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Text File  |  2008-08-13  |  41KB  |  598 lines

  1. emacs/              DIR 2008/08/14  EMACS-related applications
  2. epm/                DIR 2008/08/14  EPM Programmer's Editor
  3. ae.zip           412504 2001/07/17  Andys Source Code Folding Editor
  4.                         Long desc:  Andys Source Code Folding Editor
  5.                         Runs on:    16 bit DOS, 32 bit DOS, 16 bit OS/2, 32 bit
  6.                                     OS/2, Win32, NetWare
  7.                         Contact:    Andy Key (ak@nyangau.fsnet.co.uk)
  8.                         Source:     http://www.nyangau.fsnet.co.uk/
  9. aedit.zip         72555 1995/01/30  A small editor, from PC Magazine
  10. alist101.zip      19079 1995/12/16  Alist v1.01, simple PM file browser
  11. alpha_31.zip    1179083 1998/04/07  Editor (PM)
  12.                         Long desc:  Alpha is a simple 32-bit, multi-document,
  13.                                     configurable, highlighting and analysing
  14.                                     editor for 370 and 386 assembler, PASCAL,
  15.                                     C, PL/X, FORTRAN, and related languages.
  16.                         Contact:    Lionel de Lambert
  17.                         Source:     ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/pccbbs/os2_ews/alphal.zip
  18. ana015.zip        33587 1995/01/30  Binary file analysis tool
  19. bb2_120.zip      170105 1995/01/30  Blackbeard/2 programmers editor
  20. be.zip           634990 2001/07/17  Andys Binary Folding Editor
  21.                         Long desc:  Andys Binary Folding Editor (structured
  22.                                     decode, not just hex)
  23.                         Runs on:    32 bit DOS, 32 bit OS/2, Win32, NetWare.
  24.                         Contact:    Andy Key (ak@nyangau.fsnet.co.uk)
  25.                         Source:     http://www.nyangau.fsnet.co.uk/
  26. be041en.zip       81942 2000/10/02  Batch Editor v.0.41 - English version.
  27.                         Long desc:  Batch Editor v.0.41 is a PM multithreaded
  28.                                     application which allows to replace data
  29.                                     in one or more files with various options
  30.                                     (recur subdirectories, case insensitive,
  31.                                     non printable characters).
  32.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.x and up
  33.                         Contact:    Alessandro Cantatore (alexcant@tin.it)
  34.                         Source:     http://acsoft.yi.org
  35. be041it.zip       82500 2000/10/02  Batch Editor v.0.41 - Italian version.
  36.                         Long desc:  Batch Editor v.0.41 is a PM multithreaded
  37.                                     application which allows to replace data
  38.                                     in one or more files with various options
  39.                                     (recur subdirectories, case insensitive,
  40.                                     non printable characters).
  41.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.x and up
  42.                         Contact:    Alessandro Cantatore (alexcant@tin.it)
  43.                         Source:     http://acsoft.yi.org
  44. beav140.zip      275410 1996/01/07  Beav v1.40, binary file editor and viewer
  45. bedit2.zip        57851 1995/09/15  Bedit2:  multithreaded binary file editor
  46. box2g75c.zip     520234 2004/02/16  Boxer/Os2 v7.5, German NLV
  47.                         Long desc:  German Language version of BOXER/OS2 Text
  48.                                     Editor 7.5c. Powerful editing capability
  49.                                     in an easy-to-use program. Syntax
  50.                                     highlighting, column blocks, undo & redo,
  51.                                     global search & replace, macros, WP,
  52.                                     keyboard reconfig, large screen support,
  53.                                     36 clipboards, brace matching, ASCII
  54.                                     chart, multi-base calculator, & much, much
  55.                                     more! Boxer received the "Best Major
  56.                                     Application" award at the SIA. Keen
  57.                                     attention to detail is apparent
  58.                                     throughout. Shareware $89
  59.                         Contact:    Boxer Software (info@boxersoftware.com)
  60.                         Source:     http://www.boxersoftware.com
  61. bxos275c.zip     497490 2000/12/11  Boxer/Os2 v7.5, text mode programmer's
  62.                                     editor
  63.                         Long desc:  BOXER/OS2 Text Editor 7.5c Top rated
  64.                                     product! Powerful editing capability in an
  65.                                     easy-to-use program. Syntax highlighting,
  66.                                     column blocks, undo & redo, global search
  67.                                     & replace, macros, WP, keyboard reconfig,
  68.                                     large screen support, 36 clipboards, brace
  69.                                     matching, ASCII chart, multi-base
  70.                                     calculator, & much, much more! Boxer
  71.                                     received the "Best Major Application"
  72.                                     award at the SIA. Keen attention to detail
  73.                                     is apparent throughout. Shareware $89
  74.                         Contact:    Boxer Software (info@boxersoftware.com)
  75.                         Source:     http://www.boxersoftware.com/
  76. cedit11.zip       68202 1995/01/30  Norton Editor compatible text editor v1.1
  77. cnfgfte.zip        5980 2001/02/28  FTE modes for BAT, BTM, and CONFIG.SYS
  78.                         Runs on:    Any OS that will run FTE
  79.                         Requires:   FTE text editor
  80.                         Contact:    Michael DeBusk
  81. csedit.zip       342496 1995/01/30  CS-EDIT/2 Intelligent CONFIG.SYS Editor
  82.                                     demo
  83. dedump.zip        33337 1995/01/30  Hexadecimal dump utility (PM)
  84. dsdump11.zip      31743 1996/06/02  Hexadecimal display and search program
  85. e2_v321.zip      158419 1995/01/30  Rand editor for DOS & OS/2
  86. ed.zip            57028 1995/01/31  Ed - the UN*X commandline editor
  87. ed2022.zip       313392 2004/06/03  eD2 text editor v0.22 for PDE.
