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- Toward A Reuse Maturity Model
- Ted Davis
- Software Productivity Consortium
- SPC Building
- 2214 Rock Hill Road
- Herndon, Virginia 22070
- Tel: (703) 742-7335, fax: (703) 742-7200
- Email: davis@software.org
- Roger Williams
- Software Productivity Consortium
- SPC Building
- 2214 Rock Hill Road
- Herndon, Virginia 22070
- Tel: (703) 742-7132, fax: (703) 742-7200
- Email: williams@software.org
- Abstract
- This paper suggests a basis for reuse maturity. It describes how the
- Virginia Center of Excellence for Software Reuse and Technology Transfer
- (VCOE) is developing a model of reuse maturity. We expect development
- and validation of the concepts to evolve over several years. In the
- near term, we view the model as a vehicle for capturing successful
- reuse practice and for identifying areas where technical and management
- problems need to be solved to promote the institutionalization of
- reuse. In the longer term we view the model as a vehicle that organizations
- can use in identifying actions that they should take to improve their
- own reuse capabilities.
- Keywords: Reuse maturity, reuse capability, reuse efficiency, reuse
- proficiency, reuse effectiveness
- Workshop Goals: Promote discussion on what constitutes reuse maturity, what the
- results of improving reuse maturity should be, and the
- requirements a reuse maturity model should satisfy.
- Working Groups: Reuse maturity models
- Copyright 1992, Software Productivity Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved.
- This material is based in part upon work sponsored by the Defense Advanced
- Research Projects Agency under Grant #MDA972-92-J-1018. The content does not
- necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the U.S. Government, and no
- official endorsement should be inferred.
- Produced by the Software Productivity Consortium under contract to the
- Virginia Center of Excellence for Software Reuse and Technology Transfer.
- 1 Background
- The Virginia Center of Excellence for Software Reuse and Technology
- Transfer (VCOE) was jointly formed by the Virginia Center for Innovative
- Technology and the Software Productivity Consortium. Included in the
- VCOE charter is the development of ``Reuse Adoption'' technology,
- which supports organizations in the definition, evolution, and implementation
- of reuse programs. To support this ``institutionalization'' of reuse,
- the VCOE was tasked with developing a Reuse Maturity Model (RMM) which
- could be used to define the characteristics of differing reuse processes.
- Point-of-departure for the RMM was the SPC's ``Mount Reuse'' five level model
- that had been developed in an earlier effort [BH90].
- One of the initial purposes of the RMM was to complement and strengthen
- the SEI's existing process maturity model by supporting the characterization
- of processes that are more systematic in their approach to reuse.
- In June of 1992, the VCOE presented a draft of the RMM at a workshop
- attended by DoD reuse experts, industry personnel seeking reuse adoption
- technology, and industry personnel from other DoD reuse projects including
- STARS and CARDS. Although participants approved of some aspects of
- the model, they voiced strong objections to others. Some believed
- that reuse practice is too immature to even begin to be categorized
- by a maturity model. However, most of the negative reaction stemmed
- from the relationship of our proposed RMM to the SEI's Capability
- Maturity Model (CMM) for processes. Since we had made analogies to
- the CMM structure in developing the RMM, many feared that perceived
- negative aspects of the CMM would be inherited by production of an
- RMM---the most emphatic concern was that a derivative of the RMM
- would be used as a mechanism for evaluating a contractor's ability
- to reuse. Other participants had an opposite concern: they wanted
- to know why there needed to be an RMM that was separate from the CMM.
- Our response to the workshop feedback was: 1) to restructure the RMM
- so that reviewers could see that it's derivation is not driven by
- a need to have 5 maturity levels, and so that they could have greater
- visibility and input into the model formulation, 2) to re-emphasize
- to the reuse community that we will seek consensus on our model and
- that we intend to validate it, and 3) to present the pre-validated
- RMM only as a mechanism which postulates and allows examination of
- factors leading to successful reuse practice. This paper is an initial
- step in our response. In it we present our concept of reuse maturity
- and describe what we feel is an appropriate method for formulating
- a Reuse Maturity Model.
