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Text File  |  2008-08-13  |  19KB  |  290 lines

  1. newsltr/            DIR 2008/08/14  Newsletters
  2. tips/               DIR 2008/08/14  Technical tips from the OS/2 Tech Support
  3.                                     Team
  4. forum/              DIR 2008/08/14  OS/2 Discussion Forum
  5. faq/                DIR 2008/08/14  Frequently Asked Questions lists (FAQs)
  6. pafupdate.zip      9435 2007/07/17  PAF for OS/2 Update Guide
  7.                         Long desc:  Information about updating the PAF
  8.                                     Preliminary runtime package to the new
  9.                                     full featured PAF for OS/2 product.
  10.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3 or up
  11.                         Contact:    fimicro Technical Support
  12.                                     (os2support@fimicro.com)
  13.                         Source:     http://www.fimicro.com/en/support/migration/start.htm
  14. mike146.zip      746425 2004/05/19  Mike146.INF, version 1.45
  15.                         Long desc:  Mike146.INF is a hypertext file in the
  16.                                     natural INF format, comprising 146
  17.                                     complete articles in Czech language. I
  18.                                     have personally published the articles in
  19.                                     several Czech specialized magazines.
  20.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0/4.0/4.5 and eCS 1.1
  21.                         Requires:   None
  22.                         Contact:    Michal Pohorelsky (Michal@os2ecs.net)
  23.                         Source:     http://www.os2ecs.net
  24. galcivtm.zip      59734 2003/12/05  os2/info
  25.                         Long desc:  GalCivTM.INF is an English hypertext file
  26.                                     in the native INF format, offering list of
  27.                                     all technology for games - Galactic
  28.                                     Civilizations GOLD.
  29.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0/4.0/4.5 and eCS 1.1
  30.                         Requires:   None
  31.                         Contact:    Michal Pohorelsky (Michal@os2ecs.net)
  32.                         Source:     http://www.os2ecs.net
  33. mike136.zip      670070 2003/09/30  Mike136.INF, version 1.44
  34.                         Long desc:  Mike136.INF is a hypertext file in the
  35.                                     natural INF format, comprising 136
  36.                                     complete articles in Czech language. I
  37.                                     have personally published the articles in
  38.                                     several Czech specialized magazines.
  39.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0/4.0/4.5 and eCS 1.1
  40.                         Requires:   None
  41.                         Contact:    Michal Pohorelsky (Michal@os2ecs.net)
  42.                         Source:     http://www.os2ecs.net
  43. MIKE92E.ZIP      440959 2002/09/24  Mike92E.INF, version 0.17
  44.                         Long desc:  Mike92E.INF is a hypertext file in the
  45.                                     natural INF format, comprising 80 complete
  46.                                     articles in  Czech language and so far
  47.                                     only 12 articles in English. I have
  48.                                     personally published the articles in
  49.                                     several Czech specialized magazines.
  50.                                     Mike92E.INF is Freeware !Mike92E.INF is
  51.                                     Freeware !
  52.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0 and up
  53.                         Contact:    Michal Pohorelsky (Michal@os2ecs.net)
  54.                         Source:     http://www.os2ecs.net
  55. os2inside.zip   2680772 2000/12/19  !German! inf-based knowledge base from the
  56.                                     magazine OS/2 Inside.
  57.                         Long desc:  These is the "OS/2 Inside Knowledge Base"
  58.                                     from the (sadly deceased) German print
  59.                                     magazine OS/2 Inside. Inf files from 01/95
  60.                                     to 07/96.
  61.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  62.                         Source:     http://www.os2-inside.de/WEBSPACE/12112/WEB12112.NSF/HTMLFILE/DEFAULT.HTM
  63. telusadsl.zip    289549 1999/11/15  Canadian Telus.net (BCTel) ADSL
  64.                                     instructions
  65.                         Long desc:  Instructions on how to get OS/2 Warp v4 to
  66.                                     work with a Canadian Telus.net (BCTel)
  67.                                     ADSL home connections
  68.                         Runs on:    OS/2 v3.x and higher
  69.                         Requires:   Canadian Telus.net ADSL account
  70.                         Contact:    Stephane Charette (charette@writeme.com)
  71.                         Source:     http://charette.dyn.tj/
  72. html40os2.zip    175256 1999/06/15  WDG's HTML 4.0 reference in .inf format
  73.                         Long desc:  An overview of all HTML 4.0 elements, their
  74.                                     attributes and brief descriptions.
  75.                                     Compiled by the Web Design Group. .INF
  76.                                     version by Mark Healey.
