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Text File  |  2005-04-05  |  3KB  |  50 lines

  1. dance414.zip     342635 1999/03/26  Dancer IRC Bot 4.14
  2.                         Long desc:  Dancer IRC Bot 4.14
  3.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3+
  4.                         Requires:   EMX runtime 0.9d.
  5.                         Contact:    Brian Smith (dbsoft@technologist.com)
  6.                         Source:     http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bridge/1318/os2-unix/
  7. dmi125.zip        41381 1996/10/03  DMI v1.25 - IRC script for GTirc 2, InetAdv
  8.                                     .22+, IRC/2 .75+
  9. eggdrop139.zip   516999 1998/02/09  eggdrop v1.3.9+dagmar-voicefix (OS/2
  10.                                     binaries)
  11.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0+
  12.                         Requires:   TCP/IP + EMX runtime
  13.                         Contact:    George Nechaev
  14.                         Source:     http://www.sodre.net/eggdrop
  15. gscr20.zip        82680 1997/12/07  Scripts for Gammatech IRC v2.0 - message
  16.                                     logging, channel control, piping, and more
  17. gz-312a.zip      206507 2003/09/02  GemZ v3.12 - Script for OpenChat/2 1.07+
  18.                         Long desc:  GemZ v3.12 - Script for OpenChat/2 1.07+
  19.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp
  20.                         Requires:   OpenChat/2 1.07+
  21. gz7-9a.zip       163711 1997/07/14  GemZ v2.8 - Script for OpenChat/2 1.05+
  22. icbrg200.zip      22160 1996/02/25  IceBerg v1.10, Rexx scripts for GTirc
  23. lookup.zip         6347 1996/11/26  Nice addition to ircII/os2; shows domain
  24.                                     and IP of a user
  25. ncolor13.zip       3539 1996/12/30  Channel/nickname message colors for mikh
  26.                                     ircII port 3.0
  27. pmbot183.zip     344288 1999/01/25  PmBot 1.8.3 - Irc bot with Full WPS
  28.                                     configuration and interface.
  29.                         Long desc:  PmBot! v1.8.3 irc robot with full WPS
  30.                                     support, multilple connections, xdcc file
  31.                                     server, op protection, basic channel op
  32.                                     protection, words database, plus much
  33.                                     more. Built using Vis/Pro Rexx 3.01
  34.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3 and up
  35.                         Requires:   TCP/IP
  36.                         Contact:    Daniel DeGroot aka Spoc (ddan@icehouse.net)
  37.                         Source:     http://www.icehouse.net/ddan
  38. tc123101.zip      15822 1999/04/29  tc123-1.0.1 RELEASE for OS/2
  39.                         Long desc:  An ircII script+helper applet which allows
  40.                                     you to control z! and pm123 within your
  41.                                     irc client console. The helper applet can
  42.                                     also be used in any other area where you
  43.                                     wish to show information about the mp3 you
  44.                                     are currently playing(like email
  45.                                     signatures!)
  46.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp
  47.                         Requires:   EMX Runtimes version 0.9c or newer
  48.                         Contact:    Kevin Berry (deathsyn@yahoo.com)
  49.                         Source:     http://tc123.mm/