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Assembly Source File  |  1993-10-21  |  39KB  |  480 lines

  1. *COPY                                                 DMSFREE           00800000
  2.          MACRO                                                          00801000
  3. &LABEL   DMSFREE &DWORDS=(0),&ERR=                                      00802000
  4. .* Obtain free storage block: len=8*(R0).  Returns ptr in R1, but       00803000
  5. .*    preserves registers 2-14                                          00804000
  6. .*  &DWORDS= length in doublewords should be in R0,                     00805000
  7. .*  &ERR= branch if failure                                             00806000
  8.          GBLC  &KVRSN,&KSYS                                    @SC89027 00806100
  9.          AIF   ('&KVRSN' EQ '4.3' OR '&KSYS' EQ '').VOK        @SC90072 00806200
  10.    MNOTE 16,'* * * --> IKMMAC version number should be &KVRSN' @SC89027 00806300
  11. .VOK     ANOP                                                  @SC89027 00806400
  12. &LABEL   LREG  0,&DWORDS                                       @SC86299 00807000
  13.          SLA   0,3                                             @SC86299 00808000
  14.          AIF   ('&ERR' NE '').COND                             @SC86345 00809000
  15.          GETMAIN R,LV=(0)                                      @SC86299 00810000
  16.          MEXIT                                                          00811000
  17. .COND    GETMAIN R,LV=(0)                                               00812000
  18.  SLR 15,15                                                              00813000
  19.          LTR   15,15                                           @SC86345 00814000
  20.          BNZ   &ERR                                            @SC86345 00815000
  21.          MEND                                                           00816000
  22. *COPY                                                 DMSFRET           00817000
  23.          MACRO                                                          00818000
  24. &LABEL   DMSFRET &DWORDS=(0),&LOC=(1),&ERR=                             00819000
  25. .* Return free storage block: len=8*(R0), adr=(R1).  Preserve R2-14.    00820000
  26. .*  &DWORDS= length in doublewords should be in R0, &LOC= adr (in R1),  00821000
  27. .*  &ERR= branch if failure                                             00822000
  28. &LABEL   LREG  0,&DWORDS                                       @SC86299 00823000
  29.          SLA   0,3                                             @SC86299 00824000
  30.          FREEMAIN R,LV=(0),A=&LOC                              @SC86299 00825000
  31.          MEND                                                           00826000
  32. *COPY                                                 RTEXT             00827000
  33.          MACRO                                                          00828000
  34. &LABEL   RTEXT  &BUF,&PROMPT=,&E=                                       00829000
  35. .* Read from the terminal, possible prompt.  Get length read in R0.     00830000
  36. .*  &1: read buffer (len=130) (LA), &PROMPT(1)= prompt buf. if any      00831000
  37. .*  (LA/R), &PROMPT(2)= prompt length (LA/R), &E= branch if error       00832000
  38. &LABEL   DS    0H                                              @SC86299 00833000
  39.          AIF   (T'&PROMPT EQ 'O').NOPR                         @SC87268 00834000
  40.          KCALL SUPFNC,7,E=RTE&SYSNDX Skip prompt if stacked    @SC88095 00835000
  41.          TPUT  &PROMPT(1),&PROMPT(2),ASIS                      @SC87268 00836000
  42. .NOPR    ANOP                                                           00837000
  43. RTE&SYSNDX KCALL GETLIN,&BUF,E=&E                              @SC88095 00838000
  44.          MEND                                                           00839000
  45. *COPY                                                 SAVEF             00840000
  46.          MACRO                                                          00841000
  47. &LABEL   SAVEF &TICK,&E=                                       @SC88168 00842000
  48. .* Update disk directory for given file (ticket ptr in R1)              00843000
  49. .*  &1: adr of file access ticket (A), &E= branch on error              00844000
  50.          MEND                                                           00845000
  51. *COPY                                                 WRITF             00846000
  52.          MACRO                                                          00847000
  53. &LABEL   WRITF &TICK,&BUFFER=,&BSIZE=,&E=                               00848000
  54. .* Write to a disk file (ticket ptr in R1)                              00849000
  55. .*  &1: adr of file access ticket returned by OPENF (A),                00850000
  56. .*  &BUFFER= data ptr (LA/R), &BSIZE= data length (LA/R) - if either is 00851000
  57. .*  given, it replaces FDB value (see OPENF), &E= branch on error       00852000
  58. &LABEL   L     1,&TICK                                                  00853000
  59.          AIF   ('&BUFFER' EQ '').WSZ                                    00854000
  60.          LREG  15,&BUFFER                                               00855000
