AmigActive 4
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Text File
580 lines
; setup
(set #iwversion "1.5")
(set #year "1999") ; not certified for year 2000, update needed :)
(set #sourcedir "source")
(set #iconsdir "icons")
(set #bindir "binary")
(set #readmedir "readme")
(set #inspartsdir "installer-parts")
; work variables
(set #sedcommand "binary/sed")
(set #sedfile "T:sedfile")
; get environment variables
(set #authorname (getenv "INSW/AUTHORNAME"))
(set #authoremail (getenv "INSW/AUTHOREMAIL"))
(set #editor (getenv "INSW/EDITOR"))
(set #installroot (getenv "INSW/INSTALLROOT"))
(set #loaderdevroot (getenv "INSW/LOADERDEVROOT"))
; check for authorname, compulsory
(if (= #authorname "")
(abort "The environment variable AUTHORNAME is empty!")
(if (= #authoremail "")
(set #authoremail "no email")
(set #srcsubdir "")
(set #subdir "")
(set #indextype 0)
(set #indexascii 49)
; user prompts
(set #gamename
(askstring (prompt "What's the name of the game/demo you want\nto create an install for ?")
(help "This name will be used to set the game name, not the game directory\n"
"so you can include spaces in it")
(default "")
(set #srctype
(askchoice (prompt ("What kind of media %s is originally stored on?" #gamename ))
(help "The install procedure will be different depending on the\n"
"source (files/diskfiles, etc...)")
"Standard files (CD-ROM)"
"Standard files (floppies)"
"Standard diskfiles (disk2file, DIC)"
"Non standard disk files (custom disk ripper)"
"Non standard files (custom file ripper)"
(set #nbdisks 1)
(if (NOT (= 0 #srctype))
(set #nbdisks
(asknumber (prompt "How many disks does the game come with")
(help "This number will be used in the install-script"
"and maybe in the loader")
(range 1 9)
(if (> #nbdisks 1)
(set #indextype
(askchoice (prompt "What's the first disk index?")
(help "If the disks do not have a incremental disk index\n"
"then you'll do it by hand later!")
(if (= 1 #indextype)
(set #indexascii 65)
(if (= 2 #indextype)
(set #indexascii 97)
(set #gamedir
(askstring (prompt "What should the drawer name be called ?\n\n"
"(don't put the HD suffix)?")
(help "The user and developper install drawer names\n"
"will be computed accordingly")
(default #gamename)
(set #osemu
(askbool (prompt "Will the loader use OS emulation module ?")
(help "OS emulation module was written by Harry\n"
"and allows to run many games by emulating the Amiga OS\n"
"which ensures OS-independance, WB startup, clean quit...")
(default 1)
(set #osblast 1)
; if osemu is active, the OS won't be active, else, ask
(if (= 0 #osemu)
(set #osblast
(askbool (prompt "Does the launching process overtakes the system ?")
(help "If you write a JST loader, it will overtake the system\n"
"but if you use JST as a degrader only, then it won't")
(default 1)
; if OS is to be disabled, ask chipmem size
(set #chipsize 0)
(set #extsize 0)
(if (= 1 #osblast)
(set #chipsize
(askchoice (prompt "Which amount of chip memory will the game use")
(help "If it's an old ECS game, it will probably use only 512K\n"
"If it's AGA, it often demands 1 or 2megs\n\n"
"If you need to specify another size, do it manually\n"
"in the asm source. The 'any will do' choice tells\n"
"JST to save the actual maxchip size of the computer\n"
"the loader is beign run on\n")
"any will do"
"512K ($80000 bytes)"
"1024K ($100000 bytes)"
"1536K ($180000 bytes)"
"2048K ($200000 bytes)"
(set #extsize
(askchoice (prompt "Which amount of expansion memory will the game use")
(help "If it's an old ECS game, it will probably use only 512K\n"
"If it's AGA, it often demands 1 or 2megs\n\n"
"If you need to specify another size, do it manually\n"
"in the asm source")
"512K ($80000 bytes)"
"1024K ($100000 bytes)"
(set #chipsize (* #chipsize $80000))
(set #extsize (* #extsize $80000))
(set #noaga
(askbool (prompt "Is the game AGA or ECS ?")
(help "If you specify AGA, the loader will display\nan error on a ECS computer")
(default 1)
(if (AND (= 0 #noaga) (NOT (= $200000 #chipsize)))
(message "Warning!\nyou selected AGA\n"
"with a chipmem size different of 2Megs")
(if (OR (= 2 #srctype) (= 3 #srctype))
(set #diskfile
(askstring (prompt "What should be the prefix of the diskfiles ?")