- 2 Position
- The ultimate need for a model of reuse maturity is to characterize
- good reuse practice. Such a characterization of practice would allow
- an organization to identify how it might best improve its own software
- development efforts. Because the practice of software reuse is not
- widespread, not well understood, and not proven as a means for
- software productivity and quality improvement, a Reuse Maturity Model
- is needed in the nearer term to provide a common basis for researchers
- and practitioners to identify what constitutes good reuse practice. As
- a common basis, the model should provide the reuse community with a vehicle
- for characterizing best practice, correlating elements of practice
- to successful software development, and identifying the most critical
- technical or nontechnical barriers to good practice.
- These benefits which we expect would come from a Reuse Maturity Model
- depend on the assumption that the producers and consumers of reuse
- technology can agree on what ``maturity'' means in the context of
- software reuse. Therefore, we include here our definition of reuse
- maturity which we offer for discussion. In addition, we identify
- requirements for a reuse maturity model to serve as a basis for
- development of a model.
- 2.1 Reuse Maturity
- Our concept of reuse maturity is based on the assumption that an organization
- wants to be more effective in reusing its software assets. Maturity
- is intended to be an indication of how effective an organization is
- at reuse; this then is the motivation for an organization to increase
- its maturity, i.e, that more effective reuse will result. The first
- step then is to determine what constitutes effective reuse. Then it
- will be possible to define reuse maturity and develop a maturity model
- aimed at achieving effective reuse.
- Frequently, organizations report reuse results as the percentage of
- a product or product line that is comprised of reused software, e.g.,
- [PD91] reports reuse as the ratio of total SLOC reused to total
- SLOC produced. The implication of these results is that more reuse
- is better reuse. Although the citations in [PD91] may be cases
- of effective reuse, ``how much'' reuse an organization achieves
- is insufficient as an aim for effective reuse.
- ``How much'' reuse does not reflect how many opportunities for reuse
- are missed nor does it reflect how well an organization meets its
- intended reuse target (perhaps 75% was feasible, 50% was the organization's
- intended reuse, but the actual reuse was 25%). It does not reflect
- the benefit realized from reuse with respect to the cost to attain
- the benefit (perhaps $90,000 was spent to save $100,000 when it was
- only necessary to spend $50,000 to attain the same benefit). It also
- does not reflect whether the organization could achieve similar results
- in similar situations (perhaps in one instance 40% reuse was achieved,
- but in a similar situation only 10% reuse was achieved).
- ``How much'' reuse an organization achieves may also be subject
- to constraints which are beyond the organization's control. For example,
- an organization may work in a multi-level classified environment
- which forbids reuse from a higher classification level to a lower
- classification level. This may severely limit ``how much'' reuse
- is achievable, but it should not reflect ineffective reuse if the
- organization is capable of exploiting its reuse opportunities within
- the constraints of the situation.
- An alternative which overcomes the shortcomings identified above is
- an adaptation of the concept of process capability, defined in [PCC91],
- for reuse--termed reuse capability, which is:
- The range of expected results in reuse efficiency, effectiveness, and
- proficiency that can be achieved by following a reuse process.
- Reuse efficiency is the ratio of the actual reuse opportunities
- exploited to the organization's targeted reuse opportunities, whether
- implicit or explicit. For example, in the case where the potential
- reuse is 75%, the intended (targeted) reuse is 50%, and the actual
- reuse is 25%, the reuse efficiency is 25/50 = 0.5.
- Reuse effectiveness is the ratio of the difference between what it would have
- cost to develop new assets and what it cost to reuse assets times the number of
- uses of the reusable assets to the investment costs to acquire or develop the
- reusable assets. For example, if it would have cost $100,000 to develop new
- assets; $130,000 to develop reusable assets; $10,000 to use the assets; and the
- assets are used twice; then, the reuse effectiveness is
- 2 * (100,000 - 10,000) / 130,000 = 1.38.
- Reuse proficiency is the ratio of the actual reuse opportunities exploited to
- the potential reuse opportunities. For example, in the case where the potential
- reuse is 75%, the intended (targeted) reuse is 50%, and the actual reuse is 25%,
- the reuse proficiency is 25/75 = 0.33.