  77.                         Requires:   It's meant to be viewed with CSS.INF from
  78.                                     cssos2.zip
  79.                         Contact:    Liam Quinn (liam@htmlhelp.com)
  80.                         Source:     http://htmlhelp.com/distribution/
  81. os2tools_br.zip 1455904 1999/06/15  Review about OS/2 tools for Brazilian OS/2
  82.                                     users
  83.                         Long desc:  Review about OS/2 tools for Brazilian OS/2
  84.                                     users in HTML compiled.
  85.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  86.                         Contact:    Carlos Andre R. Marcier (Macarlo)
  87.                                     (macarlo@macarlo.com)
  88.                         Source:     (http://macarlo.com)
  89. os2tools_br16a.zip      1507937 1999/06/15  Review about OS/2 tools for Brazilian
  90.                                     OS/2 users
  91.                         Long desc:  Review about OS/2 tools for Brazilian OS/2
  92.                                     users in HTML compiled (16 bits).
  93.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  94.                         Contact:    Carlos Andre R. Marcier (Macarlo)
  95.                                     (macarlo@macarlo.com)
  96.                         Source:     (http://macarlo.com)
  97. os2undoc.zip      47832 1999/06/15  Undocumented Feature of OS/2 (INF)
  98.                         Long desc:  This INF file collects a variety of
  99.                                     information concerning undocumented APIs
  100.                                     and features of OS/2.
  101.                         Runs on:    OS/2, any version.
  102.                         Contact:    Rick Papo (rpapo@msen.com)
  103. wilburo2.zip      70808 1999/06/15  WDG's HTML 3.2 reference in .inf format
  104.                         Long desc:  "Wilbur", a quick overview of all HTML 3.2
  105.                                     elements, their attributes and brief
  106.                                     descriptions. (Version 1.6) The help file
  107.                                     includes: - Introduction to HTML 3.2 -
  108.                                     Structure of an HTML document - Overview
  109.                                     of all HTML 3.2 elements - Alphabetical
  110.                                     listing of all tags - Glossary of terms
  111.                                     Each element has full annotations
  112.                                     regarding appearance, attributes,
  113.                                     permitted contents, and a list of elements
  114.                                     in which it may be used. All elements are
  115.                                     fully hyperlinked to allow for quick and
  116.                                     easy navigation from one element to
  117.                                     another, and a searchable index and table
  118.                                     of contents are only a click away.
  119.                                     Compiled by the Web Design Group.
  120.                         Contact:    Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet
  121.                                     (galactus@htmlhelp.com)
  122.                         Source:     http://htmlhelp.com/distribution/
  123. cssos2.zip       141610 1999/04/29  WDG's Guide to Cascading Style Sheets in
  124.                                     .INF format
  125.                         Long desc:  Information on how to use the CSS standard
  126.                                     to separate style and content in HTML
  127.                                     documents. Compiled by the Web Design
  128.                                     Group. .INF version by Mark Healey.
  129.                         Requires:   It's meant to be viewed with HTML40.INF
  130.                                     from html40os2.zip
  131.                         Contact:    Liam Quinn (liam@htmlhelp.com)
  132.                         Source:     http://htmlhelp.com/distribution/
  133. os2ppc.zip       458466 1998/10/27  Details about OS/2 for Power PC 
  134.                         Long desc:  Here you'll find out where GRADD and some
  135.                                     other stuff in Warp 4 comes from
  136.                         Contact:    Leonardo Pino (lpino@dcc.uchile.cl)
  137. macardic.zip    1120448 1998/03/09  @Macarlo's Warp 4.0 Tips & Tricks on-line
  138.                                     for OS/2 Brazilian users
  139.                         Contact:    Carlos Andr R. Marcier, ASP member (FOS-70)
  140.                                     and IBM Developer Team member
  141.                                     (macarlo@macarlo.com)
  142.                         Source:     http://macarlo.com
  143. infworld.zip     819525 1997/06/23  Infoworld forum on invalidation of OS/2 win
  144. os2tour2.zip    3852361 1997/06/09  OS/2 Warp 4 Descriptive Slideshow, Desktop
  145.                                     Tour
  146. os2web21.zip      15477 1997/06/02  Web page with many IBM OS/2 and related
  147.                                     links
  148. desktour.zip    2572018 1997/02/19  Warp 4 Desktop Tour (HTML format)
  149. stardock97.zip  1610990 1997/02/07  Information on Stardock's native OS/2
  150.                                     products
  151. os2mag.zip       988295 1997/02/07  OS/2 Magazine Article Database (final
  152.                                     version)
  153. eros.zip          46366 1997/01/20  Eros Ramazzotti's 1996 album, translated to
  154.                                     english
  155. vtdtipsd.inf      12288 1997/01/14  VoiceType Tips for Warp 4, German Only
  156. os2applicationsurvey.zip    870 1996/11/03  Application Survey.  Complete, return
  157.                                     and help shape OS/2's future
  158. gamdev2.zip      451683 1996/10/08  Information guide for PM game development
  159. merl1004.zip     341280 1996/10/04  Connect the world with Merlin, Update #14 -
  160.                                     October 4, 1996
  161. merl0920.zip      90340 1996/09/20  Connect the world with Merlin, Update #13 -
  162.                                     September 20, 1996
  163. merl0906.zip     101765 1996/09/06  Connect the world with Merlin, Update #12 -
  164.                                     September 06, 1996
  165. merlinpr.zip     198401 1996/09/06  Press Announcement about Merlin
  166. merl0809.zip     232803 1996/08/09  Connect the world with Merlin, Update #10 -
  167.                                     August 9, 1996
  168. merl0724.zip     257188 1996/07/24  Connect the world with Merlin, Update #9
  169.                                     July 24, 1996
  170. zpmag1.zip       939056 1996/06/26  Support mag for OS/2, Icons, reviews, etc.
