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/ Netrunner 2004 October / NETRUNNER0410.ISO / regular / bjd-3.6.2.lzh / _SETUP.1 / BlackJumboDog.Lang.En < prev    next >
INI File  |  2003-06-29  |  22KB  |  591 lines

  1. [Base]
  2. OK,"OK"
  3. Cancel,"Cancel"
  4. NoCheck,"Only the item which You checked is used"
  5. Add,"Add"
  6. Del,"Del"
  7. Edit,"Change"
  8. ClientPort,"Port (from client side)"
  9. BindAddress,"Bind Address"
  10. Browser,"Browser"
  11. NoConnect,"No communication monitor time"
  12. Sec,"sec"
  13. Text_0,"Please wait for a while. It initialization "
  16. [MainMenu]
  17. MenuFile,"&File"
  18. MenuConnect,"&Connect Dialup"
  19. MenuDisConnect,"&Disconect Dialup"
  20. MenuTrace,"Disp &Trace"
  21. MenuCache,"Disp &Cache"
  22. MenuStatus,"&Status"
  23. MenuInetSr,"Internet Transferü@&Execution"
  24. MenuExit,"E&xit"
  25. MenuOption,"&Option"
  26. MenuBaseOption,"&Basic Option"
  27. MenuLogOption,"&Log Option"
  28. MenuDialupOption,"&Dialup Server"
  29. MenuRemoteOption,"&Remote Control"
  30. MenuProxyOption,"&Proxy Server"
  31. MenuWebOption,"&Web Server"
  32. MenuMailOption,"&Mail Server"
  33. MenuFtpOption,"&Ftp Server"
  34. MenuMlOption,"Mailing&List"
  35. MenuHelp,"&Help"
  36. MenuHp,"H&omepage"
  37. MenuVersion,"&About"
  39. [TrayMenu]
  40. TrayConnect,"&Connect Dialup"
  41. TrayDisConnect,"&Disconnect Dialup"
  42. TrayInetSr,"Internet Transferü@&Execution"
  43. TrayExit,"E&xit"
  44. TrayOpen,"&Open"
  46. [BaseOptionDlg]
  47. Caption,"Basic Option Dialog"
  48. Pages0,"Basic"
  49. Pages1,"Manager password"
  50. CheckBoxClose,"Display a message of end confirmation"
  51. CheckBoxSizeAgain,"Memorize size of a wind in last time start"
  52. Label0,"The number of thread" 
  53. CheckBoxInitDlg,"Don't display dialog box in initialization"
  54. Label1,"time-out"
  55. CheckBoxDnsCache,"Use DNS cash"
  56. Label3,"Wait"
  57. Label4,"msec (Use rate of CPU becomes 100% when You appoint 0)"
  58. CheckBoxVisibleStart,"Open a window in start"
  59. CheckBoxRoot,"Use a manager password in window indication"
  60. CheckBoxRemoteRoot,"Demand a password of a manager in remote control"
  61. LabelRootPassword,"Password"
  63. [DialupOptionDlg]
  64. Caption,"Dialup Server Option Dialog"
  65. CheckBoxDialup,"Do dial up automatic connection"
  66. Pages0,"Basic"
  67. GroupBox0,"The dial up connection name to use"
  68. ButtonSchedule,"Schedule"
  69. CheckBoxNoDlg,"Do not display a dialogue in dial up automatic connection"
  71. [DialupDlg]
  72. Caption,"Cannect Dialog"
  73. Label3,"Connect Name"
  74. Label1,"User Name"
  75. Label2,"Password"
  76. ButtonOk,"Connect"
  77. ButtonCancel,"Cancel"
  79. [DialupScheduleDlg]
  80. Caption,"Connection Excellent (no communication monitor time) Dialog"
  81. GroupBox1,"No communication monitor time"
  82. Label4,"When a state without communication exceeds the time that I appointed, I cut it off automatically"
  83. Label5,"Setting is ignored when I appoint 0 (I do not watch no communication)"
  84. Msg0,"Not connected"
  85. Msg1," (Connection Name)"
  87. [ScheduleDlg]
  88. Caption,"Schedule Dialog"
  89. Msg0,"Sun"
  90. Msg1,"Mon"
  91. Msg2,"Tue"
  92. Msg3,"Wed"
  93. Msg4,"Tue"
  94. Msg5,"Fri"
  95. Msg6,"Sat"
  97. [RemoteOptionDlg]
