/* PATH: path_no;floor1;floor2;px1;py1;px2;py2;[{more_points}] (This statement is optional)
/* EXIT: exit_no;x1;y1;x2;y2;x;y;description (This statement is optional)
EXIT: 1;23;14;58;106;49;100;door
/* CLPART: file (This statement is optional)
CLPART: 37FG.iff
/* ROOMIMGS: number;start_bob;x1;y1;w;h;x-offset;hotspot (This statement is optional)
ROOMIMGS: 2;1;0;0;74;90;74;
/* STATIC: bob;image;x;y (This statement is optional)
/* ANIM: bob;image;anim_ch;anim|ptrn;x;y (This statement is optional)
/* ROOMOBJ: obj;name;room;VIS|NVIS;bob;image;x;y;cx;cy;cimage;prep;PICK|NPICK;anim_ch;verb;icon;LOW|MID|HIGH;types;w1;w2;w3 (This statement is optional)
/* DACT: {cond|comm}
/* LINE: dlg;line_no;sentence1;sentence2| ;{cond} (This statement is optional)
/* LACT: dlg;line_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
/* ACTION: verb_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
ACTION: 0;IFOBJ 1;IFRF 1=1;IFNOTCARR 39;SAY I better close the fridge before I go.;SAY It's a waste of energy to leave it open all the time.;MOBJ 39;HANDLE;SHOW 39,252,33,RIMG2;W 12;SETRF 1=0;HANDLE -1;MEXIT;GOTO 35,2