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Text File  |  2008-07-20  |  42KB  |  628 lines

  1. amd1_21.zip     1698726 1998/07/06  Local Frontend for the Internet Movie
  2.                                     Database (IMDb)
  3.                         Long desc:  The Alternative Movie Database is a free
  4.                                     local Frontend for the Internet Movie
  5.                                     Database (IMDb).  NEW in Version 1.2.1:
  6.                                     New version of gendb (gendb_lm) which
  7.                                     consumes less memory but spends more time
  8.                                     writing to the hard disk. It should be
  9.                                     faster on systems with less than 64MB
  10.                                     memory.
  11.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.x+
  12.                         Requires:   IMDb list files
  13.                         Contact:    Steffen Siebert (sievert@logware.de)
  14.                         Source:     http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~siebert/imdb.html
  15. apmao202.zip     125151 1997/01/22  APT Mailing Assistant v2.02 - Manage/print
  16.                                     mailing DB's
  17. apmao212.zip     193466 1999/01/19  APT Mailing Assistant v2.12 Envelope and
  18.                                     label printer
  19.                         Long desc:  APT Mailing Assistant for OS/2 <ASP>
  20.                                     Print envelopes and labels with POSTNET
  21.                                     bar codes on OS/2 compatible printers.
  22.                                     Supports multiple address files, custom
  23.                                     labels, non U.S. addresses, import/export,
  24.                                     bulk mailing and printing of bulk mail
  25.                                     permit. Registered version is CASS
  26.                                     certified.
  27.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.0 (Warp) and up
  28.                         Contact:    APT Computer Solutions (apt@lex.infi.net)
  29.                         Source:     http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/aptma
  30. audio-addon.zip 5373801 2001/07/17  Audio Database
  31.                         Long desc:  Optional DATABSE for AUDIO/2 with pre-
  32.                                     entered 3000+ entrys.
  33.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.x & higher
  34.                         Contact:    Reinhard Berger (geist@chello.at)
  35. audio-base.zip   510065 2001/07/17  Audio Database
  36.                         Long desc:  A very fast and small database program for
  37.                                     anything that deals with music many
  38.                                     difrent query function and a large pre-
  39.                                     installed database aviable.
  40.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.x & higher
  41.                         Contact:    Reinhard Berger (geist@chello.at)
  42. btrievec.zip     311942 2000/04/13  Btrieve Commander. File viewer/editor in
  43.                                     OS/2, Win32 and DOS versions.
  44.                         Long desc:  Btrieve Commander is a gile viewer / editor
  45.                                     for OS/2, win32 and DOS. Needs a Btrieve
  46.                                     record manager installed and working.
  47.                                     Btrieve version 6.0 or higher required for
  48.                                     full functionality. Note: this is a pre-
  49.                                     release version of the software with an
  50.                                     expiry date set at the end of June 2000.
  51.                                     By that time there will be either an
  52.                                     updated pre-release version with a later
  53.                                     expiry date or a general release. Release
  54.                                     date: March 02, 2000. *DOS, OS/2 and Win32
  55.                                     versions packaged in this archive*.
  56.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.0 (Warp), or higher
  57.                         Requires:   Btrieve for OS/2 version 6.0 or higher
  58.                         Contact:    Fernando Cassia (fcassia@csi.com)
  59.                         Source:     http://silk.apana.org.au/btc/
  60. cdbflite_os2.zip  58989 2000/12/07  Command-line DBF Viewer and Editor
  61.                         Long desc:  The CDBFlite program allows to work with
  62.                                     .DBF files format from command line. You
  63.                                     can carry out various actions, which don't
  64.                                     requires presence of the man in a batch
  65.                                     mode.
  66.                         Runs on:    OS/2, DOS, Windows, Linux
  67.                         Contact:    Sergey Chehuta (info@whitetown.com)
  68.                         Source:     http://www.whitetown.com/cdbflite/
  69. dbadmin-1.0.1.zip 72365 1999/02/08  OS/2 executable of dbadmin utility.
