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Text File  |  1999-11-06  |  6KB  |  548 lines

  1. absorption
  2. accelerator
  3. acetal
  4. acetaldehyde
  5. acetate
  6. acetic
  7. aceticacid
  8. acetone
  9. acetyl
  10. acetylation
  11. acetylene
  12. acid
  13. acidic
  14. acidity
  15. actinide
  16. activity
  17. acyl
  18. acylation
  19. adduct
  20. aerate
  21. aerosol
  22. alcohol
  23. alcoholic
  24. aldehyde
  25. aldol
  26. aliphalic
  27. alkali
  28. alkalic
  29. alkaline
  30. alkalinity
  31. alkane
  32. alkene
  33. alkyl
  34. alkyl halide
  35. alkylic
  36. alkyne
  37. allotropes
  38. allotropy
  39. alloy
  40. allylic
  41. analyse
  42. analysis
  43. analytical
  44. anhydrous
  45. aniline
  46. anion
  47. anode
  48. anodise
  49. antacid
  50. anti-catalyst
  51. anti-knock
  52. apparatus
  53. aqua regia
  54. arene
  55. argon
  56. arrhenius
  57. arsenic
  58. aryl
  59. asbestos
  60. astatine
  61. aufbau
  62. azido
  63. azo
  64. bakelite
  65. base
  66. basic
  67. battery
  68. bauxite
  69. benzaldehyde
  70. benzoic acid
  71. benzylic
  72. beryl
  73. beta particle
  74. beta ray
  75. bicarbonate
  76. biuret
  77. bivalent
  78. blast furnace
  79. bleach
  80. blende
  81. Bohr
  82. bond
  83. bond energy
  84. bonding
  85. bond length
  86. boracic acid
  87. borane
  88. borate
  89. borax
  90. Born-Haber cycle
  91. boron
  92. boyle
  93. bragg
  94. brass
  95. bronze
  96. buffer
  97. bunsen
  98. butane
  99. cacodylic
  100. caffeine
  101. calcite
  102. carbide
  103. carbocyclic
  104. carbohydrate
  105. carbolated
  106. carbolic
  107. carbon
  108. carbonate
  109. carbon dioxide
  110. carbonic
  111. carbonic acid
  112. carbonyl
  113. carbonylic
  114. carboxyl
  115. carboxylic
  116. carboxylic acid
  117. carnallite
  118. cassiterite
  119. cast iron
  120. catalysis
  121. catalyst
  122. catenation
  123. cathode
  124. cation
  125. caustic soda
  126. cell
  127. cellulose
  128. celsius
  129. centigrade
  130. centrifuge
  131. chain reaction
  132. chalk
  133. chalybeate
  134. charcoal
  135. charge
  136. charles
  137. chlorate
  138. chloric
  139. chloride
  140. chlorination
  141. chlorine
  142. cholesterol
  143. cinnabar
  144. clay
  145. closed chain
  146. coal
  147. cobalt
  148. coke
  149. condensation
  150. condenser
  151. conductance
  152. conduction
  153. conductivity
  154. conductor
  155. conjugate
  156. conjugated
  157. copper
  158. corrosion
  159. covalent
  160. covalent bond
  161. Crick
  162. cryolite
  163. crystal
  164. crystallise
  165. crystallography
  166. Curie
  167. current
  168. cyanate
  169. cyanide
  170. cyanogen
  171. Dalton
  172. Dalton's law
  173. dative bond
  174. DDT
  175. decarbonisation
  176. dehydration
  177. deiodinating
  178. deliquescent
  179. density
  180. diborane
  181. dioxide
  182. dipole
  183. disaccharide
  184. disilane
  185. dissociation
  186. dissolve
  187. distillation
  188. divalent
  189. DNA
  190. double bond
  191. dry cell
  192. dry ice
  193. Einstein
  194. electric
  195. electrical
  196. electric field
  197. electricity
  198. electrode
  199. electrolysis
  200. electrolyte
  201. electron
  202. electronic
  203. electron shell
  204. electrophile
  205. eletric current
  206. energy
  207. enol
  208. enthalpy
  209. entropy
  210. ester
  211. esterification
  212. ethane
  213. ether
  214. ethereal
  215. ethyl
  216. ethylene
  217. Faraday
  218. fat
  219. ferrate
  220. ferric
  221. ferrous
  222. fission
  223. fluid
  224. fluoride
  225. fluorine
  226. fluorite
  227. free energy
  228. free radical
  229. freon
  230. frequency
  231. fructose
  232. fugacity
  233. fusion
  234. galena
  235. galvanise
  236. gangue
  237. gas
  238. gaseous
  239. gelatin
  240. Gibb
  241. glass
  242. glucose
  243. glycerol
  244. gold
  245. graphite
  246. Gringard reagent
  247. groundstate
  248. group
  249. Haber
  250. Haber process
  251. half life
  252. halide
  253. halogen
  254. halogenation
  255. heat
  256. heavy water
  257. hess
  258. hydrate
  259. hydrated
  260. hydration
  261. hydride
  262. hydrocarbon
  263. hydrochloric
  264. hydrocyanic
  265. hydrocyanic acid
  266. hydrogen
  267. hydrogen bond
  268. hydrolysis
  269. hydrophilic
  270. hydrophobic
  271. hydrous
  272. hydroxide
  273. ideal gas
  274. indicator
