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Text File  |  1999-11-06  |  12KB  |  1,060 lines

  1. above par
  2. above the line
  3. accept
  4. acceptance
  5. acceptilation
  6. acceptor
  7. account
  8. account book
  9. account current
  10. account day
  11. account payee
  12. accountancy
  13. accountant
  14. accounting
  15. accounts
  16. accrue
  17. acquittance
  18. act of God
  19. active bond
  20. actuarial
  21. actuary
  22. advance
  23. advance freight
  24. advance note
  25. advertising
  26. advice
  27. advice note
  28. after tax
  29. agency
  30. agent
  31. aggregate
  32. agiotage
  33. allonge
  34. allowance
  35. angel
  36. annuitant
  37. annuity
  38. ante-date
  39. ante-dated
  40. anti-trust
  41. appraisal
  42. appraise
  43. appraiser
  44. appreciate
  45. appreciation
  46. apprenticeship
  47. appropriation
  48. arbitrage
  49. arbitration
  50. arrearage
  51. arrears
  52. articled clerk
  53. asking price
  54. asset
  55. assets
  56. assign
  57. assignee
  58. assigner
  59. assurance
  60. at sight
  61. auction
  62. auction sale
  63. auctioneer
  64. audit
  65. auditing
  66. auditor
  67. avails
  68. average
  69. average adjuster
  70. average bond
  71. average clause
  72. average Out
  73. averaging
  74. award
  75. AYE
  76. back
  77. back bond
  78. backin
  79. backwardation
  80. bailee
  81. bailor
  82. balance
  83. balance of trade
  84. balance sheet
  85. bank
  86. bank account
  87. bank balance
  88. bank bill
  89. bank credit
  90. bank giro
  91. bank holiday
  92. bank loan
  93. bank of issue
  94. bank rate
  95. bank return
  96. bank stock
  97. bank transfer
  98. bankbook
  99. banker
  100. bankers draft
  101. bankers order
  102. banking
  103. banknote
  104. bankruptcy
  105. bargain
  106. bargain price
  107. barratry
  108. barter
  109. basic pay
  110. bean
  111. bear
  112. bear squeeze
  113. bearer
  114. bearer bond
  115. bearer security
  116. below par
  117. below the line
  118. bend
  119. beneficiary
  120. berthage
  121. bid
  122. bid in
  123. bill
  124. bill broker
  125. bill of exchange
  126. bill of lading
  127. bill of sale
  128. billionaire
  129. blank cheque
  130. block
  131. block grant
  132. blue chip
  133. board
  134. Board of Trade
  135. bonanza
  136. bond creditor
  137. bonded goods
  138. bonded stores
  139. bonded warehouse
  140. bondholder
  141. bonds
  142. bonus issue
  143. bonus share
  144. book debt
  145. book value
  146. book-keeping
  147. bordereau
  148. borrow
  149. borrower
  150. borrowing
  151. BOT
  152. bought
  153. bounce
  154. bounty
  155. branch
  156. branch office
  157. brand
  158. break-even point
  159. bribe
  160. bridging loan
  161. broker
  162. brokerage
  163. bubble
  164. bucket Shop
  165. budget
  166. budget price
  167. building society
  168. bulk buying
  169. bull
  170. bullion
  171. bulls
  172. burden
  173. bureau de change
  174. business
  175. business cycle
  176. buy
  177. buy back
  178. buy in
  179. buy out
  180. buy up
  181. buyer
  182. buying
  183. buying in
  184. by product
  185. by-law
  186. by-laws
  187. call
  188. call option
  189. call price
  190. callable bond
  191. capital
  192. capital account
  193. capital gain
  194. capital gains
  195. capital goods
  196. capital stock
  197. capitalist
  198. capitalization
  199. capitalize
  200. capitation
  201. cargo
  202. carriage
  203. carry over
  204. carrying over
  205. carry-over day
  206. cartel
  207. cash
  208. cash account
  209. cash and carry
  210. cash down
  211. cash sale