  70.                         Long desc:  a CGI to administer mSQL databases (it was
  71.                                     developed for 1.x versions of mSQL)
  72.                                     remotely from a web browser.
  73.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 4 or 3
  74.                         Requires:   EMX, mSQL 2.0.x, a web server and a web
  75.                                     browser.
  76. dbf2db2.zip      129077 2003/10/23  Create Heads in DB2 and records, from DBF
  77.                                     files
  78.                         Long desc:  Create Heads in DB2 and records, from DBF
  79.                                     files
  80.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3 or OS/2 Warp 4
  81.                         Contact:    Roberto (roberto@zikonyl.com)
  82. dbf2msql-2.0.zip  96535 1999/01/13  OS/2 executable of dbf2sql utility.
  83.                         Long desc:  Utility to import / export .dbf files to /
  84.                                     from mSQL tables.
  85.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 4 or 3
  86.                         Requires:   EMX, mSQL build 4
  87. dbf2mysql-1.10d.zip      119381 1999/01/13  OS/2 executable of dbf2mysql utility.
  88.                         Long desc:  Utility to import / export .dbf files to /
  89.                                     from MySQL tables.
  90.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 4 or 3
  91.                         Requires:   EMX, MySQL 3.21.33 binaries
  92. dbf2mysql063.zip  42536 2001/02/09  Converts .DBF (dBase/Clipper) files to
  93.                                     mysql script
  94.                         Long desc:  Converts .DBF (dBase/Clipper) files to
  95.                                     mysql script, supports memo fields, great
  96.                                     for batch processes.
  97.                         Runs on:    any OS/2 >= 3.0
  98.                         Contact:    Timo Maier
  99. dbf_edit1_0.zip 1241884 2000/07/18  Edit fields of .dbf file.
  100.                         Long desc:  Edits dBASE files (.dbf) in ways that are
  101.                                     are exceptionally difficult to accomplish
  102.                                     using database programs. Fields (i.e.
  103.                                     columns) may be copied, renamed, moved,
  104.                                     deleted, and redefined. "Magic"
  105.                                     operations, which perform tasks defined by
  106.                                     the programmer, are also available.
  107.                                     Programmers can add more such Magic
  108.                                     routines. .DBF files may also be
  109.                                     exported/imported in a form that is
  110.                                     readily edited by a REXX program.
  111.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  112.                         Requires:   REXX interpreter
  113.                         Contact:    Doug Rickman (doug@hotrocks.msfc.nasa.gov)
  114. dbffg04b.zip     147773 1999/01/19  DBF viewer for OS/2. v0.04b
  115.                         Long desc:  This program allows to view and edit DBF
  116.                                     files in OS/2 VIO-window of any size.
  117.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3.0+
  118.                         Source:     http://www1.yand.crimea.net/~dbfforge/
  119. dbfin096.zip     326908 2000/06/09  Viewer for DBF files with language support
  120.                         Long desc:  Viewer for DBF files with basic functions
  121.                                     (GOTO, FIND, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG). Existing
  122.                                     file can be converted into SDF, ASCII and
