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Text File  |  2007-06-17  |  13KB  |  197 lines

  1. chartbl.zip       41355 1995/01/30  Display & print character tables of outline
  2.                                     fonts
  3. chmap.zip         23528 1995/02/19  Character Mapper (like Windows Character
  4.                                     mapper applet)
  5. clipchar.zip      17722 1995/01/30  Clipchar v1.0, character map with clipboard
  6.                                     copy
  7. fntf30a.zip      567261 1997/04/23  FontFolder - OS/2 Font Manager v3.0a
  8. fntflib.zip       72646 1996/07/24  FontFolder Pre-registered libraries for
  9.                                     popular font CDROMs
  10. font19.zip       153389 2004/05/10  Alter fullscreen text mode font to 9x20 (or
  11.                                     9x19) instead of 9x16
  12.                         Long desc:  Alter fullscreen text mode font to 9x20 (or
  13.                                     9x19) instead of 9x16
  14.                         Runs on:    OS/2 4+ with fixpack or better
  15.                         Requires:   VGA hardware. Digital panel display or a
  16.                                     chipset supported by SNAP graphics.
  17.                         Contact:    Veit Kannegieser (Veit.Kannegieser@gmx.de)
  18.                         Source:     http://www-user.tu-cottbus.de/~kannegv/programm
  19. font20.zip        64892 1999/08/11  selects 9*20 Font in Textmode
  20.                         Long desc:  modifies video parameters for DOS and OS/2
  21.                                     fullscreen sessions from 9*16 to 9*20
  22.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3+ or DOS
  23.                         Requires:   SVGA card+monitor, graphics chipset
  24.                                     supported by OS/2 SVGA.EXE
  25.                         Contact:    Veit Kannegieser (Veit.Kannegieser@gmx.de)
  26.                         Source:
  27. fontconfig-2.3.2.zip     607008 2005/08/08  Font configuration and customization
  28.                                     library
  29.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp
  30.                         Requires:   EMX, XFree86/OS2
  31.                         Contact:    Frank Giessler
  32.                         Source:     http://www.fontconfig.org
  33. fontinfo.zip      66147 2007/04/03  Information on font handling by OS/2
  34.                         Long desc:  Details on the implementation of font
  35.                                     rendering under OS/2. This is to
  36.                                     (hopefully) help programmers on porting
  37.                                     Mozilla.
  38.                         Runs on:    Warp 3 or superior
  39. fontview.zip      13492 2000/08/29  Tool for viewing installed and uninstalled
  40.                                     fonts
  41.                         Long desc:  Fontview lets you view any Type1 fonts,
  42.                                     both installed and not installed, by
  43.                                     dropping a fontfile (AFM, OFM, PFB) on the
  44.                                     program's icon
  45.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.x and later should work
  46.                         Contact:    Cliff Cullum
  47. freetype2.zip    467596 2003/11/12  freetype-2.1.4rc1 font library DLLs built
  48.                                     for EMX -Zmtd
  49.                         Long desc:  freetype-2.1.4rc1 font library DLLs built
  50.                                     for EMX -Zmtd; This is not a replacement
  51.                                     for the renderer used by the OS, but a
  52.                                     library which may be used from
  53.                                     applications. ZLIB and
  54.                                     BYTECODE_INTERPRETER are enabled.
  55.                         Requires:   EMX
  56.                         Contact:    Ilya Zakharevich (User name: nospam-abuse;
  57.                                     Host: ilyaz.org)
  58.                         Source:     http://freetype.sourceforge.net/freetype2/
  59. ft2gui102.zip     18822 2007/06/11  ft2gui Version 1.0.2
  60.                         Long desc:  ft2gui Version 1.0.2 (c) 2003-2007
  61.                                     copyrighted FREEWARE by Herwig Bauernfeind
  62.                                     Utility to switch between IBM TrueType.DLL
  63.                                     and FreeType.DLL. In addition FreeType
  64.                                     options can be configured.