  212. cashbook
  213. cashier
  214. ceiling
  215. central bank
  216. certificate
  217. certified
  218. certify
  219. chain store
  220. change
  221. charge
  222. charter party
  223. chartered
  224. charterer
  225. cheap
  226. cheque
  227. chequebook
  228. chip
  229. chips
  230. circulation
  231. clearance
  232. clearing
  233. clearing bank
  234. clearing house
  235. cleat
  236. clerk
  237. client
  238. closed shop
  239. closing bid
  240. closing price
  241. COD
  242. collateral
  243. colporteur
  244. consols
  245. contango
  246. contraband
  247. contract
  248. contract curve
  249. contract note
  250. conversion
  251. convert
  252. convertibility
  253. co-operative
  254. corner
  255. corporation tax
  256. cost of living
  257. costs
  258. counterfeit
  259. coupon
  260. cover
  261. crash
  262. credit
  263. credit account
  264. credit bank
  265. credit card
  266. credit control
  267. credit note
  268. credit rating
  269. credit slip
  270. credit squeeze
  271. creditor
  272. crisis
  273. crossed
  274. crossed cheque
  275. currency
  276. current account
  277. current assets
  278. current balance
  279. current price
  280. cut
  281. cut-price
  282. cut-rate
  283. cycle
  284. day book
  285. days of grace
  286. deal
  287. dealer
  288. dealing
  289. dealings
  290. dear
  291. debenture
  292. debenture stock
  293. debit
  294. debit note
  295. debt
  296. debtor
  297. deck cargo
  298. declare
  299. deduction
  300. deed
  301. default
  302. defaulter
  303. defence bond
  304. Defence Bonds
  305. deferred rebate
  306. deferred shares
  307. deficit
  308. deflate
  309. deflation
  310. defray
  311. defrayed
  312. delivery
  313. depletion
  314. deposit
  315. deposit account
  316. deposit rate
  317. deposit slip
  318. depositor
  319. depreciate
  320. depression
  321. devaluation
  322. dicker
  323. differential
  324. direct cost
  325. direct labour
  326. director
  327. directors
  328. disburse
  329. discount
  330. discount house
  331. discount rate
  332. discounting
  333. dishonour
  334. dishonoured
  335. disinflation
  336. distribution
  337. distributor
  338. dividend
  339. dividend tax
  340. dividend warrant
  341. dividend yield
  342. docket
  343. dole
  344. double entry
  345. douceur
  346. Dow-Jones index
  347. draft
  348. draw out
  349. drawee
  350. drawer
  351. drawings
  352. drawn bonds
  353. dry goods
  354. dues
  355. duopoly
  356. Dutch auction
  357. duty
  358. earing
  359. earn
  360. earnings
  361. easy
  362. ECU
  363. EEC
  364. EFTA
  365. elasticity
  366. endorse
  367. endorser
  368. engross
  369. engrossing
  370. entrepot
  371. entrepreneur
  372. entrust
  373. entry
  374. equities
  375. equity
  376. estate
  377. EU
  378. Euro
  379. Euroland
  380. evaluate
  381. evaluation
  382. even
  383. ex bonus
  384. exchange
  385. exchange control
  386. exchange rate
  387. exchequer
  388. exchequer bill
  389. excise
  390. excise duty
  391. executive
  392. expend
  393. expenditure
  394. expense
  395. expenses
  396. exploit
  397. export
  398. export credit
  399. exporter
  400. exports
  401. extortion
  402. face value
  403. factor
  404. factory
  405. failure
  406. fair price
  407. fair trade
  408. fee
  409. feedback
  410. fiduciary
  411. figure
  412. finance
  413. finances
  414. financial
  415. financier
  416. fine
  417. fine gold
  418. first call
  419. first cost
  420. first offer
  421. first refusal
  422. fiscal
  423. fiscal policy
  424. fiscal year
  425. fixed assets
  426. fixed capital