  123.                                     HTM format. NLS: English, Croatian,
  124.                                     German, Italian, Polish, Swedish and
  125.                                     Spanish.
  126.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp3 with F535 and above, Warp4 with
  127.                                     FP6 and above
  128.                         Requires:   Rexx
  129.                         Contact:    Goran Ivankovic (duga1@pu.tel.hr)
  130.                         Source:     http://redrival.com/os2util/
  131. dbfin096nl.zip    23575 2006/02/13  Dutch language files for dBase Info 0.96
  132.                         Runs on:    eCS 1.2 NL
  133.                         Requires:   dbfin096.zip
  134.                         Contact:    Joop Nijenhuis
  135.                         Source:     http://home.hccnet.nl/joop.nijenhuis/os2ecs/os2ecs2.htm
  136. dbv05.zip         47552 2000/06/26  Free VIO dBase viewer with memo support and
  137.                                     MySQL export
  138.                         Long desc:  Free VIO dBase viewer with memo support and
  139.                                     MySQL export
  140.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  141.                         Contact:    Timo Maier (tam@gmx.de)
  142.                         Source:     http://www.privat.toplink.de/homepages/thunder
  143. difftools-2.5-os2-bin.zip        107052 2003/02/24  Internet Movie Database DiffTools
  144.                                     2.5 for OS/2
  145.                         Long desc:  DiffTools 2.5 can be used to update
  146.                                     existing Internet Movie Database files and
  147.                                     thus avoid the need to download the
  148.                                     complete set of >100MB each time.
  149.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3 and later (previous untested)
  150.                         Requires:   emx 0.9d fix 4
  151.                         Contact:    Andre Bernhardt (ab@imdb.com)
  152. dirscanner_v0.0.1a.zip    40698 2000/06/13  DirScanner v0.0.1 alpha for OS/2.
  153.                         Long desc:  The Program for indexing the greater file
  154.                                     archives in the base MySQL. For
  155.                                     functioning (working) the program
  156.                                     necessary in each indexable directory to
  157.                                     create the text file scantype.txt, in
  158.                                     first line which must be specified
  159.                                     platform (OS), corresponding to
  160.                                     applications in givenned directory, but in
  161.                                     the second - type of this application. All
  162.                                     types and os are enumerated in SQL-file
  163.                                     createfilestable.sql. Necessary presence
  164.                                     of file of list of scanned ways:
  165.                                     scanurl.lst, in which after scanned way is
  166.                                     indicated its virtual FTP or HTTP address.
  167.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp3 with FP35 and above, Warp4 with
  168.                                     FP6 and above
  169.                         Requires:   MySQL v3.22.26a
  170.                         Contact:    Dmitry Yakubovich (overlord@mmdl.ru)
  171.                         Source:     http://overlord.mmdl.ru/files/dirscanner_v0.0.1a.zip
  172. diskct18.zip     212591 1998/11/05  DiskCat - catalog your diskettes, CD-ROMs,
  173.                                     audio CDs, hard disks, etc.
  174.                         Runs on:    Warp 4
  175.                         Contact:    R. Falkner (falkner@ibm.net)
  176. ds110.zip         91051 1997/08/26  Deck Swabber v1.10 - Software Management
  177. filer.zip        161605 1995/07/03  Filer, a simple database program
  178. gnudbm.zip       225475 1995/01/30  GNU database manager librairies (Microsoft
  179.                                     lib format)
  180. hwidb.zip        182307 1997/07/08  OS/2 DB2 Spy
  181. hwixs.zip        216801 1997/07/09  OS/2 XBase Spy
  182. info34.zip       614550 2003/06/05  Info Recall 3.4
  183.                         Long desc:  Create a database with freeform hypertext
  184.                                     related records
  185.                         Runs on:    win 3.1
  186.                         Contact:    Frank Kalf (kalf@wanadoo.nl)
  187. initdbpg.zip       6286 2001/09/14  Modified INITDB script for initializing
  188.                                     PostgreSQL template database
  189.                         Long desc:  Replace the x:\pgsql\bin\initdb file with
  190.                                     this file. Edit this file and replace x:\
  191.                                     with the drive where you installed
  192.                                     PostgreSql v 7.1
  193.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 3.0 and abovee
  194.                         Contact:    D Clark (dgclark@attglobal.net)
  195. msql2041b4.zip   245307 1998/11/19  
  196.                         Long desc:  mSQL is a relational, client/server
  197.                                     database server that supports a subset of
  198.                                     ANSI SQL. It is very popular as a back end
  199.                                     for web sites on Unix plataforms mSQL is
  200.                                     free for non-commercial and has third-
  201.                                     party support for Java, REXX and Sibyl
  202.                                     under OS/2, besides the included C/C++
  203.                                     support, the included "Lite" scripting
  204.                                     language and the included web gateway W3-
  205.                                     mSQL.