  88.                         Long desc:  Text convertion between cyryllic
  89.                                     IBM866,KOI8,WIN1251,ISO. Syntax
  90.                                     highlighting and code completion.
  91.                         Requires:   PDE v.0.2 or higher.
  92.                         Contact:    stVova (stVova[ANTISPAM]@ukrpost.com.ua)
  93.                         Source:     http://os2progg.by.ru
  94. ed_s.zip          32367 1995/01/30  Unix-like ed editor sources
  95. eda350.zip       213784 1996/10/22  ASCII editor with spreadsheet and database
  96.                                     functions
  97. edit0303.zip      25031 2003/03/24  A simple text editor, written in REXX.
  98.                         Long desc:  EDIT is a very easy to use text editor that
  99.                                     is standards compliant. It can be easily
  100.                                     enhanced by you, the user. Inside the zip
  101.                                     file you will find EDIT.CMD which is the
  102.                                     editor itself and a file called
  103.                                     TvsEDIT.TXT which outlines the differences
  104.                                     between TEdit and Edit. Please read the
  105.                                     file EDIT.CMD for additional info.
  106.                                     English, Spanish and German language
  107.                                     support. Bug reports and suggestions
  108.                                     welcome.
  109.                         Runs on:    Tested on eCS v1 and OS/2 MCP2
  110.                         Contact:    Nicky Morrow (morrownr@netscape.net)
  111. edp100.zip       124356 1997/01/09  Editor+ v1.0 - Text editor for programmers
  112. ehp13.zip        363131 1995/01/30  HP UNIX workstation editor v1.3
  113. elvis-2.2_0-os2.zip     1480357 2003/10/30  Elvis Text Editor 2.2 final release for
  114.                                     OS/2.
  115.                         Long desc:  Elvis is a vi/ex clone with many additional
  116.                                     features. It provides features such as
  117.                                     syntax highlighting, display modes for MAN
  118.                                     and HTML pages, support for HTTP and FTP.
  119.                                     The package contains versions for text
  120.                                     mode and XFree86/2.
  121.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.1 and above.
  122.                         Requires:   TCP/IP (if HTTP/FTP is desired), emx and
  123.                                     either XFree86/2 or PMX with X11.dll from
  124.                                     XFree86/2 (if X11 GUI is desired).
  125.                         Contact:    Martin Dietze
  126.                         Source:     http://elvis.vi-editor.org
  127. enhanced.zip     890692 2002/01/08  Enhanced E(freeware) and the Enhanced EE
  128.                                     Editors
  129.                         Long desc:  Enhanced E - "FREE" clone of the OS/2 "E"
  130.                                     System Editor Looks and acts the same as
  131.                                     the "E" but gives you some things the "E"
  132.                                     doesn't.