  98. Caption,"Remote Control Option Dialog"
  99. Pages0,"Basic"
  100. Pages1,"User"
  101. CheckBoxRemote,"Use remote control"
  102. Label4,"Timeout"
  103. Label2,"Password"
  104. Label10,"Admit only access of the user who appointed it"
  105. LabelUserName,"Name (Display)"
  106. LabelUserAddr,"Address"
  109. [MailOptionDlg]
  110. Caption,"Mail Server Option Dialog"
  111. CheckBoxMail,"Use Mailserver"
  112. Pages0,"Basic"
  113. Pages1,"Additional domain name"
  114. Pages2,"Header control"
  115. Pages3,"Transfer"
  116. Pages4,"Internet Transfer"
  117. Pages5,"Relay permission"
  118. Pages6,"Aliases"
  119. Pages7,"Users"
  120. Pages8,"Change Password"
  121. Label21,"Domain"
  122. Label4,"(SMTP)"
  123. Label5,"(POP3)"
  124. RadioGroupAuth,"Authorization (POP3)"
  125. RadioGroupAuth_0,"Both"
  126. RadioGroupAuth_1,"Only APOP"
  127. RadioGroupAuth_2,"Only USER/PASS"
  128. Label7,"Mail save directory"
  129. Label8,"Number of the email which every user can store"
  130. Label10,"XXX"
  131. Label11,"Capacity of the email which every user can store"
  132. Label28,"URL of an email address list"
  133. LabelVirtualDomain,"Domain"
  134. CheckBoxHedaInet,"In Internet transfer, I eliminate all the too much headers(I recommend that I check)"
  135. CheckBoxHedaDate,"When there is not a Date: header, I add it in the reception"
  136. CheckBoxGate,"Use Trancfer"
  137. CheckBoxGateLocal,"I forward an email addressed to a My domain"
  138. LabelGatewayName,"Domain"
  139. LabelGatewayAddr,"Transfer address"
  140. LabelGatewayPort,"Transfer port"
  141. CheckBoxInet,"Use Internet Transfer"
  142. Label13,"(SMTP)"
  143. Label3,"Server"
  144. Label2,"Port"
  145. Label19,"Account"
  146. Label14,"(POP3)"
  147. Label16,"Server"
  148. Label17,"Port"
  149. Label20,"Password"
  150. CheckBoxInetKeep,"Leave an email"
  151. Label23,"Days"
  152. CheckBoxInetAPOP,"Use APOP"
  153. Label26,"Mailaddress"
  154. RadioGroupInetDistribute,"A method of swing drawn game"
  155. RadioGroupInetDistribute_0,"Use [ ] "
  156. RadioGroupInetDistribute_1,"Comment"
  157. RadioGroupInetDistribute_2,"User name"
  158. RadioGroupInetDistribute_3,"Subject"
  159. RadioGroupInetDistribute_4,"First line"
  160. GroupBox1,"A schedule of transmission and reception"
  161. CheckBoxInetConnect,"Execute a schedule only in connection"
  162. CheckBoxInetSmtpConnect,"When there is a transmission of a message email, I am connected promptly"
  163. CheckBoxInetFirstConnect,"In connection, I execute transmission and reception without relation in a schedule once"
  164. Button1,"Setting of a schedule"
  165. Label24,"Admit only access of the user who appointed it"
  166. LabelRelayName,"Name (display)"
  167. LabelRelayAddr,"Address"
  168. LabelAliasName,"Aliases"
  169. LabelAliasOther,"Delivery"
  170. Label15,"Account"
  171. Label18,"Password"
  172. Label25,"Comment"
  173. GroupBox2,"An account of a manager"
  174. CheckBoxChps,"Admit a password change"
  175. Label33,"admit only a password more than this characters"
  176. CheckBoxChpsJoe,"Don't admit a password same as a user name"
  177. GroupBox3,"A required letter"
  178. CheckBoxChpsNum,"Number"
  179. CheckBoxChpsSmall,"Small"
  180. CheckBoxChpsLarge,"Large"
  181. CheckBoxChpsMark,"Sign"