- Thus, an organization with a high reuse capability, not only is able
- to achieve more reuse (proficiency), but is also capable of maximizing
- its payoff from reuse (effectiveness) and consistently meets its target
- (efficiency)---the aim of reuse maturity and the reuse maturity model.
- With the aim of achieving a better reuse capability, the preliminary
- definition of reuse maturity is:
- The extent to which an organization's process systematically and cost-
- effectively exploits software reuse opportunities.
- This definition is based on the concept of systematic reuse defined
- in [WPD92] where the opportunities for reuse are predefined and
- a process for making use of those opportunities is specified, and
- on the principles of reuse economics as captured in the reuse economics
- model defined in [GC92]. The implication is that reuse maturity,
- as defined above, directly relates to an organization's reuse capability.
- This relationship is described in the following section.
- 2.2 Reuse Maturity and Reuse Capability
- Figure 1 characterizes the reuse capability of an organization with
- low reuse maturity. The area labeled `Potential Opportunities' represents
- the set of potential opportunities in a given environment, i.e., where
- an asset (existing or to be developed) satisfies a need (current or
- anticipated). It is dashed to indicate that a low reuse maturity process
- is one that does not make known the potential opportunities. Because
- the potential opportunities are not known, the `Target Opportunities'
- will likely fall outside the set of potential opportunities. The target
- opportunities represent the set of opportunities pursued by an organization.
- The target, also, may not be explicit---this is the case with ad
- hoc reuse where an organization is not aware of the reuse activities
- performed by its individuals. The set of `Actual Reuse' opportunities
- exploited are within the intersection of the potential opportunities
- and the targeted opportunities
- Figure 1: Low Reuse Capability
- As an example, point a in Figure 1 might represent an asset that was
- developed for reuse, but was never used since there was no need for
- the asset. Point b might represent an asset collected for reuse for
- which there was a need, but it was never found. Point c might represent
- an opportunity to develop an asset which would satisfy multiple needs,
- but the opportunity was never recognized. Point d represents an asset
- which did meet a need and was reused.
- `Instance 1' and `Instance 2' represent how an organization's process
- might perform when confronted with the same or similar situation.
- In this case where the potential opportunities are not known, there
- is no explicit target, and no process for assuring actual reuse, the
- organization can expect a wide variation in the results.
- Reuse efficiency is the ratio of the actual reuse opportunities
- exploited to the target opportunities. For `Instance 1' the reuse
- efficiency is 0.2, for `Instance 2' the efficiency is 0.08, and the
- range of expected results is 0.08 to 0.2 (assuming that these instances
- represent the endpoints). In this case the efficiency is low with
- a wide variation in results.
- Reuse effectiveness is the ratio of the benefit from reuse
- to the reuse investment. The reuse investment is proportional to the
- effort spent in pursuing the `Target Opportunities' and the benefit
- is proportional to the effort saved via the `Actual Reuse' opportunities
- exploited. Reuse proficiency is the ratio of the actual reuse opportunities
- exploited to the potential opportunities. Similar to reuse efficiency,
- there is an expected range of results in reuse effectiveness and proficiency.
- Figure 2 characterizes an organization's reuse capability with high
- reuse maturity. In this case, the organization's process makes known
- the potential opportunities, explicitly establishes a target within
- the set of potential opportunities, and has a specified process for
- achieving the target. The target may not contain the entire set of
- potential opportunities because the potential benefit from those opportunities
- outside the target may not have been worth the additional reuse investment,
- i.e., the organization maximizes its proficiency with respect to effectiveness.
- In this case the reuse efficiency is high with a small variation in
- results (0.9 to 0.95).
- Figure 2: High Reuse Capability
- 2.3 Requirements for a Reuse Maturity Model
- The following requirements for a reuse maturity model are provided
- for discussion and to serve as a basis for development of a reuse
- maturity model:
- * Reuse maturity shall be clearly defined; what constitutes an improved
- maturity shall be clearly identified; and improving reuse maturity should
- lead to an improved reuse capability.
