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Tha AMPro ANSINator Verzion 2.0 Documentayshun....
Tha AMPro ANSINator and all acompanying files and Documentation
are Copywrite(c) Alex Mead 1993
There iz no warenty expressed or implied, and Alex Mead nor A.M. Producshunz
shall be help libul fer any damagez to your system az a result uv tha use
uv this software. Tha use uv this software meanz that you agree to tha
above termz. And all that good stuff.
Distribyooshun and what not: -------------------------------------------
Tha AMPro ANSINator iz freeware. she may be uzed freely by anywun who
findz her usefull free uv charge for however long you need her. she may be
freely distributed by any meanz fizical or electronic with tha following
. You may not charge for tha AMPro ANSINator. You may charge for tha
disk that you give to a person, or tha Postage or Upload costs or any other
expencez uv distribushun, but you may not under any circumstancez charge for
tha software itself.
. You may not alter tha files in any way. Tha AMPro ANSINator comes
with 8 files
ANSIN.EXE - Tha AMPro ANSINator Program
ANSIN.PIC - Wun uv tha start up screenz
AMPRO.PIC - Tha other Start up screen
DFP.PIC - Tha third Screen
ANSIN.DOC - THa AMPro ANSINator Documentayshun (this file)
EXAMPLE.ANN - An Example AMPro ANSINator Pikchure file
EXAMPLE.ANS - Tha Example converted to ANSI
EXAMPLE.ATX - Tha Text Portion uv tha Ad
All uv theze files must be included and unaltered in any copy uv Tha AMPro
ANSInator that you give out. Tha file arkiver you uze or wether or not
you arkive them at all iz up to you, but all 8 files must be present and
Any ANSIz created with tha ANSINator belong solely to their creator, and
may be uzed for any leagal purpose.
Alex Mead and A.M. Producshunz iz not responsible for tha content uv ANSI
pikcherz created with tha AMPro ANSINator.
Tha Author and hiz company: --------------------------------------------
Tha AMPro ANSInator wuz ritten by Alex "AMPro" Mead (me) tha founder (and
everything else) uv A. M. Producshunz. A.M. Producshunz iz for tha most
part a Software comany that makez video gaimz, but I am also a somewhat
prolifik ANSI artist, and tha ANSINator wuz something I developed to make
that task a lot eazier and kwiker, and she wuz so great I decided that I
should share her with everywun who wanted her. Not knowing that people wud
enjoy her so and I wud be obliged to make a better verzion (and spend a
LOT uv time doing so)
What makez AMPro (tha company) yuneeke (besidez tha way it spellz I mean)
iz that I akchually care about tha people that I wurk for. I hav netwurk
subz on many Buletin Board System Netwukz and I get a fair number uv ideas
frum my yoozerz. I can be reached via EMail by most uv tha uzerz uv my
programz, and am kwite personabul.
Just fer yer info, tha AMPro ANSINator wuz ritten in QuickBASIC 4.5
wich iz a most excelent programing environment. On tha hole, I think
that developerz that uze C understand memory far too well fer their own
good, and they hav a habbit uv trash talkin about QuickBASIC without
truly knowin what it iz they're talkin about.
I also like to make my gaimz and utilitiez suitible fer tha hole family.
I realize that blood n gutz, woman az irrespectable objex uv no value
uther than sex, and all that really sell well and that I'd make more muney
going down that avenue, but also realize that tha Computer wurld iz wun
wich iz increasingly difficult to regulate, and in frunt uv a computer iz
a place where parentz feel they kin leave their children unatended for
extended periodz uv time and it shud be. I don't think that there'z anything
rong with adultz having gaimz uv their own, but some uv tha stuff that iz
shareware and free to tha public iz just horrid and some shareware companiez
shud be ashamed uv themselvez.
For more informayshun or a list uv A.M. Producshunz productz, send a letter
and a self addressed stamped envelope to:
Alex Mead
P.O. Box 988
Buffalo, NY 14213
or send EMail to
BBS: AMPro(Me) AMProPrime(assistant) Netwurk
7@7656 26@7656 WWIVNet
7@7659 3@7659 IceNet
7@7660 DragonNet
7@17659 3@17659 WWIVLink
NIS: [75570,2760] Compuserve
WAN: mead27@snybufva.cs.snybuf.edu Internet
Donayshunz are also welcumd and appresheayted.