  183. [WebOptionDlg]
  184. Caption,"Web Server Option Dialog"
  185. Pages0,"Basic"
  186. Pages1,"CGI"
  187. Pages2,"SSI"
  188. Pages3,"Alias"
  189. Pages4,"MIME"
  190. Pages5,"Certification"
  191. Pages6,"User"
  192. CheckBoxWeb,"Use Web Server"
  193. Label1,"Document Root"
  194. Label8,"Welcome File"
  195. CheckBoxDnsLookup,"Reverse pull of host name from an IP address"
  196. CheckBoxDot,"Cover it and prohibit a request to a file of an attribute"
  197. CheckBoxParent,"Prohibit the request that .. is included in"
  198. CheckBoxRemoteHost,"Use special expansion"
  199. CheckBoxIndexes,"Display Index"
  200. Label9,"A repetition thread"
  201. Label11,"                    Timeout"
  202. Label14,"Server: Header"
  203. CheckBoxCgi,"Use CGI"
  204. Label2,"Extension to recognize as CGI ( Separator , )"
  205. Label13,"When I appointed a CGI path It is admitted CGI only the path that I appointed"
  206. LabelCgiPath,"CGI Path"
  207. LabelCgiPathDir,"Directory"
  208. CheckBoxSsi,"Use SSI"
  209. Label5,"Extension to recognize as SSI ( Separator , )"
  210. CheckBoxSsiExec,"Use exec,cmd(cgi)"
  211. LabelWebAliasName,"Alias"
  212. LabelWebAliasDir,"Directory"
  213. ButtonWebAliasAdd,"Add"
  214. ButtonWebAliasDel,"Del"
  215. ButtonWebAliasEdit,"Edit"
  216. LabelMimeName,"Extension"
  217. LabelMimeType,"MIME Type"
  218. LabelAccessDir,"Directory"
  219. LabelAccessName,"AuthName"
  220. LabelAccessRequire,"Require"
  221. Label10,"Access of the user who appointed it"
  222. RadioButtonUserON,"Allow"
  223. RadioButtonUserOFF,"Deny"
  224. LabelUserName,"Name (Display)"
  225. LabelUserAddr,"Address"
  227. [ProxyOptionDlg]
  228. Caption,"Proxy Server Option Dialog"
  229. Pages0,"Blowser"
  230. Pages1,"Ftp"
  231. Pages2,"Telnete"
  232. Pages3,"Mail"
  233. Pages4,"News"
  234. Pages5,"Tunnel"
  235. Pages6,"User"
  236. Pages7,"Cache"
  237. Pages8,"Limit(URL)"
  238. Pages9,"Limit(Contents)"
  239. CheckBoxProxy,"Use Proxy Server"
  240. CheckBoxHttp,"Use Browser(HTTP) Proxy"
  241. Label4,"anonymous FTP (ftp://--) email address"
  242. CheckBoxBrowser,"Request header the same as a browser"
  243. GroupBoxAddHeda,"Append Headers"
  244. CheckBoxHttpProxy,"Go by way of more higher proxy"
  245. GroupBoxHttpProxy,"Setting of higher proxy"
  246. Label3,"Server"
  247. Label2,"Port"
  248. Label7,"Don't use higher proxy for an address beginning in next"
  249. LabelProxyAddr,"Address"
  250. CheckBoxFtp,"Use Ftp Proxy"
  251. CheckBoxFtpCount,"Don't count no communication monitor time in connection of Ftp"
  252. CheckBoxTelnet,"Use Telnet Proxy"
  253. CheckBoxTelnetCount,"Don't count no communication monitor time in connection of TELNET"
  254. CheckBoxMail,"Use Mail Proxy"
  255. GroupBoxSmtp,"SMTP"
  256. Label8,"Server"
  257. Label19,"Port"
  258. GroupBoxPop3,"POP3"
  259. Label21,"Server"
  260. Label22,"Port"
  261. GroupBox1,"Registration of a special user"
  262. LabelNntpName,"Name ( Display )"
  263. LabelNntpServer,"Server"
  264. LabelNntpPort2,"Port"
  265. LabelTunnelName,"Name (Display)"
  266. LabelTunnelServer,"Server"
  267. LabelTunnelPort2,"Port"
  268. Label10,"Only access of the User"
  269. LabelUserName,"Name (Display)"
  270. LabelUserAddr,"Address"
  271. CheckBoxCache,"Use Cache for HTTP"
