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Text File  |  2004-04-10  |  3KB  |  83 lines

  1. cl_btinfo
  2. [hd] [client] [sep] [[bar=20,7,5]7] [file][?size] ([size])[\size] [sep] [pc] [sep] Down: [kbsdn] KB/s [sep] Up: [kbsup] KB/s [?peers][sep] Peers/Seeds [peers]/[seeds] [\peers][?estime][sep] [estime][/estime] [ft] [?eltime][eltime][/eltime]
  3. cl_mode
  4. me
  5. cl_dcplusplus
  6. [hd]DC++ Stats[ft] [hd]Down: [dl] ([dled])[sep]Up: [ul] ([uled])[sep]Free Slots: [slots][sep]Total DL/UL: [tdled]/[tuled][ft][GTSdllad]
  7. bt_config_file
  9. cl_bar_char1
  10. ª
  11. cl_seperator
  12. 14½╗7
  13. cl_bar_char2
  14. ª
  15. cl_vdinfo
  16. [hd] VDub Status [sep] [[bar=20,7,5]7] [file] [sep] [pc] [sep] Encoding frame [framecurrent] of [framestotal] and audio sample [audiocurrent] of [audiototal] [sep] Video data: [vdata1]([vdata2]) [sep] Audio data: [adata] [sep] Proj. size: [prosize] [sep] Rate: [fps] [sep] Elapsed: [eltime] [sep] Estimated: [estime] [ft]
  17. WA_SYNC_limitation
  18. none
  19. au_checkonstart
  20. $false
  21. tmp_TotDl
  22. 0
  23. bt_use_az
  24. 0
  25. VID_SYNC_limitation
  26. none
  27. cnt_dcinfo
  28. 0
  29. UsePopups
  30. $true
  31. cl_bt_totals
  32. [hd] Total Bandwith Used by [count] Torrents [sep] Down: [down] KB/s [sep] Up: [up] KB/s [ft] [gtsdllad]
  33. cnt_ad
  34. 0
  35. cl_emule
  36. [hd] eMule [sep] Server: [server] [?ip]([ip])[\ip] [sep] Down: [dn] [sep] Up: [up] [sep] Queues: [queues] [sep] Total DL/UL: [tdn]/[tup] [ft]
  37. Port
  38. 80
  39. cl_footer
  40. 14½½
  41. au_ask_user
  42. $false
  43. DCPlusPlusFolder
  45. cl_no_ext
  46. $true
  47. cnt_btinfo
  48. 0
  49. WAFolder
  50. C:\Program Files\Winamp5\
  51. Site
  52. www.adv-clan.com
  53. cl_header
  54. 14╗╗7
  55. UseDynamicPopups
  56. $false
  57. tmp_bt_cnt
  58. 3
  59. cl_dcc
  60. [hd] DCC [type] #[num] [sep] [[bar=20,7,5]7] [file] ([size]) [sep] Nick: [nick] [sep] Speed: [speed] [sep] [?rcvd]Recieved: [rcvd][/rcvd] [?sent]Sent: [sent][/sent] ([pc]) [sep] Elapsed: [eltime] [sep] Left: [estime] [ft]
  61. EMuleFolder
  63. cl_no_uc
  64. $true
  65. cl_grinfo
  66. [hd] GetRight [sep] [[bar=20,7,5]7] [file] [?size]([size]) [/size][sep] [pc] [?kbsdn][sep] Speed: [kbsdn][/kbsdn] [?estime][sep] Time left: [estime] [/estime] [ft] [url][?totals][hd] Total Bandwith Used by [count] GetRight Downloads [sep] [down] [ft][/totals]
  67. cnt_audplay
  68. 0
  69. az_ip
  71. cl_dcctotals
  72. [hd] DCC [type] [sep] Total: [tdccs] [sep] Total Speed: [tspeed] [ft]
  73. tmp_TotUp
  74. 0
  75. cl_audpl_id3present
  76. [hd] [player] [sep] [?http] Stream: [http] [sep] [\http][?artist][artist] - [\artist][?album][album] [?year]([year]) [\year]- [\album][?track][track] - [\track][title] [sep] [pos][?length]/[length] [[bar=14,7,5]7] [\length] [sep] [?res][res] [sep] [fps] [sep] [\res] [bitrate] kbps [?vbr]([vbr])[\vbr] [ext] [ft] [?codec][codec][\codec]
  77. az_port
  78. 6884
  79. cnt_video
  80. 0
  81. cl_video
  82. [hd] [player] [sep] [[bar=20,7,5]7] [vid] [sep] [pos] / [dur][?res] [sep] [res][\res] [?fps][sep] [fps] [\fps][sep] [bps] [sep] [size] [ft] [?codec][codec][\codec]