  206.                         Requires:   EMX runtime, webserver
  207.                         Contact:    Adrian Gschwend (ktk@netlabs.org)
  208.                         Source:     http://www.netlabs.org/projects/msqul.html
  209. mum03.zip        118426 2001/04/24  mum - MySQL User Manager, freeware
  210.                         Long desc:  VIO program, for easy editing MySQL user
  211.                                     table
  212.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  213.                         Requires:   MySQL 3.23
  214.                         Contact:    Timo Maier
  215.                         Source:     http://tam.belchenstuermer.de
  216. mysql-3-23-28-gamma-b1.wpi      1987482 2001/01/08  MySQL/2 3.23.28gamma manual
  217.                         Long desc:  MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded,
  218.                                     multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured
  219.                                     Query Language) database server. MySQL is
  220.                                     free software. The installation packages
  221.                                     requires WarpIN 0.9.6; please read the
  222.                                     readme.os2 file for detailed informations
  223.                                     about this release.
  224.                         Requires:   Warp 4 FP >=4, WarpIn 0.96, EMX
  225.                         Contact:    Yuri Dario
  226.                         Source:     http://www.quasarbbs.com/yuri
  227. mysql-3-23-28-gamma-inf.wpi      660872 2001/01/08  MySQL/2 3.23.28gamma
  228.                         Long desc:  MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded,
  229.                                     multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured
  230.                                     Query Language) database server. MySQL is
  231.                                     free software. The installation packages
  232.                                     requires WarpIN 0.9.6; please read the
  233.                                     readme.os2 file for detailed informations
  234.                                     about this release.
  235.                         Requires:   Warp 4 FP >=4, WarpIn 0.96, EMX
  236.                         Contact:    Yuri Dario
  237.                         Source:     http://www.quasarbbs.com/yuri
  238. mysql-3-23-50-b1.wpi    2186647 2002/07/22  MySQL 3.23.50 for OS/2
  239.                         Long desc:  The MySQL database server is the world's
  240.                                     most widely used open source database. Its
  241.                                     ingenious software architecture makes it
  242.                                     extremely fast and easy to customize.
  243.                                     MySQL is available for free under the GNU
  244.                                     General Public Licence (GPL). MySQL is
  245.                                     provided by MySQL AB.
  246. nut55.zip        555878 2001/01/09  Nutrition Database 5.5
  247.                         Long desc:  OS/2 port of a nutritional database for
  248.                                     Unix (Upgrage)
  249.                         Runs on:    Warp 3,4,WSeB
  250.                         Requires:   EMX runtime 0.9d
  251.                         Contact:    Michele Della Guardia
  252. obra2100.zip      87501 1998/07/07  obra2.exe Version 1.0 for OS/2  * FREEWARE
  253.                                     *
  254.                         Long desc:  obra2.exe is a spanish OS/2-software to
  255.                                     manager dBase III and dBase III+ file
  256.                                     systems (and com- patibles).  View lists
  257.                                     records, editing, modify and add entries. 
  258.                                     Only spanish and catalan languages are
  259.                                     available for this version.  This is a
  260.                                     TEXT MODE freeware aplication compiled
  261.                                     with xBASE ++ v1.02 for OS/2.
  262.                         Runs on:    OS/2 2.x+
  263.                         Contact:    Josep M|. Queralt
  264. odbc3.01-bin_os2.zip    3409544 2001/11/02  ODBC for use with Postgres SQL server
  265.                         Requires:   emx 0.9d fix4
  266.                         Contact:    Vincenzo Venuto (venuto@monrif.net)
  267.                         Source:     http://venuto.monrif.net
  268. odbccp.zip      1479273 2001/07/18  SQL command processor for ODBC databases.