  272. Label16,"Cache Directory"
  273. Label25,"Test time distance (h)"
  274. Label27,"Default Expiration (h)"
  275. Label12,"Max Expiration (h)"
  276. Label6,"Size (Disk) (KByte)"
  277. Label17,"Size (Memory) (KByte)"
  278. Label18,"Max Size (KByte)"
  279. GroupBoxCacheHost,"Host appointment"
  280. Label11,"Only access of the Host"
  281. RadioButtonCacheHostOn,"Yes"
  282. RadioButtonCacheHostOff,"No"
  283. LabelCacheHost,"Host"
  284. GroupBoxCacheExt,"Extension"
  285. Label15,"Only access of the Extension"
  286. RadioButtonCacheExtOn,"Yes"
  287. RadioButtonCacheExtOff,"No"
  288. LabelCacheExt,"Extension"
  289. Label32,"Only access of the URL "
  290. RadioButtonLimitON,"Yes"
  291. RadioButtonLimitOFF,"No"
  292. LabelLimit,"URL"
  293. RadioGroupLimit_0,"Front agreement"
  294. RadioGroupLimit_1,"Part agreement"
  295. RadioGroupLimit_2,"Regular expression"
  296. LabelContent,"Character"
  298. [FtpOptionDlg]
  299. Caption,"Ftp Server Option Dialog"
  300. Pages0,"Base"
  301. Pages1,"User"
  302. CheckBoxFtp,"Use Ftp Server"
  303. CheckBoxDnsLookup,"Do a reverse pull of host name from an IP address of a client"
  304. Label1,"Timeout"
  305. LabelUserId,"User Name"
  306. LabelUserPass,"Password"
  307. RadioGroupFtpClient,"Access Limit"
  308. LabelUserDir,"Home Directory"
  310. [LogOptionDlg]
  311. Caption,"Log Option Dialog"
  312. Pages0,"Basic"
  313. Pages1,"Limit Display"
  314. RadioGroupLogName,"Nomal Log"
  315. RadioGroupLogName_0,"dayly üibjd.yyyy.mm.dd.logüj"
  316. RadioGroupLogName_1,"monthly üibjd.yyyy.mm.logüj"
  317. RadioGroupLogName_2,"Uniformity (BlackJumboDog.Log)"
  318. RadioGroupSecureLogName,"Secure Log"
  319. RadioGroupSecureLogName_0,"dayly üisecure.yyyy.mm.dd.logüj"
  320. RadioGroupSecureLogName_1,"monthly üisecure.yyyy.mm.logüj"
  321. RadioGroupSecureLogName_2,"Uniformity (secure.Log)"
  322. Label1,"Save place"
  323. CheckBoxNoLogFile,"Don't generate a Log"
  324. CheckBoxCloseLog,"Display Log in the access end ( proxy server)"
  325. ButtonFont,"Font"
  326. Label2,"The save days"
  327. Label3,"(When You appointed 0, Don't eliminate)"
  328. CheckBoxLogDelete,"Eliminate it regularly"
  329. Label10,"A case including character string"
  330. RadioButtonLogON,"Display"
  331. RadioButtonLogOFF,"Don't display"
  332. LabelLog,"Character"
  333. CheckBoxLogFlg2,"Apply this rule in Log"
  335. [MailUserDlg]
  336. Caption,"Registration dialogue of a special user"
  337. Label5,"User Name (The thing which You set in an email client)"
  338. GroupBox3,"User Name"
  339. CheckBoxName,"Use the user name mentioned above"
  340. Label6,"User Name (The thing which provider gave)"
  341. GroupBox2,"SMTP Server"
  342. CheckBoxSmtp,"Use default server"
  343. Label2,"Server"
  344. Label3,"Port"
  345. Label7,"Mailaddress ( From: )"
  346. GroupBox1,"POP3 Server"
  347. CheckBoxPop3,"Use default server"
  348. Label1,"Server"
  349. Label4,"Port"
  351. [InetSrDlg]
  352. Caption,"A transmission and reception interval"
  353. RadioButton0,"Not connected"
  354. RadioButton1,"1 minute"
  355. RadioButton5,"5 minute"
  356. RadioButton10,"10 minute"
  357. RadioButton15,"15 minute"
  358. RadioButton20,"20 minute"
  359. RadioButton30,"30 minute"
  360. RadioButton60,"one hour"
  362. [PasswordDlg]