  133.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.0 and later
  134.                         Requires:   Rexx, InfoZip utilities
  135.                         Contact:    Pillarsoft (support@pillarsoft.net)
  136. eqed105e.zip     173788 1997/03/10  WYSIWYG Equation Editor 1.05e beta
  137. exedit040.zip    159844 1999/02/01  Fast text editor (E substitute)
  138.                         Runs on:    Os/2
  139.                         Contact:    Marco Pesenti Gritti (marpesen@tin.it)
  140. exedit20.zip      61263 1997/05/12  Fast PM editor v0.20beta
  141. fed0223s.zip     338039 2002/05/28  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.23
  142.                         Contact:    Sergey I. Yevtushenko (es@os2.ru)
  143.                         Source:     http://es.os2.ru/
  144. fed0225s.zip     331009 2003/05/29  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.25
  145.                         Long desc:  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.25
  146.                         Contact:    Sergey I. Yevtushenko (es@os2.ru)
  147.                         Source:     http://es.os2.ru/
  148. fed0227s.zip     339671 2004/02/27  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.27
  149.                         Long desc:  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.27
  150.                         Contact:    Sergey I. Yevtushenko (es@os2.ru)
  151.                         Source:     http://es.os2.ru/
  152. fed0229s.zip     294171 2004/03/22  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.29
  153.                         Long desc:  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.29
  154.                         Contact:    Sergey I. Yevtushenko (es@os2.ru)
  155.                         Source:     http://es.os2.ru/
  156. fed0230s.zip     844983 2004/04/26  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.30
  157.                         Long desc:  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.30
  158.                         Contact:    Sergey I. Yevtushenko (es@os2.ru)
  159.                         Source:     http://es.os2.ru/
  160. fed0231s.zip     845457 2004/05/04  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.31
  161.                         Long desc:  Fast Editor Lite (FED) 0.2.31
  162.                         Contact:    Sergey I. Yevtushenko (es@os2.ru)
  163.                         Source:     http://es.os2.ru/
  164. fte-0.49.13-cvs20031204.zip      801222 2003/12/05  FTE Editor 0.49.13 CVS snapshot
  165.                                     20031204 (pre-0.50.0). Includes OS/2
  166.                                     binaries, configs, and docs.
  167.                         Long desc:  FTE is a free (licensed under the GNU GPL)
  168.                                     text editor for developers. It is really
  169.                                     powerful, yet very easy and intuitive to
  170.                                     use.
  171.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0 and above
  172.                         Source:     http://fte.sourceforge.net
  173. fte-0.49.13-cvs20040126.zip      801528 2004/01/26  FTE Editor 0.49.13 CVS snapshot
  174.                                     2004/01/26 (pre-0.50.0). Includes OS/2
  175.                                     binaries, configs, and docs.
  176.                         Long desc:  FTE is a free (licensed under the GNU GPL)
  177.                                     text editor for developers. It is really
  178.                                     powerful, yet very easy and intuitive to
  179.                                     use.
  180.                         Source:     http://fte.sourceforge.net
  181. fte-03-02-08.zip        1608294 2008/03/04  FTE file editor 0.5.01+
  182.                         Long desc:  The package contains the FTE binaries and
  183.                                     source code.
  184.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0 and up.
  185.                         Contact:    Gregg Young (ygk@qwest.net)
  186.                         Source:     http://fte.sourceforge.net/
  187. fte20060126.zip 1358870 2006/02/03  FTE Programming Editor
  188.                         Long desc:  FTE is a text editor geared toward the
  189.                                     programmer. Syntax highlighting for over
  190.                                     20 languages, plus configurability for
  191.                                     many more, makes this a lightweight but
  192.                                     versatile editor for any programmer.
  193.                                     Includes OS/2 binaries, configs, and docs.
  194.                                     Changes: Sergey Pinigin's svn patch and
  195.                                     dialog fixes * This archive also includes
  196.                                     source to compile with OpenWatcom 1.4 GA *
  197.                         Runs on:    MCP1/2, ECS 1.2 (probably others)
  198.                         Requires:   None
  199.                         Contact:    Michael Greene (greenemk@cox.net)
  200.                         Source:     http://fte.sourceforge.net
  201. fte_cfg.zip       63306 2007/05/09  Updated FTE config tree for IPF / HTML /
  202.                                     CSS edition
  203.                         Long desc:  FTE is an advanced multiplatform text
  204.                                     editor for programmers, and this is an
  205.                                     updated configuration for some edition
  206.                                     modes. IPF: Completely rewritten with real
  207.                                     syntax parsing, added some text handling
  208.                                     tools. HTML: fixed several mistakes in the
  209.                                     original mode from 2001, menus are
  210.                                     organized more logically and includes
  211.                                     support for common modern HTML
  212.                                     constructions (Flash, CSS, CC...). CSS:
  213.                                     New mode for easy edition/writing of
  214.                                     Cascade Sheets. NLV-ready, Spanish support
  215.                                     is included.