  61.          ST    15,FDBBUFF-FABD(1)                                       00856000
  62. .WSZ     AIF   ('&BSIZE' EQ '').WGO                                     00857000
  63.          LREG  15,&BSIZE                                                00858000
  64.          ST    15,FDBBSIZ-FABD(1)                                       00859000
  65. .WGO     LA    0,10               Write a record to a file...           00860000
  66.          KCALL DISKIO,E=&E                                              00861000
  67.          MEND                                                           00862000
  68. *COPY                                                 READF             00863000
  69.          MACRO                                                          00864000
  70. &LABEL   READF &TICK,&NONUM,&BUFFER=,&BSIZE=,&E=                        00865000
  71. .* Read from disk file (see WRITF)                                      00866000
  72. .*  &2: NONUM means chop off numbers                                    00867000
  73. &LABEL   L     1,&TICK                                                  00868000
  74.          AIF   ('&BUFFER' EQ '').RSZ                                    00869000
  75.          LREG  15,&BUFFER                                               00870000
  76.          ST    15,FDBBUFF-FABD(1)                                       00871000
  77. .RSZ     AIF   ('&BSIZE' EQ '').RGO                                     00872000
  78.          LREG  15,&BSIZE                                                00873000
  79.          ST    15,FDBBSIZ-FABD(1)                                       00874000
  80. .RGO     AIF   (T'&NONUM EQ 'O').RDC                           @SC88101 00875000
  81.          AIF   ('&NONUM' NE 'NONUM').ER1                       @SC88101 00876000
  82.          SR    0,0           Code 0 for chopping off numbers   @SC88101 00877000
  83.          AGO   .RCAL                                           @SC88101 00878000
  84. .RDC     LA    0,9           Read a record to a file...        @SC88101 00879000
  85. .RCAL    KCALL DISKIO,E=&E                                              00880000
  86.          MEXIT                                                          00881000
  87. .ER1     MNOTE 2,'INVALID PARAMETER ''&NONUM'''                @SC88101 00882000
  88.          MEND                                                           00883000
  89. *COPY                                                 KSETKW            00884000
  90.          MACRO                                                          00885000
  91.          KSETKW ,                                              @SC87166 00886000
  92. .* Define system-specific SET/SHOW parameters (keywords)                00887000
  93.          GBLC  &DESTINA,&AADELIM                               @SC92300 00888000
  94.          KW    '&DESTINA',SHODST,MIN=4                         @SC87166 00888500
  95.          KW    '&AADELIM',SHODLM,MIN=4                         @SC88095 00889000
  96.          MEND                                                           00890000
  97. *COPY                                                 KSETPRC           00891000
  98.          MACRO                                                          00892000
  99.          KSETPRC                                                        00893000
  100. .* System-specific SET handlers (in any order).  No operands.           00894000
  101.          GBLC  &DELIMSG                                        @SC92300 00894500
  102.          PUSH  PRINT                                           @SC86355 00895000
  103.          PRINT GEN                                             @SC86355 00896000
  104. SETDST   KCALL CWDSET                                          @SC86164 00897000
  105.          B     RTRN          Preserve return code              @SC86295 00898000
  106. SETDLM   NTOKN N=SETDLM1,H=SETDLMH                             @SC88095 00899000
  107.          LTR   7,7           Exactly one character?            @SC88095 00900000
  108.          BNZ   SETDLMH       No, explain it                    @SC88095 00901000
  109.          MVC   LNDLM,0(6)    Yes, use that character           @SC88095 00902000
  110.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC88095 00903000
  111. SETDLM1  MVI   LNDLM,C' '    Turn delimiter off                @SC88095 00904000
  112.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC88095 00905000
  113. SETDLMH  PTEXT '&DELIMSG'                                      @SC88095 00906000
  114.          B     SUBERR                                          @SC88095 00907000
  115.          POP   PRINT                                           @SC86355 00908000
  116.          MEND                                                           00909000
  117. *COPY                                                 KSHOPRC           00910000
  118.          MACRO                                                          00911000
  119.          KSHOPRC                                                        00912000
  120. .* System-specific SHOW handlers (in same order as KW).  No operands.   00913000