  363. Label1,"Please input a manager password."
  365. [RemotePasswordDlg]
  366. Label1,"Please input a manager password."
  368. [VersionDlg]
  369. Caption,"Version information"
  370. Label5,"A simple server for SOHO üiWeb/Mail/Proxy/Ftpüj"
  372. [TraceDlg]
  373. Caption,"Trace Window"
  374. MenuFile,"&File"
  375. MenuClose,"E&xit"
  376. MenuEdit,"&Edit"
  377. MenuCopy,"&Copy"
  378. MenuClear,"Clea&r"
  380. [StatusDlg]
  381. CaptionStatus,"Status"
  382. CaptionCache,"Cache"
  383. ButtonCopy,"Copy"
  384. ListBox_Status,"(1) Service Status"
  385. ListBox_LocalAddress,"(2) Local Address"
  386. ListBox_Dialup,"(3) Dialup"
  387. ListBox_Thread,"(4) Thread Status"
  388. ListBox_MemoryCache,"(1) Cache Status (Memory)"
  389. ListBox_DiskCache,"(2) Cache Status (Disk)"
  391. [Cache]
  392. Text_0,"Expiration LastAccess LastChange InternetAddress Size"
  393. Text_1,"Memory Used"
  394. Text_2,"Dusk Used"
  395. Text_3,"Data Count"
  398. [Dialup]
  399. Text_0,"Not connected"
  400. Text_1,"Can't use a RAS function"
  401. Text_2,"Open a COM port.");
  402. Text_3,"The COM port was opened normally.");
  403. Text_4,"Device"
  404. Text_5,"Kind"
  405. Text_6,"In connection"
  406. Text_7,"Connection completion"
  407. Text_8,"All devices are connected and can use it"
  408. Text_9,"Identifying a password as a user"
  409. Text_10,"Dial up connection completion"
  410. Text_11,"The dial up connection name is not appointed."
  411. Text_12," Failed in making of thread (dial up)"
  414. [MainForm]
  415. Text_0,"present value / maximum"
  416. Text_1," May BlackJumboDog be finished? "
  417. Text_2,"Do you cut off dial up connection?"
  418. Text_3,"[Internet transfer] Transfer It was past schedule execute time."
  419. Text_4,"[Internet transfer] To schedule execution more"
  420. Text_5,"Now initializing dialup connection, and please wait for a while."
  421. Text_6,"Dialup cutting"
  423. [DataDlg]
  424. Text_0,"Can't add the same data when already registered."
  425. Text_1,"is not appointed."
  427. [Web]
  428. 200030,"A request includes a problem."
  429. 200031,"It is a version out of a support."
  430. 200033,"It is a method out of a support."
  431. 200034,"Access was refused by a user list"
  432. 200035,"A request included .. in isn't admitted."
  433. 200036,"It is access from the user where the certification is not admitted."
  434. 200037,"A certification password is different."
  435. 200038,"A list of the certification includes an error."
  436. 200039,"Certification success"
  437. 200040,"A request is unexpected size."
  439. [Remote]
  440. Text_0,"Started remote connection."
  441. Text_1,"Finished remote connection."
  443. 30001,"Failed in the acquisition of setting information."
  444. 30002,"Failed in the transmission of a message of data."
  445. 30003,"A password is different"
  446. 30004,"A version is different"
  447. 30005,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a password"
  448. 30006,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a version"
  449. 30008,"Failed in the transmission of a message to a server "
  450. 30011,"Failed in the acquisition of a certification phrase.(Can't use plural remote connection.)"