  269.                         Long desc:  PM based application that allows SQL
  270.                                     commands to be executed against ODBC
  271.                                     databases and results viewed. Look for
  272.                                     updates as ODBCCPx.ZIP
  273.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 3.0 and abovee
  274.                         Contact:    D Clark
  275. odbcdemo.zip    2130446 2001/07/18  Various ODBC drivers in a 30 day evaluation
  276.                                     package.
  277.                         Long desc:  Includes ODBC drivers for Oracle, Informix,
  278.                                     Sybase, SQL Server, dBase, Text, etc. 30
  279.                                     day evaluation package.
  280.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 2.1 and above
  281.                         Contact:    Jay Craig
  282. odbcinst2.zip   1017532 2001/08/06  ODBC Installer version 1.03
  283.                         Long desc:  Fixes bug for Oracle driver install.
  284.                                     Installs all (hopefully) known ODBC
  285.                                     drivers on OS/2. Also installs ODBC
  286.                                     Administrator and Driver Manager. Unzip to
  287.                                     a directory on your LIBPATH or make sure
  288.                                     LIBPATH as .; somwhere in it. Probably
  289.                                     requires Object Rexx
  290.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 3.0 and abovee
  291.                         Contact:    D Clark (dgclark@attglobal.net)
  292. odbcsdk.zip      559568 2001/12/12  ODBC SDK (beta) for OS/2
  293.                         Long desc:  Beta version of a SDK for developing ODBC
  294.                                     applications and database drivers
  295.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  296.                         Contact:    R Carlos
  297. oracae2.zip    21637319 2001/08/02  OS/2 Client for Oracle
  298.                         Long desc:  Unzip into a temporary directory (needs
  299.                                     48MB) run OS2\INSTALL\ORAINST.EXE
  300.                         Runs on:    os2
  301. oracae3.zip     1922595 2001/07/31  Win16 ODBC Client for Oracle - for WinOS2
  302.                         Long desc:  Unzip into a temporary directory - see run
  303.                                     README.TXT in ODBC directory.
  304.                         Runs on:    os2
  305. oraos2_1.zip   13168795 2001/08/03  OS/2 Client for Oracle - provides
  306.                                     connection to Oracle Server v 6.x, 7.x and
  307.                                     8
  308.                         Long desc:  Part 1 of 3 - you need all three. Unzip all
  309.                                     three files into a temporary directory.
  310.                                     Run /tempdir/OS2/INSTALL/ORAINST.EXE
  311. oraos2_2.zip    3739086 2001/08/03  OS/2 Client for Oracle - provides
  312.                                     connection to Oracle Server v 6.x, 7.x and
  313.                                     8
  314.                         Long desc:  Part 1 of 3 - you need all three. Unzip all
  315.                                     three files into a temporary directory.
  316.                                     Run /tempdir/OS2/INSTALL/ORAINST.EXE
  317.                         Runs on:    os2
  318. oraos2_3.zip    4728464 2001/08/03  OS/2 Client for Oracle - provides
  319.                                     connection to Oracle Server v 6.x, 7.x and
  320.                                     8
  321.                         Long desc:  Part 1 of 3 - you need all three. Unzip all
  322.                                     three files into a temporary directory.
  323.                                     Run /tempdir/OS2/INSTALL/ORAINST.EXE
  324.                         Runs on:    os2
  325. padhd21.zip      117868 1996/12/28  Heavy Duty NotePad database
  326. pgsqlsrc.zip   17978443 2005/03/21  postgreSQL v8.0 source for OS/2 port
  327.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 source for os/2 port.