  275. indifferent
  276. inert
  277. inert gas
  278. infrared
  279. inorganic
  280. insoluble
  281. insulator
  282. invar
  283. iodate
  284. iodinating
  285. iodine
  286. iodise
  287. iodite
  288. ion
  289. ionic
  290. ionisation
  291. iron
  292. isocyanide
  293. isotope
  294. Joule
  295. kekule
  296. Kelvin
  297. kerosene
  298. keto
  299. ketone
  300. kinetics
  301. krypton
  302. laboratory
  303. lactic acid
  304. lanthanide
  305. latent heat
  306. lattice energy
  307. laughing gas
  308. law of constant proportion
  309. law of definite proportions
  310. law of equivalent proportions
  311. law of reciprocal proportions
  312. lead
  313. lead acetate
  314. Lechatelier
  315. Liebig
  316. ligand
  317. light
  318. lipid
  319. lipophilic
  320. lipotropic
  321. liquid
  322. litharge
  323. lone pair
  324. naphthalene
  325. naptha
  326. naturalgas
  327. negative
  328. neon
  329. neutral
  330. neutralise
  331. neutron
  332. nickel
  333. nicotine
  334. nitrate
  335. nitration
  336. nitric acid
  337. nitride
  338. nitrite
  339. nitrogen
  340. noble gas
  341. nuclear
  342. nucleophile
  343. nucleotide
  344. nylon
  345. octane
  346. oil
  347. olefin
  348. oleophilic
  349. onyx
  350. ore
  351. organic
  352. oxalic acid
  353. oxidant
  354. oxidation
  355. oxide
  356. oxidise
  357. oxidising agent
  358. oxyacid
  359. oxyanion
  360. oxygen
  361. ozone
  362. paraffin
  363. particle
  364. pasteur
  365. pauli
  366. pentane
  367. penta-valent
  368. peptide
  369. period
  370. periodic
  371. periodic table
  372. peroxide
  373. pewter
  374. phase
  375. phenol
  376. phenyl
  377. phosgene
  378. phosphate
  379. phospherous
  380. phosphide
  381. photon
  382. photosynthesis
  383. pigiron
  384. pitchblende
  385. Planck
  386. plastic
  387. polar bond
  388. polarisation
  389. polaroid
  390. polyester
  391. polysaccharide
  392. polystyrene
  393. polythene
  394. polyvalent
  395. polyvinyl
  396. positive
  397. potash
  398. potential
  399. potential energy
  400. precipitate
  401. precipitation
  402. pressure
  403. pressure gauge
  404. propane
  405. protein
  406. proton
  407. prussic acid
  408. PVC
  409. pyrites
  410. quanta
  411. quartz
  412. quicksilver
  413. quinine
  414. radiation
  415. radioactive
  416. radon
  417. rare earths
  418. rare gases
  419. rate constant
  420. rays
  421. reactant
  422. reaction
  423. reaction order
  424. reaction profile
  425. reagent
  426. recrystallise
  427. redox
  428. reduce
  429. reductant
  430. reduction
  431. refine
  432. refining
  433. resin
  434. resistance
  435. resonance
  436. retort
  437. ribonucleic
  438. ribose
  439. ring
  440. rna
  441. roast
  442. rocksalt
  443. ruby
  444. rust
  445. rutherford
  446. rutile
  447. saccharide
  448. salt
  449. saltpetre
  450. saponification
  451. saturate
  452. saturated
  453. saturation
  454. Schiff's base
  455. sensitizer
  456. shell
  457. silica
  458. silicate
  459. silicon
  460. silver
  461. sinter
  462. slag
  463. soda
  464. sol
  465. solid
  466. solubility
  467. soluble
  468. solute
  469. solution
  470. solvation
  471. solvent
  472. specific gravity
  473. spectra
  474. spectroscopy
  475. spelter
  476. spin
  477. stability
  478. starch
  479. state
  480. steel
  481. sterol
  482. suboxide
  483. substituent
  484. sucrose
  485. suger
  486. sulfate
  487. sulfide
  488. sulfite
  489. sulfur
  490. sulphate
  491. sulphide
  492. sulphite
  493. sulphur
  494. sulphuric
  495. sulphuric acid
  496. supernatant
  497. synthesis
  498. synthetic
  499. talc
  500. tartaric acid
  501. TCP
  502. technical
  503. teepol
  504. teflon
  505. terpene
  506. test tube
  507. tetravalent
  508. tin
  509. titrate
  510. titration
  511. TNT
  512. toluene
  513. transuranic
  514. trinitrotoluene
  515. trisaccharide
  516. trivalent
  517. tungsten
  518. unitcell
  519. univalent
  520. unsaturated
  521. unstable
  522. valence
  523. valency
  524. Van der Waals
  525. vinyl
  526. viscosity
  527. vitriol
  528. volatile
  529. volt
  530. volta
  531. voltage
  532. voltaic
  533. vulcanite
  534. watergas
  535. Watson
  536. Watt
  537. wavelength
  538. weight
  539. wrought iron
  540. xenon
  541. xray
  542. zeolite
  543. zinc
  544. zincblende
  545. zircon
  546. zone refining
  547. zwitterion