  121.          PUSH  PRINT                                           @SC86355 00914000
  122.          PRINT GEN                                             @SC86355 00915000
  123. SHODST   LA    8,UCODE                                                  00916000
  124.          LA    9,4                                                      00917000
  125.          BAL   14,SHOCHRN                                               00918000
  126.           B    SETDST                                                   00919000
  127. SHODLM   LA    8,LNDLM       Show delimiter                    @SC88095 00920000
  128.          BAL   14,SHOCHR                                       @SC88095 00921000
  129.           B    SETDLM                                          @SC88095 00922000
  130.          POP   PRINT                                           @SC86355 00923000
  131.          MEND                                                           00924000
  132. *COPY                                                 KFILKW            00925000
  133.          MACRO                                                          00926000
  134.          KFILKW ,                                              @SC87166 00927000
  135. .* Define system-specific file attribute parameters (keywords)          00928000
  136.          GBLC  &AARECFM                                        @SC87166 00929000
  137.          KW    '&AARECFM',SHORFM                               @SC87166 00929500
  138.          MEND                                                           00930000
  139. *COPY                                                 KFILSET           00931000
  140.          MACRO                                                          00932000
  141.          KFILSET                                                        00933000
  142. .* Specific SET FILE handlers (any order).  No operands.                00934000
  143.          GBLC  &FIXED,&VARIABL                                 @SC92300 00934500
  144.          PUSH  PRINT                                           @SC87012 00935000
  145.          PRINT GEN                                             @SC87012 00936000
  146. SETCMDS  CSECT                                                 @SC92300 00937000
  147. SETRFMKW KW    '&FIXED',SETT,F                                 @SC92300 00938000
  148.          KW    '&VARIABL',SETT,V                               @SC92300 00939000
  149.          KW    ,                                               @SC87012 00943000
  150. SET      CSECT                                                 @SC92300 00943500
  151. .* add any others here                                         @SC87012 00944000
  152.          POP   PRINT                                           @SC87012 00945000
  153.          MEND                                                           00946000
  154. *COPY                                                 KFILSHO           00947000
  155.          MACRO                                                          00948000
  156.          KFILSHO                                                        00949000
  157. .* Specific SHOW FILE handlers (same order as KW).  No operands.        00950000
  158.          PUSH  PRINT                                           @SC87012 00951000
  159.          PRINT GEN                                             @SC87012 00952000
  160. SHORFM   LA    4,SETRFMKW                                      @SC92300 00953000
  161.          LA    6,FILRCF                                        @SC92300 00953600
  162.          BAL   14,SHOBRV                                       @SC92300 00954200
  163.           NOP  0                                               @SC92300 00954800
  164. .* add any others here                                         @SC87012 00956000
  165.          POP   PRINT                                           @SC87012 00957000
  166.          MEND                                                           00958000
  167. *COPY                                                 WTEXT             00959000
  168.          MACRO                                                          00960000
  169. &LABEL   WTEXT &ARG,&LEN                                                00961000
  170. .* Display some text, e.g., WTEXT 'Hi there' or WTEXT (3),(4)           00962000
  171. .* Preserves R2-R14                                                     00963000
  172. .*  &1: 'text' (where text has no doubled ' or & characters)  OR        00964000
  173. .*  &1: adr of text (LA/R), &2: length of text (LA/R)                   00965000
  174.          GBLC  &KSYS                                           @SC88308 00966000
  175. &LABEL   PTEXT &ARG,&LEN,AREG=1,LREG=0                         @SC86295 00967000
  176.          AIF   ('&KSYS' NE 'MUSIC').TPUT                       @SC88308 00968000
  177.          BAL   15,WTEXT      'TPUT'                            @PG89001 00969000
  178.          MEXIT                                                 @SC88308 00970000
  179. .TPUT    SVC   93            'TPUT'                            @SC88308 00971000
  180.          MEND                                                           00972000