  451. 30012,"Failed in the acquisition of a certification phrase."
  452. 30013,"Failed in the acquisition of a Login phrase"
  453. 30014,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a Login phrase"
  454. 30015,"Failed in the transmission of a message of LOGIN Message"
  455. 30016,"A manager password is different."
  456. 30018,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a manager password "
  457. 30019,"Failed in LOGIN"
  458. 30020,"A manager password is different."
  460. [Mail]
  461. Text_0,"Command is not supported."
  462. Text_1,"Order of practice of a command includes a problem."
  463. Text_2,"Failed in the acquisition of a domain name."
  464. Text_3,"The number of letter of a password is not enough"
  465. Text_4,"Password same as a user name is not admitted."
  466. Text_5,"Password which does not include a number is not admitted."
  467. Text_6,"Password which does not include a British small letter is not admitted."
  468. Text_7,"Password which does not include a British large letter is not admitted."
  469. Text_8,"Password which does not include a sign is not admitted."
  470. Text_9,"CHPS Success"
  471. Text_10,"CHPS Failed"
  472. Text_11,"Because there is not appointment of a point to serve, I forward it to a manager."
  473. Text_12,"Delivery"
  474. Text_13,"Failed in the acquisition of an email address."
  476. 400004,"An error occurred in the data reception by RETR."
  477. 400005,"Failed in the reception of greetings sentence."
  478. 400006,"Failed in the transmission of a message of control sentence (DATA)."
  479. 400007,"Failed in the reception of a reply sentence (354)."
  480. 400008,"Failed in the transmission of a message of the DATA text."
  481. 400009,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a control sentence."
  482. 400011,"A mailbox of a user is full."
  483. 400012,"A user is not registered with a user."
  484. 400013,"Can't serve an address."
  485. 400014,"Because an email becomes a loop state, I serve it to a manager."
  486. 400016,"Failed in the transmission of a message of Welcome Message."
  487. 400017,"Failed in communication with a client (the reception)."
  488. 400018,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a control sentence (354)."
  489. 400019,"Failed in the reception of the DATA text."
  490. 400020,"Failed in communication with a client (the transmission of a message)."
  491. 400021,"Failed in the Welcome Message transmission of a message."
  492. 400022,"Failed in communication with a client (the reception)."
  493. 400023,"Failed in the LIST (UIDL) response é╠ transmission of a message."
  494. 400024,"Failed in the RETR(TOP) response é╠ transmission of a message."
  495. 400025,"Failed in the RETR(TOP) response é╠ transmission of a message."
  496. 400026,"Failed in communication with a client (the transmission of a message)."
  497. 400027,"[SERIOUS ERROR] there is not an appointed mailbox."
  498. 400028,"[SERIOUS ERROR] There is not registration of a manager by setting of a user."
  499. 400029,"[SERIOUS ERROR] A mailbox of a manager is full."
  500. 400030,"[SERIOUS ERROR] An account of a manager is not appointed."
  501. 400031,"The address failed in the acquisition of a point server to serve."
  502. 400032,"In the address, a server failed in serving it."
  503. 400034,"The address failed in Internet transfer (SMTP)."
  504. 400036,"A user name is too long (an unjust request is possible)"
  505. 400037,"A password is too long (an unjust request is possible)"
  506. 400038,"A parameter includes contradiction (an unjust request is possible)"
  507. 400039,"That a password is different"
  508. 400040,"A domain name is too long (an unjust request is possible)"
  509. 400041,"Failed in the reception of greetings sentence"
  510. 400042,"[SERIOUS ERROR] Movement contradicts it"
  511. 400043,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a control sentence."
  512. 400044,"Failed in the reception of reply sentence (+OK) for it"
  513. 400045,"[SERIOUS ERROR] Movement contradicts it"
  514. 400046,"Failed in the transmission of a message of control sentence."
  515. 400047,"Failed in the reception of reply sentence (+OK) for it"
  516. 400049,"Failed in the transmission of a message of control sentence."
  517. 400050,"Failed in the reception of reply sentence (+OK) for it"
  518. 400051,"Failed in the transmission of a message of control sentence."