(help "This string will be used in the install-script"
"and in the loader")
(default ("%s.d" #gamedir))
(set #fromfiles 0)
(if (OR (= 4 #srctype) (= 1 #srctype) (= 0 #srctype))
(set #fromfiles 1)
(set #subdir
(askstring (prompt "If you want to store the files in a subdir\n"
"enter the subdir name here")
(help "Leave empty if you don't want a subdir")
(default "")
(set #sizelimit
(asknumber (prompt "What's the max size file limit for HDLOAD")
(help "This number will be used in the loader for\n"
"the argument of LoadSmallFiles()")
(range 100 500000)
(default 10000)
); end osblast
); end non-osblast
(set #readmefile
(askstring (prompt "What should be the name of the readme ?")
(help "Name of the readme file, should be the same as user install dir")
(default ("%shd.readme" #gamedir))
(if (OR (= 0 #srctype) (AND (= 1 #srctype) (= 1 #nbdisks) ) )
(set #noindex 1)
(set #disklabel
(askstring (prompt "What's the label of the disk/CDROM\n")
(help "The label is also the volume name")
(default #gamedir)
(set #srcsubdir
(askstring (prompt "If the base directory is not the root of the volume,\n"
"enter the subdir name here, else leave empty")
(help "Leave empty if the source is the root directory")
(default "")
(if (AND (= 1 #srctype) (> #nbdisks 1) )
(set #noindex 0)
(set #disklabel
(askstring (prompt "What's the label prefix of the disks\n"
"(without the number if there are more than one disk) ?")
(help "If the game has more than one disk,\n"
"the program assumes that the disks are labelled\n"
"like this <disklabel>1, <disklabel>2, etc...")
(default #gamedir)
(set #installdir (tackon #installroot ("%sHD" #gamedir)) )
(set #loaderdevdir (tackon #loaderdevroot ("%sHDDev" #gamedir)) )
(makedir #installdir (infos) )
(makedir #loaderdevdir (infos) )
; only on installs with 1 disk, or else could be too strict
(if (AND (= 2 #srctype) (= 1 #nbdisks))
(set #srarg
(askbool (prompt "Is the disk protected by Rob Northern Copylock (track 0 head 1)")
(help "If you're not sure of this, answer no, you'll add SKIPROB\n"
"by hand in the generated install if disk2file reports an error")
(default 1)
; working...
(if (= 1 #srarg)
(set #skiprob "SKIPROB")
; loader name
(set #loaderfile ("%sHD" #gamedir))
; build the sed command file
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (append ("s#%%gamename%%#%s#g\n" #gamename)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%authorname%%#%s#g\n" #authorname)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%authoremail%%#%s#g\n" #authoremail)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%authorname%%#%s#g\n" #authorname)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%year%%#%s#g\n" #year)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%iwversion%%#%s#g\n" #iwversion)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%diskfile%%#%s#g\n" #diskfile)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%nbdisks%%#%ld#g\n" #nbdisks)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%skiprob%%#%s#g\n" #skiprob)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%readmefile%%#%s#g\n" #readmefile)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%loaderfile%%#%s#g\n" #loaderfile)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%gamedir%%#%s#g\n" #gamedir)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%disklabel%%#%s#g\n" #disklabel)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%extsize%%#$%lx#g\n" #extsize)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%chipsize%%#$%lx#g\n" #chipsize)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%sizelimit%%#%ld#g\n" #sizelimit)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%subdir%%#%s#g\n" #subdir)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%srcsubdir%%#%s#g\n" #srcsubdir)) )
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append ("s#%%indexascii%%#%ld#g\n" #indexascii)) )
(if (= 2 #srctype)
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "s#%disksize%#STD_DISK_SIZE#g\n") )
(if (= 1 #osblast)
(if (= #fromfiles 1)
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "/!diskload/d\n") ) ; then
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "/!fileload/d\n") ) ; else
(if (= 0 #osemu)
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "/!osemu/d\n") )
(if (= 1 #noaga)
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "/!aga/d\n") )
(if (= 0 #extsize)
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "/!expmem/d\n") )
(if (= "" #subdir)
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "/!subdir/d\n") )
; anyway remove all ! comments
(textfile (dest #sedfile) (include #sedfile) (append "s#[ ]*; ![a-z].*##\n") )
; copy the binary loader template
(copyfiles (source (tackon #bindir "TestHD")) (dest #loaderdevdir) (newname #loaderfile))