  427. fixed charge
  428. fixed costs
  429. fixed price
  430. fixed trust
  431. flat rate
  432. float
  433. floating charge
  434. floating debt
  435. floor price
  436. flotation
  437. fluctuation
  438. flutter
  439. FOB
  440. folio
  441. food
  442. foreclosure
  443. foreign exchange
  444. forward
  445. forwarding
  446. founders shares
  447. franchise
  448. free
  449. free on board
  450. free trade
  451. free trade area
  452. freeze
  453. freight
  454. freight note
  455. fringe benefits
  456. frozen assets
  457. fully paid
  458. fund
  459. funded debt
  460. funds
  461. futures
  462. garnishee
  463. garnishee order
  464. ge
  465. general average
  466. gild
  467. gilt
  468. gilt-edged
  469. giro
  470. glut
  471. GNP
  472. go down
  473. going concern
  474. going rate
  475. gold
  476. gold pool
  477. gold standard
  478. goods
  479. goodwill
  480. gross receipts
  481. gross value
  482. ground rent
  483. growth
  484. growth area
  485. guarantee
  486. guarantee fund
  487. hard cash
  488. hard currency
  489. hard sell
  490. hedging
  491. high finance
  492. hire purchase
  493. holder
  494. holding
  495. honour
  496. hyperinflation
  497. hypothecate
  498. idle
  499. in arrear
  500. in arrears
  501. in cash
  502. in debt
  503. in one
  504. in the red
  505. inc
  506. incentive
  507. incorporated
  508. increase
  509. indebted
  510. indent
  511. indenture
  512. index
  513. indirect cost
  514. indirect tax
  515. industrial
  516. industrials
  517. industry
  518. inflate
  519. inflation
  520. infrastructure
  521. inscribed stock
  522. insolvency
  523. insolvent
  524. insurance
  525. insure
  526. insured
  527. Interest
  528. interest net
  529. interest rate
  530. investor
  531. invisible trade
  532. invoice
  533. invoice clerk
  534. IOU
  535. issue
  536. job
  537. job analysis
  538. Jobber
  539. Jobbers
  540. jobbing
  541. joint account
  542. joint stock
  543. joint stock bank
  544. keep accounts
  545. killing
  546. kite
  547. labor
  548. labour-intensive
  549. laissez-faire
  550. lay days
  551. lease
  552. leasing
  553. ledger
  554. legal tender
  555. lend
  556. lender
  557. letter of credit
  558. levy
  559. liability
  560. liable
  561. lien
  562. life interest
  563. liquid assets
  564. liquidate
  565. liquidation
  566. liquidator
  567. liquidity
  568. liquidity ratio
  569. liquidity ratios
  570. list price
  571. living wage
  572. LloydÆs
  573. loan
  574. loan capital
  575. loan conversion
  576. lock
  577. lockout
  578. long
  579. long-dated
  580. long-dated bill
  581. loss
  582. loss leader
  583. lot
  584. lottery
  585. Ltd
  586. national bank
  587. national debt
  588. nationalization
  589. nearest offer
  590. negotiable
  591. negotiate
  592. nest egg
  593. net
  594. net gain
  595. net price
  596. nett
  597. no funds
  598. non-contributory
  599. not negotiable
  600. note
  601. note of hand
  602. notes
  603. notice
  604. novation
  605. obligation
  606. octroi
  607. offer
  608. official list
  609. on call
  610. on credit
  611. on offer
  612. on order
  613. on strike
  614. one off
  615. open cheque
  616. open credit
  617. open policy
  618. opening bid
  619. opening price
  620. operator
  621. option
  622. option dealings
  623. option rate
  624. order
  625. order book
  626. ordinary
  627. ordinary share
  628. ordinary shares
  629. outbid
  630. outlay
  631. outlet
  632. outside broker
  633. overcapacity
  634. overcharge
  635. overdrawn
  636. overhead
  637. overhead price
  638. overheads