  519. 400052,"Failed in the reception of reply sentence (+OK) for it"
  520. 400053,"Failed in the transmission of a message of control sentence."
  521. 400054,"Failed in the reception of reply sentence (+OK) for it"
  522. 400055,"Failed in the transmission of a message of control sentence."
  523. 400056,"Refused a broadcast email from the address which I relayed it, and was not admitted."
  524. 400057,"An email from the outside serves it as an error email to a manager."
  525. 400058,"An email from the inside serves it as an error email to a transmission of a message person."
  526. 400059,"I am logging in"
  527. 400060,"There is not a reply from a server."
  528. 400061,"A transmission of a message error"
  529. 499037,"md5 digest character string is too long (an unjust request is possible)"
  531. [Ftp]
  532. Text_0,"Anonymity connection"
  534. 500001,"Failed in the transmission of a message of WelcomeMessage."
  535. 500004,"A user name is too long (an unjust request is possible)"
  536. 500005,"A password is too long (an unjust request is possible)"
  537. 500006,"Failed in communication with a client (the transmission of a message)."
  538. 500009,"There isn't a home directory."
  540. [Proxy]
  541. 900010,"Failed in generation of data thread."
  542. 900016,"Failed in generation of a socket for data streams with a server."
  543. 900017,"Failed in processing of a PORT command."
  544. 900018,"Failed in constitution of data stream with a client."
  545. 900019,"Failed in generation of a socket for data streams with a server."
  546. 900049,"Failed in generation of data thread."
  547. 900080,"Appointment of an address of connection ahead server (SMTP) includes contradiction."
  548. 900081,"Appointment of a port number of connection ahead server (SMTP) includes contradiction."
  549. 900089,"Appointment of an address of connection ahead server (POP 3) includes contradiction."
  550. 900100,"Appointment of a port number of connection ahead server (POP 3) includes contradiction."
  551. 900102,"Refuse use from the address which is not registered with a user"
  552. 900111,"Access was refused by an URL limit."
  553. 900112,"Access was refused by contents limit"
  554. 900113,"Failed in security of memory for cash"
  555. 900114,"In proxy of the email transmission of a message (SMTP), there is MAIL FROM: address appointment more than 1023 bytes."
  556. 900115,"In proxy of the email transmission of a message (SMTP), I was not able to discover in MAIL FROM:"
  557. 900116,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a PASV command.(1)"
  558. 900117,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a PASV command.(2)"
  559. 900118,"Failed in the response reception of a PASV command."
  560. 900119,"Failed in generation of a socket for data streams with a client."
  561. 900120,"Failed in the transmission of a message of a PASV command."
  562. 900121,"Failed in constitution of data stream with a server."
  564. [Sock]
  565. Text_0,"+ Service"
  566. Text_1,"- Failure"
  567. Text_2,"No communication monitor time passed."
  568. Text_3,"It is connection different from connection name set by a schedule."
  569. Text_4,"Canceled a remote connection (control) demand.(Plural remote connection is not possible)"
  570. Text_5,"Canceled a remote connection (data) demand.(Plural remote connection is not possible)"
  571. Text_6,"Failed in connection."
  574. 800000,"Because I exceeded the thread which I can process simultaneously, a request is canceled."
  575. 800015,"[SERIOUS ERROR] Failed in initialization of a socket."
  576. 800024,"[SERIOUS ERROR] Failed in initialization of remote control.(A password is not set)"
  577. 800032,"Refuse use from the address which is not registered with a user."
  578. 800033,"Refuse use from the address which is not registered with a user."
  579. 800034,"Because I exceeded the number of connection at the same time, a request is canceled."
  580. 900,"Failed in solution of a name. (Timeout)"
  581. 901,"Failed in connection. (Timeout)"
  584. [ProxyMail]
  585. 1000000,"Refuse use from the address which is not registered with a user"
  586. 1000005,"Appointment of an address of connection ahead server (POP3) includes contradiction."
  587. 1000006,"Appointment of a port number of connection ahead server (POP3) includes contradiction."
  588. 1000011,"Appointment of an address of connection ahead server (SMTP) includes contradiction."
  589. 1000012,"Appointment of a port number of connection ahead server (SMTP) includes contradiction."