Also if you run a BBS and would like to becum an AMPro Distribushun
Site pleaze don't hezitate to rekwest an applicayshun. Or if you are
in an area code that duzn't seem to hav any AMPro Distribyushun sites,
pick out yer favorite SysOps, and bug them until they become A.D.S.s
Also if you run a WWIV board and are on any uv tha afformenchund
Netz (Soon to include SkyNet and ChaosNet), you may want to subscribe
to tha AMProLand message base for detailz on more AMPro Produx. We
plan to soon release a set uv AMPro ANSINator Utilz including.
a) SMAC (Shrink Most ANSI Creayshunz) - A program to decrease tha file
size uv ANSIz without destroying tha kwality.
b) MAKEANN - A file to created .ANN fiylz frum various other file
formatz, possibly including (.PCX, .TFF & Otherz)
Theze programz wud be included in any fyoocher verzion uv tha ANSINator
(Argh I don't even wanna think about another verzion), and more info
on them and all tha other thinkz to do with AMProLizm kin be found on
tha sub.
Sub Type Net Host Board SysOp(s)
7660 DragonNet Fantasia Battle Axe & Tha AMPro
37659 IceNet The Disaster Area Jay Walker
17656 WWIVNet The Midnight Hawke Accipter
37656 WWIVLink The Dizaster Area Jay Walker
Dicshunary uv termz-----------------------------------------------------
in case sum uv tha wurdz in this document are unfamilyer to you, here'z
a dicshunary uv termz to help you out.
Cursor - Tha Cursor iz tha flashing dot that letz you kno where you are
on tha screen.
Cursor Keyz - Tha cursor keyz are tha keyz on tha keyboard that have tha
arrowz on them. Some keyboardz hav two setz uv cursor keyz, wile otherz
hav only wun (with numberz on tha keyz az well az arrowz) if you wish to
uze tha cursor keyz with tha numberz on then, then you must be shure that
tha Num-Lock key iz turned off.
Default - A default value iz tha value that will be uzed if you do not
enter a different value. For example if a Paramater haz a default
value uv 0, then if you enter a number she will uze tha number you enter,
but if you do not enter a number she will uze 0.
Funcshun - In tha ANSINator, tha commandz are nowne az funcshunz, there
are 22 different funcshunz each called by a different letter key on tha
Hi Intensity Color - High intensity colorz are tha colorz 8 - 15, they
are tha same colorz az tha lo intensity colorz only briyter.
Lo Intensity Color - Lo intensity colorz are tha colorz 0 - 7, they are
tha same colorz az tha hi intensity colorz only dimmer.
Opshunz - Most uv tha Funcshunz have several different opshunz in them.
Tha opshunz are grouped together with other similar or related opshunz
in a funcshun.
Paramater - Most uv tha funcshunz rekwire you to enter more informayshun
before they kin execute properly. Each kweschun it askz uv you iz known
az a paramater.
Pixel - The screen iz made up uv Pixels, a pixel representz wun tiny dot
on tha screen wich can be set to any wun uv 16 colorz. Tha ANSINator
screen iz 100 pixelz wide by 150 pixelz tall.
reejyun - A reejyun iz an area uv screen COMPLETELY surrounded by a single
color(Tha boarder color) or a single color and tha screen edj. A reejyun
kin be tha interior uv a full circle or rectangul, or tha interior uv an
amorfik shape.
Getting Statrted on Tha AMPro ANSINator --------------------------------
To run tha AMPro ANSINator type ANSIN at your DOS prompt. In order to
run tha ANSINator you should hav an EGA or better monitor and 512k or more
uv RAM. You should have all six files in tha same directory and run tha
program frum that directory for best rezultz.
What you should kno about tha ANSINator --------------------------------
Tha ANSINator iz a utility that will help to make ANSI pikchurz faster
and eazier than any ANSI Program that I've ever seen. Az far az I kno there
iz no program uv it'z kind out there now (but what do I kno). What she duz
iz letz you draw a pikchur in grafix mode, then she will save your pikchur in
an ANSI file.
In grafix mode, you kin draw pixel by pixel. Tha Pixelz each hav a set uv
coordinates frum 0 to 100(left to rite) across and frum 0 to 150 (top to
bottom) up and down. So 0, 0 iz tha pixel at tha upper left hand side uv yer
screen, and 50, 75 would be tha pixel in tha middle uv yer screen ect.