- * A reuse maturity model shall have sufficient flexibility to allow
- organizations to adopt reuse technologies appropriate to their own
- situation, i.e., it should not dictate the use of any one specific
- technology.
- * A reuse maturity model shall be applicable to organizations of varying
- reuse maturity.
- * A reuse maturity model shall aid an organization in determining their reuse
- maturity and allow them to build on their existing capabilities.
- * A reuse maturity model shall encourage reuse by providing a means whereby
- organizations can incrementally commit to reuse and thus reduce the risks
- associated with implementing a reuse program.
- 3 Comparison
- One means for comparison of Reuse Maturity Models is on the basis of the
- requirements which they implement. Models reviewed include the Harris Reuse
- Maturity Framework (RMF) [KH91], Mount Reuse [BH90], economics model for reuse
- [GC92], the SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM) [PCC91], and the STARS
- Conceptual Framework for Reuse Processes (CFRP) [STA92]. Each of these models
- provide concepts which may contribute to the development of a model meeting
- the requirements stated above, but no single model addresses all of the
- requirements.
- The RMF identifies factors which should be addressed to improve reuse
- practice; Mount Reuse introduces the concept of systematic reuse which
- we have incorporated into our definition of reuse maturity; the economics
- model provides a basis for defining effective reuse in economic terms
- which has influenced our definition of reuse capability; the CMM defines
- the concept of capability as an expected range of results, and it
- provides a structure for a maturity model (key practices, key practice
- areas, and maturity levels) which may provide the needed flexibility
- in implementation and incremental commitment; and the CFRP provides
- a means for studying reuse processes and a potential organization
- of critical reuse maturity success factors.
- References
- [BH90] J. Blyskal and B. Hofkin. Usage Scenario for the Reuse Library Toolset.
- Technical Report EX_US_RLT-90052-MC, Software Productivity Consortium,
- October 1990.
- [GC92] J. Gaffney and R. Cruickshank. A General Economics Model of Software
- Reuse. In 14th International Conference on Software Engineering,
- May 1992.
- [KH91] P. Koltun and A. Hudson. A Reuse Maturity Model. In Fourth Annual
- Workshop on Software Reuse, November 1991.
- [PCC91] M. Paulk, B. Curtis, and M. Chrissis. Capability Maturity Model for
- Software. Technical Report CMU/SEI-91-TR-24, Software Engineering
- Institute, 1991.
- [PD91] R. Prieto-Diaz. Making Software Reuse Work: An Implementation Model.
- ACM SIGSoft Software Engineering Notes, July 1991.
- [STA92] STARS. STARS Reuse Concept--Conceptual Framework for Reuse Process.
- Technical Report STARS-TC-04040/001/00, Defense Advanced Research
- Projects Agency, February 1992.
- [WPD92] S. Wartik and R. Prieto-Diaz. Criteria for Comparing Domain Analysis
- Approaches. International Journal of Software Engineering and
- Knowledge Engineering, September 1992.
- 4 Biography
- Ted Davis is the technical lead for the VCOE reuse adoption project and is
- responsible for developing the Reuse Maturity Model and reuse adoption process.
- Previously Ted had supported the development and validation of the Software
- Productivity Consortium's Evolutionary Spiral Process for software development
- and the Synthesis process for domain engineering. Prior to that, Ted was an
- officer in the U.S. Air Force for eight years where he developed and acquired
- command and control systems. Ted has a M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue
- University and a M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern
- California.
- Roger Williams is the project manager for the VCOE reuse adoption project and
- oversees the production of the Reuse Maturity Model and the Reuse Adoption
- Guidebook. His previous work at the Consortium includes management of the
- Evolutionary Spiral Process Validation Project and he also supported
- development of the systems engineering principles of the Synthesis process.
- Roger is an assignee from the Boeing Defense Space Group. His prior work with
- Boeing includes support of concept definition and advanced development efforts
- for Space Station Freedom software, system and software definition for embedded,
- fault tolerant computing systems, and verification and validation of the
- Inertial Upper Stage operational flight software. Roger has a B.S. in Systems
- Engineering from the University of Florida.