  328.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  329.                         Requires:   Compiler and a bunch of other things
  330.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  331.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  332. postgres7.2.1-server-bin_os2.zip       12922929 2003/01/23  Postgres SQL Server 7.2.1
  333.                         Long desc:  port of the well known Unix database engine
  334.                         Requires:   EMX 0.9d runtime
  335.                         Contact:    Vincenzo Venuto (venuto@monrif.net)
  336.                         Source:     http://venuto.monrif.net/
  337. postgres7.3.2-server-bin_os2d.zip      13902265 2003/06/23  Postgres SQL Server V7.3.2
  338.                                     upgrade release
  339.                         Long desc:  This distribuition correct some error
  340.                                     again. New PM console for logging.
  341.                         Runs on:    OS/2 & eComstation
  342.                         Contact:    Vincenzo Venuto (postgres@ecomstation.it)
  343.                         Source:     http://www.ecomstation.it/postgres
  344. postgresql-8.0-os2-a.zip       11065658 2005/01/28  postgreSQL v8.0 GA OS/2 port
  345.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA release os/2 port. The
  346.                                     compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta2. It is
  347.                                     built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code. This
  348.                                     program uses high memory for allocating
  349.                                     buffers.
  350.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  351.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  352.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  353. postgresql-8.0-os2.zip  9932604 2005/01/20  postgreSQL v8.0 GA OS/2 port
  354.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA release os/2 port. The
  355.                                     compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta2. It is
  356.                                     built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code. This
  357.                                     program uses high memory for allocating
  358.                                     buffers.
  359.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  360.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  361.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  362. postgresql-8.0-os2b.zip        10243619 2005/02/07  postgreSQL v8.0 GA OS/2 port
  363.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA fix b release os/2 port.
  364.                                     The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta2. It
  365.                                     is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code.
  366.                                     This program uses high memory for
  367.                                     allocating buffers.
  368.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  369.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  370.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  371. postgresql-8.0-os2c.zip        11383120 2005/02/10  postgreSQL v8.0 GA OS/2 port
  372.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA fix c release os/2 port.
  373.                                     The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta4. It
  374.                                     is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code.
  375.                                     This program uses high memory for
  376.                                     allocating buffers.
  377.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  378.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  379.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  380. postgresql-8.0-os2d.zip        11384180 2005/02/16  postgreSQL v8.0 GA OS/2 port
  381.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA fix d release os/2 port.
  382.                                     The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta4. It
  383.                                     is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code.
  384.                                     This program uses high memory for
  385.                                     allocating buffers.
  386.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  387.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  388.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  389. postgresql-8.0-os2e-pljava.zip 13221017 2005/02/25  postgreSQL v8.0 GA (FIX E) with
  390.                                     PLJava OS/2 port
  391.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA fix e release os/2 port.
  392.                                     This package includes PLJava support. The
  393.                                     compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta4. This
  394.                                     program uses high memory for allocating
  395.                                     buffers.
  396.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  397.                         Requires:   Golden Code Java 1.4.1 SDK for PLJava
  398.                                     support
  399.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  400.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  401. postgresql-8.0-os2e.zip        11943146 2005/02/21  postgreSQL v8.0 GA (FIX E) OS/2
  402.                                     port
  403.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 GA fix e release os/2 port.
  404.                                     The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta4. It
  405.                                     is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code.
  406.                                     This program uses high memory for
  407.                                     allocating buffers.
  408.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  409.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  410.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  411. postgresql-8.0-rc2d.zip 7946767 2005/01/04  postgreSQL v8.0 rc2 OS/2 port update
  412.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 rc 2 os/2 port. The
  413.                                     compiler used is GCC 3.3.5 beta2. It is
  414.                                     built from the 2004-12-03 rc1 code. This
  415.                                     program uses high memory for allocating
  416.                                     buffers.
  417.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  418.                         Requires:   requires 14.100 kernel and TCP/IP 4.1 or
  419.                                     better and probably a non k6-2 CPU
  420.                                     (possible failure)
  421.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  422.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  423. postgresql-8.0-rc3.zip  7552619 2005/01/04  postgreSQL v8.0 rc3 OS/2 port
  424.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 release candidate 3 os/2
  425.                                     port. The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5
  426.                                     beta2. It is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1
  427.                                     code. This program uses high memory for
  428.                                     allocating buffers.
