/mpeg
.mov = video/quicktime
.avi = video/x-msvideo
# Remote proxy configuration.
# The name and port number of machines to use as proxies.
# Header : Proxy
# Options: default = <hostname[:integer]> | none |
# The hostname (+ optionally a port number separated by a colon)
# to use as the default proxy.
# HOST-SPECIFICATION = <hostname[:integer]> | none |
# The hostname (+ optionally a port number separated by a colon)
# to use as the proxy for URLs that match HOST-SPECIFICATION.
# auth-hostname = <host[:port]>
# A proxy server that uses proxy authentication.
# auth-username = <string>
# The username to use on the above host.
# auth-password = <string>
# The password to use on the above host.
# Notes 1: See the bottom of this file for the description of HOST-SPECIFICATION
# 2: A hostname that matches more than one entry here uses the proxy of
# the longest matching one (protocol is included in assessing length).
# 3: Leave the hostname empty or use 'none' for no proxy.
# 4: None of the hosts in LocalNet/LocalHost will be fetched via a proxy.
# 5: The auth-hostname, auth-username and auth-password options must come
# together as a triplet.
# 6: The auth-hostname must be exact, it is not used as a wildcard match.
http/ = none
#### Example ####
# Use www.foo.com as a default http proxy server on port 8080
# Except for the foo.com domain which has no proxy.
# http/ = www.foo.com:8080
# foo.com = none
# Mirror servers specification
# A list of servers that have mirrors to be used in preference or to resolve
# conflicts over multiple names for the same server.
# Header : Mirror
# Options: <proto>/<host> = <proto>/<host>
# The first named protocol and host is to be replaced by the
# second named protocol and host.
# <host> = <host>
# The first named host is to be replaced by the second named host
# for all protocols.
# Notes 1: Symbolic links in the spool directory also work, but they are only
# checked when wwwoffled is started or 'wwwoffle -config' is run.
# 2: The host names must match exactly, no wildcards.
#### Example ####
# The http server www.bar.com is mirrored locally at www.bar-mirror.foo.com
# http/www.bar.com = http/www.bar-mirror.foo.com
# Purge method and maximum ages specification.
# The method to determine which pages to purge, the default age, the host
# specific maximum age of the pages in days, and the maximum cache size.
# Header : Purge
# Options: use-mtime = yes | no
# The decision of which pages to purge can be made on last access
# time (atime) or last modification time (mtime) (default=no).
# max-size = <integer>
# The maximum allowed size of the cache in MB (default=0).
# default = <integer>
# The default maximum age for pages on hosts (default=28).
# The maximum age for pages on hosts that match the
# Notes 1: See the bottom of this file for the description of HOST-SPECIFICATION
# 2: A hostname that matches more than one entry here uses the age of the
# longest matching one (the protocol is counted in assessing length).
# 3: A zero age means always delete on purge, negative means never purge.
# 4: A maximum cache size of 0 means there is no limit to the size.
# 5: When there is a non-zero maximum cache size it is measured excluding
# all hosts with a negative maximum age (never purged hosts).
use-mtime = no
max-size = 0
default = 28
#### Example ####
# Expire hosts in the domain foo.com at 1 week except bar.foo.com at 2 weeks.
# foo.com = 7
# bar.foo.com = 14
# Never keep anything in the domain bar.com except foo.bar.com is always kept.
# bar.com = 0
# foo.bar.com = -1
# Keep ftp files for 7 days and http for 14.
# ftp/ = 7
# http/ = 14
# Purge files to keep the cache below 10 MB
# max-size = 10
# ------------------
# When specifying a host and protocol in many of the sections a HOST-SPECIFICATION
# can be used, this is a way of recognising a URL.
# For the purposes of this explanation a URL is considered to be made up of three
# parts.
# proto The protocol that is used (e.g. http, ftp)
# host The server hostname (e.g. www.gedanken.demon.co.uk) or a domain
# name (e.g. demon.co.uk) or an IP address (e.g. or a
# subnet (e.g. 1.2.3).
# port The port number on the host (e.g. default of 80 for HTTP).
# For example the wwwoffle homepage: http://www.gedanken.demon.co.uk/wwwoffle/
# The protocol is 'http', the host is 'www.gedanken.demon.co.uk', the port is the
# default (in this case 80).
# A HOST-SPECIFICATION can be any one of the following
# / Any protocol, Any host, Any port (same as default)
# [/]<host> Any protocol, Named host, Default port
# [/]<host>:<port> Any protocol, Named host, Specified port
# [/]<host>: Any protocol, Named host, Any port
# <proto>/ Named protocol, Any host, Any port
# <proto>/<host> Named protocol, Named host, Default port
# <proto>/<host>:<port> Named protocol, Named host, Specified port
# <proto>/<host>: Named protocol, Named host, Any port
# Where [] indicates an optional feature, and <> indicate a user supplied name or
# number.
# ------------------
# Several of the sections allow a FILE-SPECIFICATION to be entered, this is a way
# of recognising the path part of a URL.
# A FILE-SPECIFICATION can be either of the following:
# /<path> Any file with a path that start with the specified one.
# .<file-ext> Any file that ends with the specified file extension.
# Where <> indicate a user supplied name or number.
# Note: The '/' or '.' at the start is not optional.