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "TestHD.info")) (dest #loaderdevdir) (newname ("%s.info" #loaderfile)) )
(copyfiles (source (tackon #bindir "TestHD")) (dest #installdir) (newname #loaderfile))
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "TestHD.info")) (dest #installdir) (newname ("%s.info" #loaderfile)) )
copy the Build file+icon
(copyfiles (source (tackon #sourcedir "Build")) (dest #loaderdevdir))
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "Build.info")) (dest #loaderdevdir))
; generate the Makefile source
(run ("%s -f %s %s > %s"
(tackon #sourcedir "Makefile")
(tackon #loaderdevdir "Makefile") )
(set #srcname ("%s.asm" #loaderfile) )
; copy the Makefile and source icon
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "Makefile.info")) (dest #loaderdevdir) )
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "hd.asm.info")) (dest #loaderdevdir) (newname ("%s.info" #srcname)) )
; sets default tool $EDITOR for both asm file and Makefile
(tooltype (dest (tackon #loaderdevdir "Makefile")) (setdefaulttool #editor))
(tooltype (dest (tackon #loaderdevdir #srcname)) (setdefaulttool #editor))
; generate the asm source file template
(run ("%s -f %s %s > %s"
(tackon #sourcedir "hd.asm")
(tackon #loaderdevdir #srcname) )
; add loadseg utility subroutine
(if (= 1 #osemu)
(textfile (dest (tackon #loaderdevdir #srcname) )
(include (tackon #loaderdevdir #srcname) )
(include (tackon #sourcedir "loadseg.asm") )
) ; end of osblast
; OS is used, create an empty script
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "RunGame.info") ) (dest #installdir) (newname "RunGame.icon") )
(textfile (dest (tackon #installdir "RunGame")) (append (";; JST %s EXECUTE") #gamedir) )
) ; end of not osblast
; generate the specific readme
(set #fullreadme (tackon #installdir #readmefile) )
(run ("%s -f %s %s > %s"
(tackon #readmedir "gamehd.readme")
#fullreadme )
; include OSEmu text if is used
(if (= 1 #osemu)
(textfile (dest #fullreadme) (include #fullreadme) (include (tackon #readmedir "osemu.readme")) )
; processes the icons
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "gamehd.readme.info") )
(dest #installdir)
(newname ("%s.info" #readmefile) )
(set #installiconname ("Install-%s.info" #gamedir) )
(copyfiles (source (tackon #iconsdir "Install-game.info"))
(dest #installdir)
(newname #installiconname)
; generates the install script
(set #installdest ("Install-%s" #gamedir) )
(set #tmpinstall (tackon "T:" #installdest) )
(set #installicon (tackon #installdir #installiconname) )
(set #finalicon (tackon #installdir #installdest) )
; sets the tooltypes
(tooltype (dest #finalicon) (settooltype "APPNAME" #gamename) )
(tooltype (dest #finalicon) (settooltype "MINUSER" "expert") )
(if (> #srctype 1)
(tooltype (dest #finalicon) (settooltype "PRETEND" "FALSE") )
; appends files to main file
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Install-init")) )
(if (= 1 #osemu)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Copy-osemu")) )
(copyfiles (source (tackon #bindir "OSEmu.400")) (dest #installdir))
(if (= 1 #osblast)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Copy-loader")) )
(if (> #srctype 1)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Choose-drive")) )
(if (NOT (= "" #subdir))
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (append ("\n(set #subdir \"%s\")\n\n" #subdir)) )
;; loop to make disk images/copy files
(if (> #srctype 0)
(set #diskno 1)
(<= #diskno #nbdisks)
(if (= 2 #srctype)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Make-diskimage")) )
(if (= 1 #srctype)
(if (= #noindex 0)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (append "(set #currentdisk (\"%disklabel%%lc\" #diskno))\n") )
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (append "(set #currentdisk \"%disklabel%\")\n") )
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Copy-floppy")) )
(if (> #srctype 2)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (append "(run \"any ripper command\")\n") )
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (append "(set #diskno (+ #diskno 1))\n") )
(set #diskno (+ #diskno 1))
;; CD-ROM source (srctype = 0)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Copy-cdrom")) )
(if (= #osblast 0)
(textfile (dest #tmpinstall) (include #tmpinstall) (include (tackon #inspartsdir "Copy-startup")) )
; generate the specific install-script
(run ("%s -f %s %s > %s"
; cleanup
(delete #tmpinstall)
;;(delete #sedfile)
; optionnal readme edition
(if (= 1
(askbool (prompt "Do you want to edit the readme file now?")
(help "You'll be able to edit it later anyway")
(choices "Yes" "No")
(default 0)
(run ("%s %s" #editor (tackon #installdir #readmefile) ))
; install-script generated