  216.                         Runs on:    Probably any OS/2 version from Warp 3 -
  217.                                     Also DOS/Win/Linux
  218.                         Requires:   fte20060126.zip (untested with earlier
  219.                                     versions)
  220.                         Contact:    Alfredo Fernandez Diaz (mrwarper at yahoo
  221.                                     dot es)
  222. fterx.zip         11371 2001/04/04  Enhanced REXX editing mode for FTE
  223.                         Long desc:  March 19, 2001 revision adds abbreviations.
  224.                                     Includes pull-down menus, more keywords,
  225.                                     and so on for classic REXX, Object REXX,
  226.                                     and NetREXX.
  227.                         Runs on:    Any OS that will run FTE
  228.                         Requires:   FTE text editor
  229.                         Contact:    Michael DeBusk
  230.                         Source:     http://fte.sourceforge.net
  231. fwe225.zip      1084862 2000/01/07  Future Wave Editor - Text editor
  232.                         Long desc:  Future Wave Editor (FWE) is a text editor
  233.                                     for OS/2 Warp 3.0 and later. FWE enables
  234.                                     you to work on the development of a
  235.                                     professional program as well as edit a
  236.                                     simple text file such as Config.Sys. It is
  237.                                     a highly-functional text editor which
  238.                                     allows you to write macros in the REXX
  239.                                     language. Try FWE if you are not happy
  240.                                     with the operational efficiency and
  241.                                     simplicity of other OS/2 text editors.
  242.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp
  243.                         Contact:    Shigenori Takeda (takeda@futurewave.co.jp)
  244.                         Source:     http://www.futurewave.co.jp/index_e.htm
  245. getline.zip       45811 1995/01/31  Input-edit package - Retrieves input a line
  246.                                     at a time
  247. he2101.zip        94035 1995/01/30  HexEd/2, PM-based binary file editor
  248. hed178b.zip      208653 1997/03/17  hex editor for os/2 with asm/disasm & lx
  249.                                     parsing
  250. heditorp.zip     157285 1995/01/30  Binary editor
  251. hexdmp13.zip       2089 1999/08/18  HexDump - Generate printable hex file dump
  252.                         Long desc:  HexDump - Generate printable hex file dump
  253.                                     that contains no characters below ASCII
  254.                                     32. Option to restrict print to first N
  255.                                     bytes of file.
  256.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  257.                         Requires:   Rexx
  258.                         Contact:    Rolf Lochbuehler (rolf@together.net)
  259.                         Source:     http://homepages.together.net/~rolf
  260. hexedit2.zip     111737 1996/01/08  HexEdit/2 v1.04, a binary file editor
  261. hpp210c.zip     4431552 2003/07/24  HPP 2.1c - A WYSIWYG Web Page Editor
  262.                         Long desc:  HPP is an integrated WYSIWYG HTML Publisher
  263.                                     and Editor/Browser. HomePage is a new
  264.                                     product that will allow you to create or
  265.                                     modify any HTML pages. Easy to use, it
  266.                                     does not require knowledge of HTML tags.
  267.                                     With HPP, you will be able to modify pages
  268.                                     and images directly in your document.
  269.                                     Select text and objects you want to change
  270.                                     attributes of and make changes by simply
  271.                                     clicking toolbars, etc... In short, HPP is
  272.                                     a Web browser that offers you, as an
  273.                                     extra, all the possibilities of a word
  274.                                     processor. HomePage generates a high
  275.                                     quality HTML code. HomePage Publisher
  276.                                     Version 2.1 includes Frames support, DBCS,
  277.                                     Publishing, Drag/Drop, Undo/Redo, Toolbar
  278.                                     Designer, Dictionary, and more...
  279.                         Contact:    Jean-Bernard Clerin (jbc@JBCSolutions.com)
  280.                         Source:     http://www.jbcsolutions.com
  281. ibe210b7.zip     209109 1998/03/31  IB-Edit for OS/2 v1.0a7 (German)
  282.                         Long desc:  German language text editor with
  283.                                     comfortable menus and many features. VIO
  284.                                     application. With macro functions,
  285.                                     Wordstar-like keymap, open more than 50
  286.                                     editor windows at the same time, Freeware!
  287.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.x+
  288.                         Contact:    Ingo Boettcher (meinereiner@gmx.de)
  289. ied_uran.zip      33823 1995/12/13  iEdit v.Uranus beta, simple GUI editor
  290. initor25.zip      82975 1997/10/01  OS/2 INI file editor v2.5 (freeware)
  291. int_e2.zip         4208 2002/04/19  Intelligent E, prevents the system editor
  292.                                     from asking for a file type.
