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161 lines
function [x, y] = peakSet(peaksByMass, minimumSN, secondSN, tickSeparation, massSeparation)
% [X, Y] = peakSet(peaksByMass, minSN, secondSN, massSeparation)
% Coalesces (aligns) peaks found in multiple spectra to determine which ones
% represent the same molecular stuff.
% peaksByMass is a matrix with one row for each peak and five columns
% that represent
% spectrum ID
% peak location in clock ticks
% peak location in mass units
% signal-to-noise ratio of the peak
% normalized baseline-corrected intensity of the peak
% minimumSN = signal-to-noise ratio required for a single peak to count; usually 10
% secondSN = signal-to-noise needed to be included on second pass; usually 2
% tickSeparation = minimum distance between resolvable peaks, in clock
% ticks, usually 7
% massSeparation = minimum distance between resolvable peaks as a relative
% fraction of mass; usually 0.003.
% X = peak class information, a matrix with one row per peak class and
% thirteen columns, representing
% unique class ID
% min tick
% max tick
% min mass
% max mass
% number of unique spectra having this peak
% number of peaks collected in this class
% min S/N
% max S/N
% mean S/N
% median tick
% mean of normalized intensity
% standard deviation of normalized intensity
% Y = mapping from peaks to classes, a matrix with one row per peak and
% five columns representing
% peak class ID (as in X)
% spectrum ID
% tick location
% mass location
% s/N
% Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. All rights reserved.
% See the accompanying file "license.txt" for details.
% First version written by Kevin Coombes, December 2003
% We'd like to assume that the peaks have already been sorted in order of
% increasing mass. Since we're trying to write this as a reusable function,
% we'll resort ourselves to make certain.
[y i] = sort(peaksByMass(:, 3));
pbm = peaksByMass(i,:);
[prows, pcols] = size(pbm); % how many rows are in the peak matrix
peakCount = 1; % number of distinct peak classes
lastTick = pbm(1, 2); % current tick location
lastMass = pbm(1, 3); % current mass location
peakClasses = [0 0 0 0]; % start of storage for peak class information
peakIDS = repmat(0, [1 floor(prows/20)]); % storage for which peaks are in this class
collector = []; % temporary accumulator
% In the first pass, we look for peaks with S/N greater than the minimum
% cutoff. We group them together if their distance in clock ticks or in
% relative mass is less than the specified values. In the peakClasses matrix,
% we store four items about each peak class:
% minimum tick where it occurs
% minimum mass
% maximum tick
% maximum mass
% In the peakIDS matrix, we store a list of indices that point to the rows
% in the pbm matrix that belong to this class.
for i = 1:prows,
if pbm(i, 4) >= minimumSN, % ignore smaller S/N on first pass
tick = pbm(i, 2);
mass = pbm(i, 3);
if (tick - lastTick) < tickSeparation | (mass - lastMass)/lastMass < massSeparation,
collector(end+1) = i;
p = pbm(collector(1),:);
q = pbm(collector(end), :);
peakClasses(peakCount,:) = [p(2) p(3) q(2) q(3)];
peakIDS(peakCount, 1:length(collector)) = collector;
collector = [i];
peakCount = peakCount+1;
lastTick = tick;
% We haven't yet included the very last peak on the list
p = pbm(collector(1),:);
q = pbm(collector(end), :);
peakClasses(peakCount,:) = [p(2) p(3) q(2) q(3)];
peakIDS(peakCount, 1:length(collector)) = collector;
% The first pass on the 24 WCX2 QC spectra used for the wavelet denoising
% paper yields 174 peaks at this point.
% the point of the seocnd pass is to go back and fill in with smaller peaks
% if they align with existing peaks. Here "smaller" means with S/N greater
% than the parameter secondSN. There is probably a better way to do this,
% since I repeat the same code three times, but the logical statement was
% too unwieldy otherwiase.
[crow, ccol] = size(peakClasses);
pointer = 1; % which established peak class am I looking at?
for i = 1:prows,
if pbm(i, 4) < minimumSN & pbm(i, 4) >= secondSN,
tick = pbm(i, 2);
mass = pbm(i, 3);
while (tick - peakClasses(pointer, 3)) > tickSeparation & (mass - peakClasses(pointer, 4))/peakClasses(pointer, 4) > massSeparation,
pointer = pointer + 1;
if pointer > crow,
break; % from inner loop
end %while
if pointer > crow,
break; % from outer loop
if tick < peakClasses(pointer, 1) & peakClasses(pointer, 1) - tick < tickSeparation,
temp = peakIDS(pointer,:); % which actual peaks belong to this class?
lastID = sum(temp>0);
peakIDS(pointer, lastID+1) = i;
elseif tick >= peakClasses(pointer, 1) & tick <= peakClasses(pointer, 3),
temp = peakIDS(pointer,:); % which actual peaks belong to this class?
lastID = sum(temp>0);
peakIDS(pointer, lastID+1) = i;
elseif tick > peakClasses(pointer, 3) & tick - peakClasses(pointer, 3) < tickSeparation,
temp = peakIDS(pointer,:); % which actual peaks belong to this class?
lastID = sum(temp>0);
peakIDS(pointer, lastID+1) = i;
% now we reassemble the data along with some summary statistics for
% each peak class in order to return something useful.
x = repmat(0, [crow 13]); % storage for returning class information
y = repmat(0, [prows 6]); % storage for returning peak information
ypoint = 0;
for i = 1:crow, % loop over peak sets
temp = peakIDS(i,:);
temp = temp(temp>0);
n = length(temp);
nuni = length(unique(pbm(temp,1)));
reup = [1 3 2 4];
SNs = pbm(temp,4);
signals = log2(pbm(temp, 5));
x(i,:) = [i peakClasses(i,reup) nuni n min(SNs) max(SNs) mean(SNs) floor(median(pbm(temp,2))) mean(signals) std(signals)];
for j = 1:length(temp),
ypoint = ypoint + 1;
y(ypoint,:) = [i pbm(temp(j), :)];
ygood = y(:,1) > 0; % only keep peaks that got matched to something with big S/N