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  1. <!--#Include File="Include/Top_inc.asp"-->
  2. <!--#Include File="Include/Config_inc.asp"-->
  3. <%
  4. '***********************************************************************
  5. '   Application: SelectSurveyASP Advanced v8.1.11
  6. '   Author: Aaron Baril for ClassApps.com
  7. '   Page Description: This page shows the look and feel of a selected template.
  8. '
  9. '   COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                
  10. '
  11. '   See attached Software License Agreement
  12. '
  13. '   (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 by ClassApps.com.  All rights reserved.
  14. '***********************************************************************
  16. %>
  17. <!--#Include File="Include/Utility_inc.asp"-->
  18. <!--#Include File="Include/adovbs_inc.asp"-->
  19. <!--#Include File="Include/SurveySecurity_inc.asp"-->
  20. <!--#Include File="Include/SurveyUtility_inc.asp"-->
  21. <!--#Include File="Include/CurrentUser_inc.asp"-->
  22. <!--#Include File="Include/Constants_inc.asp"-->
  24. <html lang="en">
  25. <head>
  26.     <title>Employee Satisfaction Survey Survey</title>
  27. <%
  28.     Dim strSQL
  29.     Dim rsTemplate
  30.     Dim strLogoPath
  31.     Dim strLogoAlignment
  32.     Dim strSurveyAlignment
  33.     Dim strDisplayBorderYN
  34.     Dim strBorderColor
  35.     Dim lngBorderWidth
  36.     Dim strSurveyBackgroundColor
  37.     Dim strPageBackgroundColor
  38.     Dim strMatrixHeaderColor
  39.     Dim strMatrixFirstColor
  40.     Dim strMatrixSecondColor
  41.     Dim strProgressFirstColor
  42.     Dim strProgressSecondColor
  43.     Dim strHTMLTop
  44.     Dim strHTMLBottom
  45.     Dim strNavigationBackButtonPath
  46.     Dim strNavigationBackLinkText
  47.     Dim strNavigationNextButtonPath
  48.     Dim strNavigationNextLinkText
  49.     Dim strNavigationDoneButtonPath
  50.     Dim strNavigationDoneLinkText
  51.     Dim strNavigationCancelButtonPath
  52.     Dim strNavigationCancelLinkText
  54.     'Initialization
  55.     Set rsTemplate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  57.     'Select all of the attributes for the specified template to create the look and feel
  58.     strSQL = "SELECT logo_path, logo_alignment, survey_alignment, display_border_yn, border_color, border_width, " & _
  59.                 "survey_background_color, page_background_color, matrix_header_color, matrix_first_color, " & _
  60.                 "matrix_second_color, progress_first_color, progress_second_color, survey_name_font_color, " & _
  61.                 "survey_name_font_size, survey_name_font_weight, html_top, html_bottom, " & _
  62.                 "survey_name_font_family, page_title_font_color, page_title_font_size, page_title_font_weight, " & _
  63.                 "page_title_font_family, page_number_font_color, page_number_font_size, page_number_font_weight, " & _
  64.                 "page_number_font_family, question_text_font_color, question_text_font_size, question_text_font_weight, " & _
  65.                 "question_text_font_family, question_subtext_font_color, question_subtext_font_size, " & _
  66.                 "question_subtext_font_weight, question_subtext_font_family, navigation_link_font_color, " & _
  67.                 "navigation_link_font_size, navigation_link_font_weight, navigation_link_font_family, navigation_back_button_path, " & _
  68.                 "navigation_back_link_text, navigation_next_button_path, navigation_next_link_text, " & _
  69.                 "navigation_cancel_button_path, navigation_cancel_link_text, navigation_done_button_path, navigation_done_link_text " & _
  70.               "FROM sur_template " & _
  71.               "WHERE template_id = " & Request.QueryString("TemplateID")
  72.     rsTemplate.Open ConvertSQL(strSQL), SURVEY_APP_CONNECTION, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
  73.     rsTemplate.MoveFirst
  75.     'Capture all of the fields in local variables
  76.     strLogoPath = rsTemplate("logo_path")
  77.     strLogoAlignment = rsTemplate("logo_alignment")
  78.     strSurveyAlignment = rsTemplate("survey_alignment")
  79.     strDisplayBorderYN = rsTemplate("display_border_yn")
  80.     strBorderColor = rsTemplate("border_color")
  81.     lngBorderWidth = rsTemplate("border_width")
  82.     strSurveyBackgroundColor = rsTemplate("survey_background_color")
  83.     strPageBackgroundColor = rsTemplate("page_background_color")
  84.     strMatrixHeaderColor = rsTemplate("matrix_header_color")
  85.     strMatrixFirstColor = rsTemplate("matrix_first_color")
  86.     strMatrixSecondColor = rsTemplate("matrix_second_color")
  87.     strProgressFirstColor = rsTemplate("progress_first_color")
  88.     If Len(strProgressFirstColor) = 0 Then
  89.         strProgressFirstColor = strPageBackgroundColor 
  90.     End If
  91.     strProgressSecondColor = rsTemplate("progress_second_color")