  293.                         Long desc:  Script to wrap E.EXE so that it won't force
  294.                                     you to assign a file type to an existing
  295.                                     file. The original version by Carsten
  296.                                     Wimmer had a bug. I have corrected it.
  297.                                     This 2002-04-10 version corrects an error
  298.                                     with filenames with spaces.
  299.                         Runs on:    2.x
  300.                         Requires:   Rexx
  301.                         Contact:    David Mediavilla (wcien001@sneakemail.com)
  302. ipfe10.zip       363590 1995/01/30  PCS IPF Editor v1.0, create/edit INF/HLP
  303.                                     online help
  304. jed098-4.zip    1015308 1997/02/06  The JED editor (for OS/2, DOS, Windows)
  305. jot15.zip        138558 1996/06/09  PM Notepad Program
  306. ke098300.zip     131534 2000/02/14  TEXT EDITOR for VIO. KashEDIT delta 2
  307.                                     editions.
  308.                         Runs on:    32bit OS/2 of the version 2.x and more.
  309.                                     (2.x is unconfirmed.)
  310.                         Contact:    Chiaki Mori (chiaki@attglobal.net)
  311.                         Source:     http://www.netpassport.or.jp/~wchiaki/producte.htm
  312. ked207.zip        86464 1995/01/30  Kudzo text editor for OS/2 2.x v2.07
  313. ked216.zip       100250 2003/09/19  Ked Text Editor v2.16 for 32-bit OS/2. July
  314.                                     1997.
  315.                         Long desc:  Blazing text editor. Several bug fixes, and
  316.                                     new WPS install cmd file. A small text
  317.                                     mode editor.
  318.                         Contact:    spam-filter03@matthewdavis.info
  319. kon115.zip       202058 1999/09/10  PM text/hex editor. Conf.keys, syn.hl.
  320.                                     Undo/Redo.
  321.                         Long desc:  Kon is a versatile editor running under
  322.                                     OS/2 PM. Among its many features are the
  323.                                     ability to configure almost anything,
  324.                                     syntax highlighting, multiple undo/redo,
  325.                                     an extensive hex-editor and the
  326.                                     possibility to search and replace through
  327.                                     several files on the harddisk.
  328.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.0 and above
  329.                         Contact:    Björn Andersson (bjorn_and@geocities.com)
  330.                         Source:     http://www.bmtmicro.com/kon
  331. levee.zip         33693 1995/01/30  Levee - a vi clone for OS/2
  332. lxprdef.zip        8946 1997/04/29  A plug-in parser for *.def files for IBM's
  333.                                     Lpex editor
  334. mape231.zip      794467 2003/07/31  Program Editor v3.21, PM-based programmers
  335.                                     editor, Freeware.
  336.                         Long desc:  Full featured general purpose PM based text
  337.                                     editor capable of handling any number of
  338.                                     different editing tasks. The editor is
  339.                                     programmable, remote controllable from
  340.                                     another application (such as your own),
  341.                                     and capable of running any OS/2 command
  342.                                     line compatible program (such as a
  343.                                     compiler). Many features including
  344.                                     unlimited undo, redo, file template
  345.                                     support, file access sharing controls for
  346.                                     group working etc.. This version also
  347.                                     includes a spell checker with an english
  348.                                     language wordlist. The editor offers ease
  349.                                     of use whether you use it in an object
  350.                                     orientated, or program orientated fashion.
  351.                                     With it's small memory footprint you can
  352.                                     have several editors open at the same
  353.                                     time, even if you are low on memory. All
  354.                                     the features you need are there, but do
  355.                                     not impede the novice. New users will find
  356.                                     this editor instantly familiar and
  357.                                     friendly. Power users will find the online
  358.                                     script programming language fast and
  359.                                     capable. Supplied with full online
  360.                                     operating instructions, and over thirty
  361.                                     different example programming scripts.
