Software reuse has substantial intuitive appeal. In addition,
a number of organizations have reported success with formal
programs of reuse. However, that does not mean that reuse is
the right approach in every environment. On the contrary, it
seems reasonable to assume that reuse would not be effective in
some environments due to various technical or organizational factors.
This creates a difficult questions for people considering
reuse: Is reuse the right approach for our organization?
It would be nice to answer that question by trying reuse and
seeing what the results are. That approach works well for some
software techniques such as prototyping. However, it appears
that for reuse, there may not be significant payback until long
after significant investment is made. This makes trial use difficult.
This paper discusses a research project aimed at taking another
approach to assessing the potential for reuse in a particular
organization. That approach centers on analysis of features in
the organization's existing software portfolio.
2 Assumptions and Concepts
Reuse makes particular assumptions about the nature of
software work. In addition, research results and reports of
practical experience offer numerous insights into reuse.
The following points are particularly relevant to this project:
1. Reuse is a promising idea, but general applicability is hard to determine.
Researchers have reported encouraging results for formal reuse systems in
a few production environments. However, some of the most encouraging
results are based on judgement not measurement [Lane84], and some reports
offering measurements do not clearly define the measures [Lenz87]. In
addition, there are indications that several of the production
environments studied may have unusual characteristics [Mats90]. These
factors make it difficult to evaluate the results.
2. Reuse requires substantial commitment.
Adopting a formal reuse strategy has major financial and organizational
implications. The financial issues include:
(a) Reusable components are more expensive to produce [Lenz87]. In part,
this is due to the cost of domain analysis [Prie90]. There is also
overhead associated with the system for managing reusable components.
(b) The size and useful life of components may limit the value of reuse.
Larger components tend to be more specific and so less likely to be
needed repeatedly [Bigg87]. In addition, as technology changes and
as the organization changes, the probability that a component will be
useful diminishes.
(c) Common business practice may prevent the development of component
collections large enough to support a viable level of reuse [Luba86].
Ratcliffe concluded that ``.. the whole western economic system may
be against reuse'' [Ratc86].
If sharing components is not a realistic alternative, perhaps reuse
is a viable strategy for only the small number of organizations that
have very, very large software portfolios or very high recurrence of
software needs.
There are also organizational issues:
(a) Software workers may resist reuse. Cavaliere and Lenz both
encountered this resistence [Cava83, Lenz87].
(b) Reuse affects the many aspects of software work. Meyers relates reuse
and extendibility [Meye87]. Basili relates reuse and maintenance
[Basi90]. On a different level, Tracz notes that software reuse
effects elegance, quality, and discipline of software work [Tracc88].
In short, reuse affects what we do, what the artifact looks like, and
how we think about the process.
Reuse requires substantial management and financial commitment [Bigg89].
Any organization considering a formal reuse approach must weigh this
commitment against potential benefits that are not clear overall and
harder still to predict within the context of a single organization.
3. Reuse assumes recurring need for software artifacts.
The potential value of reuse depends on the amount of recurrent need. If
a high percent of all software work is repeated, the potential value of
reuse is higher. If the percent is low, the potential is lower too.
The potential value of reuse also depends on the exact nature of
similarity and difference each time a ``similar'' need recurs.
Differences require adjusting the existing artifact for the new need.
This adjustment lowers the value of reuse.
4. Software portfolios may provide a way to explore reuse potential.
Predicting recurrent need for software requires that we know what software will be requested in the future. While we do not know the future, we do
know what needs were met in the past. We can use our knowledge of the
past to suggest the nature of future needs.
This study uses software portfolios as a representation of past software
needs. Analysis of the portfolio should provide indication of both the
level of recurrence and the nature of differences.
3 Related Work
This study focuses on software features that help to uniquely determine each
element of a software portfolio (and to understand the similarity and
difference between elements). We can divide these features broadly into form
and function. Form addresses how the software looks. It includes concepts
of size, complexity, control structure, data structure, and style. Function
addresses what the software does. It is essentially an abstract or external
The importance of function is widely recognized in reuse research. So much
so in fact, that similarity and functional similarity are often equated in
reuse discussions [Good83, Lane84]. Also, prototype reuse systems, often
use function as the primary means to identify candidates for reuse [Burt87,
Software form is also important to reuse. It is important to note that
similar function does not necessarily imply similar form [Duns80]. However,
form affects ability to understand and to modify components [Oman88]. Both
of these processes are crucial to reuse.
Since both form and function have substantial impact on potential for reuse,
this study considers both elements.
1. Studies of software form.
The study of software form has a long history, especially in the area of
software metrics. Even early investigations of software form offer
profiles of portfolios [Knut71, Elsh76].
Some more recent studies of portfolios directly consider reuse and
recurrent portfolio features. Selby applied software metrics to
determine that reused modules in a portfolio had a distinct profile
[Selb89]. Caldiera and Basili used software metrics to identify
candidates to populate a reuse repository [Cald91].
Traditional metrics are useful for identifying certain features of reused
modules, they are not good discriminators of overall module similarity and
difference. Similar modules may have very different metric values and
different modules may have very similar metric values. Some newer metrics attempt to provide this discriminatory power [Whal90]. These will provide a key part of the measurement of software form in this study.
2. Studies of software function.
Other studies of software portfolios have looked for recurrent function.
Goodell reports a study of this type in which the researchers attempted
to develop empirically a classification scheme for business programs
[Good83]. Also, Lanergan and Grasso [Lane84] conducted a software
portfolio study that classified a large number of programs by function.
These reports are encouraging. They directly examine the idea of
recurrent features in software portfolios, and they both find some
indication of recurrent function. On the other hand, both studies were
exploratory and leave many questions unanswered.
For instance, the categorization is fairly simple. It is difficult to
evaluate how relevant recurrence within broad categories is to reuse. In
addition, there was no allowance for multiple functions within a program.
Finally, there is no data about dimensions of program form. Are programs
in the same functional category similar in form? Could they be
constructed from some common component?
4 Objective and Research Questions
This study analyzes software portfolios, viewing them as a record of past
software needs. The objective is to see if the level and pattern of
recurrence in selected features offers insight into reuse potential.
This study analyzes features of software related to both function and form.
Specific questions that the study addresses are:
1. Recurrent Function: How often do functions recur in portfolios? What
functions recur often? Is the pattern of recurrence similar to that
reported by previous studies?
2. Recurrent Form: How much recurrent form is there in software portfolios?
What aspects of form recur often?
3. Form and Function: Is there any discernable relationship between recurrent functions and recurrent forms?
5 Status
This project is still in the preliminary stages. Current activities include
selection of software portfolios, ad hoc analysis of candidate metrics for
software features, and tool development.
The project is being conducted at Drexel University under the sponsorship of
the Center for Multidisciplinary I/S Engineering.
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