If you want to wurk on tha ANSI again you will hav to also save it az an
.ANN pikchur file. Tha ANSINator Loadz and sayvz .ANN fiylz, but she will
not load in ANSI pikchurz.
Tha ANSI files made by tha AMPro ANSINator are fully compatible with most
other ANSI drawing utilities, but you will be limited by that program's
abilitiez. For example if you make a 75 line ANSI with tha ANSINator, you
can't properly load it into an ANSI editor that only does 50 line ect...
Tha AMPro ANSINator adz a line at tha very bottom uv yer ANSI wich sayz
Tha AMPro ANSINaytor v2.0, and while it'z no sin to remove it, and it wuden't
tick me off or anything, I'd appreciate it if you let it stay.
Instrucshunz -----------------------------------------------------------
I. MoveMent
Tha ANSINator haz a small wite screen 100 by 150 pixelz. You will begin
in tha middle uv tha screen (at 50, 75) and will hav a flashing black cursor
you can draw a pikvher by movin tha cursor around. Uze tha cursor keyz to
move yer cursor around. It iz eazier to uze tha cursor keyz on tha numeric
key pad(make shure num-lock iz off) becuz then you kin move yer cursor in
8 different direcshunz.
7 - Left & Up 8 - Up 9) Rite & Up
6 - Left 7) Rite
1 - Left & Down 2 - Down 3) Rite & Down
II. Inputing Parameterz
For many uv tha funcshunz you will be asked for addishunal parameterz.
Mostly tha parrameterz she rekwestz will be numberz. When she iz expecting
a number she will give you a prompt that lookz something like this...
Radius (0 - 120[10])>
What that prompt meanz, iz that she iz expecting a value for tha Radius
uv tha figure it'z drawing, and she will except any number between 0 and
120. Also tha default value she will uze iz 10, so if you want a radius uv
10, just press enter. If tha default value iz not in range tha closest
number to tha default value that iz in range will be uzed, fer example if
It'z looking fer a number between 0 and 10, and tha default value iz 20,
it will uze 10.
When she promptz you for a filename az a parameter, just enter tha filename
uv tha file you wish to load/save/whatever. Filenamez kin be up to 8
characterz in length, and any addishunal characterz will be cut off, and tha
program will automatikly provide tha extenshun for you.
III. Funcshun Keyz------------------------------------------------------
A) - Arc/Cirle/Ellipse
Uze this funcshun for drawing Perfect Circles, or arcz or Ellipsez, or
even Elliptical acrz fer that matter. When you choze this opshun, there
will be several Paramaterz to input to define tha evenchual outcome uv yer
figure. First she will ask you for Coordinates, tha coordinates you give
will be uzed az tha centerpoint uv tha figure. Tha default valuez for tha
coordinates are yer current cursor locayshun, so to yuze yer current pozishun
az tha centerpoint, just hit enter for tha first two parameterz. Tha third
parameter she will ask you for iz color, simply enter tha numbver uv tha
color you want, there will be a key uv what number representz wich color.
Tha fourth parameter will be Radius, so enter tha number uv pixelz away
frum tha center point you want tha edge uv yer figure to be. Tha next two
parameterz she asks for are starting point and ending point (in degrees).
This iz how you make she into an arc instead uv a full circle or ellipse.
If you wish to make a half circle frum 0 to 180 degreez, enter 0 fer tha
first parameter, and 180 for tha second parameter. Tha defualt valuez are
0 and 360 (wich representz a full circle/ellipse), so if you want a full
circle/ellipse, you kin just press enter twice for theze two parameterz.
Tha last parameter she will ask you for iz ecentricity, this iz how you make
your figure eliptical rather than circulur. .78 ecentricity iz tha default
value (perfect circle) and number lower than that will give you a flatter
circle, and any number hiyer than that will give you a taller circle.
B) - Box/Line/Block
This funcshun will allow you to draw a line box or filled in block.