  639. oversubscribed
  640. overtrading
  641. owe
  642. owed
  643. owing
  644. package
  645. package deal
  646. packaging
  647. paid-up capital
  648. panic
  649. paper
  650. par
  651. par of exchange
  652. par value
  653. parity
  654. participating
  655. partner
  656. partnership
  657. passbook
  658. pawnbroker
  659. pay
  660. pay as you earn
  661. pay cash
  662. pay in advance
  663. pay out
  664. pay rise
  665. pay slip
  666. payable
  667. pay-day
  668. payee
  669. payer
  670. payin
  671. paying-in-slip
  672. payroll
  673. pecuniary
  674. pension
  675. per cent
  676. percentage
  677. piecework
  678. plc
  679. pledge
  680. plough back
  681. plunge
  682. point of sale
  683. policy
  684. policy holder
  685. political science
  686. poll
  687. pool
  688. portfolio
  689. post
  690. postal order
  691. pound
  692. poundage
  693. poverty line
  694. preference
  695. preference bonds
  696. preference share
  697. preference stock
  698. preferred
  699. preferred shares
  700. preferred stock
  701. prepaid
  702. present worth
  703. price
  704. price ceiling
  705. price control
  706. price current
  707. price cut
  708. price fixing
  709. price freeze
  710. price index
  711. price level
  712. price list
  713. price outstanding
  714. price rigging
  715. price ring
  716. price rise
  717. price war
  718. pricing
  719. principal
  720. private sector
  721. pro rata
  722. proceeds
  723. product
  724. production
  725. productivity
  726. profit
  727. profit taking
  728. profitability
  729. profitable
  730. profiteer
  731. profiteering
  732. profits
  733. profits tax
  734. progress chaser
  735. property
  736. property tax
  737. prospector
  738. prospectus
  739. prosperity
  740. prosperous
  741. provide for
  742. proxy
  743. public
  744. public ownership
  745. public relations
  746. public sector
  747. puff
  748. punt
  749. punter
  750. purchase
  751. purchase tax
  752. purchaser
  753. purchasing
  754. purchasing power
  755. pure profit
  756. quality control
  757. quarter day
  758. Queer Street
  759. qui ttance
  760. quit rent
  761. quota
  762. quotation
  763. quote
  764. rack rent
  765. racket
  766. rail due
  767. rally
  768. rate
  769. rate 0f growth
  770. rate of exchange
  771. rate of interest
  772. rateable value
  773. ratepayer
  774. rates
  775. rating
  776. rationalization
  777. ready cash
  778. real estate
  779. realization
  780. realize
  781. realty
  782. rebate
  783. receipt
  784. receipts
  785. receipts open
  786. receiver
  787. receiving order
  788. recession
  789. recoup
  790. recovery
  791. reducing balance
  792. redundant
  793. reflation
  794. refund
  795. reinsurance
  796. reinvest
  797. reissue
  798. renewal
  799. rent
  800. rental
  801. rentes
  802. repayable
  803. report
  804. resale
  805. reserve
  806. reserve bank
  807. reserve price
  808. reserves
  809. resources
  810. restraint
  811. retail
  812. retailer
  813. retainer
  814. return
  815. returns
  816. revaluation
  817. revenue
  818. revenue account
  819. reversion
  820. rig
  821. rigging
  822. rights issue
  823. ring
  824. rising prices
  825. risk
  826. risk capital
  827. royalties
  828. running costs
  829. safe deposit
  830. salary
  831. sale
  832. sale or return
  833. sales force
  834. sales forecast
  835. sales ledger
  836. save up
  837. saving
  838. savings bank
  839. score
  840. scrip
  841. scrip issue
  842. second-hand
  843. secured creditor
  844. Securities
  845. security
  846. sell
  847. sell forward
  848. sell short
