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Text File  |  2005-04-05  |  3KB  |  40 lines

  1. amibios.txt        8475 1995/01/31  AMI BIOS considerations
  2. ami_set.zip       24859 1995/12/28  The AMI BIOS Survival Guide
  3. bobsapps.zip     481927 2000/06/13  An INF file with information on OS/2
  4.                                     applications. V1.2.
  5.                         Long desc:  Descriptions and locations of OS/2
  6.                                     programs. Also includes dynamic links from
  7.                                     the INF file to Netscape or the URL
  8.                                     folder. Check the file date for new
  9.                                     releases.
  10.                         Contact:    Bob McLellan (bobmcl@ibm.net)
  11. buy_os2.zip       20326 1995/12/01  FAQ: Should I buy OS/2 Warp 3.0?
  12. doip9601.zip      39749 1996/01/01  Dial Other Internet Providers FAQ - 01/96
  13. faq21e.zip       242801 1995/02/03  OS/2 2.1 FAQ User's Edition (U.S. English)
  14.                                     Release 2.1E
  15. faqappl.zip       32450 1996/07/02  OS2_APPL.ITA Italian FidoNet Echo
  16.                                     conference (In Italian) June 1996
  17. games21j.zip      25473 1995/10/21  Information on DOS settings for games
  18.                                     (10/20/95)
  19. gg2_mar.zip     1674139 1995/02/25  OS/2 Gamer's Guide, March 1995 Edition
  20. netfaq.zip         4398 1995/02/03  OS/2 and Windows Networking FAQ (12/21/94)
  21. od15faq.zip      387736 1996/06/26  Information and snapshots on Object Desktop
  22.                                     1.5
  23. os2fnfaq.zip      51946 1995/10/20  OS/2 Fonts Frequently-Asked Questions
  24.                                     10/09/95
  25. os2winfq.zip       3553 1995/02/03  Win-OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions
  26. pfaq34.zip       211738 1995/06/04  OS/2 FAQ, Programmer's Edition v3.4
  27.                                     (06/04/95)
  28. sl_faq03.zip       7653 1995/01/30  SLIP for OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions
  29.                                     v0.3
  30. sound.zip         21476 1995/12/02  FAQ: How to make soundcards work w/OS/2
  31. tfaq001.zip      111899 1995/05/02  Warp IAK and IBM TCP/IP Frequently Asked
  32.                                     Questions
  33. tmfaq241.zip      15488 1997/02/13  Team OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions v2.41
  34. tricks6.zip      368215 1995/09/26  Stupid OS/2 Tricks, release #6 -- Sep 1995
  35. vmbfaq.zip         6021 1995/01/31  How to set up a VMB (boot other versions of
  36.                                     DOS), .INF
  37. warpfaq3.zip     336908 1995/02/20  OS/2 Warp Frequently Asked Questions List,
  38.                                     Release 3
  39. wxfaq06.zip       31609 1995/10/03  IBM WebExplorer FAQ List v0.6