  171. os2zipmag_os2_no_cim.zip   3932 1996/05/17  OS/2 Zipmag, out in the next 3 days -
  172.                                     CompuServe dropping cim support
  173. os2dir25.zip     141002 1996/03/22  OS/2 World Wide Web Directory
  174. avarice.zip      257213 1996/01/20  Announcement: Stardock Systems Avarice
  175.                                     Preview
  176. galciv2.zip      421757 1996/01/20  Announcement: Stardock Systems Galactic
  177.                                     Civilization 2
  178. ibmww.zip         52580 1995/10/09  IBM's Worldwide Electronic Resource Guide
  179. sidekick.zip     351416 1995/09/27  OS/2 Warp Programmer's Sidekick information
  180. atibem4.zip       36262 1995/08/21  Accessing the Internet by e-mail (.INF
  181.                                     format)
  182. gbu109.zip        84161 1995/07/23  Good, Bad, and Ugly hardware List v1.09
  183. wrpin112.zip      24270 1995/07/14  Warp Installation Notes release 1.12
  184. warpinfo.zip     383718 1995/07/14  Screenshots and press releases for Warp
  185. certify.zip       11253 1995/07/08  Special offer for OS/2 certification
  186.                                     handbooks
  187. cooa2.zip        526320 1995/06/26  .INF archive of comp.os.os2.announce (Jan-
  188.                                     Jun)
  189. os2cfg11.zip      45892 1995/06/12  Rick Meigs' comprehensive description of
  190.                                     the CONFIG.SYS
  191. pci.zip           47387 1995/06/03  PCI hardware for OS/2 information
  192. bestmba.zip      575436 1995/05/27  The Best of MBA, in .INF format
  193. os2award.zip     140780 1995/03/15  IBM-produced listing of OS/2's Awards and
  194.                                     Press Clips
  195. spork.zip         27648 1995/02/25  Judge Sporkin's Opinion rejecting MS & DOJ
  196.                                     decree
  197. shipyards.zip    446926 1995/02/25  Shipyards announcement, GalCiv game add-on
  198. galcivwt.zip       6937 1995/02/09  Galactic Civilizations getting started,
  199.                                     release 1.1
  200. write.zip         15512 1995/01/31  Form letters asking for OS/2
  201.                                     products/support
  202. winbench.txt      10194 1995/01/31  Benchmarking WIndows and OS/2
  203. walnutcd.txt       1446 1995/01/31  Get the entire ftp-os2 archive on CD-ROM!
  204. video2.zip         3514 1995/01/31  Assessment of video cards with OS/2 2.x
  205.                                     support
  206. unix20.txt         3712 1995/01/31  Unix to OS/2 2.0 Migration Workshop
  207.                                     Description&Survey
  208. tjbench.zip        4123 1995/01/31  OS/2 2.0 Service Pak Benchmarks under DOS
  209. teamos2.zip      142436 1995/01/31  Vicci Conways TEAM OS/2 listing 05/31/93
  210. tapesw.doc         1145 1995/01/31  List of OS/2 compatible tape backup
  211.                                     software
  212. svgabn.zip        28714 1995/01/31  PM Benchmark Results for 1024x768 device
  213.                                     drivers
  214. svga20.txt        13191 1995/01/31  OS/2 2.0 SVGA information from the net
  215. stac.os2           4981 1995/01/31  Announcement: Stacker for OS/2
  216. spockmay.zip     534018 1995/01/31  Spocks Logic Information Systems OS/2
  217.                                     Resource
  218. redsha.zip         1028 1995/01/31  Announcement: Red Shark Nymbus Multimedia
  219.                                     tool suite
  220. redbk4.zip       467551 1995/01/31  IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 4: Application
  221.                                     Development
  222. redbk3.zip       436082 1995/01/31  IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 3: PM and Workplace
  223.                                     Shell
  224. redbk2.zip       724504 1995/01/31  IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 2: DOS and Windows
  225.                                     Environment
  226. redbk1.zip       472449 1995/01/31  IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 1: Control Program
  227. rdmeinf.zip       60189 1995/01/31  OS/2 2.0 README in the .INF format
  228. ps2ref.zip       448058 1995/01/31  General PS/2 info
  229. prnmap.txt        15541 1995/01/31  Listing of printers with corresponding