  181. *COPY                                                 FDBD              00973000
  182.          MACRO                                                          00974000
  183.          FDBD                                                           00975000
  184. .* Map of File Descriptor Block + File Access Block                     00976000
  185. .* Required items below: FABCOMM, FDBD-FDBLRC, FDBSIZE, FDBDATE,        00977000
  186. .* FDBDLRTR, FDBCOP, FDBINFO. See also FDBPAT.                          00978000
  187. FABD     DSECT ,                                               @SC86295 00979000
  188. FDBD     DS    0F            Beginning of short descriptor     @SC86295 00980000
  189. FDBBUFF  DS    A             Buffer ptr                        @SC86295 00981000
  190. FDBBSIZ  DS    F             Max record length                 @SC86295 00982000
  191. FDBRCF   DS    C             Record format                     @SC86295 00983000
  192. FDBFLGS  DS    X             Flags                             @SC86295 00984000
  193. FDBACTV  EQU   X'80'         File is already open              @SC86295 00985000
  194. * SVATT  EQU   X'40'         Preserve attributes               @SC90033 00985500
  195. * APPN   EQU   X'10'         DISP=MOD                          @SC86295 00986000
  196. FWRITE   EQU   X'04'         File opened in WRITE mode                  00987000
  197. FDBLRC   DS    H             File record length                @SC86295 00988000
  198. FDBSIZE  DS    F             File size in Kbytes               @SC88235 00990000
  199. FDBCOP   EQU   *-FDBD        Length to copy for OPEN           @SC90037 00990500
  200. FDBDATE  DS    XL7,X         Time stamp: packed yyyymmddhhmmss @SC88235 00991000
  201. FDBINFO  EQU   *-FDBD        Length of info returned                    00992000
  202. FABLRTR  DS    F             Record length for truncation      @SC88120 00993000
  203. FABUNIT  DS    X             File Unit Number                           00994000
  204. FABRC    DS    X             Return code on last file operation         00995000
  205. FABCOMM  DS    CL8           Last I/O command executed                  00996000
  206. FABFN    DS    CL22          MUSIC filename & code                      00997000
  207. FABDWDS  EQU   (*-FABD+7)/8                                    @SC86295 00998000
  208.          MEND                                                           00999000
  209. *COPY                                                 FDBPAT            01000000
  210.          MACRO                                                          01001000
  211.          FDBPAT &N,&RFM,&SIZ                                   @SC88120 01002000
  212. .* Define system-dependent part of output FDB patterns                  01003000
  213. .*  &1: variable-name prefix (or null if defining init. values)         01004000
  214. .*  &2: RECFM (1-char), &3: LRECL (skip rest of FDB if omitted)@SC88120 01005000
  215.          LCLC  &R,&F,&L,&S                                     @SC90037 01006000
  216.          AIF   ('&N' EQ '').ALC                                @SC86316 01007000
  217. &R       SETC  'RCF'                                           @SC88120 01008000
  218. &F       SETC  'FLGS'                                          @SC88120 01009000
  219. &L       SETC  'LRC'                                           @SC88120 01010000
  220. &S       SETC  'FSIZ'                                          @SC90037 01010500
  221. .ALC     ANOP                                                  @SC86316 01011000
  222. &N&R     DC    C'&RFM'       RECFM                             @SC88120 01012000
  223. &N&F     DC    X'00'         Flags                             @SC88120 01013000
  224.          AIF   ('&SIZ' EQ '').DONE                             @SC88120 01014000
  225. &N&L     DC    Y(&SIZ)       LRECL                             @SC88120 01015000
  226. &N&S     DC    F'0'          File size in Kbytes               @SC90037 01015500
  227. .DONE    ANOP                                                  @SC88120 01016000
  228.          MEND                                                           01017000
  229. *COPY                                                 KSYSVAR           01018000
  230.          MACRO                                                          01019000
  231.          KSYSVAR                                                        01020000
  232.          PUSH  PRINT                                                    01021000
  233.          PRINT GEN                                                      01022000
  234. .* Define system-dependent globally-known variables                     01023000
  235. MFINDBUF DS    A             Ptr to MFIND1 I/O Buffer                   01024000
  236. UCODE    DS    CL4,C         User code                                  01025000
  237. SCODE    DS    CL4,C         Search Code                       @SC88308 01026000
  238. FCODE    DS    CL4           Code located by MFINDX                     01027000
  239. *   Extra FDB for file manipulations                                    01028000
  240. DSKSTT   DS    0F                                                       01029000