  429.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  430.                         Requires:   Requires a processor that supports the
  431.                                     FXSAVE instruction (fork() code uses it)
  432.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  433.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  434. postgresql-8.0-rc4.zip  9892480 2005/01/18  postgreSQL v8.0 rc4 OS/2 port
  435.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 release candidate 4 os/2
  436.                                     port. The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5
  437.                                     beta2. It is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1
  438.                                     code. This program uses high memory for
  439.                                     allocating buffers.
  440.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  441.                         Requires:   Requires a processor that supports the
  442.                                     FXSAVE instruction (fork() code uses it)
  443.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  444.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  445. postgresql-8.0-rc5.zip 10233226 2005/01/18  postgreSQL v8.0 rc5 OS/2 port
  446.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 release candidate 5 os/2
  447.                                     port. The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5
  448.                                     beta2. It is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1
  449.                                     code. This program uses high memory for
  450.                                     allocating buffers.
  451.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  452.                         Requires:   Requires a processor that supports the
  453.                                     FXSAVE instruction (fork() code uses it)
  454.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  455.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  456. postgresqlrcnls.zip     7735477 2005/01/04  postgreSQL v8.0 rc2+ NLS OS/2 port
  457.                                     update
  458.                         Long desc:  postgreSQL V8.0 rc2+ with NLS support os/2
  459.                                     port. The compiler used is GCC 3.3.5
  460.                                     beta2. It is built from the 2004-12-03 rc1
  461.                                     code. This program uses high memory for
  462.                                     allocating buffers.
  463.                         Runs on:    Warp 4.5
  464.                         Requires:   requires 14.100 kernel and TCP/IP 4.1 or
  465.                                     better and probably a non k6-2 CPU
  466.                                     (possible failure)
  467.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  468.                         Source:     http://www.postgresql.org
  469. rxbas223.zip     479922 1999/04/29  RexxBase - dBase Database For Rexx
  470.                         Long desc:  RexxBase ver 2.23 dBase Database For Rexx
  471.                                     Provides external functions for Rexx
  472.                                     command files and applications to
  473.                                     read/write/update dbase III and IV files.
  474.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Version 2.0 or better.
  475.                         Requires:   Not applicable
  476.                         Contact:    Joe McVerry (jmcverry@americancoders.com)
  477.                         Source:     http://www.americancoders.com/RexxBase.html
  478. sqledit.zip      253482 1995/01/30  Edit data in ES 1.0 DBM w/SQL queries
  479. sqlitebrowser13c.zip    3913579 2008/07/21  SQLite Database Browser 1.3c (SQLite
  480.                                     3.6.0)
  481.                         Long desc:  SQLite Database Browser is a freeware,
  482.                                     public domain, open source visual tool
  483.                                     used to create, design and edit database
  484.                                     files compatible with SQLite.
  485.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 4, WSeB, eCS, Windows
  486.                         Requires:   LIBC061.DLL or later
  487.                         Contact:    ruediger ihle  (r.ihle@s-t.de)
  488.                         Source:     http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/
  489. supdemo.zip     1473190 1995/06/04  HODstar Supporter, call/problem tracking
  490.                                     app demo
  491. sybfix2.zip      442872 2001/09/14  Fixes for name conflicts in OS/2 Sybase
  492.                                     client package
  493.                         Long desc:  This replaces SybFix.ZIP - which was
  494.                                     missing a file. Unzip in your x:\SQL10\DLL
  495.                                     directory. Read.me file has more details.
  496.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 3.0 and abovee
  497.                         Contact:    D Clark (dgclark@attglobal.net)
  498. sybos2.zip     12813633 2001/07/31  Sybase OS/2 client
  499.                         Long desc:  Create temporary directory, unzip into that
  500.                                     directory, see README.TXT
  501.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 3.0 and above
  502. sybwin16.zip    1675235 2001/07/31  Sybase Win16 client
  503.                         Long desc:  Create directory for installed files, unzip
  504.                                     in that directory preserving directories
  505.                                     in zip file, create icons in Windows for
  506.                                     files in BIN directory.