  230.                                     driver names
  231. pasgim.zip       518342 1995/01/31  Online Personal AS/2 General Information
  232.                                     Manual
  233. os2wish.zip      398963 1995/01/31  OS/2 wishlist
  234. os2show.zip     1270251 1995/01/31  OS/2 2.0 32-bit showcase - listing of 32-
  235.                                     bit progs
  236. os2prob.txt        8382 1995/01/31  OS/2 2.0 Problem Report Form
  237. os2flist.txt     148471 1995/01/31  Listing/description of OS/2 system files
  238. os2fd_10.zip       9091 1995/01/31  4DOS/4OS2 descriptions of OS/2 files
  239. ljv.txt            1557 1995/01/31  Announcement: LJV utilities for OS/2
  240. ivleague.txt       9529 1995/01/31  List of OS/2 support organizations/people
  241. isvbeta.txt       96726 1995/01/31  ISV/Customer Interaction program
  242. isvbet.zip        29426 1995/01/31  OS/2 32-bit Applications for Beta Testing
  243. infdisk.txt         470 1995/01/31  Info on Chili Pepper Software Infinite Disk
  244. hactos2.zip       17461 1995/01/31  Information on HyperAct, Inc. Products
  245. gw66v.zip          1638 1995/01/31  How to install OS/2 2.0 on a Gateway 2000
  246.                                     4DX2-66V
  247. erratadd.zip       6651 1995/01/31  Errata for Writing Device Drivers in C-
  248.                                     Mastrianni
  249. dcf2info.txt       1698 1995/01/31  Information on DCF/2 Disk Compression
  250.                                     Facility
  251. conf9108.txt      35582 1995/01/31  CompuServe conference with Lee Reiswig
  252.                                     (8/91)
  253. benchtec.txt       3224 1995/01/31  BenchTech performance measurement tool
  254.                                     press release
  255. appbrf.zip         2541 1995/01/31  Brief from ARA-how customers are using OS/2
  256. sonnet.zip        85168 1995/01/30  Shakespeare sonnets in INF viewable format
  257. csp2ad.txt         1126 1995/01/30  Free Demo of IBM CSP/2AD available
  258. galciv.zip       106574 1995/01/30  Announcment -- Galatic Civilization OS/2
  259.                                     game
  260. strategy.txt      64291 1995/01/30  IBM Personal Software Products: Product
  261.                                     Line Update
  262. os2_apps.txt     176616 1995/01/30  IBMs list of all 16-bit OS/2 applications
  263. os2tcpip.zip      46446 1995/01/30  Information on IBM TCP/IP 1.2
  264. jargn299.zip     785712 1995/01/30  A series of .INF files which explain
  265.                                     computer jargon
  266. 16550.doc         17959 1995/01/30  Information on using high speed 16550 UARTS
  267.                                     for OS/2
  268. os2world.zip      63578 1995/01/30  OS/2 BBSes around the world
  269. ftnguide.nat      16954 1995/01/30  IBM Field Television Network broadcast
  270.                                     guide
  271. os2books.txt      13863 1995/01/30  A list of programming-related OS/2 books
  272. cua91.txt         19812 1995/01/30  IBM SAA Common User Access Controls
  273.                                     Library/2
  274. quatec.txt         8870 1995/01/30  Info on Quatech communications adapters
  275. tcpip121.txt       2857 1995/01/30  How to get IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1
  276. xgaps2.ann        70656 1995/01/30  Product Announcement: IBM PS/2 XGA-2
  277.                                     Display Adapter/A
  278. tcpip12.ann       39898 1995/01/30  Announcement: IBM TCP/IP 1.2 for OS/2
  279. tinf34.zip       649185 1995/01/30  Listing of OS/2 programs (.INF format)
  280.                                     version 3.4
  281. cdbook.zip         1728 1995/01/30  Contents of the IBM OS/2 Online Book
  282.                                     Collection
  283. s3info.zip         6447 1995/01/30  Info on 16-bit S3 display drivers
  284. vt100.tst          3189 1995/01/30  VT100-series Torture Test
  285. soytxt.zip        14026 1995/01/30  Transcript of GEnie Chat with John Soyring
  286. pgp26ui.txt        1662 1995/01/30  PGP 2.6ui availability announcement
  287. hpfserr.zip        2964 1995/01/30  Text file explaning HPFS386 Internal Errors
  288. catsmeow.zip     294037 1995/01/30  Collection of homebrew recipies in .INF
  289.                                     format