  241.          DS    XL(FABDWDS*8)   Room for FDB                    @SC86295 01030000
  242. *   MFIO Basic Caller's Request Block                                   01031000
  243. DSKST    MFARG 0,RLAB=ZRC,ULAB=ZLU,PICT=Y                               01032000
  244.          MFARG NAME=0,INFIN=0,INFOUT=0,ARG=0                            01033000
  245.          MFARG PHYS=0,UCTL=0,UINFO=0,TAG=0                              01034000
  246.          MFARG XINFO=0                                         @SC92086 01034500
  247.          MFARG EOFPT=0,FSARG=0                                          01035000
  248.          MFGEN ,                                                        01036000
  249. *   All other MFIO Control Blocks                                       01037000
  250. MFNAME   MFVAR NAME,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                       01038000
  251. ZINFIN   MFVAR INFIN,PRE=MFI,PICT=Y                                     01039000
  252. ZINFOUT  MFVAR INFOUT,PRE=MFO,PICT=Y                                    01040000
  253. ZARG     MFVAR ARG,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                        01041000
  254. ZPHYS    MFVAR PHYS,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                       01042000
  255. ZUCTL    MFVAR UCTL,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                       01043000
  256. ZUINFO   MFVAR UINFO,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                      01044000
  257. ZXINFO   MFVAR XINFO,PRE=MF                                    @SC92086 01044500
  258. MFTAG    MFVAR TAG,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                        01045000
  259. ZEOFPT   MFVAR EOFPT,PRE=MF,PICT=Y                                      01046000
  260. ZFSARG   MFVAR FSARG,PRE=FS,PICT=Y                                      01047000
  261. *          Variables for file directory search                          01048000
  262. NXFLG    DS    X             Search Flags                               01049000
  263. NFERR    EQU   X'01'         Error on MFIND1                            01050000
  264. NFEND    EQU   X'02'         End of search on MFINDX                    01051000
  265. NFSOK    EQU   X'04'         Search in progress                         01052000
  266. NFSERRS  EQU   X'08'         Error in MFINDX                            01053000
  267. NFWLD    EQU   X'10'         Wildcard search necessary                  01054000
  268. NFFND    EQU   X'20'         Found at least one file in search @SC88308 01055000
  269. *                                                                       01056000
  270. DESTL    DS    X             Non-zero if CWD set.                       01057000
  271. *                                                                       01058000
  272. NXFN     DS    CL22          Pattern filespec                           01059000
  273. LCFN     DS    CL22          Located filename                           01060000
  274. NXFNL    DS    F             Length of Pattern filespec                 01061000
  275. PARMAREA DS    10F           Parameter passing block                    01062000
  276. NXFLTYP  DS    F             MFINDX Filetype                            01063000
  277. NXBKNUM  DS    F             MFINDX Backup number                       01064000
  278. NXDIRLOC DS    F             MFINDX Directory Location                  01065000
  279. NXSVFLG  DS    H             MFINDX Flags                               01066000
  280. GTPB     DS    3F            Ptrs for terminal read                     01067000
  281. *                                                                       01068000
  282. ICPRGS   DS    4F            Save area for interception code            01069000
  283. SVCOPTR  DS    2F            Buffer Output and End ptrs                 01070000
  284. SVCFLG   DS    X             System Intercept Flag                      01071000
  285. INTERCPT EQU   X'01'         Interception in Progress                   01072000
  286.          POP   PRINT                                                    01073000
  287.          MEND                                                           01074000
  288. *COPY                                                 KSYSTF            01075000
  289.          MACRO                                                          01076000
  290.          KSYSTF                                                         01077000
  291. .* Define system-dependent globally-known constants and init. variables 01078000
  292. .*  symb .DS + label &P.DEFS mark start of variables/init. values       01079000
  293.          GBLC  &STORDS                                         @SC89268 01079500
  294.          LCLC  &P                                                       01080000
  295.          PUSH  PRINT                                                    01081000
  296.          PRINT GEN                                                      01082000
  297.          AIF   ('&SYSECT' EQ '&STORDS').DS                     @SC89268 01083000
  298. &P       SETC  'I'           For initial values                @SC88308 01084000
  299. WTEXT    STM   14,1,ICPRGS   Save                              @PG89001 01085000