No matter wich you choze you will be asked for 5 parameterz. First you
will be asked for tha X and Y coordinates uv yer Starting point, then you
will be asked for tha X and Y coordinates uv yer ending point, then she will
ask for a color. Tha default value for tha coordinates will be yer curent
cursor locayshun. Then if you pick line, she will draw a line frum tha
startpoint to tha end point, if you pick box she will draw a box uzing wun
endpoint az a corner, and tha other endpoint az tha oppozing corner, and
if you chooze a block, she will draw a filled in box uzing tha two enpointz
az oppozing cornerz.
C) - Change Cursor Color/Width/Hite
This funcshun will allow you to change tha cursorz attribyutez. When tha
ANSINator beginz, yer cursor will be wun pixel wide, and wun pixel tall, and
will leave a black trail, but you may choze wun uv tha opshunz under this
funcshun to change thoze settingz. You may chooze a cursor frum 1 to 50
linez tall, frum wun to 50 linez wide, and any wun uv tha 16 possible colorz.
Wun tekneek some people find useful, iz to move tha cursor to pozishun 0, 0
and change tha cursor hite to 2, and change tha Y Jump factor to 2, this will
create more predictable pikcherz for ANSINating.
D) - Dancing fool
When tha program startz, there iz no dancing fool *sigh*, but forchunately
you kin change that. If you press D, tha dancing fool will appear and
attempt to entertain you, press D again to get him to vanish.
E) - Speshul Effex
Uze this funcshun to create effex in yer ANSI. There are 7 opshunz
under effects.
1 & 2) Stipple a color or Stipple all colors. Stippling a color will
create random patternz amung that color. For example if you pick
red(4) then when it getz to a red block, instead uv filling it in
solidly, it will fill it in with wun uv tha vareyus degree shaydz,
creating a random pattern for reejyunz uv that color. Stippling
all colorz will create a random effect thruout tha entire ANSI
pikcher you create.
3 & 4) Normalize a Color or Normalize all colorz. Thez opshunz return
a color to it'z previous state, it unduz stippling, Converzion
to a Symbol(explained below), and Radom Generashun Disabling
(explained Below). When tha program beginz all colorz are
5) Convert Color to Symbol. This opshun can also create sum neet
effex. You must supply tha number uv a color, and tha ascii
code uv tha Symbol you want, and then every time tha ANSINator
encounterz a full block uv tha color it will produce that symbol
instead. For example if you specify that you want tha color
1(Blue) converted to tha Symbol 196(A horizontal line), instead
uv giving you a solid blue background, it will give you horizontal
blue linez. For a complete list uv Ascii codez, consult tha end
uv this documernt.
6) Set Tag Colorz. If you don't set tag colorz, Tha ANSINator will
attempt to pick colorz that go along with yer ANSI, or give you
red and white. If you hav a certain color in mind fer tha Tag
then uze this funcshun to set tha Tag Colorz (pleze note that
only colorz 0 - 7 are availibul for background Tag Color)
I have not made tha program check for entering tha same color
for background and forground, so you can do this, and tha Tag
line will not be vizibul, but I urge you not to do this.
7) Random Generayshun Disabling. Tha Randum generayshun funcshun 'G'
will draw randum objex uv with random colorz, but you kin disable
a color for that funcshun with this opshun. Fer example if you
wanna draw a lot uv random circles on tha screen, but you don't
want any uv them to be wite, uze this opshun to disable tha color
wite(15). You may disable az many colorz az you chooze. Disabling
all tha colorz will be tha same az disabling nun except that it
will take a lot longer.
F) - Fill Manager
Tha fill manager allowz you to controll filling uv reejyunz. Tha set
boarder color opshun will determine tha boarder color uv tha reejyun. A
reejyun iz an area COMPLETELY surrounded by a color, or a color and tha
screen boarder. Fer instance if you hav a purpul circle and wud like to
fill it in with tha current fill color or pattern, chooze tha set boarder
color opshun and select purpul(5), then any subsakwint reejyun fillz (tha
'R' funcshun) will fill to tha edjiz uv purpul reejunz. Tha set fill color
opshun iz uzed to select a new color for filling reejyunz. When you select
a new Fill Color, that fill color will be uzed until a different Fill Color
or Fill pattern iz chozen.