  849. selling
  850. selling out
  851. sell-out
  852. serial bond
  853. SET
  854. set oft
  855. settle
  856. severance pay
  857. share
  858. share capital
  859. share index
  860. share transfer
  861. shareholding
  863. sharing
  864. shark
  865. shift work
  866. short bill
  867. short bonds
  868. short-dated
  869. shortfall
  870. shorts
  871. shun
  872. sideline
  873. sight
  874. silver
  875. Sinecure
  876. single entry
  877. sink
  878. sinking fund
  879. sleeping partner
  880. sliding scale
  881. social credit
  882. social security
  883. soft currency
  884. sold
  885. sold forward
  886. sold out
  887. sole agency
  888. solvency
  889. solvent
  890. specie
  891. speculate
  892. speculation
  893. speculator
  894. spending
  895. spinoff
  896. spiral
  897. spot
  898. spot price
  899. spread
  900. stag
  901. staple
  902. statistician
  903. statistics
  904. sterling
  905. sterling area
  906. sterling balance
  907. stipend
  908. stock
  909. Stock Exchange
  910. stock in trade
  911. stock list
  912. stockbroker
  913. stockjobber
  914. stockjobbery
  915. stockjobbing
  916. stockpile
  917. stockpiles
  918. stockpiling
  919. stocks
  920. stocktaking
  921. storage
  922. straddle
  923. strike
  924. subscribe
  925. subsidize
  926. subsidy
  927. subsistence
  928. superannuation
  929. supertax
  930. supply
  931. surcharge
  932. surety
  933. surplus
  934. surplus value
  935. surrender value
  936. surtax
  937. swindle
  938. swindler
  939. switch selling
  940. syndic
  941. syndicate
  942. takeover
  943. takeover bid
  944. takings
  945. tare
  946. tariff
  947. tax
  948. tax avoidance
  949. tax collector
  950. tax dodge
  951. tax evasion
  952. tax free
  953. tax return
  954. taxation
  955. taxes
  956. teind
  957. teller
  958. tender
  959. ticker tape
  960. ticket
  961. ticket day
  962. tip
  963. tithes
  964. tonnage
  965. trade
  966. trade balance
  967. trade cycle
  968. trade discount
  969. trade fair
  970. trade in
  971. trade price
  972. trade union
  973. trader
  974. trading
  975. trading account
  976. traffic
  977. transaction
  978. transfer
  979. transfer deed
  980. traveller
  981. treasurer
  982. Treasury
  983. treasury bill
  984. treasury bond
  985. treasury note
  986. trend
  987. trial balance
  988. trustee
  989. trustee stock
  990. turn
  991. turnover
  992. tycoon
  993. ultra vires
  994. undercharge
  995. undercut
  996. undersell
  997. undervalued
  998. underwrite
  999. underwriter
  1000. underwriting
  1001. unissued capital
  1002. unit trust
  1003. unload
  1004. unpaid
  1005. unquoted
  1006. upset price
  1007. usance
  1008. usurer
  1009. usury
  1010. utilities
  1011. utility
  1012. valuation
  1013. value
  1014. value added tax
  1015. valued policy
  1016. VAT
  1017. vend
  1018. vend ition
  1019. vending
  1020. vendor
  1021. vendors shares
  1022. venture
  1023. viability
  1024. wage
  1025. wage freeze
  1026. wage rate
  1027. wages
  1028. Wall Street
  1029. war bond
  1030. war loan
  1031. warehouse
  1032. warrant
  1033. warranty
  1034. way bill
  1035. wealth
  1036. wealth tax
  1037. welfare state
  1038. wheeler-dealer
  1039. wholesale
  1040. wholesaler
  1041. wind up
  1042. windfall
  1043. winding up
  1044. with profits
  1045. work force
  1046. work sheet
  1047. work study
  1048. work to rule
  1049. working capital
  1050. working day
  1051. works council
  1052. works councils
  1053. World Bank
  1054. worth
  1055. wound up
  1056. write off
  1057. write up
  1058. written off
  1059. yield