  507.                         Runs on:    OS/2 - 3.0 and above
  508. tblcpy.zip        76303 1995/01/30  SQL table copy between DBM, DBM2, or DB2
  509.                                     databases
  510. unixodbc001.zip 2291232 2004/09/16  unixODBC port for OS/2
  511.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  512.                                     including PM datamanager and query window
  513.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  514.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  515.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  516.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  517. unixodbc002.zip 2469303 2004/09/22  unixODBC port for OS/2
  518.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  519.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  520.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL
  521.                                     and mySQL drivers
  522.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  523.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  524.                                     (included)
  525.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  526.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  527. unixodbc003.zip 2877053 2004/09/30  unixODBC port for OS/2
  528.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  529.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  530.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  531.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  532.                                     ODBC
  533.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  534.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  535.                                     (included)
  536.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  537.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  538. unixodbc004.zip 2925549 2004/10/12  unixODBC port for OS/2
  539.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  540.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  541.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  542.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  543.                                     ODBC
  544.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  545.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  546.                                     (included)
  547.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  548.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  549. unixodbc005.zip 2925601 2004/10/12  unixODBC port for OS/2
  550.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  551.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  552.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  553.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  554.                                     ODBC
  555.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  556.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  557.                                     (included)
  558.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  559.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  560. unixodbc006.zip 2926106 2004/10/19  unixODBC port for OS/2
  561.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  562.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  563.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  564.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  565.                                     ODBC
  566.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  567.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  568.                                     (included)
  569.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  570.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  571. unixodbc007.zip 2951476 2004/11/03  unixODBC port for OS/2
  572.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  573.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  574.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  575.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  576.                                     ODBC
  577.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  578.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  579.                                     (included)
  580.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  581.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  582. unixodbc008.zip 3188165 2004/11/15  UnixODBC port for OS/2
  583.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  584.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  585.                                     The port now includes both the
  586.                                     postgreSQL, mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and
  587.                                     RexxSQL for ODBC proposed directory.
  588.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  589.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  590.                                     (included)
  591.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  592.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  593. unixodbc009.zip 3191692 2004/11/15  unixODBC port for OS/2
  594.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  595.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  596.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  597.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  598.                                     ODBC
  599.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  600.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  601.                                     (included)
  602.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  603.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  604. unixodbc010.zip 3199970 2004/11/15  unixODBC port for OS/2
  605.                         Long desc:  unixODBC port done with GCC v3.2.2
  606.                                     including PM datamanager and query window.
  607.                                     The port now includes both the postgreSQL,
  608.                                     mySQL and FreeTDS drivers and RexxSQL for
  609.                                     ODBC
  610.                         Runs on:    Warp 4 and above
  611.                         Requires:   LIBC05 from Innotek GCC v3.2.2 port
  612.                                     (included)
  613.                         Contact:    Lorne Sunley (lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca)
  614.                         Source:     http://www.unixodbc.org
  615. valos2.zip        84770 2001/01/08  Validate 1.81
  616.                         Long desc:  Validate database files
  617.                         Runs on:    warp+
  618.                         Requires:   B1+,B3+ix4
  619.                         Contact:    R. LeFluge
  620. wd30.zip         161987 1995/01/30  Wilkes Database v3.0, menu-driven database
  621.                                     system
  622. www-mysql-0.5.7.zip       96446 1999/02/15  WWW-SQL 0.5.7 for use with MySQL and
  623.                                     Apache
  624.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 3
  625.                         Requires:   EMX, MySQL, some web server
  626.                         Contact:    Antony T Curtis (antony.curtis@olcs.net)
  627.                         Source:     http://www.daa.com.au/~james/www-sql/