Setting a fill patern. Setting a fill pattern iz sorta complex, but
kan praduce sum nifty rezultz. When you select this opshun frum tha Fill
Manager, you will be asked fer tha number uv Columnz tall you want yer fill
pattern to be, and you kin chooze any hite frum 1 to 15 layerz tall. Then
you will be shown a very enlarged representayshun uv yer fill pattern, in
tha form uv a grid. You kin move arround tha grid with tha cursor keyz. In
tha bottom rite hand corner uv tha screen, there iz another grid, tha color
selecshun grid. You kin swich back n forth between tha fill pattern grid
and tha color selecshun grid by pressing tha space bar. and you kin move
around either grid by uzing tha cursor keyz. Once you have selected a color,
move back to tha fill pattern grid, and move to where you wanna put it, and
then you press tha Enter key to lay it down. You kin repeat tha process
uzing az many different colorz az you want, and when yer dun, press 'F' and
yer new fill pattern will be saved. Any blox on tha fill pattern grid will
be considered black.
G) - Generate Random Objex
You kin uze tha Generate Random Objex funcshun to make sum great patternz
and deziynz. Tha funcshun will make random Circles, Skwarez, Rektangulz,
Triangulz, or dotz. This funcshun drawz az many or az few uv them az you
specify, and you kin tell it not to uze certain colorz with Color Disabling
(See tha 'E' - Effex entry)
H) - Help Menu
Tha Help funcshun iz dezined to give you a little help frum within tha
program. Tha help offered here in this document iz far more extensive than
tha help offurd with tha Program'z help funcshun. Still if you don't have
a printout uv this document handy when you run tha program, you may find
tha Help usefull untill you becum familiar with tha commandz. When you
press 'H', you will get a short list uv what each key'z Funcshun iz, and you
kan get a short descripshun uv each funcshun by pressing tha letter uv that
funcshun. Press Space bar to exit help.
I) - Invert Block
Uze tha Invert Funcshun to create a mirror image uv a rectangular block.
Yu kin yuze this funkshun to invert horizontaly or vertikly. Tha funcshun
will ask you for tha coordinates uv tha Upper Left and Lower Rite cornerz
uv tha reejyun you want a mirror image uv, and then will ask you for tha
Upper Left corner uv where you'd like to place it.
J) - Set Jump Factorz
When yer program beginz, you X and Y Jump factorz will be 1, wich meanz
that when you press tha up cursor key, you will go up wun pixel at a time,
and if you press tha rite cursor, you will go rite wun pxel at a time ect..
By setting tha X Jump factor, you kin specify how many pixelz to jump left
or rite at a time, and by setting tha tha Y Jump Factor, you kin specify
how many pixelz to jum up or down at wun time. It iz also possibul to set
L) - Locate Point
This funcshun allowz you to Locate or move to a specific point on tha
screen. If you chooze to locate a point, then tha point you specify will be
hiylited by a flashing crossbar, this iz ideal for finding out coordinates
without moving to them. Or also if you wish to move to new coordinates
without having tyo uze tha cursor keyz to get there, chooze wun uv tha
move opshunz, and your cursor will move to tha specified coordinates, this
iz good fer getting frum wun side uv tha screen to another kwickly.
N) - Non Draw Mode
The Non Draw Mode allowz you to move yer cursor to another pozishun with
out drawing a trail behind you. When you hav gotten to tha point you want
to be at, press 'N' again or press Enter, and you will return to regular
drawing mode. (Most other funcshunz are not availibul while in non draw
O) - Operating System
This funcshun will temporarily drop you back to tha operating system you
are uzing so that you kin do whatever it iz you do there, and yer pikcher
will be kept safely in memory until yer ready for it again. You reenter tha
ANSINator by typing 'exit' at yer operating system prompt. Hopefully your
pikcher will be waiting for you when you return (but this feacher iz a little
unpredictabul on machines with less memory or with a lot uv other programz
running in tha background)
P) - Pikcher Manager
Tha Pikcher manager providez tha important funcshunz. You kin load and
save your screen az an .ANN file, Get a directory listing, or CONVERT YER
PIKCHER TO ANSI. Saveing your file az an .ANN file iz VERY important. If
you every want to wurk on yer pikcher again, you must sae it az an .ANN file
so that you kin load it again, tha ANSINator Will NOT load ANSIz. If you
choze tha save or load .ANN file opshunz, you will be prompted for a
filename. Your filename can be any word up to 8 characterz long, and tha
program will apply tha appropriate extenshun for you. Pleze note...