  362.                                     This software is now freeware.
  363.                         Runs on:    OS/2 v2.11 or higher.
  364.                         Contact:    Peter Koller (support@manglais.claranet.fr)
  365.                         Source:     http://www.manglais.claranet.fr
  366. me-os2.zip       498047 2006/08/02  ME Martins Editor
  367.                         Long desc:  Me Martins Editor (OS/2 System Editor
  368.                                     substitute)
  369.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  370.                         Contact:    Martin Vieregg
  371.                         Source:     http://www.hypermake.com
  372. medo126e.zip     727377 2000/01/07  MED is a powerful shareware text editor for
  373.                                     programmers, currently available for the
  374.                                     platforms Windows 9x/NT4.0/2000 and OS/2
  375.                                     PM
  376.                         Long desc:  MED's functionality is designed to be
  377.                                     suitable for any text editing job. In
  378.                                     addition MED provides a lot of features
  379.                                     that support writing and compiling source
  380.                                     code (C/C++, Java, HTML, VRML, REXX, Ada,
  381.                                     Modula2, Pascal, Fortran, X86/MC68k
  382.                                     Assembler, Perl, Clipper, TeX, Tcl/Tk,
  383.                                     Matlab, etc.), that make MED a versatile
  384.                                     IDE for any programming language
  385.                         Requires:   OS/2 WARP 3.0 +
  386.                         Contact:    med@utopia-planitia.de
  387.                         Source:     http://www.utopia-planitia.de/indexus.html
  388. memo.zip          14049 1995/01/30  Notepad type editor
  389. mmm_pkg.zip      135123 1996/12/09  MMM is a small multi-platform text editor
  390.                                     with hypertext features
  391. mte01b.zip       144613 1998/06/11  @MTE v.01beta - Macarlo Text Editor
  392.                         Long desc:  Simple text editor stand alone. Put the
  393.                                     executable         in data directory and
  394.                                     it is the open default.
  395.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3.0+
  396.                         Contact:    @Macarlo (macarlo@macarlo.com)
  397.                         Source:     http://macarlo.com
  398. nvi179b.zip     1832465 1997/07/31  BSD nvi 1.79 (EMX binary and source) - bug
  399.                                     fixes
  400. p2demo21.zip    1620432 1995/05/21  Preditor/2 programmers editor demo
  401. phpfte.zip         1933 2001/08/27  FTE modes for PHP
  402.                         Long desc:  FTE modes for PHP
  403.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  404.                         Contact:    Timo Maier
  405. pluma110.zip     311769 1995/01/30  Pluma v1.10, a WYSIWYG word processor
  406. pmed32.zip        38740 1995/01/30  PMEdit32, a multi-windowed text file editor
  407. pmhexed.zip       42910 1995/07/04  Hexedit, a binary hex editor
  408. pmproged.zip     128427 1995/12/24  Program Editor, a simple GUI editor for
  409.                                     programmers
  410. popedv1.zip       59161 2006/05/25  PopEd v1.0 A simple PM editor. All
  411.                                     Entryfields have a popup menu. Save as
  412.                                     Unix. Files over 64k. Search Replace Line
  413.                                     Number. Toggle Tabs. Status
  414.                         Long desc:  PopEd v1.0 A simple PM editor.  All
  415.                                     entryfields have a popup menu.  Save as
  416.                                     Unix.  Files over 64k.  Search replace
  417.                                     line number.  Toggle tabs.  Status.
  418.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3 Warp4 or eComStation
  419.                         Contact:    G.Priesnitz
  420. redb1d.zip      1432612 1996/03/24  RED Beta 1, Edits REXX/VREXX files
  421. rexxit11.zip     780191 1996/04/21  PM REXX editor with development support
  422. rim22.zip        549949 1995/01/30  RimStar Programmers Editor, demo version
  423. sedit281.zip     474008 1997/03/17  Prof. programmers text/bin, folding, PM
  424.                                     editor
  425. sedt2.zip        178921 1995/01/30  SEDT (VMS EDIT-like) text editor
  426. smeclp10.zip     116066 1997/07/16  SmeClp 1.00 - 10 virtual OS/2 clipboards
  427. smehtm11.zip     197091 1996/12/08  Smalled HTML extensions will turn editors
  428.                                     like smalled into HTML editors
  429. smled200.zip     612178 1998/01/28  High powered highly configurable OS/2 PM
  430.                                     editor
  431.                         Long desc:  Smalled 2.00 Is a good looking high powered
  432.                                     32 bit fast multi threaded PM editor. Full
  433.                                     DRAG-N-DROP support
  434.                                     (open,save,print,copy,move, shred and PP),
  435.                                     DragText compatible configurable WYSIWYG
  436.                                     printing, Extended EA usage, Toolbar,
  437.                                     Context popups,DBCS support,Highly
  438.                                     configurable, File-search, File-history,
  439.                                     Programmable Text formatting tools, Line
  440.                                     and Word wrap,auto-indent, Windowing
  441.                                     functions etc. Included are the Smalled
  442.                                     Clipboard Extensions
  443.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.x and higher
  444.                         Contact:    Eric Slaats (eric.slaats@wxs.nl)
  445. sqlfte.zip         2277 2001/02/28  FTE modes for MySQL
  446.                         Runs on:    Any OS that will run FTE
  447.                         Requires:   FTE text editor
  448.                         Contact:    Timo Maier
  449. stvi369g.zip     194742 1995/01/30  Stevie vi-clone
  450. sysedos2.zip      24521 2004/04/14  SYSEDOS2 V 1.01. (1999-06-08) Is an editor
  451.                                     desktop for configuration files. Released
  452.                                     as Open Source under GNU GPL license.
