#This file was created by LyX 0.7 (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
\lyxformat 2.10
\textclass letter
\paragraph_separation skip
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain
\layout My Address
\cursor 0
<My Name>\newline <My Street>\newline <My Town>
\layout Send To Address
<Send To Name> \newline <Send To Street> \newline <Send To Town>
\layout Signature
<Your signature>
\layout Opening
Dear ...
\layout Standard
<Your Letter>
\layout Standard
This is an example, how a very logical LaTeX textclass can be used inside LyX. It's completly \shape italic non WYSIWYG\shape default , also the order of the commands does matter (the signature \shape italic before\shape default the closing, for example).
\layout Standard
Well this does surely not make too many sense with the standard LaTeX textclass, since the features of this class can almost be achieved manually with LyX. But it will make great sense, if you use your own letter style, for example \family typewriter gletter\family default or \family typewriter mpiletter\family default or whatever. In this case you would probably set your address, signature and whatever you like on the head of the letter in the LaTeX Preamble of the template. Then yourself or your scretary just have to use \shape italic SendToAddress\shape default , \shape italic Opening, Closing, cc \shape default and\shape italic encl, \shape default or whatever your letterstyle supports.