  92.     If Len(strProgressSecondColor) = 0 Then
  93.         strProgressSecondColor = strSurveyBackgroundColor 
  94.     End If
  95.     strHTMLTop = rsTemplate("html_top")
  96.     strHTMLBottom = rsTemplate("html_bottom")
  97.     strNavigationBackButtonPath = rsTemplate("navigation_back_button_path")
  98.     strNavigationBackLinkText = rsTemplate("navigation_back_link_text")
  99.     strNavigationNextButtonPath = rsTemplate("navigation_next_button_path")
  100.     strNavigationNextLinkText = rsTemplate("navigation_next_link_text")
  101.     strNavigationCancelButtonPath = rsTemplate("navigation_cancel_button_path")
  102.     strNavigationCancelLinkText = rsTemplate("navigation_cancel_link_text")
  103.     strNavigationDoneButtonPath = rsTemplate("navigation_done_button_path")
  104.     strNavigationDoneLinkText = rsTemplate("navigation_done_link_text")
  106.     If Len(strMatrixFirstColor) = 0 Or Len(strMatrixSecondColor) = 0 Then
  107.         strMatrixFirstColor = strSurveyBackgroundColor
  108.         strMatrixSecondColor = GetDarkerShadeOfBackgroundColor(strMatrixFirstColor)
  109.     End If
  111.     If Len(strMatrixHeaderColor) = 0 Then
  112.         strMatrixHeaderColor = strMatrixSecondColor
  113.     End If
  115.     'Render the styles required for the survey    
  116. %>
  117. <style>
  118.     .SurveyBodyStyle
  119.     {
  121.         BACKGROUND-COLOR: <%=strPageBackgroundColor%>;
  122.         COLOR: <%=SUR_DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR%>;
  123.         MARGIN-LEFT: 0;
  124.         MARGIN-RIGHT: 0;
  125.         MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0;
  126. <%
  127.         'If not top HTML was provided, leave a 15-pixel margin at the top; otherwise, flush the survey with the top, 
  128.         'and let the top HTML establish the look and feel.
  129.         If Len(Trim(strHTMLTop)) = 0 Then
  130. %>        
  131.             MARGIN-TOP: 15;
  132. <%
  133.         Else
  134. %>
  135.             MARGIN-TOP: 0;
  136. <%
  137.         End If
  138. %>
  139.     }
  141.     .Normal
  142.     {
  143.         COLOR: <% If Len(rsTemplate("question_text_font_color")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("question_text_font_color") Else Response.Write SUR_DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR End If %>;
  144.         FONT-FAMILY: <%=rsTemplate("question_text_font_family")%>;
  145.         FONT-SIZE: <% If Len(rsTemplate("question_text_font_size")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("question_text_font_size") Else Response.Write "12" End If %>px;
  146.         FONT-WEIGHT: <%=rsTemplate("question_text_font_weight")%>;
  147.     }
  149.     .Required
  150.     {
  151.         COLOR: red;
  152.         FONT-FAMILY: <%=rsTemplate("question_text_font_family")%>;
  153.         FONT-SIZE: 10px;
  154.     }
  156.     .H1HeadingStyle
  157.     {
  158.         COLOR: <% If Len(rsTemplate("survey_name_font_color")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("survey_name_font_color") Else Response.Write SUR_DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR End If %>;
  159.         FONT-FAMILY: <%=rsTemplate("survey_name_font_family")%>;
  160.         FONT-WEIGHT: <%=rsTemplate("survey_name_font_weight")%>;
  161.         FONT-SIZE: <% If Len(rsTemplate("survey_name_font_size")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("survey_name_font_size") Else Response.Write "18" End If %>px;
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  164.     .PageNumberFontStyle
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  169.         FONT-SIZE: <% If Len(rsTemplate("page_number_font_size")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("page_number_font_size") Else Response.Write "16" End If %>px;
  170.     }
  172.     .InlineHelpSpanStyle
  173.     {
  174.         COLOR: <% If Len(rsTemplate("question_subtext_font_color")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("question_subtext_font_color") Else Response.Write SUR_DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR End If %>;
  175.         FONT-FAMILY: <%=rsTemplate("question_subtext_font_family")%>;
  176.         FONT-SIZE: <% If Len(rsTemplate("question_subtext_font_size")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("question_subtext_font_size") Else Response.Write "10" End If %>px;
  177.         FONT-WEIGHT: <%=rsTemplate("question_subtext_font_weight")%>;
  178.     }
  180.     .SurveyPageTitle
  181.     {
  182.         COLOR: <% If Len(rsTemplate("page_title_font_color")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("page_title_font_color") Else Response.Write SUR_DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR End If %>;
  183.         FONT-FAMILY: <%=rsTemplate("page_title_font_family")%>;
  184.         FONT-SIZE: <% If Len(rsTemplate("page_title_font_size")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("page_title_font_size") Else Response.Write "16" End If %>px;