  453.                                     Source coded included.
  454.                         Long desc:  SYSEDOS2 V 1.01. (1999-06-08) Is an editor
  455.                                     desktop for configuration files. Released
  456.                                     as Open Source under GNU GPL license.
  457.                                     Source coded included.
  458.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.1 or later
  459.                         Requires:   VROBJ.DLL
  460.                         Contact:    Thomas Bohn (ToBo@Bohn-Stralsund.de)
  461.                         Source:     http://bohn-stralsund.de/t_frame.htm
  462. sysedos2_12.zip   33626 2004/04/19  Editor Desktop for configuration files
  463.                         Long desc:  SYSEDOS2 V 1.2. (2004-14-17) Is an editor
  464.                                     desktop for configuration files. Released
  465.                                     as Open Source under GNU GPL license.
  466.                                     Source coded included.
  467.                         Runs on:    OS/2 V 2.1 or above
  468.                         Contact:    Thomas Bohn (Thomas@Bohn-Stralsund.de)
  469.                         Source:     http://Bohn-Stralsund.de
  470. te282os2.zip      76439 1995/01/30  Tech-Edit - FAST full-featured programmers'
  471.                                     editor
  472. ted.zip           58924 1995/01/30  TeD 1.0: A PM, ASCII editor for easy TeX
  473.                                     doc editing
  474. tedp090.zip       10507 1995/01/30  A tiny editor, great for that emergency
  475.                                     boot disk
  476. the28docs.zip    121996 2003/07/24  THE Docs
  477.                         Long desc:  The Hessling Editor documentaion in HTML
  478.                                     format.
  479.                         Requires:   Web browser.
  480.                         Contact:    Mark Hessling (M.Hessling@qut.edu.au)
  481.                         Source:     http://www.lightlink.com/hessling/
  482. the31os2.zip     406197 2003/07/24  The Hessling Editor v3.1
  483.                         Long desc:  THE is a full-screen character mode text
  484.                                     editor based on the VM/CMS editor XEDIT
  485.                                     and many features of KEDIT written by
  486.                                     Mansfield Software. THE OS/2 port is
  487.                                     similar to EPM, runs within an OS/2
  488.                                     command window and is HPFS aware. THE also
  489.                                     uses the OS/2 Rexx interpreter to execute
  490.                                     macro files. An extensive interface exists
  491.                                     between THE and Rexx giving THE the
  492.                                     complete power of Rexx.
  493.                         Runs on:    Warp 3 or Higher
  494.                         Contact:    Mark Hessling (M.Hessling@qut.edu.au)
  495.                         Source:     http://www.lightlink.com/hessling/
  496. ths_105.zip      420490 2008/06/02  TextHelper is a text manipulation tool with
  497.                                     special support for printing on HP Deskjet
  498.                                     and Laserjet printers. TextHelper is also
  499.                                     a simple editor based on the
  500.                                     MultiLineEditor class from the IBM Open
  501.                                     Class Library.
  502.                         Long desc:  TextHelper is a text manipulation tool with
  503.                                     special support for printing on HP Deskjet
  504.                                     and Laserjet printers. TextHelper is also
  505.                                     a simple editor based on the
  506.                                     MultiLineEditor class from the IBM Open
  507.                                     Class Library.
  508.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp and later , eCS 1.0 and later
  509.                         Contact:    Don Hawkinson (dwhawk@intcon.net)
  510.                         Source:     http://www.dwhawkinson.com
  511. tiedemo.zip      486695 1996/01/14  TIE v1.1, The Init Editor (.INI file
  512.                                     editor) demo
  513. tinyed.zip        77009 2004/02/16  T v2.20a (Old)
  514.                         Long desc:  This is the T editor (or tiny) that is
  515.                                     basically the same editor as the tedit
  516.                                     that is included with OS/2 Warp and up, in
  517.                                     addition to newer versions of PC DOS,
  518.                                     while this is obvioulsy useful for people
  519.                                     running OS/2 1.x & 2.x i'ts also useful
  520.                                     for users of newer versions of OS/2 since
  521.                                     this inclueds a full manual (no manual
  522.                                     included with tedit) and a colour/key
  523.                                     remapper application that will work with
  524.                                     both T and Tedit variants of the editor. A
  525.                                     DOS version of the Editor is also included
  526.                                     in the zip file. This was released under
  527.                                     the IBM EWS program and is thus freely
  528.                                     redistributable.