1) Chooze a filename that you will remember.
2) When entering a filename, tha program will apply tha appropriate
.ANN .ANS or .ATX (See 'T' Text funcshun) file extenshun, so even
if you specify an extenshun, tha appropriate wun uv theze three will be
applied instead uv tha wun you specified.
3) Tha ANSINator duz not load ANSIz, so save yer wurk to an .ANN file.
4) Tha ANSINator iz pretty bug free, but you never kno what'z gonna
happen, so save yer wurk often!
If you chooze tha directory listing opshun, tha program will provide an
alfabetized listing uv yer files, this iz usefull for when you ferget filez.
Tha fourth opshun under pikcher manager iz what this program iz all about.
This iz tha ANSINayshun opshun, it will convert your pikcher to an ANSI. It
will take into acount any speshul effex that you specified, and add in any
tiny text that you specified az well. When you select tha ANSINayshun
opshun, there will be a flashing line. Uze tha cursor keyz to pozishun that
line on tha upper edge that you want fer yer ANSI (Note: Tha screen iz 100
Pixelz wide, and you kin only make ANSI screenz 78 columnz wide, so you will
have to uze this selekshun bar to pick out tha best 80 pixelz uv width to
be converted to ANSI) When you have tha 80 columz that you want, press
enter. Now you shud see tha selecshun rectangle, you kin uze tha left and
rite arrowz to pick tha 80 pixelz you want still, but now tha up and down
arrowz will determine tha hite uv yer ANSI, you kim make ANSIz az short az 7
linez or az long az tha screen (77 linez). While you are selecting, there
will be an indicator telling you how many linez yer ANSI iz so far, this iz
important if you wanto make shure yer ANSI iz 50 linez tall so that it kin
fit into wun uv thoze other ANSI editorz.
Q) - Quit
Well unforchunately you can't stay in tha ANSINator ferever, so for
when it'z time to exit tha program, we've included this handy little
exit tha program funcshun. 8O)
R) - Reejyun Filler
This will fill a reejyun with tha current Fill Collor, or Current Fill
Pattern if wun iz defined. A reejyun iz an area COMPLETELY surrounded by
tha current boarder color. If there are any gapz in tha reejyun, tha
Filling will escape thru thoze pointz and continue filling until it iz
COMPLETELY surrounded by tha boarder color or reachez tha egez uv tha
screen. If you mistakenly leave a breakj in tha reejyun and this happenz
to you, press tha 'U'(Undo) Key immediately.
S) - Start Over
When you are having no sukcess at all, and you just wanna start over frum
scratch, uze tha Start over funcshun to give yerself a fresh screen. This
will keep tha last fill patern, and your cursor dimenshunz ect (to start
totaly frum scratch you would hav to press 'S' & 'Z')
T) - Text
Tha Text Funcshun iz also pretty handy. There are five opshunz under tha
text funcshun.
1) Big Text. Big Text iz tha eaziest to uze, and arguably tha best
looking, but tha hardest to fit on tha screen. When you have only
a little to say, and want to say it in a big way, uze this funcshun.
Text haz a different coordinate System, and uzez rowz and columz
instead uv coordinates, you kin also specify tha color uv tha
text you want.
2) Siyzabul Text. Siyzabul text iz fun to play with. You must
specify what you want it to say first, then select a color, and
then you will be able to play around with playcing it. Press a
cursor key, and it will appear on tha screen. Uze tha cursor keyz
to move tha text around, uze tha plus and minus keyz to enlarj
and diminish tha text, and uze tha space bar to rotate it. With
this type uv text you kin create sum nifty effex.