  65.                         Runs on:    A recent version of eCS or OS/2, Rexx
  66.                                     support
  67.                         Requires:   VROBJ.DLL (VX-REXX runtime dll)
  68.                         Contact:    Herwig Bauernfeind
  69. ftfv.zip         681613 2003/12/19  Free Type Font Viewer
  70.                         Runs on:    Warp 3 or above
  71.                         Requires:   emx runtime
  72.                         Contact:    V.Kukla (kukla@login.cz)
  73. getfont.zip       14264 1999/08/25  Extract imbedded fonts from postscript
  74.                                     document.
  75.                         Runs on:    OS/2 any version
  76.                         Requires:   EMX Runtime
  77.                         Contact:    Peter Flass
  78.                                     (Flass@Leginfo.LBDC.State.NY.US)
  79. getttfname.zip     7705 2004/01/12  Rexx script to retrieve "friendly name" of
  80.                                     a TTF
  81.                         Long desc:  Rexx script to retrieve the "friendly"
  82.                                     ("real") name of a TTF file directly from
  83.                                     the file.
  84.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3x and above (should work on prev.
  85.                                     versions - not tested)
  86.                         Contact:    Thomas Klein (warpcafe at yahoo dot de)
  87. innotek_ft2lib_100.zip   371888 2003/08/01  InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 V1.0
  88.                                     Mozilla Edition
  89.                         Long desc:  The InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 (powered
  90.                                     by Freetype 2) is a port of the Freetype 2
  91.                                     font engine to the OS/2 Warp platform
  92.                                     providing a tight integration with the
  93.                                     OS/2 graphics subsystem.  It is designed
  94.                                     to be able to replace the OS/2 font
  95.                                     rendering subsystem for hte selected
  96.                                     (certified) applications.  The benefits of
  97.                                     the Freetype library compred to the
  98.                                     default OS/2 font engine can be summarized
  99.                                     as follows: -greatly improved font
  100.                                     rendering quality for both TrueType and
  101.                                     Adobe Tye 1 outline fonts. -8-bit (256
  102.                                     color) anti-aliasing for smoother font
  103.                                     display  -optional subpixel rendering for
  104.                                     LCD screens -better support for displaying
  105.                                     Unicode font data -more accurate character
  106.                                     spacing -flexible configuration options
  107.                                     such as configurable anti-aliasing,
  108.                                     hinting and font mapping -enhanced ApIs
  109.                                     going beyond the capabilites of the OS/2
  110.                                     graphics subsystem (such as glyph outline
  111.                                     query support)
  112.                         Requires:   Mozilla
  113.                         Contact:    Innotek
  114.                         Source:     http://www.innotek.de
  115. jmode100.zip       6686 1995/01/30  Jmode v1.00, change fullscreen font to
  116.                                     80x30
  117. ledpanel081.zip   36403 2004/11/08  Set of LEDPanel style OS/2 bitmap fonts
  118.                         Long desc:  Set of LEDPanel style OS/2 bitmap fonts (c)
  119.                                     copyrighted FREEWARE This is a OS/2 bitmap
  120.                                     font that has 3 styles of fonts that
  121.                                     resemble the LED digits on digital panels.
  122.                                     It is most suitable for clocks, calender
  123.                                     and other types of widgets on
  124.                                     e/xWorkPlace's e/xCenter, Object Desktop's
  125.                                     ControlCenter or on WarpCenter or
  126.                                     eCScenter. 2nd public release and still
  127.                                     incomplete, nevertheless very usable
  128.                                     already. Some bugfixes.