  529.                         Runs on:    1 and up
  530. vil70os2.zip     231352 1997/03/11  Vile v7.0 - a vi-like editor
  531. vile-os2.zip     368146 2006/03/08  Vile Editor
  532.                         Long desc:  'Vi Like Emacs' programmer's editor
  533.                         Requires:   OS/2
  534.                         Contact:    Thomas Dickey (a.kohl@unix.net)
  535.                         Source:     http://invisible-island.net/vile/vile.html
  536. vim-64.zip      3887102 2006/03/01  VIM v6.4 - vi-like text editor with many
  537.                                     additional features
  538.                         Long desc:  Vi IMproved: a popular and powerful
  539.                                     workalike of the classic Unix text editor
  540.                                     "vi". VIM includes a host of features,
  541.                                     such as unlimited undo, syntax
  542.                                     highlighting, visual selection, regular
  543.                                     expressions, intelligent auto-indenting,
  544.                                     on-line help, and much more.
  545.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp
  546.                         Requires:   EMX.DLL and EMXLIBCS.DLL (both included)
  547.                         Source:     http://www.vim.org
  548. vsp40b_o.zip    5083619 2004/09/01  Visual SlickEdit 4.0b update
  549.                         Long desc:  This file updates Visual SlickEdit 4.0 for
  550.                                     OS/2 to 4.0b
  551.                         Source:     http://slickedit.com
  552. we12.zip          56818 1995/01/30  The Wilkes editor, version 1.2
  553. wsedit-o.zip     561300 2004/11/15  WSedit 0.99a Editor with CUA and Wordstar
  554.                                     key commands
  555.                         Long desc:  Write&Set Editor 0.99a: Editor compatible
  556.                                     to Wordstar: reading and writing Wordstar
  557.                                     (DOS) files, ASCII IBM and ISO codepage.
  558.                                     Supports Wordstar Ctrl key commands and
  559.                                     ordinary CUA commands. Syntax-
  560.                                     highlightning, Translation, spell
  561.                                     checking, function key macro recorder and
  562.                                     a lot of other features. WSedit handles
  563.                                     very large ASCII files. Freeware. English
  564.                                     and German.
  565.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  566.                         Contact:    Martin Vieregg
  567.                         Source:     http://www.WriteAndSet.com
  568. wset-os2.zip    1753055 2004/11/15  Write&Set 0.99a Wordstar compatible
  569.                                     Wordprocessor
  570.                         Long desc:  Archive file contains two programs: WSedit:
  571.                                     Editor with Wordstar key commands, reads
  572.                                     and writes ASCII and Wordstar files
  573.                                     WSformat: formatting and printing program
  574.                                     for Wordstar files. WSedit is Freeware,
  575.                                     WSformat is Shareware. WSedit and WSformat
  576.                                     together is Write&Set: a full-featured
  577.                                     wordprocessing program with hyphenation,
  578.                                     contents creation, footnotes, index,
  579.                                     embedding graphics and a lot of more. It
  580.                                     is an alternative concept of word
  581.                                     processing for people who don't like
  582.                                     Winword-like programs and need to handle
  583.                                     large documents. English and German.
  584.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  585.                         Contact:    Martin Vieregg
  586.                         Source:     http://www.WriteAndSet.com
  587. zed_10s.zip       72706 1995/04/27  Zed, a text mode editor
  588. zedit117.zip     419762 2001/07/19  Zedit v1.17, editor of Hebrew/Greek/Latin
  589.                                     text including diacritics
  590.                         Long desc:  Zedit is a multiple script, Hebrew-Greek-
  591.                                     Latin language editor with diacritic
  592.                                     overlays (ie. accents, vowels, breathing
  593.                                     marks). It also allows multiple direction,
  594.                                     multiple script text to coexist nearly
  595.                                     anywhere in a file.
  596.                         Runs on:    OS2, Windows, DOS
  597.                         Contact:    Clyde Zuber (ZuberFowler@earthlink.net)