3) Tiny Text. Tiny text iz really complicayted (at least it still
confyuzez tha heck outta me, and I rote it) With tiny text you
must specify yer text blurb dimenshunz (1 to 10 liynz tall by
1 to 77 liynz wide), then you must select itz row and colum
locayshun (wich iz sumwhat difficult), to help you deside, tha
default colum and row will be yer current cursor locayshun
so yer best bet iz to move to where you want tha text to appear
and uze tha default settingz, but this iz further complicayted
by tha fact that tha default column iz tayken frum tha 0 coordinate
since tha ANSINator duzn't kno what column you will akchually end up
ANSINating frum, so if you don't plan on ANSINating starting frum
tha extreem left egj, then you'll have to take that into account
(don't wurry if yer confyoozed, so am I)
Now when ya get to this point there will be a menu to tell ya what
tha F keyz do (tha F1 - F9 keyz on yer keyboard) in tha box
create what you wanna say, and press F8 to save it, or Esc to
give up without sayving. Hey tha program iz free, don't
4 & 5) Save and Load text. This funcshun allowz you to save and load yer
tiny text, this funcshunz iz handy since yer tiny text izn't saved
in tha .ANN filez. This funcshun iz also neet, becuz you kin
create one set uv text you like, and load it in and add it on
to many pifferent pikcherz. .ATX filez are big however, so
it izn't praktikal to save a lot uv them, and Tiny text adz many
biytz to yer ANSIz, so uze it az little az possibul if file
size or disk space iz an ishue.
U) - Undo
Uze this funcshun to undo a mistake. After every command you run, tha
ANSINator savez a backup copy uv tha screen before you ran tha command. To
get it to undo tha command just press U. Tha U Key must be tha VERY next
key you press, once you ishue another command or do something else, you will
no longer be able to undo that change only wun backup uv before tha last
key you pressed iz kept.
X) - Copy Block
This funcshun allowz you to copy a rectangular area to another spot on tha
screen. Tha funcshun first askz you fer tha coordinitz un tha upper left and
lower rite cornerz uv tha area to copy frum, then askz fer tha coordinates
uv tha upper left area uv tha area to copy to, and then copeez tha pikcher
within tha rectangular area withing tha coordinates to tha secshun on tha
screen specified.
V) - View Variabulz
This funcshun will allow you to see tha current settingz uv tha program
variabulz. It will give you a readout telling you what tha curent cursor
pozishun, cursor color, text pozishun, full pattern or color, fill boarder
Z) - Zap Vairiabulz
This funcshun will return all uv tha variabulz to their original state.
It will normalize all colorz, it will return your cursor to tha middle uv
tha screen, return tha jump factorz to 1, return tha cursor dimenchunz to
1 by 1, remove tha current fill paterz ect...
Helpful Hintz-----------------------------------------------------------
. If you find it to hard to get uzed to having only 78 uv tha 100 pixelz
in width converted to ANSI, got to 78, 0 and draw a line down to tha
bottom and ignore tha left side uv tha line, this will also help you be
aware uv tha placement uv tiny text.
. Tha ANSINator Convertz every 2 pixelz uv hite into wun text character.
Since two different hi intensity colorz cannot be represented in wun
space, wun uv tha hi intensity colorz will be translayted into it'z
lo intensity counterpart, this kin make yer ANSI look weerd. Two wayz
arround this are a) Uze az little hi intensity color az possibul, and
don't uze two hi intensity colorz next to each other. b) Go to 0, 0
and select a Cursor hite uv 2, and a Y Jump facter uv 2 (this maykz it
a lot harder to draw.
. For tha funcshunz tha most common default coordinates are yer current
pozishun, so if yer having trubul placing objex in tha rite place, you
may want to move tha cursor to where you want tha object placed, and then
just uze tha defaultz for tha coordinates. Also tha 'L' funcshun iz useful
in locating coordinates.
. After you ANSINate yer pikcher, Uze tha 'O' funcshun to go to yer
Operating System, and then yuze tha TYPE command to type tha ANSI.
For example if you ANSINate a pikcher and call it MyAnsi, it will save
az MYANSI.ANS, uze tha 'O' funcshun to get back to yer OS, and then at
tha prompt type
And this will show you yer ANSI, so you kin see if it turned out rite.
Then type Exit to go back into tha ANSINator, and make any necesary changez.
. Try all uv tha funcshunz. If you can't figure out what they do by reading
this document, try to figure it out by uzing them. Some uv tha more powerful
funcshunz are tha more dificult wunz to understand, and they are wurthwile
to master.
. Don't enter cammuz! Not to indicate thouzandz place, not between
coordinates, not even in tiny text, just don't ever uze em in tha ANSINator.
. For hintz on entering filenaymz, consult tha 'P' Pikcher manager funcshun.
