if ($input(Disconnected! $+ $crlf $+ Do you want to reconnect?,264,SmartICQ - Disconnected)) { hadd smarticq status online | _icq.drw_obj -show icqbutton up | _icq.login }
alias -l _icq.check_if_on_list {
; checks if uin is on your list already
; /_icq.check_if_on_list <uin>
var %wm = $fline(@SmartICQ-group,$+(*,$chr(1),$1,$chr(1),*),0,1)
if (%wm == 0) && ($readini($+(",$_icq.dir,$_icq.a,\settings.ini"),settings,contactlist_showunknown)) {
var %sms = $replace($2-,<deliverable>,$chr(20),</deliverable>,$chr(20),<network>,$chr(21),</network>,$chr(21))
if ($dialog(_icq.sendsms)) {
if ($gettok(%sms,2,20) == yes) { did -ra _icq.sendsms 10 Sent to $gettok(%sms,2,21) }
else {
if ( [ INVALID NUMBER ] isin %sms) { did -ra _icq.sendsms 10 Invalid number! | return }
if ( [ RATE LIMIT ] isin %sms) { did -ra _icq.sendsms 10 Rate limit exceeded! | return }
else { did -ra _icq.sendsms 10 Could not send! }
if ($1 == sms_ack) {
;<sms_delivery_receipt><destination>886917742888976</destination><delivered>Yes</delivered><delivery_time>Tue, 19 Nov 2002 12:55:23 EST</delivery_time></sms_delivery_receipt>
var %ack = $replace($1-,<destination>,$chr(19),</destination>,$chr(19),<delivered>,$chr(20),</delivered>,$chr(20),<delivery_time>,$chr(21),</delivery_time>,$chr(21))
var %num = $gettok(%ack,2,19)
var %del = $gettok(%ack,2,20)
var %time = $gettok(%ack,2,21)
if (%del == Yes) { var %d = $input(Your SMS message to $(%num) has been delivered!,io,SmartICQ - SMS) }
else { var %d = $input(Your SMS message to $(%num) has NOT been delivered!,io,SmartICQ - SMS) }
if ($1 == sms) && ($2 == error) && ($dialog(_icq.sendsms)) { did -ra _icq.sendsms 10 Could not send! }
if ($1 == request_offline) && ($2 == start) { _icq.systemtext hold on... }