  185.         FONT-WEIGHT: <%=rsTemplate("page_title_font_weight")%>;
  186.     }
  188.     .SurveyNavigationLink A
  189.     {
  190.         COLOR: <% If Len(rsTemplate("navigation_link_font_color")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("navigation_link_font_color") Else Response.Write SUR_DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR End If %>;
  191.         FONT-FAMILY: <%=rsTemplate("navigation_link_font_family")%>;
  192.         FONT-SIZE: <% If Len(rsTemplate("navigation_link_font_size")) > 0 Then Response.Write rsTemplate("navigation_link_font_size") Else Response.Write "14" End If %>px;
  193.         FONT-WEIGHT: <%=rsTemplate("navigation_link_font_weight")%>;
  194.     }
  195. </style>
  196. <%
  197.     'Clean up
  198.     rsTemplate.Close
  199.     Set rsTemplate = Nothing
  200. %>
  201. </head>
  202. <body class="SurveyBodyStyle">
  203. <%
  204.     'If an HTML header was provided, display it
  205.     If Len(strHTMLTop) > 0 Then
  206.         Response.Write strHTMLTop
  207.     End If
  208. %>
  210. <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="760" align="<% If strSurveyAlignment = SUR_SURVEY_ALIGNMENT_CENTER Then Response.Write "center" End If %>">
  211. <%
  212.     'Optionally display a logo at the top of the survey
  213.     If IsNull(strLogoPath) Or Len(strLogoPath) = 0 Then
  214. %>
  215.         <tr>
  216.             <td>
  217.                   <span class="H1HeadingStyle"><a name="skipnav" tabindex="1">Employee Satisfaction Survey</a></span>
  218.             </td>
  219.         </tr>
  220. <%    
  221.     Else
  222.         'Whether the image alignment is left or right determines how the image and title are rendered
  223.         If strLogoAlignment = SUR_LOGO_ALIGNMENT_LEFT Then
  224. %>
  225.             <tr>
  226.                 <td align="left">
  227.                     <img alt="Survey logo" border="0" src="<%=strLogoPath%>">
  228.                 </td>
  229.                 <td align="right">
  230.                     <span class="H1HeadingStyle"><a name="skipnav" tabindex="1">Employee Satisfaction Survey</a></span>
  231.                 </td>
  232.             </tr>
  233. <%    
  234.         ElseIf strLogoAlignment = SUR_LOGO_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT Then
  235. %>
  236.             <tr>
  237.                 <td align="left">
  238.                     <span class="H1HeadingStyle"><a name="skipnav" tabindex="1">Employee Satisfaction Survey</a></span>
  239.                 </td>
  240.                 <td align="right">
  241.                     <img border="0" src="<%=strLogoPath%>" alt="Survey logo">
  242.                 </td>
  243.             </tr>
  244. <%    
  245.         Else
  246. %>
  247.             <tr>
  248.                 <td align="left">
  249.                     <img border="0" src="<%=strLogoPath%>" alt="Survey logo">
  250.                 </td>
  251.             </tr>
  252.             <tr>
  253.                 <td align="left">
  254.                     <span class="H1HeadingStyle"><a name="skipnav" tabindex="1">Employee Satisfaction Survey</a></span>
  255.                 </td>
  256.             </tr>
  257. <%    
  258.         End If
  259.     End If
  260. %>    
  261. </table>
  262. <%
  263.     'Optionally display the border
  264.     If strDisplayBorderYN = SUR_BOOLEAN_POSITIVE Then
  265. %>
  266.         <table style="background-color:<%=strBorderColor%>" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="<%=lngBorderWidth%>" width="760" align="<% If strSurveyAlignment = SUR_SURVEY_ALIGNMENT_CENTER Then Response.Write "center" End If %>"><tr><td>
  267.         <table cellpadding="0" border="0" style="background-color:<%=strSurveyBackgroundColor%>" width="100%"><tr><td>
  268. <%
  269.     Else
  270. %>
  271.         <table style="background-color:<%=strSurveyBackgroundColor%>" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="760"><tr><td>
  272. <%
  273.     End If
  274. %>
  276. <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
  277.     <tr>
  278.         <td width="28"> </td>
  279.         <td align="right" valign="top">
  280.             <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" height="12">
  281.                 <tr>
  282.                     <td align="center">
  283.                         <span class="Normal">
  284.                             Page 1 of 3
  285.                         </span>
  286.                     </td>
  287.                 </tr>
  288.             </table>
  289.             <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" height="12">
  290.                 <tr>
  291.                     <td bgcolor="black">
  292.                         <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="12">
  293.                             <tr> 