  300.          TM    SVCFLG,INTERCPT  Intercepting?                  @PG89001 01086000
  301.          BO    WTXICP        Yes, do it                        @PG89001 01087000
  302.          TPUT  (1),(0)                                         @PG89001 01088000
  303.          B     WTXRET                                          @PG89001 01089000
  304. WTXICP   KCALL ICPTYP        Call interception code            @PG89001 01090000
  305. WTXRET   LM    14,1,ICPRGS   Restore                           @PG89001 01091000
  306.          BR    R15                                             @PG89001 01092000
  307. *                                                                       01095000
  308. KSYSETOA DC    A(RATOA)      Override E/A table for TTY        @SC88301 01096000
  309. KSYSATOE DC    A(ATORA)      Override A/E                      @SC88301 01097000
  310. F10      DC    F'10'                                                    01099000
  311. F17      DC    F'17'                                                    01100000
  312. FM17     DC    F'-17'                                                   01101000
  313. SYSATR   DC    AL1(ADOT,ABL+2,AI,A4)  ."I4  System type=MUSIC  @SC88273 01102000
  314. LSYSATR  EQU   *-SYSATR      Length of stuff for A-packet      @SC88273 01103000
  315. LOGNAM   DC    C'KERMIT.LOG'                                            01104000
  316. REPNAM   DC    C'KERMIT.REPLY'                                          01105000
  317. SYSTAKE  DC    C'*COM:SYSTEM.KERMINI' File type                         01106000
  318. LSYST    EQU   *-SYSTAKE                                       @SC86295 01107000
  319. USRTAKE  DC    C'KERMIT.INI' User for init file                         01108000
  320. LUSRT    EQU   *-USRTAKE                                                01109000
  321. ASTER    DC    C'*'          Search all default                @SC88308 01110000
  322. BLNAME   DC    CL22' '       Blank name                                 01111000
  323. QUEST    DC    C'?'          Question mark wildcard                     01112000
  324. KMAIL1   DC    C'KERMAIL '      System cmd for invoking mail   @SC90037 01112100
  325. KMAIL2   DC    C' '                                            @SC90037 01112200
  326. KMAIL3   DC    C' '                                            @SC90037 01112300
  327. KPRNT1   DC    C'KERMPRT '      System cmd for printing        @SC90037 01112400
  328. KPRNT2   DC    C' '                                            @SC90037 01112500
  329. KPRNT3   DC    C' '                                            @SC90037 01112600
  330. KSUBM1   DC    C'KERMSUB '      System cmd for submitting job  @SC90037 01112700
  331. KSUBM2   DC    C' '                                            @SC90037 01112800
  332. KSUBM3   DC    C' '                                            @SC90037 01112900
  333. * Default File Creation Values...                                       01113000
  334. ZINFDEF  DC    F'32',F'-100',F'-1',H'80',X'0400',X'0000C0C0'            01114000
  335. LZINFDEF EQU   *-ZINFDEF                                                01115000
  336. * Read Plist                                                            01116000
  337. TRM      MFARG IO,(RD,FILL),U=9,ARG=TRMARG,PHYS=TRMPHYS                 01117000
  338.          MFGEN                                                          01118000
  339. * Write Plist                                                           01119000
  340. PRT      MFARG IO,(WR,TRUNC),U=6,ARG=TRMARG,PHYS=TRMPHYS                01120000
  341.          MFGEN                                                          01121000
  342. TRMARG   MFVAR ARG,PRE=TRM                                              01122000
  343. TRMPHYS  MFVAR PHYS,PRE=TRM                                             01123000
  344. KSYSNIT  CSECT                                                 @SC89215 01123500
  345. .DS      ANOP                                                           01124000
  346. &P.DEFS  DS    0D                                                       01125000
  347. &P.LNDLM DC    C' '          Initially no delimiter            @SC88095 01126000
  348. &P.KPRPL DC    AL1(L'KPRPT)                                    @SC89268 01127000
  349. &P.KPRPT DC    C'Kermit-MUSIC>'                                         01128000
  350.          ORG   &P.KPRPT+20                                     @SC87268 01129000
  351.          POP   PRINT                                                    01130000
  352.          MEND                                                           01131000
  353. *COPY                                                 KSYSBUF           01132000
  354.          MACRO                                                          01133000
  355.          KSYSBUF                                                        01134000
  356. .* Store buffer ptrs from R1 and increment R1 for specific buffers      01135000
  357.          ST    1,MFINDBUF    MFIND1 I/O Buffer                          01136000
  358.          A     1,=F'5120'    10 * 512 byte buffers                      01137000
  359.          ST    1,GTPB        Terminal interactive read buffer           01138000