  129.                         Runs on:    every version of OS/2 (eCS)
  130.                         Contact:    Herwig Bauernfeind
  131.                                     (herwig.bauernfeind@aon.at)
  132. pmfoed002a.zip   279655 1999/09/02  Display Font Editor v0.02 (english)
  133.                                     FREEWARE
  134.                         Long desc:  Edits a lot of the fonts (8x8/14/16 and
  135.                                     9x14/16) in the files (an images of ROM-
  136.                                     BIOS, VIOTBL.DCP and others)
  137.                         Runs on:    Warp v3 and above (v2.x not tested)
  138.                         Contact:    VicTor Smirnoff (sva@water.karelia.ru)
  139.                         Source:     http://www.os2.spb.ru/russian
  140. shwfnt11.zip      52377 1995/12/01  Showfont v1.1, show/preview/install system
  141.                                     fonts
  142. tfont12.zip       91175 2005/10/13  Changes font in full screen OS/2 and DOS
  143.                                     sesions.
  144.                         Long desc:  This update (v1.2/2001-01-25) works (v1.0
  145.                                     buffer crossed 64k boundary). Includes a
  146.                                     selection of fonts. Compatible with
  147.                                     40/80/132 column and 25/50/60 line modes
  148.                                     (e.g. mode co132,60).
  149.                         Runs on:    Known to work in OS/2 Warp 3 fixpak 39.
  150.                         Requires:   With SNAP graphics, must have a recent
  151.                                     driver (v3.0.8 build 480 known to work;
  152.                                     v2.0.0 build 339 known to fail).
  153.                         Contact:    Tomas Ögren
  154.                         Source:     http://math.berkeley.edu/~ilya/software/os2/
  155. ttf2pt1-3.3.3-os2.zip    345955 2001/03/08  Convert TrueType fonts to Type 1 format
  156.                         Long desc:  The programme converts TrueType fonts to
  157.                                     PostScript .pfa or .pfb format
  158.                         Requires:   emx 0.9d
  159.                         Contact:    Mikkel C. Simonsen (mcs@post5.tele.dk)
  160.                         Source:     http://ttf2pt1.sourceforge.net/
  161. type1os2.zip      27832 2000/03/16  Extract font information from type 1 fonts
  162.                                     for XFree86
  163.                         Long desc:  This program is intended to help installing
  164.                                     Type1 fonts in OS/2 XFree86. Program
  165.                                     creates output suitable for fonts.dir file
  166.                                     by scanning type1 files in directory.
  167.                         Contact:    Lauri Paatero (Lauri.Paatero@paatero.pp.fi)
  168. vfont2.zip         5992 1995/01/30  Replacement VGA text mode fonts
  169. warpsans.zip     173590 2005/01/06  Workplace Sans is a free outline clone of
  170.                                     the OS/2 Warp 4 bitmap font
  171.                         Long desc:  Workplace Sans is a free outline clone of
  172.                                     the OS/2 Warp 4 bitmap font "WarpSans". 
  173.                                     It is available in both TrueType and Type
  174.                                     1 PostScript formats.  (The Type 1 version
  175.                                     is updated less often.)  It has been
  176.                                     carefully designed so as to look as much
  177.                                     like WarpSans as possible, when displayed
  178.                                     on-screen under 9-point size (at 120 dpi).
  179.                                     It will probably look somewhat less tidy
  180.                                     under other point sizes, especially since
  181.                                     the hinting is fairly basic at present.
  182.                         Contact:    Alexander Taylor (alextaylor41 -at- rogers
  183.                                     -dot- com)
  184.                         Source:     http://www.cs-club.org/~alex
  185. wpsu_ttf_04.zip  134782 2007/06/18  Workplace Sans v0.4, a TrueType font
  186.                                     designed to resemble WarpSans
  187.                         Long desc:  Workplace Sans is a Unicode TrueType
  188.                                     outline font that is designed to resemble
  189.                                     the OS/2 bitmap font "WarpSans" (when
  190.                                     rendered at 9pt/120dpi or 11pt/96dpi).
  191.                                     Includes character support for ISO Latin,
  192.                                     Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, and Japanese
  193.                                     (kana).
  194.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp with TrueType support
  195.                         Contact:    Alex Taylor
  196.                         Source:     http://www.cs-club.org/~alex/creative/fonts/#wpsu