  294.                                 <td width="33" bgcolor="<%=strProgressFirstColor%>"></td>
  295.                                 <td width="67" bgcolor="<%=strProgressSecondColor%>"></td>
  296.                             </tr>
  297.                         </table>
  298.                     </td>
  299.                 </tr>
  300.             </table>
  301.         </td>
  302.         <td width="14"> </td>
  303.     </tr>
  304.     <tr>
  305.         <td width="28" rowspan="5"> </td>
  306.         <td>
  307.             <span class="SurveyPageTitle">
  308.                 General Information
  309.             </span>
  310.         </td>
  311.         <td width="14" rowspan="5"> </td>
  312.     </tr>
  313.     <tr>
  314.         <td align="left" valign="top">
  315.             <span class="Normal">Thank you for taking the Employee Satisfaction Survey.  We greatly appreciate your time and honesty in answering these questions.</span>
  316.         </td>
  317.     </tr>
  318. </table>
  320. <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
  321.     <tr>
  322.         <td width="5"> </td>
  323.         <td valign="top">
  324.             <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
  325.                 <tr>
  326.                     <td valign="top" width="21">
  327.                         <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
  328.                             <tr>
  329.                                 <td>
  330.                                     <span class="Normal">1. </span>
  331.                                 </td>
  332.                             </tr>
  333.                         </table>
  334.                     </td>
  335.                     <td valign="top">
  336.                         <span class="Normal">How long have you been with the company?</span><span class="Required">*</span>
  337.                     </td>
  338.                 </tr>
  339.                 <tr>
  340.                     <td> </td>
  341.                     <td>
  342.                         <input type="radio"  value="141" name="QID120"> <span class="Normal">Less than a year</span>
  343.                     </td>
  344.                 </tr>
  345.                 <tr>
  346.                     <td> </td>
  347.                     <td>
  348.                         <input type="radio"  value="142" name="QID120"> <span class="Normal">1-2 years</span>
  349.                     </td>
  350.                 </tr>
  351.                 <tr>
  352.                     <td> </td>
  353.                     <td>
  354.                         <input type="radio"  value="143" name="QID120"> <span class="Normal">3-4 years</span>
  355.                     </td>
  356.                 </tr>
  357.                 <tr>
  358.                     <td> </td>
  359.                     <td>
  360.                         <input type="radio"  value="144" name="QID120"> <span class="Normal">5-7 years</span>
  361.                     </td>
  362.                 </tr>
  363.                 <tr>
  364.                     <td> </td>
  365.                     <td>
  366.                         <input type="radio"  value="145" name="QID120"> <span class="Normal">7-10 years</span>
  367.                     </td>
  368.                 </tr>
  369.                 <tr>
  370.                     <td> </td>
  371.                     <td>
  372.                         <input  type="radio" value="AnswerOther" name="QID120"> <span class="Normal">Other, please specify</span>
  373.                     </td>
  374.                 </tr>
  375.                 <tr>
  376.                     <td> </td>
  377.                     <td>
  378.                              <input type="text" value="" maxlength="150" size="55" name="QID120OTHERTEXT">
  379.                     </td>
  380.                 </tr>
  381.             </table>    
  382.         </td>
  383.         <td width="5"> </td>
  384.     </tr>
  385.     <tr>
  386.         <td width="5"> </td>
  387.         <td valign="top">
  388.             <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
  389.                 <tr>
  390.                     <td valign="top" width="21">
  391.                         <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
  392.                             <tr>
  393.                                 <td>
  394.                                     <span class="Normal">2. </span>
  395.                                 </td>
  396.                             </tr>
  397.                         </table>
  398.                     </td>
  399.                     <td valign="top">
  400.                         <span class="Normal">How would you rate the company in each of the following key areas?</span>
  401.                     </td>
  402.                 </tr>
  403.                 <tr>
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