  360.          LA    1,130(1)                                                 01139000
  361.          MEND                                                           01140000
  362. *COPY                                                 SSYMS             01141000
  363.          MACRO                                                          01142000
  364.          SSYMS                                                          01143000
  365. .* Set global symbols for conditional assembly                          01144000
  366.          GBLC  &KVRSN,&KSYS,&KDATE,&RTN,&TYPCMD,&S1CMD,&KCONT  @SC88309 01145000
  367.          GBLC  &KEDIT,&STORDS,&KTAG,&AEACMD,&CONOPTS,&S1CMD1   @SC91311 01145500
  368.          GBLA  &MAXLR,&MAXBS                                   @SC86268 01146000
  369.          GBLC  &BADFSPC,&CWDERRM,&CWDPRVS,&DESTINA,&DIRHDNG    @SC92300 01146300
  370.          GBLC  &FILCLSN,&FILCOPY,&FILDELT,&FILRENM,&FMTFSPC    @SC92300 01146600
  371.          GBLC  &KBYTFRE,&NOCPCMD,&NOFSPEC                      @SC92300 01146900
  372. &KSYS    SETC  'MUSIC'       System name                                01147000
  373.   MNOTE '*** Kermit-&KSYS release &KVRSN..&KEDIT &KTAG (&KDATE) ***'    01148000
  374. ** BEGIN LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC DATA **   ** MUSIC-specific **      @SC92300 01148030
  375. &BADFSPC SETC 'Invalid file name'                              @SC92300 01148060
  376. &CWDERRM SETC 'Must be a valid 4-digit MUSIC code'             @SC92300 01148090
  377. &CWDPRVS SETC 'Not enough privileges to change code'           @SC92300 01148120
  378. &DIRHDNG SETC 'Name                     Lrecl RFM  Kbytes   Lines      +01148150
  379.                 Date/time'                                     @SC92086 01148180
  380. &FILCLSN SETC 'File name collision'                            @SC88049 01148210
  381. &FILCOPY SETC 'File copied'            (<26 bytes)             @SC92300 01148240
  382. &FILDELT SETC 'File deleted'           (<26 bytes)             @SC92300 01148270
  383. &FILRENM SETC 'File renamed'           (<26 bytes)             @SC92300 01148300
  384. &FMTFSPC SETC 'Filespec has format: fn'                        @SC91224 01148330
  385. &KBYTFRE SETC ' KBytes Free'                                   @SC92300 01148360
  386. &NOCPCMD SETC 'CP commands not supported'                      @SC92300 01148390
  387. &NOFSPEC SETC 'Missing file name'                              @SC92300 01148420
  388. * Subcommand keywords                                          @SC92300 01148450
  389. &DESTINA SETC 'DESTINATION'     kwd->AAAASET, m=4              @SC87166 01148480
  390. ** END LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC DATA **                               @SC92300 01148510
  391. &MAXLR   SETA  32767         Max lrecl                                  01149000
  392. &MAXBS   SETA  32767         Max blksize                                01150000
  393. &AEACMD  SETC  '0AL1(0)'        AEA command prefix (X'F3'=WSF) @SC90173 01150500
  394. &S1CMD   SETC  'X''C2'''     S/1 command prefix                @SC90264 01151000
  395. &S1CMD1  SETC  'X''C3'''     S/1 command prefix for Status Req @SC91311 01151100
  396. &CONOPTS SETC  'STCQBIT'     SETCON options                    @SC91311 01151200
  397. &KCONT   SETC  'T'           Default controller type TTY       @SC88309 01152000
  398.          PUSH  PRINT                                                    01153000
  399.          PRINT GEN                                                      01154000
  400. MAXWT    EQU   230           Max WRTERM buffer                          01155000
  401. MAXRT    EQU   230           Max RDTERM buffer                          01156000
  402. MAXWS    EQU   1920          Max fullscreen output buffer      @SC90277 01156100
  403. MAXRS    EQU   1920          Max fullscreen input buffer       @SC90277 01156200
  404. FSRDOF   EQU   0             Offset of data in fullscreen read @SC92030 01156250
  405. MAXDOF   EQU   0             Offset of disk out buffer         @SC90264 01156300
  406. STMGT    EQU   0             Overhead for storage mngmnt       @SC90264 01156600
  407. LFID     EQU   22            Max length of filespec                     01157000
  408. &TYPCMD  SETC  'LIST'        Host command for TYPE             @SC86299 01158000
  409. TYPMIN   EQU   4             Min abbrv of system TYPE cmd or 2 @SC86299 01159000
  410. FBRK1    EQU   C'<'          Starting character for options    @SC89218 01159300
  411. FBRK2    EQU   C'>'          Ending character for options      @SC89218 01159600
  412. KMAXE    EQU   1920          < 9025  Kermit extended max pkt   @SC90277 01160000
  413. STKDWDS  EQU   511           Size of save-area stack           @SC87012 01161000
  414. &STORDS  SETC  'KSTORG'      Storage DSECT for Kermit globals  @SC89268 01161200
  415. KWRKBASE EQU   11            Base register for work area       @SC89268 01161400
  416. KSUBBASE EQU   12            Base register for CSECT           @SC89268 01161600
  417.          POP   PRINT                                                    01162000
  418.          MEND                                                  @SC86268 01163000
