// Sends out fake ctcp replies to a user which appear in a different colour.
// To run do /DwREPLY <user> <text>
\\ or /Rx Rexx/DWaRFx/DWaRFReply.AmIRX <user> <text>
\\ Thanks to GerO^MsR
;parse arg channelnick text;text=substr(text,2);evnum=Substr(Address(),Pos('.',Address()));Call Setclip('DFxTIME'evnum,Time());if channelnick="" then;do;"echo P="d2c(27)"b½DWaRFREPLy╗ specify a nick dog head";exit;end;if text="" then;do;"echo P="d2c(27)"b½DWaRFREPLy╗ You need to specify text you gimp!.";exit;end;"echo P="d2c(27)"b½DWaRFREPLy╗ "Text" sent to "channelnick" curtesy of "d2c(2)"|DWaRFx-TNG|"d2c(2)".";"Raw NOTICE "||channelnick||" :"||"01"X||text||"01"X||"0a"X