Ascii Chart-------------------------------------------------------------
! = 33 " = 34 # = 35 $ = 36 % = 37 & = 38 ' = 39
( = 40 ) = 41 * = 42 + = 43 , = 44 - = 45 . = 46
/ = 47 0 = 48 1 = 49 2 = 50 3 = 51 4 = 52 5 = 53
6 = 54 7 = 55 8 = 56 9 = 57 : = 58 ; = 59 < = 60
= = 61 > = 62 ? = 63 @ = 64 A = 65 B = 66 C = 67
D = 68 E = 69 F = 70 G = 71 H = 72 I = 73 J = 74
K = 75 L = 76 M = 77 N = 78 O = 79 P = 80 Q = 81
R = 82 S = 83 T = 84 U = 85 V = 86 W = 87 X = 88
Y = 89 Z = 90 [ = 91 \ = 92 ] = 93 ^ = 94 _ = 95
` = 96 a = 97 b = 98 c = 99 d = 100 e = 101 f = 102
g = 103 h = 104 i = 105 j = 106 k = 107 l = 108 m = 109
n = 110 o = 111 p = 112 q = 113 r = 114 s = 115 t = 116
u = 117 v = 118 w = 119 x = 120 y = 121 z = 122 { = 123
| = 124 } = 125 ~ = 126 = 127 Ç = 128 ü = 129 é = 130
â = 131 ä = 132 à = 133 å = 134 ç = 135 ê = 136 ë = 137
è = 138 ï = 139 î = 140 ì = 141 Ä = 142 Å = 143 É = 144
æ = 145 Æ = 146 ô = 147 ö = 148 ò = 149 û = 150 ù = 151
ÿ = 152 Ö = 153 Ü = 154 ¢ = 155 £ = 156 ¥ = 157 ₧ = 158
ƒ = 159 á = 160 í = 161 ó = 162 ú = 163 ñ = 164 Ñ = 165
ª = 166 º = 167 ¿ = 168 ⌐ = 169 ¬ = 170 ½ = 171 ¼ = 172
¡ = 173 « = 174 » = 175 ░ = 176 ▒ = 177 ▓ = 178 │ = 179
┤ = 180 ╡ = 181 ╢ = 182 ╖ = 183 ╕ = 184 ╣ = 185 ║ = 186
╗ = 187 ╝ = 188 ╜ = 189 ╛ = 190 ┐ = 191 └ = 192 ┴ = 193
┬ = 194 ├ = 195 ─ = 196 ┼ = 197 ╞ = 198 ╟ = 199 ╚ = 200
╔ = 201 ╩ = 202 ╦ = 203 ╠ = 204 ═ = 205 ╬ = 206 ╧ = 207
╨ = 208 ╤ = 209 ╥ = 210 ╙ = 211 ╘ = 212 ╒ = 213 ╓ = 214
╫ = 215 ╪ = 216 ┘ = 217 ┌ = 218 █ = 219 ▄ = 220 ▌ = 221
▐ = 222 ▀ = 223 α = 224 ß = 225 Γ = 226 π = 227 Σ = 228
σ = 229 µ = 230 τ = 231 Φ = 232 Θ = 233 Ω = 234 δ = 235
∞ = 236 φ = 237 ε = 238 ∩ = 239 ≡ = 240 ± = 241 ≥ = 242
≤ = 243 ⌠ = 244 ⌡ = 245 ÷ = 246 ≈ = 247 ° = 248 ∙ = 249
· = 250 √ = 251 ⁿ = 252 ² = 253 ■ = 254
Hav fun ----------------------------------------------------------------
I wud like to thank my Beta Test Team fer all their help and suggeschunz
. Mitch . Tyger . Goose . Sky Kid . CrackMan . Battle Axe
I wud like to thank my rite hand man Dave Yuhnky (Tha AMProPRiMe) fer
all tha help he'z been recruting new AMPro Dist Sites, and being an all
round helpful guy.
I'd like to thank anyone who posts on or readz tha AMProLand Message Base
and/or enjoyz AMPro Produx.
I will smile every time I see a new ANSI made with tha AMPro ANSINator.
I hope she helpz you, she haz helped me kwite a great deal. I hope you
find her eazy to uze, and I hope you will feel free to send yer commentz
and suggeschunz to me I do try to read all my mail, and respond to az much
az possible. Tha adresses where I kin be reached are listed above.
Be yourself.
Luv, Peace and AMProNess to All
- Tha AMPro