  419. *COPY                                                 SYSMACS           01164000
  420.          MACRO                                                          01165000
  421.          SYSMACS                                                        01166000
  422. .* Include system control block definition macros and list all macros   01167000
  424.  MNOTE '---        MFREQ, MFSET, MFVAR, MUSVC, PRIVS, REGS,'   @SC92030 01169000
  425.  MNOTE '---        TGET, TPUT, USRCOM'                         @SC92030 01169500
  426.          USING $LOCORE,0                                                01170000
  427. $LOCORE  LOCORE ,                                                       01171000
  428.          ORG   $LOCORE+X'800'                                           01172000
  429.          USRCOM                                                         01173000
  430.          MUSVC                                                          01174000
  431.          PRIVS  ,                                                       01175000
  432. UPRIVS   EQU    $JOBFGS+4                                               01176000
  433.          REGS                                                           01177000
  434.          MEND                                                  @SC86268 01178000
  435. *COPY                                                 STRTMSGS          01179000
  436.          MACRO                                                          01180000
  437. &LABEL   STRTMSGS                                                       01181000
  438. .* Print system-dependent start-up messages                             01182000
  439.          GBLC  &HANDXON                                        @SC92300 01182500
  440. &LABEL   CLI   S1HND,XON                                       @SC87338 01183000
  441.          BNE   STRT1Z                                          @SC87338 01184000
  442.          BAL   14,TTYCHK                                       @SC92030 01185000
  443.           B    STRT1Z        TTY, suppress message             @SC87338 01186000
  444.          WTEXT '&HANDXON'                                      @SC87338 01187000
  445. STRT1Z   DS    0H                                              @SC87338 01188000
  446.          MEND                                                  @SC87338 01189000
  447. *COPY                                                 KMAIN             01190000
  448.          MACRO                                                          01191000
  449. &LABEL   KMAIN &TYPE                                                    01192000
  450. .* Linkage conventions with system.                                     01193000
  451. .*  &1: ENTER if entering, RETURN if returning                          01194000
  452.          AIF   ('&TYPE' NE 'RETURN').ENT                       @SC89268 01195000
  453. &LABEL   L     13,4(13)      Unlink                            @SC86295 01196000
  454.          ST    15,16(13)     Save return code                  @SC86295 01197000
  455.          LA    0,STODWDS+STKDWDS                               @SC87012 01198000
  456.          LR    1,KWRKBASE                                      @SC89268 01199000
  457.          DMSFRET DWORDS=(0),LOC=(1)                            @SC86295 01200000
  458.          LM    14,12,12(13)  Restore registers                 @SC86295 01201000
  459.          BR    14                                              @SC86295 01202000
  460.          MEXIT ,                                               @SC89268 01203000
  461. .ENT     AIF   ('&TYPE' NE 'ENTER').OTH                        @SC89268 01204000
  462.          SAVE  (14,12),,&LABEL                                 @SC90264 01204500
  463.          LR    KSUBBASE,15                                     @SC89268 01205000
  464.          L     10,=A(COMMON) Common code addressibility        @SC86316 01206000
  465.          LA    0,STODWDS+STKDWDS                               @SC87012 01207000
  466.          DMSFREE DWORDS=(0)  Get storage for vars + stack      @SC86295 01208000
  467.          LR    KWRKBASE,1    Get addressibility                @SC89268 01209000
  468.          LR    0,1                                             @SC86295 01210000
  469.          LA    1,8*STODWDS   Length of storage                 @SC86295 01211000
  470.          SR    15,15         Zero fill                         @SC86295 01212000
  471.          MVCL  0,14                                            @SC86295 01213000
  472.          LR    15,0          Start of stack                    @SC86295 01214000
  473.          A     0,=A(8*STKDWDS) End of stack                    @SC87012 01215000
  474.          STM   15,0,STKPTR                                     @SC86295 01216000
  475.          ST    15,STKLO                                        @SC89089 01217000
  476.          LM    15,1,16(13)   Restore registers                 @SC86295 01218000
  477.          MEXIT ,                                               @SC89268 01219000
  478. .OTH     MNOTE 12,'Invalid type &TYPE'                         @SC89268 01220000
  479.          MEND                                                  @SC89268 01221000